

Interview: Felicia Anna, Romanian Prostitute From Amsterdam, Humanizes The Life Of Sex Workers

Author’s Note: Below is an exclusive interview with “Felicia Anna” (pseudonym), a Romanian prostitute working in Amsterdam. I came across her comments on YouTube in regard to a prank video that CollegeTimes had written about in August 2014. Intrigued, I checked out her recently launched blog where she offers unique insight into the world of […]

Reverse Prostitute: What Happens When A Young Man Asks Hookers In Amsterdam To Pay Him For Sex?

Just because a prostitute expects one thing, doesn’t mean the tables can’t be turned. In the latest video released by our friends at /whatever, a young man goes out into the cool Dutch night – in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, that is – to see if he can proffer up his own not-so-sexy self in […]

Sexual Abstinence: 10 Good Reasons Not To Have Sex, From K.I.D.S. To Health Reasons, Consider These First

“There’s nothin wrong with me lovin’ you – And givin’ yourself to me can never be wrong, if the love is true,” sings Marvin Gaye in probably the most famous song ever written about making love, Let’s Get In On. Wrong or right, true love or not – don’t ever expect to get a realistic […]

Lasting Longer In Bed: 10 Proven Methods That Work, From Mental Games To Flexing Your Pubococcygeus

In the vast world that exists under the covers, perhaps nothing is so misunderstood as premature ejaculation – a condition where, in the simplest of terms, certain men have trouble lasting very long in bed. It is the butt of an endless onslaught of jokes and the cause of just as many worries, as millions […]