
Why Mac Sucks: Top 10 Reasons Why Macs Blow, And Why Apple Loves Sh*t-Talking Articles Like This One

1. The only business model for Apple is narcissism. Its true. And for what its worth, the only “geniuses” that work for Apple are the members of their marketing team, because holy hell, we all know that the best way to sell a product in this day and age, especially to Americans, is to patronize their self-righteous beliefs. There are only 2 types of people that buy a Mac:

1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general

Either way, people who are confident enough in their knowledge, self-image, and skills rarely find it necessary (or justifiable) to buy one of these disgustingly over-priced machines. Which brings us to…

2. Macs are ridiculously overpriced. Not only do you get much less for your money when you buy ANY type of Macintosh computer compared to your other options, but you get royally screwed whenever you want any halfway-decent Mac machine. Compare 17-inch MacBook Pros starting at an astounding $2500 with thousands of 17-inch alternatives starting at just $599. This is partly because Apple price-fixes their products so drastically, but is mostly because they’d rather tell you what packages are available instead of letting you decide what works best for you. Hmm… what does that sound like?

3. Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends. Where to begin? Because of all the political (read: snobby) games that Steve Jobs gets involved with, most Macs still don’t have HDMI ports, eSATA ports, or BluRay drives, among other mainstream technology standards. Instead of HDMI, for example, they opt for out-of-date DVI ports (but of course only on the MacBook Pro models). This attitude is best summed up by Apple’s 2-decade-long push for world-wide FireWire data ports, which Apple finally dropped many years after its defeat to USB 2.0 was already obvious. (P.S. Apple invented FireWire…)

4. Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux. Its easy to assume that over 90% of Mac owners are not only unaware of this, but don’t have a clue what Linux is. Turns out that back in 1996, after Steve Jobs’ short-lived company NeXT stole its OS base from open-source (read: FREE) BSD Unix, it resold the now proprietary OS to Apple which then became OS X. Perhaps if OS X had the flexibility of Linux, or if Mac fanboys didn’t use Linux concepts (i.e. Terminal) as reasons to brag about OS X, there wouldn’t be so much smearing to do. (Warning: do NOT attempt ask any Mac fanboys about this, or they will ignore your question and start babbling about things like Firefox.)

5. There is no right-f*cking-click! Mac fanboys will respond to this by saying “actually you CAN get a 2-button mouse now!” but even when that is true, the EFFING RIGHT CLICK STILL DOESN’T DO ANYTHING. Oh, cool, I can copy and paste! Oh wait, but I can’t perform any other damn functions in Photoshop or otherwise. And crap, I forgot which combination of 5 keys I need to hold down for right click to work on my 1-button mouse? (Don’t even ask how to make the Delete button actually delete something…)

6. The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded. Again, where to begin?

  • The clock doesn’t display a date. That’s cool, cuz I only wanted to remind myself again that today is Monday.
  • The Dock concept is cute, yet still, retarded. You not only can’t see any of the windows that you have minimized, but you also can’t truly adjust the way The Dock behaves or appears. According to Stan, its based on 1984 technology when only 1 program could run at a time. Pretty sweet.
  • Trying to “X” out of a program doesn’t close it, it simply minimizes it. Just like the minimize button. Except it begins to kill your CPU after you’ve done it a few times by keeping programs running as ghosts. (Total genius.)
  • Trying to alt-tab through your windows cycles through every single window of every single application one at a time instead of cycling between alternative applications (read: time-killer).
  • Maximizing a window doesn’t actually maximize it. This is fun, cuz then I get to constantly click on things on the Desktop that I am definitely not interested in.
  • Opening 100 images in the Mac image viewer opens 100 separate windows. (No comment.)
  • You can’t drag files around to new destinations such as applications on The Dock or other directories without first preparing both source and destination windows so they are both visible. (Still, no comment.)
  • etc, etc, etc

7. “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.) I thought I would dispel all the Mac lies in one sentence, so there you go. If you have ever tried to open Photoshop along with a few other programs on a Mac, you will know this frustration well. More often than not the little rainbow wheel will starting spinning like crazy – that, or your Mac will simply freeze. This is because Macs can’t handle multi-tasking very well (although the issue has been improving, according to some). What hasn’t been improving though is the increasing amount of viruses being found on Macs. Sure, we could play the word game and clarify the difference between trojans and viruses, but the point is that Macs are no safer than any other computer, especially since they ship with their firewall turned off.

8. Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best. This is not an overstatement. I am the first to admit that the iTunes/iPod combination is pretty tight (with AAC disabled!). But that’s about it. Mac Mail, iPhoto, GarageBand, iChat, Quicktime, and the rest of the bundled Mac software mostly just sucks, or is extremely limited in what it can do. Luckily some programs like VLC and CuteFTP have recently started to offer Mac versions of their software, but good luck trying to find Mac versions of most popular freeware. Not only that, but their claim that “no hunting for drivers is needed” is only true because barely any hardware is made for Macs! For example, only the Airport Extreme card works with Macs but other PCI cards will not. Thus, if someone needed 802.11a, they would need to buy a (very) costly Ethernet adapter.

9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs. All true gamers already know this, so it really doesn’t require much explanation. Let’s just say that GizModo’s latest check confirmed that this is still true, even on the most expensive graphics card that MacBook Pro currently offers.

10. Macs are not flexible or customizable. This is a vague way to end things, but mostly because its the only way to sum up all the things that are wrong with Macs. We’ve already seen that you can’t customize their hardware or software, and that you can’t even use the Linux functions that *should* be present on any Linux distro. But even within Mac’s little world itself, you can barely change any options on their OS, user interface, The Dock, directory layout, etc. But hey, as long as the only thing you want to do is change your desktop wallpaper to be the photo you took at the latest indie rock show you attended, then by all means, buy a Mac.

For being so “progressive” Apple sure does seem like one stubborn-ass company. Oh, and please note that hating Macs doesn’t make you a Windows fanboy. It just makes you a reasonable person. =)

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2,875 thoughts on "Why Mac Sucks: Top 10 Reasons Why Macs Blow, And Why Apple Loves Sh*t-Talking Articles Like This One"

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  3. Chad says:

    After so many of my peeps bragged on Macs and the apple ecosystem, and having been an experience (and satisfied) iPhone and iPad user, I thought with my recording needs Mac would be the way to go. So far, I’m not impressed. I mean don’t get me wrong. It’s great for recording. However, data handling seems to be anathema to the Apple ecosystem. As the OP wrote, so many things are completely counterintuitive and require at a minimum one to two extra steps to complete. And there’s the redundant s**t like OP mentioned concerning the dock, minimizing, and closing apps, etc. And the longer I use this overrated piece of s**t OS, the more things I find are wrong with it. When I opined to my Mac-friends about this, I got the usual answers: “Learn your hotkeys” and “If you’re expecting the Apple ecosystem to behave like the Windows ecosystem, you’re doing it wrong.” Give it time, they say; you’ll get used to it. Well, it’s 6 mos in and I’m cursing out this machine at least once a day, because it’s such a counterintuitive hard-headed fink. Today I found two more things that simply don’t work, which should perk of the ears and/or ire of the “it just works” crowd. Um…no it doesn’t JUST. WORK. For example, my Windows machine has no problem detecting either my iPhone or an Android. None whatsoever. But this machine with it’s brand spanky new shiny Apple Silicon, can’t even interface with an android phone….even using a third party app which is supposed to overcome this obstacle. For a company that brags it’s all about the user experience, I gotta say…my experience has been a mindnumbingly infuriating excursion into abject dipshittery. It’s sucks donkey balls Apple. Oh..and another thing; ever tried to delete an app from your Mac OS? Should be pretty easy. And it is..if you’re deleting app store apps and you know wtf to do. You have to click and hold until the app has a tiny little X next to it and starts dancing around. Then you can click the X and delete the app. But what if it’s a 3rd party app. Welp…in that case, you can’t delete it using this method. Nope. You have to use and entirely different method, involving going into Finder (a contradiction in terms), and locating the app. Then and only then, can you move it to the trash. However, if you don’t have another app for uninstalling these 3rd party apps correctly, you’ll find that there’s a whole shitload of junk files that will likely get left behind on you machine. Can you feel the love? The one thing I am happy about is that at least I now know I’m not alone in my angst with Apple.

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    From missing key and mouse functions to not having basic Paint and Notepad applications… Oof! Absolutely pathetic. Any decent MS Office type apps: forget about it. From the first time you get it to being able to install any new software: a nightmare. I ask my brother what’s all the advantage of Mac, his answer: cron jobs, terminal apps, Unix commands and it’s not made of plastic. Like, WTF. It doesn’t have BASICCCCC FUNCTIONS!!!!! Give me a plastic Windows at any time, I can operate it with my eyes closed. This is just trash.

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  28. Nathan says:

    There are right clicks… Clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about. Half the problems you mentioned can be changed, and the other half were fixed by the M1 mac.

  29. Walt Smith says:

    Macs are like baseball, take to dang long and to much butt backwards tradition. All the user friendly changes just make for more reviews and head scratching. Get off those darn scooters and out of your own heads . There world is full of computer dummies who don’t need a book to let’s know that fact.

  30. Chad says:

    well it’s 2022 now. I’m a technical director and own a computer repair. The original post still stands true. What a self pride a mac still is. hell when it gets so so so slow, the person thinks it’s time to buy a new one. Well that’s even worse now, cause they now make you buy a new one cause everything stops working little by little if you don’t go spend another 2500.00 etc. Windows has now adopted this stupid path since 10. I ran a web server in 1999 based on the FREE BSD os and as far as apache and perl, eventually php everything was tight. But to take that OS and bill it with an overlay as MACOS and charge for it along with numerous data collection accounts, what garbage. How many freaking times does an owner have to put in several different passwords to use their own machine that they are already logged into does a secure system need. I know this is fruitful for a hacker to make a user put in their passwords over and over during a piggy back. This very old post nailed it, and it most of it remains true in 2022. Do i really have to enter a password to install after I just did that to log in. It seems computers protect themselves more from the owners than outside intruders. The poor old folks that are convinced by their soyboy kids they need a mac and they’ll never have an issue. lol. They can’t even start up the first time due to all the account creation and circular motion that occurs leaving them utterly confused and unable to use the damned machine. That goes for tablets, phones, and all new tech devices. And it’s now windows and google and amazon crap doing the same thing. Basically these types of purchasers are chasing a carrot in front of the horse and going in circles and getting nowhere. Turns out paper files and filing cabinets are much more efficient now that common core has taken precedence in development.

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  33. Sz says:

    2020 MAC experience in enterprise. I got a macbook user can’t login, perhaps client cert expired and user can’t login to the AD because it can’t authenticate to the Active Directory… So simple , but when you have a local user, what can login… Single user mode not working, recovery can’t authenticate to the network, and public wifi need post connect authentication, which not supported at ALL…

    After all these fails, i managed to dig out with help of multiple systems some installation user password and finally logged in… The standard local user’s password forgotten, tried to change it not possible, says user is disabled, but there is no option to enable. In gui no option at all, in terminal the user detail mostli the encoded jpeg image, which mandatory for the users in High quality, the status bar want to write every single line of the damn encoded jpeg, which took 5 minutes until i could stop the terminal, with the newest amazing track pad, which can do everything EXCEPT moving the cursor and click. The keyboard totally illogical and very good feeling to use terminal without function keys. The only good thing in macs the “limited” terminal… Which gives back ridiculous messages for ages old unix commands like passwd , enable the user before resetting the password, but there is no enable or disable function…

    Well to download a new cert and change a local user on linux takes 1-5 minutes with boot, on MAC it was not possible, and just to read the user infos, took 10 minutes with images, and could not do anything because to write all lines on the keyboard status line, it had to be slow enough , and enough fancy to freeze. So solution was create new local user and delete the old then rename to old… And all guis are totally illogical and make people crazy, against any normal human thinking, window handling still trash, a free operation system, made by community ages better than this XXXX , and don’t think simple things like in windows, to reach the root folder in file manager you need rape your own mind to find the free text address bar in top of the screen in 3 submenus… Totally useless, macbook pro with macos piece of XXXX…. Maybe with other operation system, external keyboard and mouse it can work… After all logout took 5 minutes… screen freezing… This is MACOS. You can buy a life time pass to a very personal torture chamber for less money and more pleasure, I can’t believe people like it and make this product still alive and growing. Simple things totally illogical, and consume 100 times more wasted times… I had more fun with 486DX100 in 1994 than with a macbook pro in 2020

  34. David says:

    iPhones are pretty decent, but Mac OS absolutely SUCKS.

  35. David says:

    I’m in 6th grade, and my school is grades 1-8. But since third grade, I’ve been FORCED to use a Mac, and they keep crashing and/or lagging. Heck, how long will it take for my school to realize that Windows 10 is SO much better?!

    1. Wawaaa says:

      I KNOW, right? It’s so weird. Mac fanboys say it’s easier to use, but that’s because ease of use means “I wanna hold 5 key combos at once to turn on my PC!” type thing.

  36. Bob Goodwin says:

    I just bought a new 2019 MacBook Pro, and an accessory package
    for $2650.00. MmThe most I have ever paid for a limp of Horse
    ‘S**t ! I could pick a piece up off the road for NOTHING ! AND that
    is what this macbook pro is “NOTHING” complete with IDIOTIC
    “touch bar”, more s**t ! Apple get back to basixs, ans get sme holes back kn the sides, for ethernet, discs, printer etc.

  37. Uta Bouldin says:

    Excellent way of telling, and nice post to take facts on the topic of my presentation subject, which i am going to deliver in college.

  38. New Englander says:

    Just paid too much for a mac book pro (not new) and LINUX any thing IS WAY better. I would rather use an android….f**k mac

  39. I'm gay and so are you says:

    My parents decided to buy me a Mac. Why? I don’t know. They said it was for studying. I don’t study on computers, Why do i have a phone then? I am really a gamer and i play alot of games. mostly on PC. but since i got this crappy ass s**t. I can’t play anything. I may play games like world of tanks and war thunder. but i can’t play games i like like arma, Digital Combat Simulator. it’s just cancer. If you parents want to buy you a computer. Please tell them to buy you a windows. You may not use it for studying. But you are gona have a good time gaming. Don’t buy it.

  40. Roland says:

    I’ve had to use one since I was seven I will finally build my own PC to use tomorrow

  41. zac says:

    I KNOW RIGHT HOLY F**K MY SCHOOL MADE ME BUY A MAC (not suppy) BUY A MAC AND IT IS BARELEY FUNCTONAL the first time i had it they school downloaded a antivirus ya know MACKEEPER A FUCKING VIRUS and the entire thing wiped when i bumped the corner (TRHOUGH A FUCKING HUGE CASE) and the whole hard drive wiped and the second time the screen scratched over and over FOR NO REASON i barley use it and just flat out HATE IT APPLE NEEDS TO CLOSE AND GET THE F**K OUT ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (its an old one) IS NOT EXUSEABLE FOR THIS SHITTY PREFORMACE PLUS THE 80 DOLLAR CHARGERS LAST MAYBE A MONTH WHILE WALKING AROUND CAMPUS SO WOOOOHOOO I HAVE SPENT 3000 DOLLARS ON THSI PEICE OF S**T THAT DOESENT WORK

    1. Dom A Costy says:

      sue your school.

    2. Wawaaa says:


  42. BRS says:

    I have been a long time UBUNTU user, I have just brought a used mac book air with the intention of swapping out the HDD and installing Linux. Getting into the BIOS utility is difficult especially if you want to use something like safe mode or choose a temporary startup device like an external hard drive with an operating system already installed. I even find windows better at the moment.
    I think the only thing mac has going for it is the way it’s hardware looks.

  43. James says:

    I’m forced to use a PowerMac for work and I FUCKING HATE IT. It does so many things poorly I won’t even start to type them out. But I 100% agree with this post. F**k Apple

  44. Panini says:

    Just got my Macbook Pro 13” 2018 with everything maxed out. It costs me almost $3000 with applecare and tax. The built quality is definitely the top notch. Besides that, it is just a $3000 web browser machine. I will return it tomorrow.

    1. Panini says:

      Typo: $3000 -> $4000

    2. sreyas says:

      hey panini dont you be a meanie

    3. MacOS SUCKS says:

      I physically couldn’t agree with you more. writing this on a Mac I’m about to sell because it is utter s**t. all I had to do was open Roblox on my fabulous wifi and it crashed the computer and restarted. this happened continuously. not to mention the fucking keys XD they get stuck so easily I mean I haven’t even eaten over it or anything. also it randomly won’t update to Monterey and it should thanks apple for FUCKING NOTHING. oh yeah also the number eight doesn’t work because a speck of dust got underneath the keys and now it won’t press down. genius design apple.

  45. Chrono says:

    I agree, Macs aren’t only dual core piles of steaming s**t, they are absolutely retarded. they’re charging several thousand dollars for office computers which i find disgusting, not only are they s**t, the os is just gross. for 2000$ you can get a nice computer that would load in seconds and preform faster than any mac can ever dream of.

  46. RenderW says:

    Well, I use a MacBook Pro about 2 months now. What can I say (considering that my 2nd machine is Asus with Ubuntu onboard and attempting to be fair): Mac is more polished in all departments – the design, the Mac OS, Apple infrastructure, etc. Again, I’m trying to be fair. But the question occurs: does it much better than any other design, OS, etc? I’m not sure. It’s not more likely. To be honest the Ubuntu OS is not worse than Mac OS. Yes it’s not so perfectly polished but it’s not worst absolutely. So it’s all up to you – pure design vs pure utility.

  47. Arkadiy says:

    hate my macbook from first day and after 4 month of using it

  48. Macs are for those spoilt little stuck up brats who think that gaming can be successful on a frickin right click only PC. Wait Mac isnt even a pc. Whhat a retarded pos

  49. Thaddeus Buttmunch, MD says:

    My Late Dad and I both bought Macs because we were sick of all the malware. I find that, other than browser hijacks like searchbenny and searchmoose, viruses have not been an issue. My PCs had Multiple viruses and worms, and the antivirus software slowed them down, without blocking anything. Of course, Linux is even safer than a Mac. The spinning beach ball of Death, however, IS a constant problem! WORSE-reliability is a serious issue. One of my 2011 Macs is Dead, and the “Genius” told me today they would charge $800 to fix it. My Ipad, he said, isn’t even Worth fixing (2013.) He told me to take it to “Apples and Oranges.”

  50. Rob says:

    Well, I said bye to my iPhone SE and bought Blackberry phone again. It’s my 5th or 6th Blackberry actually. I was really (I mean REALLY) pissed of by Facebook app for the iPhone. Every tucking day the app asked me for permission to access my phonebook (I disabled this function when setting up my account). Finally, the app stopped to work: the banner practically switched off application for 35-40 min. I clicked “No” button for 20-30 times without any success. What the heck is that? Ok, I gave up finally and closed my Facebook account and after that I sold my iPhone. I still don’t have a FB account but at least FB and Twitter links were integrated in Blackberry OS and I can use them anytime I want.
    The second problem is my iPod Touch 6 battery. Ok, my iPod is pretty new (guaranty is expired) but the battery life is absolutely TERRIBLE. Just 2,5 hours of internet (no streams, music, etc) and I need to recharge it again. There are no games, apps and ofher s**t installed. The bottom line: think twice before you buy any (especially Apple) gadget.

    1. Rob says:

      Ok, a little update. It turns out that everything is ok with the battery. My iPod perfectly works about 5 hrs in red zone. So as I see it was a software bug. Ok, I’d like to be fair: the situation is actually better than I thought. Gone to Apple store for MacBook Pro (just kidding).

    2. jacob mcalisr says:

      Don’t buy a blackberry buy an android its faster than an iPhone and a blackberry

  51. cd.dedalus says:

    100% agree with all that has been said. A MAC is an overpriced POS. Sad that you cannot even rotate a picture to the right … there IS no “function” on a MAC that permits this. I hate PCs but at least they WORK … it’s too bad that they feature an “error message” every 10 minutes, but … oh, well

    1. jacob mcalisr says:

      Are you running windows vista?

  52. Hi there says:

    I agree with all of this. For those of you dumbasses who say, “The software is so much easier to use,” it’s not. Also, if you’re so obsessed with MacOS, get a fucking hackintosh

    1. Hoffman says:

      Haha it’s only easier for idiots who need stuff to be “prettier” and “smoother” but with the complete lack of efficiency and function. Macs are for pretentious douche nozzles.

  53. JOHN says:


    1. Shade says:

      Why would your son advise that

  54. Bogdan Baudis says:

    Macs are good for people who want to use computers bu do not want to know too much about them (my wife). Trouble is, some of them at some point upgrade themselves to the level when they start understanding few things about computers (my wife). Then there are these poor sods (like me) trying to explain that there are trade-offs (…you cannot look under the hood … so if the car does not start .. buy a new one!). You can try to keep your system stable, then Apple announces the new spanking shining system upgrade .. and most of the apps stops working … because my wife allowed the upgrade (Apple is Always Right.Right?). BTW Neither MAC OS X nor Mac OS have simple design. They are bust stealing ideas from Linux but they are not bust enough …

  55. reliable227 says:

    ok nobody listen to my brother-reliable225 he’s frickin 13 years old and I’m 11 yet I have more knowledge than him first of all a lot of the things listed in this Wikipedia is so untrue my brother has owned a mac before and I have used it for 3 weeks and I have received no virus whatsoever yes I agree it’s a great computer but I don’t like it as much as my dell setup I respect your opinions and please don’t listen to my brothers he’s being crazy

    1. Shade says:

      Hey, dont use Wiki, caus anyone can leave a note there(i could go now to macbook page and leave something like “complete shite” and it will just show and people believes). By the way i just dont understand people buying expensive rubbish over cheap diamond(i saw a Acer thats 14k rand but with an iCore 8250U and a Mac for 22k rand and that mac’s specs are a joke, like hey lets spend another 8k to get a -0.2GHz), and people tries to remember infinity combos of keys just to copy and paste(I tried and its stupid AF)

  56. Heywood Jableuxme says:

    Good stuff. Been working as a computer engineer for decades now and this is only the tip of the iceberg as to why all mac stuff sucks. iPod may be the only decent thing they ever made and even it was ten times the price it needed to be. F**k all people who use these fucking toys.

  57. SLR says:

    Sick of my Mac! My Macbook Pro is full of glitches and viruses. I thought Apple was a safe buy? But that was years ago! Spend money on tech support and things just get worse! Don’t choose any Apple products anymore! That’s why “Woz” bailed!!!

  58. Bill says:

    Has this guy actually done any research at all into this before publishing this article? I ask this seriously because it is so factually inaccurate it it beggars belief!! You don’t have to be a fan of Apple or Macs but seriously, at lot of what is written here is just utterly and completely untrue. I won’t go into every point here but just to squash a few…

    1. That they crash and freeze all the time and get viruses. I’ve been using Macs for over 25 years now and I have never had a virus once. Yes that’s right, not a single one. As for crashing and freezing, again totally and completely wrong. Back in the old days of OS9 it could occasionally crash but in those days so could any PC!! I know this because I used them also. But now, it is very very different story. OSX has been rock solid for me, it never ever crashes or freezes and in my line of work it is quite typical to have many apps open simultaneously.

    2. About being overpriced. I have to seriously doubt this. The initial outlay may look expensive but I have realised how long they actually last. I’ve seen many friends needing to upgrade or buy new PCs several times during the years that I’ve had one Mac! And I’ve not sold on my other old Macs either because they STILL can be very useful in the studio. So bearing in mind how many years worth of use I get out of them, you’re not really convincing me they’re overpriced.

    Oh you can’t upgrade any hardware?? Mmm.. that’s odd because I’ve been doing that for years.

    People that use Macs constantly get accused of being ‘devotees’ or ‘fanboys’ or other such absurd immature nonsense. I think this only goes to show that it’s the non Apple users that seem to have the bigger problem. Hey, if you don’t like Macs, it’s fine, just don’t use them! Get over it. Worry about something worth worrying about.

    The reason I use Macs is because I was introduced to them when I was studying. Macs were what the college had when I was studying graphics over 25 years ago. I had never used one prior to this. So there was no devotion or fanboy crap, they were simply the tools that were there. They were easy enough to use and I found them to be reliable, I had no particular reason to avoid them so just continued to use them. I’m also recording musician and a Mac is at the heart of my DAW. So why would I change when my overall experience has been good, and absolutely nothing like this retarded article? Why the hell would I want to throw away a stress free and productive workflow just because some PC nerd is trying to convince himself that Macs are no good?

    I’m going to get back to my work now, virus free, no crashing or freezing, no having to work out why this bit of software won’t work or why that piece of hardware wont longer work. I’m a creative and like to get on with my work, stress free and without needing a PhD in computing! – I couldn’t do that on my PC!

    1. Kirby says:

      Oop, let me take a screenie of that and send it to all of my friends so we can laugh at your stupidity and autism. Oh no! I CAN’T DO THAT BECAUSE THE SCREENSHOT FUNCTION ON THE MAC IS SO DAMN COMLICATED! Oh, did I misspell that word? I’ll just left click on it it like you do on a PC and change it! OH WAIT…. YOU CAN’T DO THAT! Now I’ll go, because I have an update scheduled for 12 PM. OH WAIT! THIS ISN’T A PC! IT WON’T AUTO UPDATE! I better get to the “Dock” and hit shut down! OH WAIT…. THERE’S A CHROME LABEL AND AN APPLE LOGO! Any rational man would not hover over the Apple Label because it looks like a harmless label! OH WAIT! IT’S NOT! IT’S ACTUALLY A BUTTON! Oh well…. I guess I’ll minimize this tab to make the Dock more simple! OH WAIT! MY CHROME BROWSER IS FULL SCREEN RIGHT NOW! Can’t minimize this right now! My hands hurt… BECAUSE I”M TYPING ON THIS TINY AF KEYBOARD!!!!! I’d die of laughter if this fool responded and said that these are the only problems that Mac OSX users experience…

    2. reliable227 says:

      +Kirby well technically mac is not at all bad you need to learn how to respect people’s opinions and also please calm down with the “OH WAIT” s**t seriously you clearly don’t own a mac or you simply just used it and tried playing a PC GAME ON A FUCKIN MAC and you decided to be an idiot and spam things that are so untrue the only reason you started spamming is because it doesn’t have games that you desire so CHILL OUT

    3. reliable225 says:

      bill please I don’t care what u have to say f**k your stupid Mac and most importantly f**k your stupid comment b***h

    4. Shade says:

      PhD its the best language!(come just to say that)

    5. Huw Janus says:

      Had to comment on this.

      I am currently in a position where I have no choice but to use a Mac. After 15+ years of developing commercial apps for Windows I moved to Linux for everything except games and I dual boot to do that, and the sudden culture shock is terrible.

      The Mac has 16G of Ram, a 3.4 Ghz I7 and an NVidia 680MX with 2G.
      It is total rubbish.

      It has crashed multiple times when using PS or playing even the most basic games. The “Magic” mouse is a laughable POS – I mean seriously? A charging port on the BOTTOM! Is Apple aware what YEAR this is? We’ve been using chargable stuff for a long time now, and since the start its been important to allow use WHILE CHARGING! It is stunning that such a large company can get things like this so badly wrong.

      As for price – don’t be so foolish – A ‘reasonable’ spec Mac costs almost 3 times as much as a high end gaming PC and next to nothing runs on it. I have over 200 games on my Steam account on the PC and 50 of them run on the Mac and ALL of those run badly.

      It would appear that Apple have changed things just because they want to be different and in doing so they have simply broken the Linux base they stole in the first place and as for the ‘Terminal’ on a Mac, forget it – over half of the commands are simply missing, but of course you can PAY Apple for those programs which are free on the Linux base OS.

      Every. Single. Thing that I have used is broken in some way, from the pathetic mouse where the right click does not work like any other mouse that exists, to the childish Dock junk that takes up the bottom of the desktop and is about as helpful as an umbrella in a hurricane.

      Bleating on about how good Macs are and how well they work is very much like Microsoft saying you don’t need a virus checker because the built in security works, and we all know that MS security is like a massively fortified vault door standing alone in a field!

      Iv never been a fan of Apple because they always seem to be overpriced, pretentious, self serving garbage, but having actually spent time with a Mac I now actively loath the company and the broken OS they have created.

      Is it usable? Yes, so long as you don’t want to do anything serious and don’t mind the “We know best” attitude to updating and the OS without checking if the machine can actually handle it, and of course, if you don’t mind spending 5 times the amount for rubbish Apple programs. Even browsers don’t work properly on this POS.

      Thankfully I will return to my glorious Linux kit soon enough, and I will be able to play games on Windows. After all the years I spent developing for DIRE MS OS’s it takes a hell of a lot for me to say that Im looking forward to returning to it, but even Windows 10 outshines a Mac in every single way, regardless of the need for third party security!

    6. BobbyNew says:

      I have been using Windows for at least 25 years and linux for 20. Never have gotten a virus either. In both of our cases, it is not due the OS but probably smart choices on what you click, download, and install. Also, you used to be able to upgrade Macs but now you cant. They solder EVERYTHING in now, so you cant change the nvme, memory, wifi chip, nothing. S**t, you cant even get them open anymore without destroying it. ifixit gave the new Macbooks the worst rating for fixability. With the new Macs, you get what you get and there is no way to upgrade them without doing some serious work. Also, the keyboards suck and break all the time, the cpus are severely underclocked due to terrible thermal designs, it gets hot as hell, doesnt have a GPU,only has 3 USB C ports, one charges it, need a box full of expensive dongles to do basic stuff, and the upgrades for the OS consistantly bork software so you cant use it until the devs rewrite the code and publish it. They are just honestly really expensive and shiney pieces of feces. One of the worst laptops I have ever seen in my life and there is nothing “Pro” about them.

    7. Anonymous says:

      You f#cking pos macs are complete garbage over priced s**t. $1100 for a crappy mac with a dual core i3 processor 8gb of non upgradeable ram. WTF

    8. Chad says:

      so when your mac got slow you just bought a new one?? that explains point 1. Glad you are rich. With all the os upgrades every 6 months the machine becomes ineligible to move forward and suddenly everything no longer works on the software front, point 2. Time to buy another overpriced machine to stay relevant. Graphics? so the advertising still works for you? by doubling the pixel requirements on your screen everyone needs to now program websites with images twice as large in pixels just so it looks good on your machine that you can afford and your graphics look soooo good just for you? ugh. The only good thing mac ever did was allow intel processors and in some cases nvidia graphics. But you are locked in with those specs until you buy another machine. You should get up to 15 years worth of upgrades if needed at your leisure if you choose to, but no, that’s not going to happen with a mac. We’ve had to listen to the graphics thing from no idea purchasers since the day they advertised this as far back as 1980’s. Those poor companies had to replace all macs on the floor every year while pc companies produced games, graphics etc up to 3 or more years with good graphics cards upgrades. Mac on the other hand…… We had to convince our graphics department to finally go pc years ago since they were spending 100’s of thousands on annual upgrades, as they couldn’t match the photo realism images we were producing in the rendering and printing depts. Couldn’t color match because of one department, the one with macs. Once they switched the world was good for them. The advertising of the early 80’s somehow brainwashed all non computer folks that they are great because of graphics. Never really was true other than the original releases of pc based computers.

  59. GrspnMst says:

    I bought a mac for animation, and in my free time i like to game. But i now see that games suck on the mac (fortnite freezes a lot) and no cool games are available to the mac OS sofware

    I do travel around a lot, and it is light. Those are the two things good about this $3500 piece of crap

    1. Hi there says:

      You can get lighter and better PCs for way cheaper though.

  60. Crazyekerteh says:

    This is the probably the truest article I’ve ever read. I’m having to type up this comment from a Mac right now, and it glitches even trying to open simple websites. IT ISN’T EVEN A YEAR OLD. I literally can’t use some websites because it just glitches and lags.

  61. reliable225 says:

    ok, since this is my last time being here I just want to list a few things, mac is just an overpriced garbage that has no mouse wheel or right click (I understand that there is a heat sensors mouse wheel but come on it’s stupid u can’t click the mouse wheel), only dumpster divers would buy this trash and the dumpster of course is the apple company and the divers are mac fanboys that r so stupid to understand what apple stands for while it stands for s**t, even windows/Linux runs so much better, what the f**k is the point of having a mac it just runs on s**t, I plan to destroy the my Mac computer or sell it, I don’t want to waste time with a stupid deceased device called “Mac” that came out of a rabbit’s ass, so please for the love of God all u mac fanboys out there can f**k off, also I’m never coming back to this site again so all u mac fanboys and fanbitches don’t even bother replying to me with hate comments, if u do reply however then you’re stupid and can’t read, now that I listed the things I hate about mac I’m just gonna leave now also one more thing

    1. Wawaaa says:


  62. reliable225 says:

    oh yeah and I meant “4.” On the mouse mistake sorry

  63. reliable225 says:

    and the keyboard is really small which brings me to another question- why would apple make this? honestly, I don’t understand what apple was thinking,now I’m not a mind reader but I can tell apple had nothing better to do so-1. they made the price too fuckin’ high, in fact so high I bet even a richest man on planet earth would regret wasting his money on this junk.2.they made the monitor too big.3. The keyboards unimaginably small.3.whats with the mouse? Honestly, they spliced the two buttons together without the mouse wheel, now there are other mistakes I would list here but I won’t due to offensive purposes, now I’m not trying to be an a*****e but come on.

  64. reliable225 says:

    ok i am used to windows but apple? I mean I have an iPhone but a computer? what has apple been thinking? I have a mac computer and it just doesn’t feel right because of the 2 buttons and the mouse wheel which really feels uncomfortable, however there are a few things that are good about it, but other than that-it sucks ass, it really does and I look forward to getting a new computer instead of this shitshow of a computer

  65. REID says:

    This is totally true and is the best way to describe it… also you can block programs in google but not so well with Firefox.

  66. Jim says:

    @Jessie Great article, and I couldn’t agree with you more than I already do! I’ve had 2 macs, both have serious hardware issues. One the graphic processor constantly dies and shuts down the entire computer. This happens like 20 times a day, making the mac a boat anchor in less than 5yrs. Be smart, macs R nothing but hype…

  67. Steve says:

    My mac can’t even scroll trough instagram comments, but my PC does. I have many other programs on my mac and PC and they always crash on the Mac. Even though the PC is older…..

  68. _Sascha_ says:

    When I started with MacOS, the first weeks I’ve hated it. Other shortcuts, different keyboard layout and what happens if you try to write an @ on a Mac but are used to work with AltGr, should be known by everyone.

    But with some time I got used to it and experienced many interesting applications from third-party developers who allowed me to change and optimize the OS like I want. Because of that I found applications who boosted my workflow like a rocket and also begun to understand the architecture from MacOS and why many stuff you think it is annyoing is just really clever.

    I wouldn’t call myself a Mac-Fanboy, but still a fan. I don’t have problems against Windows or Linux, using them both, too. But it’s my favourite operating-system. And this comes from a heavy power-user of all three (OS) of them.

    I develope most of the times web-applications and web-sites, support some open-source projects and optimize workflows and automatisms. For this workspace, it’s just perfect.

    Who seeks a gaming or power-machine, should buy a PC. But who hast to develope or manage data, should think twice before giving up on such a smart OS.

    The only and big disadvantage of a Mac in my eyes are currently:
    – GPC/CPU drivers from Bootcamp.
    – Apples focus on Metal and iPhone.
    – And f**k yes, the overprice. (without the price I would mutate to a fanboy)

    But the other stuff like mentioned in the article like viruses, freezes, problems and errors because of the lag of knowledge from the author are just bullshit. Working four years now with this OS, it only crashed on an old 2008 machine until I patched the GPU kernel. On a Late-2013 iMac I never had any issue with it.

    1. SLR says:

      Well, good for you! Unfortunately most of us are not GEEKS! Just folks who appreciate a useable computer!
      I’ve owned a Mac since Mac II. Watched its downhill slifes! Bye, Bye Apple!

  69. Rob says:

    $1000 for the iPhone X? Are you serious? If you think so read this. Maybe it’s going to make you a little bit smarter.:)

    1. Hi there says:

      So true. Apple is literally fucking all of their fanboys in the ass. They’re making a phone for $370, and selling it for $1100! Like WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K.

  70. Apple Hater says:

    i never wanted a macbook, but my mum got me one for school ;(

    1. reliable225 says:

      Man I feel sorry for you I have a mac computer and it sucks ASS

  71. omerrifat says:

    Dear Microsoft Fanboy(s),

    Most of you have used Windows from the beginning, which makes you feel Mac is uncomfortable. But I don’t agree with a few things:

    1. Mac has right click, and you do not need and extra 2-button mouse just to right click. Just 2-finger click on the trackpad. (Of course there is an exception. When using an OS that is either not OS X or Windows, you may need to click at the right bottom of your trackpad instead of multi-touch)

    2. Mac and macOS are not for gaming. If you really want to play high-graphical games (for example not Minecraft) go buy a PC and don’t hate macs just because they aren’t for you.

    3. Did you say mac has lots of evil viruses? You are pretty unlucky if you get a virus on a mac because it is pretty hard to find viruses for mac(OS). There is even a built-in protection module just to protect you.

    4. Macs’ feeling changes from person to person. So do not complain about the look of macOS.

    5. Software doesn’t suck (at least compared to Windows, which is preloaded with crap). If you think it does, just get other software from the web or the app store!

    1. Scott Petrovits says:

      Yeah, why have a reliable, foolproof button for right click, when you can use a software solution that decides when it works, which is only most of the time? On the track pad, and on the terribly designed mice they make nowadays? Yeah, Steve Jobs was a genius. That’s why he relied on mystical quackery until it killed him. Macs are overpriced, underdesigned trash.

    2. Kys says:

      Lol form doesn’t follow function you sit are retarded

    3. Sz says:

      Well, you are just simply stupid, that trackpad is pain in the ass… Each and each release it just getting worse regardless how many fingers you use the most simply point and click or drag and drop not works, harder to doubleclick than ever, you can make gestures and multifinger swipes, but you can’t move the pointer comfortable and click without a risk you will do a nasty operation you did not want. Overcomplicated without a single reason, I don’t like microsoft , but their operation system ages better than macos, ages means billion times better… The only good thing in macos is the terminal… Last time I felt operation system is a blocker in my daily activity was windows xp with popcorn making time bootups and shut downs , mac still in the same shoe after years. I can’t believe people are defending this holy s**t, if I would ever buy a thing like this first thing would be to install a linux and then use it (only because for windows I would buy any other laptop/tablets) Personally I have multiple surface pro’s and only the size and fanciness of the Macbook pros could be attractive, but the software and the peripherals suck that much make a good looking device totally unusable , and the operation system they come with is a complete catastrophic creation, I can’t believe you can’t connect to a wifi network and authenticate via browser at 2020 during the activation, that will be the first user experience, and after that you get a limited overpriced linux, where manuals not reflecting to apple’s customization to the BSD programs, complete trash at all, nice hardware but unusable. I like to see in movies they are doing crazy things on mac laptops in no time, in the reality you can do nothing in hours with them, powerful cpu for nothing, ram for absolute nothing. I am surprised apple could make a ARM architect operation system for phones and tablets, but their X86/AMD64 OS still suck after 20-25 years of development. At least microsoft could make their OS better and better over the time, what apple can show up? Nothing except nice windows and animations, just keep switching windows enjoy the animation and don’t try to do anything else, because it will be not satisfying at all. To be honest now I could see how bad the newest macos I am a windows and linux fan…. Not because i like microsoft, just because they make productivity and no pain to use, linux can’t be an OS for everyday unfortunately, but penetration is growing, I wait for the time when you can throw away windows and use eg debian for everything, but I think it will never happen. The IT sector would collapse if all people start using mac’s they are completely unusable , somehow can fit for daily use, but you will feel 10 years back in time with freezing/waiting.

      You are defending a product what you buy, and you need to adopt to it, not the product or system will adopt to you, it completely stupid behavior buying a gear, which you need to adopt and that generate frustration. Last time people had to do this was communism, because there were 2 product both two did the same had the same quality, problems, but you could not select anything else. People inside force themselves to buy a product which overpriced , useless , and they need to adopt to it, well go out and shout loud PLEASE RAPE ME, well clever people don’t do this, clever people don’t buy macs….

  72. Batman's best friend says:

    Right click does exist on Mac. I copied and pasted this comment using it.

  73. R. Adams says:

    Remember the Movie “Independence Day” with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum? We computer techs were laughing at one scene in particular… When Jeff Goldblum fives the alien ship a virus from his Mac laptop. Macs can’t even reliably communicate with PC’s, let alone an alien computer network!!!

  74. Marco Polo says:

    I recently bought an Imac because in December I will be finished with my MFA and will be looking for a teaching job. All art departments use Apple so I figured that I better learn how to use one otherwise I might look like a fool trying to teach Adobe programs and not know how they work on an Apple. It’s close to windows but there are subtle differences. After 3 weeks with this new machine and many freeze ups. I have been using it as a paperweight. Literally. Windows 10 is bad but hey, it doesn’t freeze like a mac. Imac Specs are 27″ ,24 gigs of ram,250g ssd, and 2g vram. And it can’t handle simple Photoshop task. Screw Apple. I knew they had issues but at the level of power it should not freeze up ever. And the screen is sub par it only has 80% of the SRGB spectrum. I almost threw it out the window but I decided that ebay would net some money back. Apple’s are great if you never used anything else. But I need something that can handle 5 gig files and not freeze. My $700 Lenovo can.

    1. ASoftwareDeveloper says:

      This is blatant lie my old 2012 MacBook Pro handles photoshop perfectly. 4 gb of ram and 512mb vram in the gpu.

      The screen on your “iMac” (I still don’t believe that you have one) also has 100% of the srgb spectrum. It covers 90% of Adobe RGB though, just like 99% of other monitors. To get one that does 100% you’re going to shell out probably over $5K.

      Furthermore, if you actually worked in photoshop, you’d know that it’s not particularly useful to have that other 7% of the RGB spectrum, and you’d know that no Lenovo has a display that’s anywhere near as good.

    2. Marco polo says:

      Yep I have an iMac 27’’. No it uses Apples weird color space. It has issues with large files in the 5gig range. That’s right I scan 4×5 color film and a raw scan is over a gig. I print huge and need resolution for 30×40” prints. My Lenovo desktop is connected to a high end Eizo monitor. 99%rgb spectrum. Run a colorimeter on your screen and see what you get. I need everything wysiwyg. so I get a perfect print every time. Doubt you know much about that. It runs PS fine just not massive 5 g files. Doubt you know anything about that.

  75. Sudipto De Sarkar says:

    Cannot agree more.In all possible ways, Mac sucks! It only promotes snobbery and narcissism. Never will I buy anything Apple again!!!

    Their hardware might be okayish, but the software, the keyboard and the ego- all sucks BIG time…

  76. cp says:

    I just want to say for the record that yes indeed mac sucks and is just a locked down version of free bsd linux. The hardware is cheep chinese crap and the factory workers at foxcon hated their lives so much they jumped out the factory windows to their deaths and so the company had the “humane” idea to put up fish nets up catch them. How did something free and open source for humanity get locked down and sold to the dumbed down masses as the greatest computer system of all time. People say Steve Jobs is resting in peace but i think otherwise. More likely he is in karma hell……. working as one of the factory workers…… contemplating a quick way to end it all………pre-fish-net era.

    1. Vaasu says:

      Free BSD is Unix idiot. There is a difference. Unis uses the Unix kernel. Linux uses Linux kernel and Mac OS uses XTS kernel. The factory is at fault. Apple uses the same companies as Samsung, HP, Dell, and Windows.

  77. DLS says:

    That CR person seems to have an agenda and/or enjoys sexy times with his iGarbages. Am looking forward for another one of his/her wack fanboy/girl comment. But before doing so, DO NOT FORGET to put your iGloves, update your iTunes and rub yourself naked all over your (great) meurkintosh eco-system!

    Oh yeah and allow me to end on something positive: an apple a day keeps the doctor away and with that in mind: apples are awesome <3

    1. Rob says:

      That CR person is trying to show us how to use these beautiful, shiny, extremely attractive chef d’oeuvres designed by the company you cannot compare to anything else (sarcasm). We should thank him actually (chances to meet a bona fide Apple supporter are pretty rare).

  78. Frustrated says:

    Welp, I can’t do anythıng because the retard who desıgned the mac keyboard must have only half a braın. For some damn reason there ıs absolutely no ‘at’ symbol. Instead ıt’s replaced by an apostraphy. Also ı had to substıtute apostarphıes for quotatıon marks because they don’t have those eıther on the keyboard. I was only able to post thıs comment by copyıng and pastıng the ‘at’ sıgn from the ınternet’ whıch ıs near ımpossıble wıth apple’s sıngle button mouse. I mean, ın thıs day and age, emaıl adresses are essentaıl for almost everythıng on the ınternet. If you own a mac, you get no emaıl, no facebook, no socıal medıa, no nothuıng! Tens of thousands of onlıne programs are ımpossıble thanks to the stupıd-ass lack af a sımple’at’ symbol on the dumbest keyboard of the dumbest computer ın the world. Oh and let’s not forget the mouse ıtself. It ıs so hard to move and the sesıtıvıty ıs so low you have to drag your mouse over the freakın’ desk to move ıt an ınch.

    1. CR says:

      FYI the @ sign (see, I typed it?) is where it’s always been : right above the number 2. Have you not actually LOOKED at your Mac keyboard?

    2. CR says:

      System Preferences / Mouse : Tracking speed (slider). Set to maximum (Fast).

      Ooooh look. Your mouse is moving quickly across the screen. There. That wasn’t difficult, was it?

    3. Hi there says:

      What the hell happened to your i’s?

    4. UrMomsHouse says:

      I’m not a mac fan but got damn if you’re going to use a gross word like “retarded” you should probably make sure you can spell and use grammar so you don’t look like a complete dumbass.

    5. UrMomsHouse says:

      F**k me lol. Typing on my girlfriend’s iPhone. God* damn autocorrect

  79. grant says:

    Macs are okay for design purposes , more powerful than a windows machine but…… the moment u start having problems like system restore or having issues with permissions….it is over for you.. especially if u havent done weekly disk uitilities maintenance, force-quitted applications frequently. Macs dont like that, they turn against you. I dare any MAc user to try and launch from a LINUX live disc without having issues. yes there are mac versions of live linux discs but they dont work. yyesterday i downloaded over 20gb of various linux live discs to find a workaround to a problem im having. Tried once on a windows machine ….no problem. about 15 -20 years ago MAC was number 1 for me but since after stopping g5 titanium , they have gone down tremendously and now all you see everywhere are the stupid iMacs , which secretaries use in every hollywood blockbuster.

    1. NoSheep says:

      i know your not a mac fanboy anymore, which is good, but when you say ” Macs are okay for design purposes , more powerful than a windows machine”, and when, others say this too. Its utter utter utter utter rubbish. How is a MAC, better for designers, isnt. The same programs are on PC (way more in fact) and run much faster. Arrrrrrrrrgh, the only reason why some artists tell you MACS are better is because they dont know how to use a pc, or they are trying to justify blowing a huge lump of cash on a lump of marketed tosh they have been TOLD is better, probably by another idiot who had been told the same thing. We are not talking about 30 years ago, when their were certain niche creative things you could do on a MAC, we are talking today, dont get ripped off kiddies.

    2. Rob says:

      To NoSheep: Absolutely agree. It’s just a marketing thing. Nothing more. And idiots are always be the idiots. It’s like the primitive man who saw a shiny thing for the first time.

  80. angst says:

    I just wrote a very long reply and inadvertently pressed the Fn key instead of the ctrl key where it would normally be on a PC. Guess what? I lost the lot. No undo. What MORON designs an OS that deletes the contents of a text box with no means of undo?

    1. CR says:

      blahdy blahdy blahdy blah – fn key…

      That’s weird. I just pressed fn. Then I pressed Ctrl. Then I pressed Alt. Guess what? It hasn’t deleted anything.

  81. AreYouSerious? says:

    I have to use this and I am extremely ashamed of doing so. This ridiculous piece of trash I have to use is just… Stupid. As a gamer I find this as something disgusting where you can only play the so called ‘ROBLOX’ and other nasty 5 year old games. No blade and soul, No overwatch, Nothing.

  82. MacsAreGross says:

    I have to use this and I am extremely ashamed of doing so. This ridiculous piece of trash I have to use is just… Stupid. As a gamer I find this as something disgusting where you can only play the so called ‘ROBLOX’ and other nasty 5 year old games. No blade and soul, No overwatch, Nothing.

    1. reliable225 says:

      actually u can’t play ANYTHING ON MAC not even roblox it’s really complicated and of course the mouse is single buttoned and for some reason my mac computer is really stupid and says the games don’t have the specific graphics for the computer to read and this happens 15 times a day and it’s really F***ING ANNOYING AND STUPIDLY DISIGNED

  83. JeffLloyd says:

    I’m an engineer at Apple. Yes Macbook has cheap hardware enclosed in expensive-looking cases. But Apple knows it will sell very well, because there will always be people wasting their money on things they think are prestigious. Apple are targeting these type of people who are not yet extinct. In fact their population is increasing. The new niche market consist of the pretentious Asians who love wasting space at Starbucks with their Mac to look cool and pretending that they are doing important stuffs on it when in fact they are just browsing nonsense or doing other meaningless online stuffs.

    1. mike says:


    2. RV says:

      So true

    3. CR says:

      Sorry Jeff. You’re not an engineer at Apple. No-one there has ever heard of you.

    1. Jimmy Unix says:

      I can’t imagine how Apple ever managed not to be in LAST place except if they were PAYING for their rank. Their laptops should be listed as the worst, BELOW used and refurbished laptops that come pre-loaded with viruses.

    2. Rob says:

      It’s a question of time.

  84. Jimmy Unix says:

    How can you write a Macs-suck page without ever mentioning the absolute nightmare thats is Launchd?

    For those sensible people who have never used anything except FreeBSD, Launchd is a replacement for /sbin/init in which the init scripts are replaced by XML files. Also, launchd replaces crond too and probably also displays the system clock for good measure.

    Before I was issued a Mac by my employer, I thought Linux’s Systemd was bad, but they were only aspiring to be as horrible as Launchd! Now I know what they were copying, and Systemd is nowhere near as awful as Launchd!

    Remember when you could power off your Unix box and Postgresql would come right back up? Neither does Apple. I was forced to power off when my Mac suddenly stopped responding to most mouse and keyboard input (I could keep typing into the app that was open, but I couldn’t switch windows).

    Because Launchd does away with shell scripts (which have long been the target of hipsters’ hate), there’s no way to tell Launchd that you have to delete Postgresql’s stale PID file before trying to start it again. There’s no way to say that in fucking XML. So it just kept trying to start Postgres over and over again, logging only that it failed each time. Jesus Fucking Christ is MacOS a fucking piece of s**t!

    1. dude says:

      hehe, finally someone who has actually used Linux. osX is just bloated BSD, and it sucks just as bad as “windbloze”. However, for most users it is a better alternative to actually running an OS made by “microsucks”

    2. CR says:

      MacOS is not a piece of s**t. But launchd IS.

  85. Saint Perfect says:

    Holy s**t on rye. I cannot believe you people are college-attending students and older … with a smattering of high schoolers. Your grammer, spelling, punctuation, phrasing, and overall grasp of writing is putrid. You people better get your act together. Nobody wants stupid assinine ignoramuses. Please improve your stinking self … or gently put down the keyboard and turn youself in to The Stupid Police. Thamnkgs,, amnd halve a nyce daayye … s**t for brains.



    1. Hugh Mungus says:

      Funny how you are criticizing grammar, spelling, phrasing, and punctuation when you can’t seem to do it properly yourself.

    2. CR says:

      I guess satire is totally wasted on you, Hugh Mungus.

    3. Victor says:


    4. reliable225 says:

      victor that just came out random nobody was talking about the Bible dumbass go back to where you came from you trash for brains

  86. Angela Despotovic says:

    I soooo much regret buying APPLE devices. I have had the BIGGEST HEADACHE trying to perform a SIMPLE TASK (what I thought would be!!!!) … buying an iPhone so that I can transfer my playlists onto an iPhone 6. Easy??? No BLOODY WAY!!!!!! I think climbing Mt Everest is an easier option. Who the F……. do they think they are. I am seriously thinking of selling my Mac pro and my three day old iPhone and going BACK TO SAMSUNG!!!!!!! Mac …. you are seriously up yourselves!!!!!!!!

  87. Rodger godell says:

    Falcons blew a 25 point lead

  88. Gerry Stewart says:

    The Donald Trump of Computers and the writer’s knowledge of Macs is about the same…zilch.

    1. Nicolas says:


  89. Me says:

    As of 07 January 2017, the cheapest Apple laptop, is the 13 inch macbook air, USD 1000, i5 1.6ghz, 8 gb ram, s**t video card, non-touchscreen. Vomit. Wow people are stupid. Who buys this crap?!

    1. Rob says:

      Just look at the OS market share. About 3% of users. I’m not saying that I don’t use Apple products. I use iPhone, iPod and Apple TV 4. But I’m not going to buy a Mac laptop. I’m absolutely satisfied with my Asus machine (especially after OS upgrade to Ubuntu).

  90. Phil Cook says:

    I bought a Mac last year and it is the worst money I have ever spent. Right now all I have is a locked up Mac that won’t restart. So, I am going to have it repaired and then I am putting it into the closet where it will stay until I can give it to a friend who is visiting this summer. I will never buy Mac anything again

    1. Angela Despotovic says:

      I agree. I am seriously going to get rid of mine. My crazy old Hp made production of visual calendars/cards etc for friends/and my own music downloads EEEEEEZZZZZYYYY!!!!!
      MAC IS A MARKETING LEEEEAAAAAACCCHHH!!!! Sadly I fell for it, but fortunately I can ‘redo’!
      Hey, very small percentage of Americans use Mac! Wonder why??

  91. Felix A. Keller says:

    And I am so happy with my Macs! It was always more expensive to have quality.

    1. jim says:

      take ultrabook 2016.
      your prestige macbook air still uses tn panel while dell xps sports an ips panel. we all know which one is quality. both are similarly priced. ignorance is not a virtue.

    2. Hugh Mungus says:

      Oh really? Build a desktop with a similar price and see which one wins.

      There are also better pre-built laptops.

    3. Jimmy Unix says:

      “Quality” means the fucking thing doesn’t freeze every 5 days, like my brand new Macbook Pro does, and no PC I’ve owned after 1998 ever did.

    4. Hi there says:

      Quality? What quality?

  92. IHateMac says:

    The world would be a much better place without the bloody macs. I hate them specially because I’m using the bloody thing to work – it is simply an anourmous waste of bloody time. The shitiest pc with Windows can be better than mac.. actually, a screwdriver is better than mac. God how I hate this s**t.

    1. Angela Despotovic says:

      AGREEEEEEEEE!!!!! Your comments are making me realise that I will sell my Mac laptop asap and get something that is fun, easy and gets the job done! I’m not a high tech CEO, don’t need to talk ‘Mac’ and look fancy pants!

  93. Adrian says:

    I will put all of my heart and soul into this comment, hopefully I can counter as many fanboys as I can.

    Albeit Macs may last, a well-kept Windows or Linux can last just as long, if not longer. Mac fanboys will say it takes effort to keep a PC alive, but really all it takes is common sense and care.

    Let’s not forget that OSX is a copy of Linux, or more accurately Unix. Mac fanboys completely skip over this detail and start some bs about there isn’t a Linux phone/tablet/etc, when in fact Android is a Linux OS itself, and other Linux mobile devices also exist.

    Mac fanboys also say Windows is hard to use, when OSX is no better, just in some different ways. If Windows is so bad, just install OSX on your PC. It will keep Windows, and it will run better than any actual Mac. Get a PC worth $4300, install OSX, and compare to the new Macbook Pro. Spoiler Alert: the PC will win.

    Now, to build a defense. I won’t lie. I kinda like OSX. I greatly perfer Windows and Linux for reasons hopefully obvious. Hell, I use an Apple keyboard on my gaming PC. I am familiar with OSX in and out too.

    Lastly, I need to touch on the sheer lack of stability in modern Apple products. My Windows hasn’t crashed since Vista, and that was Vista. My Chrome OS crashes here and there, but for a $250 computer using Linux, that’s not bad, it saves my pages anyway. But an iMac crashing twice a week is not a rare occurrence.

    This is why until they reduce their prices to a propper level, I’m not getting a new Mac anytime soon.

    1. Rob says:

      They will not more likely. It’s just a marketing thing. There will always be a certain % of users thinking that they own something extraordinary (approximately about 3%).

    2. Wade says:

      Thank god you aren’t using an apple mouse for gaming

    3. CR says:

      I have used Macs for over 20 years, but I’m NOT a fanboy!

      1. Yes, a good quality, well-made PC will last as long as a Mac.

      2. No. Any Mac user with the tiniest knowledge, knows that OS X is Unix-based, and that Android is Linux based.

      3. Since Windows 7 came along, PCs have been easy to use. Before that, Mac won hands down. Now there’s probably nothing in it.

      4. I’m not sure what you’re doing to make your Mac crash? I run a 2011 iMac (Mavericks) and it doesn’t. I only reboot every few weeks to clear out the system and speed things up a bit.

      You make some fair points though I don’t agree with everything you said.

  94. Too Young says:


  95. Anoymous says:

    My mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons you posted are true. That’s my honest opinion

    1. Jack says:

      Your Mac doesn’t even type properly from the first attempt.

    2. Rajesh says:

      I think u r using a china Mac and having no problems!!!

    3. reliable225 says:

      “my Mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons are true” uhh HELLLOOO what about the right click huh? What about the viruses what about the overpriced trash? u stupid boi gtfo of here

  96. Anoymous says:

    My mac works perfectly fine and none of the reasons you posted are true

    1. anonym00se says:

      There are plenty of facts here, no blu ray, no hdmi, the fact that it stole linux.

    2. CR says:

      It didn’t steal Linux. OS X was a variation of Unix that was BOUGHT (not stolen) from NeXt. Unix is older than you are.

      I don’t own any Blu-Ray. How many people do? I don’t like the fact Apple decided optical drives were “not the future”, but the £20 USB DVD RW drive I got works well enough.

      Most Macs have HDMI.

  97. Bill William says:

    I’ll keep my Iphone 6 plus and even my original Ipad, but I will NEVER buy another Apple laptop or tabletop computer. Freezes, screen anomalies, and surging spam (including their own self-created virus, “MacHelper” or whatever it is) have sent me into the pc world, where performance is not only superior but without the vomit-worthy marketing.

    1. RenderW says:

      Agree, +100500. I still use my iPod 6 and I even bought an iPhone SE. I’ll try to explain why – my BB Z30 was a little bit outdated (I’ve been using it for a 1,5 years) and every BB user knows what happened with BB10 OS (which I consider the best mobile OS ever created). Besides, the iMessage of course (let alone AirPlay, etc).
      All in all I’m not going to change my Asus laptop to MacBook Pro. I’m absolutely satisfied with it (especially after OS upgrade; I like Ubuntu 16.04).

  98. R.L. Neva says:

    All you folks are right. No arguing there. I read them all and I have worked with them all and they all have pluses and minuses. Get a life and get on with it.

    1. jeremy says:

      Dude I just bought my first mac 30 minutes ago and it’s a pre-owned (2000$ brand new in 2011) macbook pro 2011 model right?.Well I got it for 900$ preowned and the thing is so s**t i go straight to this site and start talking s**t about it that’s how fucking sad this shithole pos waste of fucking garbage is. i could make a better os than this s**t out of my dogs fecal if i had to. what a fucking joke my grandma could make a better computer than this pos on heroine. Seriously what a complete waste of 900$ and the paper for the receipt.

  99. Jack says:

    I’ve worked on computers since before the IBM PC was even invented. Software and hardware both.

    For the average person, Apple computers are easier to use. Yes they are pricey, but as IBM just announced, Macs cost far less to own in the long run. They’re far more reliable and cause ⅓ less service calls. These are hard facts, not opinions.

    I myself have worked on, repaired, and supported both for many years. Windows is more configurable, but with features comes complexity. It’s definitely a two edgeed sword.. Mac OS much simpler.

    IMO, Apple fan boys are some of the most arrogant, annoying people on the planet. You won’t find me arguing about that. But for average people, I always recommend Apple products. This may now change however. Apple seems to no longer focus on customer experience. After founder Steve Jobs died, Apple seems to have lost focus. I guess I’m glad I’m no longer in the computer business.

    1. Hugh Mungus says:

      I certainly would not recommend them. Build your own PC desktop and compare it with the most expensive Mac Desktop. See who wins.

    2. CR says:

      I agree with your last point. I use a 2011 iMac running Mavericks and I dread the day I have to get a newer one. Lost focus? Yeah, that’s about right. But they will find it again. Soon, I hope.

  100. Todd says:

    Your all just mean and bullies if Apple user want to pay a lot for outdated products and be treated like crap who are you to judge you all talk about PC being better than Mac but your bulling is not very PC I would love to see a ubuntu phone then Linux would drop the Apple chain of products a Linux computer tablet router phone all working together better than Apple it would be awesome watching the Ubuntu phone but it’s only limited here hoping it spreads would love a galaxy s 7 with if

    1. Bruce Banner says:


    2. Michael A. Deaton says:

      Ubuntu phones started coming out almost two years ago. Where have you been?

    3. RenderW says:

      Ok, I gave up on Windows. Got 10 installed on my Asus and man it was a nightmar! Basically 10 is great OS, but the update process… My Asus is i5, 4 GB RAM and so on and I was spending 2-3 hours updating it. Finally I gave up. I changed 10 to Ubuntu 16.04 and now my updates installing in 5 minutes. Great OS, absolutely love it. I’m not a gamer (but I know there are games for Linux) and Ubuntu 16.04 is everything I need. Simple, reliable, etc. Most of all I like that sudo apt-get thing.

    4. Looks like SOMEONE is a butthurt apple fanboy…

    5. PCuser says:

      Wow, dude, have you heard about punctuation signs? Learn to use periods, commas and so on

    6. Apple "lover" says:

      Apple is the same linux/unix. Ask the arrogant Apple fun boys how they coded their “original OS”. But, the whole machine is a joke, a rocket engine which is not able to fly to the moon, because Apple managers/product owners think that its easier to get to the Moon through Mars. Yeah… you can have it to check your mails and to use Crappy Numbers which is not able to import simple CSV files, or to buy additional adapters, or
      “adapters to adapters to adapters” to connect it to a simple projector in a conference or meeting, or to buy an additional CD-rom to read CD/DVD (ah sorry you would say that the era of CD is ended) or to use those 2 USB to connect 100 USB devices (really – nope). Really? $2500 and 2 usb ports and some additional ports that you’ll never use unless you buy Apple TV, Apple devices, Iphone, etc.
      There are 4 categories of people who use Mac:
      – Users that don’t do anything else on MAC than verifying their mails
      – IOS developers (and many of them actually use linux/windows on day to day life)
      – Customers that are used to Apple software
      – Young people that use apple because its “cool”.

    7. Jimmy Unix says:

      @Apple “lover”, you’re wrong about Mac use being limited to IOS developers. I do backend work that never touches a phone (and in production it runs on Linux), yet here I am, stuck in the CrApple Gulag. I’ve seen Macs in the building next door, too, so Mac shops must be pretty common.

    8. reliable225 says:

      well who the hell are you to talk dumbass, clearly you haven’t been out since 1987, ubuntu phones got released God knows how many years ago and guess what deal with it b***h its called opinions not bullying dumbass, jackass

  101. u8y7541 says:

    I agree with your points but you have one misconception. OSX is not a linux distro and therefore should not have the things that all linux distros have. OSX is a unix fork.

    1. RANDOM_ says:

      BSD* UNIX>BSD>DARWIN Bam there have some fucking random and yeah. Really i cant stand apple cause they make their products so over priced

  102. LuigiEXE VI says:

    You know, just one of those reasons I’m *this* close to just straight up switching to Android.

  103. john lemon says:

    it is so 90s when people still comparing interface. Timcock has changed everything in mac os, now mac is not the same as before, timcock killed all production program like aperture, iphoto, imovie, final cut pro, rosetta, now with a mac you are forced to only buy apps, gems based games in app store, buy songs movies in itune, all for entertainment purepose

    You live in the loop, you keep installing all the feature hoarder update which make your mac slower and slower at a point you cant stand the slow speed and buy a new mac, after 10.6 there is no easy to reinstall the original mac os that come with your mac, you can only install the newest

    1. CR says:

      You can install older OS! What I do is download each new one, but I don’t upgrade, just write the upgrade to an external HD. Even if I lose it it doesn’t matter – Apple know I have downloaded it before, so will let me download it again.

  104. Frederick Streit says:

    This guy is correct on 1 pt. High Price. The rest of his points attributed to resentment because he can’t afford one, and has no idea of how to use one.

    1. John from IT says:

      Found the mac fanboy!!

    2. INTELBaby says:

      LOL not able to afford one???? Did you just say that??? My 6950X and dual GTX 1080’s cost more than your best MAC, total cost on my PC would have you crying for weeks. Why buy junk like a MAC when you can own the latest and greatest hardware. MAC’s suck period…. there is no come back to that statement.

    3. reliable225 says:

      F**k of Frederick shithead honestly mac is just an overpriced garbage only dumpster divers buy s**t like this hell I bet even a dumpster diver would regret wasting his time on this fuckin trash

  105. A guy says:

    Lol, someone complaining about mac fanboys are just a but-hurt windows fan boy who was told he wasn’t allowed a mac for christmas. Most of your arguments are total s**t, and basically roll down to- you don’t know how to use a mac. You are used to windows and can’t be bothered to learn to use OSX Of course OSX is similar to linux, it is a UNIX system. And I’m not saying macs are power houses, or the perfect solution for everything, but for what I do, it is really useful. Oh and I’m not a mac fanboy, i use my mac for work and my Windows gaming PC for games

    1. Hey That's pretty good says:

      To bad Windows is and always will be more powerful

    2. Michael A. Deaton says:

      used mac, numerous linux distros, and windows for 20 years now. windows is for the most part, the most functional out of the box, has the better ui, linux, takes getting used to, but you can set it up any way you want and do absolutely anything you want, including high end gaming, and is rock solid stable, works on any hardware, including your pos apple hardware.

    3. Jimmy Unix says:

      @A guy, you’ve got it backwards. A brand new CrapBook Pro was dropped in front of me and I was told “this is the computer you’ll be using for work.”

      Macs are only like Linux to a certain extent. They have more in common with pre-Unix Macs. The UI is still inflexible and looks basically the same as it did in the 1990s, they still freeze a lot, their keyboards still have the same odd layout and still lack keys that PC users take for granted such as Home/End/PgUp/PgDn, you still can’t just plug PC hardware into a Mac, etc.

    4. NoSheep says:

      “i use my mac for work” that doesn’t sound very productive.

  106. Hikerdude2009 says:

    As a former accidental IT person for a non-profit, Mac’s were a godsend for a smaller nonprofit office with tech ignorant folks demanding their Pentium II magic boxes “work now!” PC’s and Windows were a nightmare.

    OSX worked well and the interface was user friendly. But after Snow Leopard, OSX has descended into buggy bloatware — a mechanism for intentional obsolescence. When my Applecare expires in October I’ll be running Elementary OS or Ubuntu on my 2013 MacBook Pro.

    I’m done with both of the major OS platforms at this point.

  107. Rick says:

    As a former accidental IT person for a non-profit, Mac’s were a godsend for a smaller nonprofit office with tech ignorant folks demanding their Pentium II magic boxes “work now!” PC’s and Windows were a nightmare.

    OSX worked well and the interface was user friendly. But after Snow Leopard, OSX has descended into buggy bloatware — a mechanism for intentional obsolescence. When my Applecare expires in October I’ll be running Elementary OS or Ubuntu on my 2013 MacBook Pro.

    I’m done with both of the major OS platforms at this point.

    1. Jimmy Unix says:

      “Descended into buggy bloatware”, also known as “returning to their pre-OSX roots.”

  108. jean says:

    I was an apple, worked on apple IIe and macintosh during the 80s and, about 20 years ago, on powermac 8100 and g3, they were not cheap at all, yet definitely more stable and fast than win95 on a pentium II :)
    I still own both machines.
    then intel hardware turned any mac in a slow-hard-to-expand-and-maintain-too-expensive pc
    osx is even worst: clumsy, slow and generally obsolete.

  109. anonymous says:

    Mac Sucks

    I’m using a Toshiba Satellite L740, and it totally outperform my Macbook.

    P.S.: WTF APPLE??? 1.1 GHZ FOR $1499???

    U SUCK, STEVE!!!

    1. inkwisitiv says:

      I didn’t know Steve and even if I did I don’t know that I’d be so rude as to say that he “sucked”. However, OS X is, in my opinion, the beggar’s OS. I have many Apple devices in my house, including a 2009 27″ iMac on which I run Windows. Its great hardware (mostly) but Mac OS X is a bucket of sh1t. I am more fond of OS X.

    2. Benhur says:

      yeah you know I agree mac sucks I have windows 10 on my 7 year old IBM thinkCentre and it will out perform any Mac even new up to date Mac I just spent an hour with one of my fathers friends trying to get pics from her phone on a Mac and her mac froze and I was left with nothing so Macs do suck and for you Apple lovers buy a PC next cause macs totally suck and are over Priced and their osx is s**t.

  110. mactrash says:

    coding on mac/pc for many years, I like the clean interface and quick access of mac, and many coding frame work are clearly favor mac, fewer commds, easier to install etc. only if Mac hardware aren’t completely garbage.

    The none stop freezing and crashing are seemly mac exclusive, even you don’t install any intense software on it. all my projects are within 1G and I never did any computing heavy task as I never expect my macbook to be a power house, but this overpriced garbage still freezing none stop when I do mysqul workbench. oh~ and the require, if my PC having trouble, I know how to replace parts or find a quick turn around, when your mac retarded up, good luck, apple store took a week to give you an appointment and even longer to get it repaired by charging you a premium, I’m done with mac

    1. Jimmy Unix says:

      What clean interface? Emacs is about the same whether you’re on MacOS, Windows, or Linux. Except on a Mac you can experience the pleasure of accidentally hitting Cmd-w (which crashes Emacs) instead of M-w.

  111. jim says:

    I am so sick of password for this and that and for this
    and this cloud piece of Cr@^ etc what a waste of over price trash……

  112. jeremy says:

    Lol hilarious. 2009 article and as relevant as ever.

    I used to be militantly anti-mac, but here’s the thing, I decided that getting so frustrated at people who are so ignorant as to not understand what they are saying is like picking a fight with a cripple. It’s not exactly what you’d call courageous but you’re guaranteed to win in every conceivable criteria.

    I had to change my attitude, it was a difficult task but then I had this REVELATION..


    Suddenly EVERYTHING they DO makes sense. Their drone supporters and their unlogical ramblings make sense. Apple’s bizarre and unethical actions make sense.

    All the reasons why somebody might attempt to justify their overpriced versache bullshit are exatlty the same self-absorbed, piss poor arguments that mac drones lub to use.

    Don’t hate on them because they’re stupid, its more that being intelligent has many many drawbacks, one being having to deal with the stupidity of people who are unaware of their own limitations.

    Don’t get angry you’ll only be hurting yourself… just let them be, and ignore or walk away when they volunteer to demonstrate the depths of the own insanity.

  113. both teams aren’t perfect. that is what i should say.

    1. fioejfqoi says:

      That’s not what you should say

  114. Rusty says:

    The thing that drives me nuts is the awful keyboard. I’ve coded on Win and Linux for years. You barely ever use the super (Windows) key. In Mac the super (command key) is essential. One button shortcuts in Chrome (F12 for Dev mode) are now multi key (CMD + shift + i)

    But the thing that really gets me on Win/Lin, ctrl + arrow skips to the next word. Making navigating and quick copy/pastes impossible on a Mac. You have to do alt + arrow and then switch to CMD+ x/c/v.

    The only plus side I’ve noticed for developing on Mac are Transmit and Sequel Pro. And you can find open source (although not necessarily better) alternatives for those on Win/Lin.

    I have to use a Mac at work and it’s slowly killing me.

  115. FuckMacBooks says:

    Reading this on a macbook. these things are so fucking annoying, i love gaming but i can’t do s**t because I’ve got these edgy hipster piece of crap in my hands, it was born in starbucks, and now it dies in starbucks.

    1. Potato says:

      Too true

  116. FeelsBadMan says:

    After buying my windows computer half a year ago, I was really pleased with what it could do. It was pretty expensive, but better than any Mac of the same price. Now, my school has Mac policy. It’s so depressing because I have to waste 800 dollars on a useless MacBook Air, when my Windows Computer could do everything Mac could do, but better.

    1. fool says:

      a mac policy? thats the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard what school do you go to?

    2. reliable225 says:

      +fool-ha that’s funny, your name is fool and yet you talk to this kid like he is stupid, get a life dude seriously my old school had iPad policies, every school has their own policies so please stop embarrassing yourself

  117. ocelot says:

    I agree

  118. Samantha says:

    Our library is getting the front desk computers as Mac (El Capitan). To quote Zelda, “Joy!”

    I use PC, and I know how to do some stuff with it, actually. Mac seems to designed for old people who need apps because their brains can’t wrap around the process of searching for a downloaded file, installing it, and possibly taking a risk that said file is virus-infected, but having the freedom to download this file without having to go to a “store” and buy it. An App is basically a shortcut to a program. Yea, ummm… I can make a shortcut to a program. And it won’t be required to be online to run (every smart device ever).

    With a PC, I can run exe files, along with more common file extensions. Just recently with El Capitan, they FINALLY allowed doc and other mainstream files to open. Still totally hopeless for files like RPG Maker, which make new files, it tries to install instead of running, because every exe is an installer according to Mac/Linux systems. Now let’s talk about basic processes with Mac. Opening your Flash Drive. Nope, not easy. You have find it with viewfinder or whatever it’s called. Seems something handy like that would have a quick and easy shortcut right on the desktop, along with the MyComputer equivalent. Nope, both of them are well-hidden in a icon near the trashcan. Making shortcuts for stuff like drives (since everything is hidden)? Not easy either. First, you have to edit the mouse settings to have a right click, and then go to the dock (the MyComputer sorta thing), and kinda drag it over. When I tried this, it perma-moved this thing from the dock to the desktop. I wanted a copy not a move, thankyouverymuch. I try to move it back, and it doesn’t cooperate. I try to delete the shortcut, doesn’t take either (it is undeletable). I try everything from unpinning to moving to sending to. This is the routine for mac, obstructive programming, dumbing down the systems for people who don’t want or like flexible systems (and don’t understand how to use something that is non-App), and extreme user-unfriendliness. So I want to do… no you can’t.

    1. Samantha says:

      Broke this up since one was too long. Let’s talk about why Apps are garbage. I have an android smartphone, oh I’m sorry, HAD. I tossed it out when non-closable programs began to drain the phone far more battery power No I don’t want to “sync” more apps. I want a phone that does calendar, calculator, and a few simple tools. Repeat, I said tools. Because that’s what they are, largely offline processes that do simple reminders or such. Not Apps. My dumbphone still has power 3 days later, and can set a calendar during an internet outage. My smartphone is draining itself dead within a day, and needs to be constantly tethered to a power cord. Programs in Windows 8 are size efficient. Apps in Windows 10 slow everything to a crawl, and Windows 10 frequently fails to load apps. They are glorified shortcuts for people who can’t make shortcuts, and think “wouldn’t it be better if we made all shortcuts interactive, updatable by internet, and more than half of them totally reliant on the internet.
      Tell me again which of these is the smartphone? All of this stuff was offline before! Now it needs me to be on a 3G or 4G connection for the up-to-date exchange rate on my currency converter. Maybe I just need an estimate.

    2. me says:

      preach sister, I am a sister in software. I agree 1000 percent. I cannot believe people are willing to pay 1000+ for mediocre laptops that cannot run games. I have a Dell Alienware 13 and it cost 1200 USD and its MONSTER FAST and runs games. and thirty browser windows and ten applications at same time. I’m like you, too lazy to build my own machine, if you go to the alienware site and chat with the people you can usually get a discount– knock off a hundred off the price.

      I use my Alienware for both games work and leisure and it is smoking fast. wouldve had to pay double for equivalent macpro

  119. zigzuuuuuuulio says:

    These are the cold facts about Mac and the only other reliable option Windows… Firstly when you buy a Mac your LITERALLY throwing your money in the trash and setting it on fire!The markup is blatant robbery and THEY try to convince you through clever marketing that someone how THEY ARE DOING YOU A FAVOR… it is actually infuriating that anyone buys apple products… next thing that is irritating about apple THEY HAVE LITERALLY NEVER INVENTED ANYTHING… they just borrow ideas and patents and software and hardware and literally everything except the plastic case and IMPOSSIBLE TO OPEN magnetic screws and their shitting grin of a logo… all of these marketing techniques are implemented to keep you ignorant and in the dark to what your actually buying. For example when you go buy a car do you only care about how it looks? NO that would be retarded you want to know if its safe and whats under the hood… and be able to ACTUALLY MAKE CHANGES TO THE PRODUCT WITHOUT HAVING TO COMPLETELY DISMANTLE IT TO ITS BARE BONES TO DO SO….AND THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THE MOST IMPORTANT… APPLE has convinced the public that a pc is ugly that you can’t have a pc that looks good that is complete horse s**t. if you spend 2 thousand dollars on a pc you get a better part in every category then you would when buying a mac… from the cooling to the processor the motherboard the GRAPHICS card literally every component in a Pc is competitively priced AND HERE IS THE KICKER… IF YOUR ONE OF THOSE FULL RETARD HACKS who is adamant about using Mac Os because and i quote ” i don’t want my computer to get viruses” firstly stop watching so much porn jared your embarrassing yourself and second pay the 40 dollars a year to get a good Antivirus and save 500 or more dollars when you actually buy your pc and still come out with a better overall piece of tech….What else…You cannot play triple A titles on a mac and a lot of titles dont even port to the OS and this reaaaaaally tickles my “PIST OFF BONE” if you buy a 1500 dollar macbook and literally only use it to check email and and send cat videos to your ignorant mac using friends THEN YOU SHOULD BE GUNNED DOWN IN THE STREET LIKE THE DEGENERATE YOU ARE because you have bought a 150 dollar Chrombook or literally anything under 300 dollars that would have done THE EXACT same things…………………………………………………….. SERIOUSLY HOW IS APPLE STILL RELEVANT…. if they brought a product of any kind to the table that was actually original or tried to be innovative in some other way I could forgive them… especially since the early ipods were actually pretty nifty……………….. I COULD GET PAST THAT IF THEY just stopped for 1 year at deceiving the public about what they are actually offering them….. #PC ELITIST FOR LIFE.

    1. taj1994 says:

      You don’t even need to pay anything for a decent antivirus program. I’ve been using the free version of Avast for the last few years and haven’t had a single virus

    2. Magilck says:

      You dont even need an anti-virus at all, Mac computers are almost immune to viruses

  120. Anton Mzhelskiy says:

    i feel really bad because my parents are forcing me to buy A mac book pro when i really want to get a dino pc :(

    1. zigzuuuuuuulio says:


    2. zigzuuuuuuulio says:

      Anton you should try super hard to convince them that 2 devices is the way to go get something ultra cheap for mobility like a chromebook or android tablet and save you money for a desktop computer if you talk to your parents rational and explain to them your intentions you might be able to convince them that firstly with the same amount of money i can get 2 systems that will cover all my needs that you can game on and use for other more demanding things like high resolution viewing or basic video editing. For example this producted would be perfect for school. Word document and web browsing:

      And then build your own desktop – if a monitor and keyboard are hard to come by this might not be less expensive but you can easily build a very decent Pc for 800-1000 dollars try this site if you don’t know much about computer components:

      If you have any questions at all that you can’t find a good video answer on youtube try checking tom’s hardware forums – I find their tips extremely helpful

    3. Zona says:

      Look my parents are from Asia so they are sort of wannabe techies but I was born in Asia but grre up in New York I can program in 22 languages I’m pretty much the only one who watches tech channels an YouTube and gets that small companies have the best potential like one plus but apple is s**t but my parents act like its the fucking president

  121. Andrew says:

    For the same price as a Mac, you could get a PC running Window or Linux, that is fully customizable, and at least twice as powerful as the Mac.

    1. Samantha says:

      At a computer store that sells stuff by its real value, I was able to get a decent computer for my dad for about $150. He upgraded it to Windows 10 and it works fairly well from what I see. Paying $2000 I could probably get a computer that would run games at full speed with pretty sweet graphics. If I knew what I was doing, shopping on NewEgg would basically get me an awesome gaming computer (I had some issues with assembling my own computer when it got to CPU and OS time, between glue melt and not having any OS). In comparison, I could shell out this same money to get something that had trouble opening most common files, wouldn’t rightclick, and did several really dumb things. And throw it out the window.

  122. anton bolin says:

    I have a mac and I con totally relate to this.

    1. anton bolin says:


    2. Mr loling says:

      That typo must’ve been an error with your Mac keyobard

    3. Magilck says:

      So what are you typing on Mr loling? “keyobard”

  123. L'nzo says:

    I like how this was posted in 2009, and since then most, if not all of the points stated are now irrelevant. Yet, people still agree and say it is accurate being Apple haters. I’ll tell you what, it’s been 7 years since this article was published and those that still think it’s accurate (most of you) obviously haven’t even used a Mac since then, otherwise you would understand how outdated and completely false this whole article is. I can disprove all points made here easily.

    1. Reed says:

      Actually I have the new 2000 dollar 2015 MacBook Pro. All of these are 100% still true and it took me three days just to get apple’s very own bootcamp to work. I had to go into administrator settings just to see my own user directory.

    2. Bohooo says:

      Get a Mac L’nzo!!!!!
      It’s you who has yet use the new mac.
      Mac sucks alot and if you still do not realize it, it’s either you sucks at using computer or u sucks alot

    3. Nick says:

      We are mac haters? Maybe there is a reason why they hate macs. All above points are correct. I go to the University School of Nashville, and here the administration supplies us with Macbook Pros 17″, if you choose not to buy a computer yourself. I am currently using one, (because why not get a free laptop) to write this Reply. I do agree that the alternative Windows 10 has a lot of bugs too, but it is easier to control. I personally don’t have “that big of a problem” for mac as I got this laptop for free, however I do agree that the problems stated in the original forum does bother me sometimes. Also, i’m sure that they are happy to call you an Apple Slave.

    4. Apple Peasant Above says:

      HAHAHA. Sorry though you said MAC was better.
      *Sneeze Look *Sneeze At *Sneeze The *Sneeze Fucking *Sneeze Benchmarks *Sneeze A*****e

    5. Samantha says:

      We have a new El Capitan Mac. It still has many of these problems. It is tolerable, but very much garbage when looking side by side against even a Windows XP. In fact, Windows copied the design of Mac for Windows 8 making it more like one of the iPhones. It sucked. Desktop works, stick with it.

    6. Magilck says:

      God, why are you idiots still debating over this? People have something called “opinions” which allow one human being to be different from another, some people prefer Mac, and some prefer Windows, or Linux. It is simple, it is “Opinions”

  124. Karen88 says:

    I have a ipad air 2, I won from work. I have been using android since the dawn of the dinosaurs. I find it difficult to use, although people with iphones say it’s easy to use. I agree about the right click, but I can’t do even the simplest of things.
    I wanted to delete the search history off this thing and couldn’t do that when I pulled up history. There was a book icon ti pull up ipad’s user guide, which subsequenty was no help after I typed in delete internet history, a pair of glasses and a @ symbol. Where do you go to delete the history?

    Unlike android where you go to the play store and download apps. Apple wants your credit card information, PHI(protected health information), a blood sample and your first born child. All I wanted to do was download a free app for netflix and I had to go through this rigamarole. I don’t want to have my credit card in the cloud stratosphere and why should I have to give it to get a free app.

    Signing up the ipad was a chore. It was so lengthy.

    As a girl, I think I’m pretty savvy. I can figure out a great many things but apple products are not my forte. With apple there is really only one way to do things, where as my android has multiple dimensions. Maybe it will take me some time to get used to it but for now it seems like a one track pony.

    Apple maps sucks. With all that money, they can’t do what Google has done to map the world using satellite technology?

    I just don’t get its popularity. I mean it’s pretty……..(o )(o ) but that’s all I can really say about it.

  125. Anon says:

    Youre pretty fucking stupid if you cant figure out that you can control click to right click. But Macs do suck

    1. anon says:

      control click requires the use of the other hand and as such an inconvenience,
      some people right-click on one hand while the other hand is holding a cup of coffee.

    2. L'nzo says:

      There is right click… what are you talking about?

    3. reliable225 says:

      dude shut the f**k up seriously, my mac mouse can’t click right click when I click it, it sometimes works but it doesn’t work 87% of the time unless u have a trackpad

  126. passingBy says:

    Although I was a PC user for whole life and developing in .NET and PHP using them and also playing games, I started development for iOS and bought a macbook pro because of this. From my personal experience I can say that both have pros and cons. So I will put my opinion here based on my experience:

    PC cons:
    -When working in Windows after 2 months, maybe less, of usage the machine is not same as before even if you clean your registry, garbage files and in general take care of your machine and look if “things” are running without knowing what they are.
    -For PC laptop to play games decently you have to pay a lot of money also.
    -Windows is more targeted to viruses through web and easier for someone to install something in your machine than mac and Unix based systems.
    -Clean install of Windows means losing all your software installed and the process is not as easy as Mac, although not difficult.
    -PC and laptops lose their price faster over time.
    -Can’t install OSX on windows machine and run smoothly. To do so you have to know what to buy and still pay much money.
    PC pros:
    -Trying high end laptop was great experience with Visual Studio and nice to work on it.
    -Playing games.
    -Installing almost all kind of software.
    -Visual Studio is an advantage by its own.
    -The good thing for PCs is same like cooking. You know the ingredients you use. You can make an amazing machine that fits your needs and budget and sometime have many years of warranty for every part and can perform very highly.
    -Upgrading is easy and costs less money.

    Mac cons:
    -Price too high and you don’t know what is inside. I bought mine from eBay for 1000$ (2015 13.3″ 256GB SSD)
    -Never tried to play games on Macbook Pro so far.
    -In the model I bought you can’t upgrade memory after. You buy it you are stuck with it.
    -Xcode (IDE used for developing iOS and OSX apps) is nothing compared to Visual Studio and calculating the money this company made so far is s**t, although improving now.
    -Low hard drive capacity. If you need it for photos movies and stuff external drive is necessary.
    -Expensive replacements.
    -I used a iMac 2011 and it was slow as hell.
    -It’s Apple.
    Mac pros:
    -It is pleasant experience to use a macbook. Keyboard, Force Touch trackpad and screen are high quality. It is light and case also seems good quality.
    -Retina display is amazing and to support it with so huge battery life means the hardware is not so shitty.
    -Battery life is amazing.
    -Very fast SDD. Everything starts and runs very fast and smoothly. Even Xcode, Photoshop and demanding software.
    -Benchmarks and performance are very good for laptop.
    -Although expensive they keep their value. After 2 years for example you can sell it back losing only 20-40% of initial price. Is not the same for most PC laptops.
    -You can install Windows also and have great performance on them too.
    My verdict:
    If someone use his laptop for professional reasons macbook pro is a good option in my opinion. You can use it anywhere, is light and the battery will last enough.
    If someone is normal user or gamer doesn’t make sense to pay so much money for a macbook instead of showing off.

    1. Sadface69 says:

      This is all prety much true I asked some Mac fan boys about the firewire and they just changed the topic and babbled on about something else.

  127. not Happy Vern says:

    Yes I was told it is thaw most user friendly. Not even close.
    Granted Im not all that good it things like this but I did not run into problems that should not even happen. I am having a problem with my iPhoto,The iPhoto Library is locked, on a locked disk, or you do not have permission to make changes to it. iPhoto can try to repair the permissions. Now this is the second time this happened and I am looking on line for the fix. I did take it to the apple store and the gent fixed in about two minutes. I see this happens a lot with others. How is it so hard to put the two min fix out here so we can get on with life. Reall is a piece.
    Also I picked up a mac passport to back up everything. I was told to plug it in and it will lack up everything just that easy i said they said yes. BULL S**T I deleted 1700 pictures to free up some space after backing up by just plugging in. Well there not there lost them all.!!! thanks Apple for this wonderful piece of s**t that cost $2200.00 junk I cannot change again I cannot afford it.

  128. Hello says:

    Yeah, it sucks. Especially using Photoshop is sucking my balls.

  129. Eireanne says:

    i have had no troubles with my mac, it loads fast, and the Pages app is really good! And I know this isn’t the point but they’re beautiful compared to those small black rectangles others buy. The interior ans screen are smashed soon enough. First apple product to call my own and works like a charm!

    1. Anus poinder69 says:

      Omg you are literally retarted. Windows and Linux pc’s can literally look however you want them to, by buying one that looks the way you freaking want it. You could even get a windows pc that looks exactly like a freaking mac.

  130. Spencer Lee says:

    I was a PC person for over 6 years and when I switched to Macs for a few months, I will never switch back to PC’s shitty =user interface, it maybe more functional and better features, but using a mac is overall better experience.

    1. RenderW says:

      Hahaha, just wait for a year ot two. Your favorite piece of aluminum is going to fall apart. First OS, second hardware. Then you will return to PC. Mac is Mac and always will be. Expensive overrated and overpriced toy.

    2. Musician 93 says:

      I’ve had my 13″ MacBook Pro for 4 years now and it hasn’t degraded in performance, and I run heavy use music production software on it daily, sooooo…..

      You guys with failing Macs are doing something wrong.

    3. RenderW says:

      No, my friend. I owned that white plastic laptop and it started to fall apart weeks after I got it. Almost every time when I listened to music, opened PDF files, etc. Finally, I returned this chef d’oeuvre and bought a PC. Never again. But if you love it, please go on.

    4. Bob says:

      You know that PC doesn’t have an interface right? Windows does, OSX does, Linux does. But not a PC because it is just hardware.

      I can use tons of different desktop environments and spiffy fast with no viruses running Arch Linux *shrug*

    5. reliable225 says:

      better experience? Boy are u stupid? Cuz u clearly are mac is an overpriced garbage that can’t even run on a potato even my cheap camera runs better than this macshit that came from a bunny’s ass

  131. me says:

    I work in software. I will tell you why I will never pay for an apple computer.
    1) Macbooks start at 1000. None of them, at any price, can run hard core video games! (because, crappy video cards) If I’m paying $$$$, I expect my computer rig to do it ALL
    2) Hard to customize. Lets’ say I want to swap out parts. PCs, just watch a youtube video, order a twenty dollar part from amazon, done. Apple computer upgrades/repair= expensive/faraway trip to apple store.
    3) 1000 dollar computer, only 128 gb hard drive?! I DON’T THINK SO. you need half of that just for your apps. one year of family photos, then you’re out of space. puh-leaze.
    4) I actually have a friend who says “I want a mac because, they look stylish.” Cuz we should all buy computers because they’re shiny and cute. all show and no go. just sayin

    1. Stuuuuf says:

      Preach brotha

    2. I don't take sidess says:

      I got this laptop for free minus hard drive and it has a 232GB hard drive and 8GB ram

  132. pro Mac Pro user says:

    TL DR! Macs are better than PCs!

    1. Apple Peasant Above says:

      Shut yo trap b***h

  133. DB says:

    How to express my thoughts on my macbook pro. Utter total s**t. By the 2nd year it began to fail on me, by the 3rd year its a slow ass mess that cant open s**t. I’ve had to erase and reboot the hardrive like 10 ten times, and the thing is as slow as a fucking snail. Did I mention it made me lose many of important files I needed for a project I’ve been working for 2 years. So done with Macs for good.

  134. Tony says:

    I now have a Macbook Pro. It cost about the same as a high end Del. I used to own Dell precisions.. had 3 of them. The Macbook Pro hangs about the same amount of time as the Dell’s, it does the same thing as the Dells, and honestly, I cannot find any real difference in using it to the Dell. It does feel nice to touch, and feel solid. It is no better than the dell Precision for the same price, not is it worse.

    1. Me says:

      That’s totally untrue , please , any PC laptop that costs as much as a MacBook Pro has a hard core memory , an i7 chip , dedicated memory card and touchscreen. PLEASE . Who you kidding

  135. Rachael says:

    The big reason to hate apple is because they exploit labour in 3rd World countries, and they don’t pay any taxes in any country essentially they exploit the world and its people and all they care about is making more and more money at the expense of everyone

  136. Petschko says:

    I’m getting sick with this mac f***… I think everybody can use a OS he like, but in my company they brabbeling how nice mac is etc and if they don’t know how to do something they ask me (and I’m not use this s*it).. Can’t rightclick first I tought that they making fun…
    Yeah but bralleling how cool this OS is and so on… I hate it. I don’t tell them everytime how bad and expensive it is – so they can leave me alone. I’m using Linux-Mint I’m happy with it – its not that restricted like mac os – its perfect for programming, why they try to change me on MAC? (Most annoying is no right-click AND OTHER Keyboard-shortcuts (CTRL & C) no way! you have to use (“APPLE” & C) annoying.

    But they tell me, that windows and linux are bad, why they use this special shortcut? *it make me sick*

    1. scott says:

      Man, i really want to dump my apple mac.
      But ive been caught in the trap. One recall (they didnt tell me up front) then the HD packed up. (Small Ive now found out)
      Ive now an apple with as Samsung HD!!! (works better!!) i am so bambuzzled by the filing system, seriously, whats great with apple mac? Apple mac is an expensive toy for the “wannabes” in the airport!!

    2. scott says:

      somebody has to give me a good reason to to buy apple…. please come forth…ill listen, I promise. But make it good, cos my samsung may get upset!!!!

    3. scott says:

      Man, just looking at the wannabees with Apple mac in the airport is my holy grail of anger, ive had nothing but problems with my “MAC”, and if an apple can get serious it would not be called “Mac” (Scottish serious, we fight for less!!) It would be called “loser with to much money” (LOTMs)
      We Scots went to war for less against the English!!
      Mr Jobs, im on your case!!! (In scotland we call “jobbies” s**t)

    4. Mac guy says:

      In ten years I have never gotten one virus on a mac…just saying. Also if you click anything with two fingers on the touchpad it works just like right click,…idk why people keep saying there is no way to right click

    5. You may not get viruses but that’s because they don’t make as many for Mac. But the viruses they do are significantly nastier than other normal ones.

  137. 11. You need to download 5 GB (GIGABYTES, no physical media copy available) to be able to develop software for OS X or iOS.

  138. Fab says:

    I loaned my friend some money to buy a macbook pro because his got stolen some time ago, and quite honestly the only reason he is getting it is because he wants to seem more trendy and cool, and yeah he is under the idea that macs get less viruses…

  139. The fact is MAC exploited the market. They convinced hoopleheads that the MAC was a better system by putting money into advertising. Now I have a boss with no understanding of managing IT infrastructure, but wants the easy votes by buying supposedly flash hardware for our users.

    Guess who gets stuck with managing these shitbag laptops that dont integrate properly with windows?

    Guess who gets stuck with the bill for parrallels software to run the goddam windows systems we need?

    I’m constantly hear the same nonsense about the superior performance of MAC laptops too. What a joke.

    F**k Apple. F**k John Lennon for coming up with the name. F**k Steve Jobs for his carpet-bagging. Oh, and f**k the Taliban.

    1. Freedom of speach says:

      “I have a boss with no understanding of managing IT infrastructure”
      That is why you have a job, stop crying.

  140. kog says:

    I have an apple mac pro here for repair. It has a flashing folder on a white screen. Took the hard disk out of this very expensive machine and find its the cheapest Seagate drive available, seen this in a few apple computers. Took a look at the ram and thats from a cheap manufacturer also. Any how, the drive is goosed but worse than that the sata cable connecting hte drive is also goosed. Been repairing and building PC’s for 20 years and never seen a cable just break without first being abused by an incompetent, but this cable by by its own accord has broken. The case is a fine piece of work and has to be the most expensive part of the machine.

    1. Cawg says:

      I looked this up when I googleyed “mac just sucks for the rest of the world” after hackintoshing thru several OS X versions, and not really knowing why, I concluded, what a big marketing POS. Truely, and not to offend, The people I know that did shell out for the prime Mac Pro 10 years ago, Live in denial. In the same time span, you could have replaced your PC at least every 2 years. IF you were stuck on SL, you were also stuck with that era’s graphics card choices. If you could upgrade OS-X, then your old Graphics choice was probably now unsupported. Ridiculous. AND honest to god, this guy is still right. Mention OS-X is just Linux and they will start talking about who knows what. And a broken XNU linux too, :p . I guess I do what I do with OS X because they say I cant. And its some small bit of pride running OS X el capitan on an amd 64 x2 from 2008 when the real mac pro can’t. bwahaha

    2. Samantha says:

      The reason Mac sells so well is because the average office user is a dumbass. They goof off watching funny videos (and porn) from sketchy sites, don’t bother with even the most basic security measures, and then break the computer and wonder why. “Mac doesn’t have any viruses.” Yeah, duh. Because it runs on alien file extensions. Not because it is more secure. IE gets more viruses than Firefox, because everyone knows how to use (and exploit, in hacker’s case) the thing.

    3. reliable225 says:

      shut the f**k up samantha you sexist dumbass, it’s not just guys that watch porn u idiot, it’s girls as well, look up novapatra and you will feel stupid for saying it’s just guys, and it’s not the reason why mac sells so well, people also buy it for gaming, and other s**t, so please keep your sexist opinions to yourself thank you very much

  141. Jb says:

    Great article, majority of the points if not all points use facts to support the content.

    The number one thing about apple products I dont understand is the price, the pricing is just ridiculous and for something that has no compatibility.

    I dont see how the company is doing so well, would figure people would avoid them like the plague due to cost alone.

  142. PHANGURL says:


  143. Tuna56 says:

    Don’t forget, if you’re in IT and have to deal with ANY issues with these overpriced, under-powered, POS’s, you’re up a creek. Been battling this junk hardware and even worse software…F*ckin’ things don’t even want to talk to each other in an office network environment. Open Directory is a complete joke, file structure is the most convoluted, ridiculous system I’ve ever seen. Oh, and if you try to “Google” a topic for help on your issues…good luck. Everyone has about 4 different ways to “fix” (always just a workaround with OS X) it…and it can ONLY be done via “Terminal” because hey, why would you want to just click, or right click on something to get what you want. Much easier to have to learn an entire vocabulary of commands. Screw Apple and screw OS X.

  144. Jason hawkins says:

    I agree the other problem with mac a new program comes out sorry it only works on 10.10 and later wtf I got a mac book and apple says it cant take windows 10 they were wrong it was perfect and fast but it can’t take a newer mac os because it’s 32 bit and cant play brilliant blueray dts like windows windows is much better you can run anything of it longs you don’t install crapy tool bars they hide in terms and conditions and regular cleanups windows is fine you can even load windows 10 on a cheap core2 duo like I did with hackingtosh and windows I fixed a few macs they can get viruses I did this deliberate to see how robust it was but wasn’t it corrupted
    Macs are way overpriced and just boring to use

  145. Anonymous says:

    Macs are stupid. They ardley print

  146. Phil McCarthy says:

    I forgot my PC and borrowed my son’s MAC. Everything Jerry describes in the article I experienced. I was astonished at how complicated the MAC was and what a relief it was to get back to Windows. Honestly, I was shocked. I used to use a MAC back in the early 90s (remember the SE?) and was kind of excited about trying it again. I don’t know what else to say.

    1. Zach says:

      when they try to sell you one of these over priced machines, they say their software is simple… and for the price of the computer I could buy a great windows laptop, or even a spec monster of a cabinet with all of the best additions. This is how apple makes money over price their hardware, it is absolute garbage, Sadly I am forced to have one of these “great Machines” Id much rather get one of the new razors, or just a good PC laptop in general.

    2. Rachael says:

      I agree Mac has many problems but Windows is a fading technology and apple a premium one. I wish windows were half as good but unfortunately there is no comparison. Apple suck, but The PC alternative is ridiculously shittier

  147. Unnamed Player says:

    Macs are sold just like if they were art pieces. I always thought they are only empty, useless and well-cut (so expensive) flat alluminium boxes.

    1. Rachael says:

      Apple wants to be the Mercedes of computers. If you want one you need to spend 3 times to buy one. Unfortunately windows is the fading technology And apple has become the premium brand for everyone. I agree that Apple suck a hundred times over, it’s just unfortunate the window suck 1000 times more

    2. RenderW says:

      Windows is the fading technology? Open your eyes, dude! Just look at the OS market share. Do you have any questions? Sure you don’t. OS X – 9,03% (2016). The rest is (with little exceptions) Windows.

  148. Fadi says:

    hahaha u people hate macs because they are expensive??? its like hating Ferrari for being expensive. Sure u can make a GTR much faster on a track than a Ferrari with a fraction of money!!!
    morons… idiots will be idiots :p

    1. RenderW says:

      Mmmmmm… Ferrari=Apple? Please, don’t compare them. I do know what Ferrari is all about (drove them). First class engine, first class electronics, first class leather, Formula 1 technology, etc. But that was about Ferrari only (let alone Bugatti cars). Not about Apple products.

    2. Fadi is retarded says:

      I hate Mac for being so cheap. I wanted to build this $50 000 computer but Mac only peaked at $21 000. Too cheap for me. I want to waste more money.

      Sarcasm aside.

      One major selling point of windows is the versatility. You can dedicate as much as you want to it to fit your budget. Not only that, it’s been proven you can save hundreds building your own computer while also outperforming the Mac. Rich or poor the PC caters for all.

    3. mr_jingles says:

      you’r dumb.

      macs are not ferrari,

      take ultrabooks – macbook air and dell xps 13.
      both similar priced, computational specs.
      dell xps 13 slightly cheaper and lighter.
      both metal chasis exterior.

      dell gives you 1920 x 1080p matted IPS panel
      whereas your so-called premium ultrabook mini
      gives your ??? x 900p cheap-ASS TN panel.

      cheap panels does not equal FERRARI.
      get your facts right.

      true idiots will be idiots
      and isheeps will be isheeps

      and we know who the real idiots are… baaa…baaa,,. baaa… (sheep calls)

      without a master-herder like jobs, all isheeps wanders aimelessly.

    4. Simon Pegg says:

      Haha self entitled Mac-douche. For far less than the price of your crappy underpowered Mac, I can get a way better desktop, and a way superior laptop.

    5. MACS SUCK says:

      macs are OVERPRICED. Yes, if it’s a good product, the expensiveness will be worth it…but for a Mac…it’s wayyyyy too overpriced for such a crappy product. Ferrari, on the other hand, is expensive but the product is actually GOOD.

    6. Fab Fadi... NOT!!! says:

      …macs are crappy and overpriced/expensive…Ferraris are good and expensive, not overpriced. And we don’t JUST hate Macs because they’re overpriced.

    7. Ion Garcia says:

      That’s the thing. Mac isn’t a Ferrari. It’s a Honda civic painted with a thing layer of gold. It’s looks great, they advertise it to the fullest, but when you look at the hardware specs you realize how crap it is. $1,000 gets you a Dual core 1.5 ghz cpu. With $1000 I could get you an UNLOCKED 3.5 ghz cpu. Not to mention their graphics card is total garbage, 8gb of RAM.. With $1000 you can get 16gb of RAM and a GTX 960. Totally ridiculous. Normal computer companies scam it’s people for the most part, by selling a pc for $1000 with $450-$550 material inside but Apple sells their stuff for $1000 with $250-$350 material. Disgusting. And that’s just their cheapest Mac! Being an enthusiast pc builder, I can tell you that Mac is just a huge scam.

    8. PaulaB says:

      Expensive would not be a problem if they worked my old pc did much more than i can do on this expensive piece of s**t

    9. jerry says:

      Apple sucks they sucks i buy and iphone 6s and they send me and iphone 4

  149. me says:

    Well, I just bought an Alienware 13 today, which is probably overpriced compared to other gaming PCs, but I like Dell so why not. I got the following: core i7 6500U 2.5 gh/nvidia GTX 960M with 4 gb graphics card/16 gb RAM/ 500 GB hybrid hard drive. This all cost $1200. (Prob would’ve been less if i built it myself, but well I was lazy) I then went to the Apple website, the equivalent Macbook Pro was $2200, that’s Without the graphics card. I started snickering. Keep drinking da cool aid Apple Fanboys

    1. richie says:

      where did you buy the alienware?

  150. shawn says:

    I’ve always built my own PC’s and they will blow the doors off of any Mac I’ve ever seen. I have a youtube video of a laptop I built that boots from dead off to a Windows desktop in 3 seconds. A Mac will never touch that. I do own a Macbook Pro. I had to buy it because even though you can develop iOS apps on a PC, you HAVE to use a Mac to upload them to the Apple store. The is the only reason I have a Mac, and the primary reason why I hate Apple. Other than that, you can’t do a damn useful thing on a Mac.

  151. Iwbtg9544 says:

    I totally agree with everything that this article points out wrong about macs.I currently am stuck with this piece of Sh*t because my school said “oh look we can get these 11′ laptops for 900 dollars instead of these ridiculously over priced 500 dollar 17′ computers!”.And i dont have anotehr computer to use.THANKS SCHOOLS!!

  152. FrankG says:

    Ok, it’s my turn to say a word. Got 2 PCs – Dell desktop with Ubuntu and Asus laptop with Windows 8.1 (waiting for 10 now). I’ve got Apple TV3 and iPod Touch 6. So to speak, I’ve only bought reasonably priced Apple products. I will never buy an iPhone or MacBook (I owned corporate iPhone and MacBook once upon a time). I know that abovementioned gadgets are ABSOLUTELY overhyped and overpriced and once again – I will never spend a penny to buy them. I’m not an Apple hater I just know that if you spend your money you should spend them understanding what you’re going to buy.

    1. me says:

      apple fanboys do not understand. I asked a few apple fanboy people, what components does your macbook have, they couldn’t answer, yet kept insisting how great their Crapple was. ANY PERSON who has the SLIGHTEST clue about computer parts, would never pay for a Crapple.

    2. FrankG says:

      Oh, I feel sorry for them. They’re nothing more than victims of aggressive marketing. Hope they will switch on their brains one of these days.

  153. Alexander says:

    The SSD drive macs have are not all that good, they are like experimental hard-drive and are not good for storing data.They act like “batteries” and loose data over time, new and crappy stuff.Macs are for brainless idiots, it hurts my brain, and not only do I loose all ration when I hear about “APPLE BEING THE BEST COMPUTERS IN THE WORLD” AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.Yeah..for like the 80″s.I bought a laptop almost 2 yers ago and it cost about 550 @, the specs are 8 gb Ram i5 3,2 Gh ,1 GB Nvidia card(I wanted a low video card to “get” through college without playing games al lthe game).And at least I have a freaking video card and a 500 gb memory(also cuz I don”t want to play games all day long).While at about 1000 dollars a apple doesn”t have any dedicated video card, and a I5 with “barely” a 2,4 ghz processor.At a minimum of 1000 DOLLARS !!! With those money I would buy i7 with 3,2 ghz(and better if there is), 1 TB, 16 gb Ram, and a 2gb video card, and DEDICATED!!!!, if you want something strong for gaming, programming,digital art, you buy Lenovo, Asus, even Dell or whatever..but not Apple.It would be a sin for gaming

    1. me says:

      Like you, i wanna puke when people brag about apple products. apple computers are just overpriced and ridiculous. 2000 dollars, can’t run a game properly?! wtf. iphones cost 500 have only 16 gb of memory?! I have had both macbooks and iphones, and never again I will use either. BS products for idiots.

  154. Jerns says:

    Why I like PCs:

    There is a workstation I want. It is made by HP. In short, it has:

    * 2 Xeon E5-2699 (that’s 36 compute cores)
    * 4 NVIDIA GTX Titan X Graphics Cards (that’s 48 GB dedicated to graphics processing)
    * 256GB DDR4 2133 ECC RAM
    * 1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD (Primary)
    * 2.0TB Intel P3700 PCIe SSD (Secondary)

    It costs $32,000.

    This is not a Mac. A Mac can’t be this.

    This is a PC. This represents what a PC is to me. It represents what is possible.

    This hardware represents a fraction of what Windows can handle.

    It will crash. it will hang. Updating drivers may be challenging. But when it’s running?

    Jesus wept…

    P.S. Linux works, too.

  155. Anonymouse says:

    I’m a mac.
    And I’m a pc.
    and im steeeeeeeeeeeve

    [mac and steeve start making out]
    PC: Woah, you two sure know how t-[CRASH]

    1. noneofyourbusiness says:

      Well it crashes that easily just because you mac fanboys are too stupid to use a REAL computer…. BY THE WAY, mac and steeve make out?… I KNEW IT mac is for homosexuals ROFL… AND OH YEAH, at least the pc crashes when it’s talking, your futuristic disposable garbage freezes WHEN USING SOFTWARE AS YOU WOULD USUALLY DO!!! AREN’T MACS SO STABLE AND GREAT!!? And yes, i’ve used fagpple’s pseudo-computers before.

      PS No offense to normal people who own macs, this was only aimed at ignorant, retarded, elitist, brainwashed ISHEEP pseudo-hipster zombies.

  156. Althof says:

    Agree 99999999999999999% with you folks

    Mac is SUPER DUPER SUCKS. Exactly, their osx

    If i where you, if i won a macbook, I’ll burn away like “macbook destruction video” on YouTube and enjoy the show, i want to do that coz i never experience it in real life.

    And, one more fact
    “Macbook” in Indonesian language means “drunk”

    1. effielHD says:


      first of all, study english. WERE*. Next, mabuk is drunk. not macbook. I really don’t know what language you are using in your life. And finally, if I got macbook as a present and don’t like it, i’ll sell them away and get money. Only stupid people like you will do destruction and causes fucking haze which then affects other countries. Selfish prick

  157. telluride says:

    I’m not particularly an Apple fan, however, I use Apple/Android and MS products due to the fact that one of my MLS vendors only support windows while electronic keys is provided by some idiots who only supports windows and android phones!! Apple does suck, nevertheless: Apple sucks less, Linux sucks the least while MS still sucks, even with windows 10 which I use extensively throughout my work day. We need a unified standard to protect consumers from big corporate BS of blocking one another for the sake of profitability and killing the competition. Call me crazy but they all suck.

    1. &^%&$%^$%^$% (because why not) says:

      Solaris ^_^

  158. Nwy says:

    I don’t understand why people are always foolish enough to update their Apple device’s firmware,
    Because new firmware by Apple always sucked ,
    It only shows an worsen the performance as well as taking more space due to worthless built in softwares such as airdrop,( could have just download a third party software with similar capabilities ) ( stupid Apple developers ruined ifunbox via iOS 8.3) that’s when I started hating Apple.

  159. Brainwave says:

    I usually dont pitch in for these debates, but I guess being a macbook air user, I would toss in my two cents. I code a lot, for a 16:10 ratio, I like this screen better than any other 13 inch. Macs are durable, I have dropped mine so many times and it goes on like I didnt drop it at all. Have I used windows ? Sure, the clickiness of it all makes me nauseous. Did I use Linux? of course, I have arch and ubuntu it installed on a partition on this very machine. Apple has got its engineering right folks – it has a rugged laptop standing 12 hours of charge. Windows machines do not have the same level of engineering. Apple may be overpriced in iPhones, or macbook pros, but macbook air, I can assure you for any serious programmer it is a great laptop.

