

Webster University Thailand: Rampant Corruption, Fraud Put Blemish On Growing International Brand

Author’s Note: Journalism ethics often call for 3rd-party dissection of information and experiences in order to provide a non-biased view of a story. In this case, due to my personal involvement with Webster University : Thailand, such pure dissection is not possible at CollegeTimes. I have done my best to present a balanced perspective, including […]

Glen Allsopp: How ‘ViperChill’ Lost All Credibility

For the past several months, I’d been considering writing an article about Glen, a rather well-known “internet marketer” from Last week, after seeing his latest email newsletter in which he partnered with Alex Becker to promote a rather seedy product to thousands of webmasters – only weeks after having criticized a related product via […]

Dental Insurance: ‘Scam’ Or Not, Why You Probably Don’t Need It And How It Often Leads To Problems

Going to the dentist is a necessity. But dental insurance? Not so much. Dental insurance is a relatively recent consumer phenomenon that exists primarily in North America. The industry sprang up almost completely overnight due to large American companies who decided to begin offering dental insurance as an extra benefit to their employees, in the […]

Interview: Jeme Deviny, Former Neumont University Director Of Financial Services, Spills The Beans

Below is an exclusive CollegeTimes interview with L. J. Deviny, the former Financial Services Director at Neumont University, a for-profit technical institute based in Utah. Followers of CollegeTimes know that we’ve had several run-ins with Neumont over the past few years after we refused to remove negative student reviews posted on the school’s profile. After […]

HostGator Sucks! My Website Was Suspended Without Warning, Then They Demanded To See My Passport?

In an age of rampant identity theft, you’d think that asking for scanned copies of a “passport” would be reserved for, oh I don’t know… Homeland Security. But here we are, well into 2014, and web hosting companies like HostGator (among some others) still believe they are entitled to ask for scanned copies of your […]