
Muslims overwhelmingly oppose attacks on U.S.

Barry Artiste Op/Ed Though it is certainly a step in the right direction, it takes a few steps back when those opposed to killing US Civilians agree with al-Qaeda’s principles.  For you see if the Muslim Countries were truly opposed to the killings, they could and CAN stop al-Qaeda in it’s tracks! After all, many […]

Till (Blank) Do Us Part

Should everyone get married? Does marriage make sense in this day and age? How do Rodents of Unusual Size play in?…

Star Treks Captain Kirk Run for Prime Minister of Canada?

Barry Artiste Op/Ed There are media reports that Star Treks Captain James Tiberius Kirk may enter the Canadian Political Arena for a run for Prime Minister. One can be certain a lot of political parties will want him onboard their ship, as Trekkies on both sides of the Canada/US border number in the multi millions, […]

FDA Creates Human Ticking Time Bombs

The Wick Family has 4 men with prostate cancer. Too late. Make that 3. Brad’s Uncle died this week. If Provenge were approved 2 years ago, as it should have been, he might still be with us today. With his permission, here is what Brad wrote. My uncle I would like to ask for your […]

The Art of Crack

They say that artists suffer for their art, and that once an artist is dead their art appreciates in value.  Well, crack addicts die for their art to even exist. What you see here will never grace the walls of the Louvre in Paris, or the Metropolitan Gallery of Art. What you see below is […]

Halting the slaughter of Albino innocents

One would think in a world as Modern as our own, Myths resulting in Barbaric practices like this would be a thing of the past.  Now the Billions in Aid Dollars to Africa, one would think would go to education and worldly instruction on what is acceptable in this day and age. But alas when […]

On the Electromagnetic Basis of Tornadoes.

Tornadoes are a devastating natural phenomenon, currently beyond our ability to predict or control. However, science marches on… Diligent scientists have tried for many years to connect the dots between the electrical properties of supercell thunderstorms and tornadogenesis. New measurements of electromagnetic waves could indicate they were on the right track. The history of electrical […]

There Oughta Be A Law

Just when you thought it was safe, once again our Government proves it is one big revolving bed. Once again “we the people” are just an annoyance to the power elite. Who cares what we think and need. They will do what they want, and boldly. Our only recourse is a few megabytes of space […]

Budget Reform

It includes a $12.5 billion increase in taxes, a $14.8 billion cut to education, public transportation, health care and the judiciary system and $5.4 billion in new borrowing. It offers less child credit and higher tuition, to the tune of nine percent. The 2009-2010 California state budget has something for everyone, though not in a […]

Malik Ali Keeps the Palestinian Struggle Never-Ending

Malik Ali is a constant speaker at Muslim Student Association events on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Does he believe in peace, or does he have a darker agenda?