    PS – I know the missing control key on keyboard can be a pain if you are emacs user, but I use vim so thats a non issue.

    1. abcdefghijkl (because why not) says:

      just create your own laptop with the firmware you want (yes i know hackintosh is not compatible with everything) just look up any tutorial online and well more for your money and well battery wise just get one hella large battery and it will run fine and will probs be cheaper i never did anything with creating laptops but u know its better to create your own than buy somethin overpriced (pls dont judge my grammar if ur a grammar nazi hav mercy)

  160. Hack N. Tosh says:

    Well my PC does Mac OSX as well as Windows and Linux. It cost me a LOT less than an equivalent MAC and guess what ? It runs OSX better than an equivalent Mac. You do realise that Macs are just PC’s using basically the same parts that you can buy off of a shelf at a computer store with the difference being Apple charges you more because they put it in a shiny case with an Apple logo ?. Windows is a better all round OS that OSX has quite a way to catch up. The finder is possibly the worst file manager I have EVER used (and I’ve used a few on various computers/OSes).

  161. Me says:

    As my school district is run by hateful b******s, they spent probably a million-ish buying MacBook Airs. For five large high schools. Because they hate people. They even made the system worse than I thought possible, because school restrictions are SO MUCH FUN. I can’t even do the /Users/[USER]/Library/Application manual entry, so my efforts to download a Minecraft challenge map were a dismal failure. Even worse, and this is just highway robbery, they don’t make replacement parts. No surplus, no anything. I accidentally broke a milligram of plastic off of one of the arrow keycaps, and thus rendering it unable to stay on. It cost $400 to replace the keyboard. Instead of having, oh, EXTRAS OF A KEY THAT APPEARS TWICE ON THE KEYBOARD, I had to pay the worst price-to-manufacturing-cost EVER.

  162. Apples are stupid says:

    Ever notice how MacBook sheeps have absolutely no idea what specs their wonderful MacBooks have yet carp on and on about great they are ? If you think it’s acceptable to pay 1000 bucks for a laptop with only an i5 chip and 128 gb hard drive then you are a moron. At 1500 dollars which is the average price for a MacBook I would expect touchscreen, at least 500 gb hard drive , and a graphics card with dedicated memory. Admit it MacBook users , you like them because they’re shiny and pretty and fun to show off at Starbucks .

    1. You're Poor says:

      A SSD is different from a hard drive.. just admit you’re too poor to afford one so you’re butthurt

    2. me says:

      you’re a moron. I would never buy a Crapple. No matter how much money I had. If i wanted to spend 10K on a computer I would get a PC that would eat every Mac for breakfast.

  163. Marcus says:


  164. Cecelie says:

    THANK YOU! This article is spot on! Macs are over priced trash. People always complain about their computers being rife with viruses on pc. If you don’t understand how to maintain a computer and not download everything you stumble across on the internet, then yes, there will be viruses. Otherwise, you get a pc and they last and work fine. Macs are dumbing down the computer market and keeping people away from their responsibility to actually understand how computers work.

  165. hifijohn says:

    my first GUI computer was a mac back some 30 years ago,and it was amazing,well anything was better that DOS. but I havent touch a mac for 30 years until a few weeks ago when I got 4 G4s and one G5 for free(which is all they are worth to me).Once you get over the build quality you realize they are just expensive eye candy.Keyboard cable too short, no right click, I had to go on the internet like a retard and ask how do you open the cd tray.
    only 2 usb and one of them is used by the keyboard/mouse. and two of the g4 didnt even have a mic input, I have never in my life seen a computer without a mic input,and all the g4 have the usb and headphone jacks in the back-very inconvienent.But the biggest problem is the freeware, I only found blender, wavepad and audacity for mac and only audacity works on a few of the macs, on the others i had to install a basic mini version, also when you launch audacity, and quit it you have to reboot the computer to launch it again!! So i said screwit Ill install linux , no good, macs dont allow that!
    so what possible purpose do these computers serve?? I can go to any garage sale resale shop and for $20 buy a junk dell or hp and fill it up wit all the freeware i can download with no problem.I think these macs are like expensive sports cars, yes,they look cool but after a while you realize, they gave poor gas mileage, no trunk space they ride bad, your insurance is throw the roof, and every cop with a radar gun and car thief is following you.Ill just scrap these macs for the aluminum, at least Ill get some good out of them!!!

  166. fay says:

    bought a macbook for school. it’s light and has long battery life. i’m not going to pretend i know a lot about computers, but i also have an acer laptop which was just as expensive but is heavy and only lasts a few hours. as a student, macbooks are actually a good choice if you don’t do anything too complex.

    1. me says:

      If you’re not doing anything complex…you realize you could’ve just gotten a $350 Acer/Asus that would’ve done everything you needed, instead of a $1000 Macbook Air. just saying

  167. sheep_sheppard says:

    why i hate sheepboys, they called windows bloated, yada, yada, etc.
    Yet, when they recommend someone a mac, they’ll always say – make sure you get 8gb ram or more, because yosemite sucks memory.

    meanwhile all windows pc were running fine with 4gb ram, everybody knows that. lean and mean.

    1. James says:

      Lol, I’m not even a big fan of macs, but you are lying to yourself if you think windows has better memory management.

      Apple has taken advantage of the fact that processing is far less time consuming than reading from a hard drive or even ssd. As such apple compress their memory. I’ve had 16 gigabytes of data stored in memory, with only 8gb of ram.

      Windows doesn’t have a feature like this. It just creates a paging file once you hits it limits.

      There are a lot of things to hate about macs, but they are leading ram management by far.

    2. abcdefghijkl (because why not) says:

      just gonna reply to james since theres no option to reply to him so “windows has no option like this……” have you ever heard of the “internet” m8? no you live in the umm…. ,medieval or somethin no have you ever used windows? probably not enough to undertstand the 3rd party programs please learn something before isheeping you ass off

  168. Kel says:

    I get so annoyed when people tell me ‘Macs are better’.

    1. me says:

      it’s okay, next time ask them what components their macs have, and enjoy the engulfing silence.

  169. asdf says:

    Right click works in minecraft at least (the default mouse has some shitty ball and just left click and some strange side buttons which seem useless)

    1. The Advice Man says:

      Nothing against your comment except one thing, Minecraft.

  170. she says:

    This is funny. I just bought a Mac 2 months ago, and i love it. My windows that i bought in 09 fucking sucked. It has so many viruses and i was tired of getting it fixed every year. My husband also has a Macbook from 09 and it still works like the first day he got it! Sorry, but this article sucks. You are worse than a child trying to prove why xb1 is better than ps4. Its all in what you want. Macbook also has a right click on the touchpad its called two fingers..hmm thats not so hard huh? if you want to go to a previous page you swipe right… difficult. Windows is stupid, so many fuckin updates every time you log on.RIDICULOUS. never will i ever spend $400 on a computer that does more but still is shitty… XD my $1200 was well spent. I guarantee you, you will not have your windows computer 6 years from now. lol. probably not even 3 years! Just say you can’t afford it. If you could you’d be talking about a computer you built yourself vs a Macbook. rofl!

    1. He says:

      In response the user named “She”. You are exactly the sort of person who Mac want you to buy their products. Frankly I think you don’t have a deep enough understandings of technology, micro electronics, advertising and marketing to pass a valid comment on Mac vs Pc is better than an equivalent priced PC. Let’s face facts here. You bought a Mac because you thought it was a “cool” object and maybe you thought it was “pretty”. Do you go to coffee shops to show it off too! … It is OK. Have fun with your toy. Hope it was worth all that money. I can be sure if your using a Mac or a PC you personally will not be doing anything life changing with it. Your points are useless. Its not that others can’t afford Mac products its that there are far superior options to choose. Don’t be a sheep. Do your homework next time.

    2. Me7 says:

      Funny thing, i bought my first computer 11 years ago. It was windows Xp. It is faster then any mac i have used and is still a gem, it will never go down. My brother, bought his mac 5 years ago he’s been looking for the right time to buy a windows computer a year after he bought the mac also known as an overpriced piece of crap.

    3. he says:

      Ok so they just gave you 10 reasons that mac is literally the worst computer available and you still think mac is good. You must have used your windows computer only for downloading viruses. And the UI is soooo bad like literally right when you get used to using a mac they update it and make it completely different so you have no clue how to do anything on your computer. Also you obviously haven’t used a windows computer since 2009 so maybe you just need to take a break from mac because OS X is a computer virus.

    4. Justin says:

      These are the mac fanboys I love. They trash talk the cheap $400 PC they bought and then compare it to a $1200 mac….

      If you spent your $1200 on a PC, it would put your $1200 mac to shame.

      How is this logical in your mind? You cannot compare two entirely different priced computers complaining that the cheap one is not up to par.

      This just proves you did not shop for specs and you bought that mac to feel cool.

    5. Phil McCarthy says:

      Did you ever buy anti-virus and install it on your PC? I always do and yes virus can leak through from time to tome but I always get rid of them myself.

    6. abcdefghijkl (because why not) says:

      okay then what components does it have?

  171. lol says:

    windows 10 is free…

  172. "stuck up mac user" says:

    Pcs are just as expensive if you’re doing higher end things like gaming. Macs dont have all the useless stuff like blu-rays and the likes now, oh thats because it’s a dying media. Everything is cloud/thumb drive/digital based now. If i wanted to watch a blu-ray ill get a blu-ray player or better yet just watch it on a console. It’s really cute that PC users still bash mac even though they can do windows and OS X, but last time a friend tried to do OS X on his PC it sucked so bad that he couldn’t do it. Enjoy paying for windows 10 in a year or 2

    1. Marcus says:


    2. He says:

      Duh. You just disproved your point. You can by a faster better machine that plays high end games for the same price or less than your HIPSTER Mac. So why are you bashing pc’s . Don’t justify an oxymoronic point. Its like saying. I’m going to paint my house. This paint is better and drys faster. But I’ll go for the more expensive kind as its in a pretty tin. And I’ll wait longer for it to dry….. Don’t be a sheep do your homework please. Especially if your trying to justify why you bought a Mac.

    3. theboss says:

      windows 10 was free and came out 2 months ago. Can’t quite understand your logic about OSX but ok.

    4. abcdefghijkl (because why not) says:

      my $60 pc disagrees with you

  173. Mac User says:

    Mac is not good. Agree with the author who wrote this page. I feel that they are only good at making stuff really expensive, suing you to buy it using advertisement or stuff in youtube. In fact, that’s the way apple works – I used to think iPhones are good but they turned out having such a small storage (for an unreasonable price) and those phones are using up battery so quickly. Even those apps ain’t that good and things are simply _expensive_. I’m disappointed with it.

    One point to know is that I like the part that macs can switch screen and have several features to multitask.

  174. Your Name says:

    100% agreed.

    I really regret buying a Macbook Pro. I thought it was a good choice at the time (I don’t know why), but after using it for a year, I can definitely say that I’ve changed my mind. The best thing this piece of crap can do is crash and freeze all the goddamn time. You could probably get something better for less than half the price.

    DON’T. GET. A. MAC.

    1. lily says:

      Wow I wonder how much viruses you must of download.

  175. Geir says:

    Agree 10000000%. I have a Mack pro. I was stupid enough to buy of these things.

    Have been trying to find a corporate accounting program. Nope can’r get one. Only account online. I’ll be damn if I want to expose my corporate finance on line.
    Then I bought the most expensive Architectural program.h a joke that is. Can’t handle 1/.2 of the functions.Then there is all the sites I am using in my business sensitive information with US and canadian Gov. Nope Not comparable. They simply don’t trust Mack. Then I have a sophisticated tracing program that record and send information back to us regarding Equipment performance and condition so we know when something is malfunctioning before the equipment breaks down. NOPE can’t handle it.
    Then there is the so called. Spreadsheet???? what a joke that id. Word processing program??? total garbage. Mack will NEVER se another dime from this company. It is total junk garbage and all it is good for is an anchor.

  176. Anomymous says:

    You are an idiot. You can freaking turn on right click for apple mouse in the settings!

    1. K says:

      Right, the person who wrote an article on MacBooks 6 years ago, is an idiot, for saying they had no right click, and you, six years later, pointing out this setting, are not the idiot?

  177. nepjua says:

    I bought a macbook air 1.5 year ago and moved from Linux to OSX. It felt good for some time but now i really miss my Linux where everything was up to me. My OSX got really slow and i can’t just reinstall it because i have only 128GB storage, i need to back it up to somewhere before reinstalling. I decided to buy a really powerful machine for nearly same price with my MBA and go back to Linux. I think OSX have nothing superior to Linux besides iOS development which you can do with a virtual machine once you have better hardware. I moved to OSX believing it was good for both designers and developers, now i believe it’s only good for designers.

  178. kris murray says:

    hehe this is all you isheeps can do on you mac is defend it as in tell everybody that no i didn’t just waste my money on a degraded potato. mean while i just brought a pc equivalent and a car instead

  179. Joanna says:

    I’ve been using macs since the 80s (and still do) and it’s very simple: macs used to be a niche market that relied on quality and sustained itself on a small, high-paying customer base.

    As they went mainstream they started to focus on marketing that image while reducing costs, leading to the travesty that they are today: a computer for the uneducated masses that are too afraid to actually analyze their needs and get the right tool for the job. They rely on narcissism, vanity, fear and ignorance.

    If you’re a mac user *and* a mac “fan”, consider your life views, your computer is not the problem, but there’s a certain company capitalizing on your messed up personality.

    1. Kon says:

      @Joanna, this is just beautiful. Perfectly sums up what I was thinking for the past few years.

      Seriously, none of the people at our company can actually describe why they prefer to use mac. Apart from the ever so stupid “it just works”.. Agh! Everything f$#@&ing does!

    2. me says:

      agree 100%. No apple fanboy actually knows why his machine is “better”. Macs are for “basic betches”. You can always build a PC for half the money. People who have problems with PC, are idiots who don’t know how to use computers. I have never ever had a problem with PCs. It’s quite simple, don’t watch porn and torrent all ay long.

  180. Ty says:

    Has anyone ever looked in the preferences on Ubuntu and Linux Mint,etc? They look exactly the fucking same. So to everyone complaining on how it takes extra clicks to do things, take a look at you preferences. Ever try changing a setting with the windows control panel in the default view with the categories? It is extremely difficult. I also have a late 2006 iMac that runs extremely well to this day. I used MLpostfactor to bring it up to 10.8. Still gets security updates. That is over 9 years of use, and it still runs good. I am typing this on a Late 2013 13″ Macbook Pro. Also, to the idiots that think you can’t run any windows software on a Mac, look up these word-are you ready- Boot Camp. You can run windows. Typical windows users- afraid to try something new.

    1. huh says:

      Really? That’s your answer? Run Windows? Why the hell would I waste $2500 on a mac if what I need is a PC?

    2. Hack N. Tosh says:

      Well my PC does Mac OSX as well as Windows and Linux. It cost me a LOT less than an equivalent MAC and guess what ? It runs OSX better than an equivalent Mac. You do realise that Macs are just PC’s using basically the same parts that you can buy off of a shelf at a computer store with the difference being Apple charges you more because they put it in a shiny case with an Apple logo ?. Windows is a better all round OS than OSX which has quite a way to catch up. The finder is possibly the worst file manager I have EVER used (and I’ve used a few on various computers/OSes).

    3. Phil McCarthy says:

      I am curious about Ubuntu. Is it compatible with most things out there? I mean the other day a bunch of us in a group were getting an on line presentation and the only two that couldn’t get it to work were the two using Macs. I wouldn’t want to be in that situation with Ubuntu.

    4. JR says:

      It’s been 2 months since I killed my ASUS laptop with water, so I’m using a 2008 MacBook 5.1, borrowed from work until I can be bothered to buy something decent. Immediately I had to upgrade the RAM, from 2GB to 8GB to make this $2000 (when new) machine able to open more than 5 tabs in Chrome or any browser without hanging all the time. What a ripoff this was when new!

      The desktop orientation is terrible, with USB drives, newly saved files, etc automatically positioned on the right hand side of screen, which might make sense for people who’s native language is written right to left, as it is for Arabic, Hebrew, etc, but Apple is an American company, so this is stupid.

      The Dock is poorly organised and inferior to all versions of Windows. It should take up a whole line, not be centred and have screen space either side of it, and there should be an indication of which programs (including windows) are open, and which program is the current active program. I believe Windows have gone a bit downhill with the taskbar design since Vista, with the shortcut icons displayed that can sit in between active applications, but at least it’s possible to customise it to work as it did in XP, which was a much cleaner way of displaying everything.

      The whole resizing of windows options are simply pathetic. I want to be able to maximise a program I am using to take up all available screen space, but I still want to see the menu bar, with the time, and the dock (no matter how shitty it is), but that is no simple task. Often you just have to manually resize windows, which is slow and pathetic.

      But honestly, the biggest problem I have is the keyboard, which is inadequate and slows my productivity even for basic word processing.
      The key functions, keyboard layout and keys that were left out,because some idiot thought simplicity is cool is frustrating.
      Here are the problems in detail:
      1. Fn key in a prominent position at the bottom left when it’s hardly used – stupid
      2. Command key is poorly positioned next to the keyboard, requiring some RSI inducing hand movements for many shortcuts.
      Command Up/Down to adjust volume in VLC is awkward, but not as bad as Command X and some others.
      3. Home/End keys missing. Yeah I know the shortcut and it’s not hard for just moving the cursor, but sometimes when the cursor is in the middle of a line of text I want to highlight to either the beginning or end of the line to copy/cut/delete/etc. Just try doing that one handed and tell me how natural it feels!
      And if you connect an external keyboard with the Home/End keys, pressing them will take you to the top/bottom of the screen, which is just idiotic.
      4. Enter (return) does not open selected files, but gives you the option to rename.
      Which idiot thought renaming files would be more common than wanting to open a file?

      MAC OS X & now MAC OS have a simple design, but that doesn’t make them user friendly, unless you conform to their way of thinking, which I won’t.

  181. My Name says:

    Just reading this because I have nothing to do since I’m not home ATM. This review is pretty comical. Asides from that, it sounds like its written by someone who’d never bothered to try a mac. So naturally you can’t expect anything. @JP, who’s review you can read by scrolling down, you are clearly an idiot in terms of computers in general. In multiple years of using PCs you still do not know how to protect one properly, thus adware, viruses, etc. I too think windows looks worse so thats all right and I respect your opinion, but would it kill you to not be a total ass about it? Maybe you have a good mac model so you can actually run programs, but if you compare it to what you can buy at the same price, just, no comment. (While doing research for a friend I found out you can literally get a PC for half the price as a MBP which is nearly double the performance) As to the PCs are stoneage machines part and your opinion on gaming, please, try to run ANY new game that is graphically demanding(GTA V, Witcher, etc.), and not limited to MOBAs like lol and dota. And if you think PCs are slower than macs, clearly you haven’t heard of gaming laptops, or the concept of building your own desktop PC, and just spent your “years of experience” with crappy 13″ HPs which still use the intel centrino cores. Can’t decide which is more laughable, the original article, your review, or the fact that I’m wasting my time here.

  182. John Hemmer says:

    Absolute truth!!!!

    1. john says:

      srsly pc elitests kys

  183. Okay says:

    1. Just outrageously stereotypical and makes yourself sound not bright.
    2. My personal opinion is the prices are worth it, as I have 1999 Macs that still run great. Not to add the look of the machine is nice and worth it.
    3.They are an independent company that can do as they please, and you don’t have to buy them. DVI models went out a while ago and they use mini display ports and HDMI output.
    4. The reason it is so similar to Linux is the fact both are UNIX-based OSs, something a person running a windows knows nothing about.
    5. There is a right click, it’s click with two fingers, or you can change that in settings.
    6. All of these probelms can be changed with system setting or the user not being an idiot. Of course one still has to get used to the OS
    7. I have had both windows and Mac computers and the windows froze much more frequently and dies due to a virus, I have many Mac computers, one that’s 16 years old and still waiting on that virus.
    8. New macs have wifi and Ethernet adapters are $35 regardless (that’s costly). Also macs have software options the same as windows, as I have never had a problem finding the program I need, but developers usually choose one OS or the other so maybe don’t look for the windows software that has a Mac version. That’s the person looking for the softwares problem.
    9. Retina Displays are the best graphics detectable by the human eye, anything more is overkill.
    10. Macs are a very customizable machine on the OS itself and no one wants to buy a Mac and customize the outside, macs are pretty. On customizing the software on a Mac, it’s easy, but one has to get used to it just like anything else

    You really are not bright, are you?

  184. Young Mac Older Windows & Mac says:

    I learned as a kid on Macs, it was easy…. as i grew older noticed Windows PC’s and began to learn remarkable things like building them and doing all sorts of projects software wise. Then i decided to use a mac again after so many years, and its bueno and all and looks are deceptive. I fixed both mac and pc’s and for some reason with Windows 7 things greatly improved on windows. As far as all errors and hardware issues, learn to build yourself a PC. I’ve built them and used them and rarely had any issues on faulty hardware or viruses because I did my home work on what hardware to pick and preventive measures to keep windows secure. It’s not hard, it just takes determination. Once you reach medium skills you then begin to enjoy all that computers have to offer, it’s also about learning self away from computers, i’ve found I had to use computers less and this released a lot of stress witch gave way to using them on small tasks at a time. Then I suddenly realized why I used a computer in the first place… to let it work without me tending to every window. Life became improved as i learned we are like machines in a way because the universe has it’s mechanical features. But when you return after letting go a bit, you suddenly see the computer is a tool and tools need care if you want them to aid you in your search. So what are you searching? more errors and bullshit.. or do you want a computer that works with you instead of against you. I say take your time to conquer the fears these errors and windows bring. Be yourself, and remember G.O.D is everything (Guiding Our Direction).

  185. Cat says:

    To add another issue with macs; my mac has been corrupting most of the flash drives that I have used on it, and hence making very important data unreadable without an expensive third party (approx. $500 to $1000) data recovery operation. Read on online boards that some other people have been having similar problems with their macs. In all my nearly 20 years of using pcs, not a single pc corrupted or otherwise damaged any flash drive. In contrast I only started using mac about 6 months ago and already this recurring problem has started.

  186. Your mom says:

    To everyone that think macs just work. Try managing one on a domain. They may be ok for home use they are complete and total garbage in a networked environment. From mapping shares to adding printers to syncing files for home use.

  187. WT says:

    I have never used a Mac but windows software which has originated on Mac seems unwieldy and unintuitive and not very supportive of right mouse click.

  188. Neutral says:

    Reading this on a mac and laughing.

    1. You just insulted half of the world’s population. Apple make iPhones, you know, one of the best and most widely used smartphones in the world? Yeah, them.
    2.You compared the most expensive mac laptop model to some of the cheapest 17″ PCs, I got a 17″ PC for only 300 quid too, check your facts.
    3. I don’t think you could get a clean and small laptop to have a blu-ray disc drive, if you really want one tho, just buy an external disc drive.
    4. Linux? Terrible OS. Mac is vastly improved, vastly prettier and sure, not cheap, neither is windows, not that open source, more virus protected (not rats)
    5. If using a mac laptop, click with 2 fingers. If you are using a mac desktop, don’t buy a 1 button mouse then!
    6. So you think the prettiest OS is ugly? Fine, bet you think a blobfish is pretty hot too, huh? Gonna jack off to a blobfish? Be my guest.
    7. Mac crashes less than windows, it’s easier to get viruses on windows, windows freezes more. Don’t get me wrong, windows is my favourite OS but viruses and crashes are the cost of open-source.
    8. Why would you try and use Mac Mail when you either have MS Outlook or, like most people, use this amazing thing we like to call the “internet.”
    iPhoto, pretty good actually, not sure why you wouldn’t like that, although I guess professional software is hard to use. GarageBand, ok, why would anyone choose to use GarageBand in the first place. What thirst does it quench? This is like me saying that windows is terrible because internet explorer doesn’t have a search bar! iChat, never heard of it. Quicktime useful for audio recording and screen recording.

    9. Macs are work computers, not gaming computers.

    10. Have you looked into macs at all? Just a tip, next time you slag something off, do research on it.

  189. Nick says:

    I partially agree. I recently bought a Mac. My old computer had been a Windows 7, and it crashed after multiple errrors. The reason why I bought a Mac is because I wanted a more reliable computer, and one that is more geared towards musicians. So far, the only huge issue I’ve had with it is that it isn’t customizable. I remember that when I had a problem with my PC’s interface, all I had to do was install some software, or simply go to the Control Panel. My main complaint is that if you wanted to, for example, change your mouse cursor, you can’t go to system preferences and change it. (You can change the size, of course, but not the shape). You can’t even go online and download a new cursor. All you can do is sit there like a starving dog until the App Store decides to throw you a bone, or rather, a halfassed app made so that it only works when it feels like it. If only Macs had a more open interface, then it would be a better computer. Also, the thing about having to open images individually sucks.

  190. P says:

    “I believe this unprofessional article is wrong. The graphics are perfectly fine for me, and games run smoothly. Watching anything on it is perfectly fine also. I’d better respect this article if it hadn’t insulted the Mac’s fanbase, and if it took the mature way and didn’t use curse words or insults at all. I can’t believe you people call this a professional article.”

    The question isn’t if they run smoothly, but if the games run more smoothly with PC and the graphics are better (of course depending on you graphics card). OR if they run at all: for example, two (there are more I am sure of it) new very popular games don’t run on Mac at all (Witcher 3 and Grand Theft Auto V).

  191. My Name Here says:

    So True! I 100% agree with this whole article.

  192. Frank says:

    Windows gets viruses? LMAO. 1) Update your Windows Defender (if you weren’t setting it up to automatic update; 2) Don’t jerk off to the WEB porn too often. There are viruses for MacOS and Ubuntu too.

  193. Nicholas Estrada says:

    I grew up with Windows XP, got it to do basically everything I needed it to do without much of a problem. Used Vista, 7, and 8. All of them got the job done. I liked XP and 7 better than the others, needless to say, but they all worked. Then, I got into linux, ran Ubuntu 12.04 as my main OS for a year and a half while trying out many other distros at that time. Switched to Elementary OS Luna on my main machine and did that for maybe 6 months. Both Ubuntu and Elementary worked great. I simply preferred Elementary for its looks. Then I got a 2010 MacBook Air handmedowned to me, and ever since I have used Mac OSX Mavericks and Yosemite (When the update came.) Bear in mind that this is a 5 year old computer. It runs without even a shadow of a problem. I have 0 complaints with Mac OSX or the hardware. I run Peppermint OS on here sometimes too, and that works great. Apple does not suck. Apple’s stuff works well 5 years after its prime, as proven by the performance of my MacBook. I am unbiased, having used OSes for extended periods of time in every category, and I say that they all do the job. Honestly, I prefer Mac OSX over all the rest of them except maybe Elementary OS Luna. (That one’s a close match.)

  194. SonicVader says:

    Well said Jesse, and entirely correct. Apple sucks.

  195. JP says:

    HEY HEY HEY I’m no nerd but I want to point out that I’ve had years of experience with pcs and they always end up breaking, geting viruses and adware. For me they suck d so I never am going to buy one again. Windows looks soo ugly compared to OS X Yosemite. Even windows 8 is ugly with its square fat icons to it’s unsimplistic design I don’t see how I worked with those shitty things, after about a year they start to get bad. Files never delete completely and its hard to find them, I love the smooth and unscaled interface of Yosemite os x. I thought you were smart enough to look in the fckn settings to change the date to viewable, settings are one of the things that you have to actually notice! Pcs have cheap plastic designs while macs use metal, which last so much longer. The dock you can change in settings too. I don’t know what your talking about but I run about 5 programs at the same time on my mac pro and it still works. Believe me if you want gaming get the mac pro it handles as well as a gaming computer for me. All worth the money that I spent on it and the one I’m earning, I run roblox studio, adobe photoshop, safari , numbers, and pages all at the same time no lag no freeze. I get my extra money out of the roblox developer exchange program, it gives me about a thousand bucks each month. This never worked on my pcs I would probably never get the extra money I do now with a pc, probably because it lagged me out when I started the most simple scripts.. CHEAP.UGLY.SLOW.STONEAGE MACHINES Really they never come up with anything new! very boring and old.

  196. john says:

    We own a Mac as our home computer. I would say we “use” it as our home computer, but after having to look up how to do basic functions online (e.g., copy, paste, screen-shot, access USB downloads, etc) and finding their multiple steps ridiculous and anything but “intuitive.” But yeah … the candy apple red case protecteur (yes, as a Mac owner, I’m speaking and spelling in Euro in order to raise my pretentiousness to the levels expected of us) looks nice, and image is what this thing is really about, right? As for the paper I’m trying to scan, copy, and send to my friend in an e-mail (forgive me … I should probably be tweeting it or sharing it in an iCloud) … I’ll have to go into work and use the PC there. Too complicated to execute on this wonderfull rectangle of narcissism that we’ve bought into.

  197. Patrick says:

    Even though Macs aren’t very customisable. they are good machines to do things with. THEY JUST WORK. my dad has had to reload windows computers so many times.

  198. dafunklull says:

    Arien Peoples Personal Luxury Electronics.
    Hence why its always white why its always over priced and why their fans are as Fanatical as the Nazi SS. its just not cool anymore. When buying apple, Your saying I’m Cattle Please sell me Buzz words and rainbows. because I am too stupid to rationalize true value. Shoveling cash in to a furnace.

  199. DeltaZach says:

    I believe this unprofessional article is wrong. The graphics are perfectly fine for me, and games run smoothly. Watching anything on it is perfectly fine also. I’d better respect this article if it hadn’t insulted the Mac’s fanbase, and if it took the mature way and didn’t use curse words or insults at all. I can’t believe you people call this a professional article.

  200. Jim Finn says:

    ITS REALLY SIMPLE, AFTER 10 YEARS OF USING APPLE COMPUTERS, I KNOW THAT APPLE IS NOT IN THE COMPUTER BUSINESS … They are now making all the mistakes MicroSoft (and a thousand now unknown computer wannabe ‘s) made decades ago … no quality or product … FINAL …testing and control before release) saves labor cost and gets rid of pesky real users). However, maybe a watch .. or pretty tablet ..that also disappears when held sideways (no connections) is your preference … even if it relies on wireless connections that do not work with security setting on “really tough to break in” and firewalls – on. By the way the tablets or Macs can only connect physically to your wallet, ,,, but they are super thin – like cool fashion models — but who EVER said they wanted that ???
    I simply want a better 2010 MacBook Pro with all repeat all the connectors. no Thunder crap or wiz usb3. AND I WILL PAY FOR THAT (QUAD PROCESSORS) Where is Steve J when he is needed.


  201. Lowe says:

    Can’t even watch movie in Mac and waste a lot of time to teach GF how to do standard activities such as watching movie via her Macbook Pro. She’s Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable and look cool. I gave up on her and break up because we are living in 2 different worlds.

  202. Sami Hesa says:

    Mac’s are great HARDWARE. My MacBook 17″ is a very good laptop FOR RUNNING DEBIAN GNU/LINUX. About their operating systems or software… No comments. :)

  203. Your Name says:

    I have a new Macbook Pro and it SUCKS!!!! It is not for someone trying to multi-task. Too many steps. This is not at all good for a business person.

  204. Your Name says:

    Yeah I Agree Mac sucks because everything is there way or the highway Proprietary bullshit, oh you have to do it this way or that… Windows operating system is more open ended too.

  205. Tukoah says:

    Your wrong about one thing. MAC OS SUCKS. The hardware rocks. If you buy a “comparable” IBM it will cost about the same. MAC hardware is consistently superior to IBM compatible hardware.

  206. Frank says:

    Mike/Bobberino +100500. Basically there is no reason for arguing. The OS of Apple machines even is not in the same class as Windows. Of course being a fanboys you don’t wanna accept this fact. Brain-washing, typical style of your favorite company.

  207. Bobberino says:

    Fucking apple fangays over here trying to protect their overpriced pieces of s**t hardware that Steve C**t made. Classic example of cult brain-washed, narcissistic brainless people that eats up apple’s poo like it’s gold.

    Grow up and open your fucking eyes. How is any of their stuff even worth your time, you fucking hippies?

  208. Tellit says:

    Sorry,,,, maybe it is due to how dated this article is (2009) that it seems like you never owned or even used a mac before, but if you are taking so much time to write such a long blog/article/nonsense, at least make sure you know what you are writing about.

    Seriously spreading un-accurate information is so easy on the web.
    But then you writing about it probably out of frustration of not being able to figure out where to turn on the “Right Click”.

    Anyway, to whoever reads this article, this “DUDE” has it all wrong, there is hardly a true word in it. my advice is to get your info from somewhere else.

  209. Mike says:

    I love it!! Apples are cute but they are not for serious computing by any means.. They are for the kids, moms, and the elderly to play games and do social media.. Light email. lol (new Outlook app available at the Apple store!)

  210. But they are so pretty says:

    Apple provides a tightly controlled operating system running on very limited hardware range which is a huge advantage for them. They are more trouble free both hardware and software wise but that is due to the control Apple retains over their hardware and OS and they charge a premium for that. As far as the average user, and most users really are in that category despite what they think, if you can afford that premium they provide what the majority of people really need. The reality is that this controlled hardware software combination is a highly desirable state. It’s what Windows strives for in a corporate environment having only one or two models of laptops and desktops at any one time running a known corporate image on a consistent and known hardware configuration which makes those systems far easier to support. I make my living working with Microsoft products for a financial institution and software wise our systems are very stable. In the home I live with a highly creative multimedia hobbyist so I have exposure to Macs as well and the 7 year old iMac is still contributing as a daily driver for the kids. I now mostly recommended Macs to family members and friends for ease of use and overall reliability (less calls for support to me). I still don’t use one but for what the real majority of people need for email, web, audio, video and entertainment the Apple products come out of the box ready to go and you don’t need to blow the preinstalled image away because of hardware vendor cramming it with their branded add ons and malware (bad Lenovo). You do have a lack of choice with Apple but for most that is a very attractive piece of hardware that still provides all they need so they don’t see that as a limitation and lets be honest if you don’t ever need to cross that limitation line then it doesn’t really exist.

  211. William says:

    Funny and appropriate read as I stare at my IMac- with a white screen and apple with a bite…$1200.00 for this wonderful sight. Come up with the ability to install a damned OS without having to jump through hoops or pack everything up, stuff in vehicle and visit the “geniuses” and maybe I could join the fanboy club. All this, as I type my woeful diatribe on my surface pro.

  212. Your Name says:

    couldnt agree more, the mac im reading this on sucks bawls. (wasnt my idea to get this piece of s**t) doing my homework at the georgia institute of technology is damn near impossible on this apple bullshit.

  213. Celso says:

    1- Not talking about the product itself, basic ad-hominem.

    2- Apple products are, in general, slightly pricier than other alternatives. Not ridiculously overpriced if you take everything into account (and compare them to similar products – this includes not only cpu/gpu specs, but materials used, screen/touchpad/battery quality, etc.), but I’ll still give you half a point here. A bit more expensive, yes.

    3- I’m writing this on a mac that has 2 thunderbolt ports, 2 usb 3.0 and guess what? HDMI! That makes you… hmm… wrong.

    4- Sheer idiocy. I won’t even bother commenting on this asides from saying that you just stated your completely lack of knowledge about operating systems. Read a book.

    5- Sheer idiocy (again, I’m starting to notice a trend here). Every mac in the last 10 years or so has supported right click out of the box.

    6- Lets break this down:

    1) You can get the date by clicking it, having a menu bar app like fantastical, or opening dashboard via a key or screen corner or gesture. I’ll still give you half a point for this one, just to be fair.

    2) You can see minimized windows. You can adjust dock behavior and appearance (at least as much as you can the windows start bar – hidden/non hidden, size, magnification or not. It’s a tie in customization.) No points here for you, just more lies.

    3) The behavior will depend on the program: there are programs that benefit greatly from this, as you might want to close the windows but still have the program running. Not 100% consistent, I’ll give you that, but then again I NEVER close a program by clicking the tiny close button, it is too slow – either command+w to close window or command+q to quit the app. The equivalent to what I would do in windows. Still, if you are a complete noob, I guess I can give you 1/2 a point for this one as well. (I’m being generous here!)

    4) You have command tab + expose. In realistic scenarios, this is vastly superior to the windows experience. There might be extreme cases where it isn’t (30 open windows belonging to the same app, maybe), but that affects what? 0.01% of users? Design is always a trade-off, and in this case it pays for the mac. No points, sorry.

    5) Full points for this one! Yes, it is true, yes it is annoying. However I have an app called better touch tool that mimics the snapping from windows 7, so I have no problems with maximizing. It should be an option out of the box, though, so I give you full credit for this one.

    6) Hmm… No, it doesn’t. Select 100 images, open them in preview, they all open in the same window. Back to the lying?

    7) Yes you can, with trackpad gestures.

    7 – Completely false. A working mac under load will not freeze more than an equivalent windows, it will be about the same. And viruses are still way less prevalent in mac systems.

    8 – Any bundled software is VASTLY superior in every way to bundled software in windows. Mail, iPhoto, GarageBand and iMovie blow anything microsoft offers out of the water (want to talk about the joke that is MovieMaker? LOL). What about the microsoft equivalents of iPhoto or garageband? Oh wait… As for other software, last time I checked I could get Office for mac, iWork (which is superior for the COMMON user and not available for windows), the whole Adobe Suite, VLC has been out for mac for YEARS, Final Cut, Logic, Aperture, (all mac exclusive), and pretty much anything. This is maybe the worst offender of your whole list. I suggest removing your head from your own ass.

    9 – I’ll give you a point for gaming, sure, credit where it’s due. Macs have been getting progressively better at it, but windows still reigns. Although I can already play pretty good stuff on a mbpro, and I guess the situation will be much better in a few more years.

    10 – Again with the customization… I’ll give you no points here until you show exactly what you can change in windows that you can’t in the mac (since your point was clearly about changing the graphical aspect of the system). Last time I checked, windows allowed you to 1- change the start bar position (which mac os also does with the dock) 2- Change wallpaper and screensaver (same) 3- change the windows between acceptable aero and horrid classic (macs fortunately don’t allow you to make them horrible looking) and… in terms of looks that’s about it.

    Ok, let’s count, shall we?

    You made, counting the subpoints on section 6, 16 claims. Of those, in all honesty and fairness, I can grant you 3,5 points. Most of the rest was either:

    1- Having no idea about how to work with a mac or its capabilities
    2- Wanting a mac to behave like windows like that would be inherently superior
    3- Blatant lies and misinformation (really, how hard is it to do a google search and know that there are macs with HDMI, or right click, or at least know the difference between BSD and Unix, or …. etc etc etc)

    Macs are far from perfect. Every computer is. But as a Mac and Windows user I could make a bigger list of TRUE problems with Macs / MacOs than you could, and without resorting to misinformation and pure slander.

  214. Failures of the macbook pro says:

    I bought from a computer containing faulty hardware.
    The graphics card was designed and built in a way that caused failure in the machine in a short period of time. The computer is now completely unusable.
    I looked on the internet and it seems hundreds of thousands of macbooks have the exact same problem.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if each and every macbook of that generation failed as mine and many others have.
    Apple are still procrastinating with a replacement plan. It has been a terrible purchase.

  215. Your Name says:

    you are awesome thos mac fans suck

  216. Your Name says:

    f**k macs they are bullshit

  217. Ihateyou says:

    I hate you

  218. cornelius says:

    and i am reading this on a mac.. lol so true

  219. You Idiot says:

    Couldn’t even finish this article because you’re incomprehensibly wrong. #3 (Macs don’t have an hdmi port) While technically true (They don’t) They have this great thing called a thunderbolt port which has adapters to go to literally all of the ports. I have two adapters, one for HDMI and one for VGA. For both it cost me maybe $15. Whats better. A port that does all of the things, or a port that does one thing? #4 Absolutely, impossibly wrong. In fact so wrong that you either have to be an idiot to believe that or you know full well that it is wrong yet you still try to pass it as correct. Linux is completely different from BSD. While they are both based of off unix thats like saying that a car and a plane are the same thing because they both have engines. Also the BSD that apple uses is licensed, its not free. And its that same unix base thats makes it better than Windows. Windows needs a compatibility layer in order to even support Unix things (read: the internet). #5 There is no right-f*cking-click! Um two fingers is a right click. #8 . Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best. No. I have updated my ram, hard drive and processor with out having to buy apple hardware. as for software, the only reason I use mac is because I can’t get the software I need on Linux. #9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs. So tired of this one. NOT EVERYONE F*CKING GAMES! #10. Macs are not flexible or customizable. IT. IS. NOT. A. LINUX. DISTRO. Also if you know how to use mac like a poweruser, You can do all of those things.

  220. Alex says:

    Macs fucking suck. Period

  221. F**k Mac says:

    F**k Macs. Adjusting nearly any option is harder to do on a Mac than a PC, it requires more clicks, more user input, and is usually in obscure places you have to go digging around in the OS for.

    F**k Macs

    OSx is s**t.
    Windows is s**t.

  222. Gordon Freeman says:

    @Yur Mom

    Not sure if you’re a troll or anything.

    If not,

  223. Yur mum says:


  224. Your Name says:

    All of these comments, are 100% true.

  225. more like ultra noob ;) says:

    up until gpl v3 osx was loaded with software taken directly from the linux side of things. even much of the stuff taken from *bsd (mostly freebsd i hear) is a rewrite of linux software to allow for bsd licensing which in turn allows apple to use it in proprietary applications. for the record, i personally see nothing wrong with this practice. in any case, it’s impossible to deny that osx is little more than 4 to 6 year old linux. if you read the release history for these applications you’ll see why this doesn’t really matter, and why arguing over any of it is pointless. i’m a nerd so i use linux mainly because i feel the need to own the newest shiniest things, but nothing wrong with using apple if you can afford it and feel comfortable with it’s design.

  226. ultra dork says:

    LOL os x is NOT linux and has NOTHING to do with linux. Linux is a clone of Unix System V, OS X is descended from BSD Unix.

  227. ultra dork says:

    LOL os x is NOT linux and has NOTHING

  228. Brendan says:

    Lol, it is true mac’s seriously dont have god dam right-click buttons. By god I hate them so much I got a friend that is like what you call it everything is apple products seriously wtf your usbs get screwed up literally. Then when they do u gotta refucking format it wtf stupid macs.

  229. Frank says:

    So, first of all – I don’t think Apple is the devil. And never did, by the way. Their gadgets are nothing more than overrated and overpriced rubbish. Sorry, fanboys, but it’s my personal opinion. Average Mac is not better than average PC (excluding design, but you should take a look at modern HPs, Dells, Asuses, Acers, etc; their design becomes better and better with every model). So, if you like glamorous gadgets – go buy Mac. At the same time, if you want a real deal – buy PC.

  230. Chuck says:

    My goodness. This post and most of the comments bleed of ignorance. You obviously had 2 bad experiences and therefore stereotype apple as the devil. I went from having a complete line of Microsoft products (I still have my zune, I just don’t use it but it was great and still works) to experimenting and going for the complete trade-over to apple after trying everything out. My computers are over 6 years old, still running strong. And Apple computers are not built to have fun on, they are to do work on, especially handy with music production. But to say it’s not customizable is to tell me your head is stuck up your ass because I’ve changed everything from my mouse cursor to my wallpaper, dock size/layout/positioning/presence, drive icons, menu support colours, etc. Your post is bad and you should feel bad, but then again when your research is compiled like this? I’d rather you stick to Windows because it fits you better.

  231. Zool says:

    Apple is indeed a narcissistic personality incorporated. Everything is severely euphemized and glorified to something unrealistic and nauseating. Calling their sales-personnel ‘geniuses’, or calling everything ‘i’ or ‘me’, are a mere few examples of their ego.

    One thing most Apple-users I personally have encountered have in common, is a complete lack of knowledge about technology, and a smug smile when presenting their gadgets.

    “I prefer Apple because the icons aren’t oriented at the left,” is one example of their comments about their Apple-fanaticism. “Apple is more for the intellectuals,” dared the same person to add.

    And this person used the Mac for really advanced things, like surfing the web, and playing ‘The Sims’. She merely wanted to Look intellectual, not be an Actual intellectual. [Yes, there’s more about her confirming this hypothesis.]

    But I digress: if you like Apple, use it! But do not expect people to believe in the tenets of the Apple-religion.

    Apple is perfect if you: A) do not know much about technology. B) do not want to know much about technology. C) are not a gamer. D) obsessively want to hold on to that which was great many years ago. E) are ignorant over threats (e.g. many here comments about viruses coming from illegal sites, which is a myth: almost all viruses comes from legal sites!) F) do not want to think for yourselves. G) want to appear as something you’re not.

    You need four or more of these to be diagnosed as an Apple Narcissist.

    And kudos to one of my honest Apple-loving friend, for admitting: “I don’t know a s**t about technology, so I chose Apple ’cause I find it simple and easy to use”.

  232. Clint Gomez says:

    Ooohhh my fucking god you could not have explained that any better. It is like nazi Germany hijacked linux and this is the result. A fucking death camp.

  233. User3342 says:

    It’s not that MAC sucks, MAC doesn’t suck. It’s just notably inferior to IBM-PC.

  234. Nightwing says:

    1. I’m a student, and my Macbook Air is the best computer ever. Free photo-editing, word, presentation, film, fraps, music software with the purchase of my Mac. These gadgets pay for the computer itself.
    2. True…however, if you’re intelligent you can get a 13″ Macbook Air For $599; I got mine at the Davis-Monthan AFB BX for $599 on boxing day with no additional taxes. Also, if you change your location on the apple store, the prices dramatically decrease
    3.You can get external adapters for these extra ports. The only reason why they are usually not included is because it takes away from the space of the computer, and its usually advertised as lightweight
    4. Point is true…yet I find that at the end, I am offended to read the insults. When you insult any minority (or majority) without a valid conflict, than the point becomes invalid
    5. Have you checked the settings? Have you ever searched it up in the ‘HELP”? Even if you don’t, Ill have you know that you are supposed to use 2 FINGERS for this problem. Click on the trackpad with 2 fingers, you get an options bar.
    6. ~Just click on it for a full date. Its not even necessary if your writing a document using Pages, it automatically fills it in for you (How Convenient!!!)
    ~its easier to just do ‘Command-q’,
    ~Use I-Photo
    ~The rest of the points were not clear
    7. This will happen with EVERY COMPUTER!!! especially if your RAM is low and you have a million other things open. I find that the anti-virus software works perfectly fine…unless you roam onto illegal download sites like ‘The Pirate Bay’ and download something that is prone to viruses
    8. Never had a problem with any of those.
    9. Not necessarily, I had a friend that bought an OP Alienware with 32GB RAM, and yet my Macbook Air with 4 GB RAM ran 3 times as fast on most games. You really don’t need a super-fast gaming computer unless that is the way you make money. (What is wrong with my generation)
    10.That point i will agree with, especially when it comes to using programs like GIS, ArcMaps, ArcGIS (anything ESRI Based). These programs are widely used and have no support for IOS.

    There are a lot of up sides to owning a mac, and there are many downsides (Just like any computer). Every computer fits a certain persons needs. If you’re going to disdain a certain brand, make sure your data is actually accurate. I de-bunked most of your points. If you would have focused on more prominent problems (Limiting your i-Cloud Keychain, no ESRI integration, little customization, touchscreen integration, etc etc etc) rather than those that can be easily avoided or fixed just by changing a couple settings.

  235. milk says:

    Its so funny how upset apple fanboys get hahaha WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHH WAHHHH

  236. Frank says:

    Yes, and it definitely will not be a Mac. Not a Windows fan boy really, just owned a Mac gadgets. Useless, great for glamorous teenagers. Sorry, fan boys, just a opinion based on the experience.

  237. Not Talking S**t says:

    Okay, the name is bullshit. I’m talkin’ S**t.

    First off, read my review before you give me bullshit replies. First off, this is an EXTREMELY outdated review, and is out of reason. First off, it’s a beefy computer; You don’t get viruses on this side, whereas I can get many viruses from them other computers.

    Second, I use my Mac for mostly gaming, and almost nothing else. Before you criticize me, yes, I AM a 14 year old. But no, I do also have a life, and no, I don’t get bullied in school. You can customize basically every fucking thing on a Mac. Bullshit, graphics is good on this, and I can see every fucking thing. Maybe the screen isn’t bright enough, but that’s fine.

    Third, I can download everything I want. Besides, if you don’t want a shitty mouse, GO FUCKING BUY ANOTHER ONE FROM ANOTHER FUCKING STORE!

  238. Greg says:

    Guys, I’m pretty sure this article is a joke.

  239. Your Name says:

    Apple is for retarded self centered egoistic fat boys.

  240. Jordan says:

    Mac sucks period

  241. true_eulb says:

    What are you talking about crazy person. 75% of your predicament is nonsense. And the rest is questionable.
    Mac is based on UNIX not linux.
    I love linux but to say mac osx is based on linux only clarify your lame knowledge on computer history.
    The terminal is not a linux concept. The terminal is the natural way to speak with a computer. The graphical part (the click and drag) is what they put on top to let people like you use computers.
    There is no such thing as viruses or anti-virus on this side of the border.
    Is not that mac can’t be customized is that you don’t know how it’s done. (you can open 100 images in one window, you don’t know how. Date displays the format you select, again you don’t know how to do it, etc….).
    Here is the thing; windows has fucked up your brain my friend. Forget the right click and the window specific key combinations they are not computer knowledge. And please don’t talk about things you don’t know.

  242. Your Name says:

    What are you talking about crazy person.

    There is such thing as virus or anti-virus in macs.

  243. Michael says:

    Funny stuff. I love the anti-fanboy attitude of the Windows crowd. Funny that you all are just as big fanboys as any apple fanboy out there.

    I don’t even know where to begin debunking this article as your either going to believe this shite or not based on whatever biases you bring in to it, but man, the only thing I agree with here is the stolen Linux backbone, but considering all of windows is stolen from corral and Xerox I don’t see how that can even be mentioned with a straight face. The price issue? Really? your going to compare an outdated machine with a two year old processor to a mac? If you were comparing top of the line Sony or Samsung then we can talk. The spread between a comparably equipped mac to a windows machine is about $200 on average. more money yes but not as the article states.

    My mac doesn’t crash when running multiple apps, so that’s just made up fanboy nonsense. Also while viruses do exist for mac, the Windows malware is far more prevalent and will commonly bring down the average users machine with ease. Yes, you can virus scan and change the way programs behave when you open them, but the average user doesn’t know how to do that nor do they want to be bothered.

    At the end of the day, it just a preference issue. Widows machines don’t suck, they’re just a little different. Flaws exist on both machines. About the only thing I’d like to see is you windows fanboys just admit that you are just that, fanboys. This article is one big windows circle jerk and if you think for a minute you don’t do that same shite the apple fanboys do then your not looking in the mirror objectively.

    P.S. Linux is better than either operating system.

  244. Todd Lehman says:

    In case none of you fools have realized, Apple is not in the business of providing innovative APIs and development paradigms to people who actually write code, they are in the business of making marginally better device-OS frameworks seem to perform better than alterrnative frameworks/platforms by convincing existing users that “Apple knows best” and similar incorrect, and readily disproved assertions. But sheeple, who have parted with $500-$900 for the latest “Crapple” device, are resistant to recognition of their folly.

  245. Keith says:

    If you need to file a tax return, keep in mind that TurboTax will not install and run on the MAC–not enough users to justify Intuit’s effort to port it. My major complaints about the MAC:

    1-Arrangement of keys on keyboard and need to relearn commands
    2-The price is outrageous and the options are very limited

    What I like: The MacBook Air is very portable.

    What I use most: Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon. I used to use WinXP a lot. I also use Ubuntu 14.04 and Win7 on a laptop. Linux Mint 17 is the bomb!

    50+ years in computing–analyst, programmer and user.

  246. Your Name says:

    they suck

  247. xXx_MacHater420_xXx says:

    True dat’


    Worms run faster than macs.

  248. sparky says:

    and that’s why it’s called CRAPPLE

  249. Patrick says:

    I got a used Imac with Tiger Osx on it and you cant upgrade programs or download games on it nothing works
    thats cause most of the world uses Windows and programmers stop making stuff for it cause no body is using it
    what a waste of 80 dollars

  250. Abs says:

    There is a right click on mac….im using a macbook pro as we speak… just need to change it in the settings and then ur lower right corner of your track bad becomes a right button

  251. Liz says:

    Every search I do online about how to do anything on my Mac is filled with obscenities – and up comes your post! I bought this piece of crap Mac thinking it would replace my PC. Not in my lifetime. Thankfully the PC is still hanging on so I can use it to look up how to do the *simplest* things on this piece of ****. What a farce. But my searches for how to do anything on any of the newer MS programs (and I’m still at least one version behind) are similarly filled with obscenities since they bite too nowadays.

  252. Frank says:

    To Jonathan: OWNED MacBook (that white plastic s**t) and it SUCKS. Sold it.

  253. Rick says:

    I bought a MacBook Pro (i7, 8Gb ram) at the end of last year. I was happy at the beginning but now I hate it. It slower than Windows, it freezes with simple tasks, it has a very stupid way to maximise or minimise the windows. Third party software fails worst than with Windows. Printers configuration options are much more limited than with Windows (same printer). Everything needs more clicks than in Windows. It really sucks!

  254. Jonathan says:

    This is opinionated bullshit, plus you can’t judge something that you’ve never owned

  255. NIGGABOY says:

    Mac is s**t. Always so proud and braggy for their low end cheap devices

  256. Meh says:

    I hate macs. Slow and overpriced. No cut and paste function which drives me nuts. I put in my new 2T external hard drive into the mac for the time machine thing, now I can’t use it for anything else and don’t know how to format it again to use on Windows. Driving me nuts.

  257. Dan says:

    I put together a picture of Bill Gates and Jesus at the Procession to Calvary to illustrate the very point of this article:

    Comments welcome!

  258. VAM says:

    Forgot these reasons as well.

    11. Techie Work : Everyone always has that one friend or relative that “fixes computers”. They usually do the repairs for free or barter a service such as 2 liter mountain dew, cigarettes and a few snickers bars. The large majority of users have PC’s. So if you get a Mac, there is a strong chance that you wont have a friend or relative who can fix it for “free” as listed previously, so you have to pack the WHOLE computer back in the box and ship it off.

  259. Michael says:

    After shelling out what must be tens of thousands of dollars over the years for apple products, today I reached breaking point with their iCloud Security Password and Questions update. Back in the day, Apple introduced an “” service. it worked well enough for my purposes but the team at apple came up with “” to replace it. All was working well enough until Apple forced us all onto iCloud. For some this meant changing their email address (now for the third time in only a few short years). For others like myself who want to hold onto their old email address, it has meant countless phone calls to Apple Support – all of whom have been stumped and confused themselves, as my “” account for iTunes needs one set of passwords and security questions, whilst my “” needs an entirely different set. Also, Apple did not automatically create the same email addresses when they switch to “” meaning some unknown person has the same prefix to my “” email address as I might have changed to a new “” email address. Furthermore, purchases I made when “” (my AppleID) first came out are not transferrable or merge-able with any other AppleID making for multiple accounts.
    Today I was asked to update my credit card details in iCloud (even though I’d already done this in my iTunes account). In order to do that I was forced to change my password yet again. This must be the 10th password change I’ve had in 2 years – and will need to change that password on ALL of my devices. Then I was asked to answer 3 security questions which I vaguely remember having to answer some years back, but none of which bear any reference to my life (who was your favourite teacher – none of them; where was your least favourite job – my last one; what was the first car you owned – never owned a car). After calling Apple and going through the entire “”, “”, “” scenario, the gentleman tells me that he cannot reset the security questions or answers for at least another 8 hours as yet another added security feature. Then why the heck did the website ask me to give my phone number to Apple to have them call me, and to go through the process of getting several one-time only pins. This with the absolute rubbish iOS 8 release, the dodgy iPhone 6 reviews and that absolutely useless Apple Watch that’s coming out means that, for me, my Apple days are over. They have become w-a-y too efficious and unstreamlined the way they once were. Mr Cook might still be touting “it just works” in his keynote presentations, but the truth of the matter is that it just works some of the time, and not without some heart ache along the way.

  260. Fieldsy says:

    Thankyou APPLE

  261. A smarter guy then you says:

    Apple did not invent FireWire. FireWire is faster then USB and mostly for cameras that support it (and various other media devices) apple never invented anything at all. And to the idiot in comments, no apple is not for business, it’s literally for media. PC has dominated the business aspect for computers for years (since before apple Lisa) remember IBM?

  262. Taco says:

    I’m currently using a macbook pro work computer, and it is the shittiest computer I’ve ever used, Currently looking into a PC (possibly Alienware) for Mechanical Engineering. ~Thanks to ED’s comment, I’ve completely decided to never buy a mac, ever.

  263. Frank says:

    To thisarticleisinvalid: Hmmm, do you really have any experience with Win8? Actually, Windows Defender (antivirus) IS included in Win8.

    And now Apple decided to make us happy with other overpriced piece of s**t: iPhone6. For the info – this “chef d’oeuvre” got 1GB RAM. Se voila.

  264. Kashew says:

    If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll live it’s entire life believing it is stupid. Honestly. Apple products are not for the people who know their stuff about computers. They’re not for the people know how to build their own computers or write their own OSs. It’s not for those people like to tinker with the machine and make it better, replacing different components of the machine and rewiring it, having fun re-creating the machine to make it run more efficiently, and with more power. If you want something like that, get a PC. For these types of people, PC will always be better because PCs allow you to do all these things. PC was built by, and for these types of people. Apple products or not. I’m not saying that Apple products are for stupid people, I’m saying that Apple products are for people who are fine with being restricted,because you don’t feel like they’re being restricted, seeing as they don’t understand The infinite amount of ways the computer can be taken apart and reconstructed, and what each way is capable of doing, and they don’t care. Apple products are the people who are happy to work with what’s given to them, and don’t care about what else could be used, or what other ways they could be used, even if it makes the machine better.

  265. thisarticleisinvalid says:

    The person who wrote this article obviously does not know how to use a mac. Macs are meant for business, not gaming. It may be overpriced but you are paying for the quality of the computer. Also windows is vulnerable and you have to pay a lot more than $2500 to buy the computer and pay for all of the repairs and antiviruses. I own a windows vista and it is a lot better than windows 8. Before windows 8, I was okay with windows, but now they have screwed me over.

  266. Jill says:

    Apple = waste of money. A S**t Waste of Money

  267. Sam says:

    therealmacuser is officially retarded. you cant just say stuff without any proof. Macs are by far the most restrictive, expensive and theyare also horrible quality. Has anyone noticed that Anything apple tends to break a hell of a lot more thhan anything else. The only thing mac are good at doing is making their computers look good, and I dont know who would be retarded enough to get one instead of a cheaper much better windows HP computer

  268. Mallie says:

    Thank you!!! I am so tired of this Apple craze and people telling me how superior Apple products are. Um no, totally not. I was blessed this past year with the ability to FINALLY get rid of my iPhone and my iPad and I could not be happier. My new devices are completely customize-able, have more capabilities, and actually allow me to be productive instead of just being glorified gaming devices, that I can’t really use at all for Uni or work.

  269. Ed says:

    Wow. Where to begin.
    Background: I am an Electrical Engineer, a Computer Engineer, and a Network Engineer with a completed degree from one of the most distinguished universities in the world. I have 30 years of computer engineering experience including IBM. I started my own Computer Support/Network Engineering/IT Support firm 20 years ago, before a lot of you fanboys were born. Today it is a going concern with 12 employees. I am the guy that the other IT guys come to when they need help.
    I have used nearly every OS there is. I have written literally millions of lines of software in high level languages down to assembler and machine code and even microcode – the level below machine code literally fixed inside the processor and the one that most people have never even heard of much less have the foggiest concept what it is. I am the real deal – you will not find a deeper, wider tech person than me. This isnt bragging – I am just establishing the weight I bring to the table.
    If that’s not enough: At my finger tips right now, as I type, all for JUST me to use: qty5 screens, a total of 48 threads of processing power, 160-GB ram, 16TB hard drive space. Mostly windows2012r2 server, with some win7/win8/vmware/linux thrown in for variety. And this isnt even my main station.
    If you think that i dont like macs because i cant afford one, then you are an egotistical twit. I could go, right now, down to the applestore and buy qty 15 of the best macs in the store with what i have in my dang daily-expense checking account.
    Here is the thing that i know will happen: all the wet-behind-the-ears mac fanboys will claim that i made up all of the above, but if that’s you, you will just have to be happy in your own ignorance because every word is true.
    Here is what I can say with absolute authority: osx is designed to force you into a very, very small little world where you cant do anything except a few specifically allowed safe things. It makes for a stable world. It makes for a cool carefree world. It makes for a mostly virus- and threat-free world. It is a world that is so small and simple and unimaginative that the machine can do your work for you. If your work encompasses a severely limited set of needs, then mac and osx is for you. If however, you want to actually accomplish something, and you dont mind bringing at least half a brain to the table, then get a real computer and put win7pro, win8pro, or linux on it. And do in in a virtualized environment so you can really get some power.
    I know that there are a bunch of hipster mac fanboys out there who are wanting to cry and go find mommy, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad should have made you tougher. But read ’em and weep. OSX is the worst os i ever used – bar none even going back to the 70’s, out of a total of about 30. You mac fanboys can’t even name more than 3 operating systems, so dont even try to tell me I have no basis for my statements.
    Who is more believable – the guy who has used everything for many many years, or the guy who is too narrow-minded to use anything but a mac, and/or too young to have seen anything else, and/or too insecure to do anything but the cool/shiney/fad but ultimately useless thing?

  270. Derf says:

    Long time Macintosh user here. I switched from Amiga. I bought my last piece of Apple hardware in 2007. It was an 8-core Mac Pro. So far, Apple has done everything they can to make the hardware obsolete. I’m sorry, but a machine with 8 3.0GHz Xeon cores is not obsolete. F**k Apple right in their stupid asses. I wouldn’t even buy an iPod.

    One tiny detail though. It seems like the author of this article (and many of the commentators) do not understand UNIX kernels. OSX is built on a Mach microkernel, which splits off tasks into as many subthreads as possible running in userspace. Linux is a monolithic kernel, which is basically one big executable that runs in kernelspace. It’s a technical difference, but one that is significant. OSX and Linux have nothing in common except being POSIX compliant.

  271. NubbyJohnston says:

    Apple sucks cock

  272. Ernest Reichardt says:

    I am proud to say I just save a person from buying an Ipad, it was easy ,I just showed them , The power cord from the Ipad I bought and a set of apple ear phones ,and I ask him with this cheap power cord and ear phones , How good can the Ipad be , then I told him about , Apple’s sorry customer service , and then I told him he would be much better off with a samsung . He agreed . And apple has lost a sale. And I will not stop until I drop dead , or until Apple replaces their cheap power cords with a descent one , and come up a descent set of ear phones that match the quality they claim their IPads are . And their customer service is real . And not as phony as the products they sell ! Have a nice day apple. Ernest Reichardt

  273. Ernest Reichardt says:

    The guy showing his nipple is quite tacky , I hope in the future , it dose not come back to haunt him , It’s quite discussing but I am sure that is what you were trying to achieve , mission accomplished nipple boy , I would have said nipple man , but real men do not need shock value to be recognize ! Ernest Reichardt

  274. Ernest Reichardt says:

    It took 9 months for me to finely to get an Apple ID changed , I followed the instructions to the letter, and it would even varafiy my account when I created it , but it still would not change , and customer service refused to help for my protection of corse ! But finely A customer service person walked me through it ,and come to find it was a glitch in their system that cause it to skip part of the info that it need and jumped strait to varafacation . And finely changed [email protected] to [email protected] but this story gets even better, I am playing clash of clans and I can’t purchase gems to upgrade my base because the game was downloaded on another account . Apple’s customer service advise start over , erase the clash of clans that I have ,and down load it again , I inform them that I had money in the game ,I was playing and if I deleted it I would lose everything that I had worked 9 months to build not to mention the money I have in the game. Apple responce was were sorry sir that is all we can do, I had the same problem with an , android ipad I bought from my , Heartland catalog for 60 dollars and Google said no problem and fixed it just like that, That tells me I should never have purchase an apple , but I was lied to , I was told that Apple was the best , all apple has shown me is a stiff neck , I already purchased the Ipad they don’t have to give a damn, and they do not ! Anyone want to buy my Ipad to me it may as we’ll be a maxi pad ! Ernest Reichardt

  275. Ernest Reichardt says:

    I purchase a Mac because I wanted a good computer , what I got was a curse , I can’t make any purchases because my email is wrong , I have had this ipad for 6 months and ,customer service refuse to help because , they say it for my own protection my email address that they are using is [email protected] it is suppose to be sandman60@ , I have created new accounts 15 times and it still uses [email protected] . I have explanaed it to customer service and they tell me they can’t fix it for my protection , I am screwed because I wanted a good computer and I heard apple was the best ,they are the best at wiping their asses with their customers , I hate , hate but I hate apple , and they could care less they already sold me an ipad for 800 dollars , if there is ever anything I can do to make apple suffer let me know . Ernest Reichardt

  276. Nik says:

    I hate mac specifically because of the limited software. At least with windows you get a lot of little tweaks which you could mostly get free and actually work fine. And to those who are claiming it isnt meant for gaming, in this time and age, every device with a gfx should be capable of gaming (eg any smartphone with a gfx). Thats rigidity

  277. Ric says:

    I have been trying to master an iMac 27″ (cost around $2000+) for about a year now. The beast still fighting back. Cannot get iMovie to work properly. Watching streaming movies from my WD TV box was also a pain as keeps freezing every so many minutes. By the way my iMac is a 16GB RAM, i5 CPU running at 2.9GHz, 1TB H/D. I just bought a humble AUS$600, Medion Aldi desktop with windows 8.1 64-bits, 3.1GHz MD AMD Readeon 10 compute cores (4+6)CPU, 8GB Memory and which never freezes while streaming down a movie from the same box. My local network is Ethernet cable connected… my HP Pavilion windows 7 LapTop, runs everything fine, my old XP PRO Torrents machine is a dream for what it does. All my machines see perfectly each other allowing exchange of files flawlessly in the local network. The iMac, however, is always having access security problems and refusing to do things. I have done quite a bit of tweaking to it but still no joy. I understand that the machine is well designed, according to reviews, but myself I cannot make it happen. The underlying Unix system is a proven system… Guess I need another year of trying… The iMac command line is extremely cryptic on its commands and I need to refer myself to a commands printout because the key combinations are really hard to remember. In my humble opinion the windows machines are a lot easier to use.

  278. Frank says:

    Macs freeze, absolutely agree. My ex-MacBook and ex-iPhones were freezing so bad, that I had to do hard resets, connect iPhones to iTunes to switch them on, etc, etc. Please, don’t believe when you are told that Mac products are very stable.

  279. Haza says:

    Ooohhhh I love to see all the comments.
    In fact, I didn’t read the article I’m just getting fun reading all the stuff people wrote.

    This is like watching a match in a Roman coliseum :-D

  280. TheRealMacUser says:

    Whoever wrote this is an idiot:

    1. The only business model for Apple is narcissim.
    Apple is reeeeeealy easy to use.

    2. Macs are ridiculously overpriced.
    There’s a reason for that. The quality, design and hardware is high-tech.

    3. Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends.
    No they don’t.

    4. Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux.
    Apple is PC and Linux combined in some way! Which makes it really good!

    5. There is no f*cking right-click!

    6. The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded.
    a. Look into calender.
    b. Uh, says who?
    c. Press Command + Q
    d. uh, you still can go between other applications
    e. True. Plus, who needs 100 photos anyways? View them one at a time.

    7. “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.)

    8. Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best.
    Like PC, you have to buy a licence.

    9. Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs.
    Mac is not a gaming computer. Simple as that.

    10. Macs are not flexible or customizable.

    Unless your using an old mac, this won’t work. If the new one’s still have the same problem, you are not using the Mac properly.

  281. Coolman2865 says:

    If it doesn’t work then look in MOUSE or TRACKPAD in the system preferences.

  282. Coolman2865 says:

    You CAN right click…click with 2 fingers. Do ANY of you people know this stuff!!!???? In fact i’m commenting using one

  283. Macaddict says:

    Seriously mac can attract viruses????? You know better??? Look i have been using mac for 5 years and i never had any problems!!! Every works perfectly and everything is simple and easy and safe of course and doesnt need you to dounload screen recorders adivirus and stuff like that! So no Macs are much better than windows!!!!!!!

  284. Liam says:

    Supprisingly you are right about of the things, BUT……..

    Mac is overpriced because of the operating system, and the finish. Nobody can say that it is a bad design, cause it ain’t. At least it insn’t the cosmetic. And that about gaming: IT IS NOT MEANT FOR GAMING!! It is the same as take like a packard bell netbook. That is also not a gaming pc LIKE THE MAC!

    I am also using PC, but if it didn’t was that overpriced, I would use mac as daily computer, and PC ONLY for gaming :)

    – Liam.

  285. gurtsie says:

    You just hit the bulls eye man. I’d rather spend $2500 on a windows laptops and get a laptop with amazing specs and fantastic buil quality than spend it on this mac junk.

  286. cooper says:

    Why do people hate macs? people can have their own opinion about computers, but this opinion is not one that a normal person would recommend

  287. Lohren Michael says:

    i think everthing has its own pros & cons

    but with mac, i see a lot of cons with it compare to windows & linux: mac is too expensive & many hardwares arent compatible with it

  288. Ben says:

    NOT TRUE! Jk, yes it yes. Macs suck, lmao.

  289. Gill Bates says:

    I agree, mac is ridicilously expensive, and there is no way a computer can be that expensive.

  290. WINDOWS USER says:


  291. stacy says:

    The only people who have the above problems with Mac lack the kniwledge of how to use it properly and should do some research. With the right knowledge Mac is totally costumizable
    . The right click actually has plenty of options. I can easily drag and transfer files as well. Most of the time macbooks do last longer than your standard PC before they stop working. There are plenty of options for software and if one particular program doesn’t come with a specific Mac download it can easily be flipped by programs like flipformac. They even run automatically with out an extra step . $5 converters can easily be used to connect any type of media to your laptop. The speed of my Mac is amazing and it can easily multitask.I have no problem closing programs either.

  292. Frank says:

    Oh my, someone said it, finally. I owned iPhone 3, 4, iPod and a MacBook. For those who love to say – you have no money to buy a Mac/you never tried a Mac, etc, etc (favorite Mac Fanboys words). And now I’m happy that I sold all this crap. Mac products are overhyped, overpriced and overrated (by someone). Now I’m using 3 Windows 8.1. gadgets (including WinPhone 8.1.) and I can say that PCs are much better than any other shitty overrated trash. BTW, I was using Ubuntu (about a year) and it’s really great OS but a LITTLE bit complicated for me. But still cool in the same time.

  293. DaveTT says:

    Good article.
    I repair PCs and I’m often asked to repair Macs. I totally refuse to do so because I don’t wish to deal with money-grabbing Apple in any way, or buy Apple spares etc from Apple or their restricted outlets. Unlike Macs, PCs are easy to repair because they accept a wide range of both hardware and software without restrictions.

  294. JJMacey says:

    I was playing with OS X Maverick for a while, and was stunned by the complete lack of what I could do without rushing over to the Apple Store. Which, is actually a useless gesture. LOL!

    I should note that I have been running Linux for well over a decade, and as the Author correctly states, the Mac OS X is just a dumbed down version of Linux. And, a Linux Operating System is free, as well as, the 35,000+ applications. Jump on the Internet, and download, UBUNTU, Linux Mint, or another flavor, of Linux. Google started a flavor of Linux, and you know it as Android, or Chrome.

    I broke into that Walled Garden, and trust me that Apple is not just that sweet!

  295. Behind The Mask says:

    Macs are meant for creating things, they are designed to design. They are the leaders in this. I”m a gamer so ya I gonna really need a mac someday.

    Sarcasm at it’s peek.

  296. Carach says:

    It’s not true that MAC is prone to get viruses, thanks to MAC’s Unix concept. I agree with everything else though. MAC is pieceof overpriced, useless s**t. Why anyone would want to pay such high prices for closed-options-linux “distro”? Nonsence.

  297. James Watts says:

    1. MAC-OSX kernel’s Darwin is derived mainly on BSD and MAC with some Apple code and all the system programs and tools are taken from freeBSD.

  298. Chuck Woods says:

    Lg Ipod broke -2 yrs. Ipod shuffle screen dead -18 months. Macbook case cracked all over, bottom delaminated in 26 months. (And it never leaves the house). Apple makes crap. My non-mac products lasted for years. NO MORE APPLE PRODUCTS>

  299. zach says:

    To the ignorant dumbass that said windows copied mac, please try to make other people believe retarded things. Obviously the people on this article are going to have some to a lot of knowledge on computer history. Also who ever told you that needs to do a bit of research on hopefully a linux os or windows

  300. I just crapped a mac says:

    and it felt so good getting that out of me


  301. windows user says:

    just read this today. I am a windows user, and I have tried mac before, but just can’t get use to it.

  302. Windows says:

    I have one of the last Macs which were worth buying IMO. It is a PowerMac G5 dual-CPU system. I got it on ebay for like $200. Mainly I just wanted it so I could have a PowerPC architecture system.

    My main computer is a few years old… specs:

    ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 X58 motherboard
    Intel Core i7 920 CPU (overclocked to 3.6 GHz)
    12 GB 1333 MHz triple channel DDR3 RAM
    ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 2 GB GDDR5
    1 TB 7200 RPM HDD
    Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x64

    then my laptop:
    Intel Core i7 740QM (1.73 GHz, turbo to 2.93 GHz)
    8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 1 GB
    500 GB 7200 RPM HDD
    1920×1080 multi-touch touchscreen 15.6 inch
    Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x64, and Kubuntu Linux x64 dual-boot

    Overall I like Windows 8, a lot. It boots fast, and for me its easy to use and reliable. Also Windows has very nice diagnostic tools like SFC for any issues which may arise.

  303. steven says:

    I could never find an article that spells out everything that is wrong with mac os x, but there’s one thing missing, wtf is with the lack of continuity with the software freeware or otherwise? it seems people have to buy the latest machines along with the latest operating system….wtf!!

  304. AnoNymous says:

    Macs are pretty the way cough syrup is sweet. Macs and cough syrup both use an artificial coating of candy designed to obscure whatever the thing is actually doing.

    The other difference between a Mac and a PC is that the makers of Macs are arrogant, and the makers of PCs are humble.

    The makers of PCs say, “We know we don’t know what you’re going to do with our product, so we’re going to make it as easy as possible for you to see how it works and modify it to suit your needs. ‘Minimalist’ is not a logical approach; computers are complicated, and to pretend otherwise would only ensure that our users haven’t even the foggiest notion of what is actually going on in their computer. Better to make the complications accessible to our users.”

    The makers of Macs say, “We know exactly what you’re going to do with our product, so we’re going to make it as easy as possible for you to do exactly what we know you’re going to do. ‘Minimalist’ is a logical approach; users want simplicity, and to pretend otherwise would only ensure that our users haven’t even the foggiest notion of what is actually going on in their computer. Better to hide the complications to avoid confusing our users.”

    Mac limits possibility for their users to improve “aesthetics” and avoid “confusion;” PC opens possibilities for their users, to avoid limiting them by an arbitrary sense of aesthetics. The fact that I can go into a Windows computer and change the computer to make it do what I want… this is more aesthetically pleasing than a dozen bouncing toolbar logos ever will be.

    Also, the fact that the menu bar is at the top of the screen for all programs is f***ing annoying. On double screen computers like mine, it forces me to move the mouse all the way to the other screen every time I want to get to history or bookmarks. Not well-thought, Apple.

  305. Wut says:

    Yo don choma, the i7 isn’t a gpu. And the i73930k isn’t two years old, good job. Furthermore it’s Xeon, if you actually build comps for a living you’d know that. Apple has a contract with intel, they get the latest CPUs before PC manufacturers, so you’re wrong yet again. Also, intel doesn’t make discrete GPUs.

    I’m rolling in laughter at the guy who said he’s a ‘computer scientist’ yeah buddy, sure. I know people with PhDs in CS, No one ranks Windows above OS X in terms of being strictly an operating system.

  306. don choma says:

    I build comps for a living.Apple chips and gpus are dinosaurs when it comes to the best pc builds.They use two year old duel zeon chips and gpus that don’t even come close to the i7 3930k which is two years old.The video cards are so out dated its not even worth talking about.Apple fan people get a life and really wake up to whats happening in the comp. world.Pro 8 works great if you have a clue what you are doing with a comp.DON.

  307. machater says:

    “8. Hey, Macs are PCs
    By which I mean that Leopard’s Boot Camp feature – and better yet the Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion virtualisation utilities – let you run Windows, and Windows applications, on a Mac.
    I’m listing this last because I ultimately see running Windows on a Mac as a last resort: it’s usually not necessary, and it degrades some of the other virtues of the Mac, such as protection from Windows security risks. But when it’s valuable, it’s really valuable.”

    This isn’t a limitation of PC’s, it’s a limitation artificially imposed by Apple. If you like you can use “illegal hacks” to run OSX on pc hardware. Google “hackintosh”. But if you try to run OSX on a PC alongside windows or in VMWare, beware, there are a very limited selection of hardware that OSX will run with because Apple doesn’t supply drivers. Again, a limitation of OSX and not Windows or the PC hardware.

    Not being able to “legally”, by OSX license limitations, run OSX on a PC is a limitation imposed by Apple, not in any way by the PC.

    I’ve done it. I had to recover data off an apple hard drive and could find no data recovery software that would work as well as HDD Regenerator, which has patented recovery technologies in it. After using HDD Regenerator on my PC on the mac sata drive, I think imaged it into a drive image using third party recovery software that would retry data reads as many times as I wanted on bad blocks. Then I took a copy of the image, and ran it under a hacked up vmware virtual machine with OSX compatible virtual hardware. I then repaired the OSX and got everything running. Then I wrote the whole image back to a good hard drive and stuck it back into the mac and got it all working well.

    There’s no way I could have done all that with just a mac.

  308. Cade says:

    I am a programmer. I’m not any kind of “wanna-be”. I have a Macbook Pro (my cousin works for Apple so I get 25% off. I plan on building a god box when I save up the money, but It will still be a ‘hackintosh’.). It runs Mac 10.8.4, Fedora Linux, and Windows 7. I use Windows when I want to create an application for Windows. I use OS X when I want to make an iOS app, Mac app (Xcode), do any kind of web development (Sublime Text), create music (Logic Pro), or do any kind of design work (this says something about some of your arguments referring to poor Mac software / UX). I use Linux for everything else (including gaming). I wouldn’t mind using OS X for everything else (except gaming), but I enjoy the command line and being able to completely customize EVERYTHING that I want to inside of the operating system. With that said, it isn’t that hard to get a pretty sweet looking OS X desktop with a lot of custom functionality. Plus, OS X is compatible with iOS devices. Which can all be jailbroken and COMPLETELY customized to do anything that isn’t restricted by hardware limitations. Even the most avid Windows followers will admit that the Zune sucks ass and that they prefer iPods.

    With all of that said — to each their own, and those of us who care enough to find the best devices and OS’s for our own personal needs will find much more success and happiness with our technology than the people who just follow a crowd / don’t care.


  309. Jesus Christ says:

    I’m a computer scientist. Computers are my life. The break down on computers from best to worst is Linux -> Windows -> Mac. Linux is the absolute best for obvious reasons, you can make the environment to be exactly what you want it to be. Windows is next because it has a great amount of customization with the necessary backbone for any beginning user. Windows gets flack because it crashed back in 95-98. Whoop de fuckin do. Frankly, the only windows users who have problems with windows are the ones too stupid to use a proper computer. We call these people iSheep usually. Mac, is basically an internment camp for computing. You have this hardware and this software. If you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t have bought it. Tough titties. Windows will let you switch out hardware as YOU want, and made edits to software as YOU want. Linux…well linux is perfect. whatever hardware and software you want so long as it has drivers. It’s the penultimate. Macs are for people who can’t/won’t use a proper computer, and who want to go on facebook and act like they’re the best thing to crawl out of an orifice.

  310. Killer9080 says:

    Gentlemen, calm the fu** down! What is true, is that Macs AND PCs are both good, but:

    -> A Mac is good for music, facebook and all that
    -> A PC is good for games, work and multitasking

    Plus, when you buy a Mac, you get a slow piece of hardware at a giant price.
    When you buy a PC, you get a fast computer for less money.

    A 1500$ Mac is good enough. A 1500$ Windows/Linux PC is pretty much perfect.
    So, there’s no need to whine and all that sh**. It’s just that Macs are for kids, little girls etc. and PCs are for gamers, professionals or kids who don’t look for a nice looking computer BUT for a high-end computer.

  311. PC supporter says:

    Yeah, so I support PC. I got a new Windows 7 and it runs amazingly. My MacBook Pro, is shi*t. It runs too slow, I haven’t downloaded anything weird or gone on any weird sites, but it still makes me want to blow my brains out. The Mac business model is to appeal to people who have to have the latest technology. That’s why Macs have looks, but next to none computing power. It’s the same with all Apple products, IPhone, better to get an HTC, IPad, get a Samsung or Windows, MacBook, get anything else. What I can say about Macs and Apple products is that they are durable. When my IPad started to act like sh*t, I attempted to punch a hole through the screen, I tried over 20 times. My old IPhone wouldn’t do anything right so I hit it repeatedly, eventually I threw it in my filled bathtub. I threw my ‘Macbook on the floor multiple times until there was a gash/crack down the middle, took many attempts. So if you want to go see a psychiatrist for anger management, get a Mac.

  312. Shut up says:

    what r u talking about!!!! mac comes out earlier than windows. even windows is better but still got idea from mac. So shut the hell up and go home

  313. Touk says:

    So Right!!!

    Mac SUCKS!

  314. RealityCheck says:

    I wouldn’t say I avoid apple crap like the plague. And according to Toshiba’s manuals, if you attempt to repair it yourself, legal repercussions could result. That’s about a likely as being struck by lightning, but the fact that Toshiba doesn’t want me repairing my own computer pisses me off. Anyway, modern PCs aren’t worth repairing, most of the hardware is soldered to the board. I’m currently a CompSci major and I’m more than happy with my MacBook Pro. I love the trackpad, the casing and the way OS X works. To buy a comparable PC (as I outlined above) would be almost as much as a Mac. The marginal benefit vs marginal cost really depends on what you get out of it.

  315. Mike says:

    “If you add up all the crap money you put into a PC, including headaches and repair bills, you’d be more wise to spend it on a mac”

    What headaches? What repair bills? I have never spent a single dime on a repair bill. I just pop open the case and fix it myself. It is kind of like a classic ford. You CAN do all of the repairs yourself (if you know how to use a computer at least).

    Apples are great for people that don’t know how to use a computer. The rest of us avoid apple crap like the plague.

  316. George says:

    Hey shut the f**k up about the right click on macs, on older models you hold down ctrl + click, on the new Macs you click can put two finger on the trackpad and click. Most of the stuff you said isn’t true, why don’t you buy a new MacBook Pro and find out for yourself just how wrong you are. Also if you don’t like the dock you can hide it. I admit that Macs are overpriced but still, I think you should actually use a Mac before you put them down with a bunch of stuff that isn’t true. Also Macs are almost virus free, so shut up about the virus crap b***h.

  317. Gijs says:

    A mac is better then a averange pc
    but wait:
    mac 1500
    pc 400
    Buy a 1500 dollar pc and see how good it is.

  318. RealityCheck says:

    Sigma- so these are reasons that you WANT a virus written for OS X? And no, the OS doesn’t have more vulnerabilities than windows, it’s true that viruses can be written for it, and have; such as the flashback virus from 2011. But really, come on now. And yes, the phrase “a fool and his money will soon part” is quite true. But really, I couldn’t tell you how my car security or home locks work. It doesn’t mean that someone should break into my home.

    Worm; be comprehensible and then maybe you’ll be taken seriously.

  319. apple_worm says:

    hate when ios users spout out rubbish like ios apps are more polished than their android counterpart.
    i submit apple map – did they not even test-drive that crap other than driving around their 1 infinite loop street before releasing it to paying customer. guess, you will be funding its ongoing development for a atleast a couple of future ipad revisions. personally, i like to pay for a finished product. google map is much, much better. freedom, choice, price is what android stands for.

  320. worm says:

    hate it when ios users says ipad apps are more polished than their counterpart on android.
    i submit apple map. seriously, did they not even test-drive it other locations other than driving around their 1 infinte loop street. google map is MUCH MUCH more polished than their ipad counterpart. be thankful, google still provides their map app after being dump by apple. personally, i think google should remove all their apps of apple since they denounce it officialy.

  321. worm says:

    they spout about quality apps on ios – android apps feel not as polished. i submit apple map. why arent the bugs caught at testing phase before they release this miserable s**t on public paying customers. at least windows 8 were officialy public tested as consumer preview for a year before the final release. had apple allow such testing, maybe the map wont be release in such premature stage.

  322. Sigma_D says:

    Top 10 Reasons Why a Virus Should be Written for OSX:

    1 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    2 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    3 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    4 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    5 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    6 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    7 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    8 . Most of its users don’t have a clue on basic computer security.
    9 . The OS have a lot of vulnerabilities.
    10. The users are rich enough to be parted from their money.

    there was a phrase: “the stupid and their money will be parted soon enough”

    I used Win, OSX and Linux.

    They are really smart people who are stupid when it comes to computers.

  323. RealityCheck says:

    Obvious troll is obvious. And just to feed it, I definitely upgraded the RAM on my MacBook Pro to 16GB.

  324. Blake says:

    you can not upgrade your ram. you only get about 3 gb of ram

  325. RealityCheck says:

    Nick, nick, nick. OS X is NOT unix, it’s built on the Darwin kernel, yes it was developed from Unix, so what? It’s a solid OS. Who cares? Yes, Macs take care of the details for you, why is that a bad thing to you? Not everyone wants to build their own computer. How am I a contradiction, and what do you mean by dogma? I would say that you have a false dogma because you have shut out an entire portion of the computer industry. I have yet to contradict myself and I have an open mind. YOU have contradicted yourself entirely however. I acknowledge that comp building has become solely a hobby, one that I love. I do not however, care to push my opinions onto others. It’s their money, I bought a MacBook Pro myself, and I use it far more than my homebrew PC. Value, by an economic standard is based upon the utility that one gains from a purchase. You have arbitrarily attributed it to the relative price of a PC. This would require Macs and PCs to be perfect substitutes, but they aren’t. Macs are already more expensive than most PCs and yet people purchase them. Apple has a relatively inelastic demand curve with their products where others dont because in the PC market there ARE substitutes.

  326. Nicky10lbs says:

    Macs, for the most part appeal to a very specific type of user. Unable or unwilling to figure out what they actually need, they allow someone else to do it for them, in this case Apple. When you buy a Mac, what did you get for your money?You bought an overpriced computer built by a PC manufacturer using PC parts with a different but pretty logo on it. You bought an OS (operating system) developed from the Unix OS developed by Bell labs in 1969. (and you thought they invented it…lol) and seen today in other uses as Android and Linux. In 1996 Steve Jobs “acquired” BSD Unix and locked it down now calling it OS X. As recently as March of this year, Apple licensed (bought) the Unix printing system to incorporate in their “original” OS. You bought an Intel chip exactly like the Intel chip in everyone else’s computer, with” Intel Inside”. Its all Image now my friend. You know it your heart that you felt the same way about windows users in the past,now your stuck defending useless fanboys who are clueless. Stick with your false dogma . Your nothing but a walking talking contradiction

  327. RealityCheck says:

    As far as windows 8 goes astrix; everything. As far as XP goes, also pretty much everything. As for 7, well jump lists are great (a Win feature). I can get free open source progs to give me windows snap and aero peek. The dock is very intuitive and the drop down menus are pretty spot on. Gestures are fantastic on a mac, swipe up for mission control, swipe left or right for multiple desktops, swipe down for expose, swipe for notifications, hot corners (which win also has if im not mistaken). The system preferences are far better than the control panel in my opinion, and Macs don’t need a retina display for crisp fonts. They’ve always had them. Win 7 is great, I love it, but personally I find Macs to be a bit more, fluid.

    Again, people often say “mac users are dumb” blah blah blah. But it’s really only people who are well versed in computers who say these things. At university, my economics professor had a PhD from Princeton University, one of my business profs had his from Yale. Both of them used macs and both weren’t very good with any sort of technology. I wouldn’t call them dumb.

  328. Astrix21 says:

    I have been looking for a new laptop. My current one is a (HP) Compaq Presario, bought in 2003.
    Still running strong on WinXP, I upgraded the Disk and RAM midway.
    I can tell about this model – the exterior build quality was not good. But the computer was damn fine. So before you make arguments about Mac’s build quality, note that exterior and interior are two different things. Mac’s do have better exterior quality, all five of them. Interiors – they are all the same – if you know what you are buying.

    The hottest new item in the Mac world is the Retina display, so I wanted to check it out. Crisp fonts and lovely screen. But wait!
    Crisp fonts yes, but Windows always have had crisp fonts. It’s only Mac’s fonts which need Retina. Don’t give me the true-to-design argument. I don’t want it to be fuzzy on my monitor. If Mac users have gotten used to it, good for them. I will not settle for less.

    Don’t even get me started on Finder. Explorer beats it any day. Explorere is what is Simple and Intuitive. Mac’s philosophy is ‘Machine knows better than you’. In other words – users are dumb. Well, dumb users will like Mac more than Windows. Beacuse they do nothing more than open safari.

    Mac is “intuitive”. Really! Name ONE function which more “intuitive” in Mac than in Windows.

    Windows beats Mac just on the software choices alone. For one $30 Mac package, there will be at least 10 Windows programs, 5 of the free/open source.

    Apple made great products in iPad and iPhone. Their hardware is nice, exterior build is top notch. But OS is a letdown. Preciesly why bootcamp was needed.

  329. RealityCheck says:

    So Nick, you’re implying that if you don’t have extensive computer knowledge then you’re an idiot? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve every heard in my entire life. Tell me, what other fields do you have expertise in? My major in university was comp sci, but just because someone isn’t an expert in computers doesnt make them “an idiot” as everyone on here claims. I’m a huge fan of classic literature, but just because someone doesn’t know Lewis Carroll or William Faulkner they’re not an idiot. My neighbor does carpentry, does it make me an idiot if I can’t operate a lathe? Don’t be a dolt. Apple has exploited a market niche, simple user interface. Michael Porter (don’t know him? Youre an idiot! See how that sounds?) of the Harvard Business school says that exploiting a unique niche; i.e. is what drives innovation. Don’t be buttsore because we have variety.

  330. Nicky10lbs says:

    Wow I see it totally different.

    If you have a brain you use
    1)Linux computers

    If you have half a brain you use
    2)Windows computers

    And if your a total mindless idiot with no computer knowledge or skills you use
    3) suck ass APPLE COMPUTERS

  331. RealityCheck says:

    Also, Steve, you’re a moron for implying that you HAVE to buy songs from iTunes in order to use an iPod. The thing with a Zune is, sure the service is cheaper, but at the end of the day you still dont have as many applications or accessories to use with it. With an iPod I can choose from a vast variety of apps and accessories and buy my songs from a CD shop, Napster or any other music service and subsequently import them into iTunes with zero problems. I’ve been doing it for years. You and Rawr! really shouldnt make up your own arguments only to ‘defeat’ them. Try to be partially objective.

  332. RealityCheck says:

    Right right right, the commenters are clearly a bunch of idiots. As is the OP. Here is what a Mac is meant to be, a well-designed, easy to use and stable computer. Check, check and check. I don’t see why people whine about them not having upgradeable parts (aside from the RAM and HDD/SSD ((non-retina models)). Unless you’re willing to shill out tons of money it really isnt feasible to upgrade a PC either. Sure, you can build a custom model but then it’s on you if something goes wrong. This is fine for a hobbyist, but for a productivity tool it’s not practical. Macs are more than powerful enough for what they’re used for. If you want to play games, that’s cool, buy a PC. I dont see how you wanting to play games means that Macs suck, someone hasnt taken a critical thinking course. You know, I guess having the highest customer satisfaction rating and a consistent spot in the top 3 on CNET and other tech sites really doesn’t mean anything. I also don’t see how a consumer having more choices is such a terrible thing.

    Oh, and the “Macs are double what a PC costs” comments, total crap. Look at any COMPETING model, and dont say It has “…CPU, …GPU and …HDD” I want display quality (read, contrast ratio, color gamut, brightness and accuracy AND resolution, not just “OMG it’s res is higher than macs, macs suck lololol”), positive trackpad reviews, proper construction and other amenities such as battery indicators, backlit keyboards and proper i/o <- this one is pretty much a non-issue now, but in some of the bang-for-buck PC's it can be. HP Envy laptops, high end Sammys, VAIOS, Alienwares and VIZIO laptops are all in the same price range for features, Macs are marginally more expensive.

    The average person doesnt give two shits about clock speeds and benchmarks. They want to use their computers for productivity, and they want it to be easy to navigate. That's what a Mac is and that's why people buy them. So what if they're a bit more expensive? It's not your money. Get over yourselves, sounds like you're a bunch of pessimistic whiners to me.

  333. Virgil says:

    i am addicted to computer games which is why i bought a gamecube for me and my brother,,

  334. Someone. says:

    Okay. There’s something I hate….
    It can stuck a lot of memory and documents, but S**T! it keeps everything I did like months ago and even what I did yesterday, but not what I did 2 fucking days ago!!! Are you serious?!


    I hate that! And my work has disappear :(

    For the dock and the date… yes you can change the settings…

  335. anon says:

    I use both pc and a mac. I need to use a mac for audio-ing not just browsing the web. If people want to use a laptop just for browsing the web, get a netbook.

  336. Ron Alam says:

    I like steaks…I figured my comment would be as useful as this article…

  337. asdtgh says:

    if you’ve got that much money to spend on a computer setup, then why would you spend it on mac crap? you could have had such a good proper computer setup for that money.

    And besides when it comes in Windows you DONT have to buy extra stuff.

  338. dman says:

    Do you want a shitty mac with that shitty beef? Idiot mac users… I cant stand them.

  339. dman says:

    I totally agree with this article. A rich boys toy all the way or just another way to think your cool and know something others don’t. Mac users are pure idiots for wanting such a shitty machine. Shitty chicken = Shitty mac

  340. Laughing to Hard says:

    You’ve got to much time on your hands to prove (or try to prove) why one computer, a tangible item is better than another.


  341. Navier Stokes says:

    This is my experience:
    Using MBP for 3 year now: reboot every week as MBP slows to a crawl in about 5-6 days.
    Using Windows for 8 years, now on windows 7: reboot every month to keep machine fast.
    Using Linux for 5 years (Mint 11 now, haven’t had time or the need to upgrade yet): rock solid for months.

    Mac OS is a poor fork of Linux. Yes, the hardware looks great but the OS is just not up to par.

  342. Les Apt says:


    Honestly, I would have to say that both MacOS and Windows annoy me equally in
    different ways :) I think they have their places though, I run most of my games
    in Windows (unless it runs fine in wine on linux), and tend to use Mac for sound
    (well used to), and imaging. Don’t do music and imaging anymore so not sure if
    that’s still a valid foothold for mac. Kind of miss the option of slapping AIX on
    an old Mac since they went pc :)

  343. Karmafarmer says:

    To the man above me. If you want a “dumb games machine” buy a fucking iPad? Are you fucking rediculouse A FUCKING IPADD!!!!!????? Are you that fucking ignorant of the gaming world you twat. Your comment makes me so fucking angry. Honestly!!!!!! If you want a gaming pc, build one. Apple overprices products to the point of madness. If you want to be a dumb cultish count and be part of the apple crowd be my guest, smart people would avoid apple entirely.

  344. RTD says:

    To each point:

    1. No argument

    2. Half-true. A comparable PC laptop with the same specs is $1300. Your throwing in $599 for the same hardware components is not true. But you’re not entirely wrong, either – Macs do cost more… and the myths are that Apple controls the entire process (not when the OS is taken from open source) and for higher quality (or the claim of; iFixit,, and others would disagree with “quality”…)

    3. Back in the 1990s, none of the competitors had standards (except for all but IBM and its clones using then-superior Motorola CPUs…)… FireWire’s transfer rate cremates USB 2.0… USB 3.0, OTOH…

    4. True. It’s also the only one Adobe and other major software creator players will ever support.

    5. YES THERE IS A RIGHT-F*CKING CLICK. My mice I have for my Macs are two-button. Three-button. In the System Preferences/Mouse, the one-button mouse can be made to simulate a right-click, but I hate Apple’s branded mice…

    6. My clock displays a date. If you went into System Preferences and followed through, you’d see where to change it. My X button works as well… not sure which program you’re referring to. ALT-TAB works fine, unless you’re sifting through a dozen browser pages. There are other keystroke combos… try a few… etc, etc, etc…

    7. As a Mac owner, I’ve had problems… just not as many as traditional Windows PCs… MacOS also lacks a !*@&#^%ing registry…

    8. Walled garden

    9. I use my Macs for productivity. If you want dumb game machines, go Windows or iPad.

    10. Do you know what “Terminal” is? Apple hides the means to use the CLI, but one can get there and one can use CLI functions…

    All of this was true in 2009, and still was… was this blog copy’n’pasted from an older one written in 1994?

  345. Leola says:

    Hey there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article or vice-versa? My site covers a lot of the same topics as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Awesome blog by the way!

  346. ravosavo says:

    Okay, everything said about Mac is true, there’s lots of replies from people who don’t understand computers. Understand this: I run Win7 on my Mac Book pro. Nova bench for my MacBookPro running OSX is 325. Nova bench for my MacBookPro running Win7 is 375. Macs OS even runs their own computers less efficiently. Macs are toys- expensive toys. I have Jail-broken about 8 Ipads now, and I am sure the next gen of $400 buck tablets are going to cream the $800 Ipad. Mac supporters: have fun, but Apple even rips off their shareholders. Their day is coming.

  347. Anony says:

    Freddie, Linux4Win haha. Anyways. My Linux distro of preference is Ubuntu but I’ve been trying Pear Linux 5 and I must say I like it. Want a Mac look alike there you go. I’d agree. I find Linux way better than Mac.

  348. sebastian says:

    Okay all of you guys are trolling like s**t not kidding. Okay here’s a simple fact. Pc is 1000 times better than Mac. Now this not a opinion but a well known fact. Mac recently came into to power. Their computer were shitty back then. The only thing Mac has against Pc is stability but I hats Mac when the loading rainbow cursors comes out. Pc for one somewhat lacks in speed but they all can be fixed with upgrade Mac actually doesn’t have such things as pc which is a up for Pc. Mac computers in look and Colorado pies me off on the spot like deadass that s**t is not innovation. Its just a rock with an apple on its back making the price 1500$+. I love their iphone and ipods though but they should just stop making computers as of 2012 still 70% own Pc. Some people are arrogant to deny the fact. You obviously never used a Pc in your life.

  349. freddie says:

    You hit the nail on the head,but wait I’m using a Mac as I type this. Oh yeah I forgot to say I wiped that s**t Mac OS off of it and installed Linux on it instead . Linux is everything Mac wishes it could be. Imagine Apple saying straight out that it has no Viruses . Linux screams that out load and Proud. Apple never invented anything ,but the dopes that use them think they invented it. Apple steals everything. I love when my friends come over to use my Mac pro >>>I mean my linux computer and they say what is this . Then the smart ones want me to show them out to toss Mac OS out and the dumbs ones just stare into space and say wow I like this . Apple is the most Psy/op company ever to exist, and I am a proud Linux User now for 4 years and will never go back to Mac. P.S. I still use Windows . My son has Windows 7 ,and I must admit it works great.

  350. Anony says:

    Good point ^. Anyway I think the most “liberty” would be achieved with Linux. I must admit however that it definitely isn’t a gamers dream.

  351. Anonymous says:

    (the last message was from me)
    yeah and sorry about all the typos and my shitty english. I’m sure you got the point.

  352. Anonymous says:

    First of all, buing a mac doesn’t make you some kind of person. Many people are victims of overrated products that cost too much. For example, Dr. Dre Audio Beats. Mac is over priced, overrated, though I like the build quality of macbook pro. I prefer PC. Not because I hate apple, not because I love PC because it’s well adjustable, customisable. And I hate the finder in mac. I don’t find it easy to use at all. I’ve used mac, so I’m not the ones who hate it just because they don’t know mac. I was 2 years in a media school and all we used was 27″ brand new iMacs. My father has macbook pro 15″. It’s good but not good for me. I like gaming. I like that I can adjust and customize my PC however I want. You can’t do that with mac. I feel like mac limits me. You can get twice, if not 3 times better 17″ PC with the money that 1 17″ macbook pro costs. Or the 15″ retina. I prefer PC, some people mac. I think mac isn’t worth it, some people do. No big deal. I don’t get what is this war about. It’s like fighting over a music genres. Or what ice cream tastes the best. C’mon. As I said, some people like mac, some people don’t like mac. I don’t. But I’m okay with that some people do. Some people don’t like computers at all.

  353. Anony says:

    Once I looked into it a bit more, most of my reasons were a bit off. I recently spoke with a representative and the text could be resized. Launchpad has “folders” which act as categories and another look at it left me with the impression that it needed no “categories” because it was pretty easy to navigate. I was using the mouse improperly. After looking at the touchpad and its features I have to say it’s great. The quality of it’s products once looked into does justify the price. The mac products are made of aluminum and glass. The innovations are unmatched and the OS is pretty solid. It was all a misrepresentation and misunderstanding. But hey, what do you expect from a “one time” try. I’m still at odds. Windows 8 looks good and I’ve always had a soft spot for Linux (Ubuntu). It’s a beautiful OS and it’s free. I can use crossover for Office so that no hurdle but even then I get Libreoffice free. The only advantage that OSX has is the quality of both the hardware and software. So I’m still deciding between the two. I happen to like the dock. I misrepresented finder. Turns out someone messed with the options. Now looking at the original layout it’s very similar to Linux’s layout. By the way, as I’m looking at these comments the reasons people hate apple are becoming apparent. They range from “I can’t afford it,” to “it’s too expensive.” Had you the money wouldn’t you be tempted to get one?

  354. YG says:

    – Mac’s softwares are sucks generally, especially the finder and dock. can’t do A LOT of thing that can be done in Windows.
    – Dual monitor full screen fiasco on osx lion.
    – Dual monitor only one menu bar, can’t work on second screen without moving your head every time.
    – Annoying fanboys. Explaining you can do things in mac in a lame way and feel smart about it.
    – Steve Job is dead.

  355. Anony says:

    I’m a college student in search for a productive and performable laptop. I recently looked into buying a Mac but couldn’t help but notice the vast differences when it comes to price and specs. I could list a few PCs that have better specs than a mac on newer hardware for cheaper. This however didn’t hold me back from actually trying one out. I went to the Apple store and played with OSX for a while. All and all I was kind of disappointed. This however can change.
    1) Touch-pad and mouse- The touch-pad was quite difficult to use for a first time user. On a regular touch pad one only needs to move his finger and tap to click on something with the exception of the right click which is provided with the right click button. On the macbook I actually had to “press to click on something. On a regular PC I would usually move the cursor with one finger and tap with another finger on a separate hand for right click. On the macbook I actually had to “press down” with two fingers same hand to get a right click option. My personal preference found this to be awkward yet intriguing. This option was not available on an imac mouse “the regular one click not the pad” and it was a bit confusing for that option, not to mention the mouse was a bit heavy and clicking was a hassle. I liked some of the touch-pad features but overall it was a hassle. This could change with more experience. For a noob it isn’t as nearly as friendly as a PC mouse and touch-pad.
    2) OSX- Overall I thought the OS was a bit overpriced for the features it included.
    Launchpad was ok. I would have liked to see some divisions and categories to enhance the usability. It just looked like a bunch of applications scattered across the screen. How will a new user know which applications are for what? Reading a manual is helpful but with an OS that is targeted at ease of use this “confusion” was a bit disappointing. I myself wasn’t confused but for someone who’s an average user it could cause a bit of a headache.
    Applications- The productive applications could be a bit expensive. IWORK is a great office suit but for compatibility issues with Office 2010 it just isn’t worth the 60$. That is of course if I print them out on my own macbook or export the formats to pdf so that it may be viewable in its original format on a windows PC. Office 2011 is great but text size is a problem. At 100% zoom the text was tiny. I had to manually adjust the text to 125% to actually see comfortably while typing. This problem continued on for browsing in Safari.
    The default text was just too tiny. Why? I don’t know. If there is a way to change this please let me know and maybe then I’ll reconsider OSX. I thought the text size would improve if I resized the window. Resizing the window to full screen was problematic. I couldn’t. Full screen really means 1/3 of the screen and I would have to manually stretch the screen to cover the desktop. That in my opinion is baloney. That of itself didn’t improve the text size. I would have had to manually change the text size in Safari’s options but if I’m not mistaken it was grayed out. This was a hassle.
    Finder was a great innovation in the dock. I liked that I could access my applications at the ease of one click. But when I saw the “darkness” at the end of the tunnel I rejected it. See the problem arose when I noticed that I couldn’t view “all” of my documents without maximizing the screen. This is a turn-off for me because I’m used to seeing my documents folders without maximizing and can easily view my files without taking up the whole page. Not to mention that the layout in finder is quite cluttered when compared to windows explorer or nautilus in unity or gnome. Again if there is an option to fix this let me know. I could live with it.
    All in all I thought OSX was pretty plain. I could compare it to iOS but apps could change this so it really isn’t an argument. I like it’s stability and of course it’s a secure system though I heard it was the first to get hacked? It has fewer viruses. I put my trust in Linux for security so If I opt to getting a macbook I WILL get virus protection. I do it on Linux why not on OSX. I really don’t have problems with viruses on windows. I’m not an illiterate user. So yea. If you can address these issues the only thing you would have to convince me on is the price and specs. For now however I’m looking at Sony or Hp for my next laptop which blow macs specs and pricing.

  356. Chandra says:

    Howdy! I could have sworn I’ve been to this site before but after looking at some of the articles I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m certainly pleased I found it and I’ll be bookmarking it and checking back regularly!

  357. dolphin says:

    selfish product
    selfish adapter
    selfish lifestyle
    selfish kids who pushes their grandparents to buy imac – when all grandparents want are internet, email and cannot comprehend that the savings can be used for a long due vacation.
    selfish company that wants to control everything.
    selfish company that patents everything obvious.

    why promote such bullsh*t, are we as people degenerating?

  358. dolphin says:

    hope people are not dumb enough to be suckered in buying used macs at high resale value.
    you aRE not helping them mac’tards as you are only funding their stupid lifestyle.

    the more you fund their wallet, the more you will share airspace with them in starbucks and hog all the power outlet with a supersize adapter.

  359. Its Over. says:

    You know how all you mac users can upgrade is the HDD and RAM? Well with the new Mac’s that’s not even possible anymore. Have fun paying $2000 for a hardware upgrade.

  360. rofl says:

    “The upside of this is that you can guarantee the quality level of the product you’re buying. You know that the machines, their components and their hardware are going to be the highest available level of quality, and not contain second-rate knockoff materials that will burn out within a short time of purchase.

    I’d rather pay more for high quality that lasts many years than pay less and replace it far more frequently.”

    Rofl this cannot be more untrue, You know that any component in mac’s liek their 4GB 200 dollar RAM, is shitty slow ram, same with most of their HD, and such.

    Only some of their graphic cards are good once and even then their mostly the lower versions of those cards that they sell you for twice the price.

    also ever tried to upgrade your mac hardware ? it’s a hell compared to any other computer, that’s plus it voids your waranty if you still have one last i’ve checked.

  361. dolphin says:

    baloney, crap,
    fact is mac users are the ones that scour the internet to look for software fan control cause default fan setting is delibrately spun low set by apple. hence at the end of day, they go look for for hacks like that while pc users are surfing and gaming. well linux, its hacking everyday.

    baloney crap users.

  362. ashby koss says:

    After years of using Windows, and Linux I finally grabbed a Mac Book Pro in mid- 2010. For years I would buy a new $700+ laptop or upgrades for a desktop to keep my computer running at speeds I was happy with. Over time the Machines would just simply get slower. Now after 2 years with my Mac Book Pro, I have yet to put any money into keeping it “up to speed” it is simply performing exactly how it was when I purchased it. I have to use Autocad at work all the time and as far as windows programs, if you just took the time to do your research and really think about what you need a computer to do, you would realize that over time and for everyday use the Mac line wins. The other thing that really stands out to me is that when I was a Windows/ Linux user at home I would come home and spend about 1-4 hours a night working on getting the computer tweaked to how I wanted it. New freeware to monitor things, new hardware to help speed it up or cool it, new tweaks to get it to be optimal (for me). With my Mac I don’t do these things. I have freed up my time so that I can spend it with loved ones and I have learned how to sit back and enjoy things rather than coming home and trudging through the computer to tweak it daily or weekly even. Because of Mac / Apple I have come to find that my personal time is far more valuable than consistently tweaking a computer. I have enough to fiddle with in life.

  363. Anonymous says:



  364. elias says:

    Also we did not tweak around with the pc if thats what your saying

  365. ELIAS says:

    Ok my primary argument was anger based madness with little proof and reliability
    1. Most computer stores ive been in sell vaios for 3300 dollars
    2.We sent the vaio to a computer place for the upgrade
    3. Those 5 virus attacks did not involve your our winner complications
    I apologize for speaking with little proof and reliability
    After a lot of research on these topics I’m gonna make a reliable argument

  366. IthinkUstupid says:

    1, you can customize the clock. 2. Only a dumbass thinks “screen size” is everything. I can get a 20inch laptop for less thant $600. It’s just crap. Apple is still a little (like $200 – $300), but OS upgrades are so much less in the long run. I like the dock. It’s an opinion and actually, many people love the dock. Actually, most people (even some windows die hard who try it for a while) love the mac GUI. They practically invented the GUI (at least how it is today) and the reason why you hate it so much is because your used to windows. Same reason I loathed linux GUI for the first month I used it. This is a serious question, why is mac “locked down”. No one ever gives me a list, it’s just like it’s a given. I mean, I’ve never encountered anything you can do on windows that mac won’t let you do except when I program, and even then you only have to click two extra buttons to get it to work. The ports I can sort of understand, except for the fire-wire thing. Yes, the battle was lost, but it was still faster than USB 2.0 and I used it for backups a lot. A lot of those ports you listed aren’t even on standard computers anyway. For the f**ing right click thing. THERE IS A FREAKING RIGHT CLICK. You can either get your track pad to let you right click (or most apple mouse’s) or you can just control click. I will admit it is annoying though.

  367. Anonymous says:

    I bought a macbook pro and I was not happy with it at all. It was WAY overpriced, and gaming really sucks…. I mean REALLY REALLY sucks.

