
Sexual Abstinence: 10 Good Reasons Not To Have Sex, From K.I.D.S. To Health Reasons, Consider These First

“There’s nothin wrong with me lovin’ you – And givin’ yourself to me can never be wrong, if the love is true,” sings Marvin Gaye in probably the most famous song ever written about making love, Let’s Get In On. Wrong or right, true love or not – don’t ever expect to get a realistic […]

Canada: Diploma Mill Capital Of The World? How The Unsuspect Nation Dominates HigherEd Corruption

Something is very, very, wrong in the world. How do I know this? Because Canada, home to ice hockey, low violent crime rates, and maple syrup, appears to be leading the world – overwhelmingly – in fraudulent higher education. See also: Complete list of colleges and universities in Canada This phenomenon is not widely realized […]

LEMP Stack Tutorial: Ubuntu + Nginx + MySQL + PHP-FPM Servers Are Impressively Simple Yet Powerful

If you’re a web developer of any sort, you’ve probably been overwhelmed to the point of frustration at least once during the past few years as more and more options continue to appear in the realm of web hosting and server configuration. It was only a few years ago that practically the entire world was […]

Loading Speed: How To Optimize Your Website, Server, CDN, And DNS For Exceptionally Fast Performance

So you decided to launch a website for your business, and things are going… okay. But after some time, the lurking question pops up that EVERY webmaster eventually asks: How exactly can I speed up this super awesome website of mine? See also: The Ultimate Guide To Launching A New Website: From Choosing A Name, […]

Life Priorities: Here Are The Ways You Can Prioritize Your Limited Time, Resources, Energy, And Emotions

In an era that tells us to keep rushing, from the time we are children, to reach the next milestone in life (college, career, marriage, children, etc), it’s often hard to keep our priorities straight – or even know what they are. Mix in an overload of internet exposure, media, and pop culture, and it […]

Molten Lava: Watch The Reaction Of Various Materials As They Encounter Red-Hot Lava, From Ice To Soda

Molten lava is a pretty cool thing. In fact, whenever you’re getting bored of Play-Doh or video games, its the perfect thing to mess around with. (At least, that’s what it would seem like with all the kids on YouTube slapping it around lately.) See also: Volcanos Destroying Civilizations: Exploring What We Know And Don’t […]

‘I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video’ – A Thoughtful Change Of Pace From The CollegeHumor Team

It seems the folks at CollegeHumor have outdone themselves. Their latest video, called ‘I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video’, has garnered an impressive amount of supporters – and comment trolls – across the web. The video, which could probably be summed up as being “purposefully agonizing”, makes the simple argument – albeit in […]

Institutions: University vs. College vs. Institute vs. Academy vs. School: What’s The Actual Difference?

Searching for the right college is difficult enough; unfortunately, its even more difficult these days thanks to an increasing number of campuses purposefully misusing titles and labels in order to “boost” their reputation, in an effort to recruit more students. Of course, this mess is driven assumedly by a greedy thirst for money, now that […]

Best Countries: The Cheapest, Safest, And Friendliest Places For Freelancers (Or Anyone) To Live And Work

The New Age of Freelancers is upon us, whether you like it or not. With over 40% of America’s workforce predicted to be “freelancers” by the year 2020, and the infamous Great Recession still far from over, companies continue cutting costs (risks) wherever possible, making salary an unpredictable variable for those seeking work. See also: […]

Lasting Longer In Bed: 10 Proven Methods That Work, From Mental Games To Flexing Your Pubococcygeus

In the vast world that exists under the covers, perhaps nothing is so misunderstood as premature ejaculation – a condition where, in the simplest of terms, certain men have trouble lasting very long in bed. It is the butt of an endless onslaught of jokes and the cause of just as many worries, as millions […]