
Resident Evil Ramallah: Zombie-Like Cannibalism in the West Bank

In 2000, a pair of Israel Defense Soldiers lost in the West Bank wound up in Ramallah. What happened to them offers us a gruesomely insightful look into one of the driving factors of the Middle East conflict.

How to Make Long Distances Bearable

I’m opening up the package, and the glossy exterior brings me back to naive times. Aaah, used textbooks, harbinger of savings I think to myself as I envision months of sleeping during class and finishing papers the morning of their deadline. Whatever I had imagined about college before I had entered were certainly dispelled now, […]

Inglourious Basterds

While “Inglorious Basterds” dishes out deserved punishment to Nazis, it doesn’t exemplify the height of Tarantino’s skill.

Politics and Packin’ Heat

Just about 10 percent of our presidents have been assassinated while in office. Of those four, three were shot with handguns and one with a rifle (or rifles, depending on which conspiracy theory you prefer). You’d think we might be a little sensitive to people carrying firearms at presidential events — or political events of […]

A Common, Yet Unaccepted View of Intimate Relationships

Many women call men jerks because men are unfaithful, cheaters, untrustworthy etc. to their girlfriends. As a straight male I don’t have ethical background to speak for a woman, agay man, and most certainly a gay woman. (Just to make things clear because this is my own point of view on relationships “straight” and “gay”). […]

Voyeurism at it’s Worst: Taking a Look at The Bridge

Climb.Jump.Repeat. So goes the pattern in Eric Steel’s The Bridge, a documentary chronicling the suicides off of the Golden Gate Bridge in 2004. I had to watch this film for a class, and found myself both intrigued and disgusted by the actual footage of people jumping during that time frame.Setting up cameras in strategic locations […]

How To Not Go Broke in College: 100 Tips, Tools, and Tricks

Everyone knows college students aren’t usually rolling in dough. It’s one thing to live frugally and something altogether different to get yourself into financial trouble. Check out this list of 100 tips, tools, and tricks to help you plan and save for college, learn about financial aid options, manage your money and credit, earn money, […]

Obama’s Kerenskyism, Honduras and the Chavist Abyss

Just like President Eduardo Frei Montalva passed to history as the Chilean Kerensky for paving the road to socialist Allende, president Obama is at risk of passing to history as the Americas’ Kerensky if pushing Honduras into the Chavist abyss… By Armando Valladares, July 21, 2009, 10:50 AM When Honduras’ president Zelaya was deposed from […]

Announcing Companion Laptops by HP – Discount Coupon Code 2009

*Read this entire post because CollegeTimes has 2-Day-Only Discount Coupon Codes for you on new HP laptops! A few weeks ago we at CollegeTimes wrote an overview of the college laptop scene for 2009. Computer technology is advancing rapidly and its hard to know what features to expect in a reasonably priced laptop these days, […]

No Triumph on Health Care

H.R. 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, was reported out of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, the most important of five committees that considered the bill, on July 31. The committee vote was 31 in favor, 28 against. Of the total of 59 committee members, 36 are Democrats, 23 are Republicans. […]