  368. Ava says:

    It’s hard to come by educated people about this topic, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

  369. Brad says:

    I think somebody touched a nerve here. I am enjoying the fact that most of the mac sheep automatically assume you believe PC (AKA: Windoz) is better. Fact is Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are (were) brilliant entrepreneurs who made billions selling us their wares. It’s like VHS vs. Beta again; Beta was the far superior format in terms of video and audio quality (TV industry standard for decades), however VHS offered a less expensive option that sported a greater capacity of recorded video. I suppose you could always have the best of both dismal worlds with a Hackintosh PC, but I really don’t know why anyone would want to. The real fact is there are no perfect solutions to our personal computing woes, but there are other options besides just these two. Linux has come a long way in recent years, and has always been (since it’s inception) much more stable than anything on the market; UNIX not withstanding. Just for the record Linux isn’t a “UNIX clone” at all, however it was initially created to interface with Unix. You can read some of that here: . I’m not saying Linux is superior to any other OS (at least not out loud), but I am saying there are literally hundreds of alliterative options out there, and to limit your horizon to only two very commercial options id being very close minded about your future.

  370. Candice says:

    Good work plus nice looking site

  371. silverwoof says:

    True. I have mac and already decided to switch from apple production to any other. HATE IT.

  372. dolphin says:

    some apps frozen – only recourse is to yank out battery on mac???
    thats user friendly. pathetic.

  373. Reason says:

    It would be best for all of the PC supporters to just go on with your superior lives. It is clear as day that nothing you can say will change the minds of these ignorant Mac fanboys. The stupid will only get stupider so there is no point in wasting your effort in attempting to change these wannabe tech-savvy, hipsters. As evident above, they have attempted many time to disprove the claims made in this “rant”, yet they only came to further provide greater evidence backing up these facts as to why Macs suck. It is a waste of our time to pursue in this Mac vs PC debate for that the answer to this debate has already been made clear from the articles and evidence kindly provided by Mac fanboys; PC are far superior machines. Let just let the ignorant masses continue to live their ignorant lives. At the very least, these fanboys help in stimulating the economy by spending a butt-crazy sum of cash for crap.

  374. Anonymous says:

    Try to keep everything simple for the mac users. They don’t like complicated stuff.

  375. Mac Sucks says:

    Hey Mac users, where’s you’re 3D? Where’s your Beats Audio? Where’s your gaming? Where’s your Entertainment? Oh that’s right, you stupid puppets don’t have that.

  376. Christen says:

    I hate using the mactard mouse. It’s cheap crap.
    And no, I will not use Final Cut amateur X. if you want to edit on your fancy mac paperweight that’s ok cause youll be eating my dust. Premiere Pro works great on a PC!.

  377. dolphin says:

    baloney, found a previous post from someone above… interesting….

    anyways just for 3rd party mouse, mac has problems:

    “Thanks for all the detailed diagnostic so far – we’re using it all to look into why you’re having so many problems. Most people are fine under Lion but obviously some aren’t! To answer your question, Mac support can be tricky. Just the difference between the versions within each major release of the OS (10.6.4 vs. 10.6.6, for example) can sometimes cause issues.”

    windows never break on such small version updates and especially for something as simple and non-trivial as 3rd party mouse. what will happen with 3rd party webcam, wifi, printer, etc.? yeah your gramps not gonna have headache. bullshit.

  378. Herp says:

    I have no idea what Elias is talking about…. anyway “…….” I can assure you that my “stories” arent fake. And you are incorrect in your assumption that if a PC fails it’s the users fault. That’s a laughably stupid statement. Computers are tools to accomplish an end, for some people they are more, but for the majority of users they dont care how it works, they dont want to tweak or customize the OS , they just want to get work done. Why should my grandfather need to know how to defragment his hard drive and manage a registry? So does a Mac suck for him? No, it’s saved me a ton of headaches and for that, it’s MORE than worth the price.

  379. ...... says:

    “mr gates the richest conman in the world has been toying with you people for 40 years
    And thats how he’s rich
    he is a thief”

    Yes hes a thief, donating the majority of his fortune to charity and saving over 7million lives. What a crook.

    P.S. There are countless Stories(Read: Fake) about PC’s and Mac’s (Example: Herp and 2297.) Yours is mostly likely one of them.

    P.P.S. If a PC fails you, you are an idiot and fucked up your computer.

  380. Anonymous says:


    face palm!

  381. ELIAS says:

    I am so disgusted that people continue to argue about this.
    Macs are king
    Pcs are massive ripoffs
    If you want to think about it pcs are overpriced
    Some vaios cost 3300 dollars the most expensive mac only costs 2000
    My sister had a windows for 4 years lets take a look at some of the complications
    2. Major failure when trying to upgrade to windows 7
    5Does not take cps
    6.shuts down for no reason
    7.voice is jacked up
    8. We had a camera but it was destroyed along with all of the rest of her info in the update
    2.Occasional application crashes
    thats it
    I havent gotten a single virus
    not a single error
    and when i updated to the latest system there was no damage
    the one time i damaged my mac was when i spilled a who cup of water on it.
    The information was lost but none of the other components were even damaged
    this is an outrage
    mr gates the richest conman in the world has been toying with you people for 40 years
    And thats how he’s rich
    he is a thief


  382. Herp says:

    Really now? I have AMD and intel PC’s along with my Macs and in intensive applications my i7 consistently outdoes my FX. As for graphic cards Im partial to AMD’s radeon line even if theres little linux support for their cards. And you don’t know me, I never pay retail for anything. My university gave me a grant for my MacBook Pro, my previous Macs were purchased used or refurbished. My PCs are all built by me with parts that I get for great deals. Furthermore, AMD has their work cut out for them, intel is a group of trolls. They sandbag like no ones business, the i7 extreme has two disabled cores the article link escapes me but google it, Im too lazy to do that right now.

  383. 2297 says:

    I’ve seen the benchmarks but my own test don’t show much of a difference. Company’s pay benchmark makers to lie about their scores, they all have done it before. Intel is overpriced, yeah they have decent CPU’s but I have rigs with NVIDIA, AMD and Intel, there is no real difference in performance. Unless you are running benchmarks, Intel CPU’s just run benchmarks better because all Intel cares about is their score and money.

    All you idiots just think “Its more expensive so it MUST be better” There is a obvious reason behind your name.

  384. Herp says:

    @2294, now tell me how some technologically illiterate middle aged man/woman is going to know how to build their own rig? Oh and the moment I saw an AMD FX CPU I immediately discredited this. Even the lower frequency quad core ivy-bridges are outdoing the bulldozer. For the money, sure AMDs are great, but since many on here claim to adhere to outright performance, intel is your company.
    @hahaha for the same reason you clicked on this link, now climb out of Bill Gate’s a*****e.

  385. hahaha says:

    all the butthurt mac fanboys. Why did you click on this if you enjoy steve jobs dick so much?

  386. 2294 says:

    That’s exactly what I’m talking about. With a desktop PC as long as your smart and buy the right motherboard your computer can last you more then 10 years, and you can upgrade whatever part you need to upgrade. Laptops are always behind in technology, and its better to have a powerful desktop and a cheap laptop then just use remote software or a cloud system to run everything off of your desktop but control it from your laptop.

    Manufacturer: Me
    Processor: AMD FX Eight Core Processor 4.2GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM 1600Mhz (2x4GB)
    Hard Drive: 1.5TB +120GB SSD
    Video Card: XFX Double D AMD Radeon HD 6870 x2 (920MHz Core Clock, 1100MHz Memory Clock) CF
    Monitor: ASUS VE228H 27″ LED HD 1080P
    Sound Card: AMD HD Audio
    Speakers/Headphones: CA 2.1 60W, 30W Sub/Gigaware Wrap-Around USB Headset
    PSU: RAIDMAX RX -850AW 850W 80+ Gold
    Keyboard: Logitech G110
    Mouse: Logitech EX100
    Mouse Surface: Generic
    Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
    Motherboard: ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX TUF
    Computer Case: NZXT Phantom (PHAN-001BK, Black Steel)

    Cost me a little over $1000. Not the best rig out there but better then any Mac and cheaper then most.

  387. Herp says:

    Yeah, I have yet to encounter a peripheral that doesn’t work on my Mac, even the ones that dont have “works with mac” on the package. All you have to do is download drivers.
    @2291, show me. 99.9999% of all laptops have soldered CPUs and GPUs. If you’re talking about desktops then sure, I’d buy a PC desktop over a Mac Pro. But honestly besides RAM and HDD/SSDs Ive never upgraded any of my computers. Because by the time my CPU and GPU are old it would be more efficient to buy a new laptop, because by then RAM and SSDs are faster, displays are better and a new wireless protocol will be out.

  388. jitterbug says:

    pc all the way,
    let’s say your wireless and ethernet are broken. try shopping for 3rd party wireless dongle that works on non-windows OS. that’s where you’ll see why windows shines even without using windex.

    when it comes to peripherals, webcam, printer, ethernet, etc.

    windows >>> linux >> mac

    sorry to burst your bubble. no, it’s not the whole world conspire to screw linux and mac. it just microsoft foster commercial environment where every device manufacturer can develop drivers for the os unlike the tight control on apple platform. they chose not to let 3rd party drivers from amd/nvidia.
    are theirs homecrap drivers any better.

    nobody knows their hardware better than the chip maker.

  389. 2291 says:

    I prefer PC’s, they last longer and even the pre-made ones are upgradeable.

    The PC I made is more powerful then any Mac available. But lets say I need to upgrade or replace a part that isn’t the RAM or HDD/SSD, instead of buying an entirely new computer for $1000 – $4000 I only need to spend $100 – $600 for the part I need.

    And as for the “world class” Displays My cousin has the new retina display MBP he enjoys the quality of the display, but he is a bit peeved because he says mine “looks way better”.

  390. Herp says:

    In that case I completely agree.

  391. Anonymous says:

    “Well that doesn’t mean that Macs suck, they just aren’t good enough for what you want. I have no need for multiple GPUs so they’re fantastic for me.”

    No it does mean they suck, for me. I never said you had to agree with me, I never said they suck in general I don’t like them I don’t see the value in them, and I am in no way forcing you to “see the error’s of your ways”

  392. Herp says:

    @pffft yeah, um no. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about if you think the manufacturing location has anything to do with it. In today’s market companies set quality requirements to be met by said manufacturer. Location has become irrelevant.
    @anonymous Well that doesn’t mean that Macs suck, they just aren’t good enough for what you want. I have no need for multiple GPUs so they’re fantastic for me.
    @noangel With that grammar you won’t convince me. What if I don’t want to run lines of code to accomplish things? Not to mention people who aren’t technologically competent. Are you suggesting that my father buy a linux computer? Hah, that’d be a laugh.
    Not to mention that just because a computer runs linux doesn’t mean it’s automatically faster than a Windows/OS X box.

    Im leaving with this, you can’t base all computer performance on an objective basis. If that were true then everyone would use linux on a custom built computer. The vast majority of the world is not interested in building their own computer and customizing their OS (I’m sorry it’s true). Objective performance only wins on paper, otherwise the Corvette would be the greatest car ever and no one would buy Gibson/PRS/Insert expensive American guitar brand here/ guitars.

  393. noangel says:

    never buy mac, if u have money. pc are simple the best – customizable, cheap, have free OS as option, u can do anything on it, its so much faster, then mac. i mean not win vs mac os, but pc with linux/bsd/win vs mac. f**k you apple!

  394. PFFFFFFT :D says:

    lol too many mac fanboys, you are pretty stupid. all the apple products are made in china and obsolete technology, while my pc (dual-boot win7 and lubuntu) is made in south korea and is not obsolete. you just buy your stupid apple because you are isheeps.

  395. Anonymous says:

    What do they have to do with anything? They are related to this entire argument. Computing is a singular and unique experience for everyone, everyone has different needs, preferences, expectations, and understanding of computers. For me multi-GPU support is a must. Mac’s do not support multi-GPU’s.

    In this argument of opinions my previous statement is valid.

  396. Herp says:

    @Anonymous, what does running multiple GPUs have to do with anything?

  397. John says:

    Get real – and learn the facts. It is not Mac who is out of touch, but YOU. I have PCs too – but my Macs are far more stable don’t require defragmenting and yes are much more efficient than my other windows based operating systems.

  398. Anonymous says:

    SLI/CF or GTFO

  399. Tammi says:

    Normally I don’t read post on blogs, but I wish to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do so! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thanks, quite nice article.

  400. Herp says:

    “Indeed. Nice list of examples too.” I figured commons sense would lead to you figuring this out but alright. CNET, LaptopMag, PCMag etc.
    @bubuzzz While Im not a software engineer, a good friend of mine is and he has no problems with web development (protech1inc) albeit it’s fairly basic stuff.

  401. Name (required) says:

    “Tell me, why does every laptop or tech publication love Macs?”

    Indeed. Nice list of examples too.

  402. ZzzZzz says:


  403. bubuzzz says:

    I am a software engineer who just got a mac mini 1 weeks ago (I have money, I am open minded, so i should try, anyway). I played with window from 3.1, ubuntu from 7.04 and now, osx 10.7. What can i say? 10.7 is totally a crap. Web development is totally bullshit under osx. For example, this issue still happens until now (even after 5 years). And the way to solve it is just like linux ‘s ways 5 years ago: search google to find the suitable libs, recompile the lib with ./configure, make, make install… and the install the wanted package again. I can do that easily, but i dont want to waste my time just for a little problem. Do you know how easy is that in linux? Just open the terminal and type “apt-cache search sth” and then select the good one to install with only 1 more command line. So, if you only a normal user, want to have a good UI style to work with, then go for Mac. Otherwise, if you are an IT guy who is not interested with osx specific development, then stay away from it

  404. Herp says:

    Hell, even the term value is subjective. It really depends on what you want with your laptop.

  405. Herp says:

    Wow, most of you are idiots. “This is bad on a Mac” really? Well thats vague, which one? What CPU? I have a 2012 MBP (15″ regular not retina) and it runs Diablo 3 and other new games just fine. Whats this “non repairable” crap? Aside from the CPU and GPU (which are soldered on nearly EVERY laptop PC or Mac) the RAM and HDD can be user changed with no problems whatsoever. And OS X is more than Free BSD with an interface slapped on, go do some research GPS. And to whoever said “you have to ctrl + click” no you don’t. Go to mouse or trackpad settings, you can program one side of the trackpad or a corner or a gesture or two fingers etc. The only thing that’s a disadvantage is the price and even that doesn’t make it a bad product it makes it a bad value. Tell me, why does every laptop or tech publication love Macs? They aren’t stupid, they deal with more computers than you or I will ever own. Bad value=/= bad product.

  406. gps says:

    We built [the Mac] for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We weren’t going to go out and do market research.”

    “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

    there are reasons why the word mactards sticks because your founder thinks you are one because you cant make informed decisions and because you guys just know how to open your wallet and mouth.

  407. gps says:

    have their own os?

    freebsd with a graphical desktop environment slapped on top. maybe one day they have a clause to make leeches pay attribute like say “mac os x BSD”, so
    mactards dont think they are funding apple’s hard work.

    atleast msoft maintain its own nt kernel source and graphical desktop environment.

    hahahaha misled to overpaid for graphical desktop environment. we have plenty of those, kde, gnome, lxde, xfce.

    atleast when you buy next version of windows, it usually comes with major directx version overhaul in the kernel. you are actually paying for something very complex support not just minor improvements in gui, etc.

  408. Derp says:


    Whats your point? I know they have their own OS.

  409. Christen says:

    Mac died with Steve Jobs. Admit it and get the iShovel already.

  410. Credo1970 says:

    If you run a decent production studio you’re most likely to have BOTH platforms, and you might even still use some really ancient analogue (no computer anywhere in sight) techniques. The idea is to provide a great atmosphere with the best tools and people to help people in the creative process.

    If your ‘engineers’ are worth their salt, they’re not going to tell enraptures and artists what to use, nor are they going to tell the public what to like or producers what to risk their hard earned money for. The successful studio listens to the artist and helps them be as productive as possible.

    If someone calls my studio and asks, “Do you have Band in a Box for the 1988 Atari ST?” I’m going to pull it out of the basement and set it up…the studio is there to make him happy and help him create.

    So really…who the heck cares? If it makes someone happy, and they’re willing to pay or share in the profits to work in a particular environment…then provide it.

    Tools are tools…people are people. Matching the right tool with the right person is what it’s all about.

  411. Christen says:

    Mac sucks.Final Cut X is the last straw. Dissed every Final Cut Pro editor

  412. Anonymous says:


    True, except Apple has its own OS.

  413. Derp says:

    “…The Mac is no different from any other Intel computer, They all have the same Intel Component’s inside…”

    True and False. Intel and AMD sell the designed to Apple, Apple then sends the designs to their factory to produce the products (With the exception of the CPU and GPU, and I’m talking about these ) Much like other 3rd party company’s such as: XFX, EVGA, HIS, MSI, DELL, HP, Asus. ect.

  414. har says:

    Computer Systems
    Most computer users have not got a clue about computers or operating systems period. A computer is a computer The Mac is no different from any other Intel computer, They all have the same Intel Component’s inside, Though a Pc are a higher specification than the Mac, do your home work,

  415. har says:

    Anyway, if you get a Mac, chances are you will still put Windows on it as most applications, especially games are intended for the Windows platform. Besides, there are only a few free software that are designed for Macs. So in the end what would you gain for having a Mac. You will be spending more for the hardware and then spend extra for Windows. Would it be a wise choice? It may be if you will only stick to Mac and won’t be running games on it. The choice is yours.

    Oh by the way, only idiots who don’t know how to protect their computers on Windows get virus problems. They are the ones who don’t use antivirus and antispyware protection and just click on every link and email attachments that they encounter. I hope you don’t happen to be one of them.

  416. k says:

    i never had any virus on the pc only idiots had a virus. if you know what are you doing.

  417. Anonymous says:

    If you think about it. Why are there so many virus on PC(Windows) than on a Mac and why so many games on PC(windows) than on a Mac. Because there are more PC(windows) out there so if you want to make money you have to aim for the bigger crowd not the smaller one and hoping you will make money from the smaller crowd.

  418. Anonymous says:

    @ Mr.Mac96

    Can you show prove that every games are under contract with Microsoft that is why
    they cannot released a mac version of it. Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, borderland, and more are also on Mac and some do not run as good as on PC. But if you’re talking about xbox 360 where Microsoft dump million of dollars to make a specific game to be there exclusive to their console then I understand where you are coming from. Please don’t just say that Mac is superior in almost every way when you have no evidence to support it beside just stated your opinion.

  419. Lucille says:

    Hi there, I want to subscribe for this website to take most up-to-date updates, thus where can i do it please help.

  420. Mr.Mac96 says:

    Written by a true dick who has no idea what he is talking about. More that 75% of this s**t isn’t true. The truth of it, is that Macs are superior in almost every way compared to other computers. As far as gaming capabilities, the only real reason they can’t play a “PC game” is because mostly every game intended for PC’s are under contract conditions with Microsoft and therefore cannot be played on a Mac without the proper Dual OS software.

    My point is, Macs are better… nuff said. :P

  421. k says:

    and playing league of legends is laggy on a mac.

  422. tomtom says:

    when scrollbar have a hard time tracking and trailing behind the mouse. mouse setting is
    not the problem. mouse is already faster than the safari crap. all browsers currently on
    windows and linux feels more snappy than your crap desktop os.

    poster 2255, stop crapping in all your orifice. suggest you use charmin ultra for your crap.

  423. In Your 64206! says:

    When I minimize Diablo 3 on a mac everything else is so laggy and I get the infinity rainbow spinning whell. Sometimes I have to do cold boot inorder to get out of the lag and the beautiful rainbow spinning wheel. I almost kill myself and installed it on my PC(windows) to play Diablo 3 and do other stuffs when I want to rest from diablo 3. This tell me that os x sucks at multitasks.

  424. k says:

    ye i try out a mac book pro. things that i don’t like

    Right click: you had to ctr l+ click so annoying
    Browsing: At random times don’t even know. Gets a rainbow spinning beach ball of death
    Gaming: Poor
    Price: Expensive

    Benefits: Only good for audio/music.

    What i had seen: Face book 24/7? emailing, Starbucks, youtube, itunes

    Other than that, you could just get a notebook is not that worth to get a mac unless you’re doing audio.

  425. tomtom is dumb says:

    Duh, it’s mouse settings! You don’t want that answer because you know its true!

  426. tomtom says:

    tried out imac at best buy,

    scrolling is slow on safari.
    i mean scrollbar is trailing behind mouse.
    last time i see this was browsers on linux. but that has improved a lot since. today, firefox, chrome, etc, on linux, windows dont have this problem.

    please dont suggest mouse speed can be change in settings.
    this has nothing to do with mouse speed. mouse is already faster than what webkit/gui subsystem can render.

    way overrated.

    browsing == poor
    gaming == poor
    cad == poor
    flash == poor
    office == poor
    price == poor
    choice == poor
    aesthetic == better

    other than preety icons, it is not even intuitive.

  427. Derp says:

    I look at computers as a tool which I will have to use all day; everyday. And when thinking about this I decided that I want a computer that performs well, maintenance can be by the user, all parts new and old are compatible, and so on. PC meets all my requirements and more. Mac almost breaks the bare minimum. But a fancy touch pad and a debatable better screen does not make up for the lack of functionality.

  428. Herp says:

    I look at computers as a tool which I will have to use all day; everyday. And when thinking about this I decided that I want a computer that is nice to use, which is why I picked a MBP.

  429. ye says:

    although i still use my pc. But @exactly, except one thing

    i was also force to use a mac for the storage i need for programs such as Pro Tools, Logic and other audio programs.

    Some dumb stupid people out there just brought a computer just because it looks so beautiful and shiny.

    I only looked at computers for performance not for looks.

  430. exactly, except one thing says:

    Mac OS is based on BSD, so its not linux… they share a lot of code but still Linux is different.
    I like linux better than BSD.

    I was forced to use a Mac at my work and it a very bad OS.

  431. Herp says:

    Yes, for gaming PC is the way to go without a doubt.

  432. ye says:

    Especially for gaming, although if your looking for excellent video and photography editing and programes and have the$ i’d say get a mac. I own a pc and it is excellent for gaming and still offers a fair lot in photography and video if you find the right program

  433. ye says:

    Well, if ur looking into more gaming experience you should totally own a PC, tho if u would use the computer for editing, music, and that sort of stuff i have heard mac is better, tho I love PC and it can do all that stuff as well, tho Mac ain’t compatible with most games, and they are frigging expensive in comparison.

  434. Herp says:

    WTF do they still exist with their overpriced sh*t. Windows is 1,000,000 x better. They put a firmware on their HDD to make you buy their overpriced fragile shi*tty HDD. Oh, well HDD isn’t sh*t, only Apple.

    You don’t have to buy Apple’s HDD dumbass. Any HDD will work. The reason Apple is still in business is because of things like the new MacBook Pro.

  435. ye says:

    windows xp was one of the best os yet

  436. Apple sucks says:

    WTF do they still exist with their overpriced sh*t. Windows is 1,000,000 x better. They put a firmware on their HDD to make you buy their overpriced fragile shi*tty HDD. Oh, well HDD isn’t sh*t, only Apple.

  437. nothings wrong with says:

    both laptops slightly different one thing i hate was fanboys who dont give out facts just random words trying to defend themselves.

    I don’t mind both windows and mac. But I hate ignorant fanboys

    This is only a computer, not a religion. Although all fanboys need was to shut up and keep it for themselves somehow

  438. Kirin Frost says:

    You keep on claiming that mac applications sucks and are limited in their functions but dont clarify………..

    Are you paid by windows? -_____-

  439. Genghis Khan says:

    Typing this, from a Mac you may be surprised to hear (or read) that I am able to listen to criticism of my 08 Macbook. I know, particularly the author of the article, is thinking bs look at this snob fanboy, but paying those undesirables no heed let me continue. If you want good, objective, consumer advice listen. Mac products are fully functional and come bundled with easy to use programs that I’ve never found a problem with, on the laptops the battery life is healthy, and freezes are not a real issue. However for gaming stay far from a mac device, no good game is a mac exclusive and only a handful of gems are ported over to OSX, also if you wish to customize your device then you are out of luck. However I have a friend who is very into the PC crowd and we have had good objective conversation over this sort of thing. I’ve determined the three advantages of a PC: Cost, options, and games. You can build your own PC, according to him you can get a pretty good rig for under 1,000 dollars U.S. and that the task of assembly is actually not as daunting as it seems. Due to high PC sales you can also get every video game that is not a console exclusive and run it on highest settings if you have the hardware while the current Macs aren’t built with this level of power nor can they be customized so as to attain it. This is an objective critique.

    Also there is a face :D a happy face
    ((( and a rainbow?

  440. T.J. says:

    Macs have right-click dumbass. System Preferences. F**k you.

  441. not interested in says:

    and the annoying thing i find on the mac is that when you right click besides clicking the right click on your mouse you had to press

    control + click

  442. not interested in says:

    when is my first time using a mac to give n go for reasons i feel really bored on the mac like what else that needs to do besides browsing the web

    but i am now using it for music but i am using my pc a lot. Cuz there are so many games out there that is available for pc you can change your graphics card anytime you want . i never had a virus on my pc only idiots [noobs] had a virus.

  443. ........... says:

    “What Im saying is the service is better, the OS is smoother…”
    That’s subjective My OS is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. :)

    “…the keyboard fee…”
    Again Subjective.

    “everything Ive read about the bulldozers says they’re a great value but in terms of objective performance they lag behind the intel CPUs.”

    My last build was a i7 2600k. And I can tell you right now. No difference from AMD FX equivalent’s
    i7 have slightly smoother performance as they are VPU’s. But hardly worth the price. When it comes down to it, its just up to your preference. Any AMD has yet to fail me, so no need to switch to a more expensive competitor. Same with Nvidia. Both cards are just as good as one another, but one is more expensive because of software support. That honestly doesn’t impact performance at all unless the game/Program was built for it.

    Anyway. As for Laptops I would have to agree PC manufactures are bit lacking, But Sony seems to be trying to change that.

    Personally I don’t need a laptop for anything. And if I did need one I would probably get a cheap netbook as I wont be doing anything to taxing on a laptop anyway.

  444. Now Im Using My Mac says:

    What Im saying is the service is better, the OS is smoother the little features and details like MagSafe (yes I know it originated in Japanese kitchen appliances, that’s irrelevant) the battery indicator, the keyboard feel and yes, the trackpad. Apple lacks in the desktop dept. I’ll give you that. But I have yet to find a laptop that is as nice all around as a Mac. My next computer will probably be a PC desktop, but I have to say the iMacs are nice all-in-ones. And iMacs use laptop CPUS and GPUs which limit them, yet the i5 in the iMac will probably win in terms of applications that aren’t heavily threaded, everything Ive read about the bulldozers says they’re a great value but in terms of objective performance they lag behind the intel CPUs.

  445. ........... says:

    Forgot to mention my logitech G110 (Already factored in the price)
    12 G keys, 3 Macro Profiles, On the fly Macro Recording, Backlit keys, Colors changeable within the red and blue spectrum, 1 USB 2.0, Microphone and Headphone jack, Volume and Media controls.

  446. ........... says:

    My comp.
    8 core AMD FX CPU 3.8GHZ
    16GB ram 1600MHz
    2TB HDD 7200RPM
    14 USB, 2 eSATA, 4 USB 3.0, 2 FireWire
    XFX Double D Radon HD 6970 x2
    1.2k Wat PSU
    NZXT Phantom Aluminum/Steel Full Tower
    Blu-Ray Disk Drive
    2.1 Speakers 60W
    23″ LED Asus Monitor
    Windows 7
    MS Office Home and Business.
    Cost me about $1,500 (Ya ik not half the price.)

    27-inch: 3.1GHz
    3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    2560 x 1440 resolution
    4GB (two 2GB) memory
    1TB hard drive1
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB


    ” Ive used many PCs and Ive used many Macs. Apple isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but as a whole I would say that the quantity of PC hardware doesn’t beat the quality of Apple hardware (by this I mean the trackpad, cases, etc. the WHOLE package, not just the X86 hardware).”

    So what your saying Macs are better ALL AROUND just because of a better case and a track pad? And those two things are invalid for me because of my Aluminum/Steel case and Desk tops don’t need track pads.

    “…but what kills most PCs is their lack of fluidity (it’s a word I swear). I know, that’s subjective and vague at best. Look at it this way, watch the scrolling on a Mac and the multitouch gestures vs similar features on a PC.”

    I don’t really use laptops and I find the track pad on a PC and a Mac stiff and annoying. As for multitouch it is nice on both Mac and PC’s but I never fine myself using it (Unless I’m right-clicking on a Mac.) I don’t think a feature that I probably wont use is worth an extra $500.

    And as someone said before, Not everyone needs all the bundled software Mac comes with. Ya its a nice value, but completely useless for the average user. Then for people who want to play games you have to buy Windows as well adding even more to the price of a Mac. It really does not seem worth it to pay so much more for lesser hardware and lesser functionality.

    And Apple even has drivers for Windows if you want to use their track pad that badly. Granted you lose multitouch functions above 2 fingers. But that is hardly PC’s fault as Apple likes to patent just about everything.

  447. Now Im Using My Mac says:

    “” Price wise I can buy or build a pc that will blow the sh*t out of a mac performance wise for less than half of the cost of apples best machine.”
    No, no you can’t.”

    Yes, you can build a PC with more then x2 the performance and specs of the best Mac for about half the price.

    Show me, and I mean ALL of the specs, battery life, display, even extra features like the sudden motion sensor and battery indicator as those are part of the package. The markup in terms of pure specs on a Mac is around 30%. Im including software in this evaluation.

    “…And not only did you compare arbitrary figures against nonexistent competitors…”

    Sorry about that I was comparing iMac to the comp I was on atm. Anyway my point is you get better and more of everything on a PC then the bs Apple gives you at their price.
    Gotcha, you can order 2GB of DDR5 on the iMac GPU. Of course it’s a mobile chip though. iMacs aren’t “real” desktops per say. Im going to wait after WWDC 2012 to make my final judgement of them, as they are supposedly getting a refresh. Ive used many PCs and Ive used many Macs. Apple isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but as a whole I would say that the quantity of PC hardware doesn’t beat the quality of Apple hardware (by this I mean the trackpad, cases, etc. the WHOLE package, not just the X86 hardware). Most PC’s feel half baked and unresponsive. You have a few like the HP Envy line and Samsung’s new laptops are pretty nice, but what kills most PCs is their lack of fluidity (it’s a word I swear). I know, that’s subjective and vague at best. Look at it this way, watch the scrolling on a Mac and the multitouch gestures vs similar features on a PC. It doesn’t affect productivity, but the general design is subdued and out of your way. Thank god for that otherwise my ADD would have killed any hope I had for productivity long ago.

  448. ........... says:

    “” Price wise I can buy or build a pc that will blow the sh*t out of a mac performance wise for less than half of the cost of apples best machine.”
    No, no you can’t.”

    Yes, you can build a PC with more then x2 the performance and specs of the best Mac for about half the price.

    “…And not only did you compare arbitrary figures against nonexistent competitors…”

    Sorry about that I was comparing iMac to the comp I was on atm. Anyway my point is you get better and more of everything on a PC then the bs Apple gives you at their price.

  449. ........... says:

    “…And not only did you compare arbitrary figures against nonexistent competitors…”


  450. Now Im Using My Mac says:

    *a HP Envy.

  451. Now Im Using My Mac says:

    “So what excuse do the WinTel Fandroids have for Windows 8 restricting browsers to only IE?”
    Its a OS made for Tablets, and its also under development. If there is no other web browser that’s the 3rd party company’s fault not Microsoft.

    @Now Im Using My Mac
    Ohhh yay you pay $1000 more for a cpu that’s 1.4GHz slower (That’s allot slower in case your an idiot.) 500MHz(Still allot)slower RAM 4GB less ram. 250-500GB less HD space 1800 less RPM less (Sloooooooow) Mobility Graphic cards (They suck and are your only option har har)and all you get is a better track pad you smart fellow you!

    HD 6970
    Core clock: 880MHz
    Memory: 2GB GDDR5 Memory (or 1GB if its 3rd party manufacture)
    Memory Clock:1375MHz
    Stream Processors: 1536

    HD 6970M
    Core clock: 680 MHz
    Memory: 1GB GDDR5 Memory
    Memory Clock: 900MHz
    Stream Processors: 960

    *you’re, well done. Not only do I know about CPUs and clock speeds, I’ve built my own PCs (note the plural). And not only did you compare arbitrary figures against nonexistent competitors, you utterly ignored my point.
    And no, it’s not the 3rd party company’s fault for Windows 8 being locked down, I already know you don’t do research, so here’s a nice little quip of info. Mozilla is having to beg Microsoft to lessen the restrictions on Windows 8.

    “oh and have you guys notice that when you use youtube on the mac it lags.”
    troll alert

    “apple in general sucks. What other company limits its products compatibility to consumers regarding internet based content and software?”
    almost all companies
    No flash…
    Flash is terrible and it’s going away. Butthurt fanboys whined when Apple got rid of floppys, this is the same story. You’ll get over flash on the iPad. We’re talking about macs here, they can run flash just fine.
    ” then why not an alternative to display flash based content thats ALL OVER THE INTERNET?”
    The figures you’re thinking of have gone down significantly, Ive yet to stumble on a page with my iPhone that runs flash.
    ” Price wise I can buy or build a pc that will blow the sh*t out of a mac performance wise for less than half of the cost of apples best machine.”
    No, no you can’t.
    “Why do I need to remove 40 screws to do anything on a mac and why do I need special tools to get to anything?”
    Ha, that’s funny, Macs are the same, if not easier to tear down than a lot of PCs. Sure, you have the thinkpads, but those are for businesses and honestly, do you want a thinkpad? I know I don’t. I have an HP Envy 14 as my PC. But Im selling it soon, I don’t need it.
    ” Enterprise wise apple cant touch microsoft or the pc hardware and software vendors.”
    This is true, well, I don’t know about “can’t touch” but they do lag behind in the enterprise section. Yet they seem to be doing something right as Apple is the most valuable company in the world.
    + pc’s
    + ms
    + ubuntu
    + linux
    Ubuntu is a distribution of linux, redundant post is redundant. I have Natty Narhwal in Parallels, not a huge fan but it’s not bad at all. Preferable over W8 or XP, about the same as W7.
    – and F@&$ apple and its overpriced, outdated, and incompatible products. F their overpriced stock too.
    You do realize that stock price mirrors the progress of the company right? I thought not. Outdated? That’s rich. Incompatible? Nice try, maybe in 2007.

  452. lol says:

    oh and have you guys notice that when you use youtube on the mac it lags.

  453. not only do macs suck... says:

    apple in general sucks. What other company limits its products compatibility to consumers regarding internet based content and software? No flash… then why not an alternative to display flash based content thats ALL OVER THE INTERNET? Price wise I can buy or build a pc that will blow the s**t out of a mac performance wise for less than half of the cost of apples best machine. Why do I need to remove 40 screws to do anything on a mac and why do I need special tools to get to anything? Enterprise wise apple cant touch microsoft or the pc hardware and software vendors.
    + pc’s
    + ms
    + ubuntu
    + linux
    – and F@&$ apple and its overpriced, outdated, and incompatible products. F their overpriced stock too.

  454. ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ กิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ ก้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ says:


  455. .... says:

    “So what excuse do the WinTel Fandroids have for Windows 8 restricting browsers to only IE?”
    Its a OS made for Tablets, and its also under development. If there is no other web browser that’s the 3rd party company’s fault not Microsoft.

    @Now Im Using My Mac
    Ohhh yay you pay $1000 more for a cpu that’s 1.4GHz slower (That’s allot slower in case your an idiot.) 500MHz(Still allot)slower RAM 4GB less ram. 250-500GB less HD space 1800 less RPM less (Sloooooooow) Mobility Graphic cards (They suck and are your only option har har)and all you get is a better track pad :D you smart fellow you!

    HD 6970
    Core clock: 880MHz
    Memory: 2GB GDDR5 Memory (or 1GB if its 3rd party manufacture)
    Memory Clock:1375MHz
    Stream Processors: 1536

    HD 6970M
    Core clock: 680 MHz
    Memory: 1GB GDDR5 Memory
    Memory Clock: 900MHz
    Stream Processors: 960

  456. Anonymous says:

    “So what excuse do the WinTel Fandroids have for Windows 8 restricting browsers to only IE?”
    Its a OS made for Tablets, and its also under development. If there is no other web browser that’s the 3rd party company’s fault not Microsoft.

    @Now Im Using My Mac
    Ohhh yay you pay $1000 more for a cpu that’s 1.4GHz slower (That’s allot slower in case your an idiot.) 500MHz(Still allot)slower RAM 4GB less ram. 250-500GB less HD space 1800 less RPM less (Sloooooooow) Mobility Graphic cards (They suck and are your only option har har)and all you get is a better track pad :D you smart fellow you!

    HD 6970
    Core clock: 880MHz
    Memory: 2GB GDDR5 Memory (or 1GB if its 3rd party manufacture)
    Memory Clock:1375MHz
    Stream Processors: 1536

    HD 6970M
    Core clock: 680 MHz
    Memory: 1GB GDDR5 Memory
    Memory Clock: 900MHz
    Stream Processors: 960

  457. Now Im Using My Mac says:

    Macs are NOT 5x more. Maybe 1.5X more, but I gain the luxury of being able to go into any Apple store and receive exemplary customer service. Furthermore, the details on a Mac have actually received attention. The trackpad doesn’t feel like Im dragging my finger across a non responsive brick. Sure, the specs are a little bit lower than I would like, but not by a significant margin.

  458. Currently Using a PC says:

    So what excuse do the WinTel Fandroids have for Windows 8 restricting browsers to only IE?

  459. Rainmeter says:

    its not on mac, nuff said.

  460. and says:

    and a computer is for performances not looks.

  461. :) says:

    just keep your windows and post your propaganda to fox news! they’ll listen.

  462. Narg says:

    The narcissism in many of these replies (read: Mac users) is funny as hell.

  463. / says:

    All of you saying that macs are leading in innovation, can I ask in what exactly? The only thing the industry as a whole is leaning towards is the layout of a mac. So you can sit there high on your horse and grasp tightly your dream that macs are superior, but realize that the fucking dock is not a huge leap forward in technology.

  464. you people make me sad says:

    Macs are now, and always have been, overpriced pains in the ass. You pay about 5x more for your machine, and it has lower specs than the pc that costs so little. A few other things, for you mac users defending them right now: You’re totally right about the right click. This guy fucked up. And the date/time setting is adjustable. You’re all so right about that. Now on the other hand, your hardware is not really customizable, and what is is very recent. Saying that hardware is available to make a mac have the same functionality as a pc just proves this guy’s argument though. If you already pay extra, shouldn’t fairly standard hardware already be there? As a side note, DVI =/= HDMI. Not by a long shot. Saying macs have their limits but they’re good at other things is just not true. A pc can do anything a mac can, and it’s cheaper to build a pc with better specs than a mac than it is to buy a mac. If you want a machine that is very limited, why not just buy an older pc?

  465. In Your 64206! says:

    SHINY is going to make you Smart the moment you are exposed to it.

  466. lol says:


  467. Remi says:

    By the way Dave, in your comment about poor dumb rednecks, I will slap the SH*T out of you because I am a redneck living in Georgia that can afford a MAC. I just choose not to because of the fact that some of you think we drink beer down here in the south, well MACS are made out of aluminum. So, a mac is just as much as a hillbilly as us because they are made out of BEER CANS and whatever else they can find to make them DA*M things!!!

  468. Remi says:

    Amen and thank lord, I thought macs were sexy (by there outside design). Now all I want a mac for is so I have all the looks on the outside, and all of the performance on the inside (meaning I will use bootcamp to load windows ;)) TO sum up this comment, Thank you and continue using windows or linux)!!!!!

  469. In Your 64206! says:

    @ Dave

    I’m using a PC(windows) so I’m automatically consider as a moron by you. So I will become a very intelligent person after I buy an Apple computer? That’s the impression
    I’m getting from you Dave.

  470. Dave says:

    PPS – Plus, the majority of the people that I’ve met that hate Apple products are poor dumb rednecks. Too poor to buy Apple products so they s**t on them just to feel better about their crappy lives.
    Just like how poor people make fun of people that drive Ferrari’s. All I heard in this post and comments was a lot of whining.
    You PC morons should try a little less whining and a little more winning; get a mac!

  471. Dave says:

    Haha! Funny article. Macs always have, always are and always will be light years ahead of any PC. Why do you think all the PC companies follow in Apple’s footsteps? It’s disparagingly desperate and pathetic.
    I used a PC for about 3 years before I even cared about operating systems. As soon as I got my Mac, it was like I had died and gone to heaven. It’s true – ONCE YOU GO MAC, YOU WON’T GO BACK.

    PS- I’ve had several cellular phones too. And my iPhone is the coolest thing I’ve ever bought. Besides my Mac.
    People hate Apple products for the same reason they hate the New England Patriots and the Yankees. Because they KEEP…ON…WINNING.

  472. PC 4 LIFE says:

    Still to this day XP is THE BEST OS available on Windows, mac os x sucks balls, i have used macs and pcs alike and will have to say, pcs, much more customizable, much more options with interface, with mac, its like communism, LESS CONTROL, MORE RETARDED ASS-WIPE FRIENDLY, the only thing mac is good for is to be put in elementary schools for the slow kids and non-tech savvy kids, only people that cant handle windows use macs, macs are slow, restricted options, and shitty graphics, honestly the only thing that i would ever use a mac for now is something to piss on outside while i am drunk.

  473. technoschock says:

    even on post-pc devices, one should always strive to use a more unrestrictive platform.

    android has no artificial restriction that limits firefox/opera from being built. take opera full mobile version and not mini. no restrictions on programming languages that can be developed for. no politics to restrict apps that dealt with adult, politics, race, comics, icons’ look n’ feel.

    since android is not-limited to adult contents, it is therefore not a kiddie-pad.

    android can be programmed on win,linux,mac. it does not artificially pushed
    you to upgrade your os when a new android version comes out.

    if i want the most-supported, long-term hardware and software support, it’ll be always windows.

    if i want the richest multimedia support, it will still be windows. games, browsing, asf/netflix/silverlight/flash playback. not that you dont have netflix,flash playback on the other platform. but it works the best (leanest/smoothest) on windows.

    if i want freedom ideologies, it’ll be linux. it will still be a standard pc and not a pc with custom franken-efi that needs specialy-tailored ubuntu iso to boot from. supporting these so called devices are bad, because
    next version of fraken-efi in future products line-up, and you’re back to square one waiting for hackers to figure out the close proprietary franken-efi. why waste open-source development time on a closed-device.

    if i want development machine, it’ll still be windows because it satisfy most people from creating web, graphics, video, games, audio, engineering cads, etc. while the other platform can satify say audion,video, but it is lacking in many other areas. why buy a single purpose machine.

  474. TechnoJedi says:

    As I read through some of these “mine is better” comments, I can’t help but feel that it is still a point of view, nothing more. One poster mentioned zipping a file. Really? How many average users care to do anything with a zip file other than opening it? Windows devices have done that out of the box since ME was released. As a tech who at times has to transmit large log files to vendors to provide them information on problems with their code, sure I use it. Does the regular user need to? How often is that? With broadband, large amounts of free cloud type storage and huge limits on message size, zipping is very overrated. Again, while that might be important to a few, most could careless if they could zip a file out of the box anyways. Point of view and nothing more.

    Apple sold how many copies of Lion in three days? Sure they did.they put their users in a stranglehold by telling them the iCloud services that work with the iPhone 4 would work with their Mac, yet it didn’t with anything older than Lion. So all these folks that just bought into Justin Long’s crock of crap get their iPhone (see closed, locked down, limited to 3G speeds handheld device with no expandable storage and I can b***h because I am typing this message on a 4s). Only to find out that iCloud doesn’t work on even the latest versions of Snow Leopard and that if an Apple user wanted it, that all they have to do is go to the Apple store and pay for their 30 dollar upgrade. The funny part is that iCloud works just fine on Windows.

    Think about that for a second. Apple provided iCloud support for Windows users, but their own loyal following has to pay more for a new OS. I can tell you for a fact that as an owner of both Lion and Snow Leopard, that I am not thrilled with Lion. Still trying to figure out why Apple decided to do that, but I can only think of one thing, money. There is nothing I see in Lion that makes me think that Apple couldn’t make iCloud function in full on even 10.6.8 other than Apple chose to not make it work.

    MS might have sold fewer copies of the Windows 7 OS, but you should include the licenses for the corporations, plus the ones that shipped on the new PC devices sold in that same time frame.

    At the company I work for alone, I know for a fact that when Windows 7 was released, that the distro of over 150000 devices running began and that number grows daily. That is just one large company who in the past wasn’t known for being early integrators of new operating systems.

    Apple makes some cool stuff, but without post-pc devices, they are nothing but a fly in the ointment. I go out of my way to use my Mac, I truly try to use it and push my already deep experience further into seeing what it can do. My MacBook pro, running Lion has given me the “you need to restart your computer, hold the power button blah blah blah” at least three times in the last 30 days, yet not a single Win 7 device in my home or at work has blue screened or frozen. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a single blue screen since using windows 7. That includes two devices with a corporate image, two machines upgraded in place, seamlessly from Vista, my home built tower, a Dell Inspiron and an old Dell Latitude with nothing for resources that had a build date of 2001. Even my Standard MacBook, built in 2009, running Boot camp hasnt crashed while running Win7, but OSx has crashed countless times. I choose to send Apple all of my crash info, every time. Haven’t heard anything back from them, yet the crashes continue and happen randomly.

    I have said it before, I view Linux as a utility and have it running on a 6 year old computer, but it hasnt crashed either.

    I can say without question, that I’d I had to choose only one, it would be Windows 7 in a heartbeat. I have never been limited by it to do anything I wanted. I cannot say the same for my Mac products, but that is just me. I actually really like my Mac stuff, I am the furthest thing from a hater you can find, there just isn’t anything I can see that makes it superior in ANY way.

  475. TechnoJedi says:

    What I see is that Apple has a following of users we label as “fanboys” because in large, that group presents themselves as “elitists”. Many of them go out of their way to criticize others for not being Apple believers. They are quick to accuse people of being lesser people or “poor” because they think the only reason people don’t buy Apple is because they can’t afford them.

    Before Apple released it’s Mac vs PC commercials, Windows users could careless about about Apple or what anyone was using. When Apple chose to start a very deceitful and disrespectful campaign aimed at making Windows look bad, they stoked a fire that they could not control. Many thought that since that ghey motherplucking Justin Long came out and claimed that Apple was superior, that it was true. After all, who in their right mind would come out worldwide and make such a claim if it wasn’t true? Apple would. By doing so, they tricked a few people into spending more money on less function, trying to grab a larger piece of market share. Ultimately it failed, yeah, they earned a little bit more, but nothing to get hard over.

    I have owned or used every single computer product Apple sold short of the Lisa and a few versions of the Mac Tower. Even going back to the 80’s, I have never used an Apple product that made me believe that I could do better without a PC. As time as gone, the PC has only become more powerful and more reliable with each release of Windows.

    You didn’t see Windows users showing disrespect for Mac offerings because Windows users didn’t care. They were happy with their device and it did what they wanted it to do. However, Mac users have been on the defense for DECADES. They have always viewed MS as the evil empire, that windows users didn’t know how superior they were in Cupertino. Apple bred this thinking and still does to this day.

    MS singlehandedly saved Apple in the 90’s. They literally funded them and agreed to make software that allowed Apple users to function in the regular world. Apple repaid them by painting a picture of the PC guy being a fumbling, square idiot. That if you owned a Mac you would be cool and superior, that you wouldn’t have crashes or viruses. Justin Long didn’t tell you that Windows runs on everything, mass produced PCs, home built computers and yes even Macs. He didn’t tell you that gaming was very limited and that software was more expensive, that you couldn’t upgrade your device easily. No, he told you that if you used a PC, that you were stupid. Never heard anything from MS dogging the Mac for it’s unrivaled shortcomings in the world of computing. Of course, they weren’t desperate enough to do so. Apple was, just like a dirty politician. They turned their point of view into a law, then lied when they did it.

    That pissed off many PC users and drew a line along with crapping in MS’s living room.

    Now I will always own Apple and PC products. I don’t care who uses what platform, if it works for you, then great. You should be happy, but no one has a place telling anyone else what is best for anybody than themselves. Whatever platform you use, consider that others may not see it the same way you do.

  476. Debian says:

    # Debian
    $ everything else …

  477. semen says:

    think only apple are unique, only they can produce beautiful os?

    dreamlinux uses slightly different scheme where their icons are different and more gamma saturated. so somewhat similar but yet color scheme are more vibrant but nevertheless just as beautiful.

    it shows osx are just desktop environment on top of bsd os much like gnome, kde, xfce, etc. unlike osx, dreamlinux’s underneath is powered by the best os- linux with better hardware support than their bsd core. they can do it, so what’s so special with apple?

  478. semen says:

    don’t know where mactards dig up those factual garbage.
    “Mac OS is not locked in any way.” –
    atom cpu was delibrately disabled with update. the os requires apple’s efi or pystar efi and doesnt support other generic x86 processor like amd, via. how else are you gonna described a lock-in system? with a real physical padlock? sound dumb when talking giberish.

    “Mac OS is designed to be working perfectly with it’s components allowing it to work greater.”
    basicaly, you meant given the small subset of hardware (couple of models of iseries cpus, gtx cards), apple should optimized the drivers like crazy. why aren’t they?
    Windows 7 vs. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: Cinebench R11.5 (

    stick to facts.

  479. John says:

    Here’s some of the things Windows Lovers don’t seem to understand;
    – Mac OS is not locked in any way.
    – Mac OS is designed to be working perfectly with it’s components allowing it to work greater.
    – Mac OS has a lot of things intergrated. Say, you were to zip a file. On Windows: Research .zip, look around the web for compatable software, download, install, buy or use trial version which only lasts for 14 days, open the program, open the file in the program, zip, choose output. On mac: Rightclick->”Zip File”. Get my point? And this is just one of these awesome Mac-Only features.
    – Programs made in packages/apps makes the app more faster, no need to install, easy to uinstall(rightclick->”Delete”), and best of all – No Virus.
    – Due to the Macs great base software engine, it never crashes or freezes. I’ve had Macs from MC Air, to Mac Pro, and the chance of freezes/crashes/and-so-on are litterly 0.1% of a Windows computer.
    – “No Right-Click”?? Dude, false rumor.
    – With the apps not quiting when exiting a windows is so much greater then you would think. You only think of it as bad, cause it is different and you have to get used to it, but this allowes so much more functonality to the work-prosess.
    – Mac does not have bad graphics, it’s just working so great with the components that there is no need for better ones to match it up.
    – The reason Macs are so expensive is simply because it is so good.
    – “Semen” said “windows rules”. Well, thanks to Macs intergrated Look-Up-That-Word feature(by just dubble tapping with two fingers on the mousepad) I was able to look up the word “Rules”. And it turns out it means being on top, or being better/best. Microsof sold 3 milion copies of Windows 7 in 3 months after it’s release. Apple, however, sold 3 Milion copies of OSX Lion in 3 Days after it’s release. Apple takes over 40% of the marked in that area – which is over Microsoft. Meaning that Apple Rules Over Microsft. He he *evil laugh*
    – The reason why most of the people who are against Mac are not for it, is because they have not fully tried it’s functions. Seriousely.

    Windows is like………. Nice, Cool, Awesome! But when they sees mac… Mother Of God… And when they look at Windows again….. Eewww, *pukes*

    Windows is Good, but Mac OS IS better. It is. Seriousely, it is. It’s better. Like, it’s better. Best. It’s Best.……

  480. semen says:

    windows rules.

    excerpt from tech support from the MAKER of gaming mouse for mac.

    “Thanks for all the detailed diagnostic so far – we’re using it all to look into why you’re having so many problems. Most people are fine under Lion but obviously some aren’t! To answer your question, Mac support can be tricky. Just the difference between the versions within each major release of the OS (10.6.4 vs. 10.6.6, for example) can sometimes cause issues.”

    anyway, just for NON-TRIVIAL 3rd party devices, mac already has so much problems with MINOR versions of os revision. that just spell BriTtle. can’t imagine how other 3rd party devices like webcam, printers, etc. fare.
    what’s worse are mac users who would cried “this/that maker sucks at making drivers for mac” without realizing how technically pathetic their os is. underneath, security is lax (hacked in secs), filesystem is old, it is just a polished desktop on freebsd. it’s all about aesthetics with them, nothing technically superior about them.

    windows dont break so easily on non-trivial stuff. notice, the comment – “mac support can be tricky” and not “os support can be tricky”. notice the similar patterns in mac users, who cried their fowl mouths at adobe, firefox, microsoft (in short any device, drivers, software not made from apple). just show their rabbid nature.

    ever wonder why apple is so adamant about writing video drivers? so that they can shield you from breakage that will occur with mismatch driver version and kernel updates esp. with video drivers on unixes – known to send you back to the old ages of command line.

    advantage of microsoft being just software maker is that windows were designed from inception to deal all hardware machines made by others out there – different makes, built, drivers. that said, they must be designed in mind to be more tolerant of updates, versioning, multiple cards, etc. technically, windows is MUCH more superior, that it is able to deal with complexities arose from multiple combinations of manufacturers, driver, hardware and kernel versions and remained relatively stable. because of this, it also gives you freedom to use golden drivers (straight from nvidia, amd) and different versions to finish a game. the latter is important because if a feature is broken/removed from a newer version of drivers, i can still update the kernel and chose not to update the driver to finish a game. whereas bundle drivers forces you to upgrade along with os – shoved down your throat. what choice have you got. security or fun. such freedom is priceless for production work and can only be bought with a pc.

    similarly, non-standard efi are reasons why ubuntu, windows, etc. need some form crutches (bootcamp, refit) and specialy-tailored iso (ubuntu) to boot other operating system. cruthes == handicapped machine. personaly, i dont think linux should support these non-standard machines. putting an open os on closed machines is oxymoron like JUMBOshrimp. they already chosen a non-conforming machine and os, so let them play with their overpriced crappy os in their crappy disillusioned world. why let them joined in on the fun?

    then, there is the upgrade roller-coaster cycles, mac user must faced. who says they are not expensive. take bootcamp 4, vista and below are dropped. c’mon, vista, that’s way too early. even the smallest hardware vendors for ethernet, soundcards, etc. can maintained a budget to support longer than that. truth, they just dont care. so all you windows users out there thinking of getting a mac as a windows machine. be wary, your so called brand new hardware can fast become paperweight. just look at release year and machine models in the bootcamp docs and see how quickly they pushed upgrades. so people paying for second hand mac, you’re dumb. why pay so much for an outdated machine. you are just financing his upgrade. to recap, imagine relying on them to provide fixes to a game only to find out it is prematurely dropped in bootcamp 4. then, you either have to shell-out for windows 7 or get a new mac that suppports bootcamp 4.

    windows rules.

  481. >.> says:

    As someone said before comparing boot times to Windows and Mac is stupid. Windows 7 is about 40GB while OS X is what 8GB?

    “Windows 7 boots at a rate of 1GB every 1.5 sec
    OS X boots at a rate of 1GB every 5sec”

    Or Windows 7 boots at a rate of 666MB per sec
    And OS X boots at 200MB per sec

    This is if both OS’s take 1 minute to boot. So a satanic result for windows is not constant. >.>

  482. semen says:

    something is amiss with os x. is that slow?

    sluggish scrolling in safari should not be dependent on system preference->mouse. when i scroll the webpage, scrollbar does not track my mouse movement. mouse is already faster than scrollbar. the scrollbar will play catch-up. they are the gold standards in performance.
    personally, windows always feel snappy, linux comes a distance second. mac distance last.

    i never care for boot times like all those mac users when they compare windows and os. functionality is more important.

    yeah so mouse preference dont change a thing. scolling is still slow and the myth still stands.

  483. Johnny Hands says:

    @ semen (May 24, 2012 at 9:08 AM),

    …you know you can adjust those speeds in System Preferences ->Mouse, for tracking and scrolling, as well as double-click speed.
    The Mac myths just keep on comin’ :-)

  484. Johnny Hands says:

    Also, you can use control-click to to do the same thing right-click does (bring up a contextual menu), and you just do that too.

  485. Johnny Hands says:

    Like I said, if you’re using Windows on a Mac (via bootcamp), you just do it too.

    Under Mac OS, many users are comfortable with just one-button mousing, so that’s the default, but it’s configurable to right-clicking. That is not what the original post up at the top says, so I was just trying to correct a myth that’s having a hard time dying.

  486. @ Johnny Hands says:

    Cool. You know how to configure right for windows and linux? You dont have to. You just DO it. No middle man.

  487. Johnny Hands says:


    On a Mac laptop, in the System Preferences/TrackPad, in the Point & Click tab, there is a Secondary click checkbox and you can change it to use either a 1) click with two-fingers (default), 2), Click in the bottom left corner, or 3) Click in the bottom right corner. This is on Mac 10.7.x (Lion), so earlier systems may have a different way of setting it, and although I didn’t use this option on earlier laptops, I bet it has been available for a long time.

    I’ve just set it to 3) Click in bottom right corner, as I’m right-handed and my thumb usually sits in the bottom-left corner, it is an easy move of the thumb to the bottom-right of the trackpad when I do want the right-clicking option.

  488. Johnny Hands says:


    (sorry if someone else in this epically-long thread already covered this – I started to search for all occurrences of the word “right” to see, but gave up because the thread is so damn long.)

    Anyway, to enable right-clicking, even on the standard single-button mouse, you need to open System Preferences/ Mouse and to the *right* of the mouse image, change the pop-menu that says, “Primary Button” to “Secondary Button” (I’m using Lion/Mac OS 10.7, earlier Mac OS’s may have a different way of doing it, but I’ve been using this option since 2009 when many of the posts on this thread were written.) With this change, when you click on the right side of the one-button mouse, it will behave as if you did a Control-click, or just like a two-button mouse.

    Note, if you’ve got a Windows partition with Windows running (via BootCamp), the right-side of the mouse button behaves this way (as you’d expect in Windows) by default.

    It has been this way for several years, though I don’t know how long exactly. Apparently there are more people than not that realize all of this.


  489. semen says:

    tried out imacs in bestbuy. sorry mOst aNnoying Crap, i ever tried.
    given the price range, mouse travel slowly over large screen area.
    equally, scrolling is slow with native browser. not allowed to install anything.

  490. LC II says:

    So funny to see you piss the fanboys off. Been with Mac since LCII and been with PC since Windows 3.11. I am surprised you didn’t mention Apple’s continued use of inferior hardware which has led to numerous failures like the Mini. A lot of this article is subjective but the fact is the hardware Apple chooses to put in their machines is garbage.

  491. Anonymous says:

    Just more ignorant bullshit down the board ZzzZzz

  492. Yeah its a lil’ off topic lol you spotted a couple of typos about halfway thr

  493. MacUser says:

    You know what? I used a PC for 20 years and not one year went by that I didn’t have to remove a virus. It never mattered how much I upgraded either. The stupid things took a month to boot up and it was slow. However, I did have a nice clear and crisp screen. Or so I thought until I switched to Mac.

    PC does not have squat on Mac. I have had my Mac for about 3 years now and it has never crashed. I have never gotten a virus, and my screen is far superior than anything I have ever seen on a PC. I paid $1,200 for the 21.5 in iMac straight off the shelf. No upgrades or anything and I consider it money well spent.

    As for the comment about the right click, It just so happens that there is a fully functional right click and the button exists on pretty much all versions of the apple mouse. It is just not a visible button. I mean if you like, I can come to your house with a hammer and put a crack in your mouse for you, but it is really not needed. One simply needs to go into the mouse preferences and turn on right click.

    PC uses a registry. Mac does not. Everything on PC has to go through that registry and if there is an error, hang it up! Macs don’t have programs, they have apps that are designed to serve a certain function and they do.

    I am neither a wannabe nerd or hipster. I am just a guy who got sick of working on his PC. I am happy to say, I will never have that problem again. Oh yeah, for the record, all of my apps open immediately without issue. Photoshop is the fastest one.

    You really should try out a new Mac before ranting like this. 10 years ago I would have agreed with you. Mac has come a long way. I can do everything on a Mac that I could do on a PC without the headache. I can even run Windows on a Mac (Only God knows why I ever would), IT EVEN RUNS BETTER! You cannot run Mac OS on PC. PC stands for “Piece of Crap”.

  494. Anonymous says:

    Nokia has got apple beat when it comes to reliable and strong. Check out the Nokia Lumia 900

  495. twinblades says:

    I just tried to convert wma files on a mac with itunes. Turns out that s**t only works on PC’s.

    macs suck

    Also it’s freaking amazing this article still gets comments on the daily lmao

  496. derp says:

    Oh yes! Because moving both fingers over a specific spot on the mouse to right click is soooooo much ezer then just instantly right-clicking with the finger that was already there :D

  497. Anonymous says:

    I might right click not left click***

  498. Anonymous says:

    who needs left click when you can do two fingers tapping on the touch pad.
    Two fingers tap is so much easier than left click, right apple fans?

  499. anonymous says:

    you can right click, by clicking with 2 fingers at once on the glide pad thingy
    it has copy and paste and even a dictionary option!

  500. Just a Hoe says:

    Arguing with retards is like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it’s victorious.

  501. derp says:

    Hes proly just mad cuz hes not smart enough to build a pc

  502. >.> says:

    You do know the majority of PC users don’t make their own computers right?

  503. lol says:

    REALITY CHECK is the type of person who has a world view set in his mind and everyone who doesn’t agree with him is a no good fucked up looser and can f**k off.

    More complex? You are simple as f**k, you brain dead monkey.

    Most of the s**t he says doesn’t even make sense, and NO its not because of your shitty ass grammar.

    I don’t see how its “Agree with me or you have no future” You can die b***h and nothing will change in my life. You are nobody. No one needs you. You have no talent. You have no ambition. You are just a dumb b***h who can barely speak another language.

    You are also just a angry fucktard who lashes out at everyone who posts on here. (I.E. …. He/She wasn’t even talking to you.)

    “Idk but If you are very lucky you find something like that on android and then it works on your tablet which was made after apple made it first and cost almost the same but as you know cheaper is better.”

    1. Microsoft made the tablet first, for business use only.
    2. Sometimes cheaper things are better.
    3. Expensive doesn’t equal better.

    “Please give a little more thought to what you read in my post before you start shooting the same bullets you shoot at anyone.”

    Oh YES because you are so much better then everyone in the world right? After you are the “chosen one”, your no better then the s**t I wipe from my ass you useless b***h.

    “you are told you can get a pc and max it out high end and put all kinds of good stuff in it. But when you’re done *ssembling the new boards new cards , new water cooler whatever comes out and you are biting your *ss that you spend so much time working on your “hardware”.”
    PC users are brainwashed because they have the OPTION, nay the FREEDOM to upgrade their computer if they feel the need to? Why is hardware in quotations? Are you implying it doesn’t exist? And what time? It takes about an hour or two to build a computer. Oh I build computers? I must be a no good scumbag who has no life. No building computers is my job you dumbshit. You jobless fag.

    Learn something before trying to seem smart you dumbass. Like how to speak a language for example.

    “Peace” -You dumb s**t.

  504. Reality Check says:

    @ …
    look at my post and read something different.
    I don’t know what the f**k are talking about. who cares about your opinion on some s**t you did not dig into?

    I don’t have an ipad but I don’t understand how anyone could say this is unattractive to him.

    You are talking about games again?
    Just look up a software called Samplewiz and play a little with that. Oh right, you can’t. Idk but If you are very lucky you find something like that on android and then it works on your tablet which was made after apple made it first and cost almost the same but as you know cheaper is better.
    Did your parents tell you that?
    What the f**k do you eat?

    you should be forced to buy macs for people who know how to use em, or ipads if you need to bring that up.
    So you can’t spend so much on your fast-food.

    I’m just asuming of course but Samplewiz on an ipad is a serious instrument so you might want to check that out if you are fresh like that gamers. Of course you would have to hide it from your friends then.
    Again you know who you are if you are offended. I can’t change you. But you need to do that or dig a hole for your dreams.


  505. Reality Check says:

    @ Derr

    Dare you open your face again like that.
    Talkin about my money.
    I was actually trying to say that here in Europe the Mac is pretty much all I need to buy thats not built outside of Europe. Thats arrogance but also true.
    Meaning I know what quality is and I have got some nice tools you might not even have heard they exist.
    The music coming out of my speakers is not what you hear, be it a couple hundreds for a surround system what you might have looked at in the store and thoughts thats worth anything.
    You can’t f**k wit my s**t. I’m not talking about any multimedia crap or how you call it.
    I’m crazy about my s**t. One scratch and its trash normally but the mac with its lil dust is the exception.
    And yes its the most expensive “thing” I’ve ever bought. That might be because I also know how to chose from different components and put stuff together the way I want it. That begins me back to my point. The mac is one piece in my setup and I don’t like pc guys talking all the time about hardware specs of one device. I have real hardware that works and doesn’t give a f**k about pcs or macs to work.

    Ask yourself if your stuff is so cheap then why do you even go to work. To work for someone to put most of your money in his pocket. I don’t do that and very rarely did ever.

    And I also don’t understand why a mac is the exception from all this. Do you build your own tv, dish washer, or whatever?
    I don’t know why I replied to you. You obviously didn’t want to get me the first time because you have a pc. And I have a mac. So I am your enemy.

    I will say now you are brainwashed because…
    …now here it comes…
    you are told you can get a pc and max it out high end and put all kinds of good stuff in it. But when you’re done assembling the new boards new cards , new water cooler whatever comes out and you are biting your ass that you spend so much time working on your “hardware”. Look into somethin else next time or make it your job. Hobbies are for faggots and I don’t mean gay people by that. Half ass people that don’t go for what they want with no backbone.
    If not you than at least a few others here won’t turn around now and admit they do like to screw stuff together feeling like an engineer. Once I filmed one of my friends how he was updating his ram to mess with him. It took him like half an hour because he was so scared he could brake something. I updated my ram recently which was 5 minutes and cost me only a hundred bucks for two 8 gb sticks which I can use in all current models together with the old ram if I want. Excuse me that this pleases my needs more than enough.

    @ FKJ
    Yeah you wish.
    Come to Holland before new year and bring money for every faker you meet on the way. Its full though, but we are pretty easy here, a and we got all that fancy stuff from the us even the bread is soft. which is crab compared to french or german but still better than us, plus more girls than guys.
    But hurry if you want to ever see the grey area, sadly the Dam might really be closing down this time:(
    Who would have thought that Apple one day will be more open to the seedy underground than Amsterdam…
    I personally thinks its a hype. They want to get the juice form the tourist this summer thinking they have to spend their euros because it might be worthless soon.
    Poor b******s. Oh wait, whats my money called again?

    You’re right its stupid to comment but I can’t always do make the smarter choice.
    Part of the world is going up in flames. Mine is pretty nice actually and I worked for it but sometimes I just can’t enjoy it and feel bad for other people I can’t help it. Luckily I usually find better ways to deal with this but I realized everybody talks s**t on the web and they are just screaming for this. Especially one this thread. Why would a mac user even be here, The topic is like, ok why the f**k should I read that? I was on a whole other thing and it came up.
    If I’d find a better tool to do what I need i’d happily leave the mac behind. Or one with a better OS but thats just me.

    @ BlaBla
    exactly Blabla is all you did there and you know it. Halfass comment. Please give a little more thought to what you read in my post before you start shooting the same bullets you shoot at anyone. Only because you need to get rid of bullshit inside you doesn’t mean you can do it as crazy as others. I have learned english from music dude I’ve never been to any english country. That is easy for me. I’m a mec user remember? We are the chosen ones.
    I’m speaking to you from the old world, the one that doesn’t change through time. Even you are connected to it but you are probably worried about your wrinkles talking bullshit like that Grandma. If you don’t get that, I’m fresher than you’ll ever be.

    Don’t tell me you run a company and then diss my age. If I’m not younger than you I’d be surprized.

    Ask a smart person if you can find one and tell him that he should not worry about doing mistakes because you think he must be too smart to do them. You might make him laugh.

    I have no problem with pcs, but with a lot of people who are around them. If some (mac) people do things that are rationally stupid so be it. You can also be emotionally stupid and I just try to go both ways. Still the majority of the world uses windows and the world is fucked up. I’m not saying its only your fault but it can’t be that there are more stupid mac users than windows users.
    If you don’t care about design, you see the world in 1s and 0s but thats only half of it. Design is usage, then how it looks. But if its not durable I pass on it.
    Apple is nice on design. To just overlook that seems to me like you are limiting choices because of reasons that have nothing to do with it. Reasons like strange people on their smartphones thinking they need to hold them all the time because they are less important without it. I saw them too.

    You really think the person that buys a mac today gets it for hardware reasons. Than you are more stupid than the idiots who bought a macbook with core 2 duo in ’11 for anything over 600 euros new which didn’t exist.

    Why man, why do you think you can correct a person that believes hardware is better and doesn’t know whats in it? Thats like talking to a wall?
    I should be talking to myself now.

    Oh and I did not at all say apple is the government although it would improve things financially.
    I was trying to say you can’t just look in your pc specs all the time. Look into people look into every company that you buy from all the stuff you eat. etc. If you do that you might find things that are more important than having a graphics card that is better than my one but only if you want to play the latest games. I don’t buy food at a wal mart. In Holland we got many small shops that have their own business. We don’t support this s**t here.
    Apple is just as nice as the best stuff that comes from the US which are creative people doing great music and what not.
    Its not the worst thing to do to support the only company that at least tries to compete with windows. You better let google or the chinese make your next pc because windows will never be the innovative one. It doesn’t need to be.

    btw, I can play bioshock fine I just don”t want to. I played those games as a kid. games that interest me come every ten years like, Darkness, or duke nukem but I don’t play games because I can use the time better. Even posting here is better than gaming to me as you can see.
    I use computers for what I do because its a lot faster and more compact than analog gear. Most of the stuff is able to do way more for much less money than a few years ago. Macs are no exception.

    If I would have gone for pc, and it was possible, I’d not tell anyone about the specs which would be nice of course but nothing that I’d like to mention to anyone else besides nerdy people who beg me to know.

    In summary, most of your girls wouldn’t mind spending time with me, come to Holland we got Beauties here from all over the world.
    Choices in Life one can only wish to have. Especially one who is mainly playing on whatever that has more fan than fanny.

    Of course when I hit it too fast, it also makes that sound sometimes. And by it I don’t mean the computer.
    Anyway my pc is as calm as a girls breath when she sleeps.

    I do actually work audio production for several projects and I know how much data my mac can work at a time.
    If it wouldn’t stay calm like that I would not have it in front of my face for 10 hours runs sometimes. If I’d buy a pc I’d put it in a different room and keep the screen around of course.
    Currently I’m waiting for something to happen to be able to finish my current job thats why you are so lucky to have me here.

    Sorry for being a more complex person than 90% of you. You don’t like to hear that. As I said I’m getting by without you very fine.
    Just realize life is happening without you and you haven’t change a bit you pc freaks.
    At least mac head is somewhat a new invention. They are cute. You are a big grey mass of people doing whatever is done by the people around you. Prefering a fucking self made pc as life stops there. Don’t you fel how empty your head is?

    I admit I’m pissed that so many of well educated people I have met are wasting their time and I have to meet goals to satisfy myself.
    I can’t always tell everybody to their face what I think about them. I tried and found out what friends are.
    But this is just a place where people chose to be offended by bullshit for no reason anyway. So here you go. Most of you don’t dare to talk to a person about whats really on your mind. Face to Face. You just comment all the time and let others do the job. The when its easy for us you are telling us what tools to use. As if you would have the skills with the fucking knowledge. I build your pc today if I’d have any fun with it. To me its the most boring thing to think about what your pc might be able to do better. That doesn’t make any b***h scream louder when it comes down to it.
    I avoid getting angry like this by trying to have a nice life. But stupid people make me angry and try to pull you on their level and then beat you so you go ahead and try that or keep doin what you do. Should be less important for me now. I told you why you suck. Again if you get offended than your world is a small place and you need to change that.

    I had to look through a million laptops to find one I liked because they all looked like wanna be star-wars.
    Macbooks have only helped that there a better ones today.
    Btw I’m also selling iPads which I made with my ass. Probably not allowed but I don’t give a s**t and you stink anyway. See if you can find the apple logo on that you pussies.

    For the haters:
    Linux all day! and Big Bang Theory is the best.

    ok that was too much. You did not deserve this.

    I basically just learned typing so don’t get it confused.
    This is just a very much needed Realty Check to better the chances of humans surviving the coming anger, by trying to prepare them before it hits them in full effect.
    And I’m not saying when because its not in my power.
    Saying your life would have been more impressive if you had lived it under my shoe and I’m not that great so you really need to get your s**t together.

    Also 911 was killed by a PC Is what I heard when I was in church last time. When I married my mac. You know the taxes. But if that’s true I’ll get a divorce. Tell me thats not true and I promise I’ll jizz on you again.

  506. .... says:

    Was reading through this…. crap, and noticed how stupid everyone is.

    Like RAWR! who ether (Like everyone else here.) Just makes assumptions and acts based on them. Even tho RAWR! was right from time to time he never conveyed his message well.

    For example when he was arguing about the iPad graphics for that one game idr the name of, and don’t care enough to look for it. He thought of this roundabout way trying to understand how the graphics could look like that.

    Well its simple. The entire game is a cinematic. Unlike live gameplay. Cinematic’s are prerecorded and require almost no rendering or GPU power. As opposed to live gameplay where there are to many variables so the GPU has to calculate everything on the fly.

    In Layman’s terms, it’s like a interactive video. You can run it on a potato.

  507. FKJ says:

    And stop identifying with the material possessions you use in everyday life. This won’t make you happy. I’m talking to both sides in this vapid, useless discussion.

  508. FKJ says:

    I almost read every single comment since this afterbirth of a thread saw the light of day. From what I was able to deduce, JJ is a either a poor and envious man with little to no sense of design, or he’s a normal PC user whose girlfriend ran off with an avid Apple user. Which is of course very feasible due to his lack of coherency, inability to rebut and clinging to inaccuracies and blatant lies. Plus, since having my $2000 dollar Photoshop/facebook machine, I’ve been getting laid exponentially more.

    What I’m basically saying is: screw you guys. I’m ambivalent to computers in general, be they designed by Chanel, assembled in Vietnam, black of ethnicity or whatever. It’s a tool. Just like nearly every single commenter in this thread. At least some opinions by other commenters were based an actual facts, and you probably know who you are. You’re better than this s**t.

    I regretfully inform you all that I’m writing this on an actual Macbook, bought in 2009, of which the on board sound card stopped working in 2010 (which would cost me just below a cold 1000 to repair). Apple is a terrible company with a pretty great operating system. I wish I had an ounce of weed for every deluded fanboy in this thread. I seriously do.

  509. BlaBla says:

    This guy is like a rambling old man. Go back to the home grandpa.

    “but stupidity is always there to f*ck you up if you don’t care to do think.”
    You must not think allot then grandpa. For instance everything you ‘know’ about Mac’s are just your assumptions. (I.E. My computer Silent. And reaches low tems Mac’s can NEVER reach.)

    “Stop caring about whats inside your machines.”
    Yes, stop caring about the contents of what you buy. Just buy it because it looks pretty.

    “You can try as hard as you want but what you need to do if you feel offended right now is change your life.”

    So it doesn’t matter that I’m the owner of a Construction tools manufacturing business. If I play games I need to change my life.

    “Strangely I’d rather have more mac using creative people confusing you with their games, movies, computers, phones, social networks, etc. then you being able to work on bullsh*t you would do if you would not be constantly distracted.”
    So you want people to Play games, work on computers, play with their phones ect. Then work on their life? I detect a contradiction.

    “If apple is evil US government…”
    I wasn’t aware that Apple was the US government…

    “Seriously, the majority of our people f*cked up this world and now the majority of our kids are using pcs and are not making it better.”
    So PC’s the things the most creative people in the world use. Are making the world a terrible place?

    “Saying PC guys aren’t brainwashed because they can upgrade their graphics cards, why am I even able to understand such a low intelligence?”

    No one ever said that. PC users aren’t brainwashed because unlike Mac users we aren’t feed propaganda. We aren’t told our computers are perfect, and are given the freedom to upgrade them. Proof of you being brainwashed id the fact you think the world would be a better place is PC’s weren’t around.

    “Go do something useful with your life and don’t play those stupid games all the time.”

    You are very ignorant. You assume PC’s are meant for nothing but gaming? Go educate yourself a little. Stop thinking every thought you think up is a fact.

    “You need to realize that mac people get dissed because they like design over what hardware is inside.”

    You need to realize that most Mac users think their Macs have better hardware then PC’s. And this may be subjective but I find that there are PC’s that look way better then Mac’s. Personally I don’t like Bland White. Its devoid of emotion.

    “From where I can see it I just PWND plenty of you.”

    From where the pedestal on top of your high-horse? Or from behind the Looking Glass that was Painted Black? You ‘PWND’ no one but yourself.

  510. derr says:

    u dont have allot of money so you go for the more exspensive item. That makes sence

  511. Reality Check says:

    I get it now,

    Mac is not the answer. But you strange people are working hard to f**k up this world. And because most of you are freaks and you know it, and most people still use pcs, you try hard but you can’t push that way. Its simple logic that there are way more idiots using pc compared to mac. Or are you saying Stephen Hawking is wrong when he talks about how smart he thinks we are? When I look at the world then I guess I’m not that stupid but stupidity is always there to f**k you up if you don’t care to do think. And you can’t really get smarter than that because tomorrow is a new experience.
    Stop caring about whats inside your machines. If you are not working on graphic cards or working with them as tools for your job (design maybe, I heard “they” do such things on a mac too), if you are maxing out your specs to play the latest games because you know the rest, then you are not to be taken serious. You can try as hard as you want but what you need to do if you feel offended right now is change your life.
    Start wit caring about whats inside of the person next to you.

    Strangely I’d rather have more mac using creative people confusing you with their games, movies, computers, phones, social networks, etc. then you being able to work on bullshit you would do if you would not be constantly distracted.
    If apple is evil US government and its roots is evil to the tenth power. How can you hold a dollar bill without starting to cry with your concern about whats “inside”?
    Not saying that Europe is any better. We know we gotta stay together when the chinese come, don’t we;)
    Seriously, the majority of our people fucked up this world and now the majority of our kids are using pcs and are not making it better. The few who can afford a mac can’t be a problem. Go build a new computer or OS if you have the nerve to fight the big guys.

    Saying PC guys aren’t brainwashed because they can upgrade their graphics cards, why am I even able to understand such a low intelligence? God?

    I gotta go but you need to know you suck like that. Go do something useful with your life and don’t play those stupid games all the time.
    From where I can see it I just PWND plenty of you.


  512. Reality Check says:

    Ahh damn it,

    I’m just in the mood. Kind of tired of my job this week.

    @ Not Telling My Name

    Sorry for what you had to read. Sorry for the poor feedback of the childish mac community that sems to be somewhere else with their heads.
    Sorry for not being a part of theirs or yours. And sorry for being an actual person that is not offended by you but acts like it by making sure you won’t forget that your brain works with less cpu, ram and looks than mine. Washed or not.
    Now, read my 2 previous comments.
    Then go f**k yourself. Telling me I don’t know s**t.
    I know my s**t plus your s**t.
    What about you pay my rent and I’ll tell everybody I use Linux and it works like a charm?
    Linux is easy. You should type your comment and then stop before pressing enter just like the rest you do.
    Or just get a tattoo on your forehead saying Doll with an o that looks like the applesign to punish you. Then tell everybody your made by Dell and try finding the ones who believe your prayers.
    Seriously, that could only make you stronger.

    I’m putting you all in one box, I know but you want it like that.

    @ Bought Into the Hype

    Well, aren’t you the biggest loser I have read about in a while?
    No backbone is what we call that around here.

    @ Delusional People

    Ask for a source of your ramblings? You think you are that important?
    You need to realize that mac people get dissed because they like design over what hardware is inside.
    Or do you really look for opponents on a level that has nothing to do with an advanced computer user?
    If you constantly make money you will come to the point that you don’t know what to spend it for. Thats when I buy a blueray and a big ass flat screen. Thinking like that means you don’t care if you have blueray in your pc because you can still afford to buy one seperately and pay for movies instead of being unemployed, looking for torrents.

    As for me, one who likes to care about whats inside, I just don’t want to hear it and match the outside.
    I don’t think yours can compete with this. Also Windows is not as stable, installations take longer (restart every time) and its stolen from OSX and copied again as you can see in windows 7.
    You keep looking for a right click on a touch sensitive mouse.

    Btw in every apple store I was in and had a question I was forced to talk to idiots who knew less than me. That might be a general problem in Holland with the service but in apple stores its extreme. In The Hague there is a good Mac repair shop though. Called LJS I think, For the ones who ever need it.

  513. Reality Check says:


    Something in my mac moves the air around thats for sure. That you also can’t hear it doesn’t mean its not there.
    Apple made a design flaw so it would be more silent. I know the story. But guess what. I like that. Despite the problem with the dust that can appear. Good side is it won’t melt as fast as yours, I already saw a mac working that survived a fire. That doesn’t need to happen to anyone to prove anything but we’ll see in a few years if it is still working as good as now. I might not even sell it and use the hell out of it for 5 more years plus a second one to bother pc guys I know.

    In summary I have it because I like it even though its not perfect and a lot of idiots feel good having one. Mac or PC doesn’t matter too much to me. As I said I make it work. But I also like to have choices. Having a Mac limits your choices is what some are saying. I don’t experience that and I doubt I have less choices than the above average pc user. I also doubt many on this site spent as much for their ventilation or fanny:), whatever its called as the friends I was referring too. I’m from a place in Europe where recession did not hit yet, hoping it stays like that. I know how good a pc can get. Actually had mine set up and then I thought hey, am I only doing this because mac is hyped and most people I met say they hate it but are using iphones and not making sense at all? Thought I should go pc to make it easier to share stuff with friends and even not to offend them. F**k that. F**k all the product placement by apple that is just garbage to me and a world full of pc guys. My system didn’t crash in 18 month of serious usage, my laptop was on his third life by that time of less usage. I can’t hear my computer and every singe application I wanted is available on the mac. I’m obviously not talking about games or free stuff, although there is too many of both for my little time on earth.
    I don’t care about the mainstream at all. Its a big mass of people moving very powerful yes, but too slow for me. That should be natural, no one should go by what most do and rather make a mistake instead of just following. You need to understand what and why you do it.
    I would have bought a desktop pc, but when I did I ended up with many parts my friends recommended and a price that was close to my mac. Only advantages I could see was blue-ray and usb3. I also wanted to point out that I don’t make much difference between pc or mac users. To me its sad enough that so many people using it and doing bullshit with it whatever they do. I’m constantly working on my one and it usually doesn’t include commenting in forums.
    Fact is I can accept windows users believing in their system as the only truth. I can also accept you not liking mac at all. Can you accept people getting stuff out of their mac you won’t get from your pc. May this be you or your pc.
    I think you don’t even know if mac is mainstream or not and trying to figure out what it is. Honestly I don’t deal with any of these glamourization issues you seem to have.
    I used Windows XP Pro, Vista and 7 and their features a lot and without problems most of the time. I strongly disliked a person that talked about his mac all the time and still bought it when I did not have to talk to the guy anymore. It actually took a few month but still you could not make me get one of these “silent” pcs with special hardware that you can see through the glass in the tower so you can tell stories about your graphic cards and show it around when its built it.
    I bet I can hear you fans dude. No doubt. But you probably have a screen that makes humming noise too? Maybe that makes it more of a background sound and is less noticeable? What do you say?

    Dare you just bited one of my lines, didn’t you?

    Idiots are people who never have more than fools gold if they get very lucky.
    I don’t buy stuff if its all I can afford. Think about it it will change your life.
    I also don’t mind driving a cheap car if I get to my destination with it.
    But I don’t drive cars. Here in Holland we like our bikes.
    I also don’t surf. Well actually I do.
    And if I do, even without music turned on then I can’t hear my surfboard making unwanted noise.
    Also my surfboard looks better than yours.
    I must be stupid for liking this.
    I still have to race it myself though.
    But a pc could change that. Wow, is that really what you’re saying?

    And yes I don’t speak native american and spelling correction is turned off but I won’t call someone an idiot and make a spelling mistake in a 1 sentence comment. Thats just weak. TempUr Yourself Pussy.

    But nevermind. I just needed to do something senseless for a change. I know I can’t make you get it.

    Not to be taken unserious because these are actually gods thoughts. You step up a level or two,
    until then.

  514. derr says:

    “To all the people who say its just good looking crap, why doesn’t it feel like that?”

    Its because your an idiot. So crap looks like gold, and feels like a Temper-pedic to you.

  515. qwe says:


    So in summary you have a Mac because PC’s are to mainstream.

    And when you say vent noise I assume you mean the fans. Mac’s are quieter because they don’t have fans or even vents. So their specs and clocks are always lower then a comparable PC.

    And I cant hear my computer over my games videos and music. Even then With all my fans at 100% I still cant hear them. You know why? Because I made my PC with Top of the line parts. not cheep foxconn crap. And my comp is STILL cheaper then a Mac.

  516. Delusional People says:

    By the way, In case most of you so called “Mac People” Haven’t realized Mac uses Third part software from companies such as Intel. What you are basically paying for a Mac is the OS and its design, You have to be totally idiotic and delusional to claim that Apple manufactures its own Hardware, Same applies for iPod, iPhone and iPad. Word of advice for anyone that is going to ask for a source on my ramblings, Don’t try because you’ll just end up looking like the biggest idiot on the face of the world; I’m inclined to state it anyway, Look at your iCrap’s specification it’s quite amazing how it says Intel, Nvidia, etc.

    (For Idiots) Basically, What I’m trying to say is stop trying to act like a bigot, Claiming that Mac has better hardware when in truth it uses the same hardware as a PC; Only weaker mind you, And In case another idiot tries to spout nonsense from their ass again you cannot insert multiple hardware inside Macs. Example (for Idiots again) Nvidia SLI and Radeon Crossfire which allows multiple Graphics Processing Units to be placed in a single Computer. has anyone seen Mac support that? I think not :)

  517. Reality Check says:

    Yes, I got one too. Most expensive thing I’ve ever bought. 27inch 20 GB ram, quadcore.
    Funny thing though, had to take of the glass panel to clean dust behind the screen. There is still something left. Behind the led screen! I know how to “repair” that by myself but I just ignore it. You wouldn’t see it if I wouldn’t show it to you. I’m not the only one with this problem. But its the only problem I had with it since I got it. I plan on selling it and buy a new one. Maybe a Macbook or MacMini instead.

    Nice to have so many of you in one thread. I used to put all of you in one box anyway. Using a pc was always a hassle for me but I had friends to it for me. But I decided to find a way for me to start using them and like them more. So I worked for a few IT companies even though I hated these jobs, and learned at work about pcs and macs. I remember a colleague who bragged about his mac and annoyed me seriously. And some Customers who expected more only because they used macs. The rest, the majority to be exact were annoying me with windows stuff.
    I’m usually a guy who does things the way other say it can’t be done just to prove em wrong. Not fulltime, but it is more a state of mind if you know what I mean. You people had me thinking so hard if I could buy a mac and still be the independent spirit I am proud to be. I don’t need stuff that stats with a small i to make it sound more cute. I don’t need osx apps because I had a windows laptop before ( my 1st pc ever) and learned how to customize the s**t bout of it. I had colleagues that programmed stuff which I had to sell and support and they were the same in private as at work. I’m not like this. I don’t need or like to see my computer on tv. I don’t even have a tv, its my computer.
    The point I’m making here is that I had friends using pcs, low budget making crazy stuff with it. Like 8 years ago. And I know people using pcs they built together piece by piece. 16 Gb Ram, QC, etc.. But all they do is playing games with it.
    The only game I have ever bought for a pc is called Limbo, and it was worth spending time on it. Now my frineds are checking it out. They have overseen that while playing COD. They don’t admit it and tell me five other games like this. There is no game like Limbo. Look at the style. You get the point?
    There was nobody pushing me to buy a mac, nor away from it. So I couldn’t decide. I used my Vista Laptop fine and later recommended malwarebytes as one of the last things you can do against a virus before reinstall to my gaming friends when they had trouble and it worked.
    I always find a way. But I like it more to spend time with technical stuff since I’m on a Mac and I don’t find it easier than windows. Its just different.
    But you will not find a computer that is as calm as my one and I hate pc vent sound. Hate it.
    Since ’10 I use my imac everyday for audio production. Some apps I had to force quit but thats it. I spent a lot of time on learning how to do what, which was crazy since I was kind of good in windows at that moment. If you are working with a software you obviously learn much more than by just tweaking your graphics.
    Fact is I can here your vents and you can have a knob on your tower for that or not. The best vent on a pc I’ve heard is like ten times my iMac on a temperature that hasn’t yet occured here in Amsterdam.
    Next to the quietness, the screen was a big reason for me to buy. The dust problem pissed me off. But as I said I will get a new one if needed. To tell me its not worth it is like sayin a Ferrari wasn’t worth it.
    To all the people who say its just good looking crap, why doesn’t it feel like that?
    Too many of you mainstream people have numbed down your emotions so why would you find pleasure in having a mac that looks at you and says yeah you have earned it and you could even get me a brother in here. all you want is cheap, to match your emotions. pcs constantly remember me of everything I hated about your world which I have come to finally be a part of in the last 5 years.
    Working on pcs feels like IT job or gaming nerd for me. Working on a mac feels like I don’t want to stop. I have learned how to master the s**t out of my tracks on this screen. I even bought an ipod after hating all you mp3 listeners, especially the ones with ipod earplugs sitting around like slaves to a rhythm I don’t feel.
    If I could I would leave all that stuff and take my turntable and my amped speakers and listen to some music or have a life doing something else. But computers, as bad as it is, are really great tools if you know how to use em.
    This is not a computer question as the size of the thread proves. I’m dumb enough to put my comment here but you need to realize that we’re all in the same boat and fighting doesn’t make it it better. Go and play you damn games and shut to the world if you think thats it. Go on facebook and twitter and tell people where you had your coffee today. Sent them a picture every day. I don’t care. I don’t need you. I got something else to do.
    btw, I think the OP was right on some of his points. But again, I don’t care. I don’t use right click or control much I just tap two fingers on my itrackpad or wtf its called. Peace and check out the game if you don’t know it even if you don’t like games.

  518. omg-what-a-idiot says:

    Whoever wrote this article is a idiot and shouldn’t be writing articles. A true journalist does their research and to stereotype people that use a mac for being nerds or hipsters is the stupid. The person who wrote this should probably be tested for retardation.

  519. $$$ says:

    Won a Mac For free not to long ago. And I have to say its worth what I paid.

  520. >.> says:

    Magsafe sucks its so annoying. Ya its a good idea so u dun rip out your charger damaging or breaking it. But it falls out so ez i find myself putting it back on over and over.

  521. baruch says:

    Oh I just get so irritated by the mac folks. I feel like I am being forced to use a mac the way they want me to use it. It is true that macs are pretty and they run smoother. However I want options. I like the fact that microsoft sells me the OS and I can but the computer from somewhere else. Don’t say that you can install Windows on a mac because none of the drivers are signed, and you are paying for the OS when you buy a mac. They don’t have a separate price without the OS. I feel that Microsoft trys (not always successfully) to offer me a product that I will like while apple tries to offer me a product that I should like. I feel like it’s the whole open source argument only apple makes it worse. Give me a computer that I want and not what you want me to have. Meet standards apple. Make your hardware fit any computer. They won’t do that because then they would just be a another pc manufacturer. The reality is I think they are here to stay because people are following them like a cult and now that everyone must have a mac, they can do whatever they want. Where are the monopoly police now like they were when they went after Microsoft?

  522. OneCommentWonder says:

    ITT: Butthurt mac fanboys scrambling to the defense of their precious deity.

  523. LOL says:

    nice try Mac fanboys

  524. lol says:

    nice try windows faboy :D

  525. !!! says:

    Unfortunately MS and Apple cant go down unless a 3rd company steps into the OS market.

  526. tom says:

    mac sucks,
    u need a specialized tailored iso just for mac – ubuntu*amd64+mac.iso.

    while pc with bios/efi can use standard iso. why?
    besides, oxymoron to put free os on non-standard pc,anyways. it’s already bad they need crutches (bootcanmp, refit) to boot a secondary os.

    why waste support time on these people with special-needs by hosting,building these iso”?

  527. They are still at it?! says:

    I am waiting for those companies to collapse now…. waiting…. waiting…. waiting….

  528. PC User says:

    You now what? You’re right. Mac is better!

  529. Mac User says:

    You now what? You’re right. PC is better!

  530. They are still at it?! says:

    I can’t believe this is still going on! Is someone expecting to make the others say,”You now what? You’re right. _______ is better!” Well, let me tell you, no one will. Even if they did, is the company the person said was worse going to die because of it? You guys! Get outside and feel the fresh air man! Remember the days when there weren’t really many good computer products? No one was fighting about it then… why should we fight now? Man!

  531. Bought into the hype says:

    Thank god I spent over $4,000 for a Macbook Pro. I really wanted a computer that freezes in the middle of my DJ sets and during music production. I can’t tell you how glad I am that every “genius” I have talked to makes me question my definition of the word “genius.”

    And let me just say that I am super psyched that I actually listened to Justin Long. I thought he was a horrible actor, but due to his convincing roll as a Mac in the PC bashing Apple commercials, I can proudly look in the mirror and smile…because ignorance is bliss and I bought into the hype without being properly informed.

    After 14 years of toying with computers I have learned to never buy a PC from a gigantic retailer such as staples or Best Buy. Have a local freelance PC technician build one or simply build it yourself (so fucking easy with just a little research).

    Sure there are tons of problems with PC’s but they are so easy to avoid/fix. The problems I have encountered with my Mac aren’t severe, but I have only had my Mac for 4 months and I have encountered enough problems to ask the question, “why did this piece of s**t cost me $4,000???”

    No one should ever have to reboot their computer simply because an external harddrive was plugged into an available USB port while VLC and a piece of music production software was open. Unless the USB bus is over worked (three occupied USB ports seems to be a little too much for a $4,000 MacBook Pro).

    If anyone is wondering I am currently using a MacBook Pro 17″ with an Intel i7 processor (2.5ghz, 4 cores), 8 gigs of DDR3 Ram, an AMD Radeon HD 6770M graphics card with 1 gig of dedicated ram. I have very few programs installed onto my Mac seeing as how I just wanted it for some serious portable Music production and DJ(ing). I use Reason 6 for music production which is one of the least hardware-taxing programs you can get for what its capable of.
    I hope the Mac hype becomes a thing of the past and people realize that they have been conditioned and force fed a load of propaganda by a company that wants nothing more then to sell you an inferior product for the price of a cheap used car. America has to be the only country that will use Justin Long as a means of advertising that people buy into.
    Hey I am an accidental Mac owner and all I want back is the acceptance of my PC desktop and a little bit of my dignity.

  532. Anonymous says:

    The above comment is to long to read

  533. Joshua says:

    I work for Intel and i no that people believe macs are superior hardware (like mentioned further up), when in reality they are still based on the same cpus, chip-sets and motherboards that are in pc’s (i5, i7 and Core 2. And also i don’t think they no what they are talking about when they say the last longer than pc’s when there motherboards are made by fox con which are the sh*test and cheapest motherboard manufacturer in the world. I have recently tested in a reduced time life test and it showed that it would last for 2 years while a good asus motherboard or intel one lasts nearly 4 times as long. This is due using cheaper chips to keep the production costs down. Also i-macs are the worst pcs ever for cooling as they are running desktop i5s/i7s without a proper exhaust holes like a pc which means they run sometimes twice as hot. I no there are usually low clocked and more efficient cpus running at (2.5ghz) but this still means it shortens the life. Im not against macs or pc’s cause i use both. But to be honest i prefer a pc (with windows on) (as its a more industry compatible, easierly up-gradable and cheap compared to the same specs with apple) . And the people higher up the page that think apple store colleges are tech geniuses are either a idiot and just deluded. I went into a apple store the other day and asked a college about a mac book pro for a friend and when i was talking to him he brought up that they had far superior technology than pcs (hello made from the same stuff as pcs). Im sure some no what they are talking about but most are just sales with just knowledge on how to use the system (sometimes not even that). I emit that macs a beautiful systems and i like that fact they have the latest interfaces like thunderbolt (formerly light peak)but i dont like that its a shared port for a external display aswell and like most of apples ports there not full size (requires money making adapters, which is of course done on purpose). And the user interface is beautiful but like someone said further up not completely secure same with everything and i no apple doesn’t fully take advantage of the quad cores yet either so its not fully optimized compared to windows 7 . To some up if you like the mac os, try it on a high end system as long as you no you can get the drivers for it as it would be a more enjoyable experience cause and almost certainty cheaper. I just cant recommend i-macs hardware cause of the lack of sufficient cooling and the port problems. But if you were looking at spending twice as much if not more on a mac that is the same speed as the pc eqivilent go with a mac pro cause there boards are slightly better and the cooling is better.

  534. Not-telling-my-name says:

    Looking at the defenders of Mac, it’s obvious they have no damned idea what are they talking about. Like if they have never tried Linux before (or Windows).
    The marketing team of Apple successfully brainwashed them all.

  535. anonymous says:

    Mac: overpriced, locked-down, incompatible with what I believed to be common sense (for one, when I close a program, I expect it to actually stop running), not to mention an annoying following.

    Windows: has a bigger malware and virus problem and it uses backslashes in file names, but it is compatible with almost all industry-standard software.

    Linux: open-source, specialized distros, free software, support that at least knows how to program, feels like home.

    Conclusion: Linux users want to use everything their computer can offer. Windows users need it to do business. Mac users want to show off how tech-savvy they are are even though most do not even know what “Terminal” is used for (there are exceptions, but most say “What’s that?” when I open it up trying to change a setting only to realize Mac doesn’t allow it).

  536. @ cheese says:

    CPU: 6 Core CPU 3.8GHz
    RAM: 8GB RAM
    HDD Space: 1.5TB HDD
    Graphsic Card: AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB
    Monitor: 30-inch monitor.
    Inital Price:$1,200

    Upgrade your PC:
    CPU: 8 core CPU 4.2GHz $250
    RAM: 2 more 4GB sticks of ram (16GB) $30
    HDD Space: Don’t need more
    Graphsic Card: Get another and CF $180
    Monitor: No need for upgrade
    Upgrade cost: $460
    Total Cost:1,660

    CPU: 4 core CPU 2.7GHz
    RAM: 4GB RAM
    HDD Space: 1TB HDD
    Graphsic Card: AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512MB
    Monitor: 27-inch monitor
    Inital Price: $1,700

    Upgrade your iMac:
    CPU: 4 core CPU 3.1GHz
    RAM: 4GB RAM (No Change)
    HDD Space: 1TB HDD (No Change)
    Graphsic Card: AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1GB
    Monitor: 27-inch monitor (No Change)
    Upgrade cost: $2,000
    Total cost: $3,700

    Fixed it for you bro.

  537. cheese says:

    PC:——————————– Upgrade your PC:
    6 Core CPU 3.8GHz ——————8 core CPU 4.2GHz $250
    8GB RAM—————————- 2 more 4GB sticks of ram $30
    1.5TB HDD————————– Don’t need more
    AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB————- Get another and CF $180
    30-inch monitor.——————- No need for upgrade.
    $1,200—————————– Upgrade cost: $460
    ————————————Total Cost:1,660
    ————————————iMac Upgrade your Mac:
    4 core CPU 2.7GHz——————- 4 core CPU 3.1GHz
    4GB RAM—————————– 4GB RAM
    1TB HDD—————————– 1TB HDD
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512MB———– AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1GB
    27-inch monitor——————— 27-inch monitor
    $1,700—————————— Upgrade cost: $2,000
    ————————————-Total cost: $3,700

  538. cheese says:

    PC: Upgrade your PC:
    6 Core CPU 3.8GHz 8 core CPU 4.2GHz $250
    8GB RAM 2 more 4GB sticks of ram $30
    1.5TB HDD Don’t need more
    AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB Get another and CF $180
    30-inch monitor. No need for upgrade.
    $1,200 Upgrade cost: $460
    Total Cost:1,660

    iMac Upgrade your Mac:
    4 core CPU 2.7GHz 4 core CPU 3.1GHz
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512MB AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1GB
    27-inch monitor 27-inch monitor
    $1,700 Upgrade cost: $2,000
    Total cost: $3,700

  539. robert says:

    This is a great article, hardware options for mac are s**t, as well as being extremely over priced, people talk about how mac is more user friendly and how windows is unreliable, but this is not the case at all. i owned a emac 7 years ago and the main thing that pissed me off about it was that the keyboard has no back space and like you said there is no right click on the mouse. then you have to replace your computer every three years or so as well just to keep your hard ware up to date.

  540. Anonymous says:

    “Also just to throw facts at yo face… you can game, upgrade, convert, use pc software, AND program just as much with mac as ANY other system, everyone is just too stupid to look into it…”
    -You can game on Mac but the 300* Mac games vs the 4000* PC games, leaves allot to desired.

    Yes you can boot Camp but you would still need to shell out the $200 for windows. Making Mac an even more expensive machine.

    Yes you can program anything for any system on any system** But it is easier to program on the system you are programming for.

    I do agree that windows is a double edged sword. It can be great or horrible depending on who is using it.

    “Windows it for people who want to control every aspect of their system.(And Gamers.) Mac is for people who just want to do what they need to do without having to worry about any of that technical stuff.”

    *Approximate numbers.
    **Unless certain requirements are only available on one system.

  541. Anonymous says:

    “One more thing, MACS ARE CUSTOMIZABLE!!!
    Hardware AND software.”
    -So you can change your CPU? Swap out your AMD card for a Nvidia? Use 2, 3, or 4 way CF/SLI? Use ANY brand of RAM? Add ANY sound card? Add a USB Port expansion card?

    Can you?

  542. Michael says:

    One more thing, MACS ARE CUSTOMIZABLE!!!
    Hardware AND software.
    Living with a Mac I find these things out :P

  543. Michael says:

    Also just to throw facts at yo face… you can game, upgrade, convert, use pc software, AND program just as much with mac as ANY other system, everyone is just too stupid to look into it, or they never OWNED a mac for more then a week before getting fed up and asking for a refund. ALL macs are made to open up by the USER now. AND they give you the tools to program if you just ASK. Never say it can’t be done, cause you’re always wrong! Life is proof of that!

  544. Michael says:

    Now this is where I must step in (using my MAC MINI to post this) and say that not only is this mac a year or two old, BUT I have used the CRAP out of it for very taxing programs and games, and while it’s true, there’s not a whole lot out there for mac, I do just as much on my mac as I did on my PC before it, online gaming, playing PC games to spite those that say I cant :P, and customizing my OS heavily with what I fancy! I will tell you now, I think my mac is the best brand of computer for home use, but I will admit that iMacs and Mac PROs are better for gaming, also PC is GREAT if you want you’re OS completely customizable beyond the user/system line (which can be awesome or a disaster), but I’m fine with my Mac how it is. And even though it’s expensive, your paying for looks too, not to mention the space you’re saving with the compact designs, but also a whole bundle of software that other OS’s don’t offer, so when someone says it’s “inferior” I calmly tell them: “Works for me :)” also the programs crash more often then the WHOLE OS (cant say that for PC!! haha) but to be fair, Windows has the gaming advantage, no doubt about it. But those games can be ported or ran in BOOTCAMP/VIRTUALPC! :P

  545. Jeffery says:

    YESSSS!! Finally someone who makes sense! I swear, everyone at my college has a freckin Mac Book or Mac Book Pro. Why you ask? So they can check their facebook and twitter on a $2000 computer, instead of a $500 one. So they can hang out at the coffee shop and not be the “lame” pc kid. And if they’re really lucky, they can use their tablet to play fruit ninja WHILE they check their Facebook on their Mac. Pretty cool stuff huh?

    Btw, if you’re in college, you got to check out It’s pretty much a college news website, but is specific to every campus… as in people could be talking about you!

  546. elipsis says:

    Even the five court ladies danced in sync to the frog’s flutes and drums.
    The whirlwind of recycled paper was a sight to see. It was like computer graphics.
    That I don’t support Technicolor parfaits and snobby petit bourgeois is common knowledge in Oceania!
    Now is the time to return home to the blue sky! The confetti will dance around the shrine gates.
    The mailbox and the refrigerator will lead the way! Anyone who cares about expiration dates will not get in the way of the glory train!
    They need to fully realize the liver of the triangle rulers! Now, this festival was decided by the third grade class with the telephoto camera!
    Move forward! Come together! I am the ultimate governor!

  547. tomtom says:

    what’s even dumb are mac users who cant afford brand new macs – go around parading as one of those spoilt-rich-trendy-hippie-elites with special-needs by buying a refurbished or old second hand mac at almost full price. yeah mac users are dumb. it like poor man driving a used bmw and buring 1 dollar cigar bills. it just dont work.

    you either buy a brand new mac at high price and have some pride as part of mac statistics or dont. if you cant be in those financial group, stop making yourself foolish by buying someone’s used junk at high resold value. stop buying their junk so they can go out to buy newer ones to brag around in starbucks. you’re facilitating their stupid lifestyle.

  548. hm says:

    “You are really dumb to spend so much money on a homemade computer, say it costs less than a better one and than over the years spend more on it than a better one.”

    -How much is somuch? I never gave a price.
    How will I spend more on a better computer if for me my current one is the best computer?
    Unlike you and most Mac users (especially ones who game on mac.) I have a fully upgradeable motherboard that will last a lifetime. Upgrading is cheaper then buying a new computer. and buying a new computer is Mac’s ONLY upgrade option.

  549. @ this guy ->@ HM says:

    My hands are up on this one. How is spending $2500 on something with bad air flow, low performance and a bad OS cheaper and better than building your own for <$1000?

  550. Dude! says:

    Everyone here should get a few lives…

  551. srk says:

    wow this has morphed into a sad clutter of rambling and uniteligable thoughts
    spark this website in flames now please…

  552. Isaac says:

    Not just that article, the whole series of them, and I have read it ALL (something I am certain you have not done), several times.

    My sources are not limited to that however.

    For the benefit of those who say they are confused as to which is better from the Mac/Windows/Linux choices, you really shouldn’t be coming here to help you make the decision as to which you should buy.

    Mac’s are great for relatively simple, relatively trouble-free computing.

    Windows PC’s are great for flexibility, and for the widest usage scope.

    Linux offers the simplicity of a Mac, with the flexibility of Windows, but there is an initial ”getting used to it” phase to go through (as with any choice). They are also the most stable.

    Most average computer users suffer from the ”greener grass” syndrome, and will undoubtedly wonder why their machine cannot do ‘x’, or isn’t as good as ‘y’.

    If those same people were to just go and try the alternatives for themselves, and do a little research on the subject, they would find what THEY like/need most, and not what Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or the nerd at PC World think of as such.

    When you start driving, do you just watch other people around you, and copy what they do?

    Do you jump right in and try without ever having learned?

    No, you learn how, and apply that knowledge.

    Computers are the same.

    The reason people get confused, is because they want the ‘pill’, the ‘i-don’t-need-to-think-about-it’ option.

    Think of it as cheating on an exam, you may pass, but you haven’t really LEARNED anything.

    Personally, I think you can’t learn to ride a bike or swim by reading a book, well certainly not easily!

    So why not take a day at the weekend, and go and try some out, see what YOU like best, that way you can be happy WHATEVER other people say.

  553. Isaac says:

    I find Windows less complex but Apple faster. I prefer Windows because it can work with basically anything and it is what works better with my lifestyle. I don’t know what it is but Microsoft computers last longer with me, Apple breaks quicker. Apple makes better Mp3’s hands down, but not computers. Hope this helps.

  554. who cares? says:


  555. Complaint says:

    As a citizen of this country, which I believe in and which I have seen Apple tear apart, I must expose Apple’s bromides for what they really are. Unless you share my view that Apple skirts rules and regulations at every opportunity, there’s no need for you to hear me further. Apple is differentiated from your average intolerant rumormonger by virtue of the fact that it wants to progressively enlarge and increasingly centralize the means of oppression, exploitation, violence, and destruction. There are some basic biological realities of the world in which we live. These realities are doubtless regrettable, but they are unalterable. If Apple finds them intolerable and unthinkable, the only thing that I can suggest is that it try to flag down a flying saucer and take passage for some other solar system, possibly one in which the residents are oblivious to the fact that Apple and its vassals are on a recruiting campaign, trying to convince everyone they meet to participate in blaming those who have no power to change the current direction of events. Don’t join that gang; instead, remember the scriptures: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.”

    Our current parlous situation is the result of a toxic combination of Apple’s recklessness and its cringers’ cupidity. It is unclear whether this is because the main thing that I’m trying to get at here is that Apple’s deeds are a patronizing form of thuggery, because Apple hates me for my determination and my aggressive stance for what is right, or a combination of the two. To be honest, I sometimes have to bite my tongue pretty hard to avoid saying what I really feel about Apple. It vehemently denies that, of course. But it obviously would because if we let it rob, steal, cheat, and murder, all we’ll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.

    Apple has all the characteristics of a dog except loyalty, as if it made any difference. Considering the corruption and foolishness that characterize what I call vulgar fault-finders, mass anxiety is the equivalent of steroids for Apple. If we feel helpless, Apple is energized and ramps up its efforts to lure the snarky into its crime syndicate. Why does Apple want to crucify us on the cross of pauperism? I blame the stultifying effect of pure, undiluted greed. Of course it’s also true that for Apple’s abhorrent plans to succeed, it needs to dumb down our society. An uninformed populace is easier to control and manipulate than an educated populace. In a lustrum or two, schoolchildren will stop being required to learn the meanings of words like “antiprestidigitation” and “indistinguishableness”. They will be incapable of comprehending that Apple’s slogans are sincerely despised by everyone but the worst sorts of snotty, insecure slimeballs there are. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical over which Apple has any control. But that’s inconsequential because we can divide Apple’s suggestions into three categories: revolting, unprofessional, and batty. In closing, although this letter has been lengthy there are still a large number of comments about Apple that I have had to leave aside. I didn’t even begin to mention, for instance, that you can assume serious trouble is brewing when untoward, incompetent election-year also-rans divert attention from Apple’s unprovoked aggression. Anyway, the important point is that my prank phone calls are clearly in defense of decency and human dignity and violate nobody’s rights.

  556. @ HIIII says:

    Your parents must have brought you up to be an idiot and you obviously did not let them down. Go get a life. You can find them on the opposite side of the shelf they keep the cigarettes.

  557. hiiiiii says:

    doing music total different story thats fine if you doing something productive …

    just star bucks all day on the mac? = wow

  558. hiiiiii says:

    “I can walk into Starbucks with my Mac and get laid.”

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please observe as the pompous Mac user shows off his stylish overpriced product, thinking that paying more for an inferior product somehow makes him better than everyone.

    Please note that this is the TEXTBOOK example of why Mac users are on the same level as Twilight fans and Beiber fans.

    Because they’re complete morons.

    also starbucks sucks too. Coffee Bean And Tea Leaf FTW.

  559. In Your 64206! says:

    Mac is just magically better than PC.

  560. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, because pc users can’t get over the fact that Macs are better.

  561. 0_0 says:

    This argument has been going on for 3 years 0_0

  562. adgg says:

    besides spending that much money on the laptop why not save up the money to buy a car?

  563. Tomas says:

    I’ll start off by saying I own both PC and Mac and they both have their ups and downs- that is for sure.

    then you look at Apple stock, and you are like holy f*ck i wish i could afford a bunch of that because Apple is the most valuable company in the world with over 100 billions dollars of cash just sitting around and that cash is after the fact they have reinvested in the company with amazing R&D. 100 billion dollars just sitting around with nothing to do with it- that is insane!

    PC and Macs are both amazing machines and everyone deserves their own opinion about each but just dont forget how well one company has done in the business world before you rip on them.

  564. tomtom says:

    the reason people built PC tower is that parts are servicable.

    if power supply is busted, a 30 min trip to local bestbuy and $70-$100 would be sufficient to get it up and surfing. plus getting rid of dust bunnies takes at most 30 mins. good luck with small form factors and its many screws. at best, can compressor.
    will send dust bunnied back hiding.

    similarly, a cheap netbook or pc laptop to surf and email. if something is not working after say a year or i misplaced it, i can choose to send it back to repair in 3 weeks or simply buy another. i mean, i do not understand why some hippie-wannabes buys an expensive laptop only to surf only in starbucks. again, i am not trashing anybody. i can understand some will use it for multimedia. but most hanging around starbucks????
    i can replaced 2-3 times for that price.

  565. ASUS King @ ASUS K. says:

    Why would i buy 1 to try would sounds like idiotic logic to me then ill be forced to like it out of embarrassment that i just spent 2k on something worth more along the lines of 500 (not to include the sore rectum), if im gonna be spending 2k on and laptop its gonna be the ROG G74SX at least I’ll get my money’s worth, as far as a desktop goes for 2k I’ll build my own, ive had a taste of mac products before the apple iPhone 1st generation im still trying to wash the taste out of my mouth, luckily my rectum doesn’t hurt anymore Blackberry cured it.

  566. @ HM says:

    Yup, it was. While I’m at it….

    You are really dumb to spend so much money on a homemade computer, say it costs less than a better one and than over the years spend more on it than a better one.

  567. Linux User says:

    Stupid article and written by a non-techie. OS X is probably the best UNIX based distro out there.

    Complaining that it’s UNIX-based because Linux is UNIX-based is just idiotic.

  568. hm says:

    And what does that have to do with anything? Doesn’t change the fact that my PC is better for me then any other PC or Mac out there.

    You couldn’t think of anything better to say? So you just with the first asinine thing that came to mind?

  569. @ HM says:

    Well, by your understanding, huh? Your understanding is warped and cracked. (I saw this while reading between the lines of your post. You shouldn’t leave so much space there…)

  570. hm says:

    By my understanding people like PSYCHOLIST are just dicks.


    Use a Mac or PC w/e.

    Personally I find PC better because MY PC is made by ME with MYSELF in mind. So My PC is better then every other computer in the world because I made it to fit my exact needs.

    All Mac’s are the same. But there are a infinite amount of unique PC’s out there.

  571. Psycholist says:

    Ha hah! “Grandparents had a PC for 12 years, yeah right!”. Probably like my father-in-law who also had a PC for 15 years plus. Thing is he still trying to figure out how to work it. Finally bought some stupid PC laptop recently and, yeap, trying to learn that one too. PC’s are great for guys and girls who want to build there own computers from scratch or modify it. Funny thing I know one friend like this, awesome computer builder, but damn, can’t operate most software available on the market. What the heck? That’s like building a Ferrari but knowing how to race on it. And I also find most super PC geeks, well just build computers for themselves in their own little world.

  572. Rawr! says:

    Dude, it was never based off linux. go over some Apple history and you will find out.

  573. Res says:

    Reason number 4 is why I bought and love my mac :D and hate windows.

  574. Rawr! says:

    The RAWR! that posted last is not the real one, though his views aren’t too bad….

  575. @ asus k. says:

    Get a mac before you bash it.

  576. ASUS King says:

    why do people still talk about “the quality of macs components” THEIR EXACTLY THE SAME, I’ve never used a mac nor do I care to all i know is macs is an extortionate company charging double the price for components that aren’t any lesser or greater than there counter parts, Steve jobs capitalized on everything windows was not allowed to do in there inception, by law windows was not allowed to be a completely closed source, by law there were not allowed to sell parts under the windows guise like mac does now and by law they were not allowed to restrict the sale of there OS, so if you dont mind paying $2k extra for the same equipment and performance you’d get on system that has a windows OS by all mean bend over and take macs cock deep in that ass cause your just paying for a name not quality, kind of makes me wonder how many political cocks steve jobs had to suck to avoid all those laws that gates got stuck with.

    P.S. stop trying to justify the reason why your 2k short and have sore rectum and if your still in denial about them being extortionist here have a look at what they recently got caught with

  577. Rawr! says:

    I can’t believe anyone still thinks Macs are worth it…

  578. mmmmmm says:

    should check this out really interesting

  579. Anonymous says:

    Normally someone one with horrible grammar, like WIN7LOVER. Is just some petty Mac/PC user trolling.

  580. Anonymous says:

    “truth is he can’ afford a mact”

    Truth is you couldn’t afford to learn how to spell.

  581. Rod C says:

    truth is he can’ afford a mact

  582. Win7hater says:

    hahaha. How funny. is this the usual response from a PC fanboy? If so, I don’t even want to degrade myself to your level of debate….

  583. Win7lover says:

    ahha you facking mac retards!! loool
    to the OP FACKING YEAH MAN!!!these are all fanboys

  584. srk says:

    im not anti microsoft, im using it right now, im ant-mac
    i said i use linux, because despite its downfalls I learned a lot about computers using it

    read my posts..your arguments aren’t really false, they just don’t make sense with what I said..not going to re-explain myself either…

    I understand there was no other option at the time of the early days of windows…that doesn’t make it a good product

    pretty much everything you said m$ is better about can be chalked up to my thesis
    -M$ never had a better product, they had a better business model. And eventually with enough money and some potential competition (*nix and Apple) they put out a great product

    Comparing apple to M$ in 2007, proves my point further… apple hasn’t had the money (until recently) or the desire to mac a better OS. Where as M$ has had billions and billions of dollars to iron everything out. And apple still hasn’t learned, continuing to use all proprietary hardware.

    Your comment about drivers and linux…. you had to compile drivers in linux because no manufacturers wouldn’t make drivers….this again is because M$ owned the market.


    I didn’t like vista…xp was petty good, and before xp despite the lack of competitors, windows wasn’t that great.

  585. semen says:

    “lets look at the critical exploits for xp….f—– huge”

    xp is still supported till 2014, had you use any other os as old as XP such as mac (before tiger), apple already abandoned you with no more patches

    and according to

    “So this shows that Apple had more than 5 times the number of flaws per month than Windows XP and Vista in 2007”

    not only that you are left alone with older OS. with xp, still supported till 2014, securities essentials available.

    btw, you bilwildered me. you dont own macware, yet you’re anti-microsoft, and pro-mac? or pro-linux?

  586. semen says:

    srk, before xp, vista and 7, they were windows 9x, NT, os/2, linux, mac.

    at that time, choices are limited. so therefore you can’t really complain about crapware unless you can and have the ability to write your own super os? let’s see…

    at that time…

    NT = commercial protected-mode os for any pc but little accelerated fun (opengl only).
    9x = commercial non-protected-mode os for any pc where any apps can trample over other’s memory space but it don’t matter cause we have lots of accelerated fun (directx, glide and opengl).
    os/2 = commercial protected-mode os for ibm pc but absolutely no accelerated fun.
    linux = free protected-mode infant-stage os for any pc but absolutely no accelerated fun.
    mac = commercial non-protected-mode os for 68k, just as crash-prone as windows 9x but absolutely no accelerated fun.

    console? let see, 8 bit nintendo?

    tell me again which would you have chosen at time? i think pretty much win9x if you want to do the most with your pc. believe me, at that time pc hardware werent even cheap and you would still gladly pay for that unfinished crapware windows pushes out because the other alternative simply do not exist. if you are not gaming, you could’ve gone with nt, it’ll probably be more stable. at that time, microsoft is the best choice.

    you know, you bullshit quite a lot esp. complaining about headaches windows at that time put you during those years.
    well, linux, you have to compile drivers in those early days for basic stuff like sound card or network card at that time. been there once.

    windows as early as 9x, we’ve been able to SIMPLY double-click a 3rd party driver and automaticaly install them and reboot while you are busy pouring through README on how to compile and downloading headers on 28k modem. remember there weren’t any YUM or configure to help with missing sources. so stop with the BS. windows was,is,will still be the best OS for a generic PC.

    windows have the longest software support (eg. XP till 2014) for businesses. no business will want the upgrade cycles of 2-3 years where there is possibilities of breaking binary investments of corporate apps and printer drivers.

    windows have the best driver support for any hardware prebuilt or post-installed.
    i can add,subtract, have redundant sound cards and windows will handle them.
    drivers are easily double-click and install. it will not so easily break when we upgrade service pack. unlike linux where binary drivers are broken upon kernel upgrade or on mac where 10.6.x changes can even break 3rd party mouse. so who’s copying who? both linux and mac don’t even have infrastructor for binary drivers that independent of kernel updates. they dont have unified graphics-sound api ala directx. so on hardware support, i think microsoft is still the best.

    so where is the copying? or what else can i use if i am not using the crapware at that time? linux werent ready for consumer yet, mac is MANY more time more expensive at time with their own OS and HARDWARE. gotta pay more if you are marching to your own drum.
    OS/2 is for genuinely expensive IBM. where else can you not get crapware for your pc, chum.

    today, on pc, windows is still best corporate, home-game-work desktop, and linux is great for server. well mac just asthetics – flashy OS and machine.

  587. srk says:

    lets look at the critical exploits for xp….f—– huge

  588. srk says:

    i can honestly said we put the money to good use on xp, vista, 7

    How can you forget the years of crapware before that though?
    you shelled out so much money for years for unfinished mediocre products…

    I own a PC btw, no macware anyware in my house

  589. mmmm says:

    mm i use both pc and macs for music. But i only look for a computer not just for looks. but for better performances.

    The pc that i use was a custom build with

    . Intel® Core™ i7-3820 Processor
    8GB DDR3-PC1600 RAM
    AMD HD 6670 1GB Video
    Gigabyte X79 USB3 & SATA3 MB
    1TB SATA3 7200 RPM HD
    24X DVD+-R/+-RW Drive

    The mac that i use was just for music. But if you’re just browse the internet only could just get a net book or a notebook than using those money for a mac if you aren’t doing music.

  590. semen says:

    f**k mactards,

    look at security of xp, vista, crapple, as far as i am concern – extremely critical and highly critical are on the same boat, plug them or sink.

    look at how much “highly critical” mac has at time of comparison with vista, which i believe mac is either leopard or snowleopard.

    i can honestly said we put the money to good use on xp, vista, 7. enough said and not bought a crapple during those years. not only we have better security, we bolt the system with so many choices of good antivirus, and still have MORE fun with games that is SO lacking in crapple.

    f**k mactards, perpectuating lies… for a system that comes with “final cut”, mactards can’t make a “final cut” with their endless dribble and incoherent facts, lies.

  591. Me says:


    Prove it. Can it do it for long term?

  592. srk says:

    I must admit though, the ONLY reason Windows PCs are so much better is because they have owned the market for the last 20+ years. Or I guess you could say the only reasoned the owned the market is because they are so much better (not in a performance sense, but in a business sense).

    ALL YOU PC DRONES (ME included) have payed for crapware update for for years, saying MAC is worse doesn’t make sense. Windows’ model has been to force unnecessary upgrades on consumers since day one, slowly making new formats and files incompatible with previous versions. MAC is getting it’s second big glimpse at the market.

    Why doesn’t anybody talk about the early years of windows? Those were shitty days, windows 3.X/98/2000/XP/VISTA was really crappy software(Vista and XP were close but no cigar for me), riddled with bugs and no security to speak of. It has taken so many of it’s new security and performance features from the open source/*nix community, and taken billions of YOUR dollars to put out a good product (and yes now it is very good)……and you all blindly and hypocritically say apple is worse, or more manipulative. They charge more for less (or the same), yes….so does Nike, but people love Nike’s style, so what?

    the subtle differences in the way the OS behaves between linux/macs/pcs is negligible and a personal preference. Those who hate on anything not windows more than likely learned on Windows. I prefer Linux (after the learning curve) because I learned so much about computers using Linux, the only things I miss are the ease of use and compatibility one achieves when one has complete market control/dominance.

    Seriously look back to the years of headaches windows has put us through and the amount of money dumped into your own PC hardware and software….you know its true….Windows won because of their far superior business model. Not because of a prettier, faster, smarter GUI, or more secure OS. These days it is really about preference, all the OS’s preform pretty well and almost identical in some ways, because they all steal and copy from each other. Windows wins because of market/capital dominance:FACT. Not for any other reasons.

  593. srk says:

    Lets all learn from RAWR! and stick to the forum topic at hand…
    ie how much macs suck, and why pcs are better in just about every way except for…well not much really

  594. srk says:

    trollin trollin trollin….

  595. srk says:

    wow… bait much?

    But while all SRK has on his side was Planes (If even that.)

  596. Alumi(nati)um says:

    This is directed at the Aluminum vs Steel argument.

    Aluminum is light, strong, and at a low price. So it does have it’s advantages.

    But Steel at the same price is stronger.

    But while all SRK has on his side was Planes (If even that.) Rawr! could of brought up how all construction tools are made out of Steel and Plastic. Cars are made out of Steel and plastic. Windows (Good ones. Old cheep ones use Aluminum.) are made out of Steel. Most of everything in the world is made out of Steel and/or Plastic. And plenty of things out last Computers.

    So Apple opting for a Aluminum case is just them trying to be as different as they can. While using cheepo parts and selling them at high prices.

    If you believe Apple is honestly pricing their products then why not bring hard numbers not estimates.

  597. Mac! says:

    Obviously you. I am getting the sense that you use what they call a PC.

  598. mac? says:

    Who uses a sandwich as a computer?

  599. Anonymous says:

    “The Macs are better by far when it comes to performance. Don’t act smart if you aren’t.”

    -Why you acting smart bro? A PC can pour out four times the performance of a mac at almost half the price.

  600. Let's get a grip says:

    I am 39, I have macs and PCs. I bought all of them and, by this time, do not need to pay any rent. The Macs are better by far when it comes to performance. Don’t act smart if you aren’t. Now, everyone, let’s get over this whole thing and get a grip on life. Our opinions aren’t going to change the world. (This is directed at both Mac and PC users.)

  601. Frank says:

    Heh, a lot of human beings on this thread obviously place a lot of their identity in a computer brand. Let’s be real though, they don’t make perfect computers and they have a customer base filled with the kind of people who don’t mind that Apple goes out its way to make their products obsolete after two years or less. And we all know that’s cause mommy and daddy are always there to buy Mac fanboys and girls a new computer when they want one (or pay their rent when they buy one for themselves). These are not electronics products aimed at responsible and mature adults, even if we don’t mind buying some of what they offer because it can be very cool.

  602. 1220dab says:

    I believe that this article is true. “Right Click” is non – existent. The mac was not made for right- clicking. Also THE REASON WHY MACS DONT GET VIRUSES IS BECAUSE A HACKER COULDNT GIVE A S**T ABOUT MAKING A VIRUS FOR A MAC. This is because windows holds around 92% of the market for computers. Apple only has about 8%. A hacker would want to target the larger industry of computers. I’ve also tried programming in Xcode, with Interface builder(we hve macs @ school), it is painful. When i get home i am using an old 2002 hp laptoo running windows xp. I have no issue running visual basic, and the language for vb is alot eaiser to learn.
    The programs that come with a pc are alot eaiser to use and have more functions.

    Notepad vs. Text Edit
    In notepad you get basic text editing functions, and you can program interpreted langues( ex. Vbs, html, js, etc). In text edit(on a mac) you only get basic text editing functions. If you want to write Html or JavaScript you have to open textwrangler, and it is really annoying.
    Mac products do not come with java, ever. Java is not compatible with java. Apple produces their iwn version of java specifically for apple products.
    Enough said windows is better at producing computers… Im not going to go into how sucky ios is.

  603. Ask Me says:

    “7) It just… doesn’t work. (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.):
    You say the Mac doesn’t handle multitasking very well, but you are wrong. I have repaired Many macintosh computers, and in most cases someone comes in with a computer that gets the spinning colour wheel a lot, it usually comes down to one thing: Bad Ram. The spinning colour indicates […] there are errors with data in your memory, your computer will keep trying until it processes it without errors. This will result in a spinning colour wheel that could last for (depending on how badly damaged the RAM is) for minutes, hours, or indefinitely. ”

    Haha – you have no frigging clue.

    And yes, my Mac (2010 MBP15 and later 2011 MBA13) freeze more than my Win 7 machine (T60 Thinkpad). Especially since Lion – 10.7.3 is still pretty crap.

  604. pffft says:

    “I don’t need that much power. I need more. Search the Apple store. You’ll find one that can smoke your PC into the stone age.”

    Best iMac

    27-inch: 3.1GHz
    3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    2560 x 1440 resolution
    4GB (two 2GB) memory
    1TB hard drive1
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB

    how is that better then my computer?

    OS X cant even handle multi-gpus so it is currently impossible for a Mac to be more powerful then a PC

  605. WhoTheHellCaresWhoIAm says:

    I’m about to blow your mind here people. Since the start of 2006, PCs and Macs are, wait for it… EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING. Literally the only thing that makes a mac a mac is the box it comes in, and a tiny piece of DRM software that makes sure it is in that box (hope that makes sense)..

    I have never owned a mac, but I used the old style “pizza box” macs at my primary school. Seems to me that software wise they are just approaching the problem of providing an operating environment to the user in pretty different ways.

    The Apple approach seems to be to try and provide a set of core functions, and perform these very well. They also have the absolutely huge (for them) advantage that they only have to support a tiny set of hardware. IMO, this is actually very smart in providing for “trendy” people, who want a nice looking system that works well to perform a small(er) set of tasks. Lets face it, most office computers only run office, outlook and a web browser anyway..

    The Microsoft approach seems to be to absorb every possible feature, like throwing features at the thing and seeing what sticks. This is very interesting (as is the comparatively gigantic library of compatible software), and considering the range of hardware supported, actually works quite well.

    Then for the more adventurous types there is Linux. It’s like a really cheap, fast car, that uses hardly any fuel, but if you want to parallel park you need a masters in molecular thermodynamics. Handy if you happen to be thusly qualified, but for the average user (even one who never parallel parks or plans to do so BTW), TERRIFYING at best, utterly unknown at worst.

    Thank you for reading my ramblings. I have tried to be fairly objective which is certainly tough when discussing such an emotive subject as desktop operating systems ;)

  606. semen says:

    vw, you do realize mac product cycle always release later than what’s available on pc.

    for instance, all the refresh mini, macbook, mac pro are months after pc release cycle. when they finally released a core series mini, etc.. pc lineups are already on the next gpu, cpu, etc. who is in the stone age?

  607. vw says:

    I don’t need that much power. I need more. Search the Apple store. You’ll find one that can smoke your PC into the stone age.

  608. pffft says:

    Show me a mac with these specs

    8 core cpu 4.6GHz

    AMD 6990 x2 Crosfire X (4 GPUs) Or any other CF or SLI config for that matter.

    32GB DDR3 2033GHz RAM

    1TB SSDx2 RAID 0
    5TB HDD 7200RPM

    1.2k Watt modular PSU

    Blu-ray Disk drive

    All on liquid cooling.

    You cant do it can you?

    And what are you going to say?
    ‘I don’t need that much power’
    ‘Get a life’

    Well I didn’t ask if you needed that much power, and there are people who do need that much power, or want that much power.

    And if I have the money to spend on such a advance and powerful system, I think my life is way better then yours.

  609. semen says:

    god mac users are pathethic.

  610. semen says:

    how is your mac gonna smoke any pc when the apps you cited are adobe + cinema 4d which coincidentaly has software counterparts on windows too. i failed to see your rationale esp. when on pc, i can customize it to have quad sli, raid and use golden drivers from nvidia. if anything, it would been done quicker harnessing the quad gpu and raid than can be done via your imac and macbook’s mobile gpu and hard drive.

  611. Me says:

    “And to those who swear by Mac saying how they never crash, I hate to say it, but you’re probably somewhat of a computer newbie who hasn’t really ever done anything intense. I ran extremely intense 3D rendering and 4K video editing on this machine and managed to crash it to the point of a hard reboot several times.

    I have made a 2.2 hour feature film using my mac and programs like Adobe AE, Premiere, and Cinema 4d. I had shot all the stuff and did this in about 2 weeks. Sounds like my mac would smoke the doors off your doghouse that you call a windows pc.

  612. semen says:

    “And to those who swear by Mac saying how they never crash, I hate to say it, but you’re probably somewhat of a computer newbie who hasn’t really ever done anything intense. I ran extremely intense 3D rendering and 4K video editing on this machine and managed to crash it to the point of a hard reboot several times. Yeah, if you play Facebook games and forward funny emails you might not ever experience your Mac crashing. To be fair, a PC shouldn’t crash under those circumstances either. In fact, since using Windows 7, I can’t remember a single time it crashed. I’ve managed to crash OSX 10.6.6 Snow Leopard at least 15 times in the past few months.”

    so if you still question why is it better to have drivers straight from nvidia, amd, intel. then read the above link.

    i too ran an athlon 1.2 ghz tower till last summer when i upgraded. that is LOOOOONG.
    have a dell inspiron 1560 laptop still running.

  613. DUDE says:

    but if you just click the X in mac and then open another file, it pops right up. windows won’t do that. it must reopen EACH time.

    -When you press X on Windows, you normally do it when you are DONE with a program. If you don’t even know that…

  614. DUDE says:

    -Prove it. My grandparents have had the same PC for over 12 years.

    — I meant. Bull s**t. My grandparents have had the same PC for over 12 years.

  615. DUDE says:

    -Prove it. My grandparents have had the same PC for over 12 years.

    -Like what the RAM? I can upgrade the CPU, PSU, RAM, GPU, HDD, SDD, Disk Drives, Cooling, and even more on my PC.

    -Define good? Games in general are subjective so there is no ‘better’ game. Generally when every product is subjective the one with more options is better. Also some people DO spend their whole life gaming, whether they enter contest to make their money, or test games to make their money. Some people live off of games.

    No Windows has the best support on that. Monolithic kernel remember?


    Some people do ALL their work from their computer and if you don’t pay up for a new version of OS X Apple will drop support to you, any attempt for help will just be met with an offer for an upgrade. As well as newer software will not be available to you.

    Unless its a game that only runs with DX10 or 11 XP supports everything.

    pc has better 3d drivers straight from nvidia, amd, intel. SO?

    -So, that means PC parts perform better, last longer, and glitch out less.


    – Don’t ask for proof if you never provide it yourself.

  616. Mac n' Cheese says:

    Macs rock! PCs have been crushed under the rock!

  617. semen says:

    Whatever, so maybe I’m wrong on some stuff (but it’s arguable). There are still plenty of other good reasons why PCs can crush you iMac.

  618. Really is right says:

    pc is cheaper to surf the web, email. FOR ABOUT 3 YEARS AVERAGE. MACS LAST MUCH LONGER.
    pc desktop is more upgradable. YOU CAN UPGRADE A MAC.
    pc has better 3d drivers straight from nvidia, amd, intel. SO?
    pc has better flash player and firefox. RIGHT. SOMETHING TO BACK THAT UP MAYBE?
    pc has better peripherals like webcam, mouse, keyboard, printers. NO IT DOESN’T MAC CAN OUTDO ALMOST ANYONES PERIPHERALS.
    pc has better support lifespan. xp supports extends 2001-2014. os x is phased out 2-3 years? so, businesses are flocking to mac. right, buddy… keep living in your iWorld. SO, UPGRADE IF YOU WANT. IF YOU DON’T WANT TO, YOU AREN’T GOING TO DIE. I WILL KEEP LIVING IN MY IWORLD. YOU STAY IN YOUR U-DOGHOUSE.

  619. semen says:

    stop perpectuating bullshit.

    pc is cheaper to surf the web, email.
    pc desktop is more upgradable.
    pc has better 3d drivers straight from nvidia, amd, intel.
    pc has better flash player and firefox.
    pc has better games.
    pc has better peripherals like webcam, mouse, keyboard, printers.
    pc has better support lifespan. xp supports extends 2001-2014. os x is phased out 2-3 years? so, businesses are flocking to mac. right, buddy… keep living in your iWorld.

    pc has more antivirus. now that virus is real threat on mac. mac dont even have as many antivirus to choose from. furthermore, most antivirus company will dedicate more resources on the primary platform first.

    openoffice and seamonkey used to leave parts of programs on system tray so that it can be relaunched instantly. obviously there are cons to doing so. resident programs can hold on precious virtual memory and gdi resources.

    there are 3 buttons – close means everything unloaded, min means hiding and max means fill up the screen. stop bullshiting people when the os got it all wrong like putting those aforementioned buttons on top-left. how can office users quickly close porn sites if they are scrolling on the right. or the global menu thing. it dont work for a small calculator app or similar size like proxomitron.

    mac has virus. just stop bullshitting.

  620. Really? is right! says:

    Yes! That is correct! Also, once I heard someone say that it doesn’t matter that Macs don’t get viruses because viruses aren’t even made for them anymore. Well. How does that NOT matter? Try getting Windows like that. I’d like to see you try.

  621. really? says:

    also, this argument about how windows is so great, did you know you can run windows on macs? sooooo how is a windows better than mac if you can do both on a mac and only one of them on a PC? this is why business are slowly switching to Macs. Also, while they are definitely about to get viruses, it is very unlikely for this to happen, compared to PC only b/c there still aren’t very many businesses with Macs, so there is no market for a virus for Macs. once they become more mainstream in businesses there will be more viruses made for them and then they’ll be just a susceptible to viruses as PCs

  622. really? says:

    dude, i’m looking at my screen right now, top right corner it says “Thu Apr 19 12:17 PM”… i don’t know why you can’t figure out how to get yours to say that. just because it doesn’t COME like that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. its called system preferences… also you can drag and drop files into the dock, i’ve done it many a time. also the X w/o actually closing the program is useful. i grew up on a PC and i don’t know if you noticed, but it takes a little while for any microsoft office applications to open, but if you just click the X in mac and then open another file, it pops right up. windows won’t do that. it must reopen EACH time. Also, it does minimize… i also do this many MANY times a day. it goes to the dock… The only thing in your article that seems valid is the issue with the price. I’m sorry you’re mad that a company decides to sell their product at market equilibrium, clearly you didn’t take econ in college. I’d like it to be cheaper too, but I’d still pay for it. Overall, if you want to be taken seriously, don’t sound like an uneducated idiot. Don’t curse and don’t throw “retard” around, because it just makes you sound like an idiot (the word you meant when you said retarded).

  623. semen says:

    windows rules.

    excerpt from tech support for a new gaming mouse for mac.
    oxymoron mac gaming.
    all-in-one, mini, air = small form factor = heat trap and mobile parts. thats reality.

    anyways just for 3rd party mouse, mac has problems:

    “Thanks for all the detailed diagnostic so far – we’re using it all to look into why you’re having so many problems. Most people are fine under Lion but obviously some aren’t! To answer your question, Mac support can be tricky. Just the difference between the versions within each major release of the OS (10.6.4 vs. 10.6.6, for example) can sometimes cause issues.”

    i dont think windows is ever that bad. i am sure if you use prebuilts stuffs from apple, everybody will be rosy in your iworld.

    but when playing in the real world of custom hot-rig, where system is built with a myriad of hardware (mouse,keyboard, videocard, raid), then you will see where windows really shine. given the insane combination of updates and the myriad hardware combos, windows is still stable on so many systems is truly amazing. certainly wouldnt break on trivial 3rd party mouse, keyboard, etc. worst case, windows will break on video cards and certainly not from such a small update jump.

    lessons in life.
    windows for gaming, surfing, 3d cads, music, video. way cheaper. i mean who needs an expensive laptop to sit in starbucks to surf, emailing.

    linux for server stuffs. cheaper.

    mac for asthetics, after all,they are selling a way of iLife. fine for some people.

  624. Kel is dumb says:

    @KEL ANy software works on a Mac. Remember you can use it as a mac or PC. Also, it is not better for school. It is just less expensive.

  625. Kel says:

    Macs are just a trend. PCs are still used in business and are better for school. There is a lot of software that I use that cannot be used on Macs. If all you do is waste time on the internet or looking up youtube videos, then I suppose Macs work just as well. Obviously, gamers use PCs. The right-click thing is annoying. I don’t want to press control or whatever, just make a freakin’ right click button. I don’t understand why Mac has refused to do this. I totally agree with the frustration of not being able to click and drag. Also, I organize all of my files, and on a Mac, it opens up multiple windows; it’s completely inane. People generally buy macs to be hip and trendy or because of aesthetics. People who want to buy a high-performance piece of equipment go for PCs. I have yet to meet a computer expert that prefers a mac. Trust me, I’m an engineer, and know many computer science and electric engineers. They all show a lot of disdain towards apple products other than ipods. (This includes iPhones. On the top ten list of smartphones, iPhone does not appear). Don’t get me started on iPads either. It’s an awkward-sized block that is essentially an iPhone for people with fat fingers. Seriously, get a smartphone or get a laptop, or both, not the awkward tweener stage. Or even a notebook for crying out loud. I seriously don’t understand the appeal of the iPad. Other tablets are given higher reviews, by the way.

  626. CHRIS says:

    OK Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You

  627. RE:5 says:


  628. RAWR! says:

    You miss me? Well to bad. No fun left to be had in this place.

    So, I’m gone.

    ” he has a PC. Anything can happen.”

    Yes, ANYTHING at all, and only good things unless your an idiot. Unlike Mac where not much of anything goes on at all…


  629. Jane DOE says:

    Or his internet connection… you know, he has a PC. Anything can happen.

  630. John Smith says:

    RAWR! must have lost his growl….

  631. ""Jane doe"" says:


  632. John Smith says:

    Nice. How do you explain the rest of the comment?

  633. Jane Doe says:

    The era of ignorance is nigh. Thumbs Up to Apple for paving the way.


    Just because you are so repetitive….



    It should be illegal… for you. Your getting annoying.

  636. John Smith says:

    I think 80% of people who have computer have no idea how to build one. so they relay on a company to build a really good computer that is easy and simple to use. That’s where Apple comes in.FYI most people dont need a PC custom built with ridiculous speeds and processors, and off the wall GPU’s. Most people just want to browse the web, check email, watch youtube, listen to music, and play some games like angry birds. It’s safe to with 55 million ipads sold to date, the post PC era is among us.

  637. RAWR! says:

    “Macs are not overpriced, what you are paying for is something called QUALITY”

    How are they better then PC’s? If them just being expensive makes them better then you admit that Windows is a better OS and think Origins Big O is the best consumer PC in the world.

    Other then mag-safe there is nothing better about a Mac book. There is absolutely nothing good about the Mac Pro’s. There are touch-screen All-in-one PC’s that blow anyway iMac away and are still cheaper.

    So where does this Quality come from? Is it Aluminum? My new tower is made out of Steel and Aluminum. Software? Plenty of equal or better software on Windows/Linux free or not. If you are willing to get your hands dirty all software is free.

    Apple logo? Now you are making sense that alone adds what $500?

    “There is a right click.”
    Default Mac mouse and track pad only has one button. So where is this button that is on the right side of your mouse, and makes a clicking sound when you press it on a Mac?

    “Trying to “X” out of a program doesn’t close it, it simply minimizes it. Just like the minimize button. Except it begins to kill your CPU after you’ve done it a few times by keeping programs running as ghosts. (Total genius.) IT MAKES PROGRAMS OPEN QUICKER, IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO USE A MAC IT IS FAST AND EASY.”

    Is also wastes resources and can cause your system to crash when you run out of memory. Windows has no problem opening recent programs without having to keep them open. You still have use for the program? Then that’s what minimize is for. Minimize it to the task bar or notification tray. All Apple did was make two minimize buttons.

  638. H.K. says:

    I did skim the comments and read most of them. I was re-making the point that this is old. Drop it already. Bye.

  639. RAWR! says:


  640. RAWR! says:

    @H.K. If you at least skimmed some of the comments, you would know that we already went over this.

    Everything in the article is or was once true.

  641. RAWR! says:

    “I believe it without any whining for proof.”

    Nuf said.

    Unlike you, I like to feel the comfort of knowing.


    And? Am I not allowed to come here on my free tome and take 2-5 Minutes to rant/troll/argue on here? Or is it illegal?



    You have been here since April 7th 2011!?!? That’s crazy!

  643. H.K. says:

    Here is some of the evidence that you were whining for. It’s not a lot, just a sample.

    I said, “The clock doesn’t display a date. That’s cool, cuz I only wanted to remind myself again that today is Monday. YES IT DOES.”


  644. H.K. says:

    I came to the website, not your posts. I responded to the website. Not your posts. Get a Mac and you’ll find I was telling the truth. Just because you say that a PC can do hardcore gaming isn’t enough proof for me to believe it. I believe it without any whining for proof. Why can’t you believe me? Are the things I say so far out?

  645. RAWR! says:

    Everyone once in a while someone like H.K. comes up who doesn’t even read one comment, and doesn’t notice that no one here is talking about the article anymore.

    “I have told the honest truth about these things. . .”

    Yes so many facts to support your ‘truths’ like ‘YES, YOU CAN.’ and ‘NO IT DOESN’T. GET A MAC.’ Pure genus.

  646. H.K. says:

    Macs are not overpriced, what you are paying for is something called QUALITY.

    I don’t think Macs OS was based off Linux, but even if it was, it is so different now, it doesn’t matter.

    There is a right click. This website is too old.

    The clock doesn’t display a date. That’s cool, cuz I only wanted to remind myself again that today is Monday. YES IT DOES.
    The Dock concept is cute, yet still, retarded. You not only can’t see any of the windows that you have minimized, but you also can’t truly adjust the way The Dock behaves or appears. YES YOU CAN.
    According to Stan, its based on 1984 technology when only 1 program could run at a time. Pretty sweet. NOT ANYMORE.
    Trying to “X” out of a program doesn’t close it, it simply minimizes it. Just like the minimize button. Except it begins to kill your CPU after you’ve done it a few times by keeping programs running as ghosts. (Total genius.) IT MAKES PROGRAMS OPEN QUICKER, IF YOU TAKE THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO USE A MAC IT IS FAST AND EASY.

    Trying to alt-tab through your windows cycles through every single window of every single application one at a time instead of cycling between alternative applications (read: time-killer). NO IT DOESN’T. GET A MAC.
    Maximizing a window doesn’t actually maximize it. This is fun, cuz then I get to constantly click on things on the Desktop that I am definitely not interested in.
    Opening 100 images in the Mac image viewer opens 100 separate windows. (No comment.) THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN.
    You can’t drag files around to new destinations such as applications on The Dock or other directories without first preparing both source and destination windows so they are both visible. (Still, no comment.) YES, YOU CAN.
    etc, etc, etc LIKE WHAT?

    I have told the honest truth about these things and think that this website is too old to be trusted or talked about any longer.

    Macs do work. I have NEVER had one crash or had the “dreaded pinwheel.”

    Software and hardware are NOT lame. I run programs like Adobe After Effects CS5.5, Final Cut ProX and other good, not lame or slim programs.

    Gaming and Graphics? Come on? You can game, good games. Not amazing big complex games, but games run on macs. Even the high-graphic somewhat-complex ones. But if you are living your entire life gaming and want to buy a computer only for gaming, get a PC. I personally use computers for work. I don’t know about you guys. Graphics are amazing. They are better than most PCs in fact. I’m not sure but I think they will be using the technique they used on the New iPad to cram in a TON more pixels and then there won’t be any crying about graphics… not that there should be any now.

    Macs are customizable. It’s true. It’s also true that it is harder to customize than a PC, but it is still customizable. Macs are customizable and flexible.

    Anyway, as I said before, this website is too old to be trusted or talked about. Leave it alone already.

  647. Qwerty says:

    Well. I am leaving this conversation now because it has taken up a lot of my time and gone nowhere. I still stand by my opinion (which is, PCs are not terrible, but Macs are the best.).

  648. RAWR! says:

    “You can also build All-in-one PC’s and Mini-PC’s. But I never build them myself so I wouldn’t know.”

    But I never built them myself, so I wouldn’t know how long it will take.*

  649. RAWR! says:

    You can also build All-in-one PC’s and Mini-PC’s. But I never build them myself so I wouldn’t know.

  650. RAWR! says:

    Build time also varies on:
    Motherboard layout and size. (Ex. ATX, mATX.)
    The type of tower Full Tower, Mid-Tower, Bottom mount, Top Mount, Cable management, front ports, number of fans, placement of fans, size of fans, air cooling or liquid cooling.

  651. Qwerty says:

    Ok, just wondering. All desktops? (I’m not going anywhere with it.)

  652. RAWR! says:

    I don’t know where you are going with this. But I enjoy building computers. So the time it takes to make one is not a con for me at all, its under my list of pros.


  653. RAWR! says:

    Depends if I order the parts or get them in person.

    If I ordered them 2-3 days for the shipping and 30minutes to put the parts together about an hour for the installation of the OS, the drivers and updates.

    If I go in person, 15 Minutes to the store. 10-20 minutes to select the parts I want.

    Then 30 minute build time and 60 minutes for OS and drivers.

    So any ware between 2 – 73.5 hours.

  654. Qwerty says:

    How much time, in hours, does it take you to build a computer? Including the time it takes to get all the parts?

  655. RAWR! says:

    “Yeah. Because you always have to buy a new one probably.”

    I have owned 3 PC’s through out my life. Built all 3 of them. All 3 are still working like new.

    My current one I built Last month. I gave my 6 year old PC to my little brother, and my 4 year old one to my older sister.

    You are just ignorant and have no understanding of computers. You probably have no experience or research to back up your claims. You are just an idiot or a troll.

  656. PCs forever! says:

    PCs rock! Had mine for 2 months now and haven’t had to take it to th fixingplace at all. Shut up all you Mac ppl!


    March 30, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    “Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.”
    Yup. I admit I’ve done the same thing too.
    “No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.”
    Windows progs don’t always give you the option to ghost but most of the time it isn’t a option not to ghost on Mac’s. I admit Ghosting can be useful, but it is very bad for people who think all of their Mac programs just close when they press the red dot. At least I know for a fact when I hit the X the prog closes, and if it doesn’t, it will go in the tray, and let me know that it has gone to the tray.
    But I don’t need a third party program to close anything in windows. Apple is supposed to make things easy right? Well they try, but when they take away your choice they just make the easy things annoying.
    “No, I’m sure it does.”
    “No, no it doesn’t”
    It does. Period. Depending on the program it may sometimes leave the start menu folder there, but thats just a empty folder. But it always deletes whats in the install location, unless you had the program running while uninstalling it.
    I will also have you note that the installs and uninstalls are most often 3rd party made. If the install/uninstaller does something unwanted that is not Windows fault.
    I will bring up OCing again. Over Clocking (OC) is mostly *ssociated with gamers. But OCing your CPU can be very useful for programs that are very taxing on the CPU. Such as: Multitasking, Video Editing software, Graphics design, and more.
    And people like TREVOR and Apple claim it is best for these operations, Yet no Apple computer can OC. I did research and not even a 3rd party programs can break the OC lock on Mac’s. OC is another Useful, High Tech, Innovative, and Convent technology Apple isn’t capable of using.
    March 30, 2012 at 10:41 pm
    From J_Sparrow:
    This may be a bit of a troll….
    Check this page out :- apple,com/why-mac/
    Apple outrageous statement 1:-
    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”
    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?
    Apple outrageous statement 2:-
    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”
    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.
    Apple outrageous statement 3:-
    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”
    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??
    Apple outrageous statement 4:-
    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”
    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….
    Apple outrageous statement 5:-
    “Its compatible with stuff”
    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.
    Apple outrageous statement 6:-
    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”
    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”
    Apple outrageous statement 7:-
    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”
    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.
    Best Apple Statement:-
    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”
    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…
    March 30, 2012 at 10:53 pm
    Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap.
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?
    And why get Intel CPU’s but then AMD GPU’s. Its been proven that NVIDIA cards work better with Intel, rather then AMD. And AMD is cheaper then NVIDIA.
    So why does this company who boasts to have the best computers in the world, always pick the cheap option.
    March 31, 2012 at 7:51 am
    while at bestbuy…
    overheard a salesman telling customer, if you are careful you dont need antivirus like on windows. mac dont get virus, they only get trojan. wtf. once there is a risk of compromizing a system via a trojan, you already need an antivirus. i mean is like you dont get a,b,c… (std) by sleeping with him, but you only get z by sleeping with him. why not use protection? but sadly, choice of protection is very little on mac since security powerhouses are focusing first defences on win platform dedicating secondary resources on mac like everything else in life – flash, java, games, drivers, browsers, printers all seems to run better on the primary platform windows. so please dont try to kid the rest of the world with your nonsense.
    tried the imac 27 inch. doesnt do it for me. first, global menu is a waste of mouse motion especially with a small apps like calculator.
    compounding to problem, mouse acceleration is slow compared to win/linux. please do not suggest 3rd party software to change acceleration. going that route, we might as well install a 3rd party software to remove global menu. ubuntu hack firefox to use global menu does not do it for me neither. i am using a 22″ monitor. so on larger screen, i reckon local menus are better for me.
    not to start a war, but i hate excessive mouse movements. at the end of TIRED day of working, i dont want to drag a file from one corner of large screen to a trash icon. i dont want to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste, etc. i want to LIBERATE my left hand for a cup of coffee and use right hand to right-mouse click to delete files. is that too hard for mac users to understand.
    everytime you tell a mac user you cant used feature x, they will tell you can use the other extra limb to do feature x by pressing button y+z. very typical of mac users.
    you tell them one thing, they will tell you another way which is more involving (extra limb and 2 finger gymnastic). eg. i hate min,max,close button on left. mac users will tell you – who uses it anymore? – cmd +x.
    or flash is a no-show on ipad, html5 is the future. but i live in present, half the websites videos dont work without flash. compounding the problem html5 video is divided to h264 for ie,safari, and theora,webm for the others. fragmentation is gonna hampered adoption.
    third scrolling a webpage using safari is sluggish compared to scrolling with firefox on linux and windows. i know it is not same browser. not my computer, cant install anything in bestbuy. but i thought safari is the premiere browser on mac.
    to recap, not impressed other than Aesthetics exterior and interior (icons are beautiful). to me pc all the way. ubuntu is gone for me too. global menu and top left buttons
    April 1, 2012 at 12:38 am
    I read quite a few comments at first, but then I started noticing just how many there were on this page. Once I started scrolling down, I then realized again just how long ago this article and many comments were written. So after skimming for a bit, I just went straight to the bottom.
    Did JJ turn into Rawr? I noticed JJ stopped commenting and Rawr kind of picked up with his sarcastic comments.
    As I was reading through this article, I found myself chuckling out loud. I don’t think I have yet to read an article that was quite as cynical and sneering. I found the combination of the satire with the slight truths in the arrogant claims to be quite humorous. I think there was a poster near the beginning that said something about the satire (Raven something or another). I think a good number of people are taking this thing too seriously.
    There were four types of comments I saw over and over.
    1. People would try to argue every point made in the article with super detailed, lengthy explanations. Usually this was shrugged off by JJ with a short, sarcastic comment. Other times he’d take the time to respond with more detail, usually still involved sarcasm.
    2. People would insult the author’s behavior by acting in the same exact insulting fashion.
    3. People would put a combination of cussing, all caps, spamming, and whatever else to tell every putting up comment to stop arguing and to shut up. Usually these comments would say something about the author or everyone having no life. The only reason all these people exist is to argue over something stupid like computers.
    I think to myself, “This person is taking the time to argue with people that have no lives… over the issue of arguing about something pointless?”
    4. Finally there were the people with negative Mac experiences that would agree with the author. They usually received high fives from JJ.
    Those were my impressions of this article and the following comments. Now I’ll respond to a couple of the points made in the article.
    1. I thought this was pretty funny. I get this sort of impression of Mac users all the time. Keep in mind that most of my experience with Mac (and its users) comes from online. Typically I see these people through articles, blogs, forums, etc. Mac vs Windows arguments come up constantly in these venues. From my experiences, quite a hefty percentage of Mac users that take the time to put their opinions on the internet are:
    1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
    2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general
    2. I don’t think the brand name is worth quite as much as what Apple slaps on the price tags. Although, if one day I decide Windows isn’t doing it for me anymore, I don’t think the price will slow me down too much from purchasing a Mac.
    6. I’ve never really liked that dock thing. I think it’s a bit obnoxious.
    8. I’ve always been wary of the limitations I’d have being on a Mac exclusively. I’ll likely have a Windows machine if I ever do get a Mac, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.
    10. I’m generally one to favor as much configuration as possible to get things how I like them. That’s actually something that’s drawn me toward some Linux distros, but they seem to take too much time to get simple things accomplished.
    April 1, 2012 at 1:05 am
    In this comment I’ll give the three reasons I don’t use a Mac.
    It seems that pretty much everyone agreed in the earlier comments that Windows was the gaming OS. I think this still holds true today. I do love my games, so that’s been the main thing keeping me with Windows.
    I honestly don’t have a ton of experience on Macs. Most of what I know is through what I’ve read online. I did use a Macbook fairly recently and enjoyed the way the Spaces worked. I was first exposed to the Virtual Desktops feature when messing around with Ubuntu. I later tried out a few pieces of Windows freeware, but it wasn’t quite as good to me. I think the way the Spaces work on a Mac are probably better than what I saw on Ubuntu. However, the thing that really impressed me was the multi-touch gestures you could use to navigate the Spaces. I liked the idea of separating navigation from the keyboard. While keyboard shortcuts weren’t difficult to use to change desktops, I liked the 3-finger-flick much better.
    I say all this about Virtual Desktops because that’s another thing keeping me from leaving Windows right now. That might seem strange at first, but I’m waiting to see what Windows 8 has to offer. They seem to be going all out with touchscreen interfacing and related technologies. This makes me think that Windows should be getting on board with all the multi-touch gestures and related features. I really liked that 3-finger-flick virtual desktop setup on Macs, so Windows 8 better have something similar or better…
    So the first thing keeping me on Windows is gaming. Something Windows has that Mac doesn’t. The second thing is something Mac has and Windows doesn’t… but Windows may have in the not too distant future. The third thing keeping me with Windows is something I can’t stand about Macs, particularly Macbooks. There’s no right button! I’ve complained about this lack of a feature with Macs to a few people, and they start telling me of all these ways I can do a right click. There’s no way it’s as efficient using any of those methods as it is physically clicking the right button.
    I haven’t used anything but a laptop touchpad for a few years now. I mentioned that I like gaming. One particular game I like is World of Warcraft. Pretty much everyone knows what this game is or has heard about it. I played that game with a touchpad, and it would be near impossible to do the same thing with an Apple trackpad.
    1. Click the bottom right side of the trackpad – If you click right where right clicks start registering, you don’t always get a right click. To ensure a right click, you need to click a little further to the right. This means your finger has to travel further to do a right click. Also, the entire trackpad moves when you click, so that interferes a tad with the regular left clicking. This method just seems really clunky.
    2. Tap with two fingers – I’ve always hating anything that used tapping on a touchpad. The first thing I do when I use a new touchpad is turn off “tap to click”. I find you’re much more likely to have misclicks when tapping. It’s just too inconsistent compared to clicking an actual button.
    On top of the problems with tapping itself, there’s no way to drag with the right click tap. I was told I could drag a left click by double tapping with one finger. Something like that may exist for the right click dragging. Waiting for this double tap to register so I can drag the cursor is just absurd.
    3. Hold CTRL and click – Holding one button down while clicking another button can never be equal to or better than clicking a single button. Even though it’s not hard, you’re now using two hands to do something a single finger should be able to do.
    On top of the added complexity, this method screws you up when you need your left hand for clicking keys while you use the right clicks. When playing a game like World of Warcraft, you are constantly clicking many keys with the left hand. Often times, the keys you’re clicking are used in conjunction with the CTRL key itself. Now things get really complicated.
    I have yet to see what I think is a valid reason for the trackpad not having a right click button. Yes, when you’re not doing something as intensive as gaming, the trackpad right click options are feasible. However, I feel like I’m downgrading in technology by using the trackpad for my right clicks. I thought newer technology was supposed to bring greater efficiency and ease of use. Not having a right button seems backwards to me.
    When software stops requiring right clicks to do things, I’ll stop worrying about a right click. Until then, I can’t stand not having a specific button for right clicking.
    April 1, 2012 at 3:47 am
    Unfortunately I didn’t start burning my time here until JJ left, or died, or whatever happened to him.
    I’m just wondering what happened to Steve. Also congrats(?) to WOW for staying here so long. People like Tucansam, and Redline would of caved by now and made an exit with some petty comment.
    April 2, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    You can’t fall for “delete System 32″ on a Mac.
    But other than that… meh
    April 2, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    April 2, 2012 at 7:35 pm
    Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.
    April 2, 2012 at 11:19 pm
    “Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.”
    Perfect example of the majority of Mac users.
    April 3, 2012 at 12:14 am
    As a long time user of every platform available, I can speak to some of this lifetime long argument. I currently own a late 2009 MacBook and a newer Pro running Snow Leopard and Lion. To add, I own one Linux device and 5 Windows 7 devices, 3 of which are x64 and the other two are x32 machines I upgraded to win7.
    I will leave my Linux thoughts out of this because it is more a utility to me than anything. I have seen the growth of both Apple and the PC based devices over the last 30 years, starting as a 14 year old with a father that was heavy into computing before having a computer at home was possible.
    The author has a lot of truth in his post, most of the things he mentioned have been a nuisance to myself and others at one time or another. I won’t get into every detail, but from a high level over the years I have come to know for a fact that the second Apple releases anything, it is far more expensive than comparable PC offerings. That is hard fact and cannot be argued. The thing is, Apple is at war with many makers, that use similar hardware, many times newer and more powerful. Those companies rely on Windows and once they have their OEM license, they brand it and add their own touches to it, which often turns out to be useless and even annoying. Sure, there might be a cool add in once in a while, but I am the guy that buys a PC, takes it out of the box and wipes the drive so I can load Windows on it clean, in it’s pure form.
    I do this because I have learned that in the past, running a make like Dell, HP or Sony will eventually fail in some way or under perform due to “bloat ware”. I can promise this, that any PC with a retail load of straight Windows will be every bit as stable if not more than any Mac which is packaged with the software that Apple designed to work with their hardware. MS is genius, Billy boy made his OS work on EVERYTHING, somehow while maintaining the mistakes by the idiot who uses it. No, you don’t typically need to ever mention the word “driver ” with a Mac, but then again, it was delivered as a packaged deal. Of course you don’t need anything like that, if MS built a computer of their own, it would be perfection, but that is not their business. So MS is relying on PC makers to build decent products so that the end user isn’t sitting there blasting Windows all day for something they didn’t even build. Throw in that guy who thinks he is a PC builder and MS is really sticking their neck out.
    But this is 2012, these days, a child can throw a Win7 disk in the drive and the chances are, that thing is going to work with minimal configuration. I built one machine, a nasty one to serve as the do all, video, music, m*ss storage, gaming, doc building device that be upgraded, restored and serve me for years. It was built with the cream of the cream hardware with money as no object and that system ran me a whopping 1100.00. Much less than my Pro and a little less than my MacBook with max memory and HD. I personally know OSx well enough that I can figure out a way to pretty much do everything on a Mac that my PCs do, but the problem is that I find myself having to figure out a way, rather than it just happening. It wasn’t always that way, but for a system that is supposed to be so robust, it is indeed the case.
    I think more people have problems with the smugness of the Mac “fanboy” more than they do the actual machine. Or the attack marketing, where Justin Long mentions a problem that is typically present in any computing platform like it doesn’t exist with a Mac. For all the folks here that argue the author isn’t truthful, there sure is a lot of BS coming from the Apple camp about the product MS offers. Many of the very things Apple uses as ammo are things they can’t avoid their own product from doing.
    Viruses? Malware? With 2 kids and a tech challenged wife, my home hasn’t seen a virus or anything malware like for years, not a single instance on any of the machines. They use them all, yet not a problem to be found. Fact is, aside from my 8 year old letting her Dell battery drain all the time and having it shut down, we haven’t had a single crash either. I cannot say the same for my MacBook, which once in a while presents me with ” you need to power off” and a frozen screen. That is rare, but it happens. Justin Long tells you it won’t though, then he tells you how the PC does while the Mac is so superior.
    To me, it is the image Apple tries to portray that annoys me more than anything. I truly enjoy using my computers, the Apple products I have owned the past 27 years have been great, but so have the PCs. These devices can do amazing things considering the cost. It is an awesome time to be able to see all of it grow. Every user is going to have a preference and no one wants to be told that they spent their hard earned money on an “inferior” product. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Function is found by needs and desire. These days, we are all getting the best of both. Maybe Apple will open up a little in the future, a lot of that was Steve Jobs and his very stubborn way of saying “I am going to give people what I want and people are going to like it” attitude. My favorite all around computer is my MacBook, running Win7 x64 under boot camp. Traveling with it solves a lot of problems, but that took creation from both ends of the spectrum and still doesn’t do everything.
    I leave this doc*mentary with a tidbit from one of Apple’s heroes, Steve Wozniak. While at a computing convention primarily focused on robotics in California, I had the pleasure of listening in to an unplanned interview he had where a man asked him what he thought about Microsoft and Bill Gates. His reply was complimentary, but near the end, he said “I wish they built better computers”. The interviewer followed up with “but Steve, Microsoft doesn’t build computers.”
    His reply? “oh yeah, that’s right.”
    Typed from my iPhone….
    April 3, 2012 at 12:58 am
    Your comment needs to replace this article.
    April 3, 2012 at 9:04 pm
    Only two types who buy Macs: Wannabe nerdy-types” and “Wannabe hipster-types” – is that right?
    So we bought our first Macs in 1993 for color scanning and digital imaging (there were no Windows PCs then that managed color). We went on to use our Macs to create over 28,000 published illustrations for various national publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Scholastic Books, and New Yorker.
    So which group do we fall into?
    April 4, 2012 at 1:50 am
    @LARS J. Have you looked around every time you step into a store? Everyone uses PCs for their business. Seeing a handful of companies use macs and reading your story … it doesn’t impress me at all. Even if you watch that show “How It’s Made” every company uses PC. Even a lot of the machines that make our every day items are using Windows to program them.
    @RAWR. I was on vacation visiting family for the last couple weeks.
    April 4, 2012 at 3:09 pm
    Well, you bought in 93 and hope you used it for several years (say 5), that puts you into the loser group. at 95-98, windows 95/98 users can work (cad,spreadsheet,publish,paint) and play directx/opengl games. mac at the era dont even use opengl. so all work, no play makes lars a dull loser. being a real minority at probably 1% stats, you are not only a loser but lonesome loser. hey, you ask which group knowing very well you paid expensive for a no-thrill computer.
    April 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm
    April 5, 2012 at 12:18 am
    I never have Mac but only thing I know it’s true is Mac doesn’t offer any flexibility to user!
    April 5, 2012 at 8:50 am
    Yep. It’s impossible for a mac to get a virus.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:56 am
    It never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to pay $2000 for a 15″ Core i7 laptop with only 4 GB of RAM and 2 USB ports just because it’s aluminum and runs a customized version of Unix that has been rotting away for over a decade. The only thing Apple has done to OS X since it was first released is pack it full of useless features that few want and even fewer understand, like Versions and Launchpad. But what do you expect from a company that can’t even build a phone with a working antenna?
    Let me tell you, I may not be old, but I’ve been around long enough to have used every version of Windows and Mac OS since the early 90′s. I watched Apple as it grew, fell from glory, was bailed out, and made a comeback almost soley because of the iPod and iPhone. They fell behind in the desktop market back in the 90′s and, with the possible exception of OS X compared to Vista, they have never caught up since.
    Macs were a joke in the late 90′s and they’re a joke today. I *ssure you that Windows 7 beats Lion in almost every imaginable way. I use both regularly and there is simply no comparison — it makes Mac OS feel like a slow, outdated curiosity that’s trying to be more than the sum of its parts.
    April 5, 2012 at 8:30 pm
    I think the OSx vs Vista thing was blown out of proportion. Vista was not the problem that Apple made it out to be. There were some hardware vendor related driver issues and the change in interface threw the average user for a loop. I remember Apple making fun of the UAC, when OSx had their own UAC running since the early versions. The difference was that Vista shipped with it being restrictive out of the box and made it very easy to change to suit any situation.
    My parents crapped when they first used Vista on their new machine, all it took was for me to put it in cl*ssic mode and they have been using it for years without a single complaint. It was also a resource hog, but then again, it shipped on computers with resources. No matter, Win 7 solved that problem in a big way. I installed it on a 2002 Dell C610 laptop with 512 ram and a 30g drive and a P3 processor, gave it to my mother in law and it has been flawless for 2 years now.
    OSx is fine, if that is what you want it will work great, but there is no way that anyone can argue it was better as a whole than Vista. That is the fruits of Apple’s marketing and a major change in UI to a public who doesn’t take to change very well. Remember when XP was released? There were folks that had issue with that and it turned out to be a pretty solid OS for a long time.
    Folks will pay more for a Mac because they actually believe the Apple hype. I use mine, but it surely doesn’t deserve some sort of praise for being “better”. There are those that think it actually makes them different and that different means they are elite. Those are the same people that think Jobs was a genius. That because they own a Mac, everything Steve Jobs said was true. That nifty packaging and gay commercials make a better computer. Bottom line is that it is still just a computer. When people are using a mouse, keyboard and monitor and paying alot more for the same hardware, they ate really paying a premium to use OSx. I did the math on hardware costs and what it would cost to build a Windows laptop with the exact same config as my Pro running Lion. If my math is correct, I paid nearly 800 dollars to have a copy of Lion.
    A lot of money for a closed system with no upgrade path.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:34 pm
    who the eff says aluminium is heavier than steel? You have never lifted or possibly even seen either of the metals if you think that. Why are planes made of aluminium? Because it is light and strong. Why go with aluminium? Because it is light and strong….it doesn’t rust… stainless steal requires more processing to achieve, can still rust depending on the quality and is freaking way heavier than aluminium!
    April 6, 2012 at 12:26 am
    My mistake I looked further into it. I was wrong, Aluminum is lighter then steel. But Steel is stronger then Aluminum. As for rust you act like its in immediate danger of rust. I have ancient towers. (I collect old comps. [Don’t know if I said that before.]) And only a couple of them have rust. (One from 92 another from 97.)
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum.
    Planes are made from a combination of;
    1. Aluminum
    2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy
    3. Zinc
    4. Carbon Fiber
    5. Reinforced Plastic
    6. Fiber Gl*ss
    7. Kevlar
    8. Titanium
    9. Stainless Steel
    10. Inconel
    The order has no meaning.
    Also, Aluminum does rust, its just not called rust. By definition rust can only happen to Iron and Steel but Aluminum has its own equivalent of rust.
    I believe its just called Aluminum Oxide.
    April 6, 2012 at 3:08 pm
    d00d all metals are prone to oxidation and most pure metals oxidize at room temperature. aluminium’s “oxidation” protects itself from further oxidation damage, so the fact that it oxidizes is irrelevant to the fact that it doesn’t rust. rust is the perpetual oxidation seen in some iron based alloys and of course pure iron.
    as far as strength, weight to strength ratio aluminium is stronger than some steels, not all, and the same goes for the steels….some aluminium alloys are stronger. Planes can be made of just about any alloy, they choose aluminium because of it’s particular weight to strength ratio, not because it’s cheaper than steel. Also most PCs are made of plastic if you want to get into the cheap discussion, and I still think steel of any kind is a bad choice for a laptop shell…seriously
    April 6, 2012 at 3:11 pm
    *** I meant to say some steel alloys are stronger than aluminium ones***
    April 6, 2012 at 7:11 pm
    I have a PC and its made of Steel and Aluminum, where did you get plastic from? Only plastic part it on the front and that’s replaceable.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:13 pm
    “The aluminum-vs-steel, strength-vs-weight issue is one that is commonly misunderstood, especially among jib makers, sometimes even among engineers.
    The misconception arises from the partial truth that there are aluminum alloys that are as strong as, or stronger than, steel. It’s more accurate to say that there are some aluminum alloys that are stronger than some steel alloys.”
    April 6, 2012 at 7:33 pm
    Also PC may be made of plastic. But you act like its the same plastic that dollar store toys are made of.
    To be honest I don’t know why Laptops don’t have a Steel or Aluminum shell.
    It could be cost, heat issues. Rust is not a problem. Unless you plan on keeping your computer for more then 15 years and have it in a very humid climate.
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions. This is why Apple has a Plastic frame around their Aluminum ch*ssis.
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:38 pm
    I don’t see where this misconception of ‘Apple has better hardware quality’ is coming from.
    People never seem to bring proof of this, and when they try to explain it they describe the ‘feel’, the ‘look’, and other emotionally inspired nonsense.
    Or when asked for proof they ignore the request or just stop commenting.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:12 pm
    The “Apple has better hardware quality” bs comes from apple commercials. Nothing else. apple users are so stupid they can’t do any research or back up anything they say.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:19 pm
    apple users can’t think for themselves. They listen to all the hype. Of course if you go to an apple store they will tell you apple is better.
    April 6, 2012 at 9:02 pm
    Excellent site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Many thanks!
    April 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm
    see I wasn’t talking about making a jib, I was talking about making a plane. And their is a good reason why they use aluminium,not because it is cheap, but because for what a plane needs for strength and weight, the aluminium alloy is strong enough and lighter than it would be if they used steel, so they save money in gas by making the plane lighter….
    April 6, 2012 at 9:44 pm
    and d***it i said most PC laptops are made of plastic, not all. it is dependant on the manufacturer. Sony loves to use aluminium for their shells. Go to Best Buy right now and you will see that the majority of the shells are made of plastic. You:
    “Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap. (PC MANUFACTURERS USE PLASTIC WHICH IS DEFINITELY CHEAPER THAN ANY METAL, SO WHAT!!)
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST)
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG)
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG)
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too(AT A BIG COST). Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong(ALUMINIUM IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS) but they go with the weak and heavy material(WRONG….BAD FACTS)? Make sense to you? (NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE)”
    It doesn’t make any sense to use steel, you want a light laptop not a steel beast. Stainless steel being more expensive doesn’t make it better…just harder to make. Aluminium is just the better choice for a laptop, you don’t have to do anything to it to keep it from rusting, its lighter, and although it doesn’t have a lot of lustre, it looks decent and since most PC’s use the much much cheaper alternative of a plastic shell, they can stand out against the plastic PC’s
    April 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm
    “Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired”
    Yes it can, but do you really want to sand, prime and put a clear top coat (or colour of your choice) your pc laptop shell? Then repeat this every time it gets scratched and starts rusting again…..jebus man
    April 6, 2012 at 10:02 pm
    steve’s on the money. most people who have an understanding of computer technology, and especially the process marketing that technology, will tell u that apple are actually selling u a badge/brand, not a new piece of groundbreaking, quality tech that has been rigorously tested and re-tested. why do u think the whole apple campaign has that “we’re carefree, edgy, dancing silhouettes on a pastel background” feel to it. i’ll tell u why… because they know that they have a sub-standard product that they know they have to aggressively push to get “sales momentum”, and in advertising if u cant use the specs to promote the product, then u have to resort to the ego, and thats how we end up with apple ads consisting of silhouettes of young people “dancing like no-ones watching”. U see, that whole “care-free” bit is the hook. young people see those ads and think its cool, and its these trend buyers who will go out and (or more often than not, make their parents) spend ridiculous amounts of dollars on a piece of tech without even researching the specs and seeing what other products are actually out there. and thats where we’re at with the iphone vs android debacle. Android is far and away the better piece of tech on all levels, yet u still see teens cuing up for the next iphone (which is pretty much no different from the last iphone)…actually, i think the last iphone had some issues with several screens exploding when taken on short flights (and i mean 45minute regional flights). substandard tech + cheap and crappy parts = kablooey…iphone…. the happy meal toy in a smart phone world. ; )
    April 6, 2012 at 10:17 pm
    “Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions”—-are you kidding me? have you ever seen bare steel in a humid environment? or shoot even steel that hasn’t been painted well that has been exposed to any elements. I have a small unpainted/treated aluminium fishing boat. For 40 years it has sat its happy *** in water, been rained on snowed on, scratched, kicked mistreated, and has shown little to no corrosion if this had been bare steel it wouldn’t even exist unless i had maintained constant care.
    “Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion resistance and its usage as one of the primary metals of commerce to the barrier oxide film that is bonded strongly to its surface and, that if damaged, re-forms immediately in most environments.
    On a surface freshly abraded and then exposed to air, the barrier oxide film is only 1 nm thick but is highly effective in protecting the aluminum from corrosion.
    The natural film can be visualized as the result of a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces-those tending to form compact barrier layer and those tending to break it down.”
    read around, you have to try to corrode aluminium, it needs a strong base or acid o do so along with some constant long term neglect to corrode aluminium, for the use of a laptop shell you would really have to mess something up to cause any substantial/noticeable corrosion…
    stop comparing aluminium with steel in regards to corrosion,they aren’t even on the same league let alone playing field
    April 6, 2012 at 11:35 pm
    Did you read any of my other comments?
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG) No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG) Depends on the grade. Some is heavier then Steel.
    You are obviously underestimating the quality of steel.
    “NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE” ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.
    All your saying depends on the grade of Aluminum and Steel. So we are both right and wrong. This argument will go no ware so I’ll end it here.
    April 7, 2012 at 1:04 am
    Aluminium is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    I know you aren’t talking about plastic but you said MAC people talk about the superiority of the product, you try to denounce by saying “why use aluminium in a product when its such a cheap metal” (paraphrasing) then you go on about how aluminium is cheaper, heavier, and weaker. although you are right in saying lbs for lbs steel is stronger, that doesn’t make it practical or better for a laptop!!! or anything computer related. So I say, aluminium is better than plastic (arguable), plastic is cheaper and has the appearance of lower quality than metal. PC’s use plastic which is extremely cheap, can be very fragile, has a vastly larger range of quality, and temperament with age and exposure to the sun causing weakness and brittleness in plastics when compared to commercial grade aluminium. Therefore aluminium is a sign of a higher quality construction compares to plastics (which most PCs use). You shouldn’t be basing any arguments that MACS aren’t quality products because they chose to make the shells of laptops out of aluminium.
    I can’t resist ignorant talk (you) so I come and tell you its not heavier (3X lighter actually) and that simply saying steel is stronger isn’t entirely the truth. then you go on about aluminium’s corrosion (couldn’t help but notice you didn’t respond to how wrong you were about that) which is more ignorance…
    I will concede this one point, steel is stronger.
    stainless steel does not easily corrode
    steel corrodes VERY easily (eg. cars, steel hardware, steel anything!!!!)
    aluminium is does not corrode easily (eg. macbook cases, sony cases, my aluminium boat, soda cans, aluminium foil….do you need more examples??)
    now for your “some aluminium alloys are heavier than steal”
    I can use your logic (as you used with the strength issue):
    “No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.”
    Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison:
    lowest grade steel is heavier than lowest grade aluminium highest grade aluminium is lighter than highest grade steel.
    Or I can use REAL logic:
    Aluminium is already 3X lighter than steel, you can’t make an alloy of aluminium (you say grade but you actually mean alloy. grade has do with purity of refined metal) denser than an alloy of steel unless you mix it with a metal that is denser than steel! and even then it would have to make up the majority of the alloy to overcome how light aluminium already is. Or unless you make a steel alloy with a metal greater than 3X less the density of steel, and again that metal would have to make up the majority of the alloy. Show me this alloy, then show me the practicality of its use. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN
    here you can see densities of metals and alloys and how hard it would be to make a steel alloy lighter than an aluminium one and vice versa and even if one did make such an alloy what is its practical use and does it have anything to do with PCs AND MACBOOKS!!!! lastly you are the king troll here keep up the good work
    April 7, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    Cool story bro.
    Moving on, or you still wanna shout some more?
    Ether way you are wrong, but idc anymore.
    Topic has gone to far off track, not gonna help you build a new station.
    April 7, 2012 at 3:50 pm
    I’m sure these people will enjoy your company.
    I didn’t look to hard, because I’m sure you already have one to ‘argue’ on.
    April 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm
    @RAWR. Took the words out of my mouth. Way off track.
    April 7, 2012 at 10:40 pm
    like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did….then you followed up with more ignorance….and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this? or are you too proud to admit it? you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else. you make me sad for humanity….off track or not
    April 7, 2012 at 11:23 pm
    Here is my composite list of ignorant things you have said that sucked me down to your level(all of which are wrong!):
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel–way to complicated to discuss here, but not really true
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel–effing really wrong…upon further research aluminium is one of the least dense metals
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?—-this is my favorite
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions—jesus this is so wrong i mean i thought it was common knowledge that steel rusts and for most uses aluminium doesn’t corrode at all
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum—true but the parts that count are, so the metal must be pretty strong,light and rust proof
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired–wow…anyway….unless the metal you use doesn’t rust
    No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel—again too complicated for you or me
    ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.—the irony is hilarious (see most of your posts and especially the ones above)
    if you re-read my original comment, that started this rant I just made fun of that fact that you said aluminium is cheap and heavier than steel because I thought it was common knowledge that aluminum is cheap because of it’s abundance not because of quality, and that it is lighter than steel. you followed with so much stupidity thereafter I feel like you just trolled me along…and i still do…or perhaps you are just stupid
    but truly am sorry for the topic change…i hate macs there…
    April 8, 2012 at 12:00 am
    I already admitted I was wrong about the weight. And how did I show any ignorance before this Aluminum thing? Why does this bother you so much? Is it because you know of nothing else but that?
    Pull the Aluminum stick out of your *ss and shut the f*ck up.
    I am not wrong about most of the post I put of Aluminum. If anything my source is to blame, It told me that Aluminum is heavy junk (As a joking example then it went in depth.)
    I don’t see how you proved me wrong on any of the other matters.
    I don’s see how getting the fact that under certain conditions Aluminum can be heavier then steel. I am not wrong about Aluminum being more corrosive then steel. It is YOU who does not want to admit that you are wrong. (If I am in fact wrong, again blame my sources as well as bring me substantial proof that you are right.)
    Also how does being wrong about one thing make my other statements ignorant?
    Still sounds like your the ignorant one here.
    I don’t need to see most of my post because I wrote them all. Again Ignorant people cant understand the truth. Ignorant people use their own logic.
    “Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison”
    “Or I can use REAL logic”
    I only know of one type of logic, there aren’t other forms. Just the Truth and a Lie. And if you see more then one, then you must be using the lie.
    Also I never made a density comparison.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:04 am
    “Also I never made a density comparison.”
    April 8, 2012 at 12:15 am
    “like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did”
    I was wrong really? Like with what? The weight of aluminum? Congratz you wasted time trying to dismantle my statement that I made a while ago and only managed to ‘prove’ me wrong on one point.
    “then you followed up with more ignorance”
    Really? How so? By stating facts I obtained from research?
    “and you are wrong about everything you said”
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel- Wrong
    I don’t think 1 out of 3 qualifies as everything.
    “and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this?”
    I cant see whats not there. Lend me your fog machine, so I can see what you see.
    “you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else.”
    Didn’t know one time was considered clutter. If once gets you this mad then I cant wait until you start on everyone else. Oh wait they didn’t talk about Aluminum…
    “you make me sad for humanity…”
    You make me sad too. Didn’t know someone could get so pissed off over something so small.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:22 am
    Here an award *Hands SRK an award* For knowing noting that was discussed on this topic other then Aluminum.
    April 8, 2012 at 1:28 am
    d*mnit man, read what i just wrote, i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight (i say the density because that is the right word not weight…which again points out more of your own ignorance). all you had to say was whoops im an idiot aluminum is the least dense metal used for commercial construction and support structures, and its not real a sign of cheap quality although it is cheaper to produce, and I would have shut the f*ck up. but you didn’t you continued to argue your stupid point the same as I did,
    as my last post points out, you continued with more and more and, still now, more stupidity and troll bait…the only thing im sad for in myself is getting trolled by an idiot like you, please please continue to wallow in your stupidity and reign as supreme king (queen?) troll and take the STEEL d*ldo that is in YOUR *SS and beat yourself over your head with it until your happy…if you want to call me out for obnoxious rants…your were right there toe to toe dancing with me the whole time, so you are talking about yourself as well.
    some more troll bait for you; here is why saying density is correct and weight isn’t:
    DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density *ssociated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the RELATIVE “heaviness” of objects with a CONSTANT VOLUME.
    so saying steel weighs more than aluminum isn’t technically correct(if you don’t like that go take an entry level college physics cl*ss), saying it is more dense is a more correct statement
    and again, i have no affinity for aluminum, i could give a f*ck less, i just know i got trolled by you…good day sir or ma’am
    April 8, 2012 at 1:52 am
    let me simplify
    your were wrong first about the weight/density and the implication that aluminum is a poor quality metal
    then about it being more corrosive than steel in humid conditions
    the rest is just semantics
    April 8, 2012 at 2:08 am
    ill do this thread a favour…
    Macs suck, they are overated overhiped overpriced and well marketed to tools who’s view of them using the coolest looking tech gadget is more important than the actual usefullness or value. They put out a mediocre product for an outrageous price.
    It took Windows along time to become a mature robust secure OS, but it is that. Their business model is also what allowed the market and world to become what it is today, everyone should thank bill for that. without the microsoft software license model, and their desire to only make a good OS not the entire computer, allowed for the hardware market to explode, it allowed for capitalism to flourish, and in the end created a more flexible, and customisable product.
    As opposed to the Apple model which closely guards and controls all of its software and hardware, preferring the proprietary model instead of the universal model, which windows used. It’s gimmicky and relatively useless features that is loves to boast are just that, useless. It should be no contest…windows ownz apple in just about every way except for d*******g appeal
    April 8, 2012 at 2:20 am
    the obvious downfalls to allowing hardware vendors to make the hardware as in the case with windows based PC’s is the driver issues….these are not actually windows problems rather, the hardware vendor’s for making a crappy driver. windows upgrades to make thing incompatible doesn’t help though. but the sacrifice is worth the capital reward, all your tech related jobs can probably be traced to the decision of windows staying out of the hardware business.
    In terms of quality of OS/hardware in macs and PCs, I think Macs put out a quality product in terms of life of hardware. With the PC, you have choice of manufacturer and some are better than others, but I have had an ASUS eeepc for two years, no issues with anything. I also own a tower that I ‘built’ and have had for for years, nothing, and must repeat nothing has broken, and it was a lot cheaper than the equivalent MBP. And even nothing broke, the stuff I wanted to upgrade, say, video card…I upgraded for 150 bucks, and 10 minutes of work to install. Instantly a better computer for games and graphics related processing. Can’t do that with a MAC….that’s all im saying
    April 8, 2012 at 2:23 am
    rawr! is it too late to say im sorry and forget this sh**
    April 8, 2012 at 3:27 am
    “i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight”
    I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t wrong about the planes. You implied they where made of nothing but aluminum I just corrected you.
    I’m not sure about the corrosion, if you have so much confidence that I’m wrong then please bring proof. Just your word, if that’s all that was needed then we are both right.
    You CAN fix rust, so I don’t know what you mean there. weight and density go hand and hand if something is dense it will most likely be heavy.
    I already admitted to being wrong about the weight when you first pointed it out, so I don’t see the problem.
    P.S. You done yet? ; )
    April 8, 2012 at 3:39 am
    Stopped being lazy, and looked more into the corrosion thing. My source was comparing Stainless Steel vs Aluminum.
    To be honest I didn’t even look that far into it.
    Anyway I was wrong about two things, you happy?
    You still over reacted, and are still being ignorant about the other things I was -by your standards- wrong about.
    April 8, 2012 at 4:55 am
    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!
    April 8, 2012 at 7:27 am
    Apple is likely known for blackboxing their products (ie, sealing them shut and making them hard to open/dis*ssemble accept by their own guys @ the Apple Store (But wait, the MBA is completely welded shut! Even Apple can’t open their own products!)
    Alright, now that we got that past, let’s get some !#/bin/sh straight.
    (Tooken from iFans forums, that came from a long way – It’s a long story.)
    pple is going to run-down their company and ruin the Mac as we know it. When Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, who knows what Apple will be doing by then. Changing the works, setting restrictions from their headquarters in Cupertino, to try to control what you can and can’t do, which will cause famous non-Apple apps on your Mac to stop working, such as:
    • CleanMyMac.
    • iStat Server.
    • Skype for Mac.
    • Microsoft Office + Office Suite 2011 (Well it will stay, but many features requiring system-level access may be revoked, it will be smacked-around by Apple, so to speak).
    All these apps will simply not run, because they are not ‘Apple Approved’ applications. Along with Mac OS X 10.8 +/10.9 / possible OS XI (11) coming out, they might be even more restricted. Here’s where the crap comes, it sounds crazy, but listen. Apple will may start encrypting all updates and use SSL for every transfer (they probably already do) due to ‘security’ of course, they may or may not starting locking the OS from external connection, e.g. A Windows PC can’t connect to a Mac via Network Shares, etc…
    Crap that may or may not happen:
    • • • Apple will seal off their Macs. I mean sure Modifying your computer is great, but really, why would you want to go to an Apple store anytime there is something wrong with your Mac, or you need to install new RAM and stuff? Only Apple-Approved RAM. Have you also heard about Apple screwing in and making batteries non-user replaceable? Well, that’s happened to the MacBook Air, the the original MacBook, hell, why not the MBP?
    • • • Terminal is a no-no! Yes, everyone LOVES the Terminal and Unix commands, I mean who does not? Every Unix/Linux nerd loves geeking with Unix! But Uh-Oh. Here comes Apple the king of their software. They’ve decided terminal is a no-no and Nobody wants them re-modding their Macs back to freedom of 3rd Party apps and free source. What happend to freedom anymore?
    • • • Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions, baby! Just like on the iPhone, iPod and all other iDevices, their devices will be fully-restricted and no external access to them will be allowed, heaven forbid we steal Apple’s source! Only Apps that are allowed here on Apple’s OSX, are iTunes/App Store Approved and installed ones, but the truth actually could be that 3rd party Apps are still allowed, but although, the bad side is that People will most likely upload these iTunes stolen apps up on uTorrent or something, then everybody who has a Mac could get a free, say; $50 App for free, say, (Just an example!) PhotoPro for Mac v.2.12, and you don’t have to pay, you just download and ‘click and drag’ to your Applications folder. No (App store) Apps will run on your Mac unless they are hooked with the same UUID, and aren’t blacklisted by Apple (yes, they can! see and having to use a restricted computer that can only do things the company wants it to do would be seriously terrible, Apple. (Microsoft already has Windows marketplace for Windows 8 Metro apps, so no biggy, right?). I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but I think Microsoft could try to do the same thing, and then we BOTH (Mac + PC) will have locked, worthless machines that can’t run 3rd-party software except what THEY allow, MOCKING the whole computer industry as we know it.
    April 8, 2012 at 7:00 pm
    “This is a good example of why people both hate and love apple products. The lovers go for the fact that Apple controls the end user experience right down to the final detail. The haters avoid for the very same reason.
    Personally, I feel that if someone purchases something, he should have the right to do with it whatever he likes so long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Apple obviously disagrees. The geek community is full of people who want to take their gadgets and play with them, not worrying about the manufacturers arbitrary limitations. Apples constant interference with this desire, as well as their sanctimonious “better then everyone else” attitude will continue to drive a wedge between users, and hamstring the innovation the claim to champion.”
    April 8, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    Making a laptop shell out of aluminum is not going to do anyone any good so it doesn’t matter. I actually like my acrylic unibody MacBook better than I do the aluminum pro. It isn’t going to hurt anything, but it isn’t anything to rave about. Computers are the perfect application for plastics. Some of which jaw lasted a very very long time. Most will certainly out last the machines life of use. I had the privilege of being *ssigned a new dell machine that is by far the best built portable I have ever seen. We are testing them for m*ss deployment and putting the enterprise image to the test on it. It has the same display as the 13″ MacBook but is meant to be docked at temp workstations and virtual office setups with external I/O components.
    The plastic it is made of will not fail and other makers are going to selling similar machines to keep up. The horsepower of this device is. No different than that of my corporate issues m4500, which has 12g of memory, 1tb storage and the 8 core intel. I have loaded VMware on this device and can run at least 4 separate machines before seeing a performance hit and that hit is barely an issue. No student is their right mind would choose any MacBook over this machine if they care about function, battery life, portability and appearance.
    Apple is going to thrive in the post pc or satellite device like tablets and phones, because they are the main player, they are the Microsoft of that arena. When the public starts getting in touch with this new breed of device, Apple is going to take an even bigger hit in the personal computing area. Sure, there are always going to be apple fans who will buy nothing else, even I will, but for those people on the fence who are limited by choice, they will have no doubts in their mind. Funny how all those Justin Long type commercials aren’t running anymore huh?
    April 8, 2012 at 10:27 pm
    I have been using mac products for about five years now and in general I am completely underwhelmed. The company’s media promotion strategy reminds me of P.T. Barnum’s brand of hucksterism. Their business stragegy smacks of elitism and the cr*ssest, most cynical type of upsell imaginable. But I am enamored of their iPad – for the most part they got that right. Here are some of the things I always say regarding my experiences with the Mac vs. the PC. First of all, I have a twelve year old PC tower currently running Windows XP. It has more than enough muscle to handle all the latest software. How??? a Mac user might wonder…well, baby, it’s not pressure sealed at the factory with underpowered memory and drives. It opens up with a regular screwdriver and there’s just tons of space in there and you just take yourself down to the PC mom and pop store in your neighborhood and for $25 you got yourself a butt load of extra memory, and you slide that puppy in all by your lonesome, no tools required, no expertise, your 6 year old or granny could manage it…and you’re good to go. I like to brag to all my Macbook user friends, who have forked over $2,000 for their fancy computers and will still require a thousand bucks worth of periferals and many days, months and even years waiting for the right software upgrades, fixes and patches- which still won’t work (not to mention the frequent expensive repairs). I have never needed to service the PC…except when the fan needed to be replaced because it had cat hairs in it and thus burned out, lol. I could have replaced it myself. A five to ten dollar part and a screwdriver is all that is required. When a Macbook fan burns out, it is about $250 if not more and takes a week to get back. I will have my 2000 PC for another ten years. It is built like a goddam TANK and has tons of expandable ports for components, as well as periferals which can actually be fit right into the tower. Soooo much room, so cheap, so easy, so reliable. PC’s are for proles! They are the real work horses. Oh, and when I am using a word program, cut and paste (the most frequently performed function) can be done in one flowing move, taking approximately one second, and one hand, with absolutely effortless precision. With the Mac, it takes two hands and roughly three or four seconds, plus there is much less control with the Mac and you can easily over and undershoot your destination, and basically slip and slide all around your text, there is no control. What takes one second on the PC, takes ten to fifteen seconds of painstaking frustration on the Mac. That is insane! And the Mac freezes up all the time when you want to do any sort of multitasking. Now, it is true, if I wanted to spend another $2000 for some fancy periferals to keep everything running, and put in some new shelve

  657. Spammer says:

    March 30, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    “Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.”
    Yup. I admit I’ve done the same thing too.
    “No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.”
    Windows progs don’t always give you the option to ghost but most of the time it isn’t a option not to ghost on Mac’s. I admit Ghosting can be useful, but it is very bad for people who think all of their Mac programs just close when they press the red dot. At least I know for a fact when I hit the X the prog closes, and if it doesn’t, it will go in the tray, and let me know that it has gone to the tray.
    But I don’t need a third party program to close anything in windows. Apple is supposed to make things easy right? Well they try, but when they take away your choice they just make the easy things annoying.
    “No, I’m sure it does.”
    “No, no it doesn’t”
    It does. Period. Depending on the program it may sometimes leave the start menu folder there, but thats just a empty folder. But it always deletes whats in the install location, unless you had the program running while uninstalling it.
    I will also have you note that the installs and uninstalls are most often 3rd party made. If the install/uninstaller does something unwanted that is not Windows fault.
    I will bring up OCing again. Over Clocking (OC) is mostly *ssociated with gamers. But OCing your CPU can be very useful for programs that are very taxing on the CPU. Such as: Multitasking, Video Editing software, Graphics design, and more.
    And people like TREVOR and Apple claim it is best for these operations, Yet no Apple computer can OC. I did research and not even a 3rd party programs can break the OC lock on Mac’s. OC is another Useful, High Tech, Innovative, and Convent technology Apple isn’t capable of using.
    March 30, 2012 at 10:41 pm
    From J_Sparrow:
    This may be a bit of a troll….
    Check this page out :- apple,com/why-mac/
    Apple outrageous statement 1:-
    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”
    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?
    Apple outrageous statement 2:-
    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”
    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.
    Apple outrageous statement 3:-
    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”
    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??
    Apple outrageous statement 4:-
    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”
    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….
    Apple outrageous statement 5:-
    “Its compatible with stuff”
    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.
    Apple outrageous statement 6:-
    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”
    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”
    Apple outrageous statement 7:-
    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”
    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.
    Best Apple Statement:-
    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”
    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…
    March 30, 2012 at 10:53 pm
    Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap.
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?
    And why get Intel CPU’s but then AMD GPU’s. Its been proven that NVIDIA cards work better with Intel, rather then AMD. And AMD is cheaper then NVIDIA.
    So why does this company who boasts to have the best computers in the world, always pick the cheap option.
    March 31, 2012 at 7:51 am
    while at bestbuy…
    overheard a salesman telling customer, if you are careful you dont need antivirus like on windows. mac dont get virus, they only get trojan. wtf. once there is a risk of compromizing a system via a trojan, you already need an antivirus. i mean is like you dont get a,b,c… (std) by sleeping with him, but you only get z by sleeping with him. why not use protection? but sadly, choice of protection is very little on mac since security powerhouses are focusing first defences on win platform dedicating secondary resources on mac like everything else in life – flash, java, games, drivers, browsers, printers all seems to run better on the primary platform windows. so please dont try to kid the rest of the world with your nonsense.
    tried the imac 27 inch. doesnt do it for me. first, global menu is a waste of mouse motion especially with a small apps like calculator.
    compounding to problem, mouse acceleration is slow compared to win/linux. please do not suggest 3rd party software to change acceleration. going that route, we might as well install a 3rd party software to remove global menu. ubuntu hack firefox to use global menu does not do it for me neither. i am using a 22″ monitor. so on larger screen, i reckon local menus are better for me.
    not to start a war, but i hate excessive mouse movements. at the end of TIRED day of working, i dont want to drag a file from one corner of large screen to a trash icon. i dont want to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste, etc. i want to LIBERATE my left hand for a cup of coffee and use right hand to right-mouse click to delete files. is that too hard for mac users to understand.
    everytime you tell a mac user you cant used feature x, they will tell you can use the other extra limb to do feature x by pressing button y+z. very typical of mac users.
    you tell them one thing, they will tell you another way which is more involving (extra limb and 2 finger gymnastic). eg. i hate min,max,close button on left. mac users will tell you – who uses it anymore? – cmd +x.
    or flash is a no-show on ipad, html5 is the future. but i live in present, half the websites videos dont work without flash. compounding the problem html5 video is divided to h264 for ie,safari, and theora,webm for the others. fragmentation is gonna hampered adoption.
    third scrolling a webpage using safari is sluggish compared to scrolling with firefox on linux and windows. i know it is not same browser. not my computer, cant install anything in bestbuy. but i thought safari is the premiere browser on mac.
    to recap, not impressed other than Aesthetics exterior and interior (icons are beautiful). to me pc all the way. ubuntu is gone for me too. global menu and top left buttons
    April 1, 2012 at 12:38 am
    I read quite a few comments at first, but then I started noticing just how many there were on this page. Once I started scrolling down, I then realized again just how long ago this article and many comments were written. So after skimming for a bit, I just went straight to the bottom.
    Did JJ turn into Rawr? I noticed JJ stopped commenting and Rawr kind of picked up with his sarcastic comments.
    As I was reading through this article, I found myself chuckling out loud. I don’t think I have yet to read an article that was quite as cynical and sneering. I found the combination of the satire with the slight truths in the arrogant claims to be quite humorous. I think there was a poster near the beginning that said something about the satire (Raven something or another). I think a good number of people are taking this thing too seriously.
    There were four types of comments I saw over and over.
    1. People would try to argue every point made in the article with super detailed, lengthy explanations. Usually this was shrugged off by JJ with a short, sarcastic comment. Other times he’d take the time to respond with more detail, usually still involved sarcasm.
    2. People would insult the author’s behavior by acting in the same exact insulting fashion.
    3. People would put a combination of cussing, all caps, spamming, and whatever else to tell every putting up comment to stop arguing and to shut up. Usually these comments would say something about the author or everyone having no life. The only reason all these people exist is to argue over something stupid like computers.
    I think to myself, “This person is taking the time to argue with people that have no lives… over the issue of arguing about something pointless?”
    4. Finally there were the people with negative Mac experiences that would agree with the author. They usually received high fives from JJ.
    Those were my impressions of this article and the following comments. Now I’ll respond to a couple of the points made in the article.
    1. I thought this was pretty funny. I get this sort of impression of Mac users all the time. Keep in mind that most of my experience with Mac (and its users) comes from online. Typically I see these people through articles, blogs, forums, etc. Mac vs Windows arguments come up constantly in these venues. From my experiences, quite a hefty percentage of Mac users that take the time to put their opinions on the internet are:
    1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
    2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general
    2. I don’t think the brand name is worth quite as much as what Apple slaps on the price tags. Although, if one day I decide Windows isn’t doing it for me anymore, I don’t think the price will slow me down too much from purchasing a Mac.
    6. I’ve never really liked that dock thing. I think it’s a bit obnoxious.
    8. I’ve always been wary of the limitations I’d have being on a Mac exclusively. I’ll likely have a Windows machine if I ever do get a Mac, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.
    10. I’m generally one to favor as much configuration as possible to get things how I like them. That’s actually something that’s drawn me toward some Linux distros, but they seem to take too much time to get simple things accomplished.
    April 1, 2012 at 1:05 am
    In this comment I’ll give the three reasons I don’t use a Mac.
    It seems that pretty much everyone agreed in the earlier comments that Windows was the gaming OS. I think this still holds true today. I do love my games, so that’s been the main thing keeping me with Windows.
    I honestly don’t have a ton of experience on Macs. Most of what I know is through what I’ve read online. I did use a Macbook fairly recently and enjoyed the way the Spaces worked. I was first exposed to the Virtual Desktops feature when messing around with Ubuntu. I later tried out a few pieces of Windows freeware, but it wasn’t quite as good to me. I think the way the Spaces work on a Mac are probably better than what I saw on Ubuntu. However, the thing that really impressed me was the multi-touch gestures you could use to navigate the Spaces. I liked the idea of separating navigation from the keyboard. While keyboard shortcuts weren’t difficult to use to change desktops, I liked the 3-finger-flick much better.
    I say all this about Virtual Desktops because that’s another thing keeping me from leaving Windows right now. That might seem strange at first, but I’m waiting to see what Windows 8 has to offer. They seem to be going all out with touchscreen interfacing and related technologies. This makes me think that Windows should be getting on board with all the multi-touch gestures and related features. I really liked that 3-finger-flick virtual desktop setup on Macs, so Windows 8 better have something similar or better…
    So the first thing keeping me on Windows is gaming. Something Windows has that Mac doesn’t. The second thing is something Mac has and Windows doesn’t… but Windows may have in the not too distant future. The third thing keeping me with Windows is something I can’t stand about Macs, particularly Macbooks. There’s no right button! I’ve complained about this lack of a feature with Macs to a few people, and they start telling me of all these ways I can do a right click. There’s no way it’s as efficient using any of those methods as it is physically clicking the right button.
    I haven’t used anything but a laptop touchpad for a few years now. I mentioned that I like gaming. One particular game I like is World of Warcraft. Pretty much everyone knows what this game is or has heard about it. I played that game with a touchpad, and it would be near impossible to do the same thing with an Apple trackpad.
    1. Click the bottom right side of the trackpad – If you click right where right clicks start registering, you don’t always get a right click. To ensure a right click, you need to click a little further to the right. This means your finger has to travel further to do a right click. Also, the entire trackpad moves when you click, so that interferes a tad with the regular left clicking. This method just seems really clunky.
    2. Tap with two fingers – I’ve always hating anything that used tapping on a touchpad. The first thing I do when I use a new touchpad is turn off “tap to click”. I find you’re much more likely to have misclicks when tapping. It’s just too inconsistent compared to clicking an actual button.
    On top of the problems with tapping itself, there’s no way to drag with the right click tap. I was told I could drag a left click by double tapping with one finger. Something like that may exist for the right click dragging. Waiting for this double tap to register so I can drag the cursor is just absurd.
    3. Hold CTRL and click – Holding one button down while clicking another button can never be equal to or better than clicking a single button. Even though it’s not hard, you’re now using two hands to do something a single finger should be able to do.
    On top of the added complexity, this method screws you up when you need your left hand for clicking keys while you use the right clicks. When playing a game like World of Warcraft, you are constantly clicking many keys with the left hand. Often times, the keys you’re clicking are used in conjunction with the CTRL key itself. Now things get really complicated.
    I have yet to see what I think is a valid reason for the trackpad not having a right click button. Yes, when you’re not doing something as intensive as gaming, the trackpad right click options are feasible. However, I feel like I’m downgrading in technology by using the trackpad for my right clicks. I thought newer technology was supposed to bring greater efficiency and ease of use. Not having a right button seems backwards to me.
    When software stops requiring right clicks to do things, I’ll stop worrying about a right click. Until then, I can’t stand not having a specific button for right clicking.
    April 1, 2012 at 3:47 am
    Unfortunately I didn’t start burning my time here until JJ left, or died, or whatever happened to him.
    I’m just wondering what happened to Steve. Also congrats(?) to WOW for staying here so long. People like Tucansam, and Redline would of caved by now and made an exit with some petty comment.
    April 2, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    You can’t fall for “delete System 32″ on a Mac.
    But other than that… meh
    April 2, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    April 2, 2012 at 7:35 pm
    Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.
    April 2, 2012 at 11:19 pm
    “Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.”
    Perfect example of the majority of Mac users.
    April 3, 2012 at 12:14 am
    As a long time user of every platform available, I can speak to some of this lifetime long argument. I currently own a late 2009 MacBook and a newer Pro running Snow Leopard and Lion. To add, I own one Linux device and 5 Windows 7 devices, 3 of which are x64 and the other two are x32 machines I upgraded to win7.
    I will leave my Linux thoughts out of this because it is more a utility to me than anything. I have seen the growth of both Apple and the PC based devices over the last 30 years, starting as a 14 year old with a father that was heavy into computing before having a computer at home was possible.
    The author has a lot of truth in his post, most of the things he mentioned have been a nuisance to myself and others at one time or another. I won’t get into every detail, but from a high level over the years I have come to know for a fact that the second Apple releases anything, it is far more expensive than comparable PC offerings. That is hard fact and cannot be argued. The thing is, Apple is at war with many makers, that use similar hardware, many times newer and more powerful. Those companies rely on Windows and once they have their OEM license, they brand it and add their own touches to it, which often turns out to be useless and even annoying. Sure, there might be a cool add in once in a while, but I am the guy that buys a PC, takes it out of the box and wipes the drive so I can load Windows on it clean, in it’s pure form.
    I do this because I have learned that in the past, running a make like Dell, HP or Sony will eventually fail in some way or under perform due to “bloat ware”. I can promise this, that any PC with a retail load of straight Windows will be every bit as stable if not more than any Mac which is packaged with the software that Apple designed to work with their hardware. MS is genius, Billy boy made his OS work on EVERYTHING, somehow while maintaining the mistakes by the idiot who uses it. No, you don’t typically need to ever mention the word “driver ” with a Mac, but then again, it was delivered as a packaged deal. Of course you don’t need anything like that, if MS built a computer of their own, it would be perfection, but that is not their business. So MS is relying on PC makers to build decent products so that the end user isn’t sitting there blasting Windows all day for something they didn’t even build. Throw in that guy who thinks he is a PC builder and MS is really sticking their neck out.
    But this is 2012, these days, a child can throw a Win7 disk in the drive and the chances are, that thing is going to work with minimal configuration. I built one machine, a nasty one to serve as the do all, video, music, m*ss storage, gaming, doc building device that be upgraded, restored and serve me for years. It was built with the cream of the cream hardware with money as no object and that system ran me a whopping 1100.00. Much less than my Pro and a little less than my MacBook with max memory and HD. I personally know OSx well enough that I can figure out a way to pretty much do everything on a Mac that my PCs do, but the problem is that I find myself having to figure out a way, rather than it just happening. It wasn’t always that way, but for a system that is supposed to be so robust, it is indeed the case.
    I think more people have problems with the smugness of the Mac “fanboy” more than they do the actual machine. Or the attack marketing, where Justin Long mentions a problem that is typically present in any computing platform like it doesn’t exist with a Mac. For all the folks here that argue the author isn’t truthful, there sure is a lot of BS coming from the Apple camp about the product MS offers. Many of the very things Apple uses as ammo are things they can’t avoid their own product from doing.
    Viruses? Malware? With 2 kids and a tech challenged wife, my home hasn’t seen a virus or anything malware like for years, not a single instance on any of the machines. They use them all, yet not a problem to be found. Fact is, aside from my 8 year old letting her Dell battery drain all the time and having it shut down, we haven’t had a single crash either. I cannot say the same for my MacBook, which once in a while presents me with ” you need to power off” and a frozen screen. That is rare, but it happens. Justin Long tells you it won’t though, then he tells you how the PC does while the Mac is so superior.
    To me, it is the image Apple tries to portray that annoys me more than anything. I truly enjoy using my computers, the Apple products I have owned the past 27 years have been great, but so have the PCs. These devices can do amazing things considering the cost. It is an awesome time to be able to see all of it grow. Every user is going to have a preference and no one wants to be told that they spent their hard earned money on an “inferior” product. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Function is found by needs and desire. These days, we are all getting the best of both. Maybe Apple will open up a little in the future, a lot of that was Steve Jobs and his very stubborn way of saying “I am going to give people what I want and people are going to like it” attitude. My favorite all around computer is my MacBook, running Win7 x64 under boot camp. Traveling with it solves a lot of problems, but that took creation from both ends of the spectrum and still doesn’t do everything.
    I leave this doc*mentary with a tidbit from one of Apple’s heroes, Steve Wozniak. While at a computing convention primarily focused on robotics in California, I had the pleasure of listening in to an unplanned interview he had where a man asked him what he thought about Microsoft and Bill Gates. His reply was complimentary, but near the end, he said “I wish they built better computers”. The interviewer followed up with “but Steve, Microsoft doesn’t build computers.”
    His reply? “oh yeah, that’s right.”
    Typed from my iPhone….
    April 3, 2012 at 12:58 am
    Your comment needs to replace this article.
    April 3, 2012 at 9:04 pm
    Only two types who buy Macs: Wannabe nerdy-types” and “Wannabe hipster-types” – is that right?
    So we bought our first Macs in 1993 for color scanning and digital imaging (there were no Windows PCs then that managed color). We went on to use our Macs to create over 28,000 published illustrations for various national publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Scholastic Books, and New Yorker.
    So which group do we fall into?
    April 4, 2012 at 1:50 am
    @LARS J. Have you looked around every time you step into a store? Everyone uses PCs for their business. Seeing a handful of companies use macs and reading your story … it doesn’t impress me at all. Even if you watch that show “How It’s Made” every company uses PC. Even a lot of the machines that make our every day items are using Windows to program them.
    @RAWR. I was on vacation visiting family for the last couple weeks.
    April 4, 2012 at 3:09 pm
    Well, you bought in 93 and hope you used it for several years (say 5), that puts you into the loser group. at 95-98, windows 95/98 users can work (cad,spreadsheet,publish,paint) and play directx/opengl games. mac at the era dont even use opengl. so all work, no play makes lars a dull loser. being a real minority at probably 1% stats, you are not only a loser but lonesome loser. hey, you ask which group knowing very well you paid expensive for a no-thrill computer.
    April 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm
    April 5, 2012 at 12:18 am
    I never have Mac but only thing I know it’s true is Mac doesn’t offer any flexibility to user!
    April 5, 2012 at 8:50 am
    Yep. It’s impossible for a mac to get a virus.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:56 am
    It never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to pay $2000 for a 15″ Core i7 laptop with only 4 GB of RAM and 2 USB ports just because it’s aluminum and runs a customized version of Unix that has been rotting away for over a decade. The only thing Apple has done to OS X since it was first released is pack it full of useless features that few want and even fewer understand, like Versions and Launchpad. But what do you expect from a company that can’t even build a phone with a working antenna?
    Let me tell you, I may not be old, but I’ve been around long enough to have used every version of Windows and Mac OS since the early 90′s. I watched Apple as it grew, fell from glory, was bailed out, and made a comeback almost soley because of the iPod and iPhone. They fell behind in the desktop market back in the 90′s and, with the possible exception of OS X compared to Vista, they have never caught up since.
    Macs were a joke in the late 90′s and they’re a joke today. I *ssure you that Windows 7 beats Lion in almost every imaginable way. I use both regularly and there is simply no comparison — it makes Mac OS feel like a slow, outdated curiosity that’s trying to be more than the sum of its parts.
    April 5, 2012 at 8:30 pm
    I think the OSx vs Vista thing was blown out of proportion. Vista was not the problem that Apple made it out to be. There were some hardware vendor related driver issues and the change in interface threw the average user for a loop. I remember Apple making fun of the UAC, when OSx had their own UAC running since the early versions. The difference was that Vista shipped with it being restrictive out of the box and made it very easy to change to suit any situation.
    My parents crapped when they first used Vista on their new machine, all it took was for me to put it in cl*ssic mode and they have been using it for years without a single complaint. It was also a resource hog, but then again, it shipped on computers with resources. No matter, Win 7 solved that problem in a big way. I installed it on a 2002 Dell C610 laptop with 512 ram and a 30g drive and a P3 processor, gave it to my mother in law and it has been flawless for 2 years now.
    OSx is fine, if that is what you want it will work great, but there is no way that anyone can argue it was better as a whole than Vista. That is the fruits of Apple’s marketing and a major change in UI to a public who doesn’t take to change very well. Remember when XP was released? There were folks that had issue with that and it turned out to be a pretty solid OS for a long time.
    Folks will pay more for a Mac because they actually believe the Apple hype. I use mine, but it surely doesn’t deserve some sort of praise for being “better”. There are those that think it actually makes them different and that different means they are elite. Those are the same people that think Jobs was a genius. That because they own a Mac, everything Steve Jobs said was true. That nifty packaging and gay commercials make a better computer. Bottom line is that it is still just a computer. When people are using a mouse, keyboard and monitor and paying alot more for the same hardware, they ate really paying a premium to use OSx. I did the math on hardware costs and what it would cost to build a Windows laptop with the exact same config as my Pro running Lion. If my math is correct, I paid nearly 800 dollars to have a copy of Lion.
    A lot of money for a closed system with no upgrade path.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:34 pm
    who the eff says aluminium is heavier than steel? You have never lifted or possibly even seen either of the metals if you think that. Why are planes made of aluminium? Because it is light and strong. Why go with aluminium? Because it is light and strong….it doesn’t rust… stainless steal requires more processing to achieve, can still rust depending on the quality and is freaking way heavier than aluminium!
    April 6, 2012 at 12:26 am
    My mistake I looked further into it. I was wrong, Aluminum is lighter then steel. But Steel is stronger then Aluminum. As for rust you act like its in immediate danger of rust. I have ancient towers. (I collect old comps. [Don’t know if I said that before.]) And only a couple of them have rust. (One from 92 another from 97.)
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum.
    Planes are made from a combination of;
    1. Aluminum
    2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy
    3. Zinc
    4. Carbon Fiber
    5. Reinforced Plastic
    6. Fiber Gl*ss
    7. Kevlar
    8. Titanium
    9. Stainless Steel
    10. Inconel
    The order has no meaning.
    Also, Aluminum does rust, its just not called rust. By definition rust can only happen to Iron and Steel but Aluminum has its own equivalent of rust.
    I believe its just called Aluminum Oxide.
    April 6, 2012 at 3:08 pm
    d00d all metals are prone to oxidation and most pure metals oxidize at room temperature. aluminium’s “oxidation” protects itself from further oxidation damage, so the fact that it oxidizes is irrelevant to the fact that it doesn’t rust. rust is the perpetual oxidation seen in some iron based alloys and of course pure iron.
    as far as strength, weight to strength ratio aluminium is stronger than some steels, not all, and the same goes for the steels….some aluminium alloys are stronger. Planes can be made of just about any alloy, they choose aluminium because of it’s particular weight to strength ratio, not because it’s cheaper than steel. Also most PCs are made of plastic if you want to get into the cheap discussion, and I still think steel of any kind is a bad choice for a laptop shell…seriously
    April 6, 2012 at 3:11 pm
    *** I meant to say some steel alloys are stronger than aluminium ones***
    April 6, 2012 at 7:11 pm
    I have a PC and its made of Steel and Aluminum, where did you get plastic from? Only plastic part it on the front and that’s replaceable.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:13 pm
    “The aluminum-vs-steel, strength-vs-weight issue is one that is commonly misunderstood, especially among jib makers, sometimes even among engineers.
    The misconception arises from the partial truth that there are aluminum alloys that are as strong as, or stronger than, steel. It’s more accurate to say that there are some aluminum alloys that are stronger than some steel alloys.”
    April 6, 2012 at 7:33 pm
    Also PC may be made of plastic. But you act like its the same plastic that dollar store toys are made of.
    To be honest I don’t know why Laptops don’t have a Steel or Aluminum shell.
    It could be cost, heat issues. Rust is not a problem. Unless you plan on keeping your computer for more then 15 years and have it in a very humid climate.
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions. This is why Apple has a Plastic frame around their Aluminum ch*ssis.
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:38 pm
    I don’t see where this misconception of ‘Apple has better hardware quality’ is coming from.
    People never seem to bring proof of this, and when they try to explain it they describe the ‘feel’, the ‘look’, and other emotionally inspired nonsense.
    Or when asked for proof they ignore the request or just stop commenting.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:12 pm
    The “Apple has better hardware quality” bs comes from apple commercials. Nothing else. apple users are so stupid they can’t do any research or back up anything they say.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:19 pm
    apple users can’t think for themselves. They listen to all the hype. Of course if you go to an apple store they will tell you apple is better.
    April 6, 2012 at 9:02 pm
    Excellent site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Many thanks!
    April 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm
    see I wasn’t talking about making a jib, I was talking about making a plane. And their is a good reason why they use aluminium,not because it is cheap, but because for what a plane needs for strength and weight, the aluminium alloy is strong enough and lighter than it would be if they used steel, so they save money in gas by making the plane lighter….
    April 6, 2012 at 9:44 pm
    and d***it i said most PC laptops are made of plastic, not all. it is dependant on the manufacturer. Sony loves to use aluminium for their shells. Go to Best Buy right now and you will see that the majority of the shells are made of plastic. You:
    “Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap. (PC MANUFACTURERS USE PLASTIC WHICH IS DEFINITELY CHEAPER THAN ANY METAL, SO WHAT!!)
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST)
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG)
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG)
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too(AT A BIG COST). Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong(ALUMINIUM IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS) but they go with the weak and heavy material(WRONG….BAD FACTS)? Make sense to you? (NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE)”
    It doesn’t make any sense to use steel, you want a light laptop not a steel beast. Stainless steel being more expensive doesn’t make it better…just harder to make. Aluminium is just the better choice for a laptop, you don’t have to do anything to it to keep it from rusting, its lighter, and although it doesn’t have a lot of lustre, it looks decent and since most PC’s use the much much cheaper alternative of a plastic shell, they can stand out against the plastic PC’s
    April 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm
    “Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired”
    Yes it can, but do you really want to sand, prime and put a clear top coat (or colour of your choice) your pc laptop shell? Then repeat this every time it gets scratched and starts rusting again…..jebus man
    April 6, 2012 at 10:02 pm
    steve’s on the money. most people who have an understanding of computer technology, and especially the process marketing that technology, will tell u that apple are actually selling u a badge/brand, not a new piece of groundbreaking, quality tech that has been rigorously tested and re-tested. why do u think the whole apple campaign has that “we’re carefree, edgy, dancing silhouettes on a pastel background” feel to it. i’ll tell u why… because they know that they have a sub-standard product that they know they have to aggressively push to get “sales momentum”, and in advertising if u cant use the specs to promote the product, then u have to resort to the ego, and thats how we end up with apple ads consisting of silhouettes of young people “dancing like no-ones watching”. U see, that whole “care-free” bit is the hook. young people see those ads and think its cool, and its these trend buyers who will go out and (or more often than not, make their parents) spend ridiculous amounts of dollars on a piece of tech without even researching the specs and seeing what other products are actually out there. and thats where we’re at with the iphone vs android debacle. Android is far and away the better piece of tech on all levels, yet u still see teens cuing up for the next iphone (which is pretty much no different from the last iphone)…actually, i think the last iphone had some issues with several screens exploding when taken on short flights (and i mean 45minute regional flights). substandard tech + cheap and crappy parts = kablooey…iphone…. the happy meal toy in a smart phone world. ; )
    April 6, 2012 at 10:17 pm
    “Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions”—-are you kidding me? have you ever seen bare steel in a humid environment? or shoot even steel that hasn’t been painted well that has been exposed to any elements. I have a small unpainted/treated aluminium fishing boat. For 40 years it has sat its happy *** in water, been rained on snowed on, scratched, kicked mistreated, and has shown little to no corrosion if this had been bare steel it wouldn’t even exist unless i had maintained constant care.
    “Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion resistance and its usage as one of the primary metals of commerce to the barrier oxide film that is bonded strongly to its surface and, that if damaged, re-forms immediately in most environments.
    On a surface freshly abraded and then exposed to air, the barrier oxide film is only 1 nm thick but is highly effective in protecting the aluminum from corrosion.
    The natural film can be visualized as the result of a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces-those tending to form compact barrier layer and those tending to break it down.”
    read around, you have to try to corrode aluminium, it needs a strong base or acid o do so along with some constant long term neglect to corrode aluminium, for the use of a laptop shell you would really have to mess something up to cause any substantial/noticeable corrosion…
    stop comparing aluminium with steel in regards to corrosion,they aren’t even on the same league let alone playing field
    April 6, 2012 at 11:35 pm
    Did you read any of my other comments?
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG) No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG) Depends on the grade. Some is heavier then Steel.
    You are obviously underestimating the quality of steel.
    “NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE” ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.
    All your saying depends on the grade of Aluminum and Steel. So we are both right and wrong. This argument will go no ware so I’ll end it here.
    April 7, 2012 at 1:04 am
    Aluminium is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    I know you aren’t talking about plastic but you said MAC people talk about the superiority of the product, you try to denounce by saying “why use aluminium in a product when its such a cheap metal” (paraphrasing) then you go on about how aluminium is cheaper, heavier, and weaker. although you are right in saying lbs for lbs steel is stronger, that doesn’t make it practical or better for a laptop!!! or anything computer related. So I say, aluminium is better than plastic (arguable), plastic is cheaper and has the appearance of lower quality than metal. PC’s use plastic which is extremely cheap, can be very fragile, has a vastly larger range of quality, and temperament with age and exposure to the sun causing weakness and brittleness in plastics when compared to commercial grade aluminium. Therefore aluminium is a sign of a higher quality construction compares to plastics (which most PCs use). You shouldn’t be basing any arguments that MACS aren’t quality products because they chose to make the shells of laptops out of aluminium.
    I can’t resist ignorant talk (you) so I come and tell you its not heavier (3X lighter actually) and that simply saying steel is stronger isn’t entirely the truth. then you go on about aluminium’s corrosion (couldn’t help but notice you didn’t respond to how wrong you were about that) which is more ignorance…
    I will concede this one point, steel is stronger.
    stainless steel does not easily corrode
    steel corrodes VERY easily (eg. cars, steel hardware, steel anything!!!!)
    aluminium is does not corrode easily (eg. macbook cases, sony cases, my aluminium boat, soda cans, aluminium foil….do you need more examples??)
    now for your “some aluminium alloys are heavier than steal”
    I can use your logic (as you used with the strength issue):
    “No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.”
    Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison:
    lowest grade steel is heavier than lowest grade aluminium highest grade aluminium is lighter than highest grade steel.
    Or I can use REAL logic:
    Aluminium is already 3X lighter than steel, you can’t make an alloy of aluminium (you say grade but you actually mean alloy. grade has do with purity of refined metal) denser than an alloy of steel unless you mix it with a metal that is denser than steel! and even then it would have to make up the majority of the alloy to overcome how light aluminium already is. Or unless you make a steel alloy with a metal greater than 3X less the density of steel, and again that metal would have to make up the majority of the alloy. Show me this alloy, then show me the practicality of its use. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN
    here you can see densities of metals and alloys and how hard it would be to make a steel alloy lighter than an aluminium one and vice versa and even if one did make such an alloy what is its practical use and does it have anything to do with PCs AND MACBOOKS!!!! lastly you are the king troll here keep up the good work
    April 7, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    Cool story bro.
    Moving on, or you still wanna shout some more?
    Ether way you are wrong, but idc anymore.
    Topic has gone to far off track, not gonna help you build a new station.
    April 7, 2012 at 3:50 pm
    I’m sure these people will enjoy your company.
    I didn’t look to hard, because I’m sure you already have one to ‘argue’ on.
    April 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm
    @RAWR. Took the words out of my mouth. Way off track.
    April 7, 2012 at 10:40 pm
    like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did….then you followed up with more ignorance….and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this? or are you too proud to admit it? you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else. you make me sad for humanity….off track or not
    April 7, 2012 at 11:23 pm
    Here is my composite list of ignorant things you have said that sucked me down to your level(all of which are wrong!):
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel–way to complicated to discuss here, but not really true
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel–effing really wrong…upon further research aluminium is one of the least dense metals
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?—-this is my favorite
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions—jesus this is so wrong i mean i thought it was common knowledge that steel rusts and for most uses aluminium doesn’t corrode at all
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum—true but the parts that count are, so the metal must be pretty strong,light and rust proof
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired–wow…anyway….unless the metal you use doesn’t rust
    No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel—again too complicated for you or me
    ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.—the irony is hilarious (see most of your posts and especially the ones above)
    if you re-read my original comment, that started this rant I just made fun of that fact that you said aluminium is cheap and heavier than steel because I thought it was common knowledge that aluminum is cheap because of it’s abundance not because of quality, and that it is lighter than steel. you followed with so much stupidity thereafter I feel like you just trolled me along…and i still do…or perhaps you are just stupid
    but truly am sorry for the topic change…i hate macs there…
    April 8, 2012 at 12:00 am
    I already admitted I was wrong about the weight. And how did I show any ignorance before this Aluminum thing? Why does this bother you so much? Is it because you know of nothing else but that?
    Pull the Aluminum stick out of your *ss and shut the f*ck up.
    I am not wrong about most of the post I put of Aluminum. If anything my source is to blame, It told me that Aluminum is heavy junk (As a joking example then it went in depth.)
    I don’t see how you proved me wrong on any of the other matters.
    I don’s see how getting the fact that under certain conditions Aluminum can be heavier then steel. I am not wrong about Aluminum being more corrosive then steel. It is YOU who does not want to admit that you are wrong. (If I am in fact wrong, again blame my sources as well as bring me substantial proof that you are right.)
    Also how does being wrong about one thing make my other statements ignorant?
    Still sounds like your the ignorant one here.
    I don’t need to see most of my post because I wrote them all. Again Ignorant people cant understand the truth. Ignorant people use their own logic.
    “Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison”
    “Or I can use REAL logic”
    I only know of one type of logic, there aren’t other forms. Just the Truth and a Lie. And if you see more then one, then you must be using the lie.
    Also I never made a density comparison.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:04 am
    “Also I never made a density comparison.”
    April 8, 2012 at 12:15 am
    “like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did”
    I was wrong really? Like with what? The weight of aluminum? Congratz you wasted time trying to dismantle my statement that I made a while ago and only managed to ‘prove’ me wrong on one point.
    “then you followed up with more ignorance”
    Really? How so? By stating facts I obtained from research?
    “and you are wrong about everything you said”
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel- Wrong
    I don’t think 1 out of 3 qualifies as everything.
    “and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this?”
    I cant see whats not there. Lend me your fog machine, so I can see what you see.
    “you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else.”
    Didn’t know one time was considered clutter. If once gets you this mad then I cant wait until you start on everyone else. Oh wait they didn’t talk about Aluminum…
    “you make me sad for humanity…”
    You make me sad too. Didn’t know someone could get so pissed off over something so small.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:22 am
    Here an award *Hands SRK an award* For knowing noting that was discussed on this topic other then Aluminum.
    April 8, 2012 at 1:28 am
    d*mnit man, read what i just wrote, i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight (i say the density because that is the right word not weight…which again points out more of your own ignorance). all you had to say was whoops im an idiot aluminum is the least dense metal used for commercial construction and support structures, and its not real a sign of cheap quality although it is cheaper to produce, and I would have shut the f*ck up. but you didn’t you continued to argue your stupid point the same as I did,
    as my last post points out, you continued with more and more and, still now, more stupidity and troll bait…the only thing im sad for in myself is getting trolled by an idiot like you, please please continue to wallow in your stupidity and reign as supreme king (queen?) troll and take the STEEL d*ldo that is in YOUR *SS and beat yourself over your head with it until your happy…if you want to call me out for obnoxious rants…your were right there toe to toe dancing with me the whole time, so you are talking about yourself as well.
    some more troll bait for you; here is why saying density is correct and weight isn’t:
    DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density *ssociated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the RELATIVE “heaviness” of objects with a CONSTANT VOLUME.
    so saying steel weighs more than aluminum isn’t technically correct(if you don’t like that go take an entry level college physics cl*ss), saying it is more dense is a more correct statement
    and again, i have no affinity for aluminum, i could give a f*ck less, i just know i got trolled by you…good day sir or ma’am
    April 8, 2012 at 1:52 am
    let me simplify
    your were wrong first about the weight/density and the implication that aluminum is a poor quality metal
    then about it being more corrosive than steel in humid conditions
    the rest is just semantics
    April 8, 2012 at 2:08 am
    ill do this thread a favour…
    Macs suck, they are overated overhiped overpriced and well marketed to tools who’s view of them using the coolest looking tech gadget is more important than the actual usefullness or value. They put out a mediocre product for an outrageous price.
    It took Windows along time to become a mature robust secure OS, but it is that. Their business model is also what allowed the market and world to become what it is today, everyone should thank bill for that. without the microsoft software license model, and their desire to only make a good OS not the entire computer, allowed for the hardware market to explode, it allowed for capitalism to flourish, and in the end created a more flexible, and customisable product.
    As opposed to the Apple model which closely guards and controls all of its software and hardware, preferring the proprietary model instead of the universal model, which windows used. It’s gimmicky and relatively useless features that is loves to boast are just that, useless. It should be no contest…windows ownz apple in just about every way except for d*******g appeal
    April 8, 2012 at 2:20 am
    the obvious downfalls to allowing hardware vendors to make the hardware as in the case with windows based PC’s is the driver issues….these are not actually windows problems rather, the hardware vendor’s for making a crappy driver. windows upgrades to make thing incompatible doesn’t help though. but the sacrifice is worth the capital reward, all your tech related jobs can probably be traced to the decision of windows staying out of the hardware business.
    In terms of quality of OS/hardware in macs and PCs, I think Macs put out a quality product in terms of life of hardware. With the PC, you have choice of manufacturer and some are better than others, but I have had an ASUS eeepc for two years, no issues with anything. I also own a tower that I ‘built’ and have had for for years, nothing, and must repeat nothing has broken, and it was a lot cheaper than the equivalent MBP. And even nothing broke, the stuff I wanted to upgrade, say, video card…I upgraded for 150 bucks, and 10 minutes of work to install. Instantly a better computer for games and graphics related processing. Can’t do that with a MAC….that’s all im saying
    April 8, 2012 at 2:23 am
    rawr! is it too late to say im sorry and forget this sh**
    April 8, 2012 at 3:27 am
    “i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight”
    I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t wrong about the planes. You implied they where made of nothing but aluminum I just corrected you.
    I’m not sure about the corrosion, if you have so much confidence that I’m wrong then please bring proof. Just your word, if that’s all that was needed then we are both right.
    You CAN fix rust, so I don’t know what you mean there. weight and density go hand and hand if something is dense it will most likely be heavy.
    I already admitted to being wrong about the weight when you first pointed it out, so I don’t see the problem.
    P.S. You done yet? ; )
    April 8, 2012 at 3:39 am
    Stopped being lazy, and looked more into the corrosion thing. My source was comparing Stainless Steel vs Aluminum.
    To be honest I didn’t even look that far into it.
    Anyway I was wrong about two things, you happy?
    You still over reacted, and are still being ignorant about the other things I was -by your standards- wrong about.
    April 8, 2012 at 4:55 am
    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!
    April 8, 2012 at 7:27 am
    Apple is likely known for blackboxing their products (ie, sealing them shut and making them hard to open/dis*ssemble accept by their own guys @ the Apple Store (But wait, the MBA is completely welded shut! Even Apple can’t open their own products!)
    Alright, now that we got that past, let’s get some !#/bin/sh straight.
    (Tooken from iFans forums, that came from a long way – It’s a long story.)
    pple is going to run-down their company and ruin the Mac as we know it. When Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, who knows what Apple will be doing by then. Changing the works, setting restrictions from their headquarters in Cupertino, to try to control what you can and can’t do, which will cause famous non-Apple apps on your Mac to stop working, such as:
    • CleanMyMac.
    • iStat Server.
    • Skype for Mac.
    • Microsoft Office + Office Suite 2011 (Well it will stay, but many features requiring system-level access may be revoked, it will be smacked-around by Apple, so to speak).
    All these apps will simply not run, because they are not ‘Apple Approved’ applications. Along with Mac OS X 10.8 +/10.9 / possible OS XI (11) coming out, they might be even more restricted. Here’s where the crap comes, it sounds crazy, but listen. Apple will may start encrypting all updates and use SSL for every transfer (they probably already do) due to ‘security’ of course, they may or may not starting locking the OS from external connection, e.g. A Windows PC can’t connect to a Mac via Network Shares, etc…
    Crap that may or may not happen:
    • • • Apple will seal off their Macs. I mean sure Modifying your computer is great, but really, why would you want to go to an Apple store anytime there is something wrong with your Mac, or you need to install new RAM and stuff? Only Apple-Approved RAM. Have you also heard about Apple screwing in and making batteries non-user replaceable? Well, that’s happened to the MacBook Air, the the original MacBook, hell, why not the MBP?
    • • • Terminal is a no-no! Yes, everyone LOVES the Terminal and Unix commands, I mean who does not? Every Unix/Linux nerd loves geeking with Unix! But Uh-Oh. Here comes Apple the king of their software. They’ve decided terminal is a no-no and Nobody wants them re-modding their Macs back to freedom of 3rd Party apps and free source. What happend to freedom anymore?
    • • • Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions, baby! Just like on the iPhone, iPod and all other iDevices, their devices will be fully-restricted and no external access to them will be allowed, heaven forbid we steal Apple’s source! Only Apps that are allowed here on Apple’s OSX, are iTunes/App Store Approved and installed ones, but the truth actually could be that 3rd party Apps are still allowed, but although, the bad side is that People will most likely upload these iTunes stolen apps up on uTorrent or something, then everybody who has a Mac could get a free, say; $50 App for free, say, (Just an example!) PhotoPro for Mac v.2.12, and you don’t have to pay, you just download and ‘click and drag’ to your Applications folder. No (App store) Apps will run on your Mac unless they are hooked with the same UUID, and aren’t blacklisted by Apple (yes, they can! see and having to use a restricted computer that can only do things the company wants it to do would be seriously terrible, Apple. (Microsoft already has Windows marketplace for Windows 8 Metro apps, so no biggy, right?). I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but I think Microsoft could try to do the same thing, and then we BOTH (Mac + PC) will have locked, worthless machines that can’t run 3rd-party software except what THEY allow, MOCKING the whole computer industry as we know it.
    April 8, 2012 at 7:00 pm
    “This is a good example of why people both hate and love apple products. The lovers go for the fact that Apple controls the end user experience right down to the final detail. The haters avoid for the very same reason.
    Personally, I feel that if someone purchases something, he should have the right to do with it whatever he likes so long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Apple obviously disagrees. The geek community is full of people who want to take their gadgets and play with them, not worrying about the manufacturers arbitrary limitations. Apples constant interference with this desire, as well as their sanctimonious “better then everyone else” attitude will continue to drive a wedge between users, and hamstring the innovation the claim to champion.”
    April 8, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    Making a laptop shell out of aluminum is not going to do anyone any good so it doesn’t matter. I actually like my acrylic unibody MacBook better than I do the aluminum pro. It isn’t going to hurt anything, but it isn’t anything to rave about. Computers are the perfect application for plastics. Some of which jaw lasted a very very long time. Most will certainly out last the machines life of use. I had the privilege of being *ssigned a new dell machine that is by far the best built portable I have ever seen. We are testing them for m*ss deployment and putting the enterprise image to the test on it. It has the same display as the 13″ MacBook but is meant to be docked at temp workstations and virtual office setups with external I/O components.
    The plastic it is made of will not fail and other makers are going to selling similar machines to keep up. The horsepower of this device is. No different than that of my corporate issues m4500, which has 12g of memory, 1tb storage and the 8 core intel. I have loaded VMware on this device and can run at least 4 separate machines before seeing a performance hit and that hit is barely an issue. No student is their right mind would choose any MacBook over this machine if they care about function, battery life, portability and appearance.
    Apple is going to thrive in the post pc or satellite device like tablets and phones, because they are the main player, they are the Microsoft of that arena. When the public starts getting in touch with this new breed of device, Apple is going to take an even bigger hit in the personal computing area. Sure, there are always going to be apple fans who will buy nothing else, even I will, but for those people on the fence who are limited by choice, they will have no doubts in their mind. Funny how all those Justin Long type commercials aren’t running anymore huh?
    April 8, 2012 at 10:27 pm
    I have been using mac products for about five years now and in general I am completely underwhelmed. The company’s media promotion strategy reminds me of P.T. Barnum’s brand of hucksterism. Their business stragegy smacks of elitism and the cr*ssest, most cynical type of upsell imaginable. But I am enamored of their iPad – for the most part they got that right. Here are some of the things I always say regarding my experiences with the Mac vs. the PC. First of all, I have a twelve year old PC tower currently running Windows XP. It has more than enough muscle to handle all the latest software. How??? a Mac user might wonder…well, baby, it’s not pressure sealed at the factory with underpowered memory and drives. It opens up with a regular screwdriver and there’s just tons of space in there and you just take yourself down to the PC mom and pop store in your neighborhood and for $25 you got yourself a butt load of extra memory, and you slide that puppy in all by your lonesome, no tools required, no expertise, your 6 year old or granny could manage it…and you’re good to go. I like to brag to all my Macbook user friends, who have forked over $2,000 for their fancy computers and will still require a thousand bucks worth of periferals and many days, months and even years waiting for the right software upgrades, fixes and patches- which still won’t work (not to mention the frequent expensive repairs). I have never needed to service the PC…except when the fan needed to be replaced because it had cat hairs in it and thus burned out, lol. I could have replaced it myself. A five to ten dollar part and a screwdriver is all that is required. When a Macbook fan burns out, it is about $250 if not more and takes a week to get back. I will have my 2000 PC for another ten years. It is built like a goddam TANK and has tons of expandable ports for components, as well as periferals which can actually be fit right into the tower. Soooo much room, so cheap, so easy, so reliable. PC’s are for proles! They are the real work horses. Oh, and when I am using a word program, cut and paste (the most frequently performed function) can be done in one flowing move, taking approximately one second, and one hand, with absolutely effortless precision. With the Mac, it takes two hands and roughly three or four seconds, plus there is much less control with the Mac and you can easily over and undershoot your destination, and basically slip and slide all around your text, there is no control. What takes one second on the PC, takes ten to fifteen seconds of painstaking frustration on the Mac. That is insane! And the Mac freezes up all the time when you want to do any sort of multitasking. Now, it is true, if I wanted to spend another $2000 for some fancy periferals to keep everything running, and put in some new shelves and get a huge bulky bag to tote all those drives and speakers and things around with me, I surely could do that. Or I could spend next to nothing

  658. Spammer says:

    March 30, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    “Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.”
    Yup. I admit I’ve done the same thing too.
    “No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.”
    Windows progs don’t always give you the option to ghost but most of the time it isn’t a option not to ghost on Mac’s. I admit Ghosting can be useful, but it is very bad for people who think all of their Mac programs just close when they press the red dot. At least I know for a fact when I hit the X the prog closes, and if it doesn’t, it will go in the tray, and let me know that it has gone to the tray.
    But I don’t need a third party program to close anything in windows. Apple is supposed to make things easy right? Well they try, but when they take away your choice they just make the easy things annoying.
    “No, I’m sure it does.”
    “No, no it doesn’t”
    It does. Period. Depending on the program it may sometimes leave the start menu folder there, but thats just a empty folder. But it always deletes whats in the install location, unless you had the program running while uninstalling it.
    I will also have you note that the installs and uninstalls are most often 3rd party made. If the install/uninstaller does something unwanted that is not Windows fault.
    I will bring up OCing again. Over Clocking (OC) is mostly *ssociated with gamers. But OCing your CPU can be very useful for programs that are very taxing on the CPU. Such as: Multitasking, Video Editing software, Graphics design, and more.
    And people like TREVOR and Apple claim it is best for these operations, Yet no Apple computer can OC. I did research and not even a 3rd party programs can break the OC lock on Mac’s. OC is another Useful, High Tech, Innovative, and Convent technology Apple isn’t capable of using.
    March 30, 2012 at 10:41 pm
    From J_Sparrow:
    This may be a bit of a troll….
    Check this page out :- apple,com/why-mac/
    Apple outrageous statement 1:-
    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”
    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?
    Apple outrageous statement 2:-
    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”
    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.
    Apple outrageous statement 3:-
    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”
    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??
    Apple outrageous statement 4:-
    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”
    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….
    Apple outrageous statement 5:-
    “Its compatible with stuff”
    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.
    Apple outrageous statement 6:-
    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”
    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”
    Apple outrageous statement 7:-
    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”
    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.
    Best Apple Statement:-
    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”
    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…
    March 30, 2012 at 10:53 pm
    Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap.
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?
    And why get Intel CPU’s but then AMD GPU’s. Its been proven that NVIDIA cards work better with Intel, rather then AMD. And AMD is cheaper then NVIDIA.
    So why does this company who boasts to have the best computers in the world, always pick the cheap option.
    March 31, 2012 at 7:51 am
    while at bestbuy…
    overheard a salesman telling customer, if you are careful you dont need antivirus like on windows. mac dont get virus, they only get trojan. wtf. once there is a risk of compromizing a system via a trojan, you already need an antivirus. i mean is like you dont get a,b,c… (std) by sleeping with him, but you only get z by sleeping with him. why not use protection? but sadly, choice of protection is very little on mac since security powerhouses are focusing first defences on win platform dedicating secondary resources on mac like everything else in life – flash, java, games, drivers, browsers, printers all seems to run better on the primary platform windows. so please dont try to kid the rest of the world with your nonsense.
    tried the imac 27 inch. doesnt do it for me. first, global menu is a waste of mouse motion especially with a small apps like calculator.
    compounding to problem, mouse acceleration is slow compared to win/linux. please do not suggest 3rd party software to change acceleration. going that route, we might as well install a 3rd party software to remove global menu. ubuntu hack firefox to use global menu does not do it for me neither. i am using a 22″ monitor. so on larger screen, i reckon local menus are better for me.
    not to start a war, but i hate excessive mouse movements. at the end of TIRED day of working, i dont want to drag a file from one corner of large screen to a trash icon. i dont want to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste, etc. i want to LIBERATE my left hand for a cup of coffee and use right hand to right-mouse click to delete files. is that too hard for mac users to understand.
    everytime you tell a mac user you cant used feature x, they will tell you can use the other extra limb to do feature x by pressing button y+z. very typical of mac users.
    you tell them one thing, they will tell you another way which is more involving (extra limb and 2 finger gymnastic). eg. i hate min,max,close button on left. mac users will tell you – who uses it anymore? – cmd +x.
    or flash is a no-show on ipad, html5 is the future. but i live in present, half the websites videos dont work without flash. compounding the problem html5 video is divided to h264 for ie,safari, and theora,webm for the others. fragmentation is gonna hampered adoption.
    third scrolling a webpage using safari is sluggish compared to scrolling with firefox on linux and windows. i know it is not same browser. not my computer, cant install anything in bestbuy. but i thought safari is the premiere browser on mac.
    to recap, not impressed other than Aesthetics exterior and interior (icons are beautiful). to me pc all the way. ubuntu is gone for me too. global menu and top left buttons
    April 1, 2012 at 12:38 am
    I read quite a few comments at first, but then I started noticing just how many there were on this page. Once I started scrolling down, I then realized again just how long ago this article and many comments were written. So after skimming for a bit, I just went straight to the bottom.
    Did JJ turn into Rawr? I noticed JJ stopped commenting and Rawr kind of picked up with his sarcastic comments.
    As I was reading through this article, I found myself chuckling out loud. I don’t think I have yet to read an article that was quite as cynical and sneering. I found the combination of the satire with the slight truths in the arrogant claims to be quite humorous. I think there was a poster near the beginning that said something about the satire (Raven something or another). I think a good number of people are taking this thing too seriously.
    There were four types of comments I saw over and over.
    1. People would try to argue every point made in the article with super detailed, lengthy explanations. Usually this was shrugged off by JJ with a short, sarcastic comment. Other times he’d take the time to respond with more detail, usually still involved sarcasm.
    2. People would insult the author’s behavior by acting in the same exact insulting fashion.
    3. People would put a combination of cussing, all caps, spamming, and whatever else to tell every putting up comment to stop arguing and to shut up. Usually these comments would say something about the author or everyone having no life. The only reason all these people exist is to argue over something stupid like computers.
    I think to myself, “This person is taking the time to argue with people that have no lives… over the issue of arguing about something pointless?”
    4. Finally there were the people with negative Mac experiences that would agree with the author. They usually received high fives from JJ.
    Those were my impressions of this article and the following comments. Now I’ll respond to a couple of the points made in the article.
    1. I thought this was pretty funny. I get this sort of impression of Mac users all the time. Keep in mind that most of my experience with Mac (and its users) comes from online. Typically I see these people through articles, blogs, forums, etc. Mac vs Windows arguments come up constantly in these venues. From my experiences, quite a hefty percentage of Mac users that take the time to put their opinions on the internet are:
    1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
    2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general
    2. I don’t think the brand name is worth quite as much as what Apple slaps on the price tags. Although, if one day I decide Windows isn’t doing it for me anymore, I don’t think the price will slow me down too much from purchasing a Mac.
    6. I’ve never really liked that dock thing. I think it’s a bit obnoxious.
    8. I’ve always been wary of the limitations I’d have being on a Mac exclusively. I’ll likely have a Windows machine if I ever do get a Mac, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.
    10. I’m generally one to favor as much configuration as possible to get things how I like them. That’s actually something that’s drawn me toward some Linux distros, but they seem to take too much time to get simple things accomplished.
    April 1, 2012 at 1:05 am
    In this comment I’ll give the three reasons I don’t use a Mac.
    It seems that pretty much everyone agreed in the earlier comments that Windows was the gaming OS. I think this still holds true today. I do love my games, so that’s been the main thing keeping me with Windows.
    I honestly don’t have a ton of experience on Macs. Most of what I know is through what I’ve read online. I did use a Macbook fairly recently and enjoyed the way the Spaces worked. I was first exposed to the Virtual Desktops feature when messing around with Ubuntu. I later tried out a few pieces of Windows freeware, but it wasn’t quite as good to me. I think the way the Spaces work on a Mac are probably better than what I saw on Ubuntu. However, the thing that really impressed me was the multi-touch gestures you could use to navigate the Spaces. I liked the idea of separating navigation from the keyboard. While keyboard shortcuts weren’t difficult to use to change desktops, I liked the 3-finger-flick much better.
    I say all this about Virtual Desktops because that’s another thing keeping me from leaving Windows right now. That might seem strange at first, but I’m waiting to see what Windows 8 has to offer. They seem to be going all out with touchscreen interfacing and related technologies. This makes me think that Windows should be getting on board with all the multi-touch gestures and related features. I really liked that 3-finger-flick virtual desktop setup on Macs, so Windows 8 better have something similar or better…
    So the first thing keeping me on Windows is gaming. Something Windows has that Mac doesn’t. The second thing is something Mac has and Windows doesn’t… but Windows may have in the not too distant future. The third thing keeping me with Windows is something I can’t stand about Macs, particularly Macbooks. There’s no right button! I’ve complained about this lack of a feature with Macs to a few people, and they start telling me of all these ways I can do a right click. There’s no way it’s as efficient using any of those methods as it is physically clicking the right button.
    I haven’t used anything but a laptop touchpad for a few years now. I mentioned that I like gaming. One particular game I like is World of Warcraft. Pretty much everyone knows what this game is or has heard about it. I played that game with a touchpad, and it would be near impossible to do the same thing with an Apple trackpad.
    1. Click the bottom right side of the trackpad – If you click right where right clicks start registering, you don’t always get a right click. To ensure a right click, you need to click a little further to the right. This means your finger has to travel further to do a right click. Also, the entire trackpad moves when you click, so that interferes a tad with the regular left clicking. This method just seems really clunky.
    2. Tap with two fingers – I’ve always hating anything that used tapping on a touchpad. The first thing I do when I use a new touchpad is turn off “tap to click”. I find you’re much more likely to have misclicks when tapping. It’s just too inconsistent compared to clicking an actual button.
    On top of the problems with tapping itself, there’s no way to drag with the right click tap. I was told I could drag a left click by double tapping with one finger. Something like that may exist for the right click dragging. Waiting for this double tap to register so I can drag the cursor is just absurd.
    3. Hold CTRL and click – Holding one button down while clicking another button can never be equal to or better than clicking a single button. Even though it’s not hard, you’re now using two hands to do something a single finger should be able to do.
    On top of the added complexity, this method screws you up when you need your left hand for clicking keys while you use the right clicks. When playing a game like World of Warcraft, you are constantly clicking many keys with the left hand. Often times, the keys you’re clicking are used in conjunction with the CTRL key itself. Now things get really complicated.
    I have yet to see what I think is a valid reason for the trackpad not having a right click button. Yes, when you’re not doing something as intensive as gaming, the trackpad right click options are feasible. However, I feel like I’m downgrading in technology by using the trackpad for my right clicks. I thought newer technology was supposed to bring greater efficiency and ease of use. Not having a right button seems backwards to me.
    When software stops requiring right clicks to do things, I’ll stop worrying about a right click. Until then, I can’t stand not having a specific button for right clicking.
    April 1, 2012 at 3:47 am
    Unfortunately I didn’t start burning my time here until JJ left, or died, or whatever happened to him.
    I’m just wondering what happened to Steve. Also congrats(?) to WOW for staying here so long. People like Tucansam, and Redline would of caved by now and made an exit with some petty comment.
    April 2, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    You can’t fall for “delete System 32″ on a Mac.
    But other than that… meh
    April 2, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    April 2, 2012 at 7:35 pm
    Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.
    April 2, 2012 at 11:19 pm
    “Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.”
    Perfect example of the majority of Mac users.
    April 3, 2012 at 12:14 am
    As a long time user of every platform available, I can speak to some of this lifetime long argument. I currently own a late 2009 MacBook and a newer Pro running Snow Leopard and Lion. To add, I own one Linux device and 5 Windows 7 devices, 3 of which are x64 and the other two are x32 machines I upgraded to win7.
    I will leave my Linux thoughts out of this because it is more a utility to me than anything. I have seen the growth of both Apple and the PC based devices over the last 30 years, starting as a 14 year old with a father that was heavy into computing before having a computer at home was possible.
    The author has a lot of truth in his post, most of the things he mentioned have been a nuisance to myself and others at one time or another. I won’t get into every detail, but from a high level over the years I have come to know for a fact that the second Apple releases anything, it is far more expensive than comparable PC offerings. That is hard fact and cannot be argued. The thing is, Apple is at war with many makers, that use similar hardware, many times newer and more powerful. Those companies rely on Windows and once they have their OEM license, they brand it and add their own touches to it, which often turns out to be useless and even annoying. Sure, there might be a cool add in once in a while, but I am the guy that buys a PC, takes it out of the box and wipes the drive so I can load Windows on it clean, in it’s pure form.
    I do this because I have learned that in the past, running a make like Dell, HP or Sony will eventually fail in some way or under perform due to “bloat ware”. I can promise this, that any PC with a retail load of straight Windows will be every bit as stable if not more than any Mac which is packaged with the software that Apple designed to work with their hardware. MS is genius, Billy boy made his OS work on EVERYTHING, somehow while maintaining the mistakes by the idiot who uses it. No, you don’t typically need to ever mention the word “driver ” with a Mac, but then again, it was delivered as a packaged deal. Of course you don’t need anything like that, if MS built a computer of their own, it would be perfection, but that is not their business. So MS is relying on PC makers to build decent products so that the end user isn’t sitting there blasting Windows all day for something they didn’t even build. Throw in that guy who thinks he is a PC builder and MS is really sticking their neck out.
    But this is 2012, these days, a child can throw a Win7 disk in the drive and the chances are, that thing is going to work with minimal configuration. I built one machine, a nasty one to serve as the do all, video, music, m*ss storage, gaming, doc building device that be upgraded, restored and serve me for years. It was built with the cream of the cream hardware with money as no object and that system ran me a whopping 1100.00. Much less than my Pro and a little less than my MacBook with max memory and HD. I personally know OSx well enough that I can figure out a way to pretty much do everything on a Mac that my PCs do, but the problem is that I find myself having to figure out a way, rather than it just happening. It wasn’t always that way, but for a system that is supposed to be so robust, it is indeed the case.
    I think more people have problems with the smugness of the Mac “fanboy” more than they do the actual machine. Or the attack marketing, where Justin Long mentions a problem that is typically present in any computing platform like it doesn’t exist with a Mac. For all the folks here that argue the author isn’t truthful, there sure is a lot of BS coming from the Apple camp about the product MS offers. Many of the very things Apple uses as ammo are things they can’t avoid their own product from doing.
    Viruses? Malware? With 2 kids and a tech challenged wife, my home hasn’t seen a virus or anything malware like for years, not a single instance on any of the machines. They use them all, yet not a problem to be found. Fact is, aside from my 8 year old letting her Dell battery drain all the time and having it shut down, we haven’t had a single crash either. I cannot say the same for my MacBook, which once in a while presents me with ” you need to power off” and a frozen screen. That is rare, but it happens. Justin Long tells you it won’t though, then he tells you how the PC does while the Mac is so superior.
    To me, it is the image Apple tries to portray that annoys me more than anything. I truly enjoy using my computers, the Apple products I have owned the past 27 years have been great, but so have the PCs. These devices can do amazing things considering the cost. It is an awesome time to be able to see all of it grow. Every user is going to have a preference and no one wants to be told that they spent their hard earned money on an “inferior” product. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Function is found by needs and desire. These days, we are all getting the best of both. Maybe Apple will open up a little in the future, a lot of that was Steve Jobs and his very stubborn way of saying “I am going to give people what I want and people are going to like it” attitude. My favorite all around computer is my MacBook, running Win7 x64 under boot camp. Traveling with it solves a lot of problems, but that took creation from both ends of the spectrum and still doesn’t do everything.
    I leave this doc*mentary with a tidbit from one of Apple’s heroes, Steve Wozniak. While at a computing convention primarily focused on robotics in California, I had the pleasure of listening in to an unplanned interview he had where a man asked him what he thought about Microsoft and Bill Gates. His reply was complimentary, but near the end, he said “I wish they built better computers”. The interviewer followed up with “but Steve, Microsoft doesn’t build computers.”
    His reply? “oh yeah, that’s right.”
    Typed from my iPhone….
    April 3, 2012 at 12:58 am
    Your comment needs to replace this article.
    April 3, 2012 at 9:04 pm
    Only two types who buy Macs: Wannabe nerdy-types” and “Wannabe hipster-types” – is that right?
    So we bought our first Macs in 1993 for color scanning and digital imaging (there were no Windows PCs then that managed color). We went on to use our Macs to create over 28,000 published illustrations for various national publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Scholastic Books, and New Yorker.
    So which group do we fall into?
    April 4, 2012 at 1:50 am
    @LARS J. Have you looked around every time you step into a store? Everyone uses PCs for their business. Seeing a handful of companies use macs and reading your story … it doesn’t impress me at all. Even if you watch that show “How It’s Made” every company uses PC. Even a lot of the machines that make our every day items are using Windows to program them.
    @RAWR. I was on vacation visiting family for the last couple weeks.
    April 4, 2012 at 3:09 pm
    Well, you bought in 93 and hope you used it for several years (say 5), that puts you into the loser group. at 95-98, windows 95/98 users can work (cad,spreadsheet,publish,paint) and play directx/opengl games. mac at the era dont even use opengl. so all work, no play makes lars a dull loser. being a real minority at probably 1% stats, you are not only a loser but lonesome loser. hey, you ask which group knowing very well you paid expensive for a no-thrill computer.
    April 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm
    April 5, 2012 at 12:18 am
    I never have Mac but only thing I know it’s true is Mac doesn’t offer any flexibility to user!
    April 5, 2012 at 8:50 am
    Yep. It’s impossible for a mac to get a virus.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:56 am
    It never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to pay $2000 for a 15″ Core i7 laptop with only 4 GB of RAM and 2 USB ports just because it’s aluminum and runs a customized version of Unix that has been rotting away for over a decade. The only thing Apple has done to OS X since it was first released is pack it full of useless features that few want and even fewer understand, like Versions and Launchpad. But what do you expect from a company that can’t even build a phone with a working antenna?
    Let me tell you, I may not be old, but I’ve been around long enough to have used every version of Windows and Mac OS since the early 90′s. I watched Apple as it grew, fell from glory, was bailed out, and made a comeback almost soley because of the iPod and iPhone. They fell behind in the desktop market back in the 90′s and, with the possible exception of OS X compared to Vista, they have never caught up since.
    Macs were a joke in the late 90′s and they’re a joke today. I *ssure you that Windows 7 beats Lion in almost every imaginable way. I use both regularly and there is simply no comparison — it makes Mac OS feel like a slow, outdated curiosity that’s trying to be more than the sum of its parts.
    April 5, 2012 at 8:30 pm
    I think the OSx vs Vista thing was blown out of proportion. Vista was not the problem that Apple made it out to be. There were some hardware vendor related driver issues and the change in interface threw the average user for a loop. I remember Apple making fun of the UAC, when OSx had their own UAC running since the early versions. The difference was that Vista shipped with it being restrictive out of the box and made it very easy to change to suit any situation.
    My parents crapped when they first used Vista on their new machine, all it took was for me to put it in cl*ssic mode and they have been using it for years without a single complaint. It was also a resource hog, but then again, it shipped on computers with resources. No matter, Win 7 solved that problem in a big way. I installed it on a 2002 Dell C610 laptop with 512 ram and a 30g drive and a P3 processor, gave it to my mother in law and it has been flawless for 2 years now.
    OSx is fine, if that is what you want it will work great, but there is no way that anyone can argue it was better as a whole than Vista. That is the fruits of Apple’s marketing and a major change in UI to a public who doesn’t take to change very well. Remember when XP was released? There were folks that had issue with that and it turned out to be a pretty solid OS for a long time.
    Folks will pay more for a Mac because they actually believe the Apple hype. I use mine, but it surely doesn’t deserve some sort of praise for being “better”. There are those that think it actually makes them different and that different means they are elite. Those are the same people that think Jobs was a genius. That because they own a Mac, everything Steve Jobs said was true. That nifty packaging and gay commercials make a better computer. Bottom line is that it is still just a computer. When people are using a mouse, keyboard and monitor and paying alot more for the same hardware, they ate really paying a premium to use OSx. I did the math on hardware costs and what it would cost to build a Windows laptop with the exact same config as my Pro running Lion. If my math is correct, I paid nearly 800 dollars to have a copy of Lion.
    A lot of money for a closed system with no upgrade path.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:34 pm
    who the eff says aluminium is heavier than steel? You have never lifted or possibly even seen either of the metals if you think that. Why are planes made of aluminium? Because it is light and strong. Why go with aluminium? Because it is light and strong….it doesn’t rust… stainless steal requires more processing to achieve, can still rust depending on the quality and is freaking way heavier than aluminium!
    April 6, 2012 at 12:26 am
    My mistake I looked further into it. I was wrong, Aluminum is lighter then steel. But Steel is stronger then Aluminum. As for rust you act like its in immediate danger of rust. I have ancient towers. (I collect old comps. [Don’t know if I said that before.]) And only a couple of them have rust. (One from 92 another from 97.)
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum.
    Planes are made from a combination of;
    1. Aluminum
    2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy
    3. Zinc
    4. Carbon Fiber
    5. Reinforced Plastic
    6. Fiber Gl*ss
    7. Kevlar
    8. Titanium
    9. Stainless Steel
    10. Inconel
    The order has no meaning.
    Also, Aluminum does rust, its just not called rust. By definition rust can only happen to Iron and Steel but Aluminum has its own equivalent of rust.
    I believe its just called Aluminum Oxide.
    April 6, 2012 at 3:08 pm
    d00d all metals are prone to oxidation and most pure metals oxidize at room temperature. aluminium’s “oxidation” protects itself from further oxidation damage, so the fact that it oxidizes is irrelevant to the fact that it doesn’t rust. rust is the perpetual oxidation seen in some iron based alloys and of course pure iron.
    as far as strength, weight to strength ratio aluminium is stronger than some steels, not all, and the same goes for the steels….some aluminium alloys are stronger. Planes can be made of just about any alloy, they choose aluminium because of it’s particular weight to strength ratio, not because it’s cheaper than steel. Also most PCs are made of plastic if you want to get into the cheap discussion, and I still think steel of any kind is a bad choice for a laptop shell…seriously
    April 6, 2012 at 3:11 pm
    *** I meant to say some steel alloys are stronger than aluminium ones***
    April 6, 2012 at 7:11 pm
    I have a PC and its made of Steel and Aluminum, where did you get plastic from? Only plastic part it on the front and that’s replaceable.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:13 pm
    “The aluminum-vs-steel, strength-vs-weight issue is one that is commonly misunderstood, especially among jib makers, sometimes even among engineers.
    The misconception arises from the partial truth that there are aluminum alloys that are as strong as, or stronger than, steel. It’s more accurate to say that there are some aluminum alloys that are stronger than some steel alloys.”
    April 6, 2012 at 7:33 pm
    Also PC may be made of plastic. But you act like its the same plastic that dollar store toys are made of.
    To be honest I don’t know why Laptops don’t have a Steel or Aluminum shell.
    It could be cost, heat issues. Rust is not a problem. Unless you plan on keeping your computer for more then 15 years and have it in a very humid climate.
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions. This is why Apple has a Plastic frame around their Aluminum ch*ssis.
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:38 pm
    I don’t see where this misconception of ‘Apple has better hardware quality’ is coming from.
    People never seem to bring proof of this, and when they try to explain it they describe the ‘feel’, the ‘look’, and other emotionally inspired nonsense.
    Or when asked for proof they ignore the request or just stop commenting.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:12 pm
    The “Apple has better hardware quality” bs comes from apple commercials. Nothing else. apple users are so stupid they can’t do any research or back up anything they say.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:19 pm
    apple users can’t think for themselves. They listen to all the hype. Of course if you go to an apple store they will tell you apple is better.
    April 6, 2012 at 9:02 pm
    Excellent site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Many thanks!
    April 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm
    see I wasn’t talking about making a jib, I was talking about making a plane. And their is a good reason why they use aluminium,not because it is cheap, but because for what a plane needs for strength and weight, the aluminium alloy is strong enough and lighter than it would be if they used steel, so they save money in gas by making the plane lighter….
    April 6, 2012 at 9:44 pm
    and d***it i said most PC laptops are made of plastic, not all. it is dependant on the manufacturer. Sony loves to use aluminium for their shells. Go to Best Buy right now and you will see that the majority of the shells are made of plastic. You:
    “Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap. (PC MANUFACTURERS USE PLASTIC WHICH IS DEFINITELY CHEAPER THAN ANY METAL, SO WHAT!!)
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST)
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG)
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG)
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too(AT A BIG COST). Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong(ALUMINIUM IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS) but they go with the weak and heavy material(WRONG….BAD FACTS)? Make sense to you? (NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE)”
    It doesn’t make any sense to use steel, you want a light laptop not a steel beast. Stainless steel being more expensive doesn’t make it better…just harder to make. Aluminium is just the better choice for a laptop, you don’t have to do anything to it to keep it from rusting, its lighter, and although it doesn’t have a lot of lustre, it looks decent and since most PC’s use the much much cheaper alternative of a plastic shell, they can stand out against the plastic PC’s
    April 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm
    “Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired”
    Yes it can, but do you really want to sand, prime and put a clear top coat (or colour of your choice) your pc laptop shell? Then repeat this every time it gets scratched and starts rusting again…..jebus man
    April 6, 2012 at 10:02 pm
    steve’s on the money. most people who have an understanding of computer technology, and especially the process marketing that technology, will tell u that apple are actually selling u a badge/brand, not a new piece of groundbreaking, quality tech that has been rigorously tested and re-tested. why do u think the whole apple campaign has that “we’re carefree, edgy, dancing silhouettes on a pastel background” feel to it. i’ll tell u why… because they know that they have a sub-standard product that they know they have to aggressively push to get “sales momentum”, and in advertising if u cant use the specs to promote the product, then u have to resort to the ego, and thats how we end up with apple ads consisting of silhouettes of young people “dancing like no-ones watching”. U see, that whole “care-free” bit is the hook. young people see those ads and think its cool, and its these trend buyers who will go out and (or more often than not, make their parents) spend ridiculous amounts of dollars on a piece of tech without even researching the specs and seeing what other products are actually out there. and thats where we’re at with the iphone vs android debacle. Android is far and away the better piece of tech on all levels, yet u still see teens cuing up for the next iphone (which is pretty much no different from the last iphone)…actually, i think the last iphone had some issues with several screens exploding when taken on short flights (and i mean 45minute regional flights). substandard tech + cheap and crappy parts = kablooey…iphone…. the happy meal toy in a smart phone world. ; )
    April 6, 2012 at 10:17 pm
    “Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions”—-are you kidding me? have you ever seen bare steel in a humid environment? or shoot even steel that hasn’t been painted well that has been exposed to any elements. I have a small unpainted/treated aluminium fishing boat. For 40 years it has sat its happy *** in water, been rained on snowed on, scratched, kicked mistreated, and has shown little to no corrosion if this had been bare steel it wouldn’t even exist unless i had maintained constant care.
    “Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion resistance and its usage as one of the primary metals of commerce to the barrier oxide film that is bonded strongly to its surface and, that if damaged, re-forms immediately in most environments.
    On a surface freshly abraded and then exposed to air, the barrier oxide film is only 1 nm thick but is highly effective in protecting the aluminum from corrosion.
    The natural film can be visualized as the result of a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces-those tending to form compact barrier layer and those tending to break it down.”
    read around, you have to try to corrode aluminium, it needs a strong base or acid o do so along with some constant long term neglect to corrode aluminium, for the use of a laptop shell you would really have to mess something up to cause any substantial/noticeable corrosion…
    stop comparing aluminium with steel in regards to corrosion,they aren’t even on the same league let alone playing field
    April 6, 2012 at 11:35 pm
    Did you read any of my other comments?
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG) No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG) Depends on the grade. Some is heavier then Steel.
    You are obviously underestimating the quality of steel.
    “NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE” ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.
    All your saying depends on the grade of Aluminum and Steel. So we are both right and wrong. This argument will go no ware so I’ll end it here.
    April 7, 2012 at 1:04 am
    Aluminium is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    I know you aren’t talking about plastic but you said MAC people talk about the superiority of the product, you try to denounce by saying “why use aluminium in a product when its such a cheap metal” (paraphrasing) then you go on about how aluminium is cheaper, heavier, and weaker. although you are right in saying lbs for lbs steel is stronger, that doesn’t make it practical or better for a laptop!!! or anything computer related. So I say, aluminium is better than plastic (arguable), plastic is cheaper and has the appearance of lower quality than metal. PC’s use plastic which is extremely cheap, can be very fragile, has a vastly larger range of quality, and temperament with age and exposure to the sun causing weakness and brittleness in plastics when compared to commercial grade aluminium. Therefore aluminium is a sign of a higher quality construction compares to plastics (which most PCs use). You shouldn’t be basing any arguments that MACS aren’t quality products because they chose to make the shells of laptops out of aluminium.
    I can’t resist ignorant talk (you) so I come and tell you its not heavier (3X lighter actually) and that simply saying steel is stronger isn’t entirely the truth. then you go on about aluminium’s corrosion (couldn’t help but notice you didn’t respond to how wrong you were about that) which is more ignorance…
    I will concede this one point, steel is stronger.
    stainless steel does not easily corrode
    steel corrodes VERY easily (eg. cars, steel hardware, steel anything!!!!)
    aluminium is does not corrode easily (eg. macbook cases, sony cases, my aluminium boat, soda cans, aluminium foil….do you need more examples??)
    now for your “some aluminium alloys are heavier than steal”
    I can use your logic (as you used with the strength issue):
    “No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.”
    Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison:
    lowest grade steel is heavier than lowest grade aluminium highest grade aluminium is lighter than highest grade steel.
    Or I can use REAL logic:
    Aluminium is already 3X lighter than steel, you can’t make an alloy of aluminium (you say grade but you actually mean alloy. grade has do with purity of refined metal) denser than an alloy of steel unless you mix it with a metal that is denser than steel! and even then it would have to make up the majority of the alloy to overcome how light aluminium already is. Or unless you make a steel alloy with a metal greater than 3X less the density of steel, and again that metal would have to make up the majority of the alloy. Show me this alloy, then show me the practicality of its use. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN
    here you can see densities of metals and alloys and how hard it would be to make a steel alloy lighter than an aluminium one and vice versa and even if one did make such an alloy what is its practical use and does it have anything to do with PCs AND MACBOOKS!!!! lastly you are the king troll here keep up the good work
    April 7, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    Cool story bro.
    Moving on, or you still wanna shout some more?
    Ether way you are wrong, but idc anymore.
    Topic has gone to far off track, not gonna help you build a new station.
    April 7, 2012 at 3:50 pm
    I’m sure these people will enjoy your company.
    I didn’t look to hard, because I’m sure you already have one to ‘argue’ on.
    April 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm
    @RAWR. Took the words out of my mouth. Way off track.
    April 7, 2012 at 10:40 pm
    like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did….then you followed up with more ignorance….and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this? or are you too proud to admit it? you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else. you make me sad for humanity….off track or not
    April 7, 2012 at 11:23 pm
    Here is my composite list of ignorant things you have said that sucked me down to your level(all of which are wrong!):
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel–way to complicated to discuss here, but not really true
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel–effing really wrong…upon further research aluminium is one of the least dense metals
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?—-this is my favorite
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions—jesus this is so wrong i mean i thought it was common knowledge that steel rusts and for most uses aluminium doesn’t corrode at all
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum—true but the parts that count are, so the metal must be pretty strong,light and rust proof
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired–wow…anyway….unless the metal you use doesn’t rust
    No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel—again too complicated for you or me
    ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.—the irony is hilarious (see most of your posts and especially the ones above)
    if you re-read my original comment, that started this rant I just made fun of that fact that you said aluminium is cheap and heavier than steel because I thought it was common knowledge that aluminum is cheap because of it’s abundance not because of quality, and that it is lighter than steel. you followed with so much stupidity thereafter I feel like you just trolled me along…and i still do…or perhaps you are just stupid
    but truly am sorry for the topic change…i hate macs there…
    April 8, 2012 at 12:00 am
    I already admitted I was wrong about the weight. And how did I show any ignorance before this Aluminum thing? Why does this bother you so much? Is it because you know of nothing else but that?
    Pull the Aluminum stick out of your *ss and shut the f*ck up.
    I am not wrong about most of the post I put of Aluminum. If anything my source is to blame, It told me that Aluminum is heavy junk (As a joking example then it went in depth.)
    I don’t see how you proved me wrong on any of the other matters.
    I don’s see how getting the fact that under certain conditions Aluminum can be heavier then steel. I am not wrong about Aluminum being more corrosive then steel. It is YOU who does not want to admit that you are wrong. (If I am in fact wrong, again blame my sources as well as bring me substantial proof that you are right.)
    Also how does being wrong about one thing make my other statements ignorant?
    Still sounds like your the ignorant one here.
    I don’t need to see most of my post because I wrote them all. Again Ignorant people cant understand the truth. Ignorant people use their own logic.
    “Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison”
    “Or I can use REAL logic”
    I only know of one type of logic, there aren’t other forms. Just the Truth and a Lie. And if you see more then one, then you must be using the lie.
    Also I never made a density comparison.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:04 am
    “Also I never made a density comparison.”
    April 8, 2012 at 12:15 am
    “like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did”
    I was wrong really? Like with what? The weight of aluminum? Congratz you wasted time trying to dismantle my statement that I made a while ago and only managed to ‘prove’ me wrong on one point.
    “then you followed up with more ignorance”
    Really? How so? By stating facts I obtained from research?
    “and you are wrong about everything you said”
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel- Wrong
    I don’t think 1 out of 3 qualifies as everything.
    “and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this?”
    I cant see whats not there. Lend me your fog machine, so I can see what you see.
    “you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else.”
    Didn’t know one time was considered clutter. If once gets you this mad then I cant wait until you start on everyone else. Oh wait they didn’t talk about Aluminum…
    “you make me sad for humanity…”
    You make me sad too. Didn’t know someone could get so pissed off over something so small.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:22 am
    Here an award *Hands SRK an award* For knowing noting that was discussed on this topic other then Aluminum.
    April 8, 2012 at 1:28 am
    d*mnit man, read what i just wrote, i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight (i say the density because that is the right word not weight…which again points out more of your own ignorance). all you had to say was whoops im an idiot aluminum is the least dense metal used for commercial construction and support structures, and its not real a sign of cheap quality although it is cheaper to produce, and I would have shut the f*ck up. but you didn’t you continued to argue your stupid point the same as I did,
    as my last post points out, you continued with more and more and, still now, more stupidity and troll bait…the only thing im sad for in myself is getting trolled by an idiot like you, please please continue to wallow in your stupidity and reign as supreme king (queen?) troll and take the STEEL d*ldo that is in YOUR *SS and beat yourself over your head with it until your happy…if you want to call me out for obnoxious rants…your were right there toe to toe dancing with me the whole time, so you are talking about yourself as well.
    some more troll bait for you; here is why saying density is correct and weight isn’t:
    DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density *ssociated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the RELATIVE “heaviness” of objects with a CONSTANT VOLUME.
    so saying steel weighs more than aluminum isn’t technically correct(if you don’t like that go take an entry level college physics cl*ss), saying it is more dense is a more correct statement
    and again, i have no affinity for aluminum, i could give a f*ck less, i just know i got trolled by you…good day sir or ma’am
    April 8, 2012 at 1:52 am
    let me simplify
    your were wrong first about the weight/density and the implication that aluminum is a poor quality metal
    then about it being more corrosive than steel in humid conditions
    the rest is just semantics
    April 8, 2012 at 2:08 am
    ill do this thread a favour…
    Macs suck, they are overated overhiped overpriced and well marketed to tools who’s view of them using the coolest looking tech gadget is more important than the actual usefullness or value. They put out a mediocre product for an outrageous price.
    It took Windows along time to become a mature robust secure OS, but it is that. Their business model is also what allowed the market and world to become what it is today, everyone should thank bill for that. without the microsoft software license model, and their desire to only make a good OS not the entire computer, allowed for the hardware market to explode, it allowed for capitalism to flourish, and in the end created a more flexible, and customisable product.
    As opposed to the Apple model which closely guards and controls all of its software and hardware, preferring the proprietary model instead of the universal model, which windows used. It’s gimmicky and relatively useless features that is loves to boast are just that, useless. It should be no contest…windows ownz apple in just about every way except for d*******g appeal
    April 8, 2012 at 2:20 am
    the obvious downfalls to allowing hardware vendors to make the hardware as in the case with windows based PC’s is the driver issues….these are not actually windows problems rather, the hardware vendor’s for making a crappy driver. windows upgrades to make thing incompatible doesn’t help though. but the sacrifice is worth the capital reward, all your tech related jobs can probably be traced to the decision of windows staying out of the hardware business.
    In terms of quality of OS/hardware in macs and PCs, I think Macs put out a quality product in terms of life of hardware. With the PC, you have choice of manufacturer and some are better than others, but I have had an ASUS eeepc for two years, no issues with anything. I also own a tower that I ‘built’ and have had for for years, nothing, and must repeat nothing has broken, and it was a lot cheaper than the equivalent MBP. And even nothing broke, the stuff I wanted to upgrade, say, video card…I upgraded for 150 bucks, and 10 minutes of work to install. Instantly a better computer for games and graphics related processing. Can’t do that with a MAC….that’s all im saying
    April 8, 2012 at 2:23 am
    rawr! is it too late to say im sorry and forget this sh**
    April 8, 2012 at 3:27 am
    “i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight”
    I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t wrong about the planes. You implied they where made of nothing but aluminum I just corrected you.
    I’m not sure about the corrosion, if you have so much confidence that I’m wrong then please bring proof. Just your word, if that’s all that was needed then we are both right.
    You CAN fix rust, so I don’t know what you mean there. weight and density go hand and hand if something is dense it will most likely be heavy.
    I already admitted to being wrong about the weight when you first pointed it out, so I don’t see the problem.
    P.S. You done yet? ; )
    April 8, 2012 at 3:39 am
    Stopped being lazy, and looked more into the corrosion thing. My source was comparing Stainless Steel vs Aluminum.
    To be honest I didn’t even look that far into it.
    Anyway I was wrong about two things, you happy?
    You still over reacted, and are still being ignorant about the other things I was -by your standards- wrong about.
    April 8, 2012 at 4:55 am
    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!
    April 8, 2012 at 7:27 am
    Apple is likely known for blackboxing their products (ie, sealing them shut and making them hard to open/dis*ssemble accept by their own guys @ the Apple Store (But wait, the MBA is completely welded shut! Even Apple can’t open their own products!)
    Alright, now that we got that past, let’s get some !#/bin/sh straight.
    (Tooken from iFans forums, that came from a long way – It’s a long story.)
    pple is going to run-down their company and ruin the Mac as we know it. When Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, who knows what Apple will be doing by then. Changing the works, setting restrictions from their headquarters in Cupertino, to try to control what you can and can’t do, which will cause famous non-Apple apps on your Mac to stop working, such as:
    • CleanMyMac.
    • iStat Server.
    • Skype for Mac.
    • Microsoft Office + Office Suite 2011 (Well it will stay, but many features requiring system-level access may be revoked, it will be smacked-around by Apple, so to speak).
    All these apps will simply not run, because they are not ‘Apple Approved’ applications. Along with Mac OS X 10.8 +/10.9 / possible OS XI (11) coming out, they might be even more restricted. Here’s where the crap comes, it sounds crazy, but listen. Apple will may start encrypting all updates and use SSL for every transfer (they probably already do) due to ‘security’ of course, they may or may not starting locking the OS from external connection, e.g. A Windows PC can’t connect to a Mac via Network Shares, etc…
    Crap that may or may not happen:
    • • • Apple will seal off their Macs. I mean sure Modifying your computer is great, but really, why would you want to go to an Apple store anytime there is something wrong with your Mac, or you need to install new RAM and stuff? Only Apple-Approved RAM. Have you also heard about Apple screwing in and making batteries non-user replaceable? Well, that’s happened to the MacBook Air, the the original MacBook, hell, why not the MBP?
    • • • Terminal is a no-no! Yes, everyone LOVES the Terminal and Unix commands, I mean who does not? Every Unix/Linux nerd loves geeking with Unix! But Uh-Oh. Here comes Apple the king of their software. They’ve decided terminal is a no-no and Nobody wants them re-modding their Macs back to freedom of 3rd Party apps and free source. What happend to freedom anymore?
    • • • Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions, baby! Just like on the iPhone, iPod and all other iDevices, their devices will be fully-restricted and no external access to them will be allowed, heaven forbid we steal Apple’s source! Only Apps that are allowed here on Apple’s OSX, are iTunes/App Store Approved and installed ones, but the truth actually could be that 3rd party Apps are still allowed, but although, the bad side is that People will most likely upload these iTunes stolen apps up on uTorrent or something, then everybody who has a Mac could get a free, say; $50 App for free, say, (Just an example!) PhotoPro for Mac v.2.12, and you don’t have to pay, you just download and ‘click and drag’ to your Applications folder. No (App store) Apps will run on your Mac unless they are hooked with the same UUID, and aren’t blacklisted by Apple (yes, they can! see and having to use a restricted computer that can only do things the company wants it to do would be seriously terrible, Apple. (Microsoft already has Windows marketplace for Windows 8 Metro apps, so no biggy, right?). I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but I think Microsoft could try to do the same thing, and then we BOTH (Mac + PC) will have locked, worthless machines that can’t run 3rd-party software except what THEY allow, MOCKING the whole computer industry as we know it.
    April 8, 2012 at 7:00 pm
    “This is a good example of why people both hate and love apple products. The lovers go for the fact that Apple controls the end user experience right down to the final detail. The haters avoid for the very same reason.
    Personally, I feel that if someone purchases something, he should have the right to do with it whatever he likes so long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Apple obviously disagrees. The geek community is full of people who want to take their gadgets and play with them, not worrying about the manufacturers arbitrary limitations. Apples constant interference with this desire, as well as their sanctimonious “better then everyone else” attitude will continue to drive a wedge between users, and hamstring the innovation the claim to champion.”
    April 8, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    Making a laptop shell out of aluminum is not going to do anyone any good so it doesn’t matter. I actually like my acrylic unibody MacBook better than I do the aluminum pro. It isn’t going to hurt anything, but it isn’t anything to rave about. Computers are the perfect application for plastics. Some of which jaw lasted a very very long time. Most will certainly out last the machines life of use. I had the privilege of being *ssigned a new dell machine that is by far the best built portable I have ever seen. We are testing them for m*ss deployment and putting the enterprise image to the test on it. It has the same display as the 13″ MacBook but is meant to be docked at temp workstations and virtual office setups with external I/O components.
    The plastic it is made of will not fail and other makers are going to selling similar machines to keep up. The horsepower of this device is. No different than that of my corporate issues m4500, which has 12g of memory, 1tb storage and the 8 core intel. I have loaded VMware on this device and can run at least 4 separate machines before seeing a performance hit and that hit is barely an issue. No student is their right mind would choose any MacBook over this machine if they care about function, battery life, portability and appearance.
    Apple is going to thrive in the post pc or satellite device like tablets and phones, because they are the main player, they are the Microsoft of that arena. When the public starts getting in touch with this new breed of device, Apple is going to take an even bigger hit in the personal computing area. Sure, there are always going to be apple fans who will buy nothing else, even I will, but for those people on the fence who are limited by choice, they will have no doubts in their mind. Funny how all those Justin Long type commercials aren’t running anymore huh?
    April 8, 2012 at 10:27 pm
    I have been using mac products for about five years now and in general I am completely underwhelmed. The company’s media promotion strategy reminds me of P.T. Barnum’s brand of hucksterism. Their business stragegy smacks of elitism and the cr*ssest, most cynical type of upsell imaginable. But I am enamored of their iPad – for the most part they got that right. Here are some of the things I always say regarding my experiences with the Mac vs. the PC. First of all, I have a twelve year old PC tower currently running Windows XP. It has more than enough muscle to handle all the latest software. How??? a Mac user might wonder…well, baby, it’s not pressure sealed at the factory with underpowered memory and drives. It opens up with a regular screwdriver and there’s just tons of space in there and you just take yourself down to the PC mom and pop store in your neighborhood and for $25 you got yourself a butt load of extra memory, and you slide that puppy in all by your lonesome, no tools required, no expertise, your 6 year old or granny could manage it…and you’re good to go. I like to brag to all my Macbook user friends, who have forked over $2,000 for their fancy computers and will still require a thousand bucks worth of periferals and many days, months and even years waiting for the right software upgrades, fixes and patches- which still won’t work (not to mention the frequent expensive repairs). I have never needed to service the PC…except when the fan needed to be replaced because it had cat hairs in it and thus burned out, lol. I could have replaced it myself. A five to ten dollar part and a screwdriver is all that is required. When a Macbook fan burns out, it is about $250 if not more and takes a week to get back. I will have my 2000 PC for another ten years. It is built like a goddam TANK and has tons of expandable ports for components, as well as periferals which can actually be fit right into the tower. Soooo much room, so cheap, so easy, so reliable. PC’s are for proles! They are the real work horses. Oh, and when I am using a word program, cut and paste (the most frequently performed function) can be done in one flowing move, taking approximately one second, and one hand, with absolutely effortless precision. With the Mac, it takes two hands and roughly three or four seconds, plus there is much less control with the Mac and you can easily over and undershoot your destination, and basically slip and slide all around your text, there is no control. What takes one second on the PC, takes ten to fifteen seconds of painstaking frustration on the Mac. That is insane! And the Mac freezes up all the time when you want to do any sort of multitasking. Now, it is true, if I wanted to spend another $2000 for some fancy periferals to keep everything running, and put in some new shelves and get a huge bulky bag to tote all those drives and speakers and things around with me, I surely could do that. Or I could spend next to nothing

  659. Spammer says:

    March 30, 2012 at 10:38 pm
    “Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.”
    Yup. I admit I’ve done the same thing too.
    “No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.”
    Windows progs don’t always give you the option to ghost but most of the time it isn’t a option not to ghost on Mac’s. I admit Ghosting can be useful, but it is very bad for people who think all of their Mac programs just close when they press the red dot. At least I know for a fact when I hit the X the prog closes, and if it doesn’t, it will go in the tray, and let me know that it has gone to the tray.
    But I don’t need a third party program to close anything in windows. Apple is supposed to make things easy right? Well they try, but when they take away your choice they just make the easy things annoying.
    “No, I’m sure it does.”
    “No, no it doesn’t”
    It does. Period. Depending on the program it may sometimes leave the start menu folder there, but thats just a empty folder. But it always deletes whats in the install location, unless you had the program running while uninstalling it.
    I will also have you note that the installs and uninstalls are most often 3rd party made. If the install/uninstaller does something unwanted that is not Windows fault.
    I will bring up OCing again. Over Clocking (OC) is mostly *ssociated with gamers. But OCing your CPU can be very useful for programs that are very taxing on the CPU. Such as: Multitasking, Video Editing software, Graphics design, and more.
    And people like TREVOR and Apple claim it is best for these operations, Yet no Apple computer can OC. I did research and not even a 3rd party programs can break the OC lock on Mac’s. OC is another Useful, High Tech, Innovative, and Convent technology Apple isn’t capable of using.
    March 30, 2012 at 10:41 pm
    From J_Sparrow:
    This may be a bit of a troll….
    Check this page out :- apple,com/why-mac/
    Apple outrageous statement 1:-
    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”
    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?
    Apple outrageous statement 2:-
    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”
    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.
    Apple outrageous statement 3:-
    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”
    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??
    Apple outrageous statement 4:-
    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”
    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….
    Apple outrageous statement 5:-
    “Its compatible with stuff”
    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.
    Apple outrageous statement 6:-
    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”
    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”
    Apple outrageous statement 7:-
    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”
    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.
    Best Apple Statement:-
    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”
    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…
    March 30, 2012 at 10:53 pm
    Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap.
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?
    And why get Intel CPU’s but then AMD GPU’s. Its been proven that NVIDIA cards work better with Intel, rather then AMD. And AMD is cheaper then NVIDIA.
    So why does this company who boasts to have the best computers in the world, always pick the cheap option.
    March 31, 2012 at 7:51 am
    while at bestbuy…
    overheard a salesman telling customer, if you are careful you dont need antivirus like on windows. mac dont get virus, they only get trojan. wtf. once there is a risk of compromizing a system via a trojan, you already need an antivirus. i mean is like you dont get a,b,c… (std) by sleeping with him, but you only get z by sleeping with him. why not use protection? but sadly, choice of protection is very little on mac since security powerhouses are focusing first defences on win platform dedicating secondary resources on mac like everything else in life – flash, java, games, drivers, browsers, printers all seems to run better on the primary platform windows. so please dont try to kid the rest of the world with your nonsense.
    tried the imac 27 inch. doesnt do it for me. first, global menu is a waste of mouse motion especially with a small apps like calculator.
    compounding to problem, mouse acceleration is slow compared to win/linux. please do not suggest 3rd party software to change acceleration. going that route, we might as well install a 3rd party software to remove global menu. ubuntu hack firefox to use global menu does not do it for me neither. i am using a 22″ monitor. so on larger screen, i reckon local menus are better for me.
    not to start a war, but i hate excessive mouse movements. at the end of TIRED day of working, i dont want to drag a file from one corner of large screen to a trash icon. i dont want to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste, etc. i want to LIBERATE my left hand for a cup of coffee and use right hand to right-mouse click to delete files. is that too hard for mac users to understand.
    everytime you tell a mac user you cant used feature x, they will tell you can use the other extra limb to do feature x by pressing button y+z. very typical of mac users.
    you tell them one thing, they will tell you another way which is more involving (extra limb and 2 finger gymnastic). eg. i hate min,max,close button on left. mac users will tell you – who uses it anymore? – cmd +x.
    or flash is a no-show on ipad, html5 is the future. but i live in present, half the websites videos dont work without flash. compounding the problem html5 video is divided to h264 for ie,safari, and theora,webm for the others. fragmentation is gonna hampered adoption.
    third scrolling a webpage using safari is sluggish compared to scrolling with firefox on linux and windows. i know it is not same browser. not my computer, cant install anything in bestbuy. but i thought safari is the premiere browser on mac.
    to recap, not impressed other than Aesthetics exterior and interior (icons are beautiful). to me pc all the way. ubuntu is gone for me too. global menu and top left buttons
    April 1, 2012 at 12:38 am
    I read quite a few comments at first, but then I started noticing just how many there were on this page. Once I started scrolling down, I then realized again just how long ago this article and many comments were written. So after skimming for a bit, I just went straight to the bottom.
    Did JJ turn into Rawr? I noticed JJ stopped commenting and Rawr kind of picked up with his sarcastic comments.
    As I was reading through this article, I found myself chuckling out loud. I don’t think I have yet to read an article that was quite as cynical and sneering. I found the combination of the satire with the slight truths in the arrogant claims to be quite humorous. I think there was a poster near the beginning that said something about the satire (Raven something or another). I think a good number of people are taking this thing too seriously.
    There were four types of comments I saw over and over.
    1. People would try to argue every point made in the article with super detailed, lengthy explanations. Usually this was shrugged off by JJ with a short, sarcastic comment. Other times he’d take the time to respond with more detail, usually still involved sarcasm.
    2. People would insult the author’s behavior by acting in the same exact insulting fashion.
    3. People would put a combination of cussing, all caps, spamming, and whatever else to tell every putting up comment to stop arguing and to shut up. Usually these comments would say something about the author or everyone having no life. The only reason all these people exist is to argue over something stupid like computers.
    I think to myself, “This person is taking the time to argue with people that have no lives… over the issue of arguing about something pointless?”
    4. Finally there were the people with negative Mac experiences that would agree with the author. They usually received high fives from JJ.
    Those were my impressions of this article and the following comments. Now I’ll respond to a couple of the points made in the article.
    1. I thought this was pretty funny. I get this sort of impression of Mac users all the time. Keep in mind that most of my experience with Mac (and its users) comes from online. Typically I see these people through articles, blogs, forums, etc. Mac vs Windows arguments come up constantly in these venues. From my experiences, quite a hefty percentage of Mac users that take the time to put their opinions on the internet are:
    1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
    2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general
    2. I don’t think the brand name is worth quite as much as what Apple slaps on the price tags. Although, if one day I decide Windows isn’t doing it for me anymore, I don’t think the price will slow me down too much from purchasing a Mac.
    6. I’ve never really liked that dock thing. I think it’s a bit obnoxious.
    8. I’ve always been wary of the limitations I’d have being on a Mac exclusively. I’ll likely have a Windows machine if I ever do get a Mac, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.
    10. I’m generally one to favor as much configuration as possible to get things how I like them. That’s actually something that’s drawn me toward some Linux distros, but they seem to take too much time to get simple things accomplished.
    April 1, 2012 at 1:05 am
    In this comment I’ll give the three reasons I don’t use a Mac.
    It seems that pretty much everyone agreed in the earlier comments that Windows was the gaming OS. I think this still holds true today. I do love my games, so that’s been the main thing keeping me with Windows.
    I honestly don’t have a ton of experience on Macs. Most of what I know is through what I’ve read online. I did use a Macbook fairly recently and enjoyed the way the Spaces worked. I was first exposed to the Virtual Desktops feature when messing around with Ubuntu. I later tried out a few pieces of Windows freeware, but it wasn’t quite as good to me. I think the way the Spaces work on a Mac are probably better than what I saw on Ubuntu. However, the thing that really impressed me was the multi-touch gestures you could use to navigate the Spaces. I liked the idea of separating navigation from the keyboard. While keyboard shortcuts weren’t difficult to use to change desktops, I liked the 3-finger-flick much better.
    I say all this about Virtual Desktops because that’s another thing keeping me from leaving Windows right now. That might seem strange at first, but I’m waiting to see what Windows 8 has to offer. They seem to be going all out with touchscreen interfacing and related technologies. This makes me think that Windows should be getting on board with all the multi-touch gestures and related features. I really liked that 3-finger-flick virtual desktop setup on Macs, so Windows 8 better have something similar or better…
    So the first thing keeping me on Windows is gaming. Something Windows has that Mac doesn’t. The second thing is something Mac has and Windows doesn’t… but Windows may have in the not too distant future. The third thing keeping me with Windows is something I can’t stand about Macs, particularly Macbooks. There’s no right button! I’ve complained about this lack of a feature with Macs to a few people, and they start telling me of all these ways I can do a right click. There’s no way it’s as efficient using any of those methods as it is physically clicking the right button.
    I haven’t used anything but a laptop touchpad for a few years now. I mentioned that I like gaming. One particular game I like is World of Warcraft. Pretty much everyone knows what this game is or has heard about it. I played that game with a touchpad, and it would be near impossible to do the same thing with an Apple trackpad.
    1. Click the bottom right side of the trackpad – If you click right where right clicks start registering, you don’t always get a right click. To ensure a right click, you need to click a little further to the right. This means your finger has to travel further to do a right click. Also, the entire trackpad moves when you click, so that interferes a tad with the regular left clicking. This method just seems really clunky.
    2. Tap with two fingers – I’ve always hating anything that used tapping on a touchpad. The first thing I do when I use a new touchpad is turn off “tap to click”. I find you’re much more likely to have misclicks when tapping. It’s just too inconsistent compared to clicking an actual button.
    On top of the problems with tapping itself, there’s no way to drag with the right click tap. I was told I could drag a left click by double tapping with one finger. Something like that may exist for the right click dragging. Waiting for this double tap to register so I can drag the cursor is just absurd.
    3. Hold CTRL and click – Holding one button down while clicking another button can never be equal to or better than clicking a single button. Even though it’s not hard, you’re now using two hands to do something a single finger should be able to do.
    On top of the added complexity, this method screws you up when you need your left hand for clicking keys while you use the right clicks. When playing a game like World of Warcraft, you are constantly clicking many keys with the left hand. Often times, the keys you’re clicking are used in conjunction with the CTRL key itself. Now things get really complicated.
    I have yet to see what I think is a valid reason for the trackpad not having a right click button. Yes, when you’re not doing something as intensive as gaming, the trackpad right click options are feasible. However, I feel like I’m downgrading in technology by using the trackpad for my right clicks. I thought newer technology was supposed to bring greater efficiency and ease of use. Not having a right button seems backwards to me.
    When software stops requiring right clicks to do things, I’ll stop worrying about a right click. Until then, I can’t stand not having a specific button for right clicking.
    April 1, 2012 at 3:47 am
    Unfortunately I didn’t start burning my time here until JJ left, or died, or whatever happened to him.
    I’m just wondering what happened to Steve. Also congrats(?) to WOW for staying here so long. People like Tucansam, and Redline would of caved by now and made an exit with some petty comment.
    April 2, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    You can’t fall for “delete System 32″ on a Mac.
    But other than that… meh
    April 2, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    April 2, 2012 at 7:35 pm
    Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.
    April 2, 2012 at 11:19 pm
    “Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.”
    Perfect example of the majority of Mac users.
    April 3, 2012 at 12:14 am
    As a long time user of every platform available, I can speak to some of this lifetime long argument. I currently own a late 2009 MacBook and a newer Pro running Snow Leopard and Lion. To add, I own one Linux device and 5 Windows 7 devices, 3 of which are x64 and the other two are x32 machines I upgraded to win7.
    I will leave my Linux thoughts out of this because it is more a utility to me than anything. I have seen the growth of both Apple and the PC based devices over the last 30 years, starting as a 14 year old with a father that was heavy into computing before having a computer at home was possible.
    The author has a lot of truth in his post, most of the things he mentioned have been a nuisance to myself and others at one time or another. I won’t get into every detail, but from a high level over the years I have come to know for a fact that the second Apple releases anything, it is far more expensive than comparable PC offerings. That is hard fact and cannot be argued. The thing is, Apple is at war with many makers, that use similar hardware, many times newer and more powerful. Those companies rely on Windows and once they have their OEM license, they brand it and add their own touches to it, which often turns out to be useless and even annoying. Sure, there might be a cool add in once in a while, but I am the guy that buys a PC, takes it out of the box and wipes the drive so I can load Windows on it clean, in it’s pure form.
    I do this because I have learned that in the past, running a make like Dell, HP or Sony will eventually fail in some way or under perform due to “bloat ware”. I can promise this, that any PC with a retail load of straight Windows will be every bit as stable if not more than any Mac which is packaged with the software that Apple designed to work with their hardware. MS is genius, Billy boy made his OS work on EVERYTHING, somehow while maintaining the mistakes by the idiot who uses it. No, you don’t typically need to ever mention the word “driver ” with a Mac, but then again, it was delivered as a packaged deal. Of course you don’t need anything like that, if MS built a computer of their own, it would be perfection, but that is not their business. So MS is relying on PC makers to build decent products so that the end user isn’t sitting there blasting Windows all day for something they didn’t even build. Throw in that guy who thinks he is a PC builder and MS is really sticking their neck out.
    But this is 2012, these days, a child can throw a Win7 disk in the drive and the chances are, that thing is going to work with minimal configuration. I built one machine, a nasty one to serve as the do all, video, music, m*ss storage, gaming, doc building device that be upgraded, restored and serve me for years. It was built with the cream of the cream hardware with money as no object and that system ran me a whopping 1100.00. Much less than my Pro and a little less than my MacBook with max memory and HD. I personally know OSx well enough that I can figure out a way to pretty much do everything on a Mac that my PCs do, but the problem is that I find myself having to figure out a way, rather than it just happening. It wasn’t always that way, but for a system that is supposed to be so robust, it is indeed the case.
    I think more people have problems with the smugness of the Mac “fanboy” more than they do the actual machine. Or the attack marketing, where Justin Long mentions a problem that is typically present in any computing platform like it doesn’t exist with a Mac. For all the folks here that argue the author isn’t truthful, there sure is a lot of BS coming from the Apple camp about the product MS offers. Many of the very things Apple uses as ammo are things they can’t avoid their own product from doing.
    Viruses? Malware? With 2 kids and a tech challenged wife, my home hasn’t seen a virus or anything malware like for years, not a single instance on any of the machines. They use them all, yet not a problem to be found. Fact is, aside from my 8 year old letting her Dell battery drain all the time and having it shut down, we haven’t had a single crash either. I cannot say the same for my MacBook, which once in a while presents me with ” you need to power off” and a frozen screen. That is rare, but it happens. Justin Long tells you it won’t though, then he tells you how the PC does while the Mac is so superior.
    To me, it is the image Apple tries to portray that annoys me more than anything. I truly enjoy using my computers, the Apple products I have owned the past 27 years have been great, but so have the PCs. These devices can do amazing things considering the cost. It is an awesome time to be able to see all of it grow. Every user is going to have a preference and no one wants to be told that they spent their hard earned money on an “inferior” product. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Function is found by needs and desire. These days, we are all getting the best of both. Maybe Apple will open up a little in the future, a lot of that was Steve Jobs and his very stubborn way of saying “I am going to give people what I want and people are going to like it” attitude. My favorite all around computer is my MacBook, running Win7 x64 under boot camp. Traveling with it solves a lot of problems, but that took creation from both ends of the spectrum and still doesn’t do everything.
    I leave this doc*mentary with a tidbit from one of Apple’s heroes, Steve Wozniak. While at a computing convention primarily focused on robotics in California, I had the pleasure of listening in to an unplanned interview he had where a man asked him what he thought about Microsoft and Bill Gates. His reply was complimentary, but near the end, he said “I wish they built better computers”. The interviewer followed up with “but Steve, Microsoft doesn’t build computers.”
    His reply? “oh yeah, that’s right.”
    Typed from my iPhone….
    April 3, 2012 at 12:58 am
    Your comment needs to replace this article.
    April 3, 2012 at 9:04 pm
    Only two types who buy Macs: Wannabe nerdy-types” and “Wannabe hipster-types” – is that right?
    So we bought our first Macs in 1993 for color scanning and digital imaging (there were no Windows PCs then that managed color). We went on to use our Macs to create over 28,000 published illustrations for various national publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Scholastic Books, and New Yorker.
    So which group do we fall into?
    April 4, 2012 at 1:50 am
    @LARS J. Have you looked around every time you step into a store? Everyone uses PCs for their business. Seeing a handful of companies use macs and reading your story … it doesn’t impress me at all. Even if you watch that show “How It’s Made” every company uses PC. Even a lot of the machines that make our every day items are using Windows to program them.
    @RAWR. I was on vacation visiting family for the last couple weeks.
    April 4, 2012 at 3:09 pm
    Well, you bought in 93 and hope you used it for several years (say 5), that puts you into the loser group. at 95-98, windows 95/98 users can work (cad,spreadsheet,publish,paint) and play directx/opengl games. mac at the era dont even use opengl. so all work, no play makes lars a dull loser. being a real minority at probably 1% stats, you are not only a loser but lonesome loser. hey, you ask which group knowing very well you paid expensive for a no-thrill computer.
    April 4, 2012 at 8:51 pm
    April 5, 2012 at 12:18 am
    I never have Mac but only thing I know it’s true is Mac doesn’t offer any flexibility to user!
    April 5, 2012 at 8:50 am
    Yep. It’s impossible for a mac to get a virus.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:56 am
    It never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to pay $2000 for a 15″ Core i7 laptop with only 4 GB of RAM and 2 USB ports just because it’s aluminum and runs a customized version of Unix that has been rotting away for over a decade. The only thing Apple has done to OS X since it was first released is pack it full of useless features that few want and even fewer understand, like Versions and Launchpad. But what do you expect from a company that can’t even build a phone with a working antenna?
    Let me tell you, I may not be old, but I’ve been around long enough to have used every version of Windows and Mac OS since the early 90′s. I watched Apple as it grew, fell from glory, was bailed out, and made a comeback almost soley because of the iPod and iPhone. They fell behind in the desktop market back in the 90′s and, with the possible exception of OS X compared to Vista, they have never caught up since.
    Macs were a joke in the late 90′s and they’re a joke today. I *ssure you that Windows 7 beats Lion in almost every imaginable way. I use both regularly and there is simply no comparison — it makes Mac OS feel like a slow, outdated curiosity that’s trying to be more than the sum of its parts.
    April 5, 2012 at 8:30 pm
    I think the OSx vs Vista thing was blown out of proportion. Vista was not the problem that Apple made it out to be. There were some hardware vendor related driver issues and the change in interface threw the average user for a loop. I remember Apple making fun of the UAC, when OSx had their own UAC running since the early versions. The difference was that Vista shipped with it being restrictive out of the box and made it very easy to change to suit any situation.
    My parents crapped when they first used Vista on their new machine, all it took was for me to put it in cl*ssic mode and they have been using it for years without a single complaint. It was also a resource hog, but then again, it shipped on computers with resources. No matter, Win 7 solved that problem in a big way. I installed it on a 2002 Dell C610 laptop with 512 ram and a 30g drive and a P3 processor, gave it to my mother in law and it has been flawless for 2 years now.
    OSx is fine, if that is what you want it will work great, but there is no way that anyone can argue it was better as a whole than Vista. That is the fruits of Apple’s marketing and a major change in UI to a public who doesn’t take to change very well. Remember when XP was released? There were folks that had issue with that and it turned out to be a pretty solid OS for a long time.
    Folks will pay more for a Mac because they actually believe the Apple hype. I use mine, but it surely doesn’t deserve some sort of praise for being “better”. There are those that think it actually makes them different and that different means they are elite. Those are the same people that think Jobs was a genius. That because they own a Mac, everything Steve Jobs said was true. That nifty packaging and gay commercials make a better computer. Bottom line is that it is still just a computer. When people are using a mouse, keyboard and monitor and paying alot more for the same hardware, they ate really paying a premium to use OSx. I did the math on hardware costs and what it would cost to build a Windows laptop with the exact same config as my Pro running Lion. If my math is correct, I paid nearly 800 dollars to have a copy of Lion.
    A lot of money for a closed system with no upgrade path.
    April 5, 2012 at 9:34 pm
    who the eff says aluminium is heavier than steel? You have never lifted or possibly even seen either of the metals if you think that. Why are planes made of aluminium? Because it is light and strong. Why go with aluminium? Because it is light and strong….it doesn’t rust… stainless steal requires more processing to achieve, can still rust depending on the quality and is freaking way heavier than aluminium!
    April 6, 2012 at 12:26 am
    My mistake I looked further into it. I was wrong, Aluminum is lighter then steel. But Steel is stronger then Aluminum. As for rust you act like its in immediate danger of rust. I have ancient towers. (I collect old comps. [Don’t know if I said that before.]) And only a couple of them have rust. (One from 92 another from 97.)
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum.
    Planes are made from a combination of;
    1. Aluminum
    2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy
    3. Zinc
    4. Carbon Fiber
    5. Reinforced Plastic
    6. Fiber Gl*ss
    7. Kevlar
    8. Titanium
    9. Stainless Steel
    10. Inconel
    The order has no meaning.
    Also, Aluminum does rust, its just not called rust. By definition rust can only happen to Iron and Steel but Aluminum has its own equivalent of rust.
    I believe its just called Aluminum Oxide.
    April 6, 2012 at 3:08 pm
    d00d all metals are prone to oxidation and most pure metals oxidize at room temperature. aluminium’s “oxidation” protects itself from further oxidation damage, so the fact that it oxidizes is irrelevant to the fact that it doesn’t rust. rust is the perpetual oxidation seen in some iron based alloys and of course pure iron.
    as far as strength, weight to strength ratio aluminium is stronger than some steels, not all, and the same goes for the steels….some aluminium alloys are stronger. Planes can be made of just about any alloy, they choose aluminium because of it’s particular weight to strength ratio, not because it’s cheaper than steel. Also most PCs are made of plastic if you want to get into the cheap discussion, and I still think steel of any kind is a bad choice for a laptop shell…seriously
    April 6, 2012 at 3:11 pm
    *** I meant to say some steel alloys are stronger than aluminium ones***
    April 6, 2012 at 7:11 pm
    I have a PC and its made of Steel and Aluminum, where did you get plastic from? Only plastic part it on the front and that’s replaceable.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:13 pm
    “The aluminum-vs-steel, strength-vs-weight issue is one that is commonly misunderstood, especially among jib makers, sometimes even among engineers.
    The misconception arises from the partial truth that there are aluminum alloys that are as strong as, or stronger than, steel. It’s more accurate to say that there are some aluminum alloys that are stronger than some steel alloys.”
    April 6, 2012 at 7:33 pm
    Also PC may be made of plastic. But you act like its the same plastic that dollar store toys are made of.
    To be honest I don’t know why Laptops don’t have a Steel or Aluminum shell.
    It could be cost, heat issues. Rust is not a problem. Unless you plan on keeping your computer for more then 15 years and have it in a very humid climate.
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions. This is why Apple has a Plastic frame around their Aluminum ch*ssis.
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired.
    April 6, 2012 at 7:38 pm
    I don’t see where this misconception of ‘Apple has better hardware quality’ is coming from.
    People never seem to bring proof of this, and when they try to explain it they describe the ‘feel’, the ‘look’, and other emotionally inspired nonsense.
    Or when asked for proof they ignore the request or just stop commenting.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:12 pm
    The “Apple has better hardware quality” bs comes from apple commercials. Nothing else. apple users are so stupid they can’t do any research or back up anything they say.
    April 6, 2012 at 8:19 pm
    apple users can’t think for themselves. They listen to all the hype. Of course if you go to an apple store they will tell you apple is better.
    April 6, 2012 at 9:02 pm
    Excellent site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Many thanks!
    April 6, 2012 at 9:30 pm
    see I wasn’t talking about making a jib, I was talking about making a plane. And their is a good reason why they use aluminium,not because it is cheap, but because for what a plane needs for strength and weight, the aluminium alloy is strong enough and lighter than it would be if they used steel, so they save money in gas by making the plane lighter….
    April 6, 2012 at 9:44 pm
    and d***it i said most PC laptops are made of plastic, not all. it is dependant on the manufacturer. Sony loves to use aluminium for their shells. Go to Best Buy right now and you will see that the majority of the shells are made of plastic. You:
    “Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap. (PC MANUFACTURERS USE PLASTIC WHICH IS DEFINITELY CHEAPER THAN ANY METAL, SO WHAT!!)
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST)
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG)
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG)
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too(AT A BIG COST). Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong(ALUMINIUM IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS) but they go with the weak and heavy material(WRONG….BAD FACTS)? Make sense to you? (NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE)”
    It doesn’t make any sense to use steel, you want a light laptop not a steel beast. Stainless steel being more expensive doesn’t make it better…just harder to make. Aluminium is just the better choice for a laptop, you don’t have to do anything to it to keep it from rusting, its lighter, and although it doesn’t have a lot of lustre, it looks decent and since most PC’s use the much much cheaper alternative of a plastic shell, they can stand out against the plastic PC’s
    April 6, 2012 at 9:47 pm
    “Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired”
    Yes it can, but do you really want to sand, prime and put a clear top coat (or colour of your choice) your pc laptop shell? Then repeat this every time it gets scratched and starts rusting again…..jebus man
    April 6, 2012 at 10:02 pm
    steve’s on the money. most people who have an understanding of computer technology, and especially the process marketing that technology, will tell u that apple are actually selling u a badge/brand, not a new piece of groundbreaking, quality tech that has been rigorously tested and re-tested. why do u think the whole apple campaign has that “we’re carefree, edgy, dancing silhouettes on a pastel background” feel to it. i’ll tell u why… because they know that they have a sub-standard product that they know they have to aggressively push to get “sales momentum”, and in advertising if u cant use the specs to promote the product, then u have to resort to the ego, and thats how we end up with apple ads consisting of silhouettes of young people “dancing like no-ones watching”. U see, that whole “care-free” bit is the hook. young people see those ads and think its cool, and its these trend buyers who will go out and (or more often than not, make their parents) spend ridiculous amounts of dollars on a piece of tech without even researching the specs and seeing what other products are actually out there. and thats where we’re at with the iphone vs android debacle. Android is far and away the better piece of tech on all levels, yet u still see teens cuing up for the next iphone (which is pretty much no different from the last iphone)…actually, i think the last iphone had some issues with several screens exploding when taken on short flights (and i mean 45minute regional flights). substandard tech + cheap and crappy parts = kablooey…iphone…. the happy meal toy in a smart phone world. ; )
    April 6, 2012 at 10:17 pm
    “Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions”—-are you kidding me? have you ever seen bare steel in a humid environment? or shoot even steel that hasn’t been painted well that has been exposed to any elements. I have a small unpainted/treated aluminium fishing boat. For 40 years it has sat its happy *** in water, been rained on snowed on, scratched, kicked mistreated, and has shown little to no corrosion if this had been bare steel it wouldn’t even exist unless i had maintained constant care.
    “Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion resistance and its usage as one of the primary metals of commerce to the barrier oxide film that is bonded strongly to its surface and, that if damaged, re-forms immediately in most environments.
    On a surface freshly abraded and then exposed to air, the barrier oxide film is only 1 nm thick but is highly effective in protecting the aluminum from corrosion.
    The natural film can be visualized as the result of a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces-those tending to form compact barrier layer and those tending to break it down.”
    read around, you have to try to corrode aluminium, it needs a strong base or acid o do so along with some constant long term neglect to corrode aluminium, for the use of a laptop shell you would really have to mess something up to cause any substantial/noticeable corrosion…
    stop comparing aluminium with steel in regards to corrosion,they aren’t even on the same league let alone playing field
    April 6, 2012 at 11:35 pm
    Did you read any of my other comments?
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG) No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG) Depends on the grade. Some is heavier then Steel.
    You are obviously underestimating the quality of steel.
    “NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE” ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.
    All your saying depends on the grade of Aluminum and Steel. So we are both right and wrong. This argument will go no ware so I’ll end it here.
    April 7, 2012 at 1:04 am
    Aluminium is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    I know you aren’t talking about plastic but you said MAC people talk about the superiority of the product, you try to denounce by saying “why use aluminium in a product when its such a cheap metal” (paraphrasing) then you go on about how aluminium is cheaper, heavier, and weaker. although you are right in saying lbs for lbs steel is stronger, that doesn’t make it practical or better for a laptop!!! or anything computer related. So I say, aluminium is better than plastic (arguable), plastic is cheaper and has the appearance of lower quality than metal. PC’s use plastic which is extremely cheap, can be very fragile, has a vastly larger range of quality, and temperament with age and exposure to the sun causing weakness and brittleness in plastics when compared to commercial grade aluminium. Therefore aluminium is a sign of a higher quality construction compares to plastics (which most PCs use). You shouldn’t be basing any arguments that MACS aren’t quality products because they chose to make the shells of laptops out of aluminium.
    I can’t resist ignorant talk (you) so I come and tell you its not heavier (3X lighter actually) and that simply saying steel is stronger isn’t entirely the truth. then you go on about aluminium’s corrosion (couldn’t help but notice you didn’t respond to how wrong you were about that) which is more ignorance…
    I will concede this one point, steel is stronger.
    stainless steel does not easily corrode
    steel corrodes VERY easily (eg. cars, steel hardware, steel anything!!!!)
    aluminium is does not corrode easily (eg. macbook cases, sony cases, my aluminium boat, soda cans, aluminium foil….do you need more examples??)
    now for your “some aluminium alloys are heavier than steal”
    I can use your logic (as you used with the strength issue):
    “No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.”
    Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison:
    lowest grade steel is heavier than lowest grade aluminium highest grade aluminium is lighter than highest grade steel.
    Or I can use REAL logic:
    Aluminium is already 3X lighter than steel, you can’t make an alloy of aluminium (you say grade but you actually mean alloy. grade has do with purity of refined metal) denser than an alloy of steel unless you mix it with a metal that is denser than steel! and even then it would have to make up the majority of the alloy to overcome how light aluminium already is. Or unless you make a steel alloy with a metal greater than 3X less the density of steel, and again that metal would have to make up the majority of the alloy. Show me this alloy, then show me the practicality of its use. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN
    here you can see densities of metals and alloys and how hard it would be to make a steel alloy lighter than an aluminium one and vice versa and even if one did make such an alloy what is its practical use and does it have anything to do with PCs AND MACBOOKS!!!! lastly you are the king troll here keep up the good work
    April 7, 2012 at 3:45 pm
    Cool story bro.
    Moving on, or you still wanna shout some more?
    Ether way you are wrong, but idc anymore.
    Topic has gone to far off track, not gonna help you build a new station.
    April 7, 2012 at 3:50 pm
    I’m sure these people will enjoy your company.
    I didn’t look to hard, because I’m sure you already have one to ‘argue’ on.
    April 7, 2012 at 4:25 pm
    @RAWR. Took the words out of my mouth. Way off track.
    April 7, 2012 at 10:40 pm
    like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did….then you followed up with more ignorance….and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this? or are you too proud to admit it? you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else. you make me sad for humanity….off track or not
    April 7, 2012 at 11:23 pm
    Here is my composite list of ignorant things you have said that sucked me down to your level(all of which are wrong!):
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel–way to complicated to discuss here, but not really true
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel–effing really wrong…upon further research aluminium is one of the least dense metals
    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?—-this is my favorite
    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions—jesus this is so wrong i mean i thought it was common knowledge that steel rusts and for most uses aluminium doesn’t corrode at all
    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum—true but the parts that count are, so the metal must be pretty strong,light and rust proof
    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired–wow…anyway….unless the metal you use doesn’t rust
    No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel—again too complicated for you or me
    ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.—the irony is hilarious (see most of your posts and especially the ones above)
    if you re-read my original comment, that started this rant I just made fun of that fact that you said aluminium is cheap and heavier than steel because I thought it was common knowledge that aluminum is cheap because of it’s abundance not because of quality, and that it is lighter than steel. you followed with so much stupidity thereafter I feel like you just trolled me along…and i still do…or perhaps you are just stupid
    but truly am sorry for the topic change…i hate macs there…
    April 8, 2012 at 12:00 am
    I already admitted I was wrong about the weight. And how did I show any ignorance before this Aluminum thing? Why does this bother you so much? Is it because you know of nothing else but that?
    Pull the Aluminum stick out of your *ss and shut the f*ck up.
    I am not wrong about most of the post I put of Aluminum. If anything my source is to blame, It told me that Aluminum is heavy junk (As a joking example then it went in depth.)
    I don’t see how you proved me wrong on any of the other matters.
    I don’s see how getting the fact that under certain conditions Aluminum can be heavier then steel. I am not wrong about Aluminum being more corrosive then steel. It is YOU who does not want to admit that you are wrong. (If I am in fact wrong, again blame my sources as well as bring me substantial proof that you are right.)
    Also how does being wrong about one thing make my other statements ignorant?
    Still sounds like your the ignorant one here.
    I don’t need to see most of my post because I wrote them all. Again Ignorant people cant understand the truth. Ignorant people use their own logic.
    “Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison”
    “Or I can use REAL logic”
    I only know of one type of logic, there aren’t other forms. Just the Truth and a Lie. And if you see more then one, then you must be using the lie.
    Also I never made a density comparison.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:04 am
    “Also I never made a density comparison.”
    April 8, 2012 at 12:15 am
    “like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did”
    I was wrong really? Like with what? The weight of aluminum? Congratz you wasted time trying to dismantle my statement that I made a while ago and only managed to ‘prove’ me wrong on one point.
    “then you followed up with more ignorance”
    Really? How so? By stating facts I obtained from research?
    “and you are wrong about everything you said”
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel- Wrong
    I don’t think 1 out of 3 qualifies as everything.
    “and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this?”
    I cant see whats not there. Lend me your fog machine, so I can see what you see.
    “you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else.”
    Didn’t know one time was considered clutter. If once gets you this mad then I cant wait until you start on everyone else. Oh wait they didn’t talk about Aluminum…
    “you make me sad for humanity…”
    You make me sad too. Didn’t know someone could get so pissed off over something so small.
    April 8, 2012 at 12:22 am
    Here an award *Hands SRK an award* For knowing noting that was discussed on this topic other then Aluminum.
    April 8, 2012 at 1:28 am
    d*mnit man, read what i just wrote, i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight (i say the density because that is the right word not weight…which again points out more of your own ignorance). all you had to say was whoops im an idiot aluminum is the least dense metal used for commercial construction and support structures, and its not real a sign of cheap quality although it is cheaper to produce, and I would have shut the f*ck up. but you didn’t you continued to argue your stupid point the same as I did,
    as my last post points out, you continued with more and more and, still now, more stupidity and troll bait…the only thing im sad for in myself is getting trolled by an idiot like you, please please continue to wallow in your stupidity and reign as supreme king (queen?) troll and take the STEEL d*ldo that is in YOUR *SS and beat yourself over your head with it until your happy…if you want to call me out for obnoxious rants…your were right there toe to toe dancing with me the whole time, so you are talking about yourself as well.
    some more troll bait for you; here is why saying density is correct and weight isn’t:
    DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density *ssociated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the RELATIVE “heaviness” of objects with a CONSTANT VOLUME.
    so saying steel weighs more than aluminum isn’t technically correct(if you don’t like that go take an entry level college physics cl*ss), saying it is more dense is a more correct statement
    and again, i have no affinity for aluminum, i could give a f*ck less, i just know i got trolled by you…good day sir or ma’am
    April 8, 2012 at 1:52 am
    let me simplify
    your were wrong first about the weight/density and the implication that aluminum is a poor quality metal
    then about it being more corrosive than steel in humid conditions
    the rest is just semantics
    April 8, 2012 at 2:08 am
    ill do this thread a favour…
    Macs suck, they are overated overhiped overpriced and well marketed to tools who’s view of them using the coolest looking tech gadget is more important than the actual usefullness or value. They put out a mediocre product for an outrageous price.
    It took Windows along time to become a mature robust secure OS, but it is that. Their business model is also what allowed the market and world to become what it is today, everyone should thank bill for that. without the microsoft software license model, and their desire to only make a good OS not the entire computer, allowed for the hardware market to explode, it allowed for capitalism to flourish, and in the end created a more flexible, and customisable product.
    As opposed to the Apple model which closely guards and controls all of its software and hardware, preferring the proprietary model instead of the universal model, which windows used. It’s gimmicky and relatively useless features that is loves to boast are just that, useless. It should be no contest…windows ownz apple in just about every way except for d*******g appeal
    April 8, 2012 at 2:20 am
    the obvious downfalls to allowing hardware vendors to make the hardware as in the case with windows based PC’s is the driver issues….these are not actually windows problems rather, the hardware vendor’s for making a crappy driver. windows upgrades to make thing incompatible doesn’t help though. but the sacrifice is worth the capital reward, all your tech related jobs can probably be traced to the decision of windows staying out of the hardware business.
    In terms of quality of OS/hardware in macs and PCs, I think Macs put out a quality product in terms of life of hardware. With the PC, you have choice of manufacturer and some are better than others, but I have had an ASUS eeepc for two years, no issues with anything. I also own a tower that I ‘built’ and have had for for years, nothing, and must repeat nothing has broken, and it was a lot cheaper than the equivalent MBP. And even nothing broke, the stuff I wanted to upgrade, say, video card…I upgraded for 150 bucks, and 10 minutes of work to install. Instantly a better computer for games and graphics related processing. Can’t do that with a MAC….that’s all im saying
    April 8, 2012 at 2:23 am
    rawr! is it too late to say im sorry and forget this sh**
    April 8, 2012 at 3:27 am
    “i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight”
    I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t wrong about the planes. You implied they where made of nothing but aluminum I just corrected you.
    I’m not sure about the corrosion, if you have so much confidence that I’m wrong then please bring proof. Just your word, if that’s all that was needed then we are both right.
    You CAN fix rust, so I don’t know what you mean there. weight and density go hand and hand if something is dense it will most likely be heavy.
    I already admitted to being wrong about the weight when you first pointed it out, so I don’t see the problem.
    P.S. You done yet? ; )
    April 8, 2012 at 3:39 am
    Stopped being lazy, and looked more into the corrosion thing. My source was comparing Stainless Steel vs Aluminum.
    To be honest I didn’t even look that far into it.
    Anyway I was wrong about two things, you happy?
    You still over reacted, and are still being ignorant about the other things I was -by your standards- wrong about.
    April 8, 2012 at 4:55 am
    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!
    April 8, 2012 at 7:27 am
    Apple is likely known for blackboxing their products (ie, sealing them shut and making them hard to open/dis*ssemble accept by their own guys @ the Apple Store (But wait, the MBA is completely welded shut! Even Apple can’t open their own products!)
    Alright, now that we got that past, let’s get some !#/bin/sh straight.
    (Tooken from iFans forums, that came from a long way – It’s a long story.)
    pple is going to run-down their company and ruin the Mac as we know it. When Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, who knows what Apple will be doing by then. Changing the works, setting restrictions from their headquarters in Cupertino, to try to control what you can and can’t do, which will cause famous non-Apple apps on your Mac to stop working, such as:
    • CleanMyMac.
    • iStat Server.
    • Skype for Mac.
    • Microsoft Office + Office Suite 2011 (Well it will stay, but many features requiring system-level access may be revoked, it will be smacked-around by Apple, so to speak).
    All these apps will simply not run, because they are not ‘Apple Approved’ applications. Along with Mac OS X 10.8 +/10.9 / possible OS XI (11) coming out, they might be even more restricted. Here’s where the crap comes, it sounds crazy, but listen. Apple will may start encrypting all updates and use SSL for every transfer (they probably already do) due to ‘security’ of course, they may or may not starting locking the OS from external connection, e.g. A Windows PC can’t connect to a Mac via Network Shares, etc…
    Crap that may or may not happen:
    • • • Apple will seal off their Macs. I mean sure Modifying your computer is great, but really, why would you want to go to an Apple store anytime there is something wrong with your Mac, or you need to install new RAM and stuff? Only Apple-Approved RAM. Have you also heard about Apple screwing in and making batteries non-user replaceable? Well, that’s happened to the MacBook Air, the the original MacBook, hell, why not the MBP?
    • • • Terminal is a no-no! Yes, everyone LOVES the Terminal and Unix commands, I mean who does not? Every Unix/Linux nerd loves geeking with Unix! But Uh-Oh. Here comes Apple the king of their software. They’ve decided terminal is a no-no and Nobody wants them re-modding their Macs back to freedom of 3rd Party apps and free source. What happend to freedom anymore?
    • • • Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions, baby! Just like on the iPhone, iPod and all other iDevices, their devices will be fully-restricted and no external access to them will be allowed, heaven forbid we steal Apple’s source! Only Apps that are allowed here on Apple’s OSX, are iTunes/App Store Approved and installed ones, but the truth actually could be that 3rd party Apps are still allowed, but although, the bad side is that People will most likely upload these iTunes stolen apps up on uTorrent or something, then everybody who has a Mac could get a free, say; $50 App for free, say, (Just an example!) PhotoPro for Mac v.2.12, and you don’t have to pay, you just download and ‘click and drag’ to your Applications folder. No (App store) Apps will run on your Mac unless they are hooked with the same UUID, and aren’t blacklisted by Apple (yes, they can! see and having to use a restricted computer that can only do things the company wants it to do would be seriously terrible, Apple. (Microsoft already has Windows marketplace for Windows 8 Metro apps, so no biggy, right?). I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but I think Microsoft could try to do the same thing, and then we BOTH (Mac + PC) will have locked, worthless machines that can’t run 3rd-party software except what THEY allow, MOCKING the whole computer industry as we know it.
    April 8, 2012 at 7:00 pm
    “This is a good example of why people both hate and love apple products. The lovers go for the fact that Apple controls the end user experience right down to the final detail. The haters avoid for the very same reason.
    Personally, I feel that if someone purchases something, he should have the right to do with it whatever he likes so long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Apple obviously disagrees. The geek community is full of people who want to take their gadgets and play with them, not worrying about the manufacturers arbitrary limitations. Apples constant interference with this desire, as well as their sanctimonious “better then everyone else” attitude will continue to drive a wedge between users, and hamstring the innovation the claim to champion.”
    April 8, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    Making a laptop shell out of aluminum is not going to do anyone any good so it doesn’t matter. I actually like my acrylic unibody MacBook better than I do the aluminum pro. It isn’t going to hurt anything, but it isn’t anything to rave about. Computers are the perfect application for plastics. Some of which jaw lasted a very very long time. Most will certainly out last the machines life of use. I had the privilege of being *ssigned a new dell machine that is by far the best built portable I have ever seen. We are testing them for m*ss deployment and putting the enterprise image to the test on it. It has the same display as the 13″ MacBook but is meant to be docked at temp workstations and virtual office setups with external I/O components.
    The plastic it is made of will not fail and other makers are going to selling similar machines to keep up. The horsepower of this device is. No different than that of my corporate issues m4500, which has 12g of memory, 1tb storage and the 8 core intel. I have loaded VMware on this device and can run at least 4 separate machines before seeing a performance hit and that hit is barely an issue. No student is their right mind would choose any MacBook over this machine if they care about function, battery life, portability and appearance.
    Apple is going to thrive in the post pc or satellite device like tablets and phones, because they are the main player, they are the Microsoft of that arena. When the public starts getting in touch with this new breed of device, Apple is going to take an even bigger hit in the personal computing area. Sure, there are always going to be apple fans who will buy nothing else, even I will, but for those people on the fence who are limited by choice, they will have no doubts in their mind. Funny how all those Justin Long type commercials aren’t running anymore huh?
    April 8, 2012 at 10:27 pm
    I have been using mac products for about five years now and in general I am completely underwhelmed. The company’s media promotion strategy reminds me of P.T. Barnum’s brand of hucksterism. Their business stragegy smacks of elitism and the cr*ssest, most cynical type of upsell imaginable. But I am enamored of their iPad – for the most part they got that right. Here are some of the things I always say regarding my experiences with the Mac vs. the PC. First of all, I have a twelve year old PC tower currently running Windows XP. It has more than enough muscle to handle all the latest software. How??? a Mac user might wonder…well, baby, it’s not pressure sealed at the factory with underpowered memory and drives. It opens up with a regular screwdriver and there’s just tons of space in there and you just take yourself down to the PC mom and pop store in your neighborhood and for $25 you got yourself a butt load of extra memory, and you slide that puppy in all by your lonesome, no tools required, no expertise, your 6 year old or granny could manage it…and you’re good to go. I like to brag to all my Macbook user friends, who have forked over $2,000 for their fancy computers and will still require a thousand bucks worth of periferals and many days, months and even years waiting for the right software upgrades, fixes and patches- which still won’t work (not to mention the frequent expensive repairs). I have never needed to service the PC…except when the fan needed to be replaced because it had cat hairs in it and thus burned out, lol. I could have replaced it myself. A five to ten dollar part and a screwdriver is all that is required. When a Macbook fan burns out, it is about $250 if not more and takes a week to get back. I will have my 2000 PC for another ten years. It is built like a goddam TANK and has tons of expandable ports for components, as well as periferals which can actually be fit right into the tower. Soooo much room, so cheap, so easy, so reliable. PC’s are for proles! They are the real work horses. Oh, and when I am using a word program, cut and paste (the most frequently performed function) can be done in one flowing move, taking approximately one second, and one hand, with absolutely effortless precision. With the Mac, it takes two hands and roughly three or four seconds, plus there is much less control with the Mac and you can easily over and undershoot your destination, and basically slip and slide all around your text, there is no control. What takes one second on the PC, takes ten to fifteen seconds of painstaking frustration on the Mac. That is insane! And the Mac freezes up all the time when you want to do any sort of multitasking. Now, it is true, if I wanted to spend another $2000 for some fancy periferals to keep everything running, and put in some new shelves and get a huge bulky bag to tote all those drives and speakers and things around with me, I surely could do that. Or I could spend next to nothing

  660. Qwerty says:

    Quote, RAWR!, “Money on repairs? I have not once spent any money repairing my comp’s.”

    Yeah. Because you always have to buy a new one probably.

  661. RAWR! says:

    Lets say Windows 7 takes 60 sec to boot 40GB. While a Mac takes 40sec to boot 8GB. All on the same hardware.

    Now lets make this simple. Lets assume every 40sec OS X boots 8GB of data. So now lets see how long it will take OS X to boot 40GB of data.

    Windows 7 is booting 5x more data then OS X

    So just simply multiply OS X boot time by 5
    40×5=200 or 3minutes and 33 sec.
    Now if you do it in reverse it will take Windows 7 about 12 seconds to boot 8GB of system data.

    Or you can look at it like this.

    Windows 7 boots at a rate of 1GB every 1.5 sec
    OS X boots at a rate of 1GB every 5sec

  662. RAWR! says:

    As for Start up times. My PC takes about 37 Seconds to boot. What about shutdown? I have no idea when I shut down my PC I normally walk away.

    Also keep in mind that windows 7 is a 40GB OS while Mac is a 8GB OS.
    The fact that their boot times are even comparable just proves that OS X boot is slow.

  663. RAWR! says:

    Please excuse my grammar, I posted this well into the night and have a fever.

  664. RAWR! says:

    “8. Hey, Macs are PCs

    By which I mean that Leopard’s Boot Camp feature – and better yet the Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion virtualisation utilities – let you run Windows, and Windows applications, on a Mac.
    I’m listing this last because I ultimately see running Windows on a Mac as a last resort: it’s usually not necessary, and it degrades some of the other virtues of the Mac, such as protection from Windows security risks. But when it’s valuable, it’s really valuable.”

    Again even more ignorance. Windows cant run on Mac because of Apples ‘genus’ its because Microsoft was kind enough to build their OS on a Monolithic kernel, so it can run on ANY piece of hardware. When Apple applies their Lock downs they make sure that only the hardware they approve can run a Mac.

  665. RAWR! says:

    “7. The Apple Store’s Geniuses rock

    Buy a Mac, and you qualify for free in-person technical support from a patient rep with a deep knowledge of your system. I’ve had Geniuses do everything from reinstall my OS to replace broken keys on the spot.
    Microsoft has announced plans to train ‘Windows Gurus’ to provide similar customer care at other retailers; it’s worth trying, but there’s no way it’s going to replicate the Genius experience.
    There are simply too many PCs from too many companies running too many variations on Windows for any one person to be an expert on everything.”

    Each company has their own tech service for each of their PC models. If you can say Apple has better tech service because they have a ‘unique’ system. I can say I have better Tech service because each part of my system has its own technician. As well as My motherboard warranty that covers damage to itself and anything connected to it. So if my computer somehow breaks in the coming years, my warranty can give me even better parts, as the prices for individual PC parts goes down as newer ones come out.

    But personally I like to fix my computers myself if the need arises. You cant do that with your locked down or as Apple calls it ‘uni-body’ Mac.

  666. RAWR! says:

    “6. Apple is one of the world’s best software companies

    Forget about all those Macs, Apple iPods, and iPhones for a moment: Apple’s applications are useful, enjoyable, and innovative, from the iLife creativity suite (whose presence on every new Mac is in itself an argument for the platform) to industrial-strength tools such as Final Cut Pro.
    Most run only on OS X. (The Windows versions of iTunes, Safari, and QuickTime are okay, but Apple does its best work on its own operating system and hardware.)”

    As I said before most professionals use Linux based PC’s. For video editing and Animation.

    Again more ignorance claiming Apple stuff works better on Apple stuff with no solid proof. As well as claiming that Apple develops their own hardware.

    PC software does more then enough for me and if I need anything there is good Freeware out their for it, of if I want to spend a few bucks I can buy even better software.
    Main difference in software for PC and Mac, is that PC doesn’t force you to buy software. What about Pre-made junk? Well most outlets offer you the option to remove all that trash. For a mere $20 more. STILL cheaper then a Mac.

  667. RAWR! says:

    “5. Details count

    You can buy a perfectly pleasing Windows PC that matches a Mac’s CPU speed, RAM, hard-drive space, and other specs for a lot less money. But it won’t have an AC adaptor with hooks that let you wrap up the cord for travel, or a MagSafe connector that won’t get damaged if it’s accidentally yanked out of the computer.
    It won’t have an oversized touchpad with multitouch gestures that help you navigate through documents and around the web. And it will probably be heavier and bulkier than a comparable Mac.”

    1. PC can have way better specs then the best Mac and still cost almost half.
    2. All new Laptops have multi-touch touch pads. As for the size of the Pad, it varies depending on the manufacture.
    3. Apple likes to grab patents for everything they ‘invent’ so other computer companies cant use them. Effectively turning people to Mac’s for these small reasons. All Mac user’s I’ve talked to bring up these small aesthetic features when talking how they like Mac better. Do you really think Apple would want to lose those reasons? If PC had those too what would Apple brag about?

  668. RAWR! says:

    “4. Crud, or the lack thereof

    Windows is an infinitely better operating system when it isn’t smothered by the demoware, adware, and other unwantedware that so many PC manufacturers splay onto the Start menu, the desktop, and the System Tray.
    Macs are utterly free of such junk, as well as native-to-Windows irritations like word balloons burbling out of the System Tray, Windows Activation, and User Account Control.”

    I have none of those things. But I do admit pre-loaded crap is the most annoying part of any pre-made machine. As for word balloons, I like to know when something happens on my computer without my having to do anything. But if they are really that much of an eye sore then you can easily disable them.

    Simply Activate windows If you bought your own copy and/or built your own machine. If you bought a pre-made PC and windows is not Activated, you Sir got scammed.

    User Account Control is used to other people (Children, or even Mac users.) who use your computer, Cant break your system. But you can disable this as well. Hell the option to disable it comes up when the notification pops up.

  669. RAWR! says:

    “3. Who needs security headaches?

    If the internet’s bad guys ever decide to pummel OS X with the same intensity that they’ve pounded on Windows for years, the free ride for Mac fans may end. But for now, this fact is indisputable: a Mac owner who uses no security software at all runs less risk of being infected by spyware or a virus than a Windows user who obsessively protects his or her PC.”

    True but that’s what Anti-Virus and Firewall’s are for. If you get 2 experienced hackers and have them Hack a Mac and a PC the Mac will be broken into faster even if both have no security software. For Win 7 has less then 200 vulnerabilities, while Mac has over a whopping 1600 vulnerabilities.

    The last thing Mac users want is more Mac users.

  670. RAWR! says:

    “2. The joy of predictability

    Anyone who’s ever suffered the indignity known as a Kernel Panic knows that Macs aren’t bulletproof. But logging thousands of hours both on Windows PCs from multiple manufacturers and on Macs has convinced me that the average Mac is meaningfully less flakey than the average PC.
    In my experience Macs crash less, suffer from fewer inexplicable slowdowns, deal better with tight memory situations, and boot up and shut down quicker and more reliably. Also I suspect it doesn’t hurt that Apple is the only company in the business that writes its own operating system and designs its own hardware.”

    Lol, that one is just filled with ignorance. Mac does not design their own hardware they pay Intel and AMD for that. They just add their own ‘special’ touch. (OC lock-downs and other limitations.) Their OS is based off of Unix. Microsoft is the only one who develops their OS’s from scratch. Which is why Vista was a flop at start, they completely re-did the whole OS from the ground up. Made some mistakes then fixed them, then more then made up for their error with Win 7.

    Again I’ll say this. Only time my computer has ever crashed was when I OC’d the GPU to high and crashed my GPU effectively crashing my Comp. But Apple users wouldn’t know about OC now would they? So if in HIS experience PC crashes to much that just means hes ether biased or an idiot who downloads to much porn and believes every free offer he see’s.

  671. RAWR! says:

    Money on repairs? I have not once spent any money repairing my comp’s.

    “1. Macs are consistently consistent

    Windows Vista reminds me of a haunted mansion – they type of place with endless wings and far-flung rooms connected by twisty staircases and secret passages. And every time Microsoft does a redecorating job (also known as an upgrade), it moves some stuff around for no apparent reason.
    OS X’s logical, minimalist interface simply involves fewer things that must be learned and relearned, and Apple messes less with it in new releases such as Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Bottom line: it’s easier to get stuff done.

    That sounds like an insult to Mac’s to me, Also Vista had a bad start, it is a perfectly stable OS now. Just because something changes doesn’t mean its harder to use. I had this ignorant thought for a few years about Windows 7, but to my pleasure I was wrong. If you know XP or Vista Win 7 is about the same if not easier.

  672. Qwerty says:

    If you add up all the crap money you put into a PC, including headaches and repair bills, you’d be more wise to spend it on a mac

  673. George says:

    @Steve. For all I know, you are lying. You want to know my life? I am the guy who started YouTube. How about that. Or, I am the CEO of LEGO. Or, I am actually Steve Jobs’ grandson and am a millionaire off my share he gave me.

    Anyway. You are a retard when it comes to computers. All of your comments prove nothing. (Was iSheep supposed to be an insult?)

  674. Steve says:

    @GEORGE. What exactly do you mean get a life? I have a beautiful wife, a growing business, and I travel frequently. But somehow I don’t have a life because I prove you wrong or know more than you about computers. That’s hilarious.

  675. RAWR! says:

    Someone else was SOURLIME as well tho.

  676. RAWR! says:

    No. I am me,and SOURLIME no one else.

  677. random troll says:

    LOL at the fact the RAWR! = STEVE
    Get a life RAWR!/STEVE

  678. George says:

    I said EDITING. Your link was a good one. You proved your point well. As for you getting a life, I was speaking about After Effects. AE should not be used for editing. Premiere should.

    @ Steve: Maybe I was harsh on Rawr! he was helpful in one aspect. Maybe I should have told you to get a life…

  679. RAWR! says:

    And my link did not provide video editors?

    Someone needs to learn how to read.

    Last I checked movies like Transformers used 3D animations for allot of things. AE and A:M are not solely used for Animated movies.

    As for my life you know nothing about me. Also I am typing this, and I am not a bot or anything of the sort. So I obviously must be alive. Not sure what you are implying.

    “Rawr! You are so dumb. I said editors. Not After Effects or Animation. Get a life before you say you have one.”
    “Obviously it’s not Apple users who are immature and IGNORANT.”

    Well, well…

  680. Steve says:

    @GEORGE. What is with you isheep? If people prove you wrong you say get a life? If people know more than you than we must not have lives? That’s the only thing you isheep can say. “get a life” and “you must be poor because you can’t afford a mac”. I’ve already been through all that so I’m not going into detail. But shut the hell up already.

  681. George says:

    Rawr! You are so dumb. I said editors. Not After Effects or Animation. Get a life before you say you have one.

  682. RAWR! says:

    Well my 4th post vanished……

  683. RAWR! says:

    Here is a small list.

    There is also After Effects and Animation: Master.

    Also most professional Video Editors use Linux based PC’s.

  684. RAWR! says:

    Also your question was filled with immaturity and ignorance. So Irony?

  685. RAWR! says:

    Because we already covered that. Not gonna do it again because you are too lazy to read/skim comments.

  686. George says:

    You never answered my question. Obviously it’s not Apple users who are immature and IGNORANT.

  687. Steve says:

    Yeah, this board is ridiculous now. apple users only prove more and more how immature and ignorant they are.

  688. RAWR! says:

    Well this board has become a den of Trolls.

    I think I’m done here.

  689. torrent says:


  690. applehole says:

    a lot of Appleholes

  691. applehole says:

    alot of appplehole

  692. George says:

    1. I do a lot of video editing on my Mac. Years ago I started with iMovie which came with my Mac. Is there anything free that is as good as iMovie for a PC that is free? No. and don’t give me windows movie-maker because it is the worst piece of garbage that has ever come into existence besides a PC itself.

    2. Adobe Premiere is the only good thing to use on a PC for video editing. It costs a lot though and is not as good as Final Cut Pro. Why would any video editor switch to a machine that is totally lacking in what they need?

  693. A retard says:

    PCs are…. uhhhhh, just a sec…… oh, yes! PCs are…………. one moment…. it’s right up here, I know it…… Oh, YES! Now I have it! PCs are awesome! Or at least, thats what the loser guy on the street that has no money says….

  694. Sean says:

    ^^^^ Average PC user…

  695. Sean says:

    I had 6 PCs over the course of 15 years. I took very good care of them in every way. I didn’t overload them with trash and didn’t ask more of them than they are supposed to be able to do. They all costed around $700. I bought a Mac 5 years ago and it still runs fine and fast. It can do everything it says it can and I have never had a case of it shutting down or “the dreaded pinwheel.” Tell me again why Macs are better?

  696. A person says:

    @ A computer says:

    It already says “says” for you. You must be a PC.

  697. A computer says says:

    Stop fighting about computers. They all work. Get a life, better yet, get a job.

  698. BenSeawalker says:

    I agree with everything here, especially the one button mouse (Hey guys lets be different for the sake of being different) what idiot invented that? trying to figure out the window system has annoyed the hell out of me since day one. (had it for two months now and it still is completely incomprehensible) and why the hell doesn’t the close button actually close the program???????!!!!!!!!!!! my latest greatest mac book pro has crashed multiple times simply because of all the background processes!!!!!! I agree totally, Mac’s Suck

  699. RAWR! says:

    I thought trolls, troll for the interwebz? It’s interwebz btw idk where u got internet from.

    So wouldn’t the score be. Interwebz/Trolls: 1 Intelligence: 0?

  700. RAWR! says:



    @RAWR Well, we got you to reply to and complain about the troll, so I would say TROLLS: 1 INTERNET: 0

  702. RAWR! says:

    It you are gonna Troll please try harder. Your basic trolling is just painful to watch.

  703. Troll face says:

    Keep it up guys a computer is just a computer. A lot of fanboys out there acting like children Wahh pc is better and the other dude says Mac is better blah blah blah shut the fck up Acting like Little children well done guys keep it up we need our laughs

  704. The Internet Troll says:

    Thanks for the 2 years and 4 months worth of flame war!
    Keep it up guys, we trolls need our laughs. :D

  705. ... says:

    By the way, I was just being stupid about coming back to check who contradicted you. Yes, that’s what you are supposed to do. Don’t worry, I’m just being weird…. again.

  706. ... says:

    Sure, sure… let’s see, can I make up another random fact…? Ahah! Yes! Macs can fly you to wherever you want to be in 3.2 seconds. Top that!

  707. Steve says:

    Contradicting? Basically this whole board is a debate. So now we can’t debate or its contradicting? apple users come on here and act like little children and make up random facts. PC users tell straight facts.

  708. ... says:

    Well, “Steve” the real one. Just because one person is acting weird, doesn’t mean everyone is. A typical PC user is one who always comes back to a website like this and checks to see who contradicted him so that he can yell at him.

  709. Steve says:

    ^^^ Not the real Steve. Typical apple users.

  710. Steve says:

    Just kidding, I love Macs! All those people that say Macs are useless (as I have just given an example of) are IDIOTS! RAWR! is a fanboy!

  711. Steve says:

    macs are useless. If anyone got a PC for free there are endless things you can do on it. Why the hell would I keep a mac?

  712. Steve says:

    @WHAT IF

    Want to know something funny? I got a mac for free and guess what I did? I used it for a day and sold it. Go figure.

    So RAWR could easily sell or throw it away if he got one for free.

  713. Fanboy hater says:

    Definition of a fanboy: RAWR!

  714. ME says:

    @ RAWR!

    Yes you would, I know you would and you know you would and everyone else knows you would. Don’t be dumb.

  715. RAWR! says:

    @WHAT IF

    I wouldn’t own a Mac even if it was for free.

  716. Non-Fanboy says:

    1. This article was written Dec. 12, 2009. Too long ago to trust.

    2. Everyone should use PCs and Macs. Both are good, both work, and working with both keeps job opportunities open. Preferences are fine, just keep them to yourself. I have a preference, but I keep it to myself. I hope it doesn’t kill any of you to follow.

  717. geralt says:

    macs will not suck if the (fanboys) users ain’t actin like having an apple logo in the ass made ’em like superior species and other platforms like chimp-sis-in-law.

    macs should be produced like any other pc (which the components and hardware qualities are substantially the same) and not ripping off of people arse. admit that nothing special about it.
    if matter of the OS’s,it’s stupid to argue ’cause people adapt to different situations and experience (it’s subjective case). ones can get used to use windows first and the otherwise apply.

    apple is patent hag, and ms are the same(with a little more freedom).
    –difference is windwos swarmed the market, and devs (,hacks, and pirates) are more interested in that.

    you could troll on till bill gates die ore WW3 comes. stop fuckin’ arround!

    either you had an apple shoved in the ass or dick hangin’ on windows,
    get out of here and
    get a religion!

    or find yourselves a real pair of tits!

  718. Luke says:


    You are able to customize a Mac, it is, yes, slightly harder, but it can be done. Don’t whine that it can’t be done. Also, the main reason why people love Macs is because they know what they are getting. With PCs, the average person can’t tell what computer is best for him. PCs are fine. It’s just that Apple has made a company that tells you in simple words what you are getting and they make sure it works. If it doesn’t, they fix it. It is so much harder to get a PC fixed/replaced by the company that made it then it is an Apple product.

  719. What if says:

    I read it all buddy. And a ton of other articles. :) You would still buy it. I promise.

  720. RAWR! says:

    Also (Correct me if I am wrong.) Windows was a Business class company until they released Windows ME, and it was only till Windows XP that they started taking user input to heart.

  721. RAWR! says:

    @WHAT IF?

    You obviously read NOTHING on this board.

    “AHAHA: please post your internet-facing IP address, and we’ll see how secure you are.”

    Why don’t you do the same? He didn’t say his computer was impenetrable, He’s saying its far more secure then a Mac. Which is a fact.

    Cant seem to find the page or my post with the link, but if I remember correctly, Apple has over 1600 security vulnerabilities while Windows 7 has less than 200.

  722. Oh, yeah. says:

    Look at this. PCs are about as streamlined as PC users! A brick!

  723. What if? says:

    If all the Apple products dropped down to the price of other products, I promise each and every one of you PC users would buy the stuff! You are all whining about the price!

  724. D-d-d-duh! says:

    PCs are Macs. PC stands for PERSONAL COMPUTER!

  725. Dopey joe is his name says:

    Give us the facts or at least the resources of the facts of why macs have the least secure products and software. Until then, you are your name. I agree with, “A smart person” though mostly.

  726. dopeyjoe says:

    //My system is completely secure, far more secure than any apple product. Additionally, experts (not idiotic mac children) have explained multiple times, WITH actual facts, that apple produces the least secure products and software of ANYONE.//

    AHAHA: please post your internet-facing IP address, and we’ll see how secure you are.

  727. A smart person says:

    Why does everyone hate each other over computers?!? Everyone should be comfortable using both.

  728. rockinrolla says:

    holly hell. after years, this posts are still rolling.guess old man Jobs didn’t bring the battle to his grave.
    sometimes ago i might have a theory that “PC owned by the users, while Mac owned the users”. i might wrong.
    i did’nt have grudge to either mac-fans or win-fans. i respect people choices. i am myself a win+ubuntu (desktop) user. i admit every platform has it flaws.
    after little observations, i learned that some people (not everyone) buy mac because it was cute, disregard what the’re gonna do with it. then after growing some brains and “get used” to it, they become geniuses and learned that mac’s sucks. so they throw’em macs and buy windows.
    but some other user that “found” the uses of mac are still hold into it and i can respect that. (no offense)
    well, thats only in my retard hypothesis.

    === nothing is true, and everything’s permitted===

  729. srk says:

    Flashback is a nasty malware program that has infected 600,000 MAC computers, possibly stealing all of their passwords(hahahaha). It targeted all platforms via java but MACS got hit the worst because they were the slowest to update their sh**. Windows and Linux patches were applied almost immediately via ORACLE….oh silly mac users, welcome to the real world

  730. srk says:

    this is too perfect for this blog: I must first say I understand this is actually a flaw in java, not mac OSX however it shows the truth about MACs and their current security posture…..overconfident, slow to react, and security through obscurity…looks like we didn’t learn anything from the years of windows’ mistakes:
    Here’s how Apple’s silence on security contributes to the problem:

    Apple doesn’t allow Oracle to patch Java. The latest round of malware could have been avoided with faster patching. Since Apple likes to control its patching it is often behind. The window of exposure on the Mac platform is longer. The easy fix here is to let Oracle do the patching.

    Apple has a rudimentary antivirus update utility that’s updated with signatures only when there’s a big enough threat. Apple knew about Flashback, which has been pointed out by security researchers, but didn’t ship an update.

    Apple users have no idea if they are infected and don’t know how to search. Why would they know? Apple has told them there are no viruses on the Mac. This false sense of security is the primary reason Apple needs to start talking. Apple users are smug about security.

    Anti-virus vendors can’t provide protection to the Mac because users don’t think they are needed.

  731. AHAHA says:

    It’s funny how all the mac bitches have probably provided a decent adsense return because of their whining and bitching.

    I actually make real art and it doesn’t come from any apple product, that’s for damn sure. I’m not talking about PS/AE presets and garageband loops. Real art and real compositions that actually earn money.

    Additionally, there isn’t a single apple product that provides even half of the potential compute power that I use daily. You little intel/apple shits have so much to learn.

    I build my own machines, they are all completely stable and often at 100% usage across many, many physical cores for several days at a time when I’m rendering complex scenes or calculations. I also download whatever I want (but I know what I’m downloading)and never get maleware, spyware or viruses.

    I haven’t had a windows virus in many years either. No additional firewalls or anti-virus is necessary. Only sense, which must not be all that common. My system is completely secure, far more secure than any apple product. Additionally, experts (not idiotic mac children) have explained multiple times, WITH actual facts, that apple produces the least secure products and software of ANYONE.
    The only problems with windows come from incompetent users. Mac users, by definition, are incompetent.

    Go suck some more dick mac bitches. Though, your mouths are already full.

  732. SAMWISE says:

    None of you guys really get the PC vs MAC thing, do you? I was a PC guy for years and when I was going to Grad School, I had very (emphasis on very) few requirements. I wanted something light-weight so that I could easily carry around. I wanted something with enough battery life so that I can work sitting anywhere and work without having to worry about a power outlet. I wanted something reliable enough that I can basically forget about its maintenance for the next 3 years. Let me tell you guys, I DID NOT WANT to buy a mac. Because my budget was such that I either get a macbook pro or get a pc+DSLR. And you know what, I chose the Mac. There is simply NO PC/Laptop there which meets these simple/basic requirements. And don’t give me the argument that I am an ‘arts’ guy who doesn’t do techie stuff. I use R/Matlab and am a mathematical programmer. And as much as I wanted a DSLR, I don’t regret making the change to macs. My MacPro has simply proven so reliable. Occasional crashes yes, extra software charge, yes. But the peace of mind I have with the utterly reliable battery life and hardware is unparalleled. And I don’t care for OSX vs Windows as I use Bootcamp for windows-only softwares.

  733. srk says:

    couldn’t have said it better myself

  734. leslielandberg says:

    I have been using mac products for about five years now and in general I am completely underwhelmed. The company’s media promotion strategy reminds me of P.T. Barnum’s brand of hucksterism. Their business stragegy smacks of elitism and the crassest, most cynical type of upsell imaginable. But I am enamored of their iPad – for the most part they got that right. Here are some of the things I always say regarding my experiences with the Mac vs. the PC. First of all, I have a twelve year old PC tower currently running Windows XP. It has more than enough muscle to handle all the latest software. How??? a Mac user might wonder…well, baby, it’s not pressure sealed at the factory with underpowered memory and drives. It opens up with a regular screwdriver and there’s just tons of space in there and you just take yourself down to the PC mom and pop store in your neighborhood and for $25 you got yourself a butt load of extra memory, and you slide that puppy in all by your lonesome, no tools required, no expertise, your 6 year old or granny could manage it…and you’re good to go. I like to brag to all my Macbook user friends, who have forked over $2,000 for their fancy computers and will still require a thousand bucks worth of periferals and many days, months and even years waiting for the right software upgrades, fixes and patches- which still won’t work (not to mention the frequent expensive repairs). I have never needed to service the PC…except when the fan needed to be replaced because it had cat hairs in it and thus burned out, lol. I could have replaced it myself. A five to ten dollar part and a screwdriver is all that is required. When a Macbook fan burns out, it is about $250 if not more and takes a week to get back. I will have my 2000 PC for another ten years. It is built like a goddam TANK and has tons of expandable ports for components, as well as periferals which can actually be fit right into the tower. Soooo much room, so cheap, so easy, so reliable. PC’s are for proles! They are the real work horses. Oh, and when I am using a word program, cut and paste (the most frequently performed function) can be done in one flowing move, taking approximately one second, and one hand, with absolutely effortless precision. With the Mac, it takes two hands and roughly three or four seconds, plus there is much less control with the Mac and you can easily over and undershoot your destination, and basically slip and slide all around your text, there is no control. What takes one second on the PC, takes ten to fifteen seconds of painstaking frustration on the Mac. That is insane! And the Mac freezes up all the time when you want to do any sort of multitasking. Now, it is true, if I wanted to spend another $2000 for some fancy periferals to keep everything running, and put in some new shelves and get a huge bulky bag to tote all those drives and speakers and things around with me, I surely could do that. Or I could spend next to nothing, FIND a discarded PC, throw in some cheap upgrades and free shareware and be good to go. And I sneezed on my brand new Mac and the keyboard fried out on one side. That would have been a $150 fix and a week in the shop….Cheap s**t!

  735. TechnoJedi says:

    Making a laptop shell out of aluminum is not going to do anyone any good so it doesn’t matter. I actually like my acrylic unibody MacBook better than I do the aluminum pro. It isn’t going to hurt anything, but it isn’t anything to rave about. Computers are the perfect application for plastics. Some of which jaw lasted a very very long time. Most will certainly out last the machines life of use. I had the privilege of being assigned a new dell machine that is by far the best built portable I have ever seen. We are testing them for mass deployment and putting the enterprise image to the test on it. It has the same display as the 13″ MacBook but is meant to be docked at temp workstations and virtual office setups with external I/O components.

    The plastic it is made of will not fail and other makers are going to selling similar machines to keep up. The horsepower of this device is. No different than that of my corporate issues m4500, which has 12g of memory, 1tb storage and the 8 core intel. I have loaded VMware on this device and can run at least 4 separate machines before seeing a performance hit and that hit is barely an issue. No student is their right mind would choose any MacBook over this machine if they care about function, battery life, portability and appearance.

    Apple is going to thrive in the post pc or satellite device like tablets and phones, because they are the main player, they are the Microsoft of that arena. When the public starts getting in touch with this new breed of device, Apple is going to take an even bigger hit in the personal computing area. Sure, there are always going to be apple fans who will buy nothing else, even I will, but for those people on the fence who are limited by choice, they will have no doubts in their mind. Funny how all those Justin Long type commercials aren’t running anymore huh?

  736. RAWR! says:

    “This is a good example of why people both hate and love apple products. The lovers go for the fact that Apple controls the end user experience right down to the final detail. The haters avoid for the very same reason.

    Personally, I feel that if someone purchases something, he should have the right to do with it whatever he likes so long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. Apple obviously disagrees. The geek community is full of people who want to take their gadgets and play with them, not worrying about the manufacturers arbitrary limitations. Apples constant interference with this desire, as well as their sanctimonious “better then everyone else” attitude will continue to drive a wedge between users, and hamstring the innovation the claim to champion.”

  737. Apple Welds em shut (BLACKBOX) says:

    Apple is likely known for blackboxing their products (ie, sealing them shut and making them hard to open/dis*ssemble accept by their own guys @ the Apple Store (But wait, the MBA is completely welded shut! Even Apple can’t open their own products!)

    Alright, now that we got that past, let’s get some !#/bin/sh straight.

    (Tooken from iFans forums, that came from a long way – It’s a long story.)

    pple is going to run-down their company and ruin the Mac as we know it. When Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, who knows what Apple will be doing by then. Changing the works, setting restrictions from their headquarters in Cupertino, to try to control what you can and can’t do, which will cause famous non-Apple apps on your Mac to stop working, such as:

    • CleanMyMac.
    • iStat Server.
    • Skype for Mac.
    • Microsoft Office + Office Suite 2011 (Well it will stay, but many features requiring system-level access may be revoked, it will be smacked-around by Apple, so to speak).

    All these apps will simply not run, because they are not ‘Apple Approved’ applications. Along with Mac OS X 10.8 +/10.9 / possible OS XI (11) coming out, they might be even more restricted. Here’s where the crap comes, it sounds crazy, but listen. Apple will may start encrypting all updates and use SSL for every transfer (they probably already do) due to ‘security’ of course, they may or may not starting locking the OS from external connection, e.g. A Windows PC can’t connect to a Mac via Network Shares, etc…
    Crap that may or may not happen:

    • • • Apple will seal off their Macs. I mean sure Modifying your computer is great, but really, why would you want to go to an Apple store anytime there is something wrong with your Mac, or you need to install new RAM and stuff? Only Apple-Approved RAM. Have you also heard about Apple screwing in and making batteries non-user replaceable? Well, that’s happened to the MacBook Air, the the original MacBook, hell, why not the MBP?

    • • • Terminal is a no-no! Yes, everyone LOVES the Terminal and Unix commands, I mean who does not? Every Unix/Linux nerd loves geeking with Unix! But Uh-Oh. Here comes Apple the king of their software. They’ve decided terminal is a no-no and Nobody wants them re-modding their Macs back to freedom of 3rd Party apps and free source. What happend to freedom anymore?

    • • • Restrictions, Restrictions, Restrictions, baby! Just like on the iPhone, iPod and all other iDevices, their devices will be fully-restricted and no external access to them will be allowed, heaven forbid we steal Apple’s source! Only Apps that are allowed here on Apple’s OSX, are iTunes/App Store Approved and installed ones, but the truth actually could be that 3rd party Apps are still allowed, but although, the bad side is that People will most likely upload these iTunes stolen apps up on uTorrent or something, then everybody who has a Mac could get a free, say; $50 App for free, say, (Just an example!) PhotoPro for Mac v.2.12, and you don’t have to pay, you just download and ‘click and drag’ to your Applications folder. No (App store) Apps will run on your Mac unless they are hooked with the same UUID, and aren’t blacklisted by Apple (yes, they can! see and having to use a restricted computer that can only do things the company wants it to do would be seriously terrible, Apple. (Microsoft already has Windows marketplace for Windows 8 Metro apps, so no biggy, right?). I’m not trying to be stereotypical here but I think Microsoft could try to do the same thing, and then we BOTH (Mac + PC) will have locked, worthless machines that can’t run 3rd-party software except what THEY allow, MOCKING the whole computer industry as we know it.

  738. underbed storage boxes says:

    Good day! I could have sworn I’ve been to this website before but after checking through some of the post I realized it’s new to me. Nonetheless, I’m definitely happy I found it and I’ll be bookmarking and checking back often!

  739. RAWR! says:

    Stopped being lazy, and looked more into the corrosion thing. My source was comparing Stainless Steel vs Aluminum.

    To be honest I didn’t even look that far into it.

    Anyway I was wrong about two things, you happy?

    You still over reacted, and are still being ignorant about the other things I was -by your standards- wrong about.

  740. RAWR! says:

    “i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight”

    I have nothing to be sorry for. I wasn’t wrong about the planes. You implied they where made of nothing but aluminum I just corrected you.

    I’m not sure about the corrosion, if you have so much confidence that I’m wrong then please bring proof. Just your word, if that’s all that was needed then we are both right.

    You CAN fix rust, so I don’t know what you mean there. weight and density go hand and hand if something is dense it will most likely be heavy.

    I already admitted to being wrong about the weight when you first pointed it out, so I don’t see the problem.

    P.S. You done yet? ; )

  741. srk says:

    rawr! is it too late to say im sorry and forget this sh**

  742. srk says:

    the obvious downfalls to allowing hardware vendors to make the hardware as in the case with windows based PC’s is the driver issues….these are not actually windows problems rather, the hardware vendor’s for making a crappy driver. windows upgrades to make thing incompatible doesn’t help though. but the sacrifice is worth the capital reward, all your tech related jobs can probably be traced to the decision of windows staying out of the hardware business.

    In terms of quality of OS/hardware in macs and PCs, I think Macs put out a quality product in terms of life of hardware. With the PC, you have choice of manufacturer and some are better than others, but I have had an ASUS eeepc for two years, no issues with anything. I also own a tower that I ‘built’ and have had for for years, nothing, and must repeat nothing has broken, and it was a lot cheaper than the equivalent MBP. And even nothing broke, the stuff I wanted to upgrade, say, video card…I upgraded for 150 bucks, and 10 minutes of work to install. Instantly a better computer for games and graphics related processing. Can’t do that with a MAC….that’s all im saying

  743. srk says:

    ill do this thread a favour…
    Macs suck, they are overated overhiped overpriced and well marketed to tools who’s view of them using the coolest looking tech gadget is more important than the actual usefullness or value. They put out a mediocre product for an outrageous price.
    It took Windows along time to become a mature robust secure OS, but it is that. Their business model is also what allowed the market and world to become what it is today, everyone should thank bill for that. without the microsoft software license model, and their desire to only make a good OS not the entire computer, allowed for the hardware market to explode, it allowed for capitalism to flourish, and in the end created a more flexible, and customisable product.

    As opposed to the Apple model which closely guards and controls all of its software and hardware, preferring the proprietary model instead of the universal model, which windows used. It’s gimmicky and relatively useless features that is loves to boast are just that, useless. It should be no contest…windows ownz apple in just about every way except for d*******g appeal

  744. srk says:

    let me simplify
    your were wrong first about the weight/density and the implication that aluminum is a poor quality metal
    then about it being more corrosive than steel in humid conditions

    the rest is just semantics

  745. srk says:

    d*mnit man, read what i just wrote, i listed all the comments that you made that were ignorant, about the planes, about the corrosion, about being able to fix rust, the weight (i say the density because that is the right word not weight…which again points out more of your own ignorance). all you had to say was whoops im an idiot aluminum is the least dense metal used for commercial construction and support structures, and its not real a sign of cheap quality although it is cheaper to produce, and I would have shut the f*ck up. but you didn’t you continued to argue your stupid point the same as I did,
    as my last post points out, you continued with more and more and, still now, more stupidity and troll bait…the only thing im sad for in myself is getting trolled by an idiot like you, please please continue to wallow in your stupidity and reign as supreme king (queen?) troll and take the STEEL d*ldo that is in YOUR *SS and beat yourself over your head with it until your happy…if you want to call me out for obnoxious rants…your were right there toe to toe dancing with me the whole time, so you are talking about yourself as well.

    some more troll bait for you; here is why saying density is correct and weight isn’t:

    DENSITY is a physical property of matter, as each element and compound has a unique density associated with it. Density defined in a qualitative manner as the measure of the RELATIVE “heaviness” of objects with a CONSTANT VOLUME.

    so saying steel weighs more than aluminum isn’t technically correct(if you don’t like that go take an entry level college physics class), saying it is more dense is a more correct statement

    and again, i have no affinity for aluminum, i could give a f*ck less, i just know i got trolled by you…good day sir or ma’am

  746. RAWR! says:

    Here an award *Hands SRK an award* For knowing noting that was discussed on this topic other then Aluminum.

  747. RAWR! says:

    “like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did”

    I was wrong really? Like with what? The weight of aluminum? Congratz you wasted time trying to dismantle my statement that I made a while ago and only managed to ‘prove’ me wrong on one point.

    “then you followed up with more ignorance”
    Really? How so? By stating facts I obtained from research?

    “and you are wrong about everything you said”
    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel- Right
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel- Wrong

    I don’t think 1 out of 3 qualifies as everything.

    “and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this?”

    I cant see whats not there. Lend me your fog machine, so I can see what you see.

    “you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else.”

    Didn’t know one time was considered clutter. If once gets you this mad then I cant wait until you start on everyone else. Oh wait they didn’t talk about Aluminum…

    “you make me sad for humanity…”

    You make me sad too. Didn’t know someone could get so pissed off over something so small.

  748. RAWR! says:

    “Also I never made a density comparison.”


  749. RAWR! says:

    I already admitted I was wrong about the weight. And how did I show any ignorance before this Aluminum thing? Why does this bother you so much? Is it because you know of nothing else but that?

    Pull the Aluminum stick out of your ass and shut the f**k up.

    I am not wrong about most of the post I put of Aluminum. If anything my source is to blame, It told me that Aluminum is heavy junk (As a joking example then it went in depth.)

    I don’t see how you proved me wrong on any of the other matters.

    I don’s see how getting the fact that under certain conditions Aluminum can be heavier then steel. I am not wrong about Aluminum being more corrosive then steel. It is YOU who does not want to admit that you are wrong. (If I am in fact wrong, again blame my sources as well as bring me substantial proof that you are right.)

    Also how does being wrong about one thing make my other statements ignorant?
    Still sounds like your the ignorant one here.

    I don’t need to see most of my post because I wrote them all. Again Ignorant people cant understand the truth. Ignorant people use their own logic.

    “Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison”
    “Or I can use REAL logic”
    I only know of one type of logic, there aren’t other forms. Just the Truth and a Lie. And if you see more then one, then you must be using the lie.

    Also I never made a density comparison.

  750. srk says:

    Here is my composite list of ignorant things you have said that sucked me down to your level(all of which are wrong!):

    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel–way to complicated to discuss here, but not really true

    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel–effing really wrong…upon further research aluminium is one of the least dense metals

    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?—-this is my favorite

    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions—jesus this is so wrong i mean i thought it was common knowledge that steel rusts and for most uses aluminium doesn’t corrode at all

    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum—true but the parts that count are, so the metal must be pretty strong,light and rust proof

    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired–wow…anyway….unless the metal you use doesn’t rust

    No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel—again too complicated for you or me

    ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.—the irony is hilarious (see most of your posts and especially the ones above)

    if you re-read my original comment, that started this rant I just made fun of that fact that you said aluminium is cheap and heavier than steel because I thought it was common knowledge that aluminum is cheap because of it’s abundance not because of quality, and that it is lighter than steel. you followed with so much stupidity thereafter I feel like you just trolled me along…and i still do…or perhaps you are just stupid

    but truly am sorry for the topic change…i hate macs there…

  751. srk says:

    like I said i couldn’t help dismantle your ignorant thoughts when you expressed them the way you did….then you followed up with more ignorance….and you are wrong about everything you said….how are you so stupid that you don’t see this? or are you too proud to admit it? you have cluttered this forum with more useless sh** (and a lot of wrong sh**) more than anybody else. you make me sad for humanity….off track or not

  752. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Took the words out of my mouth. Way off track.

  753. RAWR! says:


    I’m sure these people will enjoy your company.

    I didn’t look to hard, because I’m sure you already have one to ‘argue’ on.

  754. RAWR! says:

    Cool story bro.

    Moving on, or you still wanna shout some more?

    Ether way you are wrong, but idc anymore.

    Topic has gone to far off track, not gonna help you build a new station.

  755. srk says:

    Aluminium is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.

    I know you aren’t talking about plastic but you said MAC people talk about the superiority of the product, you try to denounce by saying “why use aluminium in a product when its such a cheap metal” (paraphrasing) then you go on about how aluminium is cheaper, heavier, and weaker. although you are right in saying lbs for lbs steel is stronger, that doesn’t make it practical or better for a laptop!!! or anything computer related. So I say, aluminium is better than plastic (arguable), plastic is cheaper and has the appearance of lower quality than metal. PC’s use plastic which is extremely cheap, can be very fragile, has a vastly larger range of quality, and temperament with age and exposure to the sun causing weakness and brittleness in plastics when compared to commercial grade aluminium. Therefore aluminium is a sign of a higher quality construction compares to plastics (which most PCs use). You shouldn’t be basing any arguments that MACS aren’t quality products because they chose to make the shells of laptops out of aluminium.

    I can’t resist ignorant talk (you) so I come and tell you its not heavier (3X lighter actually) and that simply saying steel is stronger isn’t entirely the truth. then you go on about aluminium’s corrosion (couldn’t help but notice you didn’t respond to how wrong you were about that) which is more ignorance…

    I will concede this one point, steel is stronger.
    stainless steel does not easily corrode
    steel corrodes VERY easily (eg. cars, steel hardware, steel anything!!!!)
    aluminium is does not corrode easily (eg. macbook cases, sony cases, my aluminium boat, soda cans, aluminium foil….do you need more examples??)

    now for your “some aluminium alloys are heavier than steal”
    I can use your logic (as you used with the strength issue):
    “No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.”

    Here is how I apply your ‘logic’ with the density comparison:
    lowest grade steel is heavier than lowest grade aluminium highest grade aluminium is lighter than highest grade steel.

    Or I can use REAL logic:
    Aluminium is already 3X lighter than steel, you can’t make an alloy of aluminium (you say grade but you actually mean alloy. grade has do with purity of refined metal) denser than an alloy of steel unless you mix it with a metal that is denser than steel! and even then it would have to make up the majority of the alloy to overcome how light aluminium already is. Or unless you make a steel alloy with a metal greater than 3X less the density of steel, and again that metal would have to make up the majority of the alloy. Show me this alloy, then show me the practicality of its use. YOU ARE WRONG AGAIN

    here you can see densities of metals and alloys and how hard it would be to make a steel alloy lighter than an aluminium one and vice versa and even if one did make such an alloy what is its practical use and does it have anything to do with PCs AND MACBOOKS!!!! lastly you are the king troll here keep up the good work

  756. RAWR! says:

    Did you read any of my other comments?

    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST) I wasn’t talking about plastic.
    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG) No it is not wrong. Lowest grade Aluminum is weaker then lowest grade Steel, highest grade Aluminum is weaker then higher grade Steel.
    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG) Depends on the grade. Some is heavier then Steel.

    You are obviously underestimating the quality of steel.

    “NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE” ignorant people normally cant understand anything other then their own opinion so its understandable.

    All your saying depends on the grade of Aluminum and Steel. So we are both right and wrong. This argument will go no ware so I’ll end it here.

  757. srk says:

    “Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions”—-are you kidding me? have you ever seen bare steel in a humid environment? or shoot even steel that hasn’t been painted well that has been exposed to any elements. I have a small unpainted/treated aluminium fishing boat. For 40 years it has sat its happy *** in water, been rained on snowed on, scratched, kicked mistreated, and has shown little to no corrosion if this had been bare steel it wouldn’t even exist unless i had maintained constant care.

    “Aluminum owes its excellent corrosion resistance and its usage as one of the primary metals of commerce to the barrier oxide film that is bonded strongly to its surface and, that if damaged, re-forms immediately in most environments.
    On a surface freshly abraded and then exposed to air, the barrier oxide film is only 1 nm thick but is highly effective in protecting the aluminum from corrosion.

    The natural film can be visualized as the result of a dynamic equilibrium between opposing forces-those tending to form compact barrier layer and those tending to break it down.”

    read around, you have to try to corrode aluminium, it needs a strong base or acid o do so along with some constant long term neglect to corrode aluminium, for the use of a laptop shell you would really have to mess something up to cause any substantial/noticeable corrosion…

    stop comparing aluminium with steel in regards to corrosion,they aren’t even on the same league let alone playing field

  758. brutal truth says:

    steve’s on the money. most people who have an understanding of computer technology, and especially the process marketing that technology, will tell u that apple are actually selling u a badge/brand, not a new piece of groundbreaking, quality tech that has been rigorously tested and re-tested. why do u think the whole apple campaign has that “we’re carefree, edgy, dancing silhouettes on a pastel background” feel to it. i’ll tell u why… because they know that they have a sub-standard product that they know they have to aggressively push to get “sales momentum”, and in advertising if u cant use the specs to promote the product, then u have to resort to the ego, and thats how we end up with apple ads consisting of silhouettes of young people “dancing like no-ones watching”. U see, that whole “care-free” bit is the hook. young people see those ads and think its cool, and its these trend buyers who will go out and (or more often than not, make their parents) spend ridiculous amounts of dollars on a piece of tech without even researching the specs and seeing what other products are actually out there. and thats where we’re at with the iphone vs android debacle. Android is far and away the better piece of tech on all levels, yet u still see teens cuing up for the next iphone (which is pretty much no different from the last iphone)…actually, i think the last iphone had some issues with several screens exploding when taken on short flights (and i mean 45minute regional flights). substandard tech + cheap and crappy parts = kablooey…iphone…. the happy meal toy in a smart phone world. ; )

  759. srk says:

    “Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired”

    Yes it can, but do you really want to sand, prime and put a clear top coat (or colour of your choice) your pc laptop shell? Then repeat this every time it gets scratched and starts rusting again…..jebus man

  760. srk says:

    and d***it i said most PC laptops are made of plastic, not all. it is dependant on the manufacturer. Sony loves to use aluminium for their shells. Go to Best Buy right now and you will see that the majority of the shells are made of plastic. You:

    “Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap. (PC MANUFACTURERS USE PLASTIC WHICH IS DEFINITELY CHEAPER THAN ANY METAL, SO WHAT!!)

    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel (PLASTIC IS THE CHEAPEST)

    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel (WRONG)

    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel (WRONG)

    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too(AT A BIG COST). Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong(ALUMINIUM IS THE PERFECT SOLUTION FOR THIS) but they go with the weak and heavy material(WRONG….BAD FACTS)? Make sense to you? (NO YOU DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE)”

    It doesn’t make any sense to use steel, you want a light laptop not a steel beast. Stainless steel being more expensive doesn’t make it better…just harder to make. Aluminium is just the better choice for a laptop, you don’t have to do anything to it to keep it from rusting, its lighter, and although it doesn’t have a lot of lustre, it looks decent and since most PC’s use the much much cheaper alternative of a plastic shell, they can stand out against the plastic PC’s

  761. srk says:

    see I wasn’t talking about making a jib, I was talking about making a plane. And their is a good reason why they use aluminium,not because it is cheap, but because for what a plane needs for strength and weight, the aluminium alloy is strong enough and lighter than it would be if they used steel, so they save money in gas by making the plane lighter….

  762. kid bed sheets says:

    Excellent site you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of community where I can get suggestions from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Many thanks!

  763. Steve says:

    apple users can’t think for themselves. They listen to all the hype. Of course if you go to an apple store they will tell you apple is better.

  764. Steve says:

    The “Apple has better hardware quality” bs comes from apple commercials. Nothing else. apple users are so stupid they can’t do any research or back up anything they say.

  765. RAWR! says:

    I don’t see where this misconception of ‘Apple has better hardware quality’ is coming from.

    People never seem to bring proof of this, and when they try to explain it they describe the ‘feel’, the ‘look’, and other emotionally inspired nonsense.

    Or when asked for proof they ignore the request or just stop commenting.

  766. RAWR! says:

    Also PC may be made of plastic. But you act like its the same plastic that dollar store toys are made of.

    To be honest I don’t know why Laptops don’t have a Steel or Aluminum shell.

    It could be cost, heat issues. Rust is not a problem. Unless you plan on keeping your computer for more then 15 years and have it in a very humid climate.

    Also I believe Aluminum is more prone to corrosion then steel under humid and wet conditions. This is why Apple has a Plastic frame around their Aluminum chassis.

    Despite what you believe Rust can be stopped and repaired.

  767. RAWR! says:

    “The aluminum-vs-steel, strength-vs-weight issue is one that is commonly misunderstood, especially among jib makers, sometimes even among engineers.

    The misconception arises from the partial truth that there are aluminum alloys that are as strong as, or stronger than, steel. It’s more accurate to say that there are some aluminum alloys that are stronger than some steel alloys.”

  768. RAWR! says:

    I have a PC and its made of Steel and Aluminum, where did you get plastic from? Only plastic part it on the front and that’s replaceable.

  769. srk says:

    *** I meant to say some steel alloys are stronger than aluminium ones***

  770. srk says:

    d00d all metals are prone to oxidation and most pure metals oxidize at room temperature. aluminium’s “oxidation” protects itself from further oxidation damage, so the fact that it oxidizes is irrelevant to the fact that it doesn’t rust. rust is the perpetual oxidation seen in some iron based alloys and of course pure iron.

    as far as strength, weight to strength ratio aluminium is stronger than some steels, not all, and the same goes for the steels….some aluminium alloys are stronger. Planes can be made of just about any alloy, they choose aluminium because of it’s particular weight to strength ratio, not because it’s cheaper than steel. Also most PCs are made of plastic if you want to get into the cheap discussion, and I still think steel of any kind is a bad choice for a laptop shell…seriously

  771. RAWR! says:

    My mistake I looked further into it. I was wrong, Aluminum is lighter then steel. But Steel is stronger then Aluminum. As for rust you act like its in immediate danger of rust. I have ancient towers. (I collect old comps. [Don’t know if I said that before.]) And only a couple of them have rust. (One from 92 another from 97.)

    Also planes aren’t solely made out of Aluminum.

    Planes are made from a combination of;
    1. Aluminum
    2. Aluminum-Copper Alloy
    3. Zinc
    4. Carbon Fiber
    5. Reinforced Plastic
    6. Fiber Glass
    7. Kevlar
    8. Titanium
    9. Stainless Steel
    10. Inconel

    The order has no meaning.

    Also, Aluminum does rust, its just not called rust. By definition rust can only happen to Iron and Steel but Aluminum has its own equivalent of rust.

    I believe its just called Aluminum Oxide.

  772. srk says:

    who the eff says aluminium is heavier than steel? You have never lifted or possibly even seen either of the metals if you think that. Why are planes made of aluminium? Because it is light and strong. Why go with aluminium? Because it is light and strong….it doesn’t rust… stainless steal requires more processing to achieve, can still rust depending on the quality and is freaking way heavier than aluminium!

  773. TechnoJedi says:

    I think the OSx vs Vista thing was blown out of proportion. Vista was not the problem that Apple made it out to be. There were some hardware vendor related driver issues and the change in interface threw the average user for a loop. I remember Apple making fun of the UAC, when OSx had their own UAC running since the early versions. The difference was that Vista shipped with it being restrictive out of the box and made it very easy to change to suit any situation.

    My parents crapped when they first used Vista on their new machine, all it took was for me to put it in classic mode and they have been using it for years without a single complaint. It was also a resource hog, but then again, it shipped on computers with resources. No matter, Win 7 solved that problem in a big way. I installed it on a 2002 Dell C610 laptop with 512 ram and a 30g drive and a P3 processor, gave it to my mother in law and it has been flawless for 2 years now.

    OSx is fine, if that is what you want it will work great, but there is no way that anyone can argue it was better as a whole than Vista. That is the fruits of Apple’s marketing and a major change in UI to a public who doesn’t take to change very well. Remember when XP was released? There were folks that had issue with that and it turned out to be a pretty solid OS for a long time.

    Folks will pay more for a Mac because they actually believe the Apple hype. I use mine, but it surely doesn’t deserve some sort of praise for being “better”. There are those that think it actually makes them different and that different means they are elite. Those are the same people that think Jobs was a genius. That because they own a Mac, everything Steve Jobs said was true. That nifty packaging and gay commercials make a better computer. Bottom line is that it is still just a computer. When people are using a mouse, keyboard and monitor and paying alot more for the same hardware, they ate really paying a premium to use OSx. I did the math on hardware costs and what it would cost to build a Windows laptop with the exact same config as my Pro running Lion. If my math is correct, I paid nearly 800 dollars to have a copy of Lion.

    A lot of money for a closed system with no upgrade path.

  774. Gibbs says:

    It never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to pay $2000 for a 15″ Core i7 laptop with only 4 GB of RAM and 2 USB ports just because it’s aluminum and runs a customized version of Unix that has been rotting away for over a decade. The only thing Apple has done to OS X since it was first released is pack it full of useless features that few want and even fewer understand, like Versions and Launchpad. But what do you expect from a company that can’t even build a phone with a working antenna?

    Let me tell you, I may not be old, but I’ve been around long enough to have used every version of Windows and Mac OS since the early 90’s. I watched Apple as it grew, fell from glory, was bailed out, and made a comeback almost soley because of the iPod and iPhone. They fell behind in the desktop market back in the 90’s and, with the possible exception of OS X compared to Vista, they have never caught up since.

    Macs were a joke in the late 90’s and they’re a joke today. I assure you that Windows 7 beats Lion in almost every imaginable way. I use both regularly and there is simply no comparison — it makes Mac OS feel like a slow, outdated curiosity that’s trying to be more than the sum of its parts.

  775. MacSuck says:

    I never have Mac but only thing I know it’s true is Mac doesn’t offer any flexibility to user!

  776. semen says:

    Well, you bought in 93 and hope you used it for several years (say 5), that puts you into the loser group. at 95-98, windows 95/98 users can work (cad,spreadsheet,publish,paint) and play directx/opengl games. mac at the era dont even use opengl. so all work, no play makes lars a dull loser. being a real minority at probably 1% stats, you are not only a loser but lonesome loser. hey, you ask which group knowing very well you paid expensive for a no-thrill computer.

  777. Steve says:

    @LARS J. Have you looked around every time you step into a store? Everyone uses PCs for their business. Seeing a handful of companies use macs and reading your story … it doesn’t impress me at all. Even if you watch that show “How It’s Made” every company uses PC. Even a lot of the machines that make our every day items are using Windows to program them.

    @RAWR. I was on vacation visiting family for the last couple weeks.

  778. Lars J says:

    Only two types who buy Macs: Wannabe nerdy-types” and “Wannabe hipster-types” – is that right?

    So we bought our first Macs in 1993 for color scanning and digital imaging (there were no Windows PCs then that managed color). We went on to use our Macs to create over 28,000 published illustrations for various national publishers such as McGraw-Hill, Scholastic Books, and New Yorker.

    So which group do we fall into?

  779. RAWR! says:


    Your comment needs to replace this article.

  780. TechnoJedi says:

    As a long time user of every platform available, I can speak to some of this lifetime long argument. I currently own a late 2009 MacBook and a newer Pro running Snow Leopard and Lion. To add, I own one Linux device and 5 Windows 7 devices, 3 of which are x64 and the other two are x32 machines I upgraded to win7.

    I will leave my Linux thoughts out of this because it is more a utility to me than anything. I have seen the growth of both Apple and the PC based devices over the last 30 years, starting as a 14 year old with a father that was heavy into computing before having a computer at home was possible.

    The author has a lot of truth in his post, most of the things he mentioned have been a nuisance to myself and others at one time or another. I won’t get into every detail, but from a high level over the years I have come to know for a fact that the second Apple releases anything, it is far more expensive than comparable PC offerings. That is hard fact and cannot be argued. The thing is, Apple is at war with many makers, that use similar hardware, many times newer and more powerful. Those companies rely on Windows and once they have their OEM license, they brand it and add their own touches to it, which often turns out to be useless and even annoying. Sure, there might be a cool add in once in a while, but I am the guy that buys a PC, takes it out of the box and wipes the drive so I can load Windows on it clean, in it’s pure form.

    I do this because I have learned that in the past, running a make like Dell, HP or Sony will eventually fail in some way or under perform due to “bloat ware”. I can promise this, that any PC with a retail load of straight Windows will be every bit as stable if not more than any Mac which is packaged with the software that Apple designed to work with their hardware. MS is genius, Billy boy made his OS work on EVERYTHING, somehow while maintaining the mistakes by the idiot who uses it. No, you don’t typically need to ever mention the word “driver ” with a Mac, but then again, it was delivered as a packaged deal. Of course you don’t need anything like that, if MS built a computer of their own, it would be perfection, but that is not their business. So MS is relying on PC makers to build decent products so that the end user isn’t sitting there blasting Windows all day for something they didn’t even build. Throw in that guy who thinks he is a PC builder and MS is really sticking their neck out.

    But this is 2012, these days, a child can throw a Win7 disk in the drive and the chances are, that thing is going to work with minimal configuration. I built one machine, a nasty one to serve as the do all, video, music, mass storage, gaming, doc building device that be upgraded, restored and serve me for years. It was built with the cream of the cream hardware with money as no object and that system ran me a whopping 1100.00. Much less than my Pro and a little less than my MacBook with max memory and HD. I personally know OSx well enough that I can figure out a way to pretty much do everything on a Mac that my PCs do, but the problem is that I find myself having to figure out a way, rather than it just happening. It wasn’t always that way, but for a system that is supposed to be so robust, it is indeed the case.

    I think more people have problems with the smugness of the Mac “fanboy” more than they do the actual machine. Or the attack marketing, where Justin Long mentions a problem that is typically present in any computing platform like it doesn’t exist with a Mac. For all the folks here that argue the author isn’t truthful, there sure is a lot of BS coming from the Apple camp about the product MS offers. Many of the very things Apple uses as ammo are things they can’t avoid their own product from doing.

    Viruses? Malware? With 2 kids and a tech challenged wife, my home hasn’t seen a virus or anything malware like for years, not a single instance on any of the machines. They use them all, yet not a problem to be found. Fact is, aside from my 8 year old letting her Dell battery drain all the time and having it shut down, we haven’t had a single crash either. I cannot say the same for my MacBook, which once in a while presents me with ” you need to power off” and a frozen screen. That is rare, but it happens. Justin Long tells you it won’t though, then he tells you how the PC does while the Mac is so superior.

    To me, it is the image Apple tries to portray that annoys me more than anything. I truly enjoy using my computers, the Apple products I have owned the past 27 years have been great, but so have the PCs. These devices can do amazing things considering the cost. It is an awesome time to be able to see all of it grow. Every user is going to have a preference and no one wants to be told that they spent their hard earned money on an “inferior” product. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Function is found by needs and desire. These days, we are all getting the best of both. Maybe Apple will open up a little in the future, a lot of that was Steve Jobs and his very stubborn way of saying “I am going to give people what I want and people are going to like it” attitude. My favorite all around computer is my MacBook, running Win7 x64 under boot camp. Traveling with it solves a lot of problems, but that took creation from both ends of the spectrum and still doesn’t do everything.

    I leave this documentary with a tidbit from one of Apple’s heroes, Steve Wozniak. While at a computing convention primarily focused on robotics in California, I had the pleasure of listening in to an unplanned interview he had where a man asked him what he thought about Microsoft and Bill Gates. His reply was complimentary, but near the end, he said “I wish they built better computers”. The interviewer followed up with “but Steve, Microsoft doesn’t build computers.”

    His reply? “oh yeah, that’s right.”

    Typed from my iPhone….

  781. RAWR! says:

    “Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.
    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.”


    Perfect example of the majority of Mac users.

  782. Marc says:

    Apple products are clearly premium products.
    They are designed and fabricated to an exceptional standard.

    Not everyone is destined to own the best on the market and that is why flee markets exist for the rest of the pc people.

  783. Ryan says:


  784. Meh says:

    You can’t fall for “delete System 32” on a Mac.
    But other than that… meh

  785. RAWR! says:

    Unfortunately I didn’t start burning my time here until JJ left, or died, or whatever happened to him.

    I’m just wondering what happened to Steve. Also congrats(?) to WOW for staying here so long. People like Tucansam, and Redline would of caved by now and made an exit with some petty comment.

  786. Cheese says:

    In this comment I’ll give the three reasons I don’t use a Mac.

    It seems that pretty much everyone agreed in the earlier comments that Windows was the gaming OS. I think this still holds true today. I do love my games, so that’s been the main thing keeping me with Windows.

    I honestly don’t have a ton of experience on Macs. Most of what I know is through what I’ve read online. I did use a Macbook fairly recently and enjoyed the way the Spaces worked. I was first exposed to the Virtual Desktops feature when messing around with Ubuntu. I later tried out a few pieces of Windows freeware, but it wasn’t quite as good to me. I think the way the Spaces work on a Mac are probably better than what I saw on Ubuntu. However, the thing that really impressed me was the multi-touch gestures you could use to navigate the Spaces. I liked the idea of separating navigation from the keyboard. While keyboard shortcuts weren’t difficult to use to change desktops, I liked the 3-finger-flick much better.

    I say all this about Virtual Desktops because that’s another thing keeping me from leaving Windows right now. That might seem strange at first, but I’m waiting to see what Windows 8 has to offer. They seem to be going all out with touchscreen interfacing and related technologies. This makes me think that Windows should be getting on board with all the multi-touch gestures and related features. I really liked that 3-finger-flick virtual desktop setup on Macs, so Windows 8 better have something similar or better…

    So the first thing keeping me on Windows is gaming. Something Windows has that Mac doesn’t. The second thing is something Mac has and Windows doesn’t… but Windows may have in the not too distant future. The third thing keeping me with Windows is something I can’t stand about Macs, particularly Macbooks. There’s no right button! I’ve complained about this lack of a feature with Macs to a few people, and they start telling me of all these ways I can do a right click. There’s no way it’s as efficient using any of those methods as it is physically clicking the right button.

    I haven’t used anything but a laptop touchpad for a few years now. I mentioned that I like gaming. One particular game I like is World of Warcraft. Pretty much everyone knows what this game is or has heard about it. I played that game with a touchpad, and it would be near impossible to do the same thing with an Apple trackpad.

    1. Click the bottom right side of the trackpad – If you click right where right clicks start registering, you don’t always get a right click. To ensure a right click, you need to click a little further to the right. This means your finger has to travel further to do a right click. Also, the entire trackpad moves when you click, so that interferes a tad with the regular left clicking. This method just seems really clunky.

    2. Tap with two fingers – I’ve always hating anything that used tapping on a touchpad. The first thing I do when I use a new touchpad is turn off “tap to click”. I find you’re much more likely to have misclicks when tapping. It’s just too inconsistent compared to clicking an actual button.

    On top of the problems with tapping itself, there’s no way to drag with the right click tap. I was told I could drag a left click by double tapping with one finger. Something like that may exist for the right click dragging. Waiting for this double tap to register so I can drag the cursor is just absurd.

    3. Hold CTRL and click – Holding one button down while clicking another button can never be equal to or better than clicking a single button. Even though it’s not hard, you’re now using two hands to do something a single finger should be able to do.

    On top of the added complexity, this method screws you up when you need your left hand for clicking keys while you use the right clicks. When playing a game like World of Warcraft, you are constantly clicking many keys with the left hand. Often times, the keys you’re clicking are used in conjunction with the CTRL key itself. Now things get really complicated.

    I have yet to see what I think is a valid reason for the trackpad not having a right click button. Yes, when you’re not doing something as intensive as gaming, the trackpad right click options are feasible. However, I feel like I’m downgrading in technology by using the trackpad for my right clicks. I thought newer technology was supposed to bring greater efficiency and ease of use. Not having a right button seems backwards to me.

    When software stops requiring right clicks to do things, I’ll stop worrying about a right click. Until then, I can’t stand not having a specific button for right clicking.

  787. Cheese says:

    I read quite a few comments at first, but then I started noticing just how many there were on this page. Once I started scrolling down, I then realized again just how long ago this article and many comments were written. So after skimming for a bit, I just went straight to the bottom.

    Did JJ turn into Rawr? I noticed JJ stopped commenting and Rawr kind of picked up with his sarcastic comments.

    As I was reading through this article, I found myself chuckling out loud. I don’t think I have yet to read an article that was quite as cynical and sneering. I found the combination of the satire with the slight truths in the arrogant claims to be quite humorous. I think there was a poster near the beginning that said something about the satire (Raven something or another). I think a good number of people are taking this thing too seriously.

    There were four types of comments I saw over and over.
    1. People would try to argue every point made in the article with super detailed, lengthy explanations. Usually this was shrugged off by JJ with a short, sarcastic comment. Other times he’d take the time to respond with more detail, usually still involved sarcasm.

    2. People would insult the author’s behavior by acting in the same exact insulting fashion.

    3. People would put a combination of cussing, all caps, spamming, and whatever else to tell every putting up comment to stop arguing and to shut up. Usually these comments would say something about the author or everyone having no life. The only reason all these people exist is to argue over something stupid like computers.

    I think to myself, “This person is taking the time to argue with people that have no lives… over the issue of arguing about something pointless?”

    4. Finally there were the people with negative Mac experiences that would agree with the author. They usually received high fives from JJ.

    Those were my impressions of this article and the following comments. Now I’ll respond to a couple of the points made in the article.

    1. I thought this was pretty funny. I get this sort of impression of Mac users all the time. Keep in mind that most of my experience with Mac (and its users) comes from online. Typically I see these people through articles, blogs, forums, etc. Mac vs Windows arguments come up constantly in these venues. From my experiences, quite a hefty percentage of Mac users that take the time to put their opinions on the internet are:

    1) Wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world
    2) Wannabe hipster-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable (read: trendy and/or “not trendy”) they are about everything in general

    2. I don’t think the brand name is worth quite as much as what Apple slaps on the price tags. Although, if one day I decide Windows isn’t doing it for me anymore, I don’t think the price will slow me down too much from purchasing a Mac.

    6. I’ve never really liked that dock thing. I think it’s a bit obnoxious.

    8. I’ve always been wary of the limitations I’d have being on a Mac exclusively. I’ll likely have a Windows machine if I ever do get a Mac, so it shouldn’t be too big a deal.

    10. I’m generally one to favor as much configuration as possible to get things how I like them. That’s actually something that’s drawn me toward some Linux distros, but they seem to take too much time to get simple things accomplished.

  788. mark says:

    while at bestbuy…

    overheard a salesman telling customer, if you are careful you dont need antivirus like on windows. mac dont get virus, they only get trojan. wtf. once there is a risk of compromizing a system via a trojan, you already need an antivirus. i mean is like you dont get a,b,c… (std) by sleeping with him, but you only get z by sleeping with him. why not use protection? but sadly, choice of protection is very little on mac since security powerhouses are focusing first defences on win platform dedicating secondary resources on mac like everything else in life – flash, java, games, drivers, browsers, printers all seems to run better on the primary platform windows. so please dont try to kid the rest of the world with your nonsense.

    tried the imac 27 inch. doesnt do it for me. first, global menu is a waste of mouse motion especially with a small apps like calculator.
    compounding to problem, mouse acceleration is slow compared to win/linux. please do not suggest 3rd party software to change acceleration. going that route, we might as well install a 3rd party software to remove global menu. ubuntu hack firefox to use global menu does not do it for me neither. i am using a 22″ monitor. so on larger screen, i reckon local menus are better for me.

    not to start a war, but i hate excessive mouse movements. at the end of TIRED day of working, i dont want to drag a file from one corner of large screen to a trash icon. i dont want to use keyboard shortcuts to cut and paste, etc. i want to LIBERATE my left hand for a cup of coffee and use right hand to right-mouse click to delete files. is that too hard for mac users to understand.

    everytime you tell a mac user you cant used feature x, they will tell you can use the other extra limb to do feature x by pressing button y+z. very typical of mac users.
    you tell them one thing, they will tell you another way which is more involving (extra limb and 2 finger gymnastic). eg. i hate min,max,close button on left. mac users will tell you – who uses it anymore? – cmd +x.
    or flash is a no-show on ipad, html5 is the future. but i live in present, half the websites videos dont work without flash. compounding the problem html5 video is divided to h264 for ie,safari, and theora,webm for the others. fragmentation is gonna hampered adoption.

    third scrolling a webpage using safari is sluggish compared to scrolling with firefox on linux and windows. i know it is not same browser. not my computer, cant install anything in bestbuy. but i thought safari is the premiere browser on mac.

    to recap, not impressed other than Aesthetics exterior and interior (icons are beautiful). to me pc all the way. ubuntu is gone for me too. global menu and top left buttons

  789. RAWR! says:

    Again I ask, Why Aluminum? I can only think because its cheap.

    Aluminum is cheaper then Steel

    Aluminum is Weaker then Steel

    Aluminum is Heavier then Steel

    If Apple claims to only have the best of the best. Why go Aluminum? Rust proof? Steel can be rust proof too. Their main focus on the Mac Book Air is light and strong but they go with the weak and heavy material? Make sense to you?

    And why get Intel CPU’s but then AMD GPU’s. Its been proven that NVIDIA cards work better with Intel, rather then AMD. And AMD is cheaper then NVIDIA.

    So why does this company who boasts to have the best computers in the world, always pick the cheap option.

  790. RAWR! says:

    From J_Sparrow:
    This may be a bit of a troll….
    Check this page out :- apple,com/why-mac/
    Apple outrageous statement 1:-
    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”
    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?
    Apple outrageous statement 2:-
    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”
    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.
    Apple outrageous statement 3:-
    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”
    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??
    Apple outrageous statement 4:-
    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”
    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….
    Apple outrageous statement 5:-
    “Its compatible with stuff”
    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.
    Apple outrageous statement 6:-
    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”
    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”
    Apple outrageous statement 7:-
    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”
    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.
    Best Apple Statement:-
    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”
    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…

  791. RAWR! says:

    From J_Sparrow:


    This may be a bit of a troll….

    Check this page out :-

    Apple outrageous statement 1:-

    “the Apple mac is designed to be a better computer”

    My question… A better computer then what? a circa 2005 PC?

    Apple outrageous statement 2:-

    “It comes with software you’ll love to use”

    My counter statement; well, my brother went to work abroad and he got a free apple mac from the place he works, he can not stand it and is going to spend £1000 on a normal PC rather then use the £1100 apple mac the gave him for free. He said the software is hopless for what he wants to do, and it freezes for upto 20minutes a time with no reason or error often.

    Apple outrageous statement 3:-

    “It comes with the worlds most advanced OS”

    Really? its that much better then windows 7? how, and who ‘measured’ this to work out it was ‘most advanced’??

    Apple outrageous statement 4:-

    “It runs office and works with your existing PC files”

    So hang on a minute? I’m confused, It uses traditional PC software right? Kind of like a PC does….

    Apple outrageous statement 5:-

    “Its compatible with stuff”

    “stuff”…. seriously, “stuff”?!?! You can can plug things in and they work, my PC can do that and 9 times out of 10 i dont have to use an install disc or anything, Windows 7 sorts everything out for me.. So again, it does what a PC has been doing for decades.

    Apple outrageous statement 6:-

    “It doesn’t get PC viruses”

    Well PC’s don’t get mac viruses but read this Quote from an artical in ‘the inquirer’
    “Tyler Reguly, a senior security research engineer with Ncircle told the newnewinternet that if you take a look at the two platforms, and the mindsets of the companies behind them, then the Windows PC wins hands down. He said that the Mac ships with more exploitable vulnerabilities already on a system when it is delivered. Further, Eric Johanson, a security researcher pointed out that the Mac OS X has far more published vulnerabilities per user than Windows.
    However Apple is also actually more insecure because of the attitude of its customers. A computer’s security, if it exists, is only as good as the user. Unfortunately in the case of the Mac the user is a smug, technologically illiterate person who believes they are invulnerable because they use a Mac. Such people randomly press buttons, visit sites that sensible people don’t and download things carelessly because Apple’s marketing tells them they are safe.”

    (full artical here […] re-windows )

    Apple outrageous statement 7:-

    “It’s loaded with the latest technology, {snip}… powerful graphics bring the latest 3D games to life..”

    this is a lie, kind of proves how dumb apple mac customers are if they buy one to play games with.

    Best Apple Statement:-

    “It runs Windows and Windows applications”

    Oh, hang on, why would anyone want to run windows on it if it comes with the most advanced operating system already installed….. BUT if you did put windows on then you would have a PC, only more g4y looking. And not as fast or upgradable etc…

  792. RAWR! says:

    “Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.”

    Yup. I admit I’ve done the same thing too.

    “No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.”

    Windows progs don’t always give you the option to ghost but most of the time it isn’t a option not to ghost on Mac’s. I admit Ghosting can be useful, but it is very bad for people who think all of their Mac programs just close when they press the red dot. At least I know for a fact when I hit the X the prog closes, and if it doesn’t, it will go in the tray, and let me know that it has gone to the tray.

    But I don’t need a third party program to close anything in windows. Apple is supposed to make things easy right? Well they try, but when they take away your choice they just make the easy things annoying.

    “No, I’m sure it does.”
    “No, no it doesn’t”
    It does. Period. Depending on the program it may sometimes leave the start menu folder there, but thats just a empty folder. But it always deletes whats in the install location, unless you had the program running while uninstalling it.
    I will also have you note that the installs and uninstalls are most often 3rd party made. If the install/uninstaller does something unwanted that is not Windows fault.

    I will bring up OCing again. Over Clocking (OC) is mostly associated with gamers. But OCing your CPU can be very useful for programs that are very taxing on the CPU. Such as: Multitasking, Video Editing software, Graphics design, and more.

    And people like TREVOR and Apple claim it is best for these operations, Yet no Apple computer can OC. I did research and not even a 3rd party programs can break the OC lock on Mac’s. OC is another Useful, High Tech, Innovative, and Convent technology Apple isn’t capable of using.

  793. Demosthenes says:

    Get a life bro. And dun try to deny it ur writing style and grammar are the same. u just gave yourself a different attitude so u cn contradict yourself
    -Absolutely, I have yet to contradict myself. Nice spot btw. Im sure Rawr already figured this out.
    -secondly, you had time to analyze my writing style AND you had to have read a good chunk of previous posts. So who is the one with the life now? Yeah, go back to your blow-up doll.

    “No, Windows doesn’t remove ALL of the software when you uninstall a program”
    No, I’m sure it does.
    – No, no it doesn’t
    “and why would I want a program to automatically quit after I closed the window? If I want to quit a program I will do just that, if I want it to ghost so that the next time I need it, it will be faster then I won’t quit it.”
    Because normally when people close a program they don’t want to use it anymore. If I want to quit a prog I just hit the X. No tedious work around. You say its convenient for you I say Apple is lazy or not smart enough to figure out how end a process. Also Windows can boor recent programs faster, without ghosting them. Some programs, Steam, uTorrent, ECT. Minimize to tray. Also if you still have use for a program, there is the minimize button, thats what its their for. All your saying is that Apple has effectively made the minimize function useless.
    -No, I can minimize, ghost it, quit it, hide it or whatever I want. If I want to keep the program open but I don’t have anything to do at the immediate moment then I can- such as Mail, Word/Pages etc. Ghosting is useful at times and I can quit the process just as quickly.

    “Oh, and I have had PC people walk up to me and berate me for buying “an overpriced toy” so PC fanboys DO exist. I personally have never berated someone for buying a PC, if you don’t want a Mac that’s fine it’s your money and your choice.”
    1. Then that person was just an *ss.
    2. Thats how most Mac users are.
    3. Then why are you hear if you don’t care?

    -1. yep
    2.Coming from a PC user?
    3. Im bored/ Im here to say that Macs don’t suck. Why are you here? PCs don’t suck, macs don’t suck, is that honestly hard to process?

  794. Trevor says:

    Lets have a quiet moment while we chuckle at this forum,

    Yea, so all macs have a right click (duh) go to preferences, set secondary button on mouse. bingo. Right click.

    Mac are not over priced, they are built specifically for people who know how to use a computer, they are built for people who can actually enjoy a personilzed computer built on the basis free of virus and crap, big whoop if it sometimes freezes, dont even get me started on a pc, most of the time they take 10min to warm up.

    Mac is designed for video editing, music recording, software design, and graphic design. Whats so hard to understand about that? PC computers were built specifically to anger you. Ever gotten mad at your pc? I have. Ever gotten mad at your mac? no,, probably because you have never owned one, cause you a cheap dell follower.

  795. Lope de Vega says:

    “Life without walls!” only to those who truly deserve it. (F**k Mac Os x, which is stolen from BSD and then from Linux community all of the time!)

  796. Lope de Vega says:

    Some of the most respected humans I know, and they daily save many lives at hospitals, are using windows, and the only time they use iPhones is when they need to show it to others that they actually have it. Actually, they use windows because of hotspot shield (and freely cracked ms office), that is commonly used to watch porn, it is simply available to them, not to mention so many hardware tools one could attach to any windows based pc. I used Mac for about one year, but only to learn how to fix it’s limitations; thank god there are plenty so I can earn even more. F**k Mac and everyone who works at Apple, and uses it. F**k them harder so they can be gone along with their Macs. (no regrets!)

  797. Lope de Vega says:

    Macs are being designed for humans with lesser IQ, to make them feel better about themselves, please get over this and observe your surroundings. Everything in every iOS thing is limiting and annoying to the utmost degree. There were some who said if one did not have enough money to buy a Mac that you could love have answered it all, you are the source of all problems in this world, not just computing ones, you are bed bugs of the financial systems in this world. May Job’s soul rest in peace, but overall thing that Apple delivered to humans is a curse, bad one.I often have enough money to buy the most expensive Mac whatever, but will never do, why? because I fix them for so many Ladies & Gentlemen, who, most of the time can not use simple right click actions. I have read all comments, the JJ one has been most profound one, in fact though, he/she only confirmed what I already knew about this shitty enterprise. When it comes to Macs, it is not only a matter of preference, it is the very matter of the level of that particular intelligence, and forgive me, but Mac owners simply are morons: confirmed many multiple times. If ever, I can prove it socially, kinesthetically,aesthetically, mathematically, statistically, verbally and even by using 6th sense, you, the Mac owners are going to be the shameful past of this surviving part of humanity. Let us see.

  798. Anonymous says:

    Appzapper does not delete everything. I have used appzapper before and it does left some stuff out. How do I know? I also used a different appcleaner and it shows some files that appzapper could not deleted. Why can’t apple gives the user the ability to delete apps beside relying on other third party?

  799. RAWR! says:

    “Oh, and I have had PC people walk up to me and berate me for buying “an overpriced toy” so PC fanboys DO exist. I personally have never berated someone for buying a PC, if you don’t want a Mac that’s fine it’s your money and your choice.”

    1. Then that person was just an ass.
    2. Thats how most Mac users are.
    3. Then why are you hear if you don’t care?

  800. RAWR! says:

    “It’s because you can’t opt to not have the software.”

    You must not have read my last post.

    “No, Windows doesn’t remove ALL of the software when you uninstall a program”

    No, I’m sure it does.

    “and why would I want a program to automatically quit after I closed the window? If I want to quit a program I will do just that, if I want it to ghost so that the next time I need it, it will be faster then I won’t quit it.”

    Because normally when people close a program they don’t want to use it anymore. If I want to quit a prog I just hit the X. No tedious work around. You say its convenient for you I say Apple is lazy or not smart enough to figure out how end a process. Also Windows can boor recent programs faster, without ghosting them. Some programs, Steam, uTorrent, ECT. Minimize to tray. Also if you still have use for a program, there is the minimize button, thats what its their for. All your saying is that Apple has effectively made the minimize function useless.

  801. Masskot says:


    Get a life bro. And dun try to deny it ur writing style and grammar are the same. u just gave yourself a different attitude so u cn contradict yourself

  802. Demosthenes says:

    Oh, and I have had PC people walk up to me and berate me for buying “an overpriced toy” so PC fanboys DO exist. I personally have never berated someone for buying a PC, if you don’t want a Mac that’s fine it’s your money and your choice.

  803. Demosthenes says:

    “Uh, you do, in the cost of the laptop”
    Really who toled you that? When I look at the details of any PC they tell me what software it comes with that they are making you pay for, and even give you the option to remove the software.
    Apple has no such list, so they are ether forcing you to pay for stuff you may not need, or it is free. Until you bring me proof, Ill *ssume its free.
    -It’s because you can’t opt to not have the software.
    ” Lol, maybe in software numbers but seriously the quality is lacking. Things like AppZapper that are easy enough for a child to use are missing from Windows (note: quality not function). And yes, previous users have tried to argue this before and it was pointless. Look, if I can drag a program from my applications folder into the AppZapper and it finds all related programs so they can be deleted- that’s pretty easy. This is what I mean.”
    Your opinion is not a fact Windows has great software. So YES in my OPINION (and many other people) Windows has wonderful software.
    AppZapper for windows IS pointless. Because when we close a program it actually stops processing, it doesn’t ghost. And when you uninstall a prog on Windows it deletes the program and all the sub programs it came with if you chose to remove them.
    -No, Windows doesn’t remove ALL of the software when you uninstall a program. I have had vestigial files from things like themes, bulkr, file grinder and capacity even after I ‘uninstalled them.’ and why would I want a program to automatically quit after I closed the window? If I want to quit a program I will do just that, if I want it to ghost so that the next time I need it, it will be faster then I won’t quit it. Ghosting is useful. And both take the same amount of effort to do, either cmd Q to quit or cmd W to close just the window.

  804. RAWR! says:

    “Uh, you do, in the cost of the laptop”

    Really who toled you that? When I look at the details of any PC they tell me what software it comes with that they are making you pay for, and even give you the option to remove the software.

    Apple has no such list, so they are ether forcing you to pay for stuff you may not need, or it is free. Until you bring me proof, Ill assume its free.

    ” Lol, maybe in software numbers but seriously the quality is lacking. Things like AppZapper that are easy enough for a child to use are missing from Windows (note: quality not function). And yes, previous users have tried to argue this before and it was pointless. Look, if I can drag a program from my applications folder into the AppZapper and it finds all related programs so they can be deleted- that’s pretty easy. This is what I mean.”

    Your opinion is not a fact Windows has great software. So YES in my OPINION (and many other people) Windows has wonderful software.

    AppZapper for windows IS pointless. Because when we close a program it actually stops processing, it doesn’t ghost. And when you uninstall a prog on Windows it deletes the program and all the sub programs it came with if you chose to remove them.

  805. Demosthenes says:

    “Now give me a PC with said trackpad, magsafe, and a screen with the same color gamut.”
    I don’t know what year you are from, but from my experience a PC and a Mac have the same trackpad.
    – Really? PC trackpads are almost always smaller, they aren’t glass covered (this makes it smoother and more durable) and they almost always have less fibres.
    As for magsafe Apple has a monopoly on that, so unless PC user’s start requiting it or other manufactures find a way around the patent only Mac’s and japanese kitchen appliances will have it.
    My laptop (8 years old) has a slot loading drive. I don’t use DVD’s much so I’m not to sure about newer models.
    “By bundling the software it offsets Apple’s per-unit cost.”
    “I never said “This is a fact” hardware isn’t everything”
    1. The software is free you don’t pay for it.
    -Uh, you do, in the cost of the laptop
    2. If its not a fact then there was no point in saying it.
    – “That is called an opinion not a fact.” you brought it up.
    3. PC has Mac’s beat in hardware and software so I don’t know where you are going with this.
    – Lol, maybe in software numbers but seriously the quality is lacking. Things like AppZapper that are easy enough for a child to use are missing from Windows (note: quality not function). And yes, previous users have tried to argue this before and it was pointless. Look, if I can drag a program from my applications folder into the AppZapper and it finds all related programs so they can be deleted- that’s pretty easy. This is what I mean.

  806. Mike says:

    “I despise Apple for the fan base they created, and how they exploit their consumers

    MS may have fan boys, but they do not have a religion.

    who feel the need to brag about your product.”


  807. RAWR! says:

    I’m sure everyone has heard this from someone some ware before but I’ll say it anyway. I have NEVER met a person who brings up their PC in a conversation unless seeking technol support. I have NEVER met a person who brags about how amazing their PC is, unless they just built a new RIG.

    I HAVE met people who started a conversation with a Apple product. I HAVE had someone come up to me while I’m on my laptop, and start preaching to me about Mac’s. I HAVE had people who do nothing but browse the web brag to me about their Mac.

    You say you love your Mac, because of your personal experience. Then you understand why I hate you, and the people like you, who feel the need to brag about your product.

  808. RAWR! says:

    I goggled “windows 7 sata install problem” and the problems where ether BIOS related or faulty hardware.

    “I try not to flame in any direction too much”

    I have no major attachments to Windows, or for MS for that matter.
    I stand neutral when it comes to Linux and Linux based OS’s.
    I despise Apple for the fan base they created, and how they exploit their consumers. Apple doesn’t even have to make excuses for themselves, their loyal fans will do it for them, and brush away any wrong doing Apple commits.

    Like this guys statement “oh, regarding the suicides- Windowsfanboys brought that one up, Im saying that child labor is used by all electronics manufacturers somewhere along the line. So it’s contradictory to bring it up.” Oh so everyone is doing so that makes it OK? And what is this based off? You thought of it so that makes it true? Not everyone outsources from china buddy.

    I hate the iSheep who have the whole “For the greater good” mentality, or “Turn the other cheek”.

    MS may have fan boys, but they do not have a religion.

  809. RAWR! says:

    That may be a BIOS problem as well as a firmware problem. My SSD gave me problems when I ran it in AHCI mode until I updated its firmware.

    Oh yes right, firmware is on the device itself. And you do need drivers for the controllers. I don’t know what I was thinking. :

    But I don’t think that is a OS issue at all. Firmware, BIOS updates, and drivers are a factor in things like that.

    I know when some motherboards came out claiming they could run FX CPU’s but they needed a update first.

  810. Mike says:

    Please, Please, try not to get all ‘Windows righteous’ on me either. I like Windows, I use Windows 7 with my SATA drive every day (albiet configured in the BIOS as native IDE), and most importantly, billions of man-hours and revenue later M$ has put out a great product for home and power use ;). I thinks Macs coming along; they put out a good product but it is overpriced and kind of gimmicky, and Linux is a great learning tool. I try not to flame in any direction too much….

  811. Mike says:

    I will admit I was half asleep though….lol

  812. Mike says:

    Just google: windows 7 sata install problem
    there is already a small library’s worth of forum banter about this issue

    There are many many people who have this same issue, it may be a BIOS/Windows 7 issue however I only have this issue with windows7/vista….if my bios is configured to interface my HDD’s as any type of SATA (RAID or AHCI) it fails to detect at install and give the BSOD if I try to reconfigure after installing. If I configure the BIOS to run SATA as Native IDE all is good.

    As fas as the USB comment…this issue with the SATA driver, whatever it is, is annoying. A lot of windows fan boys will point to the manufactorer whenever there is a driver issue, to prempt that arguement I am saying imagine if windows took that stance with generiv USB drivers (they don’t because that would be absurd), how much of a pain that would be…….so there is no reason not to integrate something that is becoming a standard for HDD’s (aka SATA) to be recognized by the OS and not require a third party driver on install (ref the google search).

    The floppy comment comes from the error message that is displayed when I tried to install on SATA from a clean install.

    Also, I am not bashing on Windows, but way to pic out the only negative comment to talk s**t

    Firmware has nothing to do with Windows, It is drive/manufactorer specfic, the driver is what tells windows how to interact with the frimware/hardware….not sure what you are tryin to say

  813. RAWR! says:

    “Now give me a PC with said trackpad, magsafe, and a screen with the same color gamut.”

    I don’t know what year you are from, but from my experience a PC and a Mac have the same trackpad.

    As for magsafe Apple has a monopoly on that, so unless PC user’s start requiting it or other manufactures find a way around the patent only Mac’s and japanese kitchen appliances will have it.

    My laptop (8 years old) has a slot loading drive. I don’t use DVD’s much so I’m not to sure about newer models.

    “By bundling the software it offsets Apple’s per-unit cost.”
    “I never said “This is a fact” hardware isn’t everything”

    1. The software is free you don’t pay for it.
    2. If its not a fact then there was no point in saying it.
    3. PC has Mac’s beat in hardware and software so I don’t know where you are going with this.

  814. TStrongUSMC says:

    I have a hunch that none of you have been laid. I was looking for something and found my way here… Silly me I started reading this crap… Why not just shoot your selves now and get it over with. Half of you are only using your computers to beat off… Get out of your mothers basement and get some air. Losers!

  815. Demosthenes says:

    oh, regarding the suicides- Windowsfanboys brought that one up, Im saying that child labor is used by all electronics manufacturers somewhere along the line. So it’s contradictory to bring it up.

  816. Demosthenes says:

    By bundling the software it offsets Apple’s per-unit cost.
    I never said “This is a fact” hardware isn’t everything. I said “what if I want this” and you said “thats an opinion” well duh. Now give me a PC with said trackpad, magsafe, and a screen with the same color gamut. Oh, and I want a slot-loading dvd drive, backlit isolated keyboard and unibody construction. This is what I want, show me a PC with these things and a great audiovisual suite like iLife for less money and I will go PC. You can say “thats opinion” well it’s my money, I love design and that’s what I want to buy with my money. I spend most of my time web browsing, which means I use my trackpad continuously. Why PC’s have crap trackpads eludes me. The trackpad is perhaps the most important part to me. You say “pcs are better because you can use whatever parts you want” fine, thats true. Now give me a PC with the aforementioned (or equivalent) parts. (not give, but show is what I mean)

  817. RAWR! says:

    “I did have a huge issues with windows 7 and SATA drivers…come on, 2010 and you can’t integrate SATA into an install without some non-intuitive driver install floppy/usb. ”

    Uhhh, OK. There are no drivers for SATA devices. SATA, IDE, USB, PCIe, ect. firmware is already installed when you install a Windows OS.

    Also I don’t think I’ve seen a PC that used a floppy disk in a while.

    “Even Linux managed to get the SATA support right. Can you imagine if all your usb interfaces required this?”

    And then what??? I thought you where talking about SATA not USB?

    I’m not sure what your whole comment is saying. I get the feeling someone who was half asleep wrote it.

  818. Mike says:

    Nice piece… windows 7 has come so far, albeit a bit late since the PC is kind of heading out the window so to speak.

    It should be worth noting it did take M$ like 28 years and Billions upon Billions of dollars to put out a robust and mature operating system…..(no comment)
    All this stuff in here about Macs couldn’t be more true. Mac puts out an ok product, but their biggest flaws come from who they are trying to appeal to. I can buy (nay, build) a new PC for $700 that can due just about anything including gaming with outstanding graphics, and dual boot to Linux just for fun. Not only that I get to chose everything about the computer, and have had it for 3 years not having to replace any part yet.

    I did have a huge issues with windows 7 and SATA drivers…come on, 2010 and you can’t integrate SATA into an install without some non-intuitive driver install floppy/usb. Even Linux managed to get the SATA support right. Can you imagine if all your usb interfaces required this? Nightmare….
    In the end, Macs are way too expensive and fueled only by the ego Jobs’ gained when he created his legions of iPhone drones, Jobs has managed to make Bill Gates look like a saint and not a money grubber. PC finnnalllly got it right, and thanks for that, seriously tired of shelling out hundreds for more and more crap software

  819. Taco!! says:

    Steam has 311 games for Mac Total Including DLC. And 1552 games for PC Without DLC.

    Steam has 4493 items in their whole PC library.

    This is JUST Steam tho, not all games PC are on steam.

    Any argument about how Mac’s are better for gaming is just BS.

    Remember this you iTards, even with a Mac you still need a PC.
    While PC needs no catalyst to do what you want it to do.

    i = idiot

    idiotPad $250 + Dignity + Apple logo + child labor + loyalty + tax = $700
    idiotPhone $100 + loyalty + Apple logo + markup for fun + tax = $400
    idiotPod $80 + loyalty + Apple logo + gloss + allegiance + tax = $400
    Mac Pro $200 + HDD monitoring device + loyalty + Apple logo + bland case + Why are they buying this? + $4000 for the lulz + tax = $5000
    idiotMac $600 + HDD monitoring device + loyalty + Apple logo + marked up laptop parts + other hardware that works at half its full capacity + tax = $2000

    Mac Pro ‘idiot’ $400 + Lies + loyalty + fancy background + Apple logo + HDD monitoring device + ports that only 10% of manufactures use = $2500

  820. PC says:

    Just face it, PCs are better.

  821. RAWR! says:

    @IN YOUR 64206!

    No. Personally I prefer AMD, And As I work in bestbuy I got the chance to test both Radeon HD 7950 and the GTX 680. Other then the slight difference in FPS (In the 680’s favor.) Both cards are the same and both go for $500. So it doesn’t really matter which one anyone gets.

    But I would wait till the price drops on both cards, every new tech starts out pricey but soon enough it will go down.

    Currently I have a Radeon HD 6870, it does what I need it to do (Run my games at 50 Fps +) and I haven’t Even OC’d it yet. Also the only real reason to get the new line of cards, would be for more Vram. The clock speeds on the 2 cards aren’t a huge difference.

  822. RAWR! says:

    “I have an 11 in. mac book pro and with all the perks, including microsoft office, mac support, etc; it came out to about $2100.”

    Well you sir got ripped off for three reasons.

    1. There is no 11 Inch MBP.
    2. The cheapest MBP is a 13 inch and it cost $1,200.
    3. You bought something from Apple.

    “but if what you pay for is what you get.”
    OK then, if that’s what you think Windows is better then OS X, solely because it is more expensive.

    “Laptops like PC’s crash a hell of a lot more than the new updated macs”

    Says who? My sister has a net book and it has not once crashed. She has owned it for 3 years now.

    “don’t even get me started. The graphics on a mac are 100 times better than graphics on a pc. Plus, games run better on a mac too! Try running a game of mine craft on a pc next to a mac!”

    LMAO. What have you been smoking? ALL games are made on PC even console games. Most Mac games are made on Linux based PC’s as well.
    How do they run better? Mac cant even run most of them. Here you are talking about better Graphics and GPU performance, and you use MineCraft as an example… MC uses at least 80% of the CPU for everything. You can run it off a crummy on-board GPU as long as you have at least a duo core CPU.

  823. In Your 64206! says:

    Are you going to get the gtx 680? jw…

  824. In Your 64206! says:

    @Another Mac User

    Please do your research before you comment about graphics on PC. What you stated are just your opinion. I can run minecraft perfectly fine on my laptop(pc). you got an 11 inch macbook pro and you call the top of the line laptop? If you really want a top of the line laptop that would be the 17 inch macbook pro. By they way, Does apple even make an 11 inch macbook pro?

  825. Another Mac User says:

    your article on why macs suck is completely opinion. I got my mac in october of 2011 and its the best laptop I’ve ever had. I have an 11 in. mac book pro and with all the perks, including microsoft office, mac support, etc; it came out to about $2100. Yes the 17 in. does cost 2500 alone, but if what you pay for is what you get. Laptops like PC’s crash a hell of a lot more than the new updated macs, and talking about graphics? don’t even get me started. The graphics on a mac are 100 times better than graphics on a pc. Plus, games run better on a mac too! Try running a game of mine craft on a pc next to a mac! Also, its not just hipsters and wannabees who get macs. Its people like me who just like to have a top of the line laptop. Saving up money for the best thing on the market is worth it!

  826. Jack says:


    Had a PC since 2007. Works fine, cost £300

    My Mac cost well over £1000, died within the first 2 years.

  827. RAWR! says:

    EVGA GTX 680 just came out today. Guess what? PC only. Mac users will have to wait till the GTX 680 becomes a mid-end card before they will ever see it. Not like they CAN use it anyway.

  828. RAWR! says:

    “Now, what if I like the unibody, the vibrant screen, the multitouch trackpad, the magsafe power adapter, OS X and I don’t mind the price tag because it’s what I want to use? How does that mean Macs are worse?”

    That is called an opinion not a fact.

    “What if I just want a computer that has been put together and the OS is programmed for the specific hardware (thus no drivers)? ”
    OS X has drivers too. If it didn’t there would be no way for the OS to communicate to the hardware. I can download Mac drivers just like I could for any other OS. Again, Apple does not have some secret technology for building comps. They use the cheapest methods to build the internal parts, then cover it in fancy glitter, and then mark it up for the look and unnecessary features.

    “oh, Rawr,. you’ve never been in the military if you think their gear is all “the best quality” <- that's paraphrasing, not a quote, but it's what you seem to imply."

    This is what I said: "Some of my parts are made to meet military standards. So you are gonna say Apple has better and more sturdy equipment then the military?"

    When did I say they will out perform anything? I was saying they are more durable and are made to take a hit better then other comps. If you mean when I said 'better'. Well, better is a vague term, its best not to make assumptions on it.

    "Not only is the suicide level well below national average, there are also counselors and other aids."

    Again, just because there is something worse, that doesn't make the lesser evil good. Therefor it is pointless to point out that something is worse, or you will be condoning the lesser evil at the same time.

    "Also Macs always come with the software to offset the development costs for the software."

    So free software pays for development of said software? How does that work?

  829. RAWR! says:

    “I guaran-ball-tee that if you made a list of how many times you’d have to pay for repairs on a PC and for upgrades and what not it would cost MORE then the entire Mac would!”

    I spent $0 for repairs on my computer.

    “Macs have always had an option click. <- so that was never "once true""

    No there was a time when they didn't.

    "Anyway. like Wow said, parts; even if made from the same factory, will have different levels of quality control. A Gibson Xplorer and a Gibson Les Paul custom both made in Memphis will have different guidelines for quality, even if made by the same people."

    Notice how your examples are different products. So again PROVE that Apple has better hardware or shut up. I just finished building my $1000 comp, it has better specs then ANY Mac and it will last longer. By old computer is 6 years old and cost about $300, and it still runs like new.

  830. LAzyworker says:

    okay okay, you put a couple things down for the problems with mac. Now explain to me all the problems with a PC. Really. PC’s have HUNDREDS of more problems. The reason Apple can put there price so high is because it rarely breaks down. I guaran-ball-tee that if you made a list of how many times you’d have to pay for repairs on a PC and for upgrades and what not it would cost MORE then the entire Mac would!

  831. Demosthenes says:

    Macs have always had an option click. <- so that was never "once true"

    Anyway. like Wow said, parts; even if made from the same factory, will have different levels of quality control. A Gibson Xplorer and a Gibson Les Paul custom both made in Memphis will have different guidelines for quality, even if made by the same people. As Wow said, Lexus and Toyotas <- different levels of quality, same factories (not the camry though, those are made in 'Merika)
    Now, what if I like the unibody, the vibrant screen, the multitouch trackpad, the magsafe power adapter, OS X and I don't mind the price tag because it's what I want to use? How does that mean Macs are worse? Hmm? What if I just want a computer that has been put together and the OS is programmed for the specific hardware (thus no drivers)? What if I don't want the registry and those DLLs? But I also don't want to use Linux because I love the Mac program suite. Also Macs always come with the software to offset the development costs for the software. Don't even bother with the whole Foxconn suicide deal, you people obviously didn't do your research. Not only is the suicide level well below national average, there are also counselors and other aids. Im not advocating child labor, you people seem to think this is just Apple.

    oh, Rawr,. you've never been in the military if you think their gear is all "the best quality" <- that's paraphrasing, not a quote, but it's what you seem to imply.

  832. Brian says:

    This article was gut busting!!! I laughed for at least ten minutes. Okay, that aside. I am coming from a pc prospective to be fare to the MAC users. Mac is extremely over priced and is not very customizable. I own an IT business where I work in both pc and Mac environments. FireWire is used mainly in Mac environments only, I have never had a pc client use it to this date. That is not to say it’s not being used by a pc environment out there. In my 10 years of IT work I have never seen it used except for in a Mac shop.
    I wish you could customize a Mac to be more affordable for the end user, it would be to Mac advantage to do so. Most of your software is not geared towards Mac in the business environment is another tough hurdle for Mac is going to have to deal with. The only business models that really use Mac is telemedia, photography, and the news industry. These are the only environments where is have found Mac as there core IT infrastructure. If there are others I don’t know so please forgive my ignorance. I have found Mac a little difficult personally, but I have not devoted time to fully integrate myself into it, but I am going to do so for my business sake. Each pc and Mac have strong qualities and gross weakness, but don’t we all.

  833. Temeka Berquist says:

    Ok so I am thinking about removing my site from Tumbler and get it to a WordPress website. I believe this is a wordpress website right? If it is, may I ask where you got the theme? Thanks a bunch!

  834. Travelsonic says:

    @Someone – funny you happen to fall into the same trap some of those replying to Mac users used, and making gross assumptions without logic or fact.

  835. k says:

    I use my mac for audio-ing

    I use my Pc a lot for gaming.

    Internet browse + emailing + itunes

    = Get a netbook or a notebook is way easier than spending all that money on a mac.
    (could save up the money wisely for something else).

    Oh and btw i saw someone who just get a new mac book pro a 17 inch.

    i was like really? could have save up the money for something else. you alrdy got a mac why bother spend that money buying another one? I don’t get it.

  836. Someone says:

    So…….. poor people dislike Mac. I have both. Use both for different things. Provide facts rather than opinions and maybe, just maybe, your argument will appear intellectual.

  837. Travelsonic says:

    How can some of you call yourself intelligent, and actually regard your posts as intelligent?

    I don’t mean the people who have been making their cases for/against by comparing hardware, and using facts, but people who do such stupid guff as the following should reconsider themselves before actually believing they’re making intelligent points:

    – Making generalizations [“Mac users are either X or Y” [vice versa in terms of similar arguments being aimed at PC users] that have no basis in logic or reality.
    – Making unfounded claims.
    – Just making statements without ANY proof, as if they were factual.
    – Failing to understand the fundamental difference between a fact and an opinion.

  838. MAC WAS linux's Idea says:

    Mac users are fags… and hip! ;)

  839. Mac User says:

    MAC GAY.

  840. RAWR! says:

    “Second, you should verify your facts before you post nonsense. I’m sure that a lot of people have touched on this so I won’t go into detail about what you got wrong.”

    Everything in the article is true or was once true. You should do the same as you just suggested.

    “I choose Mac, because I like how the hardware and software is integrated”

    That is a ignorant statement, in what way are they more ‘integrated’ then any other computer? How can you be so sure? Did you use knowledge and reason to come to this conclusion? Or did you use one of Apples slogans and assume it was true? Just because they pull all their hardware from one factory doesn’t mean it’s ‘screwed together well’. If that’s the case then Most Dell computers are of the same quality as Mac’s and vice versa. All hardware connects the same way, No matter the manufacture. Example; A nvidia card goes in a PCIe slot. A AMD card goes in a PCIe slot. Even Laptops use PCI/PCIe interface. Apple does not have some coveted technology to snap their hardware together. Its the same as everything else.

    ” I appreciate how good my Macbook Pro looks on my desk as compared to my friends’ oversized and clunky looking HP computers.”

    What year are you from? newegg,com/Product/Product,aspx?Item=N82E16834158205 In what way is that clunky?

    “Stop bashing Mac’s based on everyone else’s arguments and develop your own if you expect anyone to take you seriously.”

    The article is title ‘Top Ten Reasons Why Mac Sucks’ So of course he is going to be using other peoples arguments. He was pointing out the most agreed upon faults Macs had at the time of posting.

    “I like that I can just use my computer. I don’t have to upgrade anything in it to get 5-7 years of use out of it.”

    Who told you you had to upgrade anything on your PC to get longer use out of it? As for software it updates on its own when its necessary (Like antivirus software adding more protection.) Some people act like company’s created updates just to annoy the consumer, its fr your own good stop bitching. Anyway, As for hardware only games really need to worry about upgrading so they can play the newest graphically taxing games. A gaming computer last about 5-7 years before another upgrade is required. I’m building a new computer as we speak, just $500 worth of parts to go. But does that mean my current computer is useless? No, I just want better parts to run my games better and a little extra power to prepare me for the future. I am giving my current computer (6 years old, Runs perfect.) To my sister.

    “Most of what you posted are ten year old arguments… like “Macs suck for gaming” for example. Duh! Everyone already knows this – Nobody buys a Mac for gaming”

    Just because its old doesn’t mean they fixed the problem. I know at least 4 people who use boot camp to play Games on there Mac. Utterly pointless.

    “if you don’t like Macs, don’t buy one. It’s as simple as that.”
    Oh My God! I didn’t know you had a choice. I thought Apple and Microsoft where forcing you to use there OS only on the computers they want you to use them on! Oh, wait. that’s just Apple. Anyway, everyone already knows that. If they didn’t everyone would have both systems.

    “We buy Windows PC’s or consoles for that. We use our Macs for productivity.”

    Well I like to do my work fast. So I do it on a PC. I also like to have fun and play games. Maybe some MMOS or some COOP games. Or if I’m in the mood for a story I’ll play SP games. You are implying That you need a system for each thing you want to do. Mac’s may be made for productivity only. But PC’s where made so you could do what ever you want on them.

    Can you have your Mac hook up to a 50″ 3DHD TV in your living room, while you’r computer sits in your room on the second floor, and control it all with a remote? Because I can, and my family loves it.

  841. Shawn says:

    I didn’t read through the 500 pages of comments on this article, so some of what I’m about to say may already have been said. I apologize if this is the case. Here’s my two cents and rebuttal to this post:

    First, you should rename this blog post to “Top Ten Reasons Why I Think Macs Suck”.

    Second, you should verify your facts before you post nonsense. I’m sure that a lot of people have touched on this so I won’t go into detail about what you got wrong.

    Third, choice is great, isn’t it? I choose Mac, because I like how the hardware and software is integrated. I appreciate how good my Macbook Pro looks on my desk as compared to my friends’ oversized and clunky looking HP computers. I like that I can just use my computer. I don’t have to upgrade anything in it to get 5-7 years of use out of it. As a PC user and developer of 15 years, I can say that I REALLY appreciate that.

    Fourth, get some originality. Stop bashing Mac’s based on everyone else’s arguments and develop your own if you expect anyone to take you seriously. Most of what you posted are ten year old arguments… like “Macs suck for gaming” for example. Duh! Everyone already knows this – Nobody buys a Mac for gaming. Nobody. We buy Windows PC’s or consoles for that. We use our Macs for productivity.

    In conclusion – I agree that Macs are overpriced. I paid a lot for my Macbook Pro. That was my choice however. I was willing to pay the price for what I like. The bottom line is this – if you don’t like Macs, don’t buy one. It’s as simple as that.

  842. ASADFGGH says:

    “Computing is about power and processing, not looks. You ganna shop for pc for performances not because of how it looks inside.”

    Just to bump this post up. lol

    . mmm well i seen a few people doing audio thats fine by that totally Understandable.

    . Other mac user’s they just go on facebook youtube and itunes mm thats just my point of view what i have seen.

    . could just get a netbook or a notebook so much easier. Then spending that much of money. Why not saved up the money to buy like a car?

  843. RAWR! says:

    Her is a better example of a Lego computer. tfvlrue,wordpress,com/2008/06/25/lego-computer/

  844. RAWR! says:

    Another example of the infinite customization you can do with a PC


    Yes that is a fully functioning computer…. made out of Lego’s.

  845. RAWR! says:

    Most Mac Users Don’t know this so let me fill you in, but first a bit of recap.
    As most of know Apple (And Dell.[But not their Alienware Branch.]) Order their hardware from Foxcom, and kids as young as 13 work at Foxcom for 25 Cents an hour and they work 16 hours a day. Fucked up right? Now some people (Ex. WOW) Say Apples hardware if of a higher quality. Well considering how they make their parts I just cant see how that’s possible.

    Now for what I was gonna tell you. Do you know who makes the best Graphic cards? For NVIDIA it’s EVGA, for AMD its XFX. Do you know why they make the best? Because they manufacture their products in America where only trained adults make there cards out of quality parts. Not kids who shouldn’t be there in the first place.

    But some people say Apple has AMD’s GPU and Intel boards and chipsets, and that alone somehow make them good. Well first off Intel is good but they are just as overpriced as Apple. But all AMD and Intel do is give Apple the designs to their new products, then Apple sends that info over to Foxcon, and they get to work. There is not a single quality part from a reputable manufacture In any Apple product. At least Dell uses 3rd party GPU’s and Ram.

  846. CC says:

    I use Windows and Mac everyday. In fact, I have bootcamp on Mac and virtualbox on PC. I have NEVER had warranty issues with my laptops or PC. I have owned Macbook for about 5 years and Macbook Pro for 3 yrs. I had so many issues with Macbook that I thought it was wise to get warranty with Macbook pro. Boy! Was I right! As I type this, Pro hard disk has crashed, wireless network card doesnt work and DVD drive refuses to spit out disk (that is when you get it to read it). Macbooks have poor quality hands down. If you baby it and keep it for show while typing in word files sitting in Starbucks – then it might work. But if you are a power user with lot of travelling, stick to laptop. Even if they work for 2 years, you can get 3 laptops in the same price as Macbook. Thats 6 yrs! Even if macbook lasts 6 yrs – its almost guaranteed your OS and hardware won’t be supported.

  847. RAWR! is the man says:

    the name says it all

  848. RAWR! says:

    “Computing is about power and processing, not looks. You ganna shop for pc for performances not because of how it looks inside.”

    Yes, and a PC will always perform better then a Mac.

  849. asadfggh says:

    Computing is about power and processing, not looks. You ganna shop for pc for performances not because of how it looks inside.

  850. PC says:

    The only good Mac… Is a dead Mac. Fact.

  851. Google says:

    […]the time to study or stop by the content or websites we have linked to below the[…]

  852. RAWR! says:

    “I don’t agree with MACs being more expensive especially when you compare what software you get.”

    You can get great software on a prebuilt Windows machines too, and it will still be cheaper then a Mac.

    Also, my friend has a MBP and all she uses it for is watching videos, browsing the web, and keeping in touch with friends. She does not need any of those programs you mentioned. But does apple give her the option to buy a MBP without that unnecessary software? No they don’t. Why? I assume its ether because they just don’t care, or that they just want as much money out of you as possible. Also note that none of the software that Mac’s come with are noted in the description of the Mac’s, this imply the software is free. On most PC sites they tell you what added software you are paying for and give you the option to remove it. Why doesn’t Apple do this too?

    “Macs also have a higher resale value.”
    Cool. My house has a higher resale value then my shoes. Do you know why? Because a house is way more expensive then a pair shoes. So obviously the more expensive item would have a higher resale value.

    PC hardware advances faster then Mac hardware because Windows and Unix based OS’s are very versatile. So the price for PC hardware is quite unstable.

  853. tradxnet says:

    I don’t agree with MACs being more expensive especially when you compare what software you get. I have a MacBook Pro and I run Parallels with Windows XP in Coherence mode. This means I can run both at the same time in the same environment. Best of both worlds. You also get great software out of the box with a Mac, PDF generating and viewing, graphics programs, audio programs, word processing programs, programming tools (including Automator to configure your “right click” for anything you want), and a slew of others. Macs also have a higher resale value.

  854. RAWR! says:

    Also the only drivers that ever update. (unless the product is new.) Are Video drivers. Other then that most other hardware and drivers almost never update unless it is necessary.

  855. RAWR! says:


    I don’t know where you have been but there has been freeware that scans and updates all your drivers for you sense Windows 2000. Updating isn’t really a deal breaker as most programs do it on their own, and Windows will do it for you as well. Your are just nitpicking and being lazy.

  856. RAWR! says:

    Honestly the only real reason Apple is still around is because the Competition law makes monopoly’s illegal. That is why Microsoft bailed out Apple when they filed for bankruptcy. Which is also why Intel and AMD contracted with Apple, so they wouldn’t fall to far behind in hardware as well.

    If it wasn’t for that Apple wouldn’t be doing computers anymore.

  857. I use both says:

    I had PC for long time, until I got sick of trying to fix driver issues, installing updates from multiple vendors, getting rid of adware, and several more issues. I simply went into a shop and after 5 min of testing, I bought a Mac mini. That was 6 years ago. By now, I have 1 PC with 7 TB disk space (I have no clue how I can do this on a Mac with sufficient disk transfer speed), 1 iMac, and 1 Macbook. I still need use the PC from time to time for some special work, e.g. picture editing (I tried GIMP – totally complicated for me; I use seashore, but still uncomfortable). Most other stuff, I find way easier on a Mac. The updates come from one vendor (or auto updates by the programs), something that by now a lot of Windows software is also doing. But it just took few years too long. Mac was there long ago, I didn’t even know. I just wanted something “to use” and not “fix it first before use”.

    Most writers before me seem to think ‘one is better than the other’. Well, if one was better, there would only be that one. Why is there not just one car? Why is there not just one scanner? One printer? One manufacturer for shoes? etc etc. Different vendors/products have different pro’s and con’s. So as so often, it depends on WHAT YOU WANT TO USE IT FOR. This seems to get forgotten too often.
    Those that argue that PC is best for gaming: I’m not a gamer, but I would find it too expensive spending 600$ (+/-) for a graphics card with a sh*tty driver support, compared to simply buying a fun gaming station like Wii or PS3 or whatever is out there. A simple card game might be more fun for others, too.
    My opinion is:
    1. use/do what you like
    2. There may be a better suited tool out there to achieve what you want to achieve
    3. You may require different sizes/types of knifes for different purposes (same applies to computers)
    4. The one you are talking to/with may have different objectives – don’t forget this! One opinion is often not enough.

  858. m4c_f4n_b01 says:

    maaaan pc sukz! macs are ta bomb! dey are shiny and amde by apple! what more do you need? gamez? pfft who playz gamez? noone datz who. every smart peoplez like all us mac userz just go to starbuckz and pretend to write books bro! win derps dun even have a curch fk dem man i go back to prayin to my mac! fk u all!

  859. W1N_F4N_B01_Y0 says:

    Macs are s**t brah. Real genious people like me use teh pc all teh time. No way in hell can you or would any pc user ever want to run mac on a pc. Sides brah that be totes illegal. Contract breaches are illegal yo! Buy a pc cause windoze is teh beez kaneez! aw yeah. mac sucks too expensive with 2g’s i could like totes buy like an ailienwarez or somethingz. Alienware are legit and so not over priced like mac. Also Sony Vaio!!!!!!11111oneoneone

  860. semen says:

    this is why pc rocks. with “free choice” of the right motherboard with lots of sata ports- voila. can any mac do this?

    on pc, developers can testbed new gpus by simply installing new cards.
    with an imac you have to transplant gpus or wait for release of new mac line to test /develop for the next gpu. hell you have to wait for bootcamp first.

    production use = pc

  861. Michelle says:

    I got suckered into buying a mac. Since I’m a heavy excel user it is suffice to say that Mac does not do it for me. All the formula controls are different (I don’t use the mouse, so this is a big deal). For any person not using much Excel here is something AWFUL about Macs- you only have one delete button that deletes words to the left, but you can’t delete the letters to the right. PCs let you delete both ways, so it’s much faster. Little things like this get me really frustrated since I paid like 3x for this computer.

    Note- If I could go back, I would NEVER have gotten a Mac. I am now looking to buy a PC for every day use and leave the Mac to look at pictures- yes, that’s all it is good for (unless you work in a designer area or something of the like).

  862. k4c says:

    Mac interface in Lion is unefficient and this is fact. I couldnt find any reasonable argument stateing why mac os is better. The only argument i can hear is “mac is better becouse it is” or “once you go to mac you never go back”. Im trying mac os now for one month now, i`ve read many advices, keyboard shortcuts and i still find it unefficient.
    Biggest mistakes in mac interface in my opinion:

    1. Three colour buttons, maximize/minimize works ok (green button), but yellow button minimize can only minimize, while red but doest what exactly ? For one program it closes program for other program minimize. So you never know what happens after you click red button :D (agree with author – retarded).

    2. Jumping betwen open programs is soso, not to fast. Not easy.

    3. Again red yellow green button are so small that cliking it is eye killer.

    4. Window title – cliking on it does nothing – what a waste of space – whole wone line an the screen that does nothing.

    5. Dont know easy way to close program. Maybe keyboard schortcut, but with mouse you have to go for file-> close program ?! Eye killer.

    6. To copy files you need two windows of finder open. Try to open second window in easy way ? Again keyboard cmd+n, but what about mouse? Right clik and the searching for open new window – again eye killer.

    And this is only interface problem, viruses and multitasking also have many downsides.

  863. RAWR! says:

    Mac’s are not financially expensive for me.

    But are Mac’s still expensive to me? Yes, because my dignity and loyalty are to high a cost for such a shitty product.

  864. RAWR! says:

    “Windows based pc users are just like republicans, blissful, in a bubble of ignorance and lies.”

    I don’t care much for politics. But you have PC users and Mac users confused.

  865. Steve says:

    And the democrats are so much better? Shut the hell up and leave politics out of this.

  866. Phil says:

    Windows based pc users are just like republicans, blissful, in a bubble of ignorance and lies.

  867. Steve says:

    @OZ. You’re exactly like any apple user. I’ve heard the “can’t afford a mac” story so many times. I probably make more money in a month than you do in a year. I can easily afford a mac and refuse to give a penny to apple.

  868. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    The brilliance of Apple’s design and development team shines through yet again:

  869. Oz says:

    poor windows fag can’t afford a mac :(

  870. Applemacssuck says:

    Overpriced unreliable, slow, built in obsolescence (nothing lasts longer than 5 years, most parts make just past the warranties), CPU spiking fan noise piece of garbage.

    The epitome of style over substance. Perfect fo the age we live in.

    If you have to force Chinese workers not to commit suicide because they’re screwing down the price over their you now know why Apple are sitting on billions in offshore accounts.,2817,2384763,00.asp

  871. RAWR! says:

    Sorry I meant standard, not stranded.

  872. jon says:

    Most mac users don’t upgrade their machines. They don’t need to. All they use them for is cruizing the internet, typing papers and searching for porn. PC user like to have the option to upgrade their machines if they want to with better cpu’s, more ram, and better video cards so they can get their porn in blazing fast 3d high def video. I’m sticking with PC’s.

  873. RAWR! says:

    “Reliability, as a whole Apple uses well made parts.”

    I’m sure the $1000 rig I’m building is made with better parts then whatever Apple has. Your opinion isn’t a fact.

    Some of my parts are made to meet military standards. So you are gonna say Apple has better and more sturdy equipment then the military?

    “Just saying dude, build quality is something that PCs haven’t matched yet.”

    Well ‘dude’ PC’s have long surpassed the build quality of Mac’s. I don’t believe that there was ever a time when Apple hardware was ever better then the PC stranded.

    Also have you ever heard of a ToughBook’s or RuggedLaptops? They are Laptops that are built to last. They are more expensive then your stranded laptop, but still cheaper then Mac’s. And they will last longer then any other laptop out there.

  874. PS. says:

    PS Like many of you have stated you cannot say that one computer is 100% better than all others if you have never even given any others a chance and tried their computers as well.

    PPS 1-3 days does of trying another OS does not make you a master off all computer knowledge, you have just barely scraped the tip of the iceberg. So lets all just try to be mature about this okay?


  875. You Are All Retards says:

    I Don’t give two shits about what computer is more user friendly, or whatever.
    The entire point of a laptop/net-book is YOUR PERSONAL PREFERENCE. PC is not better than mac or Linux. Mac is not better than PC or Linux. Linux is not better than Mac or PC. if you like macs then buy a mac. If you like windows then buy a PC etc. i myself prefer PC. that’s just me, im not asking anyone to come pick sides and team up on other computer producers. Just ditch the stereotypes and use whatever OS suits you best and stop telling everyone else what kind of computer to buy and let them decide on their own.

    The title “you are all retards” only applies to you biased one sided idiots who say that all other computers suck, my apologies to anyone who was trying to make a valid point.

    sorry for any typos, but i think you get my point.


  876. WOW JUST WOW says:

    number 1 doesnt apply to every1 tho.

  877. WOW JUST WOW says:

    oh and my school uses apple. the people who run my school have that “we are extremely intelligent than anyone else” attitude. yes, we use macs, were so advanced. only PCs my school has is some super old, super cheap laptops, like their tryin to make macs look better. so yes, i completely agree with number 1

  878. WOW JUST WOW says:

    oh plus the specs are so far superior, OS, final cut pro and all ur other mac stuff is just not comparable

  879. WOW JUST WOW says:

    really depends what brand u use. u buy an HP, yes, it will probably fall apart eventually. Buy a dell, any trusted custom whitebox manufacturer or any other reliable PC company (there are many more) and you’ll be just as fine, if not better than a Mac.

  880. Wow says:

    “Better being a measurement of what? Specifications or reliability? Yes you can build a”
    -Specifications PC wins. Reliability, as a whole Apple uses well made parts.
    “Build quality is necessary to recognize, and you do. Which is why you custom build your computer is it not? You also said you got a custom steel casing did you not? I don’t mean aesthetic design when I say this, I mean “how well is it screwed together” when I say build quality.”
    I build my own computer because I ‘recognize’ Mac’s as a poorly built, over priced, door stop. So again I DO NOT RECOGNIZE MAC”S AR A “SCREWED TOGETHER” COMPUTER. If you mean ‘screwed together’ as in Apple screwed you over together with Intel. Then I agree.
    “Steel is far more prone to rust and is much heavier”
    Cool story bro. My old tower is 6 years old only rust is on the door. And if I want I could buy a Aluminum case too, or even a Steel/Aluminum case.
    You are the first person who has told me that their computer was physically falling apart. In none of my 4 years of working with computer repair company’s have I seen or heard of a computer physically falling apart. Yes sometimes internal parts become unstable or ware down. But I have never seen a computer case, laptop or desktop, in a condition worse then a few scratches or maybe a dent in a desktop. So again. I call bullsh*t.
    -You must not know many travelers. We travel with our laptops, everywhere. I had a HP G72-B62. It held up nicely, but again the top case was jittery and was just beginning to come apart when I retired it. My mom also had a Compaq laptop, Im not sure of the exact model, it was glossy, black and generally of eh quality. This is not to say you can’t buy a well made PC. I had an HP Pavilion DV6000 that was very sturdy. But it still doesn’t offer the rigidity that I need for a long lasting work laptop. Just saying dude, build quality is something that PCs haven’t matched yet.

  881. Anonymous says:

    Why do some of you people call each other names like “wintel fanboys” and such? I bet a lot of the commentary is coming from very immature people.

    The bottom line is that every company has tuned their business to cater to the masses. Before the internet hit it big, there weren’t as many people with computers, and even fewer online. Ah, those were the days. The internet was mostly a useful place, but I digress.

    My point is, that the same is true for hardware/software. Everything these days is a marketing gimmick. Internet speeds especially!!

    When we think about fair market value, I can’t say that their (Apple) prices would make them an attractive buy. Besides, I absolutely hate proprietary hardware/software. Sadly, that is just reality. PCs simply allow you to upgrade/expand your system more. Plus if you are a developer, your probably not using a Mac. Just saying.

    1. mh101 says:

      Make a well-informed hyperbaric chamber purchase to elevate your health and recovery at home.

  882. RAWR! says:

    @AS IT IS

    Glad you see how much a an argument you don’t have. And how little knowledge you have concerning computers.


    P.S. Why are you asking someone if he can play Console games on a PC? Do you really know nothing about PC’s and games? This thread is about PC’s, Mac’s, and the company’s that make them. So its safe to say, when someone says they can play any game on there PC, They are talking about PC games. I dont know why you would think otherwise.

  883. RAWR! says:

    “Better being a measurement of what? Specifications or reliability? Yes you can build a”


    “Build quality is necessary to recognize, and you do. Which is why you custom build your computer is it not? You also said you got a custom steel casing did you not? I don’t mean aesthetic design when I say this, I mean “how well is it screwed together” when I say build quality.”

    I build my own computer because I ‘recognize’ Mac’s as a poorly built, over priced, door stop. So again I DO NOT RECOGNIZE MAC”S AR A “SCREWED TOGETHER” COMPUTER. If you mean ‘screwed together’ as in Apple screwed you over together with Intel. Then I agree.

    “Steel is far more prone to rust and is much heavier”

    Cool story bro. My old tower is 6 years old only rust is on the door. And if I want I could buy a Aluminum case too, or even a Steel/Aluminum case.

    You are the first person who has told me that their computer was physically falling apart. In none of my 4 years of working with computer repair company’s have I seen or heard of a computer physically falling apart. Yes sometimes internal parts become unstable or ware down. But I have never seen a computer case, laptop or desktop, in a condition worse then a few scratches or maybe a dent in a desktop. So again. I call bullshit.

  884. As it is says:

    Wow… So much for the Die hard, drink the cool aid Mac user…

    Win PC only people can be far far worse.

    I’ve realised what a mistake it was to even post on this page.


  885. As it is says:


    So hows Killzone ,Uncharted or Gears of War 3 looking?

  886. WOW JUST WOW says:

    lol but idk about the operating system, i tried OS and windows, enjoyed both, gotta admit

  887. Wow says:

    My PC is made up of ASUS, XFX, and Thermaltake. Only ‘Cheap’ parts I have are the ram which I will be upgrading soon.
    “Jeez kid, I definitely said that I went to Verizon for service because you know what? Motorola contracts to Verizon for their distribution and service”
    And that proves that Droid is responsible for your phones hardware how?
    -It wasn’t the hardware I had problems with it was multiple software errors. Verizon verified this as a result from the Android updates. Don’t think that I believe Apple can do no wrong. I hated MobileMe and I still hate quicktime.
    “What matters is the quality standards.”
    You people keep saying that. But my PC has way better parts then any crapple.
    -Better being a measurement of what? Specifications or reliability? Yes you can build a
    “Sorry dude it’s a fact of life. You built your PC with the cheapest parts then? I don’t mean price point, did you use the weakest brands?”
    So its a fact of life that you know how I feel better then I do. Or that you are the probably the most arrogant person I have ever talked to?
    -Probably both. Im kidding, yes I am fairly arrogant. I have reaped the consequences of being so as well. Build quality is necessary to recognize, and you do. Which is why you custom build your computer is it not? You also said you got a custom steel casing did you not? I don’t mean aesthetic design when I say this, I mean “how well is it screwed together” when I say build quality.
    You seem to be underestimating my immense hate for Apple. I do not respect or appreciated anything they do or make. And THAT is a FACT. You seem to think just slapping the word ‘fact’ at the end of a sentence makes what you said true. But that’s not how this works.
    -Quite aware.
    “Yes, I just bought my mother an HP pavilion, the frame is steel, but the rim of the case (plastic) has already started to come apart.”
    Well your mum must be a unruly child. Because My mom has had the same laptop for 8 years. It’s still in perfect physical condition. So I call bullsh*t.
    -You may call that, but my friend has a Pavilion DV7 (same laptop) and it’s having less severe but similar problems. I may have gotten a lemon but it’s an example of why I like the unibody, these problems are physically impossible with such a design.
    “Ive seen the Asus display that you have. It’s a nice piece, but the gamut (the range of colors and their depth) is not as good as apples box. It’s a fact, google it, go to cnet or engadget or PC mag. Apple displays have consistently ranked either 1 or 2 in terms of color quality. And when you do color matching that is VERY important. It also looks nice.”
    Your wrong again. I did google it, and bing, and yahoo. All I found was that most Apple displays have 16.5 Million colors (I have 16.7 Million) And use the slandered color depth. (32bits). Never found your imaginary results. In fact on the ranked list I did look at It was Dell for 1st and Asus for 2nd.
    Also my tower is made out of steel. Better then your overpriced Aluminum pos.
    -Steel is far more prone to rust and is much heavier.
    Steel has yield strengths ranging from 30,000 – 150,000 psi
    Aluminum has yield strengths ranging from 15,000 – 70,000 psi

  888. WOW JUST WOW says:

    * ten mg of ram, not to, lolz, u macs jealous?

  889. WOW JUST WOW says:

    lol! u guys are like, the only reason u say mac owners are narcissistic are cuz u cant afford one. lol! its like, im pretentious cuz i have more money than u. prepared to buy a pc with an quad core 3.8 gh processor, 1.5 terabyte hardrive, to mg of ram. High quality graphics card (geforce), and of course, windows 7. Any desktop close to this on a mac would be, i dont know, 2000 dollars?! Gettin my pc for a touch under 900 dollars. o wait, damn, people wont think im an a*****e. @JJ, lol thats my name too, go pc’s!

  890. RAWR! says:

    I built my PC for almost half the price of a Mac, and with way better parts.*

    My grammar is not at it’s best today. :

  891. RAWR! says:

    “It’s a nice piece, but the gamut (the range of colors and their depth) is not as good as apples box. It’s a fact, google it, go to cnet or engadget or PC mag. Apple displays have consistently ranked either 1 or 2 in terms of color quality.”


    You said cnet right? Well, unless Apple changed there name to Dell or NEC. They aren’t even on the list.

  892. RAWR! says:

    @AS IT IS

    I built my PC for almost half the price of a Mac with way better parts.

    I can do anything and everything I want on my PC with no problems at all.


  893. RAWR! says:

    “My mom has had the same laptop for 8 years.”

    When I say ‘same’ I don’t mean the same, as in the same one you mentioned.

  894. RAWR! says:

    My PC is made up of ASUS, XFX, and Thermaltake. Only ‘Cheap’ parts I have are the ram which I will be upgrading soon.

    “Jeez kid, I definitely said that I went to Verizon for service because you know what? Motorola contracts to Verizon for their distribution and service”

    And that proves that Droid is responsible for your phones hardware how?

    “What matters is the quality standards.”

    You people keep saying that. But my PC has way better parts then any crapple.

    “Sorry dude it’s a fact of life. You built your PC with the cheapest parts then? I don’t mean price point, did you use the weakest brands?”
    So its a fact of life that you know how I feel better then I do. Or that you are the probably the most arrogant person I have ever talked to?

    You seem to be underestimating my immense hate for Apple. I do not respect or appreciated anything they do or make. And THAT is a FACT. You seem to think just slapping the word ‘fact’ at the end of a sentence makes what you said true. But that’s not how this works.

    “Yes, I just bought my mother an HP pavilion, the frame is steel, but the rim of the case (plastic) has already started to come apart.”

    Well your mum must be a unruly child. Because My mom has had the same laptop for 8 years. It’s still in perfect physical condition. So I call bullshit.

    “Ive seen the Asus display that you have. It’s a nice piece, but the gamut (the range of colors and their depth) is not as good as apples box. It’s a fact, google it, go to cnet or engadget or PC mag. Apple displays have consistently ranked either 1 or 2 in terms of color quality. And when you do color matching that is VERY important. It also looks nice.”

    Your wrong again. I did google it, and bing, and yahoo. All I found was that most Apple displays have 16.5 Million colors (I have 16.7 Million) And use the slandered color depth. (32bits). Never found your imaginary results. In fact on the ranked list I did look at It was Dell for 1st and Asus for 2nd.

    Also my tower is made out of steel. Better then your overpriced Aluminum pos.

    Steel has yield strengths ranging from 30,000 – 150,000 psi

    Aluminum has yield strengths ranging from 15,000 – 70,000 psi

  895. Steve says:

    @AS IT IS.

    I have a PC I built and can play any game I want. No problems.

    That is a fact.

  896. As it is says:


    And I bought a mac to run OSx and Logic pro.

    No problems with updates, unlike Hackintosh.

    That is a fact.

  897. Wow says:

    “No, Droid is the phone, I had a Motorola DROID 2.”
    Guess what. Motorola makes those not droid. Yes but the name of the phone is the DROID, like I said.
    -Jeez kid, I definitely said that I went to Verizon for service because you know what? Motorola contracts to Verizon for their distribution and service.
    “No, not the specs it’s how well the thing is screwed together. Foxconn makes other laptops besides Apple’s yes. But Apple’s quality requirements are higher than that of say, Dell’s.”
    Oh so it carry’s the Apple logo so that magically makes it even better even tho Apple pays foxcom less then dell and other computer company’s. Rational reasoning indeed.
    -Doesnt matter what they get paid, and where is your source for Foxconn’s pay? What matters is the quality standards.
    “Yes you DO recognize it, you may not respect it but you do recognize it”
    You are gonna tell ME how I fell!? If that’s not arrogance I don’t know what is. NO I don’t recognize it at all. I know me better then you know me. So f*ck you.
    -Sorry dude it’s a fact of life. You built your PC with the cheapest parts then? I don’t mean price point, did you use the weakest brands?
    “The top case is one piece. We’ve gone over this. You can take out the bottom. Yes it makes the laptop better because a solid piece of aluminum is much harder to break than a bunch of plastic pieces. The laptop is rigid and won’t fall apart.”
    You say that like PC laptops are nothing but plastic. There frames are Plastic but under that is steel. Other then that only under protected part is the screen. And NO it does not make your computer run better. In anyway at all.
    In the end I can buy a windows laptop with the same specs, if not better for almost half the price.
    “Windows is less stable because they allow you to mess around with it.”
    That is true and false. Windows stability vary from user. but as long as you don’t touch anything you don’t understand your good.
    -Yes, I just bought my mother an HP pavilion, the frame is steel, but the rim of the case (plastic) has already started to come apart. And Win 7 is more stable than Vista, this is very true. But the registry will slow down your laptop over time. And the DLLs let’s not forget those.
    “No. It’s not. Apple’s thunderbolt display has quite possibly the best color gamut and saturation I’ve seen”
    Love how Arrogant that is. Prove it. If its out of the ones you SEEN then you never seen mine.
    – Ive seen the Asus display that you have. It’s a nice piece, but the gamut (the range of colors and their depth) is not as good as apples box. It’s a fact, google it, go to cnet or engadget or PC mag. Apple displays have consistently ranked either 1 or 2 in terms of color quality. And when you do color matching that is VERY important. It also looks nice.

  898. RAWR! says:

    “I’ve never understood why people buy macs. I built a 4-core 4.5 ghz processor beast for the same price as the cheapest Mac laptop. iPods are cool, but Apple computers suck.”

    I agree. Personally I prefer a generic MP3 player. No need for a program to put music on a generic MP3, just drag and drop.

    But once I got my HD monitor, SD just seems to be lacking and no longer satisfies me. So if I had to get a new media device it would be a Zune HD

  899. RAWR! says:

    As for Mac’s sleek look. I find that the infinite amount of things you can put a PC in is wonderful. But if you are not to creative These are, in my opinion, some of the best looking cases I can find.

    My current Case and a personal favorite: www,tigerdirect,com/applications/searchtools/item-details,asp?EdpNo=6634206&body=MAIN






    And just about the biggest case EVER: www,newegg,com/Product/Product,aspx?Item=N82E16811119252

    Replace all the Comma’s (,) With Period’s (.)

  900. RAWR! says:

    ….. Seems the intelligence of the commenters wint down while I was on vacation.

    Only things I have to say are.

    “Why would macs or pc users have blueray drives when it costs 50quid to get a 1TB hard disk”

    What do HDD’s have to do with wanting to play Blu-Ray Disk’s?

    “Is it not obvious why they don’t use esata? I don’t use esata, it’s gay I don’t want different types of device cables on my pc and mac philosophy is simplicity.”

    Umm, maybe because they don’t want to give the user the choice to use the things they want. Do you even know what eSATA is for? Its for using External SATA devices that way you don’t HAVE to put everything inside your computer or HOPE that you have a Thunderbolt/Firewire port. Also if Thunderbolt or Firewire didn’t have some sort of issue it would be main-stream already.

    Stop acting like everyone is bulling Apple or that Apple is always right.
    An example to prove my point is Mini-Display ports. Apple made them. And most new computers, Motherboards, and Graphic cards have them. I have 4. I still prefer HDMI

    So if mini-display ports got around so fast. That just means the other crap Apple has is just that. Crap.

    ” i mean of course you want DVI it’s a computer, who has hdmi ports on their PC?”

    I have 1 on my mobo and 2 on my Radon HD 6870. I like having Video and Audio on one cable. It means less cords and simple setup. But wait, isn’t Apple all about being easy and simple? Why would they not have the easier connection? Maybe its because Apple doesn’t even have HD just Over-scan.

  901. David says:

    Mac does suck. Period.

    I have used various PC’s for years, and then when I would stay at my girlfriend’s place, I would use her MacBook Pro.

    Holy f**k, what a piece of s**t. First of all, the browser, Safari, constantly crashes. Don’t even think about trying to load multiple Flash videos. Now, my Mozilla Firefox on my PC would crashes, too, but it is fast and highly customizable, thus making the occasional crash bearable. It would also re-launch all the previous windows after a crash. Safari has yet to re-launch s**t.

    How the f**k can you actually delete anything? I press “delete” and nothing fucking happens? Is that not what DELETE means? WTF, over.

    Downloading files and retrieving them is a b***h. Why can I not select where I want the file to go, and it’s name? I have to dog through Finder to get my files, and if I DL a lot of them, it’s an abortion of a mess.

    Right-click has about 30 percent of the functionality that a Windoze based PC has. Mac dropped the ball on this one. No excuse there.

    Window sizing. Why does MAXIMIZE not actually MAXIMIZE? Does Mac think I enjoy wasting time readjusting the windows 100 times a day?

    About the only positive for the Mac is that it is refined and smooth. The touchpad is by far the best I have ever used and has good two-finger functions. It makes a Dell laptop touchpad I use at work seem like child’s play. The keyboard is perfect, pressing the keys is firm, yet still soft and allows high-speed typing without friction.

    Still, I prefer my monstrous tower of a PC at least 10 to 1. I work fast and have a lot of files and documents, I need speed and customization, not trendy interfaces.

  902. Anonymous says:

    I used to be an Apple fanboy of sorts (back with System 7, 8 and 9). Those were something actually different, if not better than the competition, at least with great potential. But I’ve seen Apple screw their own products over the decades and nowadays Macs are nothing special. It’s just the same s**t as Windows and the recent misguided attempts by Canonical to popularize Ubuntu.

    In conclusion, use whatever works for you. And the Internet is for whining.

  903. evan says:

    i dont reccomend macs they get a lot of viruses i had a dell for 35 years it still works as for the macs at school they just got it last year its broken not that its damaged but it just wont turn on the mouse doesnt middle click it needs wifi as for dells they produce wifi the screen is a bit bigger but dells have hd quality macs have 10000 pixel by 2700 dells have 1000000 pixels by 20000. i would reccomend macs if they quit making computers altogether and leaves macs otherwise dells are better. if you dont believe me just listen to all the rip on macs.

  904. Ben says:

    I love this article. I’m an avid Windows user, through and through. With that said, my work just gave me a macbook to use for video editing. I took it home over the weekend and couldn’t even get Firefox to install. Some little dummy prompt window kept tell me to drag the downloaded install to some application area. Every time I tried, it crashed on me. I was so displeased with using this thing, it confirms my opinion to never buy a mac!

  905. hate fanboys says:

    There is no right or wrong for all. I can’t stand fanboys for anything, even companies I like a lot of their products over. It’s sad, people do almost worship them as God. To which I’m sure that’s pissing Him off.

  906. Ray says:

    I’ve never understood why people buy macs. I built a 4-core 4.5 ghz processor beast for the same price as the cheapest Mac laptop. iPods are cool, but apple computers suck.

  907. jones says:

    found this blog dated 2012 sums up what sucks this millineum,

  908. Almost Completely True says:

    Mac’s have absolutley horrible hardware, but I must agree with Mac fanboys that they do have good software. There price in relation to the hardware is absolutely horrible and you can get better computers for a little more than half the price of a Mac.

  909. dude says:

    yo steve, leave already and get laid, ive tracked the comments and ure here since 2010 WTF!?

  910. Steve says:

    @RAY. Thanks for proving my point.

  911. Ray says:

    Pardon my spelling and grammar from previous comment STEVE.

    S**t happens.

  912. Ray says:

    @Steve. You lost your “respect” for me? Oh, did you really? REALLY STEVE??!!! lol

    You seem like a MAC user. So worried about what others have to say. Always ready to judge people huh Steve? Why don’t you hold your balls and I’ll hold mine. Don’t worry about respect. We’re not here to collect Respect points from strangers. I’m here to take a s**t, so people like you can come in and point to it “Eww, No Respect” and take pictures your your apple devices.

    Some of you people with your No Child Left Behind mentality make me sick. What happened to those days when Men were Men and women knew how to cook.

    I LOL at YOU. EAT Grass and watch TV, its good for you sheep.

  913. Steve says:

    @RAY. Talking like a 16 year old isn’t going to help your case. As soon as I saw “People, PEOPLE! STFU” and “oops… blow me if it bothers you” I lost all respect for you.

  914. Ray says:

    makers* (previous comment)

    oops… blow me if it bothers you.

  915. Ray says:


    People, PEOPLE! STFU.

    You all sound like little babies whining about who gets to play first.

    We all know that the PC sucks. We also know that the MAC sucks harder.

    But, that does not mean we should fight a war that brings no profit to us as the back end user/customer/payee. We should unite and force these shitty, crappy, hardware and software makes to improve or GET OUT!

    Please…Don’t be sheep.

    STOP Herd Mentality!

    – Your local Armenian

  916. MorteKai says:

    Macs look pretty, lets face it, on the surface they just look very smart and minimalist…. but that’s it!! (and they’re quite)

    I’ve worked at a film and reproduction firm where we only used Macs, and I hated it.. for the following reasons

    1. you need to to serious housekeeping (files in the right places) to keep your mac running at a good speed.
    2. the mouse/mice sucks ass, (not ergonomic at all)
    3. when your CD gets stuck in the CD-Tray, … good luck trying to get it out, (On a PC I just need to press a pin into the CD tray pinhole)… Apple was so kind to block this hole, so you’re forced to take the bloody thing apart. Which means you’ll have to shut down, and take the case apart, take the cd-rom out……… you get the point
    4. Show me a MAC with 4 monitors that actually work…..
    5. Try and get the latest software for a MAC…. IT’LL ALWAYS BE ON A PC FIRST.
    6. They are OVERPRICED!!!! (both hardware and software)

    If you look at heavy-duty applications/software it’s always for PC only, think about animation movies and rendering farms (they’re all PC) think about the servers that host websites and data (they’re all PC), complicated fluid dynamics software…. (all for PC)….

    MAC’s are really only used by graphic design studios that do small adverts and print media. And the only reason they have MAC’s is because they look nice with the new office space.
    But when it comes to designing planes/cars/buildings (anything that needs to go through analysis and number crunching) it’s always PC. The large Hadron Collider (designed and being run with PC’s)
    Think about the infrastructure in your city and departments and what they run on…….. (PC’s no doubt)
    If you really just want a MAC because it looks prettier, then check out the LIAN LI cases for PC…. now that is truly minimalistic and much better designed than the MACs

    PC’s are more heavy-duty, more customizable, have more options, and better pricing because there are so many hardware/software developers that are competing for the market, whereas Apple is the monopoly and will charge what they want.

    PC’s are just better (if you don’t believe me, try building a dual xeon MAC)

    If you’re still a MAC fan, can you I give you my account number?? and you deposit money into it seeing as you’re just throwing your money away anyway..

  917. Steve says:

    @RICHARD. I have both HDMI and a blu-ray burner on my PC. I prefer HDMI over DVI or VGA any day. And how can you compare a blu-ray drive to a 1 TB hard drive? If I want to rent a blu-ray movie how am I going to watch it on my PC without a blu-ray drive?

  918. Richard Ellicott says:

    lol, macs are not based on linux (it has roots in bsd), most of this stuff is rubbish, i mean of course you want DVI it’s a computer, who has hdmi ports on their PC?

    Why would macs or pc users have blueray drives when it costs 50quid to get a 1TB hard disk?

    Is it not obvious why they don’t use esata? I don’t use esata, it’s gay I don’t want different types of device cables on my pc and mac philosophy is simplicity.

    no the reason macs suck is much more complicated than you are able to understand clearly

  919. Steve says:

    At this point PC users don’t even have to say anything. You make yourself look like a fool.

  920. Steve says:

    @REEVES. There is no such thing as a PC fanboy. PC users don’t twist the truth. apple users only say their opinions which is why they are fan boys. We can throw fact after fact at you and you refuse listen.

    And what is with all you apple users and your immaturity.


    “Fuckin’ PC Fanboy”

    “faggot. Go cry to mommy.”

    If I didn’t know any better I’d say apple users are immature teenagers. You give apple users an even worse name. Keep it up, kid.

  921. Keanu says:

    Fuckin’ PC Fanboy

  922. Steve says:

    @A Mac User. Typical immature mac user. Go to back Starbucks and stop freaking out.

  923. A Mac User says:

    this is the stupidest article ever. the X button closes the window, but it shows that the internet application is running…dumbass. close a window on Facebook, and re-open it again, homepage comes up, not Facebook. THIS IS NOT MINIMIZING<– but i'm stupid and you are a genius. you are the smartest person in the world. you don't own a mac, but you know everything about it. You are so smart! and to all that agree with this idiot, y'all need to try a mac out and not listen to crap like this. to the author of this article- SHUT THE HELL UP, GET A LIFE, STOP SUCKING GATE'S DICK, STOP TRYING TO ACT COOL LIKE YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, AND FOR THE LOVE OF TECHNOLOGY…GO TO HELL

  924. you are a says:

    faggot. Go cry to mommy.

  925. Steve says:

    @ZANDER. We aren’t even talking about the actual article anymore. Read the posts before you start freaking out like a school girl. All the PC users posting on here are listing facts unlike the apple users.

  926. Zander says:

    You are an idiotic one sided fanboy b***h, the evidence you use against mac is COMPLETELY opinionated. How about owning a mac for a few years before you start blowing smoke out of your ass. Oh and you actually had to use right clicking as a negative point because you’re to unintelligent to think of a better argument.

  927. hohoho says:

    1. Mac’s are pricey for the hardware you get. Build a PC yourself with the same specs as a Mac and you will save money.

    2. Windows does what I want. I don’t understand people who say that they have loads of trouble with windows. XP was awesome, Vista was kind of a let down, but with windows 7 I basically never get errors.

    3. I don’t think I’ve ever heard somebody say ‘Does it run on windows’, but ‘Does it run on a Mac’ all too frequently.

    4. Macs have better software. Well, but new software for your pc then. Duh. Sony Vegas, Photoshop. Awesome?

    5. Macs look pretty. Buy a decent case for your PC.

    6. Yes, you’ve guessed it. I don’t like macs at all. A PC has done everything I need it to, for cheaper than a Mac.

  928. hohoho says:

    ha.. I love apple fanboys :) On the other hand they could have virtualized windows. Then again whats the point of wasting all that money on a mac :)

  929. Steve says:

    @RAWR. If you noticed I’m not even acknowledging WOW anymore. His posts are way too long and it’s all his opinion.

  930. RAWR! says:

    “As for that Acer the Phenom II is inferior to the i7 in my box. Also the discrete graphics card is lower spec’d as well, so no. I wouldn’t take the Aspire over my mac box. It is a good value for the specs. I would like to see the brands and quality of the various parts though. But overall not a bad value at all.”

    Never said it was better. Said it was the best I could find. And it really is good for the price if you don’t do anything to demanding.

    I prefer AMD over Intel. In my experience AMD can OC better and is a better value. Ex. AMD FX-6100 6core 8MB L3 6MB L2 3.30GHz (OC 4.1GHz) Unlocked – $150 vs Intel Core i7-2600 Quad Core, 8MB L3 Cache, 1MB L2 Cache, 3.40 GHz (3.80 GHz Max Turbo) – $300

    Also because the AMD cpu is OC and unlocked 4.1GHz is just the recommended OC but it can go higher. Granted you have adequate cooling.

  931. RAWR! says:

    Diablotek 750W Power Supply – $35

    Asus 24.5″ Widescreen HD LED 1080p, 2X2 Built in Speakers – $150 -$20Rebate

    NZXT PHAN-001BK Phantom Full-Tower Case – $130 -$20Rebate

    Corsair DDR3 2133MHz 6GB – $50 -$10Rebate

    AMD FX-6100 6core 8MB L3 6MB L2 3.30GHz (OC 4.1GHz) Unlocked – $150

    ASUS M5A97 AMD 9 Series Motherboard – $100 -$10Rebate

    XFX Double D HD-687A-ZDFC Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 -$170 -$20Rebate

    1TB SATA HDD 7200RPM x2 – $120 -$10Rebate x2

    Sony 2.1 Speaker set – $25


    $830 after rebate.

    Find me a Better Mac for the same price.

  932. RAWR! says:

    “No, Droid is the phone, I had a Motorola DROID 2.”

    Guess what. Motorola makes those not droid.

    “No, not the specs it’s how well the thing is screwed together. Foxconn makes other laptops besides Apple’s yes. But Apple’s quality requirements are higher than that of say, Dell’s.”

    Oh so it carry’s the Apple logo so that magically makes it even better even tho Apple pays foxcom less then dell and other computer company’s. Rational reasoning indeed.

    “Yes you DO recognize it, you may not respect it but you do recognize it”

    You are gonna tell ME how I fell!? If that’s not arrogance I don’t know what is. NO I don’t recognize it at all. I know me better then you know me. So f**k you.

    “The top case is one piece. We’ve gone over this. You can take out the bottom. Yes it makes the laptop better because a solid piece of aluminum is much harder to break than a bunch of plastic pieces. The laptop is rigid and won’t fall apart.”

    You say that like PC laptops are nothing but plastic. There frames are Plastic but under that is steel. Other then that only under protected part is the screen. And NO it does not make your computer run better. In anyway at all.
    In the end I can buy a windows laptop with the same specs, if not better for almost half the price.

    “Windows is less stable because they allow you to mess around with it.”
    That is true and false. Windows stability vary from user. but as long as you don’t touch anything you don’t understand your good.

    “No. It’s not. Apple’s thunderbolt display has quite possibly the best color gamut and saturation I’ve seen”

    Love how Arrogant that is. Prove it. If its out of the ones you SEEN then you never seen mine.

  933. Steve says:

    @UIDIOT. Typical apple user response. As a business owner I can afford whatever computer I want. I choose to build my own. Money wasn’t an issue when building mine. Igornant kid.

  934. UIdiot says:

    U are certainly out of touch. And probably poor.

  935. Wow says:

    Again all your droid problems where most likely because of the service provider. Not Droid. Remember Droid is the OS not the phone. So of course Droid cant replace the hardware if they didn’t make it in the first place. I have Spectrum LG not the best phone but it’s good enough. I have a Warranty with LG as well.
    -No, Droid is the phone, I had a Motorola DROID 2.
    “So windows software is better because there is more of it? By your logic starbucks has the best coffee because there’s more of them than other coffee shops.”
    I think coffee is a terrible example. I for one hate all coffee. But that doesn’t mean all coffee is bad. Does Starbucks have the best coffee? Well, that’s subjective, but they didn’t get to where they are now by magic.
    Mac user’s keep spouting nonsense about ‘quality control’. In what way is Mac hardware better then what I have? Because OS X only supports some hardware? All that says to me is that the dev’s where to lazy to give support to all hardware. Which would also allow Apple to control what there user’s use. For example, Mac’s can only use AMD GPU’s and Intel CPU’s. So what if I like Nvidia GPU’s and AMD CPU’s better? Well I’m f*cked, all because Apple doesn’t want me to have a custom rig.
    -No, not the specs it’s how well the thing is screwed together. Foxconn makes other laptops besides Apple’s yes. But Apple’s quality requirements are higher than that of say, Dell’s.
    “Also “not worth a damn, tech-wise,…” thats ludicrous, Apple’s displays are always among, if not the top rated displays in the business.”
    No I believe my cheap ($130) ASUS VE228H 24″ LCD Full 1080P HD Widescreen monitor With 2×2 built in speakers is better then whatever you have.
    -No. It’s not. Apple’s thunderbolt display has quite possibly the best color gamut and saturation I’ve seen,
    Also does just the display alone make it worth anything tech-wise? I buy tech when they are good over all not just because I like one part about it.
    “Craftsmanship as well, may be subjective, but it IS recognized by everyone.”
    Well I don’t recognize it. So that blows your theory out of the water.
    -Yes you DO recognize it, you may not respect it but you do recognize it.
    Also the ‘uni-body experience’ is just bullsh*t. Will my computer run better just because The case is in one piece? no that just means its harder to replace any parts if something happens. Also I thought Uni-body meant that it has no seams, meaning it is all one piece, one frame, no removable parts. Like how most aircraft’s are built. But doesn’t the fact you can take apart your MBP mean its not uni-body? Otherwise how would you upgrade the ram? Get Kitty Pryde to do it for you?
    -The top case is one piece. We’ve gone over this. You can take out the bottom. Yes it makes the laptop better because a solid piece of aluminum is much harder to break than a bunch of plastic pieces. The laptop is rigid and won’t fall apart.

    As for that Acer the Phenom II is inferior to the i7 in my box. Also the discrete graphics card is lower spec’d as well, so no. I wouldn’t take the Aspire over my mac box. It is a good value for the specs. I would like to see the brands and quality of the various parts though. But overall not a bad value at all.
    As for the right click, yes I prefer the Apple trackpad and it’s gestures because they are more versatile. Windows is less stable because they allow you to mess around with it. Although there are quite a few mac themes for snow leopard and hopefully lion will prove to be as versatile as SL was. But yes, you’re right. I prefer some things to be more versatile and others to be less. But the trackpad is part of the computer’s experience, and it is as versatile as it is because the OS is more controlled.

  936. Kin-Jhong-Ilm says:

    True, Mac sucks. Apple sucks dick.

  937. Scia says:

    Well, the reasons to buy a mac are pretty obvious:
    Either youre a chick or youre an absolute noob regarding tech. As soon as you wanna do some modding, enhancing or w/e on your machines, youre basically fucked on a mac. Windows is not jailing you as mac does. Same with android, on an android phone u can basically do EVERYTHING while on the iphone u can do exactly what youre supposed to. [ex. try to download a wikileaks app ^^]. My rooted sgs2 can do everything, from evading vpn to taking your facebook pw, why… because i can :D
    Mac is just built up for the less gifted ppl cause its basically impossible to break a mac by modding or w/e since you dont even get that far. why would i buy a machine that tells me “only this far!”?! the superadmin of your mac is the godforsaken macstore ><
    besides the fact that apple is cultivating his hippie/alternative flair, its really no use as soon as your needs exceed photoshop and word (cause if you used pages ud still be qqing) ^^

  938. RAWR! says:

    Again all your droid problems where most likely because of the service provider. Not Droid. Remember Droid is the OS not the phone. So of course Droid cant replace the hardware if they didn’t make it in the first place. I have Spectrum LG not the best phone but it’s good enough. I have a Warranty with LG as well.

    “So windows software is better because there is more of it? By your logic starbucks has the best coffee because there’s more of them than other coffee shops.”

    I think coffee is a terrible example. I for one hate all coffee. But that doesn’t mean all coffee is bad. Does Starbucks have the best coffee? Well, that’s subjective, but they didn’t get to where they are now by magic.

    Mac user’s keep spouting nonsense about ‘quality control’. In what way is Mac hardware better then what I have? Because OS X only supports some hardware? All that says to me is that the dev’s where to lazy to give support to all hardware. Which would also allow Apple to control what there user’s use. For example, Mac’s can only use AMD GPU’s and Intel CPU’s. So what if I like Nvidia GPU’s and AMD CPU’s better? Well I’m fucked, all because Apple doesn’t want me to have a custom rig.

    “Also “not worth a damn, tech-wise,…” thats ludicrous, Apple’s displays are always among, if not the top rated displays in the business.”

    No I believe my cheap ($130) ASUS VE228H 24″ LCD Full 1080P HD Widescreen monitor With 2×2 built in speakers is better then whatever you have.
    Also does just the display alone make it worth anything tech-wise? I buy tech when they are good over all not just because I like one part about it.

    “Craftsmanship as well, may be subjective, but it IS recognized by everyone.”

    Well I don’t recognize it. So that blows your theory out of the water.

    Also the ‘uni-body experience’ is just bullshit. Will my computer run better just because The case is in one piece? no that just means its harder to replace any parts if something happens. Also I thought Uni-body meant that it has no seams, meaning it is all one piece, one frame, no removable parts. Like how most aircraft’s are built. But doesn’t the fact you can take apart your MBP mean its not uni-body? Otherwise how would you upgrade the ram? Get Kitty Pryde to do it for you?

  939. RAWR! says:

    “Now, I think the Mac right click is more versatile because I can program any corner of the track pad to work as a right click, or one side, or two fingers, or a two fingered double tap rather than just one button.”

    So Mac’s right click is better because its more versatile, but Windows is worse then Mac because Windows is more versatile…. Your rational mind at work?

  940. RAWR! says:

    Acer Aspire AS7551-7422 $320

    Condition New
    Display 17.3″ HD Widescreen CineCrystal™ LCD display (1600 x 900)
    Processor AMD Phenom II X4 Quad-Core Processor N970 (2.2GHz, 2MB L2 cache)
    Operating System Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit with Office 2010 Starter
    GPU ATI Radeon HD 4250 Graphics
    Memory 4GB DDR3 1333; 8GB Maximum
    Hard Disk Drive 500GB SATA 5400RPM
    Optical Disk Drive 8X DVD-SuperMulti Double-Layer Drive
    Communications 10/100 Ethernet
    802.11B/G/N Wireless
    Input Devices Full-Size Keyboard with Multi-gesture Touchpad
    I/O Ports & Connectors 1 x RJ-45
    1 x VGA
    1 x HDMI
    1 x Line-Out(Headphone)
    1 x Input (Microphone)
    3 x USB
    Devices 5-in-1 digital media card reader compatible with Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, MultiMediaCard (MMC), xD-Picture Card, Secure Digital (SD) Card
    Built-In 1.3MP HD Webcam (1280 x 1024)
    Power Supply 6-cell Li-ion battery
    Dimensions (W x H x D) 16.3 x 1.4 x 10.8 inches

    Best I could find : ) Really nice for the price if you ask me. I’ve been needing a laptop, might just buy this one after I finish building my new rig.

  941. Wow says:

    Good lord, look, my droid had multiple, multiple crashes. On top of that when I dropped the phone (I’m human) and the case cracked Verizon said “we don’t cover any physical damage that wasn’t caused by manufacturing.” Yes, that’s Verizon’s fault, totally, but they supplied the phone. Who else are you going to ask for support? My iPhone was replaced free of charge, no questions asked, out of warranty. And yes, that’s because Apple makes the phone. Yep. Also, I like the App Store better, at the time it had more apps, I think the Android Market has surpassed sheer number. The iPhone and Droid are the same price, so it’s a matter of taste. And my iPhone works flawlessly with my mac and iCloud. And Ive had two iPhones, both were totally trouble free and had excellent service. They also cost the same as my Droid. If a company has a product that has multiple issues and they have crappy support how can you blame me for not going back? Yet if I have nothing but exemplary support and a company’s product does exactly what they advertise then how am I crazy for buying from them? Look, you can say “iSheep, brainwashed, et cetera” all you want, but I reason with a rational mind. My computer lets me get my work done quickly and efficiently. “Hardware this, hardware that” it is important, definitely. But 0.4 GHZ isn’t going to make my keynote run exponentially faster. And an AMD Radeon 7500M isn’t going to make Logic Pro run 2x faster than my 6490M. Hardware is very important, but the hardware I get with my Mac is very good, and to me, efficiency when doing tasks is more important than hardware. Is that a crime? Because apparently, hardware for $ is the only thing that matters.

    Now, I think the Mac right click is more versatile because I can program any corner of the track pad to work as a right click, or one side, or two fingers, or a two fingered double tap rather than just one button.

    @Steve So windows software is better because there is more of it? By your logic starbucks has the best coffee because there’s more of them than other coffee shops.
    @Doug; you will not pay 2-4 times more (Mac Pro aside, it is ridiculous) for an EQUIVALENT competitor. I don’t mean some dell box made with cheap parts, and please don’t even bother with “they’re all made in China” quality control is different. Sony VAIOs, HP Envys, Dell XPS-Z series are what I would be cross-shopping if I wanted to buy a PC and CNET, PC Mag, Engadget and Techo Buffalo seem to agree.

    @CHEESEBALL Not only they’re biased, but on certain forums they tend to even suggest some people to get a normal Windows-PC, with much more specs/hardware, instead of wasting moneys on a Mac to Bootcamp Windows.
    An example was an iSheep suggesting some other guy (apparently new to the Mac world) to get a Sony VAIO, instead of a Mac….if he wanted to run his Windows programs.
    So, they’re basically contradicting themselves over and over again.
    – So they’re biased, but they don’t care if you don’t use a Mac. Right. I personally never said I wanted everyone to use a Mac. I think they have different uses. I also think you’re belittling Apple users love for their computers because secretly you don’t like yours. But that is irrelevant.
    They probably know that their expensive aluminium box with an Apple logo isn’t worth a damn, tech-wise, but still, they try to hide themselves from all embar*ssment, by trying to say, with their “superiority”, that a Windows PC will be good for the programs he/she must use (of course, we all know that), instead of trying to proselitize their “superior” platform, such a Church practicant would do.
    – I think my platform is superior in terms of audiovisual work simply because of the efficient UI. You can propagate sony vegas if you want but it’s still going to suck. Also “not worth a damn, tech-wise,…” thats ludicrous, Apple’s displays are always among, if not the top rated displays in the business. (don’t bother with pixel density, color gamut comes first when graphic work is involved, pixel density is a close, close second.) And I have yet to see a PC manufacturer bring a touchpad that even comes close to Apple’s. Craftsmanship as well, may be subjective, but it IS recognized by everyone. You can say that’s an opinion, but you can’t say it’s “nonsense, or bullcrap.”
    So,yeah. Some iSheeps know that they’re running underpowered expensive PC hardware, but they’re embar*ssed by the fact that they payed thousand of $$$ for a $300 Windows-like performance machine (though, even a crappy netbook will run XP just fine….even better than OS X), and not a rock-solid platform, as Apple continue to advertise.
    Apple is all smoke and mirrors. Nothing will change the fact that Windows IS the computer, and not Macs.
    -You show me a $300 Windows box that will beat my Mac
    Processor 2.0 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7
    Cache 6MB shared L3 cache
    Memory 4GB (two 2GB SO-DIMMs) of 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM; supports up to 8GB
    Graphics Intel HD Graphics 30005 and AMD Radeon HD 6490M with automatic graphics switching. 256MB GDDR5 graphics memory.
    Hard disk drive1 500GB Serial ATA, 5400 rpm
    Optical drive 8x double-layer SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Wireless Wi-Fi (based on IEEE 802.11n specification)4 Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
    Expansion One Thunderbolt port (up to 10 Gbps), one FireWire 800 port (up to 800 Mbps), Two USB 2.0 ports (up to 480 Mbps), one SDXC card slot
    Video and Audio FaceTime HD camera; Thunderbolt port with support for DVI, VGA, dual-link DVI, and HDMI
    Stereo speakers with subwoofers, omnidirectional microphone, audio line in minijack (digital/analog), audio line out/headphone minijack (digital/analog)
    Size and weight Height: .95 inches (2.41 cm)
    Width: 14.35 inches (36.4 cm)
    Depth: 9.82 inches (24.9 cm)
    Weight (standard configuration): 5.6 pounds (2.54 kg)3
    I paid $1357 for it. No, it’s not a great hardware value, but Ive beaten this horse to death twice over.
    @Jared: her macbook is at least two years old, and your PC is most likely under 1 year old, thats the HP envy right?

  942. George says:

    I have used both mac and pc since I was 5 and I have to say I don’t like the way the way mainstream Operating systems are evolving. Competition,hype,money = windows and mac. Open source is the way to go, with no ill motives it grows the fastest and is by far the most flexible yes I am talking Linux. Mac really is a good choice for people new to computers, but if your like me you won’t be able to stand the idiot proof interface and extreme lack of flexibility. windows is only slightly more flexible in my opinion. choose from 4000 linux flavors to suit your needs or geek level and don’t pay over 2000 only to limit yourself.

  943. Steve says:

    I agree that software is a matter of opinion … to a point. Windows IS better because you get more out of it. Like more software selection. Nearly all software/games for Windows is made for it and not ported over or manipulated to work. On a mac the software is either ported or you need bootcamp.

  944. Jared says:

    Im not a pc fanboy, but Macs are incredibly overpriced for the weak hardware that is included. My gf’s 1500 dollar macbook has only 2 Gb ram and only a 2.0 ghz intel core 2 duo processor. My 750 dollar hp has a quad core processor that runs at 2.7ghz and 6 gb of ram. It also has beats audio and a mid range Radeon graphics card. All of this for half the price. So from a hardware aspect there is no arguing that pc’s are just better for the price. When it comes to software its all just a matter of opinion.

  945. Doug says:

    The article is exactly right. Who in their right mind would pay 2 to 4 times more for a computer that has a slower processor, less RAM, crap video card, and barely any software available?

    I’ll tell you who: Mac fanboys that have been brainwashed into believing that Mac computers are better.

    1. Liam says:

      Thank you for sharing this great post!

  946. Apple says:

    What a dick-head huh? Get a life you punk.

  947. austin says:

    macs do suck they are overpriced and shitty but if you really want to use mac just do a hackentosh for 1 quater the price you can get a gamming pc build with mac osx windows and linux. i currently have a pc with an i7 3960x three amd 6970 and an rampage iv extreme(not the build for the quarter of the price) with windows, mac and linux.

  948. Alex says:

    @CHEESEBALL Not only they’re biased, but on certain forums they tend to even suggest some people to get a normal Windows-PC, with much more specs/hardware, instead of wasting moneys on a Mac to Bootcamp Windows.
    An example was an iSheep suggesting some other guy (apparently new to the Mac world) to get a Sony VAIO, instead of a Mac….if he wanted to run his Windows programs.
    So, they’re basically contradicting themselves over and over again.
    They probably know that their expensive aluminium box with an Apple logo isn’t worth a damn, tech-wise, but still, they try to hide themselves from all embarassment, by trying to say, with their “superiority”, that a Windows PC will be good for the programs he/she must use (of course, we all know that), instead of trying to proselitize their “superior” platform, such a Church practicant would do.
    So,yeah. Some iSheeps know that they’re running underpowered expensive PC hardware, but they’re embarassed by the fact that they payed thousand of $$$ for a $300 Windows-like performance machine (though, even a crappy netbook will run XP just fine….even better than OS X), and not a rock-solid platform, as Apple continue to advertise.
    Apple is all smoke and mirrors. Nothing will change the fact that Windows IS the computer, and not Macs.

  949. Steve says:

    Thanks, CHEESEBALL. Nearly every PC user on here has given only facts. Nearly every apple user has given opinions. If I had time I’d post another PC/mac price comparison.

  950. RAWR! says:

    Thank You, CHEESEBALL.

    An example of iSheep contradicting themselves is when you tell them about a problem Mac’s once had, they say it’s OK because they no longer have that problem. But WOW said he left his Droid because “It was the terrible service and multiple bugs and crashes.”
    Well the ‘terrible service’ is the phone company’s fault not the Droid’s. But what WOW said is true, with only old Droids that cant handle the newer versions of the Droid software. The newer Droids run smooth and are very stable. But WOW doesn’t care. He had one bad experience, and so that forever makes Droid a terrible device. But if wow had a crappy iPhone that was buggy and crashed allot. You know he will buy another one later, after they fix the problems.

    Yes, I said one. because unless you had three phones, it was only one experience.

    Another example is when an iSheep gets all defensive and runs out of ‘facts’ to argue about. They then start arguing about how in their opinion, Mac is better in every way. But then when a PC users says they like the Windows right click better then Mac’s. iSheep go nuts. So its OK for you to blurt out your opinion but we are not allowed to disagree with you? Moreover, iSheep say that things that where made for Mac first are better on Mac. But then they say that the Mac right click is just as good as the PC right click or even better. Even tho the PC had it first.

    Those are also examples on how iSheep are Biased.

  951. cheeseball says:

    I like how WOW and REDLINE act like only Apple has R&D.

    Everyone has R&D Apple is the only one that makes you pay for it.

    Keep up the good work RAWR! and STEVE, Mac users ain’t got s**t on you guys.
    They also contradict themselves and are biased. They say a PC is bad for one reason but then say it’s OK for Apple to make that same mistake.

  952. The Tick says:

    Great article! F**k apple! They are crappy, just a polished turd!

  953. michael says:

    oh come on this guy wasn’t payed by microsoft he’s just proving why you should stick with a more better classic version of a laptop/computer

  954. RAWR! says:

    “So he can in fact access his bank account. Albeit in a roundabout fashion.”

    “I know some people who act like logging into a bank account and printing the transaction log is rocket science.”

    I was saying online. Never said he couldn’t get into it at all.

    “Well you have me puzzled. On mine there was a readme and an install summary. I will upload screenshots. So what all did it install? On my computer it was just iTunes 10.5.3”

    Well of course it installed iTunes. It installed Apple software updater, which is understandable. something Called bonjour. Apple customer support software, don’t need that. A program that had something to do with Apple mobile devices. And two other programs I cant seem to remember the names of.

    “-No, Apple sells software as well. And why is it that every IT guy (especially the ones at ITWorx) tell me that “I like the Mac hardware””

    But Apple still sells Computers, and they are overpriced. Saying they only sell over priced hardware is implying they don’t sell computers. Or that their computers cant be called computers.

  955. Wow says:

    “I definitely said that it was on the installer. But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff. All the things on my mac are up to date. I will have to install it on my mothers PC and take a screenshot. But if you google “iTunes installer” there are several shots of the installer specifying what programs are being installed.”
    I did this already but my post never came up so let me try again.
    ht tp : // tinypic,com/r/opw6fn/5
    ht tp : // tinypic,com/r/6z5u2h/5
    “What? Because my experience with Androids hasn’t been that they’re magical and ‘open sourced?””
    Yes because you had one bad time with something and because of that you say that is forever bad. But yet you pardon Apple when they ‘fix’ their bugs and errors, but not another company? Once you have a bad experience with anyone other then Apple, you stray away from them forever, that’s how you think?
    -“once bad experience” No, it wasn’t once. I usually give a company 3 strikes. It was the terrible service and multiple bugs and crashes that led me away from Androids. My iPhone did have a problem with 3g reception that was a software bug. THe apple store gave me another, no questions asked. Verizon? “Um, well this happens fairly often, so were going to ask if you can just be patient with us.” – no thanks.
    I never had a bad experience, with any of my non-Apple products. Well that’s not entirely true there was one time my PC crashed but I knew exactly why it crashed, and it was my fault. Because I did something wrong.
    So based on my personal experience, professional experience, and the research I’ve done. over 80% of the time computers crash because of user errors. 17% of the time are due to hardware failure, and 3% of the time it actually is the OS.
    In other words, you most likely f*cked up. And are blaming it on the manufacture. People rarely admit their mistakes, and always try to pin the fault on someone or something other then themselves. I do it too.
    “apple sells overpriced computers. Fact.
    -What you said about human nature is entirely correct. But I didn’t leave windows because of stability issues. I just didn’t like the way that the operating system was all about the operating system and not the task at hand. THis may sound weak or cheesy, but OS X really does help with my raging ADD. And it’s worth the cost to me. <- and thats a fact.
    -Computers, thats subjective. Overpriced hardware? yes.”
    It is not subjective, and Apple does not sell hardware, only computers. So if their hardware is over priced then that makes their computers overpriced as well.
    -No, Apple sells software as well. And why is it that every IT guy (especially the ones at ITWorx) tell me that "I like the Mac hardware"
    February 16, 2012 at 7:02 pm
    “If someone is running a business how can they not know how to access a bank account?”
    He did it through phone, fax, and in person.
    -So he can in fact access his bank account. Albeit in a roundabout fashion.
    “But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff.”
    There is no readme before the install. Not sure about after. Was never offered the chance to read it or bothered to go to the install folder to find it. And no notification of the other programs installed. In fact if I hadn’t planed on uninstalling iTunes afterwords I would of never known that iTunes installed other software on my computer without my permission.
    “I definitely said that it was on the installer.”
    I was talking about the installer as well.
    -Well you have me puzzled. On mine there was a readme and an install summary. I will upload screenshots. So what all did it install? On my computer it was just iTunes 10.5.3

  956. RAWR! says:

    “If someone is running a business how can they not know how to access a bank account?”

    He did it through phone, fax, and in person.

    “But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff.”

    There is no readme before the install. Not sure about after. Was never offered the chance to read it or bothered to go to the install folder to find it. And no notification of the other programs installed. In fact if I hadn’t planed on uninstalling iTunes afterwords I would of never known that iTunes installed other software on my computer without my permission.

    “I definitely said that it was on the installer.”

    I was talking about the installer as well.

  957. RAWR! says:

    “I definitely said that it was on the installer. But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff. All the things on my mac are up to date. I will have to install it on my mothers PC and take a screenshot. But if you google “iTunes installer” there are several shots of the installer specifying what programs are being installed.”

    I did this already but my post never came up so let me try again.
    ht tp : // tinypic,com/r/opw6fn/5

    ht tp : // tinypic,com/r/6z5u2h/5

    “What? Because my experience with Androids hasn’t been that they’re magical and ‘open sourced?””
    Yes because you had one bad time with something and because of that you say that is forever bad. But yet you pardon Apple when they ‘fix’ their bugs and errors, but not another company? Once you have a bad experience with anyone other then Apple, you stray away from them forever, that’s how you think?

    I never had a bad experience, with any of my non-Apple products. Well that’s not entirely true there was one time my PC crashed but I knew exactly why it crashed, and it was my fault. Because I did something wrong.

    So based on my personal experience, professional experience, and the research I’ve done. over 80% of the time computers crash because of user errors. 17% of the time are due to hardware failure, and 3% of the time it actually is the OS.

    In other words, you most likely fucked up. And are blaming it on the manufacture. People rarely admit their mistakes, and always try to pin the fault on someone or something other then themselves. I do it too.

    “apple sells overpriced computers. Fact.
    -Computers, thats subjective. Overpriced hardware? yes.”

    It is not subjective, and Apple does not sell hardware, only computers. So if their hardware is over priced then that makes their computers overpriced as well.

  958. RAWR! says:

    “I definitely said that it was on the installer. But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff. All the things on my mac are up to date. I will have to install it on my mothers PC and take a screenshot. But if you google “iTunes installer” there are several shots of the installer specifying what programs are being installed.”

    I did this already but my post never came up so let me try again. http://tinypic,com/r/opw6fn/5


    “What? Because my experience with Androids hasn’t been that they’re magical and ‘open sourced?””
    Yes because you had one bad time with something and because of that you say that is forever bad. But yet you pardon Apple when they ‘fix’ their bugs and errors, but not another company? Once you have a bad experience with anyone other then Apple, you stray away from them forever, that’s how you think?

    I never had a bad experience, with any of my non-Apple products. Well that’s not entirely true there was one time my PC crashed but I knew exactly why it crashed, and it was my fault. Because I did something wrong.

    So based on my personal experience, professional experience, and the research I’ve done. over 80% of the time computers crash because of user errors. 17% of the time are due to hardware failure, and 3% of the time it actually is the OS.

    In other words, you most likely fucked up. And are blaming it on the manufacture. People rarely admit their mistakes, and always try to pin the fault on someone or something other then themselves. I do it too.

    “apple sells overpriced computers. Fact.
    -Computers, thats subjective. Overpriced hardware? yes.”

    It is not subjective, and Apple does not sell hardware, only computers. So if their hardware is over priced then that makes their computers overpriced as well.

  959. wow says:

    “I think that people who can’t login to a bank account on any system are probably bound for failure.”
    “No, it doesn’t. Someone who is bound for failure and HAS a successful business doesn’t sound like a failure to me.”
    See that disproves your point. You said it yourself.
    -If someone is running a business how can they not know how to access a bank account?
    “I know, it STILL applies, when you update iTunes it deletes the old copy and the same installer that installs on virg*n iTunes computers pops up. You click ‘more details’ when it says ‘are you sure you want to install this?’”
    There is no ‘More Details’ option.
    The only options are ‘Add iTunes shortcut to my desktop’ Use iTunes as the default player for audio files” and ‘Automatically update iTunes and other Apple software’
    You can keep pointlessly arguing this all you want, I am not blurting out false information. A fact is a fact and no amount of argument will change that.
    – I definitely said that it was on the installer. But you were right that it didn’t say more details. There is a read me, a summary and some other stuff. All the things on my mac are up to date. I will have to install it on my mothers PC and take a screenshot. But if you google “iTunes installer” there are several shots of the installer specifying what programs are being installed.
    “A jailbroken iPhone> any Android phone IMO.”
    My droid is just fine I don’t need to do anything for it to be good, because it is already good.
    -you like your droid that’s totally fine.
    The rest was arrogant nonsense so I wont even bother commenting on it.
    -What? Because my experience with Androids hasn’t been that they’re magical and ‘open sourced?”

    The problem with WOW is he’s giving opinions and not fact
    -The problem with Steve is he is selective with his quotes. Fact.
    He likes iphone and not Droid. Opinion.
    -His droid was buggy. Fact. And it crashed multiple times due to the OTA updates. Fact. (or verizon lied). His iPhone has yet to crash. Fact.
    apple sells overpriced computers. Fact.
    -Computers, thats subjective. Overpriced hardware? yes.
    My customers complain a lot about hardware not being compatible with mac. Fact.
    -Again, could you please provide some numbers and/or percentages.

  960. Haltman says:

    “The people of the world don’t care about truth or lies. People only believe in what they want to believe in. If people are willing to believe, lies will become truth and in turn truth become lies. It is easy to make people believe.”

  961. Steve says:

    @RAWR. The problem with WOW is he’s giving opinions and not fact.

    He likes iphone and not Droid. Opinion.

    apple sells overpriced computers. Fact.

    My customers complain a lot about hardware not being compatible with mac. Fact.

  962. RAWR! says:

    Before iTunes:
    Before iTunes 2:
    Installing iTunes:
    Installing iTunes 2:
    Installing iTunes 3:
    After iTunes:
    After iTunes 2:

    I never asked for Apple Application support, Apple mobile Device Support, or what ever Bonjour is. Nor was I informed of them being installed.

  963. RAWR! says:

    “I think that people who can’t login to a bank account on any system are probably bound for failure.”

    “No, it doesn’t. Someone who is bound for failure and HAS a successful business doesn’t sound like a failure to me.”

    See that disproves your point. You said it yourself.

    “I know, it STILL applies, when you update iTunes it deletes the old copy and the same installer that installs on virg*n iTunes computers pops up. You click ‘more details’ when it says ‘are you sure you want to install this?’”

    There is no ‘More Details’ option.
    The only options are ‘Add iTunes shortcut to my desktop’ Use iTunes as the default player for audio files” and ‘Automatically update iTunes and other Apple software’

    You can keep pointlessly arguing this all you want, I am not blurting out false information. A fact is a fact and no amount of argument will change that.

    “A jailbroken iPhone> any Android phone IMO.”
    My droid is just fine I don’t need to do anything for it to be good, because it is already good.

    The rest was arrogant nonsense so I wont even bother commenting on it.

  964. Wow says:

    “I’ve had iTunes on my various computers for the past 5 years, and every time an update came up it told me what it was installing. Yes, it’s a bit convoluted that you have to click “more details” but it IS there. MS has done similar things with their OS updates, but Apple is the main offender.”
    When did I ever say anything about updates? I was talking about INSTALLING iTunes not updating.
    -I know, it STILL applies, when you update iTunes it deletes the old copy and the same installer that installs on virgin iTunes computers pops up. You click ‘more details’ when it says ‘are you sure you want to install this?’
    “So, someone bound for failure had a successful business and that disproves my point?”
    Not had, has. Didn’t mean to use the past tense of sustain my mistake. And yes that disproves your point.
    -No, it doesn’t. Someone who is bound for failure and HAS a successful business doesn’t sound like a failure to me.
    “You were saying that iPhones HAVE to be updated from a computer. “I just installed iTunes on my comp to update a friends iPhone. Don’t see why I would need I tunes to do that. Don’t need anything but my Droid to update my Droid…” As for the hidden sh*t, well, I won’t make any excuses for the visibility of notification, but it does tell you.”
    And it does have to be connected to iTunes to be updated. If what you say is true before iOS 5 you HAVE to update your iPhone through iTunes(My friend had 4.1 before I updated it.)You agreed with me in the same post and now your saying that….. And again I’m talking about the install of iTunes not updating iTunes.
    -yep install. Same window pops up.
    Also, do you know why my friend wanted to update his iPhone? Because he couldn’t delete one contact or call history at a time. Thats just sad. Yes they fixed it in a update. But most of the Mac users on this board claim that Apple is really good at the little things and always get everything right the first time.
    -the contacts app is poor with deleting contacts, but Cleanup does it wonderfully.
    My uncle had a iPhone for almost two years till it broke last month. And he got a Droid to replace it. He says it can do so much more then his iPhone did its faster then his iPhone was. He also said the touch screen is more responsive and smooth, while his iPhone sometimes didn’t respond to his touches and moves like it was stuck in mud. And he found out he could get an app that lets him turn his droid into a fully functioning iPhone. But with the performance of his Droid.
    -Had a droid 2 then iPhone 4, the droid was buggy, unresponsive, and generally garbage to use. a jailbroken iPhone> any Android phone IMO. And don’t harangue me about 4G, it’s still being put together. A 4G phone would be useless as a 4G phone for me. I don’t live in SoCal or New York or any major metropolitan hub.
    Before you say anything. No, Apple didn’t make the program. I’m sure they are bothered by the fact that someone did that, but its a free program, and it falls under fair use in copyright laws.
    -The “fully functional iPhone app” is laughable. My buddy had that on his Droid 3. Yes ICS does have “more” features than iOS5 so until iOS6 comes out, I’m not going to consider an Android phone. In my experience Android phones are buggy, ugly, bogged down and fragmented. There is nothing appealing to me about them. And their ‘better library’ of apps consists of porn and programs written by 5 year olds.

  965. Agree says:

    Perfect article. All true. Anyone who has worked in IT for over 10 years knows Apple fanboys and fanboys in general for the airheads they are.

    Apple stuff is overpriced and marketed to narcissists. They need a physical token of their ‘elite’ status and of course in their rather narrow mindspace it has to be expensive. Thus Apple is better. As technology it is mostly harmless, sometimes poor, sometimes average but always overpriced and marketed to idiots who suck it up. When I see someone waving around an Apple product for no real reaon in a public place I see an idiot.

  966. HARHAR says:


    Nice story brah. Tell me another.

  967. RAWR! says:

    “I’ve had iTunes on my various computers for the past 5 years, and every time an update came up it told me what it was installing. Yes, it’s a bit convoluted that you have to click “more details” but it IS there. MS has done similar things with their OS updates, but Apple is the main offender.”

    When did I ever say anything about updates? I was talking about INSTALLING iTunes not updating.

    “So, someone bound for failure had a successful business and that disproves my point?”
    Not had, has. Didn’t mean to use the past tense of sustain my mistake. And yes that disproves your point.

    “You were saying that iPhones HAVE to be updated from a computer. “I just installed iTunes on my comp to update a friends iPhone. Don’t see why I would need I tunes to do that. Don’t need anything but my Droid to update my Droid…” As for the hidden s**t, well, I won’t make any excuses for the visibility of notification, but it does tell you.”

    And it does have to be connected to iTunes to be updated. If what you say is true before iOS 5 you HAVE to update your iPhone through iTunes(My friend had 4.1 before I updated it.)You agreed with me in the same post and now your saying that….. And again I’m talking about the install of iTunes not updating iTunes.

    Also, do you know why my friend wanted to update his iPhone? Because he couldn’t delete one contact or call history at a time. Thats just sad. Yes they fixed it in a update. But most of the Mac users on this board claim that Apple is really good at the little things and always get everything right the first time.

    My uncle had a iPhone for almost two years till it broke last month. And he got a Droid to replace it. He says it can do so much more then his iPhone did its faster then his iPhone was. He also said the touch screen is more responsive and smooth, while his iPhone sometimes didn’t respond to his touches and moves like it was stuck in mud. And he found out he could get an app that lets him turn his droid into a fully functioning iPhone. But with the performance of his Droid.

    Before you say anything. No, Apple didn’t make the program. I’m sure they are bothered by the fact that someone did that, but its a free program, and it falls under fair use in copyright laws.

  968. DonDiego says:

    Hmm Ive been reading a lot of this and it seems like the PC people are the ones trying to shove their views down everyones throats. I built my own desktop, Asus motherboard, i7 extreme, nvidia quaddro (i think that’s how it’s spelt) and 16GB of RAM. My laptop? A MacBook Pro, why do people buy Macs? Because they like them, is that really so hard to understand? I was reading the car comparisons above, and they’re fairly good. You can buy an Aston Martin or a Corvette, the vette is upgradeable, cheaper, more powerful, more fuel efficient and terrible to drive compared to an aston. Believe me, Ive driven V8 vantages and vettes. You have to go to an Aston dealer to buy one, the Aston serviceman to have it maintained and it’s got lower specs vs a Z06 or what have you, AND it costs on average 40K more.
    Its the same story, you can build a PC desktop with brain melting specs for the same price as a spec’d iMac or MBP etc. But it’s still not the same. Now I also noticed that people were saying something like “all computer parts are the same, they’re all made in China” – its true they’re made in China, but thats just stupid. Ferraris and Fiats are both made in italy. Lexus cars and Toyotas are both made in Japan. Are they the same? No, quality control makes a difference, don’t be an idiot.

    So I guess I could’ve cut all of that out and said, I paid more for my Mac because I like it. Suck it. Oh, and don’t bother with ‘OS X isn’t compatible with anything’ thats bullshit, its 2012 Apple support is skyrocketing. Get over yourselves.

  969. Wow says:

    “iTunes lets you know if it’s installing programs on your computer, click on more details when an update comes up.”
    It does not I just installed it yesterday it never told me it about any of the programs it installed on my computer other then iTunes it’s self.
    -I’ve had iTunes on my various computers for the past 5 years, and every time an update came up it told me what it was installing. Yes, it’s a bit convoluted that you have to click “more details” but it IS there. MS has done similar things with their OS updates, but Apple is the main offender.
    ” And I don’t need iTunes to update my iPhone, it’s running iOS5 which has OTA updates.”
    Yes but I did need iTunes to update TO iOS 5′
    “Especially windows 7 which is pretty much a copy of the tiger interface.”
    Haha sure it is keep telling your self that.
    – It’s in plain sight.
    “And you proved my point in your first post “The person who is “bound for failure” Started and sustained his business for over 20 years.””
    What point? The one where people who don’t know how to use computers cnat become successful in this world? Thats the point I was trying to dissprove with my comment.
    -So, someone bound for failure had a successful business and that disproves my point?
    “I know plenty of people who have used macs forever, they have no problem with windows.”
    Did you not read my post? I said take someone who HAS NEVER USED WINDOWS. But is a “Mac Pro” He/She wont know what they are doing. Mac is a horrible platform for anyone trying to be a dev of any kind. But if you do it the other way around, (Windows User on a Mac for the first time.) Im sure in a few minutes they will get used to it. Depending on the knowledge of the user of course.
    -That’s exactly what I said. People I know who have used macs FOREVER (as in nicht windows) adapted to Windows with flying colors. Some people are stupid in the tech sector some aren’t. You can probably tell Im a Social Darwinist.
    “So who is the one who is spouting opinions?”
    Opinion? What that iTunes installed software on my computer without my permission? Or that I had to use iTunes to upgrade my friends iPhone? In what way are those opinions? Those are events that happened yesterday around seven O’ clock.
    – You were saying that iPhones HAVE to be updated from a computer. “I just installed iTunes on my comp to update a friends iPhone. Don’t see why I would need I tunes to do that. Don’t need anything but my Droid to update my Droid…” As for the hidden s**t, well, I won’t make any excuses for the visibility of notification, but it does tell you.

    Steve- It’s funny how much REAL experience I have with isheep and they prove to me every day how ignorant they are. You can’t convince me of anything, WOW. I see it far too much for me to change. Like I said many weeks ago .. apple users return more computer hardware than anyone else. “oh, it doesn’t work with my mac.” I’m so sick of hearing that.
    -I don’t know your business personally, so I really can’t speak to that. Can you provide some percentages or numbers? Because the majority of Mac user that get peripherals which “don’t work,” didn’t install the drivers from the manufacturer’s site.
    Also, I know PC users who don’t know how to change their background pictures and they think IE is THE internet. So what does that prove? Absolutely nothing, well it proves that people are idiots but daily life tells me that.

  970. Alex says:

    Me too, Steve.
    They just don’t work. I had an hard time trying to get Dolby Media Producer (the only TrueHD encoding suite available, ONLY for Mac…..f**k Dolby, why releasing it only for the effing Mac??) working with my M-Audio Firewire device.
    The crappy OS X CoreAudio allows only certain 5.1/7.1 devices to work as they should. And, even with the crap Mini-DP to HDMI, you can’t even bitstream TrueHD/DTS-HD to an A/V Receiver (thanks to Apple, for not supporting Lossless Audio Codecs nor M2TS/H.264 decoding correctly).
    No wonder why even certain “Pro” audio engineers are getting fed up with Apple, too.
    The expensiveness of the platform, the overall lack of industry’s standard technologies and a good support service (yes, you have to pay, even for receiving support for Final Cut Pro), makes the Mac platform an expensive that doesn’t offer anything… terms of work.
    Oh well….It’s rumored that the next line of Macbook Pro’s will be the same as the effing Macbook Air. No more DVD-R’s units, no more large capacity HDD’s, etc….so.
    They will be only good for cutting slices of bread……
    Apple is getting near to its end…….

  971. Steve says:

    It’s funny how much REAL experience I have with isheep and they prove to me every day how ignorant they are. You can’t convince me of anything, WOW. I see it far too much for me to change. Like I said many weeks ago .. apple users return more computer hardware than anyone else. “oh, it doesn’t work with my mac.” I’m so sick of hearing that.

  972. Steve says:

    @RAWR. My friend is an isheep and doesn’t even know how to throw open the web browser. No lies.

  973. HARHAR says:


    Yes you are throwing around ignorance. The fact you are defending Apple means you don’t know s**t about comps, OR Apple.

  974. RAWR! says:

    “iTunes lets you know if it’s installing programs on your computer, click on more details when an update comes up.”

    It does not I just installed it yesterday it never told me it about any of the programs it installed on my computer other then iTunes it’s self.

    ” And I don’t need iTunes to update my iPhone, it’s running iOS5 which has OTA updates.”

    Yes but I did need iTunes to update TO iOS 5

    “Especially windows 7 which is pretty much a copy of the tiger interface.”

    Haha sure it is keep telling your self that.

    “And you proved my point in your first post “The person who is “bound for failure” Started and sustained his business for over 20 years.””

    What point? The one where people who don’t know how to use computers cnat become successful in this world? Thats the point I was trying to dissprove with my comment.

    “I know plenty of people who have used macs forever, they have no problem with windows.”

    Did you not read my post? I said take someone who HAS NEVER USED WINDOWS. But is a “Mac Pro” He/She wont know what they are doing. Mac is a horrible platform for anyone trying to be a dev of any kind. But if you do it the other way around, (Windows User on a Mac for the first time.) Im sure in a few minutes they will get used to it. Depending on the knowledge of the user of course.

    “So who is the one who is spouting opinions?”

    Opinion? What that iTunes installed software on my computer without my permission? Or that I had to use iTunes to upgrade my friends iPhone? In what way are those opinions? Those are events that happened yesterday around seven O’ clock.

  975. Wow says:

    iTunes lets you know if it’s installing programs on your computer, click on more details when an update comes up. And I don’t need iTunes to update my iPhone, it’s running iOS5 which has OTA updates. No computer is needed at all. So who is the one who is spouting opinions? No I’m not throwing around ignorance because that would require a lack of knowledge. And you proved my point in your first post “The person who is “bound for failure” Started and sustained his business for over 20 years.” Exactly. I know plenty of people who have used macs forever, they have no problem with windows. Especially windows 7 which is pretty much a copy of the tiger interface.

  976. RAWR! says:

    Tell a “Mac Pro” Who has never used windows to use windows. He/She will probably have no idea what He/She is doing.

    Your logic isn’t even logic, it’s what you tell your self are facts but are nothing but your opinion. Also known as Conjecture or Ignorance.

  977. RAWR! says:

    I just installed iTunes on my comp to update a friends iPhone. Don’t see why I would need I tunes to do that. Don’t need anything but my Droid to update my Droid. And I just love the six hidden programs Apple installed into my computer (along with iTunes.) that have nothing to do with iTunes and they didn’t even let me know they installed them. So awesome!!

  978. RAWR! says:

    Well you just know everything don’t you? My logic is not flawed you are just closed minded. The person who is “bound for failure” Started and sustained his business for over 20 years.

  979. Wow says:

    I think that people who can’t login to a bank account on any system are probably bound for failure. And if you are switching systems and can’t figure the other one out then you probably couldn’t figure the former system out either. Those kinds of people aren’t good with technology either way you slice it and probably aren’t looking for a job in IT. Also, if you’re working on a cash register they teach you how to use it before you go into work. Your logic is flawed. It really doesn’t matter what you learned on.
    @Rawr- no he is saying if people learn on macs then they’re destined for failure. “It’s idiots like you who put Macs in our schools to better prepare our children for failure.”

  980. Steve says:

    Even a lot of cash registers are Windows based. The hardware store I worked at as a kid was Windows 2000.

  981. RAWR! says:


    Your an idiot.

    He’s saying if you worked on nothing but one system for most of your life then you will be at a disadvantage when you switch over to another.

    Al tho it is easy to learn rather system, I know some people who act like logging into a bank account and printing the transaction log is rocket science.

    No matter how easy something is there will always be someone who just cant figure it out.

  982. Ww says:

    @Steve *siemens
    @Scruffy- that’s complete bullshit. I learned on Macs at my elementary school, then I went to a private school from 5th grade onward where we were expected to use PCs. Its no big deal, most companies who require the use of a computer don’t expect you to do c++. Otherwise you’d probably have a degree in IT or CIS etc. and be looking for a job in that field. You’re making baseless jumps in reasoning. If you use a mac you can figure out windows and vice versa. My friend went to a day school near where I live, they only used macs, he is making 100K a year. That’s not what I would call ‘failure,’ face it, the only thing you need to know on windows for the majority of jobs is program launching and file management. Which would take all of 5 minutes to learn. You may possibly need to know how to use citrus but that is web based and offers a tutorial, it’s not OS specific either (hence, web based).
    Also, the main reason that your logic is laughable is that most companies don’t care whether you use a mac or PC. A lot of my buddies bring their own Macs to work, if you can get your s**t done then companies don’t care. When have you ever put ‘oh, I don’t use a mac’ on your resumé? You don’t, because they don’t care about that, you put your skill set, experience etc..

  983. Steve says:

    @SCRUFFY. I completely agree. My friend’s dad is an isheep and he HAS to use a Windows PC at his work. He works for Semens. If you want to teach your kids about computers you give them a PC. Not a mac.

  984. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    @WOW: Just the fact that you even ask that, shows how blind to the truth you are.

    I’m going to try to explain it like I would to a four-year-old…so please pay close attention.

    Our kids go to school to learn but are, instead, “educated” (I use the term loosely) on a computer system that less than 10% of the market actually utilizes; however, if the schools used the platform that over 80% of the market uses, they’d actually be getting what we call “real-world knowledge” and skills to be better prepared to enter the working world.

    Think of it this way: For every Mac in the world, there are roughly eight computers running MS. If I’m proficient in only Mac, how likely am I to find a job using a Mac instead of a Windows PC? 1 chance in 8.

    I simply can’t make it anymore simple than that.

  985. Wow says:

    @scruffynerfherder No, good sir, you are the narrow-minded one. How does knowing how to use a different platform translate into failure? You’ve given insults and ‘myopic’ opinions, yet I haven’t seen any reasons or logic. Undoubtedly I am in law, so your assumptions have indeed led you astray. Perhaps you really are a scruffy nerd herder. Maybe you should head back to Tatooine.

    @Really, the iPhone has all of those things you said it didn’t. Haven’t you heard of iOS5? Well, it is “locked down” but Android really doesn’t have anything worth switching for. And for those who say “ICS has this, ICS has that” you should realize that iOS5 is almost a year old, just wait. And if iOS6 doesn’t solve any qualms, then you can whine. Except perhaps system crashes. I get OTA updates, and I didn’t have to authorize it to my mac. I did sync it do my computer, but I didn’t have to. And yes, it amazes me that this thread has been going for 3 years.

  986. James says:

    Wow, just reading JJs comments are a joke and makes his comments on anything mean nothing at all. I have yet to use a Mac, I am just researching them some. Why? Because Windows STINKS. I have had it with the endless problems, viruses, spyware, freezes, etc. I am sick and tired of reloading my entire OS 3-4 times a year in a desperate attempt to get the “proper” operation that happens when the OS is brand new.

    I am far from “tech dumb” and have tried everything to tweak Windows into performing consistently, everything fails. There are several things I can se I will dislike of Mac, but I am at wits end dealing with MS crap. The days of my life I have spent in front of non responding programs waiting for stupid Windows to close- NOT find a solution- just CLOSE the stupid thing. I cannot count how many times I have just killed poer on a PC just to END programs, which makes Winodws perform even worse.

    Will a Mac be any better? Well it sure cannot be effen worse than Windows GARBAGE. But JJ your entire article and your arrogance are pathetic. i read many thoughtful and detailed responses countering what you said, and you respond with fanboy. What a child you are.

  987. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    @REALLY: Hallelujah, Brother!! iTunes absolutely sucks.

    I can understand that they’re trying to at least curtail music piracy with their little iTunes and iTunes Store, but you’re punishing honest people, several times over, for the misdeeds of others. The designfunctionality of the software alone is the embodiment of several levels of Hell (allusion to Dante) and, as if that weren’t bad enough, the music is in a format that only the i[Insert Latest Crappy Hardware Iteration Here] can actually ready and play. Never mind that .mp3 is an industry standard for portable music. God, no! Just make your own crappy, locked-down format that can only be played on your computer and only your iDevice. At least .itl file lets you have some cross-machine library storage but, even then, it’s still extremely limited. If I have a super-slick (non-DRM) .mps that I want to share with a friend, I can – REGARDLESS OF WHAT PLATFORM, OR MACHINE, HE’S RUNNING!! Jeez, Apple! Wake-up!

    But even then, it never ceased to amaze me how, for DECADES, Steve Jobs kept trying to stick it to “the Man,” all the while he, himself, was ever endeavoring to become the very institution he fought against so desperately. Locking intelligent people out of using their machines for tasks and functions that are “the norm,” world-over, is simply system censorship. If my computer can do XYZ, then don’t limit it, or me, to just X. But, then again, I guess that’s what Mac does, cater to those whose intelligence, creativity and imagination is too limited to even notice the difference let alone “Think Different” when the machines they’re on are cookie-cutter boxes to begin with.

  988. really says:

    Interesting to see that this article just over two years old and still going strong.

    While the author did descend into a rant and spouted some things that were false, he pointed out a lot of truths. Personally, I hate being caged and told what to do and how to do it. To me, using the Mac is like that. Apple has always been about control and it just as strong as ever. Heck, to even make your iPhone comparable to other phone OS’s, you have to void your warranty because they lock everything down.

    That being said, I have over the years met the type of customer who the Mac is made for. It’s for the person who does not understand technology very well and who doesn’t like fiddling with their machine to get the most out of it. If I had to do it all over again, I would have gotten a Mac for my mom because she is the type of person who asks me what’s a USB stick (2x a year!). Love her to death, but technology is not her passion and nor should it be. Overpriced for sure and what you are paying for is the image. Plain and simple. You can configure your PC to have the look/feel of a Mac but then you couldn’t brag about it. I’ve seen that time and time again amongst the younger generation. I’m sure there are some mavericks on the Mac but if you have to jump through extra hoops so you can have the flexibility of a PC but pay 4x the amount, what’s the point?

    And one more thing… I found this site by typing in “I hate iTunes”. I think it is one of the most bloated and poorly designed pieces of software I have ever seen. Terrible. Terrible. Terrible.

    And for that reason alone, I left the iPhone world. It’s 2012 and you have to connect to a computer to authorize your phone? Also, did Apple never hear of Over the air updates?? They have lost their edge but most of the Apple faithful do not know because they have their fingers in their ears and their blindfolds on.

    A more ignorant and arrogant fanbase I have never met.

  989. ScruffyNerfherder says:

    @Wow: Dear God…you are so myopic. It’s because of people like you, I’ve come to the conclusion that Mac stands for Myopic A*****e at a Console. It’s idiots like you who put Macs in our schools to better prepare our children for failure. Undoubtedly, you are either in management or politics.

  990. WOW says:

    @Pfft- where did you find that.
    @rawr: I really don’t know how many times I’m going to say this: I’ve said repeatedly that macs aren’t a good hardware value. And yes, the M18x is less overpriced than their other offerings. But you are ONLY paying for hardware with Alienware laptops. With macs you have software as well.

    @scruffy yes, because knowing how to use a mac will guarantee that they will fail at life. I think you’re the ignorant one here.
    @JimtheJoe: Subjectively I think Mac’s are better than PC’s. How does that make me ignorant? Why would I want to work on a system all day that I don’t like? Also, I will have you know that I am not a cat! :)

  991. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    I don’t know what happened to Dream3421’s post but I’d like to re-post it and reply.

    Dream3421 wrote:
    “Obviously written by a person that has not used a Mac.

    The entire printing industry of the free world is Mac based and always will be. Hey collegetimes, have another beer, you’re an idiot.”

    My reply: Just because a large number of people decided to join Joanstown, and then indulge in cyanide-laced Kook-Aid, didn’t mean it was a good idea. So what, if the “entire printing industry” uses Mac. Other than the fact that they were sold an UNGODLY amount of snake oil, as a whole, I guess it just shows us how myopic they actually are.

    Another case in point: Our entire (local county) school system uses Mac. Somehow, someway, some sadistically opinionated and idiotic person, or panel of persons, decided to take a computerOS that had a very, VERY small market share, and use it as a learning “tool” for our kids. “Way to go, Idaho!” Now, not only are you teaching our kids to use a computer system that has, what? A whopping 5, maybe 10% of the market share?! While Microsoft has over 85%!! And MS has had the lion’s share of the market for well over 10 years! Heaven forbid you give our kids experience and knowledge on a system that 85% of the market actually uses, to better insure they can actually find a job. Their education already sucks! Why not sweeten the pot by giving them no true computer skills, too?!

    If you, sirmadam, wish to use a Mac, fine…groovy! Knock yourself out. You’re obviously already partially brain-dead, anyway. But don’t force your narrow-minded, myopia on me or our children. The world is effed up enough already without misguiding more of our youth and then sending them out into said world with a completely useless skillset. The next thing you know, you’ll want them all to get an MBA so they can augment their Mac “knowledge” and guarantee them a truly fruitless future.

  992. Dream3421 says:

    Obviously written by a person that has not used a Mac.

    The entire printing industry of the free world is Mac based and always will be. Hey collegetimes, have another beer, you’re an idiot.

  993. pfft says:

    Alienware profit margin 5.81%

    Sony Vaio profit margin 5.4%

  994. jimthejoe says:

    I like how Mac users try to defy logic by saying Mac’s aren’t objectively better then PC’s but at the same time they are better or equal to PC’s.
    This isn’t Schrödinger’s Box

    Mac users only argue from their point of view, from their opinion only.

    You know what kind of person do that? Ignorant people who only believe in their opinion, even if you shove facts in their face….

  995. rawr! says:

    “You are aware that the iPad doesn’t reflect Apple’s total profit margin”
    Yes, but it helps prove my point that Apple has an extremely high markup on their products. I know they are different products. But it’s the same company. If they overprice one item its more then likely they will have their other products overpriced.

  996. semen says:

    wow, i am wasting saliva talking to you, you really think apple profit margin these days are from its traditional desktop/laptop. ios like ipad or iphones or similar device with pretty much similar parts, cost and markup are majority of its profits (infact 2/3 of it) these days.

    check global stats you will see traditional mac os swimming on the internet is a just paltry 7%. based on current rate of growth, it will rougly attained 10-15% in 15 years time (roughly draw a projected line on the chart). so stop BS all the people. we are busy living in the real world.

    you seriously think apple, in its so short years of taking off since the blue bondi mac launch, managed to amass so much cash reserves, with its 7% market share, had they charged the same low profit margin of what traditional vendors in the real world charges??? obviously not, they managed it because that dumb 7% is so readily handing them cash for something not worth that much.

  997. rawr! says:

    Alienware M18x

    Software & Services
    Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit
    Intel® Core™ i7 2670QM 2.2GHz (3.1GHz w/Turbo Boost, 6MB Cache)
    4GB Dual Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz (2DIMMS)
    2GB GDDR5 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M
    750GB 7200RPM SATA 3Gb/s
    Intel® Advanced-N 6200 a/g/n 2×2 MIMO Technology and Bluetooth 3.0
    Slot-Load Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVD+-RW, CD-RW)
    Internal High-Definition 5.1 Surround Sound Audio
    My Software & Accessories
    Space Black Anodized Aluminum
    Quasar Blue
    Steam and Portal™ Factory Installed
    My Accessories
    1 Year Basic Plan
    Also Includes
    18.4-inch WideFHD 1920 x 1080 WLED
    $100 Alienware Promo Gift Card – Arrives in 6-8 wks, carries a 90 Day Exp.
    Standard Nameplate
    Alienware M18x 240W A/C Adapter
    Adobe Acrobat X Reader


    MBP 17in
    2.4GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz
    750GB 5400-rpm1
    Intel HD Graphics 3000
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5


    You talk about Alienware like they are pointlessly expensive. Go to Alienwares’ site and what do you see? Gaming Laptops and Gaming Desktops. Alienware is for the hardcore gamer. Not the web browser.

    Also note that I listed Apples most expensive MBP and Alienwares cheepist M18x laptop.

  998. Wow says:

    You are aware that the iPad doesn’t reflect Apple’s total profit margin right Steve and Semen? Also we were talking about Macs, way to change the subject. Steve is the definition of ‘belligerent’ also ‘thick skulled.’ I suppose I could be more creative, but why waste the time?

  999. Meh says:

    Wonder how this article survived after 3 years…

    Okay, using a Mac or not is primarily based on preference. One that I don’t get is as if that some Mac users felt as if their pride gets trimmed and shot down, when some of the reasons are simply excuses.

    Reasons worth noting :
    1) Less customizable. As an option, being able to customize my machine is going to come in handy. The good part as having more customizable machine is, if one part broke down, I can find replacements from other dealers (or the same brand, if I insist) from a wider selection.
    There’s nothing wrong if one likes his machine to be tamper-proof either.

    2) Higher price for vaguely equal value. Your wallet is the voter. You can choose either to buy a Mac that you believed to be superior, or be as reasonable to choose other option available to you. Either way is right, remember that your wallet is the voter. I’d prefer something that will hit me less on the green leaves, though.

    Excuses :
    1) No right click. As you get used to something, it won’t matter much. Though certain instances will be much smooth with a right click.

    I don’t think I’ve done enough research about compatibility on Macs, and software numbers, though. So I’ll leave it there.

    And about stealing ideas… crap reason and excuse. Truly original concepts are rare to come by. Look, there has to be more than just one people (or companies) coming up with an idea, and there are more of those that improvised and already existing idea! And there are always someone who will prevail at the end.

    So let’s just cut some slack, will we? ;)

  1000. Meh says:

    Wondering why this article still lives for 3 years… meh.

    High cost is a good reason, and my wallet’s the one voting, and the vote goes to to other options.

    Hey, like or not like Macs, I don’t care to spend energy ranting at what I don’t really like. Mac, never tried one before, maybe I’ll check on ’em if one of my colleagues have ’em.

    Oh yeah, just don’t vehemently cling on to the pride of a Mac owner (or Linux/Windows owner) as a license to lower down other brand products (even unintentionally, you may subliminally run down others). That attitude is simply rude and not helping anyone on the other boat.

    Competition breeds excellence, but smear tactics are just plain lame sometimes. But hey, it’s worth reading something less critical.

  1001. Steve says:

    WOW is the definition of blind.

  1002. macs-suck says:

    Best article ever!!

  1003. semen says:

    at that time of article , $499 ipad cost only $270 to make. so much 23 % . yeah, bs.

    acer 10″ tablet a500 is about $340. atleast in pc and android world, there are choices in both price range from so many other makers.

    hey if you wanna pay for brand names like apple, sony,… be my guest. but dont lumped in alienware, for the price, you are atleast paying for better gpu.

  1004. Wow says:

    Hahaha, you crack me up. (the 97B came from gizmaestro, tech-beats, tuaw, and intomobile). Microsoft can’t even make a motion-sensor without stealing see what I did there? (senseless accusations) You’re seriously mentally challenged if you think Apples hardware is cheap. Also, have you read legal documents? I agree that they should have gone over the details more stringently and that this was a senseless mistake, but unless you have a law degree then you have no business criticizing the intelligence of Apples lawyers over said dispute.
    Secondly, you have no idea what Apple would use in their video game console, which again proves my point that you’re just a baby. You’re clutching for straws with your complaints about Apple. The only real critique that you’ve leveraged against them is the fact that their products aren’t a good hardware value.

    I agree with RAWR! you guys use marginal cost as an excuse.
    If Apple has high prices because they have a smaller market then why does Alienware and SONY who have larger markets price their laptops at about the same(if not more) as Mac’s. And they have a lower Profit Margin then Apple.
    So what the hell are you guys talking about? Less = More and More = More?
    -Where have you found the VAIO and Alienware profit margins? Ive been searching, it seems to me that Alienwares are more overpriced than Macs and Apple has R&D which is an added expense unlike Alienware. Im not sure about the VAIOs, from what Ive found Sony VAIOs sell more than Macs. So I will have to look over this more thoroughly before I respond in depth.

  1005. Steve says:

    apple has $97b (according to you) saved. Makes sense to me. They put cheap hardware into their products and charge the consumers twice or even three times what they should. Microsoft at least puts way more effort into their products. If apple made a video game console it would have a Pentium 4 processor in it and cost $600.00. What a joke.

  1006. Steve says:

    @WOW. apple bought the name for use in the USA. apple is so stupid they didn’t realize they couldn’t use it in China. apple is a useless company. Don’t they have people to check the fine print? Thats my point about posting the link. They have retards running the company and retards buying their products. Typical.

  1007. pfft says:

    I agree with RAWR! you guys use marginal cost as an excuse.
    If Apple has high prices because they have a smaller market then why does Alienware and SONY who have larger markets price their laptops at about the same(if not more) as Mac’s. And they have a lower Profit Margin then Apple.
    So what the hell are you guys talking about? Less = More and More = More?

  1008. Wow says:

    You also ‘forgot’ to mention that Apple bought the name from Proview, but Proview is arguing semantics.

  1009. Wow says:

    Your point is Steve? Unlike MS (and the US government), Apple actually has money saved. Over $97 billion to be exact. You’re just being a baby.

  1010. Steve says:

    Apple Might Lose A $1.6 Billion Lawsuit For Using The Word ‘iPad’

    Haha too bad apple.

  1011. Steve says:

    @A. I use Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere a lot on my PC without any issues. I don’t get all these apple retards with all these so-called issues with their PCs. If you have that many problems with your PC you deserve a mac. Since they lock down their OS so much it’s a perfect fit for retards. A good friend of mine bought a mac for that very reason. He said yeah I know apple locks down their OS, but it keeps me from fucking around with my computer. For the rest of us who actually know how to use a computer we will stick with PC.

  1012. Anonymous says:

    “boo hoo, the only people who like macs are hipsters and elitists. thats why the best people by pcs.” – Nigh hypocritical bullshit.

  1013. My school uses mac says:

    I can’t wait until they get a virus. Then I’ll LAUGH! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!

  1014. A says:

    Try being an audio engineer, video editor, or iPhone programmer on a PC or linux.
    I was converted for work reasons, but boy does it my mac feel so much nicer.
    And it works consistently.
    Unlike my PC unless i want to be constantly cleaning the thing and removing startup programs and crap.

    But yes, you have to be retarded to buy one if you dont edit audio or video video in sessions that you wish to exchange.

    Linux RULES for everything else. Not as stable (for me so far) or nice looking, but makes up for it big time with innovation and value.
    I actually am coming to terms with the new ubuntu- the workspaces (i know they are just like stacked windows with F9(F10?) in OSX) and dragging the window to the top to maximize it, and the software catalog make me happy. Especially for learning programming without having to dig around for software.

    The only thing that sucks about ubuntu is the sound when you turn it on….

  1015. Wow says:

    “You DID in fact pull the extra $500 out of nowhere as far as I can tell.”
    Another iSheep who doesn’t know how to do research. A fact is a fact wither or not you want to believe it. Apple has a $300-$500 mark up on most of there products.
    – Really now? How/where did you find this? You DO know that a company’s markup IS their profit right? And Apples profit margin is 23%. You don’t know how to do research.
    Mac’s are over priced. Nothing you say will change that.
    – Again, they’re a horrible value, but Apple isn’t trying to wallet rape you.
    “this is incorrect, because overpriced means that it is intentional, which is not the case.”
    Global average Mac Book is $1,500
    Global average Windows based PC is $700
    Seems to me you are the one who is making things up. How did you get $420 again? The 15″ MBP still doesn’t add up to your imaginary price.
    -I definitely said I was using the 15″ MacBook Pro for my example which starts at $1799 (over 1800 after taxes). If you used your $1500 then Apple would make $345.
    A markup is when a company adds money to a product for more profit after marginal cost and base profit has been calculated.
    – No, a markup is the added cost to the item after manufacturing costs. “Markup is the difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price” thats from Wikipedia but I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can dig out an Econ or Business textbook if you’d like a more reputable source. Now Retail markup could be handled differently, but because there isn’t a middleman in between Apple and the customer, its nonexistent.

  1016. Steve says:

    I don’t care if apple made their computers by hand in their mommies basement. The fact is they are still overpriced.

  1017. RAWR! says:

    “You DID in fact pull the extra $500 out of nowhere as far as I can tell.”

    Another iSheep who doesn’t know how to do research. A fact is a fact wither or not you want to believe it. Apple has a $300-$500 mark up on most of there products.

    Mac’s are over priced. Nothing you say will change that.

    “this is incorrect, because overpriced means that it is intentional, which is not the case.”
    Global average Mac Book is $1,500
    Global average Windows based PC is $700

    Seems to me you are the one who is making things up. How did you get $420 again? The 15″ MBP still doesn’t add up to your imaginary price.

    A markup is when a company adds money to a product for more profit after marginal cost and base profit has been calculated.

  1018. DannyDynamite says:

    Alright settle down boys and girls. Heres what I want to know, Apple is the only company that manages their own hardware, operating system and software. Doing so has costs which were blatantly laid out for you in the above posts. So if I want said unified experience (and I do) then why do you get pissy when I choose to have that experience PC Zealots? Sure I have to do it Apples way, but no one else is stepping up to the plate, so quit bitching about that. I want a unified computing experience, and I think that should be considered ok. You all whine about variety with PCs and yet you contradict yourselves by wanting variety to decrease in OS’s. The only arrogant users I see trying to cram their views on others are the PCs users here. That may or may not be your intention but it’s how it appears.

    Macs aren’t a good value in terms of hardware, but there are many other variables that PC users don’t care about and don’t think are valid. I say Macs just aren’t comparable because there are so many other variables going into their creation. And again, why shouldn’t I have the option of a Mac? Why does that make you butthurt?

  1019. Wow says:

    @steve- hahaha thats ludicrously skewed, look up Foxconns numbers, their suicide rate is lower than a lot of American companies, as for the child labor- well I won’t make excuses for apple there but you should know that also applies to every other computer manufacturer whose parts are made by Foxconn.

    @Rawr: I meant the 15″ macbook pro which is their bread and butter. The 17″ macbook pro is $2500 * .23 = 575 thats what Apple makes. A markup is profit, a markup is the added cost after the cost of manufacturing. $2500 is the asking price, if Apples profit margin is 23% then $575 is what Apple makes, period. You DID in fact pull the extra $500 out of nowhere as far as I can tell.

  1020. lolman says:

    and its really good at running solitare

  1021. lolman says:

    Actually i work for IBM Internationally Bi Men and we all use mac computers because our boss likes the cute apple printed in rainbow color omg i want everyone to use MAC Micro Alter-ego Crisis because mac is so much better and it comes in colors that match my nails holla!!! XD lmfao

  1022. Steve says:

    @Fact: 94% of mac users are rapists and pedophiles. The reason why they are so expensive is because the keys transmit your finger prints to national databases. 86% of all mac components are manufactured by slaves in china who are only fed recalled white rice. It is said that aliens brought macs here to spy on their prey which they will abduct and ingest anally. Macs are evil

    Hilarious. From my understanding he’s mocking apple users who make up “facts”. apple users think because its the internet they can make up whatever they want and PC users will believe it. Sorry, we aren’t stupid.

  1023. RAWR! says:

    “Their profit margin (thats what they make in entirety) is 23% so off of the base MBP they make $420.”

    Even if your information is correct(which its not)You do know your numbers don’t add up right?
    base MBP = $1,200
    Your PM = 23%

    0.23 x 1,200 = 276

    Where did you get 420 from?

    When I said “their most expensive Mac Book pro is $2000”
    I was actually talking about their iMac. My mistake.

  1024. RAWR! says:

    “A profit margin IS their profit, you don’t just slap $500 on out of nowhere.”

    So I take it you don’t know what markup is. I didn’t slap on $500 from no ware, Apple did. That’s what markup is; when a company adds money just to get more profit.

  1025. Wow says:

    ^Now that, is quality trolling

  1026. macuser says:

    Fact: 94% of mac users are rapists and pedophiles. The reason why they are so expensive is because the keys transmit your finger prints to national databases. 86% of all mac components are manufactured by slaves in china who are only fed recalled white rice. It is said that aliens brought macs here to spy on their prey which they will abduct and ingest anally. Macs are evil

  1027. Wow says:

    @Semen- I’ve never complained about any of those. So no, my logic is fine, hows yours?
    @Rawr: Where did you home up with those numbers? A profit margin IS their profit, you don’t just slap $500 on out of nowhere. Their profit margin (thats what they make in entirety) is 23% so off of the base MBP they make $420.

    “Ill say this again. Just because there is an excuse why Mac’s are over priced, doesn’t make it OK or false. You can say all you want, but mac’s will still be overpriced.”- this is incorrect, because overpriced means that it is intentional, which is not the case. Marginal cost is not an “excuse” its a fact, Apple doesn’t make it happen its an economic law. The MacBook Pro you mention costs MORE than other manufacturers for Apple to make because they make less of them. Reduced production increases the price per unit, and the reason they make less of them is market share. There is no “markup” Apple makes $400 off of a MacBook Pro not $900.

  1028. RAWR! says:

    “I explained most of this. If you knew economics you would know (as has been posted 408305308 times) Apple’s pricing is marginal and developmental costs. Their profit on MacBook Pros is $400. So chill, they’re not a great value but Apple isn’t trying to price gouge you.”

    Is that before or after markup? Apple has a markup of $500 on their Macbook Pros. If you calculated marginal cost after markup then your information is wrong.

    Ill say this again. Just because there is an excuse why Mac’s are over priced, doesn’t make it OK or false. You can say all you want, but mac’s will still be overpriced.

    Lets do some simple math
    Apple’s markup is $500.
    their most expensive Mac Book pro is $2000
    Their Profit margin is about 28%

    0.28 x (2000-500)=420 So without the markup Apple makes $420 per Mac book pro sold. But add their Markup and you get $920 profit.

  1029. lolman says:

    Maybe you should all stop blaming a machine for your own inadequacy lol

  1030. semen says:

    software on mac has better quality stuff????

    arent the same mac users always complained about how

    firefox, flash, chrome, steam, office (both ms & open) sucks….

    where other platforms are fine.

    something is very wrong with your logic?

  1031. Wow says:

    I wasn’t referring to the manufacturing post, I agree with you on that. I was referring to
    ***How is using a mac for work good? If you go to any workplace most likely they are using a PC.***
    I explained most of this, its subjective.
    ****If America wasn’t full of a bunch of ignorant snobs apple would be non-existent.*****
    I explained this in my previous post
    ***apple overcharges their products, no software selection, no hardware selection, and no gaming****.
    I explained most of this. If you knew economics you would know (as has been posted 408305308 times) Apple’s pricing is marginal and developmental costs. Their profit on MacBook Pros is $400. So chill, they’re not a great value but Apple isn’t trying to price gouge you.

  1032. Steve says:

    @WOW. Once again everything you and every mac user says isn’t fact. Its all your opinion.

  1033. Steve says:

    @WOW. What the hell are you talking about? I was referring to someone who posted and said Microsoft is horrible for making their devices in China and that he buys apple because they make their products in America. apple manufactures their products in China. Fact.

  1034. Wow says:

    I don’t know what your problem is Steve, but you should talk to someone. “No software selection” well thats somewhat true, but the software on Macs in my experience has been better quality stuff. I used to have a PC and sure, its a better value, but the mac is better to use. I know thats subjective but I don’t care, its my computer, I’m using it. Macs are better for work for some because the interface is less distracting for them. You should really quit with the arrogant attitude. And by the way, China is eclipsing the US as Apples largest market. You should do some research.

  1035. Steve says:

    Lastly, everything most of the PC users are saying on here are fact not opinions. apple overcharges their products, no software selection, no hardware selection, and no gaming. I can’t believe some moron on here said apple makes their products in America. apple users do no research at all.

  1036. Steve says:

    And all the package scanners USPS, UPS, and other shipping services use are running Windows CE. If America wasn’t full of a bunch of ignorant snobs apple would be non-existent.

  1037. Stee says:

    @Anonymous. How is using a mac for work good? If you go to any workplace most likely they are using a PC. All the movie theaters, grocery and hardware stores in my area use Windows. I’ve even seen store employees turn on the self checkout machines and sure enough Windows 2000 is booting.

  1038. Derp says:

    “In my experience the only people who are justified in using/purchasing macs are graphic designers/people who edit various forms of digital media.”

    Even designers have no real advantage or justification, imo. I’m a senior in college studying graphic design so i’m forced to use iMacs at school, and have been for 4 years. Apart from the irritating iOS interface, they’re stupidly slow and only a couple years old if that. From my experience, most graphics related programs run better on PCs/Windows – actually i can’t think of any exceptions. The few best designers in my class use PCs, including myself. Everyone else has been brainwashed unfortunately.

  1039. Anonymous says:

    We all have our own opinions.

    My opinion:

    Mac’s aren’t for gaming. I would say for working.

    Windows is great for gaming and also good for photo editing and creating.

    Linux…..well I never experience Linux before…

  1040. iLaugh says:

    In my experience the only people who are justified in using/purchasing macs are graphic designers/people who edit various forms of digital media.

    Mac is (as mentioned over and over and over again) insanely overpriced. If you are arguing this then you are a truly diehard mac fanboi. You are NOT getting what you are paying for, (unless you are paying to for the aesthetics in which case you are a mentally deficient hipster wanker) this is just a fact, again to argue that mac is not overpriced is arguing from a position of cranium-in-colon.

    Anything (barring media manipulation) you can do on your mac, i can do on my Windows PC, for less money and with greater efficiency.

    Windows based PCs are often just called PCs because they are, in fact, PERSONAL COMPUTERS… your macbook pro will always be owned by mac – good luck attempting to personalise it (again, i’m not talking about superficial aesthetics, princess).

    Most importantly though, besides the fact that most mac users i have to deal with at work are walking stereotypes (many of whom have actually tried to convince me that “Even the packaging is a product when you are buying a mac”): Macs are locked to other, shitty, overpriced mac products…

    When a cust comes in and asks for an (insert any tech product here) the first question out of my mouth is “Are you on a Mac or a Windows PC?”, if the answer is Mac, i usually sadly shake my head and tell them that we cannot support said device on a mac, BUT we do have the exact same product with a 20% markup which SHOULD work seamlessly with your mac, though again, it is unsupported… why? Because Mac sell a lifestyle, a lifestyle that revolves around paying excessive amounts of money for gear with very limited functionality and NO compatibility with other products… what’s that you want to use a … oh wait that’s right your $700 toy has no USB ports… good fucking luck with that.

    So to summarise, you are paying more money for less functionality and ridiculously poor compatibility, but s**t, who cares when all your friends think your iExclusive goes nicely with your skinny jeans and 70’s haircut.

    P.S. Personally i find the entire UI of OSX to be offensive, it treats you like a small child with learning difficulties who is easily distracted by shiny objects.

  1041. semen says:

    first, lion no longer sniff rosetta and sip java anymore. dos starts its life in intel 8086. same intel, cisc. wasnt aware they were supporting motorola – dont know where you got that from.

    likewise, saying we should obsolete floppies, cassettes just because they are old and not trendy should also be apply to optical formats is a bit premature. most stream formats uses lossy formats and to some audiophile purists, cd is still gold to their ears. similarly bluray 1080p beats 720p of itunes’ offerings plus a lot of extras on discs. then there are games on dvds. until internet bandwidth is free and speeds of 100mbit/s is widely available, that wont happened anytime soon.

  1042. hmmmm says:

    You didn’t read my post. As usual, I said that “I disagree on all points with the exception of gaming.” Also “Again, Macs are a horrible value, not a horrible product.” Delusional PCobliviousness, Im not being self-important as you say, Im listing facts here. Macs are a horrible value, not a horrible product. And I really don’t get whats up with the “omygod why doesn’t Apple keep the same architecture forever?” Many PCs used motorolas 6800 architecture and then they went to X86, I believe thats only one less architecture change than Apple. And I really doubt they’ll change again for a while, but no one knows. But it would be pretty stupid to do so now, so Im sure we are fine. Also Apple switched from PPC to x86 in 2006, thats 6 years ago. People whine when they don’t switch to mainstream and they whine when they do. The PPC architecture wasn’t keeping up with intels new stuff so they switched in order to move on. Saying they should stick with one thing forever and continue to dote on it (Snow Leopard still has Rosetta) is like saying that computers should still have floppy drives, or cassette tapes should still be sold, just in case someone hasn’t bought an MP3 player yet.

  1043. semen says:

    you still dont get it. for people who need to get on internet, email, chat, a simple $200-$400 laptop would suffice. where is apple’s offering at this level? how can you disagree on this when apple is a no-show at this level. look at this family savings transitioning from mac to pc.

    gaming – if money is no object, can build 2-4 way sli. where is apple’s offering at this level of gaming? how can you disagree with this. macarrogance?

    long term support on software and hardware – how can one rely on long term support when mac flip-flops architectures 68k->ppc->x86 ->??? as they feel trendy. also, they ditch xserve, java and rosetta. look how fast bootcamp drop supports for slightly older macs. that just makes your winmac machine a paperweight when newer version of windows comes out in a next few years. look at my motherboard from gigabyte bought 10 months ago, still have driver supports for all components for windows xp!!!
    3rd party firefox 9/flash and opera still works on windows 2000!!! can those current version of apps still works on tiger or leopard? so how can you disagree windows dont have longer term support. still dont agree. macarrogance?

    did you read the link above, 3d workshops (including 2d->3d workshop) are pc powerhouse.
    given reasons pc can harness all those gpus in sli setups with golden drivers directly from nvidia/amd. you really think you’ll do any better than those setups for stability and performance wise? again, delusional macarrogance.

  1044. Hmmmm says:

    “I love how all mac users compare computers to cars.
    I also love how they use marginal cost as an excuse for why mac’s are overpriced. Does that mean its ok? If I kill someone and say it was to protect a squirrel does that make it ok?”
    -First of all, computers and cars are very comparable
    -Secondly, marginal cost is not an ethical issue, its an economic LAW. As in, it happens whether you want it to or not. Marginal cost is the cost of production per unit. The farther you move away from the equilibrium of production the higher marginal cost is. And since Apple can’t produce a whole bunch of units like HP because of market share they have high marginal costs.

    “I can’t complain about the cost of a Mac, I got my Mac Book Pro Jan 2011 when I burned all my United miles before they expired…. so it was free. However, I’ve installed a SSD hard drive an upgraded the memory to 8GB just to make the piece of crap usable. It’s like a clunky iPad… It only works for surfing the Internet, otherwise the Mac is totally for wannabe nerdies/trendies. I was talked into it from a friend that swore i’d love it… pfft! This f’ing thing is a joke. I have a Win7 PC and laptop – in comparison, the are far superior in every way.
    The battery live use to be good, now it lasts for about 2 hours… same as every other laptop. Managing pictures on it suck, don’t believe the hype. My wife and I take thousands of photos while we’re on vacation, you can’t even look through them full screen unless you import them all in iPhoto… f you. I don’t want them on the laptop, I just want to look at them full screen! Anyway, I now take it with me on trips cuz if it get’s lost, i’ll file a claim and buy a new Windows laptop, you know… something that actually works the way I want, not they way it does.”
    -Bullshit, spacebar-> fullscreen, boom there you go, preview in fullscreen. Also iPhoto, or PhotoBooth, or many of the other photo managing applications that are free. You just want to complain, If you got the mac in 2011 then it has an i5 at the least, probably a quad core i7 and most likely it has AMD Radeon graphics. No matter how much it costs, its hardly “good for only browsing the internet”- (I’m paraphrasing there)

    pc is best for browsing, emailing, instant messaging, chat because users can buy very cheap computers and webcams for simple non-productive activities. why overpay for a child or grandparent who will let all those cpu cores idle.
    pc is best for gaming because users can customized to their wallet size – from budget to exotic gaming rigs.
    pc is best for corporate world where they are required to be maintained for a very long term support.
    pc is best for creative work too. i always heard, mac is great for design and music work. maybe you should read this at
    so if pc does everything better, what is mac good for other than “paying more for less” (think differently)?
    I disagree on all points with the exception of gaming. What now? My university has long term Apple support. My friends uncles company uses Macs now because he gets crap done faster than with the PCs and the time saving has made up for the extra cost. And the graphic design department would laugh at your PC>Mac for creative design article.

    Again, Macs are a horrible value, not a horrible product.

  1045. Steve says:

    Nice to see SEMEN back on here. I’ve been sitting back and watching all these apple retards and it amuses me.

  1046. MAC SUCKS says:

    No one in their right mind buys a mac.

  1047. MAC SUX says:

    No people in their right mind buys a mac.

    They are ugly too. Far too much ugly to be called a computer.

  1048. semen says:

    pc is best for browsing, emailing, instant messaging, chat because users can buy very cheap computers and webcams for simple non-productive activities. why overpay for a child or grandparent who will let all those cpu cores idle.

    pc is best for gaming because users can customized to their wallet size – from budget to exotic gaming rigs.

    pc is best for corporate world where they are required to be maintained for a very long term support.

    pc is best for creative work too. i always heard, mac is great for design and music work. maybe you should read this at

    so if pc does everything better, what is mac good for other than “paying more for less” (think differently)?

  1049. semen says:

    i like non-apple products for many reasons.

    i like to be able walk in small malls and buy computers and tablets from any small unauthorized boutique shops.
    hate to see the day when apple is in the majority share and we are all directed to apple stores only to get computers.
    i dont like to share breathing space with mac users in retail shops and coffee shops. their power plugs tend to monopolized all the sockets despite claiming great battery life of their macbook.

    i like to be able walk along the computer aisle and see more than 3 models, prices and brands. choices are good.
    look at kindle fire at the right price and size, it is selling well. contrary to job’s remark about filing the fingertips to use a smaller than 10″ tablet, the 7″ tablet may prove the right size.
    it is in the size range where you will still need to pinch zoom but not to point of irritation and annoyance like in a very small smartphone. i mean, what is the point of using a 10″ tablet os where you have pinch zoom capabilities but dont require it? at least 7″ we get to play with it. plus it fits in one hand nicely as well as in deep pockets of a winter jacket or a ladies handbag.

    i like the freedom to choose different browsers. on my unrestricted android tablet, i have opera, chrome and firefox to PLAY with. 3 different rendering engines and not just lame browsers with skin over safari engine on ipads.
    love to watch tv shows with built-in flash in chrome. without built-in flash, either i see grey boxes everywhere or install multiple apps for all the tv channels and online games which will clutter my tablets with icons everywhere. simply unacceptable.

  1050. 10 says:

    i ask all mac users to post a list of 10 things they like about macs here.

  1051. rawr! says:

    I love how all mac users compare computers to cars.

    I also love how they use marginal cost as an excuse for why mac’s are overpriced. Does that mean its ok? If I kill someone and say it was to protect a squirrel does that make it ok?

  1052. Motoko Kusanagi says:

    Linux != *BSD
    Btw, how can you steal from free software? It’s _F-R-E-E_.
    Clearly you don’t develop software.
    I must be a real badass, thinking about how much free s**t I’ve stolen in my life.

    I’ve got two MacBooks and three Gentoo boxes, and I think of it this way:

    I have two Porsches and three custom projects in the garage. They have different uses, Porsches for getting me to work EVERY day, and my custom built track cars for pushing time and performance, and gaining under-the-hood knowledge.

    Customization and reliability are mutually exclusive, unless you really know what you are doing and are willing to put down the hours. And the hours required for getting things to actually work reliably are not few, consider the ratio of time spent in development versus testing in ANY R&D department.

    So Porsches cost alot, and even with high build quality, the factory enjoys high margins. So What? It’s the best cars in the world. If I put a price on the hours I’ve put down tweaking Linux, or the hours I’ve put down reinstalling and battling with Windows, Mac’s are by far the cheapest computers I’ve ever owned.

  1053. CrApple242 says:

    I can’t complain about the cost of a Mac, I got my Mac Book Pro Jan 2011 when I burned all my United miles before they expired…. so it was free. However, I’ve installed a SSD hard drive an upgraded the memory to 8GB just to make the piece of crap usable. It’s like a clunky iPad… It only works for surfing the Internet, otherwise the Mac is totally for wannabe nerdies/trendies. I was talked into it from a friend that swore i’d love it… pfft! This f’ing thing is a joke. I have a Win7 PC and laptop – in comparison, the are far superior in every way.

    The battery live use to be good, now it lasts for about 2 hours… same as every other laptop. Managing pictures on it suck, don’t believe the hype. My wife and I take thousands of photos while we’re on vacation, you can’t even look through them full screen unless you import them all in iPhoto… f you. I don’t want them on the laptop, I just want to look at them full screen! Anyway, I now take it with me on trips cuz if it get’s lost, i’ll file a claim and buy a new Windows laptop, you know… something that actually works the way I want, not they way it does.


  1054. sam says:


    What an ass! Every bloody thing in this post is either imaginary, or an quintessential flaw of the highly retarded Windows platform that the author (or should I say the rant-er?) has superimposed on Mac OS X.

    They say there are no definite proofs that intelligent life forms apart from homo sapiens exist. But at least we have a definite proof that Trolls exist!

  1055. MACADAMIA says:

    I think you can’t blame Apple for the fact that there aren’t as many games for the Macintosh platform as there are for the PC – it’s an economic decision of the gaming industry not to offer the same choice of games for Macs. There are less Mac users than PC users, and the percentage of Mac users who do gaming is lower than on the PC platform.

    I work in department store where I sell Macs as well as PCs. If there are any complaints a few days after the purchase, you can bet it’s a PC buyer with a messed up operating system. Asking them about their recovery dvds will drive them into a state of panic. Sure, in most cases you can restore the system from the second partition – but where’s the fun, then ? Never had any complaints about a Mac yet.

    Uttering the words “Apple” or “Mac” in the presence of a Mac basher usually provokes a Pavlovian Reflex on your victim: he produces sh*t

  1056. George says:

    Obviously, macs suck. They tried to copy linux in a bad way, to where like linux, they cant use windows programs without tons of terminal use, but have NONE OF THE POWER OR EVEN CUSTIMIZATION that linux has. Its a lose-lose situation, and the only thing they have going for them is editing software, aka finalcut pro.

  1057. Jake says:

    Just fyi, for all those who think that Mac’s somehow have better hardware… Foxconn manufactures the hardware for BOTH Apple and Dell, so it comes from the same place. Where Dell has fallen short (as well as the majority of other PC manufacturers) is their lack of customer support, which is where Apple excels. Would I buy a Mac then? Not on your life.

  1058. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    Sooooooooo, if I install *another* application on my (imaginary) MacIntosh, THEN I can actually play a game on it. Unlike the PC running MS that just plays the game straight out of the box. Sounds to me like the MS PC “just works,” more so than the Mac.

  1059. HeroPatapon says:

    WRONG,WRONG,WRONG! Macs can play games really good and can run Windows via BootCamp, you bum!

  1060. Andrei says:

    I agree with both parties. None of them are perfect. In my opinion macs really sucks because of their price and I mean REALLY suck. Although PC sucks when u get a virus, and ya there are other things that bother me but there’s no point in going into all that because no matter what anybody says you wont be able to change their individual preferences. I do enjoys reading about how much things suck because people try so hard to prove their points and get so offended. lol I love the internet.

  1061. Eric says:

    This is just like watching Apple versus Microsoft commercials except here is the reality of Microsoft is the other way around and stays that way the development.

  1062. Eric says:

    This is all true. I used a Hackintosh version on my Gateway laptop. Now it did not work. It is not called me being stupid. It is called Apple being stupid. One is if they made it work with wide range of hardware like Microsoft does it would work flawlessly even as a hacked version. Another thing that really bothered me is even on the same laptop I watch HD video Movies on it with POTplayer that runs so smooth in Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, that Mac OSX 10.7 Lion could not.

    Mac would just skip so badly even using the POTplayer mac version that I could not stand it. It annoyed me sooo bad. Customizing the hardware to meet the Operating System is terrible. Geez, for hearing about how Steve Jobs did to get the Macs going and to actually use his technology to find out it is nothing to get excited about.

    To me Apple and Macs are no where close to Microsoft. Way too much on price to not be able to learn to program the software or build the hardware and install the hardware yourself is just stupid. The price for buying your baby a computer is crazy. I said baby, because a baby could use it, but that is it just use it. No modifying for the master geeks. Pay people to repair instead DIY computer like PC and Microsoft.

    Even if I had all the money in the world I would still stay away from Apple and Macs. Heck, Firefox newest version on the Lion OS still froze every 4 seconds. I can’t believe the stupid hype, and I have talked to so many Apple users to go nuts in discussions saying this and that about them being better than PC, when they are actually money taking computers to keep running regularly.

    I recommend to stay with PC and Microsoft all the way to the bank.

  1063. Hmm says:

    sounds like you just arent as familiar with OS X as you are with windows. The magic mouse has right click, two finger scrolling/swiping and plenty of other gestures, as does the macbook pros trackpad. The apple mighty mouse on the other hand is inferior to the PC mice of the day I will grant anyone that. But Trackpad/MagicMouse> PC alternatives.
    You can forward email attachments on Macs (and I bought mine refurbished for $1400 so they arent all $2000+) easily. I can forward emails with just the attachments on my iPhone easily enough without the original text so I dont know what you and your boss were doing.

  1064. Scruffy Nerfherder says:

    This article is great and, obvious bias aside by the writer, really does hit the nail on the head.

    I have tried using Mac on and off over the 25+ years I’ve done IT and have found it to be the most convoluted OS, regardless of version or iteration. Back when we had several NT 4.0 servers, we had to install Apple Talk just to get the bloody Macs to seeconnect to the servers – absurd.

    Single click mouse…but Apple click if you want the right click feature? Absolutely ridiculous. And why should I have to buy another mouse just to get that functionality? If I just dropped $2,000+ dollars for a Mac, it had better damn well get a mouse that calls me, “Sir,” and tops off my scotch, unsolicited. If I get ANY HP Workstation (business class, not the Wal-Mart POS HP’s), it COMES WITH a two-button, wheeled mouse. JEEZ!!

    Another perfect example of how myopic, and Draconian, Apple is: My boss, who’s damn bright (which is a rarity for a boss), and an avid PCLinux user, got an iPad (save the lamentful sighs for after my story). He received an e-Mail on it and tried to forward it on to multiple recipients, complete with original attachments but without the original text. Several attempts produced the same result: Can’t be done. Finally, he did a little online search and found where an Apple employee had posted the following, “Apple did not intend for e-Mail to be used in this manner.” You mean like everyone else does?! BRILLIANT!! So I CAN forward the original message, but only with the original text. Awesome. I don’t want the original text! I just need to send the attachment, complete with MY COMMENTS ONLY, to my intended recipients without having to save the attachment(s) locally and creating a new message.

    Now maybe that Jobs is gone, someone with some actual vision that’s truly lucid will take control of R&D and give us something that’s a usable product. I didn’t say it had to be like Windows, or anything else – hell, nothing is perfect! But consider that Windows has approximately 85% of the marketshare currently ( and has maintained a 70%+ marketshare for many, many years. Although most people are too inept to find their own a55 with both hands and a flashlight, after over 20 years of Windows being out, the marketshare for MS still wouldn’t be so high if the Mac OS v.Anything was as good as, or better than, Windows. NOTE: I never said Windows was great. Just that’s it offers a better, more stable, user experience than the Mac OS. And for those who balk at my use of the words ”stable” and ”Windows” in the same sentence, consider this: With all the half-a55ed, third-party apps out there that are written for Windows, and Windows ONLY, it’s not Windows that’s unstable but the veritable deluge of poorly coded applications that are written FOR Windows that cause the resultant instability one sees and blames on the OS. I guarantee you, if all the sh*t software for Windows, that generally gets installed ON Windows, was also on a Mac, the Mac experience would be far more torturous than it currently is.

  1065. qwe says:

    My PC isn’t slow, doesn’t crash, and doesn’t get viruses mainly because I’m not a fucking moron.

  1066. ok? says:

    Never use a mac?

    I’ve actually owned one. After owning it for a month I sold it to my sister and bought myself a pc laptop for half the price and better hardware. Mac is way too limited. All its about is Imovie and Iphoto which I use similar programs of that kind for the pc. And there is so much more that I can do on a pc which mac does not allow me… and I dont like that limit. Plus id rather save a $1000. The apple logo does not interest me.

  1067. ok? says:

    Okay, I just want to set some things straight. First and foremost, PC stands for Personal Computer; which is both a Windows and a Mac. Second, it’s all about personal preference. To me I think that Macs are best for people who do not understand things as easily therefore being a benefit in seeing how Macs are extremely simple. Microsoft – well, it’s for the average person. Like I said, all about personal preference, both have their pros and cons, just choosing what’s right for YOU matters.

  1068. @jay says:

    right click cut and paste? YES
    PrintScr- YES, able to activate terminal with it, well youve got me there.
    Search for what you want? YES- you can add on several third party applications to increase the search capabilities as well. Spotlight>Explorer
    File management of Mac>PC-
    interoperability- YES
    I really dont see where youre coming from.
    A good friend of mine runs a multi-million dollar business from macs. And whats more is; he used to run it off of PCs. He told me that the Macs were just more efficient in terms of time vs productivity.

  1069. Linus says:

    There are plenty of people on here who have commented on both the PC and Mac sides of the argument that do not know what they are talking about….

    That said, you can try hackintosh if you want to run osX on a PC.

    most PC users I know can’t debug their way out of a paper bag, and should probably just give up on technology all together.

    most Mac users I know are artists that can’t program “hello world”…

    But every Linux or Unix person I know can program anything, and use all of major operating systems…

    The fact that this poorly written article is still having comments on it is in itself amusing, so I just had to add a little bump.

    (oh and most business owners I work with are fscking retarded, especially if they can only use a single os, and their IT dept. thinks so too)

  1070. Steve says:

    @JAY. I too own my own business and require my employees to use Windows based PCs. macs are a complete waste of money and I’m glad to know other business owners are doing the same.

  1071. Jay Money says:

    If I have a business and someone brings a mac into it. They will be fired immediately for wasting my time and money.
    Finder is the biggest waste of time ever. Right click cut and paste. NO. Print Screen to activate terminal features. NO. Search for what I want how I want to search for it. No. File management, interoperability with industry standard systems, business computing – HELL NO!. I agree with this blog 99%. the other 1% is reserved in respect for the power of this machine.

  1072. Kyle says:

    I built my own PC desktop and couldn’t be more happy with it. I put about $1,400 into it and know what each component does (and it’s true price.)
    My system:
    AMD FX-8120 8 core
    ASUS Sabertooth 990FX motherboard
    EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 (Fermi)
    16GB Corsair Vengeance (4 x 4GB at 1600MHz) RAM
    Corsair GS800 (800W) power supply
    Samsung 1TB 7200 RPM
    OCZ 60 GB SATA 3 SSD

    My point? Macs are (roughly) $1,500 – and up – for a lot less computing power (price for performance anyone?) And the odd thing is that macs and PCs both use very similar if not the same hardware and components (for the most part.) But since most reasonable people on here already agree that macs ARE overpriced, I’ll move on.

    I am a sophomore in college currently going for my bachelors in graphic design. All my design/art classes are filled with beautiful brand new 27 inch iMacs, and they are enjoyable to use. It took about the first week of class to get used to OSX. Really, it’s not that hard. My PC at home has Adobe Master Suite (all Adobe programs) and I do find the Macs at school SLIGHTLY easier to use Adobe software on (probably only because I was taught on a mac.) But would I ever pay 1,699 for an iMac? Probably not.
    27 inch iMac specs:
    2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    4GB (two 2GB) memory at 1333MHz
    1TB hard drive
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 512MB

    They charge an extra $200 just to double the 4GB of RAM to 8GB, and even then it still only runs at 1333MHz, as compared to my 1600MGz RAM (and you can buy even faster if you’re crazy) I’d rather buy some myself for $50, void my apple warranty for opening up the computer, and install it myself. The only thing that would make me want to pay more for less power is the ultra sleek/beautiful/compact design of the iMac. Oh and OSX, of course. The Mac OS is more user-friendly, in my opinion. I’ve used Windows my entire life – and am more used to it – but it is more complicated. In it being more complicated, it is also more customizable AND has more options than Mac. But there is something to be said for simplicity. I.e. simplicity/user friendliness of the iPhone versus the complexity/ability to customize your Droid.
    My point here is that it is very possible to be a fan of both PC and Mac. To all those here whose comments are in strong favor of one or the other have given me much entertainment over the past 45 minutes. Macs are overpriced, very well engineered machines using basically the same components as a PC. The Mac OS is better IMO, but cannot be taken full advantage of due to not AS many programs and software written for them. Windows on the other hand IS a less stable OS, technically, if running on weak components often offered by the MANY companies selling windows OS machines. PCs are better for gaming (blah blah blah, obviously) because so many more graphics cards are compatible with windows. If you want a PC that won’t crash, build one like mine :)
    That’s about all I have to say :) Come at me

  1073. @whor says:

    Then why ex
    “Again do you know what uni-body means? Apparently not, or you wouldn’t have given your retarded response.”- nice try deflecting your ignorance with Ad-hominem fallacies. unibody is the casing dumbAss; thAts All.
    the mArkup isn’t whAt you would think. its Around $200 on most mAcs.
    AgAin fActor in money for your displAy keyboard And mouse. the pc will be cheAper yes; but not As much of A steAl As pc users (such As myself) would hAve mAc users think
    And i reAlly doubt you won’t be reAding this if you took the time to reply to my first post.
    you’re just butthurt And Angry. but you did get A better vAlue for your computer so thAts A plus 1.

  1074. whor says:

    “firstly that AMD processor will be outdone by A lower frequency intel i7”
    Your point is? That iMac didn’t have a i7.

    “As for marginal cost well thAts bAsic economics”
    Do you know what markup is? the marginal cost can get confusing depending if they got there result with or without the markup.

    Again do you know what uni-body means? Apparently not, or you wouldn’t have given your retarded response.

    HP Omni Quad series

    Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium [64-bit]
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 quad-core processor [3.1Ghz, 8MB Cache]
    8GB DDR3-1333MHz SODIMM [2 DIMMs]
    1.5TB 5400 rpm SATA hard drive
    Blu-Ray player
    Wireless-N LAN card (1×1)
    2-year In-Home limited hardware warranty


    27-inch: 3.1GHz
    3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    2560 x 1440 resolution
    4GB (two 2GB) memory
    1TB hard drive1
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB


    I don’t see why Mac users have to come on here to defend Mac’s if you really believe that PC users are wrong or you don’t agree with this post, then why do you need to go out of your way to tell us. Chances are we don’t fucking care if we are looking up a post on why mac’s suck. in the end all the mac users that comment here trying to argue just came here to do just that, ARGUE! Well you have no real argument.

    FACT: Mac’s are over priced compared to PC’s (It doesn’t matter if there’s a excuse or not its still true.)

    FACT: Mac’s have less hardware and software then PC’s

    FACT: PC’s are more customizable then Mac’s. Talking about both hardware and software.

    You say you are willing to pay the price? You say the hardware Mac has is enough for you? You say you like the way your Mac looks?

    Well whoop dee fucking doo. Congratz. BTW those worrent questions they didn’t require a response I didn’t ask you how you felt about your Mac or how you settled for it.

    It doesn’t matter how satisfied your it doesn’t make those things False just because you don’t agree.

    now im done yelling pointlessly at ignorant idiots, so if anyone reply’s to this you are just petty because i wont be reading it.

  1075. @whor says:

    whor: firstly that AMD processor will be outdone by A lower frequency intel i7. secondly: wht brand of RAM is the hp using? etc. quality is the issue.
    As for marginal cost well thAts bAsic economics (yes my pcs A key is broken) forbes posted Apples profit margin so I’m fAirly certain its legit.
    you’re An idiot my unibody mAcbook pro is eAsy to get into. The unibody pArt is the casing As in the whole thing is one piece of metAl. You cAn verify that with your eyes so i don’t know whAt you meAn About it being A lie.

    im typing this from A pc so cAll me A mAc fAnboy All you wAnt. (dell xps-15z) the hp you posted is just for the tower And nothing else nice try. post A compArAble All-in-one the price difference will shrink quite A bit.

    “Do you even know what uni-body means? All it means is that the parts are stuck together, you cant remove or replace them. And if you can replace the ram on your ‘uni-body’ Mac then its not really uni-body, and you just got scammed.” this pArt is reAlly funny. you cAn replace the RAM And hdd/ssd without voiding Any warranty All pc manufacturers hAve similAr polices regarding laptops. the pArts Aren’t All stuck together you idiot unibody is just the casing.
    I’ve using ubuntu fedora And mint. Also w7 xp vistA me 98 etc. (commA key is broken too :( )
    do some reAl reseArch then come bAck. windows is greAt but its not neArly the sAme. two words- file mAnAgement.

  1076. whor says:

    Your all idiots. There are no up sides to Mac’s, you are just paying for over priced crap. Oh but mac’s cost allot due to marginal cost -says whiny fan boy.
    Do you have proof? Maybe Apple just lied about those numbers, it wouldn’t be the first time they lied about something.

    HP Pavilion HPE h8m series

    Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium [64-bit]
    AMD FX-6100 six-core processor [3.3GHz, 6MB L2/8MB L3 Cache]
    6GB DDR3-1333MHz SDRAM
    1TB 7200 rpm SATA hard drive
    1GB DDR5 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti [2 DVI, mini-HDMI. VGA adapter]
    2-year In-Home limited hardware warranty

    27-inch: 3.1GHz
    3.1GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    2560 x 1440 resolution
    4GB (two 2GB) memory
    1TB hard drive1
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 1GB

    How the hell does it cost Apple so much money to build the same s**t other comps have?
    They even manufacture the parts themselves in foxcom for a fraction of the cost.
    Do you know what markup is? Well for the 27 inch iMac they added a $500 markup -they added $500 to the price just for profit.

    As for the OS there’s nothing, OS X can do that Windows or Linux cant do. Oh but its about how they do it -says whiny fan boy. Well you obviously know nothing about Windows and Linux, they can do anything OS X can in many different ways, and even in the same way OS X does it.
    Oh but I like the uni-body experience -says whiny fan boy. All that means is that you are more ignorant then I thought. The ‘uni-body’ bs you so willingly let apple spoon feed you, is just that bullshit. There is no uni-body experience, that’s just another label apple put on their computers so dushbags like you will buy them. Do you even know what uni-body means? All it means is that the parts are stuck together, you cant remove or replace them. And if you can replace the ram on your ‘uni-body’ Mac then its not really uni-body, and you just got scammed.

    Oh no its uni-body because the hardware was built for the OS. -Says the Whiny fan boy.
    WHAT!? The hardware was not built for the OS, the hardware was just built for computers in general. OS X uses drivers just like any other OS.

  1077. well says:

    With more hackers will come more security patches.

  1078. RAWR! says:

    “If I could run OS X on a PC, legally and easily I would do it in a heartbeat.”

    If OS X could run on a PC then there would be more hackers. And OS X has little to no defenses against hackers.

    “Thanks to a 5% worldwide market share, Macs have avoided most of the viruses and malware that plague Windows, but… according to Charlie Miller (expert hacker and former NSA security operative), those wishing to write Malware for a Mac will have absolutely no trouble whatsoever, given how easily exploitable the platform is. Mac users are “safe” only through obscurity… for now.””

    The bigger Apple gets, the bigger a target they become.

  1079. Richie says:

    I haven’t read past the first 5 posts here because there is way too much to read and my ADD cuts in too quickly. The wars between MS and Apple lovers are fun to watch. I use Ubuntu with Gnome, Open Office and a host of applications. All the software you could ever use free. For those photoshoppers, who can’t live without it, even though GIMP is free, you can always run a VM in your machine with windows.

  1080. well says:

    :D: its because they have a monopoly on their product. so their profit margins are higher than most companies in the computer field. but despite their higher margin the price of macs is mainly because of marginal cost. apple profit margin is 23% so you can figure out exactly how much they make off of one laptop.

  1081. :D says:

    “due to marginal cost its more expensive because less units are produced.”
    People keep saying that, but then why does Apple make more money then any other computer company?

  1082. o.o says:

    Wow this battle against the computers is like a religion holy s**t.

  1083. Jim says:

    Steve: no, its obviously because W7 can run on any platform and Microsoft supports it. Linux is free but thats on you if you screw it up. OS X is only supported by Apple so due to marginal cost its more expensive because less units are produced.

    If I could run OS X on a PC, legally and easily I would do it in a heartbeat.

  1084. Steve says:

    @TED. hahaha. I really hope you’re kidding.

  1085. Ted says:

    Why Windows Sucks:

    Only supports black and white screens
    Difficult to connect to the Internet
    Nobody but blue collar workers use them
    One Word: Viruses
    Nowhere to attach a floppy drive
    My cat likes to pee on them

  1086. Anon says:

    This article is 10 reasons why Mac sucks. Not Mac VS PC. OF COURSE it’s one sided!

  1087. Steve says:

    There is a reason Windows 7 is the #1 best selling operating system in history. People obviously like it better than OS X.

  1088. haha says:

    You don’t see Windows 8 with any good ideas. This article is one sided and seems as if it’s written by an angry teenager.

  1089. Anon says:

    You forgot to play the TROLOLOLO song when people read your post.

  1090. FUCKME says:


  1091. RAWR! says:

    I agree with derp. He said everything (in his article) I’ve been wanting to say but couldn’t find the words to say it.

    I admit that I’ve been on this board too long and forgot what I was arguing for in the first place.

  1092. Derp says:

    So I’ve read about halfway down this monstrosity of a page. I have my own opinions which I wrote here while back:

    I will say that the “use whatever you like and shut up” phrase gets a bit old – mostly because it’s just so obvious. I mean, OF COURSE people are going to use what they like. So why can’t we all be at peace and accept each other’s choices? Ignorance. The same thing that breeds fanboys, the same thing that keeps us going round in circles.

    I read close to 700 posts on here before skipping down here and i saw the same arguments regurgitated, by both sides, over and over and over. If people cared to DO RESEARCH, there are cold hard facts and studies. The ONLY reason these debates continue to roll on is because somebody didn’t look up the facts OR the exaggerate their personal experiences. Plain and simple.

    For example,
    Find this post above (Ctrl+F “November 28, 2011 at 11:55 am”) where TUCANSAM claims that “I can run battlefield 3 on full specs just fine thank you”. I just looked at a youtube video of the 6490m running BF3 on low settings with 20-30fps. When you say “full specs” what exactly does that mean? High Settings? If so, if your frames took any more of a hit, I wouldn’t call that running “just fine”. I call that a slideshow. Now, I seem to be the only one who thought this, which the PC fans spewed “BUT YOU DID IT IN BOOTCAMP YOU HAD TO USE BOOTCAMP DIDNT YOU YEAH THOUGHT SO!” while completely disregarding his lie. They turned what should have been a hardware response into a software response which is a moot point. He’s trying to brag about performance to support his idea that YES he can “play” games in reponse to Joshy who said “No matter what, you cant deny that a mac falls far behind in performance, play any game made in the year 2005+ on a mac and you wont have fun” – which I agree.

    People get so carried away they don’t even know what they are arguing and stray off topic which is how discussions are formed about “who made what, when, and who did they copy it from”. We are comparing Macs and PCs of the present, not giving a history lesson. I prefer to stick to relevant problems, not past ones, and the current relevant problem is: are macs equal in value to the pc?

    My answer is in the link above.

  1093. Philip Inwood says:

    Only the world of search engines could allow a misinformed article like this survive so many years. It’s the writer’s loss that he doesn’t understand the history of computing, or why the Mac interface is vastly superior to Windows (and yes, I’m versed in both). Saying that Jobs stole the Mac OS from the Unix base is like saying that a Ferrari is just a rip off of the Model T; yes, they both have wheels, an engine, doors, &c &c. BTW, my Mac runs Windows just fine, the platform allows for it and Apple provides a free environment for it. You can’t say the reverse, and the lack of a homogeneous (ie chaotic) environment will keep it that way.

  1094. this will says:

    Im a pc user and i like to use my pc and again is all personal preference use what you prefer.

    Arguing on the internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win, you’re still a retard.

  1095. Mr True says:

    All apple products are overrated and overpriced. Including, IPhone, IPod, and Mac.

  1096. RAWR! says:

    “Not so, I HATE the Honda Civic, I LOVE the Honda NSX. I hate Windows Vista, I like Windows 7. I do not hate Microsoft I do not hate Honda. I can insult a product and not the company. Vista deserved it, No Apple shouldn’t have done it publicly.”
    If you had a line of products out, wouldn’t you be insulted if people bashed your product?

    “Right, and your false claims and poor grammar do not? I wasn’t going to say anything for politeness sake, and despite what you may think, Im generally not a rude person.”
    What false claims? And as far as I can tell my grammar is just fine, other a few error I didn’t bother to correct. A nice person or a modest person will never refer to themselves as such.

    ““Variety is good but it gets to a point where there is overcrowding”- there you go, variety creates competition which induces a better product.”
    You contradicted yourself in the same sentience. You are saying that variety is bad thing but, then saying its a good thing.

  1097. Looop says:

    this is pretty stupid, i mean, seriously.

    “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.)”

    um no!

    WINDOWS computers do that, i’ve owned 4 different types of macs, and NONE of them have ever gotten viruses! EVER

    and, I’ve had 6 different programs open at once, and the computer didn’t slow down at all!
    the mac navigation is SO easy, it also displays time and date, my computer says ” Fri 8:17:20

    this looks like it was written by a four year old.

  1098. hmmmm says:

    “No, those ads were more of a hate against windows”
    You do know Windows is made by Microsoft, right? An insult on a company’s product is in turn a insult on the company itself.
    -Not so, I HATE the Honda Civic, I LOVE the Honda NSX. I hate Windows Vista, I like Windows 7. I do not hate Microsoft I do not hate Honda. I can insult a product and not the company. Vista deserved it, No Apple shouldn’t have done it publicly.
    “Also, how does what I say make me look like an idiot?”
    Look above.- Right, and your false claims and poor grammar do not? I wasn’t going to say anything for politeness sake, and despite what you may think, Im generally not a rude person.
    “Putting OS X on a PC would be ideal for most people (myself included) but that would go against the entire unified experience Steve Jobs wanted”
    Another example of Apple not wanting to give there users a choice. He can have best of both worlds, a PC version of OS X and a Mac version.
    -Fair enough, I never claimed Apple gave you freedom of choice.
    “You’re the one arguing for arguments sake.”
    I’m not the one comparing, computers to EVERY other market out there. I am just responding to your post. So if you make some ridiculous comparison, then I will comment on it.
    Now what are you gonna say? “Computers and clothing are both consumer items”
    Yea but people don’t buy computers to ware them. Different Marketing items are marketed differently.
    -No, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays invented the basis for all advertising back in 1906.
    “If you objectively looked at clothing you would evaluate based on protection, flexibility and durability among other things.”
    I will take a page out of your book and say; Ask any average person, not someone who lives in the desert or someone into hard core exercise, ect. And ask them how they buy there cloths, they will most likely say they buy based on the brand or the look. If people bought cloths for protection there wouldn’t be women wearing skimpy clothing.
    Magic Mice where not intended to be used on PC’s there fore using them on a PC still goes against the terms and conditions. And to make the drivers for the Magic Mouse you would first need the Mac drivers then you must re-code them, the Drivers are a Apple product and modifying them is illegal.
    -There are several groups (Gizmodo, and the Apple forums ((which are monitored by Apple))) have drivers ready to install, I don’t know the entire EULA, I don’t know all the legalities, but what I do know is for the past 3 years I have heard and found nothing about Apple taking peoples mice. Illegal or not they don’t care.
    “What Im saying it you have a bunch of programs that all do the same exact thing, DivX, VLC, RealPlayer, Windows Media, etc.”
    What happened to “Its about how they do it”? They may do the same thing but they do it differently.
    – “Variety is good but it gets to a point where there is overcrowding”- there you go, variety creates competition which induces a better product (OSX and Windows perhaps?).
    “you’re the one who took bits and pieces out to try and make an argument that was off topic.”
    Notice how I don’t compare computers to other markets like cars or clothing?
    I’m not the one going off topic. Even tho I am now….
    -computers are a consumer product and I regard them as such. If I worked solely with and for a computer company I would regard them as a tool to utilize. Computers and OS’s are limited in scope and I use other products with a larger variety of brands to make a point. I think thats perfectly understandable.
    And if you MUST know, I only buy clothing based on my personal taste. Even if that means wearing all black on a hot sunny day. Is that smart? No, its not. Like I said before most subjective choices are not good ones.
    -Thats your choice I don’t judge.
    “You’re the one looking like an idiot.”
    “You’re the one arguing for arguments sake.”
    Nice come-backs.
    ^That was for arguments sake.

  1099. RAWR! says:

    “No, those ads were more of a hate against windows”
    You do know Windows is made by Microsoft, right? An insult on a company’s product is in turn a insult on the company itself.

    “Also, how does what I say make me look like an idiot?”
    Look above.

    “Putting OS X on a PC would be ideal for most people (myself included) but that would go against the entire unified experience Steve Jobs wanted”
    Another example of Apple not wanting to give there users a choice. He can have best of both worlds, a PC version of OS X and a Mac version.

    “You’re the one arguing for arguments sake.”
    I’m not the one comparing, computers to EVERY other market out there. I am just responding to your post. So if you make some ridiculous comparison, then I will comment on it.

    Now what are you gonna say? “Computers and clothing are both consumer items”
    Yea but people don’t buy computers to ware them. Different Marketing items are marketed differently.

    “If you objectively looked at clothing you would evaluate based on protection, flexibility and durability among other things.”
    I will take a page out of your book and say; Ask any average person, not someone who lives in the desert or someone into hard core exercise, ect. And ask them how they buy there cloths, they will most likely say they buy based on the brand or the look. If people bought cloths for protection there wouldn’t be women wearing skimpy clothing.

    Magic Mice where not intended to be used on PC’s there fore using them on a PC still goes against the terms and conditions. And to make the drivers for the Magic Mouse you would first need the Mac drivers then you must re-code them, the Drivers are a Apple product and modifying them is illegal.

    “What Im saying it you have a bunch of programs that all do the same exact thing, DivX, VLC, RealPlayer, Windows Media, etc.”
    What happened to “Its about how they do it”? They may do the same thing but they do it differently.

    “you’re the one who took bits and pieces out to try and make an argument that was off topic.”
    Notice how I don’t compare computers to other markets like cars or clothing?
    I’m not the one going off topic. Even tho I am now….

    And if you MUST know, I only buy clothing based on my personal taste. Even if that means wearing all black on a hot sunny day. Is that smart? No, its not. Like I said before most subjective choices are not good ones.

    “You’re the one looking like an idiot.”
    “You’re the one arguing for arguments sake.”
    Nice come-backs.
    ^That was for arguments sake.

  1100. hmmmm says:

    ” Does MS offer a Mac to PC? (I really don’t know, Im curious )”
    No they don’t, you know why? Because Apple wont let them develop software for OS X.
    -You mean like OneNote and Microsoft Office, both for Mac
    “Apple doesn’t hate PCs, they even offer a windows migration client from PC to mac.”
    Yes, so you can LEAVE your PC and switch to a Mac. Apple doesn’t hate PC’s? Where you off the grid when Apple has there whole Mac VS PC Ad’s? Apple themselves started the whole PC vs Mac ‘war’ Apple hates PC’s. If apple showed any kind of kindness towards PC’s they would let you put OS X on a PC.
    -No, those ads were more of a hate against windows, have you seen the interview between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs? Guess not. They were friends. Putting OS X on a PC would be ideal for most people (myself included) but that would go against the entire unified experience Steve Jobs wanted.
    “No they won’t. Ive been using a trackpad on my PC in public for about a year now. No one has called me out or shouted “CRIMINAL!” I want to know where you got that idea.”
    YES, they will. In order for the Magic mouse to work on a PC you have to have 3rd party drivers Apple does not have Windows drivers for most of there devices. In Apples user agreement, it is illegal for you to modify there products, or use them in a way unintended. Meaning they can confiscate your product, void your warranty, or sue you if you use them on a PC.
    -You didnt modify their product, you modified your drivers. And you used the mouse as a mouse. Apple is not going to take your friking mouse. Court costs would be too high for any benefit even if they did have a legal argument (which they don’t).
    “Apple is more PC friendly than Microsoft is Mac friendly”
    Again Apple dictates what Hardware and what software goes on there machines, even if Microsoft wanted to make a program for OS X, they need Apples OK first.
    -Fair enough, I see that as quality control. Making a Mac program really isn’t that stringent though. Honest, if you have a developers license they really aren’t balls out hard on you. Its “this isn’t a virus, it works, done” (after the whole programming part)
    “No, you’re legally required to be clothed in public. And clothing is made to shelter your body from the environment. Theres plenty of objective reasons for clothing.”
    Who the hell goes into a store and ask the clerk, “which line of clothing offer’s more protection?” …
    -Hmmm, seems like Colombia, NorthFace, and Carhartt advertisements care about that a lot. And yet you’re still here. If you objectively looked at clothing you would evaluate based on protection, flexibility and durability among other things. You’re the one looking like an idiot. By the way, when I was backpacking on the Appalachian I did just that. “Which line of clothing offers the best insulation and durability” Because when you’re out doing physical activities, you tend to be more objective with your clothing. However, I did buy the jacket and pants I thought looked best…. even if they were more expensive and did the same thing as any of the other articles of clothing in the store.
    You are just arguing for arguments sake, even if what you say makes you look like a idiot…
    No, I was using a metaphor, you’re the one who took bits and pieces out to try and make an argument that was off topic. You’re the one arguing for arguments sake. Also, how does what I say make me look like an idiot?

  1101. RAWR! says:

    For all you High-strung Mac who say only kids play games.

    According to, Sixty-nine percent of American heads of households play computer and video games.

    62% of American video game players are male
    38% are female

    The average age of American video game players is: 33 years old.

  1102. RAWR! says:

    I love your response’s, you know the ones that put me in my place like “yes they will.” and “No, it wont”. Pure genius.

    ” Does MS offer a Mac to PC? (I really don’t know, Im curious )”
    No they don’t, you know why? Because Apple wont let them develop software for OS X.

    “Apple doesn’t hate PCs, they even offer a windows migration client from PC to mac.”
    Yes, so you can LEAVE your PC and switch to a Mac. Apple doesn’t hate PC’s? Where you off the grid when Apple has there whole Mac VS PC Ad’s? Apple themselves started the whole PC vs Mac ‘war’ Apple hates PC’s. If apple showed any kind of kindness towards PC’s they would let you put OS X on a PC.

    “No they won’t. Ive been using a trackpad on my PC in public for about a year now. No one has called me out or shouted “CRIMINAL!” I want to know where you got that idea.”
    YES, they will. In order for the Magic mouse to work on a PC you have to have 3rd party drivers Apple does not have Windows drivers for most of there devices. In Apples user agreement, it is illegal for you to modify there products, or use them in a way unintended. Meaning they can confiscate your product, void your warranty, or sue you if you use them on a PC.

    “Apple is more PC friendly than Microsoft is Mac friendly”
    Again Apple dictates what Hardware and what software goes on there machines, even if Microsoft wanted to make a program for OS X, they need Apples OK first.

    “No, you’re legally required to be clothed in public. And clothing is made to shelter your body from the environment. Theres plenty of objective reasons for clothing.”
    Who the hell goes into a store and ask the clerk, “which line of clothing offer’s more protection?” You are just arguing for arguments sake, even if what you say makes you look like a idiot……

  1103. hmmmm says:

    “iTunes was available on PC years before MS had a Zune client for the Mac.”
    Did you really just say that? iTunes existed years before Microsoft even thought of making the Zune.
    -Yes, then microsoft came out with the zune and no mac client, for around 2-3 years. I did say that.
    “most of which all do the same thing so its really pointless to compare numbers of applications, you should compare “what the applications DO””
    I already covered that in a earlier post, if you wanna say all third party programs on PC’s are not as good as Mac’s programs first use all the programs available for PC.
    -What Im saying it you have a bunch of programs that all do the same exact thing, DivX, VLC, RealPlayer, Windows Media, etc. Variety is good but it gets to a point where there is overcrowding. You didn’t get what I was trying to say.
    “Thats why people buy macs, no its not ‘objective’ yes for the 8305380532th time, no one objectively buys a mac”
    Thank you for proving that PC’s are better then Mac’s and the only people who buy a Mac are people who want to look cool.
    – Um, nice try flipping my words around. PCs are more cost effective, thats all I was saying. I could care less about the apple logo on my lid, I bought my Mac because I love OS X and the general design of the Mac.
    “I wouldn’t say WAY more.”
    Of course you wouldn’t, because your defending Mac’s. Doesn’t change the fact that’s PC’s can do WAY more then Mac’s
    – Besides a few UI tweaks (a lot of which copy OS X), nothing of consequence.
    “And no, Apple has to pay for the parts as well.”
    Then there Manufacturing company in china is just for show? No, they only pay for the designs then they build the hardware themselves.
    – cheese and rice, Apple pays for the parts that go into a Mac, they also pay for the design. They don’t develop the parts, but Foxconn isn’t like “Heres 20,000,000 cases for free.” No, Apple pays for the parts in each unit, the software, the case, board, and OS design. As well as packaging (that stuff adds up)
    “No, its your mouse, you paid for it. They won’t take it from you.”
    Yes they will.
    -No they won’t. Ive been using a trackpad on my PC in public for about a year now. No one has called me out or shouted “CRIMINAL!” I want to know where you got that idea.
    “Apple is more PC friendly than Microsoft is Mac friendly”
    What? Do you think Microsoft purposely kept there software from Apple? To make a windows program work on a Mac you pretty much have to rewrite the program, and would you want to remake a program for free for only 6% of computer users? If it took so long for a windows program to get on Mac its only because Apple took so long to ask for it.
    -MS and Apple had discrepancies, MS didn’t want to format it the way Apple wanted them to in the mid-2000’s I believe (don’t quote me). SO they didn’t develop a lot of things for the Mac for awhile. Apple doesn’t hate PCs, they even offer a windows migration client from PC to mac. Does MS offer a Mac to PC? (I really don’t know, Im curious )
    And I was talking about hardware, Apples touch pad, Magic mouse, and other devices Apple developed or bought a company to develop for them. Will not legally work on a PC.
    -Yes they wil
    All you have is your opinion.
    “no one objectively buys cashmere sweaters”
    Really? Clothing is only subjective there is nothing objective about clothing.
    -No, you’re legally required to be clothed in public. And clothing is made to shelter your body from the environment. Theres plenty of objective reasons for clothing.

  1104. Steve says:

    “You and every other iSheep come on here thinking they are clever, and can stick it to us PC users, but in the end you have nothing to ague about. You love mac? They are the best thing ever? Well good for you! I know OF 1,840,000,000 people who would disagree with you. You say just because the majority agrees with something doesn’t mean its right? Of course a minority would say that. I live in the USA the majority always wins. But yet you proceed to indirectly say everyone who doesn’t agree with you is an idiot. Well I hope you -with your rosy cheeks- don’t fall off your pedestal.”


  1105. hmmmm says:

    So you’re saying that every PC user has a PC because they hate Macs? I know quite a few PC user who would disagree with you. I live in the USA as well, and I can tell you the majority rarely wins and/or are rarely knowledgeable. Go up to anyone using a PC (in the general public, not some computer store where they’d be an enthusiast. This has to be a blind sample. Ask them their hardware specs, you’ll get the same rate of cluelessness as a Mac user.
    I really don’t get whats up with this iSheep crap either, using the term sheep as an adjective means that the recipient is a follower of the masses. And yet you also preach about Apples low market share. Im plenty informed about the product I’m buying, Im not “drinking the kool-aid” as many would say. I know that Macs are less of a hardware value than PCs and I know the reasons for that. Whatever, Jesus is right. Im done.

    ANON: No, but I have taken something called Economics, and Marketing.

  1106. Seth says:

    I agree this article entirely.

  1107. Jesus says:

    Why all of your are being petty for no reason SOPA is about to pass. So even just having a random argument here may be illegal soon.

  1108. Anon says:

    “Thats the consumer market, people buy based on experience, personal taste, and lastly objective reasons.”

    And you are the representative the ignorant masses or what?

  1109. RAWR! says:

    You and every other iSheep come on here thinking they are clever, and can stick it to us PC users, but in the end you have nothing to ague about. You love mac? They are the best thing ever? Well good for you! I know OF 1,840,000,000 people who would disagree with you. You say just because the majority agrees with something doesn’t mean its right? Of course a minority would say that. I live in the USA the majority always wins. But yet you proceed to indirectly say everyone who doesn’t agree with you is an idiot. Well I hope you -with your rosy cheeks- don’t fall off your pedestal.

  1110. RAWR! says:

    “iTunes was available on PC years before MS had a Zune client for the Mac.”
    Did you really just say that? iTunes existed years before Microsoft even thought of making the Zune.

    “most of which all do the same thing so its really pointless to compare numbers of applications, you should compare “what the applications DO””
    I already covered that in a earlier post, if you wanna say all third party programs on PC’s are not as good as Mac’s programs first use all the programs available for PC.

    “Thats why people buy macs, no its not ‘objective’ yes for the 8305380532th time, no one objectively buys a mac”
    Thank you for proving that PC’s are better then Mac’s and the only people who buy a Mac are people who want to look cool.

    “I wouldn’t say WAY more.”
    Of course you wouldn’t, because your defending Mac’s. Doesn’t change the fact that’s PC’s can do WAY more then Mac’s

    “And no, Apple has to pay for the parts as well.”
    Then there Manufacturing company in china is just for show? No, they only pay for the designs then they build the hardware themselves.

    “No, its your mouse, you paid for it. They won’t take it from you.”
    Yes they will.

    “Apple is more PC friendly than Microsoft is Mac friendly”

    What? Do you think Microsoft purposely kept there software from Apple? To make a windows program work on a Mac you pretty much have to rewrite the program, and would you want to remake a program for free for only 6% of computer users? If it took so long for a windows program to get on Mac its only because Apple took so long to ask for it.

    And I was talking about hardware, Apples touch pad, Magic mouse, and other devices Apple developed or bought a company to develop for them. Will not legally work on a PC.

    All you have is your opinion.

    “no one objectively buys cashmere sweaters”
    Really? Clothing is only subjective there is nothing objective about clothing.

  1111. hmmmm says:

    Apple works just like any other Computer company, they design there Keyboards Monitors and Cases, then pay other companies to make there hardware for them. But you say “Apple makes there own OS” And? you say that like it cost them more money do to that. There OS only cost $20, and unlike other computer company’s Apple takes the design and makes there hardware in china for a fraction of the cost. Apple is only paying for the cost of the design while other company’s are actually paying for the labor and hardware.
    -The OS is priced at $29 because they control the hardware its on. Again, Apples profit margin is 23% (source:yahoo finance, forbes, fortune) Which means on an $1800 MBP they make $400, the $1800 MBP is claimed to be about that much overpriced. And no, Apple has to pay for the parts as well.

    Another thing I hate about Apple is that, when a Computer company develops a new device you can bet any PC can use it, maybe even a Mac. But when Apple makes anything. NO! They say, we shall not let our god like products touch the blasphemous hands of a PC user.
    For instance your fabulous Magic Mouse can be used on a PC as well, and yes it works exactly the same as it does on Mac.
    But of course Apple are a bunch of dushbags so if they know you have a Magic Mouse on a PC they will try to confiscate it.
    -No, its your mouse, you paid for it. They won’t take it from you. Apple is more PC friendly than Microsoft is Mac friendly, iTunes was available on PC years before MS had a Zune client for the Mac.
    -Also, in relation to peripherals on Macs, most peripherals period will work on a Mac, if not download the drivers (Lion automatically finds them). Now if you buy a peripheral made by Backyard Dan who no one has ever heard of then you may have a problem. But pretty much all major peripheral companies have drivers available for your Mac.

    Also Windows can do anything Mac can do and way more. All the ‘little things’ people love about Apple so much can be done on PC too.
    -I wouldn’t say WAY more. Besides run more applications (most of which all do the same thing so its really pointless to compare numbers of applications, you should compare “what the applications DO”) and some other rudimentary stuff I can do anything that I did on my PC. The difference is HOW it does it. You can buy a really expensive electric razor or a pack of manual razors for much less. They’ll do the same job, theyll last about the same amount of time. But they accomplish their tasks very differently. Thats why people buy macs, no its not ‘objective’ yes for the 8305380532th time, no one objectively buys a mac. No one objectively shops at Saks 5th Ave. No one objectively buys an Audi, no one objectively buys caviar, no one objectively buys cashmere sweaters, I can go on.
    Thats pretty much everything in the Mac vs. PC debate.
    You can say ‘iSheep’ if you want, Ill still be perfectly happy and perfectly productive. Thats a pretty good reason for me to purchase a Mac, it does everything I want, the way I want it done and I got it for the price I was willing to pay (in this case $1349, which really isn’t that ‘overpriced’). You can say “thats just your experience” well thats life. Thats the consumer market, people buy based on experience, personal taste, and lastly objective reasons.

  1112. Misses JJ says:

    Man… JJ was on fire at the beginning of this post… this post has gone down the toilet.

  1113. RAWR! says:

    “yes but who pays for it all? Apple. Thats the split-cost that you conveniently left out.”

    Apple works just like any other Computer company, they design there Keyboards Monitors and Cases, then pay other companies to make there hardware for them. But you say “Apple makes there own OS” And? you say that like it cost them more money do to that. There OS only cost $20, and unlike other computer company’s Apple takes the design and makes there hardware in china for a fraction of the cost. Apple is only paying for the cost of the design while other company’s are actually paying for the labor and hardware.

    Also Windows can do anything Mac can do and way more. All the ‘little things’ people love about Apple so much can be done on PC too.

    Another thing I hate about Apple is that, when a Computer company develops a new device you can bet any PC can use it, maybe even a Mac. But when Apple makes anything. NO! They say, we shall not let our god like products touch the blasphemous hands of a PC user.
    For instance your fabulous Magic Mouse can be used on a PC as well, and yes it works exactly the same as it does on Mac.
    But of course Apple are a bunch of dushbags so if they know you have a Magic Mouse on a PC they will try to confiscate it.

  1114. hmmmm says:

    How come it’s ok for you to say Mac’s are infallible because you just like a certain feature better. But when we say the same about PC’s it’s blasphemous just because we provide facts?
    -I never said macs were infallible
    And Mac’s come with a one button mouse by default, so you still have to feed Apple more money just so you can right click.
    -No I don’t have to feed apple more money I can go to system preferences, or even third party mods and make right click whatever gesture i want
    “OS X has changed a sh*t-ton in features throughout the progression.”
    Like? Apple has made no major core changes to OS-X.
    Obviously you didn’t read my post, I said features. Anyway Core Data was introduced in 10.4- you know- here: this IS from Wikipedia, but it was the most succinct list I could find. Version 10.0: “Cheetah”
    Main article: Mac OS X v10.0
    On March 24, 2001, Apple released Mac OS X v10.0 (internally codenamed Cheetah).[82] The initial version was slow, incomplete, and had very few applications available at the time of its launch, mostly from independent developers. While many critics suggested that the operating system was not ready for mainstream adoption, they recognized the importance of its initial launch as a base on which to improve. Simply releasing Mac OS X was received by the Macintosh community as a great accomplishment, for attempts to completely overhaul the Mac OS had been underway since 1996, and delayed by countless setbacks. Following some bug fixes, kernel panics became much less frequent.
    Version 10.1: “Puma”
    Main article: Mac OS X v10.1
    Later that year on September 25, 2001, Mac OS X v10.1 (internally codenamed Puma) was released.[83] It had better performance and provided missing features, such as DVD playback. Apple released 10.1 as a free upgrade CD for 10.0 users, in addition to the US$129 boxed version for people running Mac OS 9. It was discovered that the upgrade CDs were full install CDs that could be used with Mac OS 9 systems by removing a specific file; Apple later re-released the CDs in an actual stripped-down format that did not facilitate installation on such systems.[84] On January 7, 2002, Apple announced that Mac OS X was to be the default operating system for all Macintosh products by the end of that month.[85]
    Version 10.2: “Jaguar”
    Main article: Mac OS X v10.2
    On August 23, 2002,[86] Apple followed up with Mac OS X v10.2 “Jaguar”, the first release to use its code name as part of the branding.[87] It brought great performance enhancements, a sleeker look, and many powerful enhancements (over 150, according to Apple[88] ), including Quartz Extreme for compositing graphics directly on an ATI Radeon or Nvidia GeForce2 MX AGP-based video card with at least 16 MB of VRAM, a system-wide repository for contact information in the new Address Book, and an instant messaging client named iChat.[89] The Happy Mac which had appeared during the Mac OS startup sequence for almost 18 years was replaced with a large grey Apple logo with the introduction of Mac OS X v10.2.
    Version 10.3: “Panther”
    Main article: Mac OS X Panther
    Mac OS X v10.3 “Panther” was released on October 24, 2003. In addition to providing much improved performance, it also incorporated the most extensive update yet to the user interface. Panther included as many or more new features as Jaguar had the year before, including an updated Finder, incorporating a brushed-metal interface, Fast user switching, Exposé (Window manager), FileVault, Safari, iChat AV (which added videoconferencing features to iChat), improved Portable Document Format (PDF) rendering and much greater Microsoft Windows interoperability.[90] Support for some early G3 computers such as “beige” Power Macs and “WallStreet” PowerBooks was discontinued.
    Version 10.4: “Tiger”
    Main article: Mac OS X Tiger
    Mac OS X v10.4 “Tiger” was released on April 29, 2005. Apple stated that Tiger contained more than 150 new features.[91] As with Panther, certain older machines were no longer supported; Tiger requires a Mac with a built-in FireWire port.[42] Among the new features, Tiger introduced Spotlight, Dashboard, Smart Folders, updated Mail program with Smart Mailboxes, QuickTime 7, Safari 2, Automator, VoiceOver, Core Image and Core Video. The initial release of the Apple TV used a modified version of Tiger with a different graphical interface and fewer applications and services. On January 10, 2006, Apple released the first Intel-based Macs along with the 10.4.4 update to Tiger. This operating system functioned identically on the PowerPC-based Macs and the new Intel-based machines, with the exception of the Intel release dropping support for the Classic environment.[92] Only PowerPC Macs can be booted from retail copies of the Tiger client DVD, but there is a Universal DVD of Tiger Server 10.4.7 (8K1079) that can boot both PowerPC and Intel Macs.
    Version 10.5: “Leopard”
    Main article: Mac OS X Leopard
    Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard” was released on October 26, 2007. It was called by Apple “the largest update of Mac OS X”. It brought more than 300 new features.[93] Leopard supports both PowerPC- and Intel x86-based Macintosh computers; support for the G3 processor was dropped and the G4 processor required a minimum clock rate of 867 MHz, and at least 512 MB of RAM to be installed. The single DVD works for all supported Macs (including 64-bit machines). New features include a new look, an updated Finder, Time Machine, Spaces, Boot Camp pre-installed,[94] full support for 64-bit applications (including graphical applications), new features in Mail and iChat, and a number of new security features. Leopard is an Open Brand UNIX 03 registered product on the Intel platform. It was also the first BSD-based OS to receive UNIX 03 certification.[3][95] Leopard dropped support for the Classic Environment and all Classic applications.[96]
    It was the final version of Mac OS X to support the PowerPC architecture.
    Version 10.6: “Snow Leopard”
    Main article: Mac OS X Snow Leopard
    Mac OS X v10.6 “Snow Leopard” was released on August 28, 2009. Rather than delivering big changes to the appearance and end user functionality like the previous releases of Mac OS X, Snow Leopard focuses on “under the hood” changes, increasing the performance, efficiency, and stability of the operating system. For most users, the most noticeable changes are: the disk space that the operating system frees up after a clean install compared to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, a more responsive Finder rewritten in Cocoa, faster Time Machine backups, more reliable and user friendly disk ejects, a more powerful version of the Preview application, as well as a faster Safari web browser.
    The rewrite of Finder in Apple’s native Cocoa API allows the Finder to take advantage of the new technologies introduced in Snow Leopard. An update of the web browser, Safari 4, includes a boost in JavaScript and HTML performance, which results in faster web browsing. The majority of this performance boost is enabled by the new SquirrelFish JavaScript interpreter, improving the JavaScript rendering performance of Safari by over 50%.[97] The new Top Sites also displays the most frequently visited and/or bookmarked sites in a panorama view, allowing the user to easily access their favorite sites along with a new Cover Flow view for the user’s browsing history. Safari 4 is now also more crash resistant, being able to isolate plug-ins which are the main cause of web browser crashes.[98]
    Mac OS X v10.6 also features Microsoft Exchange Server support for Mail, iCal, and Address Book, new 64-bit technology capable of supporting greater amounts of RAM, an all new QuickTime X with a refreshed user interface and more functionality that used to be only available to QuickTime Pro owners.
    Back-end platform changes include improved support for multi-core processors through Grand Central Dispatch which attempts to ease the development of applications with multi-core support, and thus improve their CPU utilization. It used to be that developers needed to code their programs in such a way that their software would explicitly take advantage of the multiple cores, which could easily become a tedious and troublesome task, especially in complex software. It also includes advanced GPU performance with OpenCL (a cross platform open standard for GPGPU distinct from CUDA, Dx11 Compute Shader or STREAM) by providing support to offload work normally only destined for a CPU to the graphic card’s GPU. This can be especially useful in tasks that can be heavily parallelized.
    Snow Leopard only supports machines with Intel CPUs, requires at least 1 GB of RAM, and drops default support for applications built for the PowerPC architecture (Rosetta can be installed as an additional component to retain support for PowerPC-only applications).[99]
    Version 10.7: “Lion”
    Main article: Mac OS X Lion
    Mac OS X v10.7 “Lion” was released on July 20, 2011. It includes support for the Mac App Store, and brings many other developments made in Apple’s iOS, such as an easily-navigable display of installed applications (Launchpad) and (a greater use of) multi-touch gestures, to the Mac. This release removed Rosetta, making it incapable of running PowerPC applications.
    Changes made to the GUI (Graphical User Interface) include the Launchpad (similar to the home screen of iOS devices), auto-hiding scrollbars that only appear when they are being used, and Mission Control, which unifies Exposé, Spaces, Dashboard, and full-screen applications within a single interface.[100] Apple also made changes to applications: they resume in the same state as they were before they were closed (similar to iOS). In addition to this, documents auto-save by default so users do not have to worry about manually managing their documents.

    “Apple does it all.”
    Does all what? The CPU and Logicboard are made by Intell, GPU is made by AMD, RAM is third party as well. Apple designed the parts? No, they paid the respected company’s to design the hardware for them. Even Thunderbolt is not Apple’s.
    – yes but who pays for it all? Apple. Thats the split-cost that you conveniently left out.
    “Who cares?”
    Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t be replying to his statement.
    – I was referring to steves hatred of the term option-click, I call it either or.
    “I like that much better than being stuck with a single button.”
    You mean like how Apple has had only one button on there mouse for years?
    -Yes, the one button mice weren’t as good as a pc mouse. But now theres the trackpad and its lightyears ahead of any of my PCs
    When we talk about the right click we don’t mean just the action of right clicking, the actual use of right click on Windows is better then Mac.
    -how so? On Lion and Snow Leopard I really haven’t noticed a difference
    I and most of the world like to rest our hands on our mouse and not have there computer freak out if there palm touches the mouse. I don’t like to pretend my hand is a spider just to use my mouse. If Mac’s are so ‘intuitive’ then why are they so f*cking annoying to use?
    -Again my computer doesn’t do any of that.
    “Why are you always so mad?”
    How do you know hes mad? If you are going to *ssume hes mad then I’ll *ssume you are subcutaneously convincing yourself you like your Mac.
    -Ive read his posts, thats how I know. Its something called deductive reasoning.
    The type of ‘opinions’ people use when they ‘like’ a Mac is born from ignorance.
    -No I’ve used Windows 95-Windows 7.

  1115. Jesus says:

    @ All mac users. Your cheeks are bleeding…

  1116. Steve says:

    I never got mad. I guess you could say I’m more enthusiastic about my debates than you are.

  1117. RAWR! says:

    How come it’s ok for you to say Mac’s are infallible because you just like a certain feature better. But when we say the same about PC’s it’s blasphemous just because we provide facts?

    And Mac’s come with a one button mouse by default, so you still have to feed Apple more money just so you can right click.

    “OS X has changed a sh*t-ton in features throughout the progression.”
    Like? Apple has made no major core changes to OS-X.

    “Apple does it all.”
    Does all what? The CPU and Logicboard are made by Intell, GPU is made by AMD, RAM is third party as well. Apple designed the parts? No, they paid the respected company’s to design the hardware for them. Even Thunderbolt is not Apple’s.

    “Who cares?”
    Obviously you do, or you wouldn’t be replying to his statement.

    “I like that much better than being stuck with a single button.”
    You mean like how Apple has had only one button on there mouse for years?
    When we talk about the right click we don’t mean just the action of right clicking, the actual use of right click on Windows is better then Mac.

    I and most of the world like to rest our hands on our mouse and not have there computer freak out if there palm touches the mouse. I don’t like to pretend my hand is a spider just to use my mouse. If Mac’s are so ‘intuitive’ then why are they so fucking annoying to use?

    “Why are you always so mad?”
    How do you know hes mad? If you are going to assume hes mad then I’ll assume you are subcutaneously convincing yourself you like your Mac.

    The type of ‘opinions’ people use when they ‘like’ a Mac is born from ignorance.

  1118. Hmmmm says:

    I hear whining about calling it ‘option click’ I hear whining about it being called ‘right click’ it doesn’t really matter. PCs right click is straightforward. Macs right click is much more versatile, you can use the top, bottom, right corner, left corner or two fingers to right click. I like that much better than being stuck with a single button. OS X has changed a s**t-ton in features throughout the progression. And i really don’t mind $29 for the “service pack.” keep in mind MS makes a ton off of Windows, they develop PC manufacturer make the PC- thats a split cost. Apple does it all. Steve: really? ‘its not true right-clicking, people!’ ??? Who cares? It does the job very nicely, and is much more configurable. Why are you always so mad?

  1119. RAWR! says:

    And even when you do configure ‘right click’ or option click as Apple calls it.
    It’s still not as useful or ‘intuitive’ as windows right click.

    Also OS X hasn’t had any changes in the past 5 years. None of the OS’s from OS X 0 to OS X 7 have had any major changes that would require some purchasing a ‘new’ OS. All of the ‘upgrades’ Apple has given there OS could of been effectively applied through updates/Services Packs. Apple’s slogan is “Think Different” but they seem to be stuck in the past.

    Before anyone says something along the lines of “If its not broken don’t fix it” If we did that we would still be using command codes to navigate around our computers. Technology is about the innovation, development, and betterment of mankind. In fact if it wasn’t for ‘Fixing what isn’t broken’ technology wouldn’t exists in the first place. Apple definitively wouldn’t exists, all they do is put there own spin on already existing products.

  1120. Steve says:

    “ITS NOT TRUE! A MAC DOES HAVE A RIGHT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!! what u do is that you click with two fingers at once

    Very mature. We will all switch to mac because your 2nd grade level grammar changed our views.

    There is no true right-click with a mac. How is clicking with 2 fingers considered “right-click”? When did right-click become more of a term and less of an action? To right-click on a PC you hit the damn right button on the mouse without having to do any extra configuration. That’s true right-clicking, people! The small mac users have “2 fingering” and the rest of the world has right-click.

  1121. RAWR! says:

    Laptops will never have desktop hardware because as Laptop hardware gets better so does desktop hardware. Desktop hardware will always be 5 steps ahead of laptops.

    In fact laptop hardware cant progress unless desktop hardware does first. They may be different in a number of ways but they share some fundamentals.

  1122. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    fair enough. I get what you’re saying, although the metaphor doesn’t really apply because all-in-ones are vastly difference in form factor than a “laptop.” Anyway, I think soon there will be laptops with enough cooling to have “desktop hardware” but i understand currently thats not the case.

    For an all-in-one though the iMac is not a terrible value for hardware.

  1123. KOOL says:

    ITS NOT TRUE! A MAC DOES HAVE A RIGHT CLICK!!!!!!!!!!! what u do is that you click with two fingers at once

  1124. RAWR! says:

    My whole point on the iMac is that Apple is trying to sell a “desktop” with laptop hardware, so you get none of the power of a desktop, but all of the immobility.

  1125. RAWR! says:

    If two people get captured and one of them is a alien, but they both look exactly the same, how would you tell which is human and which is not?
    First thing I can think of is to check there organs, see if they both have the parts that comprise a human. So is you had two computers and one looks like a desktop how would you tell which one is really a desktop or not? You would check the hardware…..

    It is impossible to put desktop hardware inside of a laptop unless you want to carry your laptop in a wheel barrel. And laptop’s and desktops are more different then you would think. Its not just a matter of cooling and mobility.
    some of the main differences about desktops and laptops is that you cant overclock laptop ram, laptops have integrated CPU’s and GPU’s, Desktops can switch out any piece of hardware inside them and even add more via expansion slots. But that’s just the basics the way the hardware is made and the way some parts function are different as well. There huge differences between laptops and desktops.

    Call it what ever you want, All in one, barebone, tooth fairy, it doesn’t change the fact that its made with laptop hardware.

  1126. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    Ok, so in 2006 (this is from and my econ class, if not you can check inflation for yourself)
    the 15″ MacbookPro models were $1999 and $2199 (were using them because they’re the best selling MacBook Pros ((cnet))) so $1999 in 2006 would have the same buying power as $2,243.22 and $2199 would have the same buying power as $2467.66. If Apples prices have risen since 2006 the 15″ MacBook pros would start out at more than $2,200 which is not the case.

  1127. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    Actually, if you think about it Apples prices have gone down some, hang on. Im going to calculate

  1128. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    Um, no. Apples prices have gone up because inflation has gone up.
    About the desktop: Alright, yes the hardware is different, thought not a whole lot (except cooling ability). But a desktop, is a desktop because it is immobile- if I made a laptop and put desktop hardware in it then would it be a desktop? You’re right though as far as manufacturer classification. I still consider any all-in-one a desktop, I wouldn’t classify it as a mobile computer simply because of the hardware.

    yahoo finance put Apples overall profit margin at 23% (its less for Macs, most of that margin consists of iPhones and iPods- steve jobs said thats their biggest source of revenue and profit at a keynote, the specific one escapes me.)
    So if a Macbook Pro is $1800 then apple makes $400 off of it. Meaning if the 15″ version were priced at $1400 like their competitors then Apple would make $0.

  1129. RAWR! says:

    And your point is? It is still made with laptop hardware, even if its pushing the limits of normal laptops capability’s. And lintels new line of cpus are small but efficient so they can even fit in tablets(meaning they are perfect for laptops.).
    And if someone needs that much power out of a PC then they most likely know how to build there own desktop.
    What you think you shattered my argument because ONE company took the time and spent the money to build a laptop comparable to a desktop?
    The limits of the desktop go way beyond that laptop. Do you know why? It’s because laptops are made with laptop hardware, and desktops are made with desktop hardware, they are made differently.
    But iMac’s are made with laptop hardware. Meaning they are immobile laptops. Just because they hook a laptop up to a monitor doesn’t make it a desktop, there are more differences between the two then just mobile and immobile.

    And when I said provide numbers I meant how much it cost them to make a laptop as opposed to how much Apple makes for each one sold. And provide a direct link not a vague source like “Apple told me so it must be true :Q___”

    And also the whole “they have a smaller market share so they have to increase price” Is bull s**t, over the years Apple’s prices have gone up with there market share.

  1130. WHyIMSTILLHERE says:

    “What is that conjecture? Provide numbers and a source, or that argument is invalid.”- Numbers? Ok Apple marketshare was 7.5% in 2009, its a bit more now, but thats from popular mechanics. If your marketshare is low that means production is low, which drives up marginal cost (Isaac Mankiw-econ professor at Harvard- look him up) if marginal cost is high then price is high. Apple makes their own OS and designs their cases and boards which costs money, -common sense- don’t harangue me about that one. If I need a source for that just think “Apple”

    Anon= umm no, Jobs never worked for MS, he founded NeXT which used its own OS and he used that to make OS X- source steve jobs biography.

    About your desktop= you really didn’t pay attention did you? Did you even see my mention of Falcon Northwest? I can buy, you know what here: thats from falcon-nw dot com
    “It’s new. It’s bigger. It’s badder. The DRX is once again pushing the envelope on Desktop Replacement laptops. The DRX isn’t so much of a laptop as it is a miniaturized full tower PC. It can handle every Intel Core i7 desktop-class CPU, from the 3.06GHz Core i7-950 thru the latest six-core 3.46GHz i7-990X for unbelievable processing power. And now the CPU firepower is reinforced with the NVIDIA GTX 580M graphics processor – or even two of them in SLI! For professional workstation graphics, we offer a Quadro FX5010M version. Whatever NVIDIA graphics option you choose, they produce liquid-smooth 3D graphics on its brilliant 17.3″ widescreen LED-backlit display.

    We’ve upped the memory capacity to 12 Gigabytes of triple-channel 1333MHz DDR3 memory. And with an amazing three hard drive capacity, you can even utilize the fastest Solid State Drives.”

  1131. pervysage says:

    Apple fails at everything, they are just good at hiding it.
    Look at the Pippin. Don’t know what the Pippin is? Well it was Apple’s attempt at a console. And it only had 4 games before Apple recalled the device.
    And word of this doesn’t ever seem to reach Apple users? Are all of you just avoiding the truth or is Apple desperately hiding there failures? How much more could I uncover if I dig deeper I wonder.

  1132. Anon says:

    Apple ows everything it is to Microsoft, a while back Job’s got fired from Apple for driving it near bankruptcy, Apple then asked Microsoft to bail them out. Job’s later got a job at Microsoft, then 4 years later, Job’s wint back to Apple and picked it up off the ground with what he learned at Microsoft.

  1133. Steve says:

    apple is obviously intentionally trying to wallet-rape their customers. They are preying on the computer illiterate. apples fan base is basically stupid people and people who want to “fight for the little guy”. Sometimes fighting for the little guy is a lost cause. Look at what happened to apple in the 90s. They almost went under til Microsft bailed their ass out.

  1134. RAWR! says:

    If you really believe the only thing that makes a desktop a desktop, is the fact it cant function on the go. Then you truly know nothing about computers.

    “AMD 8core 4.2GHz OC”
    “Radeon HD 6990 Video Card – 4GB, GDDR5, Dual-GPU x2”
    “5TB HDD 7200RPM x2”
    “160GB SSD”
    “32GB DDR3 ram 2.1GHz (2100MHz) OC”
    Sorry meant $3,620.83
    That price also includes a Motherboard, Case, PSU, Monitor, Keyboard, Speakers, Mouse, S&H, and before rebate.

    Source is Tigerdirect.

  1135. RAWR! says:

    “Apple isn’t intentionally trying to wallet-rape their customers. Marginal cost, development costs, design costs, etc.”

    What is that conjecture? Provide numbers and a source, or that argument is invalid.

  1136. RAWR! says:

    “No, desktops resulted from their immobility.”

    So my cat and my dog can get jobs or become the president because they have eyes and that makes them human. What about the example I provided, does that mean the laptop became a desktop? Desktops are made with superior hardware you cant put desktop hardware in a laptop there is no desktop hardware in a iMac
    Its made with mobility Radeon on-board Graphics a laptop graphics card, SODIM laptop ram, it uses a 2.5″ HDD that is the size all laptops have. If iMac’s are desktops just because they are immobile then my TV, House, Chair, PS2, PS3, GC, Xbox 360, Cabinets, Refrigerator, ext. Are all desktops too, because they are immobile and that’s all that’s needed to be a desktop right?

    “I can buy a Falcon Northwest laptop that would put just about any mainstream “desktop” to shame.”
    That laptop is $3,000 for the basic config but they go up to $5,000 (hardly worth it.)You are comparing mainstream to a lesser known high-end module.
    Why don’t you compare it to non-mainstream laptops and desktops, like Origin’s Big-O? And this is PC vs Mac, not PC vs PC.

    Find me a laptop with:
    AMD 8core 4.2GHz OC
    Radeon HD 6990 Video Card – 4GB, GDDR5, Dual-GPU x2
    5TB HDD 7200RPM x2
    160GB SSD
    32GB DDR3 ram 2.1GHz (2100MHz) OC


  1137. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    No, desktops resulted from their immobility. I can buy a Falcon Northwest laptop that would put just about any mainstream “desktop” to shame.
    And steve, calm down. I said the “disparity isn’t that far” – referring to refurbished macs. Yes they’re going to cost more part for part, this has been explained multiple times; Apple isn’t intentionally trying to wallet-rape their customers. Marginal cost, development costs, design costs, etc. drive the price up. My point is, if you want to compare Macs to PCs they have to be similar models, a Toshiba satellite isn’t as similar to a mac as a HP Envy 15 series.
    Anyway, Macs will always be subjective purchases and I like having the option of choosing a different pre-made OS (Linux is more of a DIY OS)

  1138. RAWR! says:

    @STEVE Yup and if he still wants to do that, then I will continue to compare self-builts to pre-builts,. Self-built computers and bare bone kits will ALWAYS be cheaper.

    “iMacs are desktops because they aren’t mobile.”
    So everything with eyes is human because they share that same aspect? Desktops aren’t desktops just because they sit on your desk, they are comprised of superior hardware. iMac’s are made up of laptop hardware, not desktop hardware.
    Just like a netbook is not considered a laptop. Otherwise it would of been called a mini-laptop. “All-in-one” PC’s are officially Called barebone PC’s meaning they only contain the bare minimum to make them a PC, they are also called pocket PC’s, no company has once called them a desktop.
    iMac’s are just immobile laptops. Like the example I gave earlier.

    And again, when people buy a desktop they normally get it for the extra processing and graphics power it has, not so they can have a immobile laptop.

  1139. Steve says:

    I agree with RAWR. If you’re going to compare a refurbished apple than compare it with a refurbished PC as well. PC wins every time. EVERY TIME!

  1140. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    No, the refurbished Mac is inspected and all parts found to be faulty are replaced. The computer is then reinspected, given a new serial number and a warranty. It is effectively new, even repackaged with everything a “new” MacBook would have. If you can do custom, I can compare refurbished. I suppose you could also compare refurbished PCs, most companies only offer refurbished business products though.
    The sites I used were and

  1141. RAWR! says:

    “Custom built computers don’t count because you aren’t paying for labor, warranties, support etc.” You are implying no one makes the internal hardware.
    You do pay for all of those, just not from the same company. I have 4 year warranty on all my computer parts, and tech support for my whole computer, it came with my OS. Not that I need tech support. Tech support is what I do for a living. Also each part manufacture has free tech support.

    The thing about your comparison
    1. you didn’t provide a site.
    2. the Mac was refurbished, meaning someone used it returned it then they just cleaned it up and resold it.

    If you are going to compare make sure they are both refurbished or both new.

  1142. WHYIMSTILLHERE says:

    $1,349.99- before rebate
    Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    2nd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M Processor (2.4 GHz, 3MB L3 Cache) Turbo Boost to 3.0 GHz
    1GB AMD Radeon(TM) HD 7690M GDDR5 Discrete Graphics(TM) [HDMI, DP]
    6GB 1333MHz DDR3 System Memory (2 Dimm)
    500GB 7200 rpm Hard Drive
    Full-size Radiance backlit keyboard
    Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) Elements 9 & Adobe Premiere(R) Elements 9

    I got

    Refurbished MacBook Pro 2.0GHz quad-core Intel i7
    Originally released February 2011
    15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display, 1440-by-900 resolution
    4GB (2 x 2GB) of 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA @ 5400 rpm
    8x double-layer SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 and AMD Radeon HD 6490M
    Save $240.00
    15% of
    And I can pop 8gb of RAM in for $60.
    So the disparity isn’t that far if you know where to look. These are similar laptops in terms of case design, support etc. Custom built computers don’t count because you aren’t paying for labor, warranties, support etc. Its like making your own clothes or building your own car, or cooking your own food vs eating out. Its more different than you think.
    iMacs are desktops because they aren’t mobile. The end. They’re really quite similar to a lot of PC all-in-ones.

  1143. RAWR! says:

    Alienware only sells High-end gaming PC’s, their target consumers are gamers and gamers only. Most of there desktops are OC, and have advance cooling setups or liquid cooling. There best laptop has dual gpu’s.

  1144. RAWR! says:

    ” Now I know you can custom build, but then you can’t compare that price to any pre-built machine.”

    Why? Because Mac’s only come pre-built? So it’s ‘unfair’?
    Self built computers are still computers.

  1145. RAWR! says:

    “iMacs are desktops, they aren’t mobile and they sit atop a desk or desk like apparatus.”

    iMac’s have no desktop hardware.
    Last year my sister dropped her netbook down some stairs, luckily the only damage done was to the screen, but until the replacement we ordered came in, she connected her netbook to a keyboard mouse and a monitor. Now does that make her netbook a Desktop?
    A iMac is the equivalent of that. When people buy a desktop they normally get it for the extra processing and graphics power it has, not so they can have a immobile laptop.

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –
    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –
    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

    Almost half the price.

  1146. Whyamistillhere says:

    Im bored and I have free time. iMacs are desktops, they aren’t mobile and they sit atop a desk or desk like apparatus. Anyway, a similar PC (not similarly specd) is not half the cost. Dell with similar specs as a mac have much lower quality parts than the Mac. Yes they’re all made in china but quality control is vastly different. Toyotas and lexus cars are made in the same factory, but are the parts all the same quality? No, not even close. HP Envy computers, Dell XPS Z series, and Alienware M14’s are more comparable. Now I know you can custom build, but then you can’t compare that price to any pre-built machine.

  1147. All wrong says:

    Dear college times,
    these all negatives are all fixed with the new MacBooks.
    so now you have absolutely nothing to say.

  1148. RAWR! says:

    “But a PC with similar hardware to a Mac is usually not too much more expensive”

    A PC with similar hardware to a Mac will be almost half the price of the Mac.

    “Blu-ray: this may be common in desktops, but it’s not that common in Laptops. I will admit, it would be nice to have the option. Desktop Macs DO have the option of coming with Blu-Ray. No Mac laptops have them though. It is a shame.”

    Most Mid through High-end Laptop PC’s come with Blu-ray drives. (EX. My uncle bought a Laptop for $400, it came with a Blu-Ray drive and of course 1020p HD screen.)
    The Mac Pro is Apple’s only desktop, and the hardware on that is 4x the price of the PC equivalent. The iMac is not a desktop computer if you think they are, you are wrong.

    Most of the other stuff you said was ether subjective or PC have been able to do that or are now able to do it.

  1149. RAWR! says:

    One more thing about viruses. Mac users seem to think its Microsoft’s fault that Windows gets viruses, well they are doing there best to keep Windows secure. But as long as people are actively making viruses they will find a way around those defenceses, if you wanna blame anyone blame hackers.

  1150. RAWR! says:

    ” I don’t think the declining market share of those manufacturers is evidence of increasing custom built computers. In the past year I’ve seen a lot more laptops from Samsung, Asus and Toshiba.”

    I’m talking about desktop market share, you cant build your own laptop (well you can but the parts are hard to find and very expensive. [And it would be no better then a pre-built laptop.]) So laptops are a stable market.

    “Most people do NOT in fact know what they’re doing. If so then tech support wouldn’t exist.” You are implying that everyone who uses a computer goes to tech support.
    I guess I was a little to vague when I said that. The only way Windows will mess up is if it gets a virus or YOU mess it up, and in both cases its your fault. Basic PC users will normally buy a computer for specific use, and if they don’t go messing with settings they don’t understand they will never have any problems. Hardware problems can be caused by a number of things, if you say its because of the manufacture then Mac’s are just as susceptible to hardware failure, the same people who make PC hardware make Mac hardware. Like someone said before, “If someone didn’t have any problems with there computer, would they go to tech support?”

    “There are not facts that prove PCs are better than macs”
    Yes there are, but first the definitive of Better: More useful, suitable, versatile, highly skilled or adept.

    “I noticed that you said earlier the trackpad wasn’t responsive”
    I don’t recall saying that. What I do remember saying is that I dislike laptops in general, and one of the main reasons for that is the trackpad.
    But I’ve used both laptops and Mac Book Pro’s and the responsiveness of the track pads are the same. Also when I do have to use laptops I use a mini wireless usb mouse.

    In the end you are arguing how Mac’s are better for YOU. So you have no real argument. I am not trying to ‘convert’ you to PC, you are entitled to your opinion, and you have done an overly thorough job of voicing it. Now why are you still here?

  1151. OKOKOKOKOK says:

    Heres a post from KAEGA earlier. It still applies even though its based off of the points from this so called “article”
    Bear in mind that I am typing this from a PC.

    I will (just for fun) throw in my two cents. It’s all I have left. I’m sure people already covered what I’m about to write, but I don’t care. I love my Mac for several reasons. But mostly I just hate Windows (I love you too Linux). Here’s a list of what you got wrong, and a little of what you got right.
    1) The one and only business model for Apple is narcissism:
    I am definitely a Nerd. I like my mac mainly because of the way it responds, and has a refined simple interface.
    I like that my windows are not all clogged with menu items.
    Apple programs and the OS often support most open standards, and not just their own.
    Macs can format/read multiple disk formats, not just their own.
    Macs support multiple network protocols, not just their own.
    Apple provides regular updates to not only fix bugs, but to add functionality to my OS
    I love the iLife suite, and how easy they interface with each other and programs (IE: many third party programs easily find my music in iTunes, and my photos in iPhoto, World of Warcraft for mac can record video and control iTunes)
    I like that all of the programming tools needed coming with the OS (xcode)
    I love expose. I can easily find the window I want.
    I like the universal spell check in the OS which works in EVERY Application (except terminal and X11).
    I love being able to just trash a preference file to reset an applications settings. Makes troubleshooting quick and easy when I do have a problem.
    I like the file structure, which is almost always followed (IE: if I install a screensaver and want to remove it, it will be under /Library/Screen Savers/ )
    I like that the Firmware is not only easily updatable, but can actually be customized by the user (IE: rEFIt)
    I can create a custom keyboard shortcut for any action in a menu (literally any of them, windows only has custom shortcuts for opening programs and web pages)
    Ok, I need to move on now.
    2) Macs are ridiculously overpriced:
    Yeah alright, I’ll give you that one. I can rightly tell someone on a budget they should buy a mac. Using a Mac is great, but using a PC and still being able to eat is great too. But a PC with similar hardware to a Mac is usually not too much more expensive. With some models though, you just don’t have as much choices
    3) Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends:
    Blu-ray: this may be common in desktops, but it’s not that common in Laptops. I will admit, it would be nice to have the option. Desktop Macs DO have the option of coming with Blu-Ray. No Mac laptops have them though. It is a shame.
    HDMI: Out of date DVI? What have you been smoking? HDMI is not a replacement for DVI. DVI supports much higher resolutions than HDMI. The only advantage HDMI offers over DVI is it also carries the audio. As convenient as this may be, a DVI with optical audio cable is much better. Many computer monitors support resolutions that only DVI can deliver.
    Some things Apple has held on to for a long long time before replacing it, but in most cases the technology Apple was using was superior. Firewire is a great example. Few devices use Firewire, but they really should. Firewire 400 came out years before USB 2.0, and the sad thing is, Firewire 400 is STILL faster than USB 2.0. USB 2 runs at 480 Mb/s you say? But USB 2 has much more overhead (latency) than firewire making the raw transfer rate actually slower. On top of that, Apple has upgraded their computers to Firewire 800.
    The ADC connector for video is another good example. Eventually Apple went with the Industry standard DVI. ADC didn’t just carry video though, it also carried power, and additional data streams. This allowed a monitor to be plugged in with one cable, and still have it act as a USB/Firewire hub. Unfortunately because switchers from PC always had DVI monitors, Apple changed to the industry standard. I like standardization, but it would have been awesome to plug my monitor in with a single cable (especially into a laptop)
    4) Mac OS x is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux:
    BSD is not linux. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) is a Unix derivative designed for the sole purpose to be built upon by others. There are many, many programs that use BSD as it’s base. BSD by it’s self it not an operating system as it requires further files and frameworks to operate.
    The BSD core (Darwin as it’s called) is just the base. Most of the code build on top of it are unique libraries and API’s that are only found on the Macintosh, these are what truly make the operating system what it is. I doubt 90% of Mac users are unaware of this since it’s actually listed on the apple website under the reasons it lists why OS X is more stable.
    OS X runs many frameworks faster than any other platform (including OpenGL, and OpenCL). Now if only OpenGL could get a little more edge on Direct X
    5) There is no right-f*cking-click!:
    Although this is not true, it does bring up a point that I really hate about Apple. They tend to simplify things too much sometimes on the surface. Their strategy seems to be “If you have less to fool with, you’re less likely to make mistakes”. Apple will take anything that is considered not for the common user and hide it. I don’t like editing XML files just to show hidden files in the Finder, and such.
    You can right click on a Mac, and you always could. Apple just never sold a mouse with a second button. And the five keys you hold down to right click is… control. Deleting something is Apple + Delete (most shortcuts use the Apple key). If you ever take the time to look at a menu (any menu) in OS X, the shortcuts are listed to the right of the item you want to click.
    6) The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded:
    It is not retarded, it is just different. Let me go over your points.
    The clock doesn’t display the date? Well you were right. Fortunately in the last OS update (10.6.0) they changed this.
    The dock, again, is a little simplified. You can however see programs that are minimized. They appear on the right hand side of the Dock (even shows an thumbnail of what was actually in the window you minimized, cool). The Dock is just a shortcut bar that tries to keep everything in as small as space as possible. So you don’t have a billion little boxes at the bottom of your screen. It is not based on a technology from 1984, that is just ridiculous.
    (After finishing this comment I read some of the article you were citing. He was actually referring to the menu bar, and in that aspect he may be right. But it is clean, and works perfectly unless you are using multiple screens. Then it does get a little annoying)
    Clicking the X on a window DOES close it. I think you’re frustrated because clicking the X does not QUIT the program. Closing a window without quitting the program can save up some memory while not removing the entire program from memory. It’s also useful for some programs that do not need the window to be open to continue with what it is doing (IE: close an iTunes window and your song keeps playing). I find it most useful using programs like web browsers. If I use Firefox all day, but I am done using it at the moment, I can close the windows but leave the program running. When I click on it later it merely has to create a new window instead of running the entire application again (which comes up much faster).
    To quit a program either press command + Q, or right click (heh, another use for right click) on the program in your dock and click quit, or click on the application menu (named after the application) and select quit.
    Alt tab goes through every window? No it doesn’t. This is just plain wrong. In fact not only does alt+tab cycle through applications only, but there is a separate combination (alt + ~) that cycles through only the windows of the application currently in focus. Nice try though.
    Maximizing a window doesn’t maximize it? This must be frustrating since Macs DO NOT have a maximize button. Oh, that green button with the plus in it? That’s the zoom button. Let me explain what this button does.
    It changes the dimensions of the window to match the content inside. So for example, if you’re in a text doc*ment and you click the zoom button, the window size will change so you can see all of the page, but no more. Windows on the other hand fills the entire screen, but fills the screen in most cases, with just empty space. Why do you need a webpage taking up the entire screen when the page its self is only one third the width of the screen? This difference has shown in studies to actually make people multitask better and be more productive. But then again, some people just can’t focus on more than one thing at a time.
    Pictures open in separate windows? I don’t know if that used to be the case, but Preview (OS X’s default picture viewer) will open multiple pictures in one window if you highlight and open them all at once. If you open them one at a time, then yes, they will open in separate windows. You may be comparing this to Windows Picture and Fax viewer which replaces the old picture with the new one you opened. I find this behaviour quite annoying since I usually only open two pictures at a time to compare them.
    Not sure I get this next one. I can drag anything to anything else that is visible. Given if a window is on top of something I want to drag a file to, I need to bring it to the front. This is true on Windows as well. Maybe with more info I could correct you. I can also drag files on top of applications to open the file with that particular app (dragging a word file on textedit opens it with textedit instead of word)
    7) It just… doesn’t work. (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.):
    You say the Mac doesn’t handle multitasking very well, but you are wrong. I have repaired Many macintosh computers, and in most cases someone comes in with a computer that gets the spinning colour wheel a lot, it usually comes down to one thing: Bad Ram. The spinning colour indicates it is processing on a low system level. When there are errors with data in your memory, your computer will keep trying until it processes it without errors. This will result in a spinning colour wheel that could last for (depending on how badly damaged the RAM is) for minutes, hours, or indefinitely. Run the Apple Hardware test, I bet you’ll find an error. I also found that bad ram was usually ram installed by a third party vendor. Usually cheap ram, or improperly installed ram (static charge WILL screw you over, always ground yourself before opening your computer). Other hardware issues can cause the wheel as well, but RAM was the most common I found.
    Another reason for the spinning colour wheel is file structure errors. Run Disk Utility on a regular basis (every couple of months) and this will not happen to you.
    Finally, if you were using a Mac with an Intel processor, and were running a program that was not designed for the Intel chipset (Adobe didn’t update their programs for the longest time), it literally had to translate the program on the fly. With a program as big as Adobe, that would have been a long wait. (Adobe programs are now up to date).
    I also want to say that I’m running Adobe CS5 suite on my computer now. I am able to open and use photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, xcode, iTunes, and (basically iChat) at the same time without any spinning colour wheels. I had two files opAdiumen in illustrator, five pictures open from my girlfriends 12mp camera, iTunes playing music (duh), and running an OpenGL application with a spinning 3D box and two spinning 3D triangles (I had dreamweaver open but nothing created). Not once did I get a spinning colour wheel. I’m running on the original Macbook Pro from six years ago too (2.16 Dual Core, 2GB RAM).
    (Just so you know, my Mac HAS crashed on me before, but it’s happened less than five times in the six years I’ve owned it, and a couple of times was due to software I installed. I hate you ShapeShifter!)
    To touch on viruses, yes they do exist for Mac. Actually if you look up the history of viruses you’ll find the first one ever written was on a Macintosh. It is however harder to catch a virus on a mac, and if you catch one it usually cannot do as much damage as one for a PC (but they can hurt).
    A virus is just a program, and you catch a virus it must be executed. A major problem with Windows is there are many ways for programs to be auto executed. A Macintosh provides virtually no way for a program to be auto executed. You may have even noticed that discs do no automatically run on a Mac (which frustrates most PC switchers who expect a Mac to be easier). Mac does not have ActiveX, or any other methods of easily executing programs directly from the internet.
    Another point, a Mac needs your admin p*ssword to do anything major. A virus needs these permissions too, and cannot modify your system without it. Windows does not require a p*ssword to do any changes so any virus (or person for that matter) can edit your registry, change your internet settings, or modify your system in harmful ways. Fortunately Windows Vista and Windows 7 have improved on this. Please make sure you set a p*ssword however, without it Windows Vista/7 is not much more secure then it’s predecessors.
    The article you linked is a virus that’s caught by installing pirated software. Here is a quote from the article you used to support your statement
    “Really, as it stands, the only people at risk are those trying to pirate software, so it’s not really a case of “Is the OS less secure?”, so much as it is one of “Are Mac users security savvy?”
    (I actually recommend NOT using an administrative user on a Mac. Using a standard user will add another layer of protection for these same reasons listed above.)
    Software and hardware options for the Mac are lame, or slim at best:
    Software for the mac is slim, I will admit. The software that comes with the Mac is pretty nice. Again it’s just simplified.
    As anyone who’s walked into a computer store and asked where the “Mac software is”, you know that your choices are usually limited for commercial software. Thankfully most open source software is available for the Mac, or can be easily converted. This was actually one of the main reasons Steve Jobs chose Unix as the base for Mac OS X. You may have to install the X11 interface (Unix/Linux’s window system) to run some of them.
    When Apple says “no hunting for drivers” they usually mean USB devices (of course they don’t specify this). Generic USB devices (IE: printers, scanners, cameras, etc…) Usually do not require a driver to use on a Macintosh. This is because these devices commonly use standards that are the same between them. This allows a Macintosh to work with hardware that was never designed to work on a Mac. It’s very common for a consumer to plug in a device, even after being told by the manufacturer it wouldn’t work on a mac, and have it work just fine. There is a compatibility list on Apples website for hardware, but I have found many devices not on the list which work great.
    To be truthful though, Windows has been just as robust since the release of Windows XP. Many of you have plugged a camera into Windows and had it work without installing a driver. It is still recommended to install the included software though.
    If you are using a device that needs a specialized driver, and the manufacturer doesn’t make one for Mac, you are probably screwed. Low market share definitely sucks in that manner.
    9) Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs:
    Gaming does unfortunately suck on Macs, but the graphics definitely doesn’t. If you only ever tested your graphics using games then that’s why you think the graphics suck. Most games are designed to use DirectX. The reason they usually suck on the Mac is because they make a half *ssed attempt to convert it to OpenGL. Even games that use OpenGL on windows commonly use windows specific OpenGL commands. This requires changing a lot of code, and game developers have a deadline you know.
    The Graphics capabilities of a Mac are really sweet actually. Unless you use a program that uses OS X’s core video API’s you would never notice. And of course, video games never use these (especially when the game needs to be Windows compatible).
    10) Macs are not flexible or customizable:
    I would love to tell you how wrong you are. But alas you are very right. I think I mentioned it in one of the paragraphs above. The lack of customizability is definitely my biggest pet peeve.

  1152. IPLABSISRIGHT says:

    There aren’t hardcore numbers but I’ve found that the typical estimate of people who build their own computer is 20%. Most people do NOT in fact know what they’re doing. If so then tech support wouldn’t exist. I don’t think the declining market share of those manufacturers is evidence of increasing custom built computers. In the past year I’ve seen a lot more laptops from Samsung, Asus and Toshiba. Also Vizio is coming out with their own line of computers. If the market were overly saturated and demand was low due to people making their own computers then why would Vizio do such a thing? I don’t think they’re that stupid.

    Communism/socialism is a majority system (due to china and Europe) so that tells me that, yes the majority can be really stupid. Anyway, those were examples.
    There are not facts that prove PCs are better than macs, they prove PCs are more versatile, thats all.
    So in this case the majority bought a machine suited to their needs, like any consumer would do.

    So have you owned a unibody MacBook Pro? I noticed that you said earlier the trackpad wasn’t responsive, thats really not possible considering its a capacitive touchpad and responds based off the electrical pulses that all humans give off. Unless you’re a zombie/vampire or some zombie-vampire hybrid. Which would be awesome.

  1153. RAWR! says:

    Those are different markets and people react to them differently. These arguments are about PC’s and Mac’s. Not cars or food.

    And there are FACTS that prove PC’s better then Mac’s.

    “Just because the majority choose something doesn’t make it better”
    So does that mean the minority is always correct? If so then communism, the holocaust, and slavery are good things.
    In some cases you may be right but I don’t know the numbers of the examples you provided.
    But computers are not as simple as clothing or food. Most people who buy a PC know what they are doing, and know how to build them. Some people may say that not allot of people build there own computers. But the numbers of people building there own computers are increasing. A piece of evidence for that is the slightly declining market share of company’s like HP, Dell, Asus, Etc.

    So in this case the majority is correct. 92% vs 6%. Unless Mac users are just a few of the ‘enlightened’.

  1154. IPLABS IS RIGHT says:

    Just because the majority choose something doesn’t make it better, Toyota and Honda sell the most cars, would you take them over a Lamborghini, or if were going with evenly priced cars, BMW sells the most mid-luxury cars, would you take a BMW over an Alfa Romeo? McDonalds sells the most fast food, would you take a big mac over a steak from The New York Prime? American Eagle, Aeropostale, Rue 21 etc. sell the majority of young adult/adult clothing, I wouldn’t wear their stuff over Lacoste, Brooks Brothers and Ralph Lauren. The list goes on, you imply that the public knows whats best.
    What do my comparisons have in common, the former choices all get the job done at a proper price, and most have the same attributes for that lower price, the latter are overpriced but are typically considered better. My mother bought a Toyota camry that has 270BHP, satnav, a bose sound system (I’m pretty sure its bose) heated seats, etc. anyway, for the same options (usually made by the same companies) on a BMW it’d cost double. So why bother? Well, thats subjective. As Hmmmm pointed out.

  1155. RAWR! says:

    Like I said before you can come on here and say Mac’s are better then PC’s but,
    1,720,000,000 more people chose Windows over Mac.

  1156. RAWR! says:

    So just because you agree with it makes it true? Well by that logic we all live in some 5 year old’s girl’s fantasy world filled with rainbows and unicorns.
    Because if that’s how a 5 year girl sees it, then that’s all that’s needed for it to be true right?

  1157. iplabs is right says:

    enough said, Macs are just better to use

  1158. fairlyhealthycomputergeek says:

    @EveryoneNeedsaLife I may be a computer geek but it looks like you’re the one who needs a life. Hows sitting in your moms basement trolling on whatever site you happen upon working out for you? P.S. I play sports (mainly lacrosse and tennis but also soccer ((I went to a private school so thats what we had))) I also swim and hangout with friends (those are people who enjoy being around you and vice versa,I know you’ve never experienced this so Im explaining it to you).

  1159. iplabs says:

    I have used both Macs and PCs since 1984 in the graphics and video industries. This article is full of misinformation,the author hasn’t a clue how a Mac works. It sounds like he wants them to run Windows instead. As a user of both, I always find myself gravitating to the Macs whenever I can. They are just nice to use, like driving a Lexus instead of a Geo.



    I would rather be a fat ass computer geek, then someone like you who has so much free time they just go on any site they can comment on to tell people to get a life. At least we have a real hobby.

    And IF you do have a ‘life’ then you just showed everyone here that you have a inferiority complex.

    P.S. U mad bro?


    To every fat ass computer geek on here. GET A F***ING LIFE!!! No one cares what your computer is or how it runs so STFU!

  1162. elemalikesballs says:





  1163. Nexon Sucks says:


    I would just like to say that I have a boner.


  1164. Hmmmm says:

    Yep, its not always in your best interest. Gaming consoles are a consumer product, so they fit pretty well. If you mean functional aspects of your life, well the most commonly associated things are vehicles and home appliances.

  1165. RAWR! says:

    Point taken.
    But your examples still prove my point. Choosing subjectively isn’t always good for you, even if you are satisfied with your choice.

    But as I said before there is a time and place for everything. Gaming/consoles is a bad example, because gaming is a subjective market. Games are made to appeal to the consumers taste, not make there life easier.

  1166. Hmmm says:

    I don’t mean to imply that only rich people can have fun, thats rarely the case. Lets compare gaming consoles- the PS3 would objectively be the better console- it has all but a few xbox only games, its a blu-ray player, PS3 network is free to play on, better graphics on native games etc. But I bought an Xbox for Halo, Forza and Gears of War. Was that a financially smart decision? No, it wasn’t, because GranTurismo and Killzone are arguably good substitutes. Do I regret making it? No, not at all.
    You could also compare vehicles in a similar manner. I wanted a two seater convertible that was cheap and fun. My friend suggested the Mazda MX5 over the Toyota MR2 spyder because the Mazda was more practical; bigger trunk, more interior space, same gas mileage. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, I bought the MR2 despite efficiency loss simply because I like the way it looked and drove. Thats all; Ive found that if you buy a consumer product simply because its more efficient then you’ll probably enjoy it less. Now when it comes to food and other things that are EXACT substitutes I never buy “brand name.” I will eat my oat circles and never know the difference between them and Cheerios. Tools I also buy based on objective material because they are solely built for a single purpose. But TV’s, computers, cars, clothing etc. I buy based on a mixture of subjectivity and objectivity.

  1167. RAWR! says:

    In most cases when people buy subjectively they overlook things that could be more efficient and appeal to them subjectively as well.
    Your examples imply that only rich people can have fun.

    There is a time and place for everything.
    Some things should be bought or done objectively and other things should be bought or done subjectively.

    Computers should be bought objectively first then subjectively.
    If I am searching for a new graphics card, and I find two cards that meet my needs in spec’s and cooling. Both cards have good reviews and are the same price. I then chose biased on which one looks better, and which chipset manufacture I like better.
    Then I have a card with good form and performance.
    Best of both worlds.

    My point is, doing things subjectively is not wrong but in most cases (most not all) you end up hurting yourself in the end.

  1168. Hmmm says:

    1. There are other choices people make that don’t affect health; people buy Gucci clothing, luxury/sports cars, they eat at fancy restaurants, buy houses that are more than they need etc. My point was if everyone lived objectively then life would be boring.
    2. Sorry I read that wrong, it was a long day.

  1169. RAWR! says:

    “There aren’t objective reasons to eat junk food, or go skydiving but people still do it.”

    And both those things can kill you. Subjective choices aren’t always good choices.

    “Apple never said they invented magsafe”
    I never said Apple said that. I said:
    “Oh I just remembered that someone claimed that Apple invited magsafe”
    I said someone (not me or Apple) claimed that Apple invited magsafe.
    I was just pointing out that they didn’t.

  1170. hmmm says:

    Apple never said they invented magsafe, they simply engineered it for and introduced it to electronic devices. Who cares if Japanese deep fryers have had it since the early 2000’s and Apple made it for laptops in 2006? Its still useful, its still functional.
    Yes there aren’t objective reasons to buy a Mac. There aren’t objective reasons to eat junk food, or go skydiving but people still do it. LIFE is subjective my friend.

  1171. RAWR! says:

    “Obviously trolling. Lighten up, guys.”

    That wasn’t me.

  1172. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Been on vacation. isheep are back I see.

  1173. RAWR! says:

    Obviously trolling. Lighten up, guys.

  1174. RAWR! says:

    @HMMM My point exactly, there are no rational reasons to buy a Mac, only subjective ones.

    @STEVE Hello Steve haven’t seen you in a while.

    Oh I just remembered that someone claimed that Apple invited magsafe, but that is untrue Japan has had ‘magsafe’ on kitchen appliances for years.

    P.S. DREW where did you go? ;)

  1175. iThink says:

    I agree! Macs are overpriced and hardly user friendly. The Mac company is power hungry and money hungry. Proof of that is that they wait about 8 months before they release something “new” to the public for double the price they paid for the first edition.

  1176. hmmm says:

    Eh, RocketDock just isn’t the same, it looks nice but its not a smooth in operation. The little things are why I like Macs, they get the details right. And, if it weren’t for apple then rocket dock wouldn’t have anyone to copy. The trackpad, battery indicator, magsafe, slot-loading dvd drive, the keyboard feel, the OS, I just like it. Im an anal person when it comes to details much to my parents chagrin. I think you should just use whatever you want to use. I really don’t get these “Macs suck, you’re an idiot for buying one!” people, mainly because they then turn around and say “I can’t believe Mac users would belittle my omnipotent pc!” I really don’t care, I just want to point out that Im very happy with my purchase and do not think macs suck. But now Im ranting…

  1177. Steve says:

    @RAWR. That sums it up perfectly.

    “Mac’s aren’t simple they are just limited”

  1178. Dr.Dswags says:

    I like the internet because you can say whatever you want. Like I’m not even a doctor, but my name would suggest that. Oh, and I would probably say that mac is a little pricy for what you get. But I have a mac that I got for free and I like it.

  1179. RAWR! says:

    “all of the of Mac users I know (including myself) bought macs because we like them, thats all.”

    But that’s the part I don’t understand. PC’s have everything Mac’s have and more. Why would you pay nearly 2x the cost for something that can do less. If its the GUI you like, then you can make Windows look exactly like Mac, so much so you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. If its the case, well there’s a huge section of desktop cases, fyi my desktop case is made of aircraft steel.
    As for laptops, honestly in my opinion they are useless unless they are a necessity. But there more PC companys that make laptops then there are companys that make desktops. There there are also netbooks which unless you are doing stuff that’s graphically taxing, a netbook is all a general user needs.

    Don’t get me wrong you are entitled to your opinion, but the only reasons (That I can think of.) why anyone would buy a Mac are:
    1. They already have a bunch of Apple products so they decide to stick with the company.
    2. The misconception; Higher cost = Higher quality.
    3. Shiny.
    4. “Simple”*

    *Mac’s aren’t ‘simple’ they are just limited. Just like when Apple reproduced xerox’s mouse they made it ‘simple’ by removing two buttons therefore limiting its capabilities, Apple has always done things this was, for some reason its only Apple’s consumers who don’t see this.

  1180. hmmm says:

    Ah, faux pas on my part: I did not in fact say if you WANTED to, but I meant to imply it. My apologies.

  1181. Hmmm says:

    @Steve t”Try updating firmware on majority of Linksys routers, access points, powerline adapters, gaming adapters, and the list goes on. You can’t do that on a mac.” I have a linksys router, in fact Ive had a bunch of Linksys routers- they all have web-based interfaces so it really doesn’t matter what OS you have. As for everything besides the gaming adapters (which I haven’t had experience with) Ive had no issues at all.
    @Rawr: all of the of Mac users I know (including myself) bought macs because we like them, thats all. As for Wineskin; I said if you WANTED to run a windows program, Ive never had to run a Windows only program, Im just saying if there is one that you like the interface of then Wineskin is an option.

  1182. RAWR! says:

    Sorry for all my grammar errors. >.<

  1183. RAWR! says:

    “Gamers? If you wanted Macs to be good for games, then why would you list one type of person who would buy a mac are “wannabe nerds”?”

    How does being a gamer make you a wannabe nerd? You don’t have to know s**t about computers to play games on a console, and what do you think Alienware is for? It’s for PC gamers who don’t know s**t about computers and just want a powerful machine to play games on.

    iSheep are wannabe nerds because they buy Mac’s to show off there ‘knowledge’ of computers. Even though all they are doing is showing there lack of knowledge in general. Just like how you are showing your lack of knowledge in both computers and arguments.

  1184. RAWR! says:

    “Also with Wineskin apps/programs you can run Windows stuff on your mac no problem.”

    But Wineskin doesn’t work with every program, you have to wait for the developers to update it. And its an emulator, and 3rd party emulators never work that well.

    Which forces me to ask again; Why use a Mac if you need to use windows programs anyway? I have been using windows for a quite a few years not, and I NEVER had to use a a Mac only program. WindowsLinux has everything you need, and if you don’t like the GUI you can change it to look like OS X.

    Honestly I cant see any rational reason to buy a Mac.

    PC’s can use the same software Macs can and more. (If not exact then carbon copies.)
    PC’s Work with all hardware.
    Mac’s only work with the hardware Apple allows them to work with.
    PC’s on average are half the price of Mac’s
    Gaming on Windows is the best because of Direct X.
    Microsoft lets you use there OS on what ever system you want to use it on.
    Apple voids your warranty (and in some cases fines you.) if you put OS X on a system that is not a Mac.
    Windows and Linux are infinity customizable, in comparison Mac’s are very limited.

    Notice how I said ‘in comparison’ meaning If you have one million dollars, and your neighbor says he has ten billion dollars, your one million doesn’t look like so much anymore.

  1185. RAWR! says:

    “And I gotta say, who the flying f*ck do you think you are for listing why MAC sucks? What the f*ck have you invented?”

    Hes an American who has the freedom of speech and expression, and by Apples standards he invented his post.

  1186. Steve says:

    @THE 2ND DOUCHE BAG. They are overpriced. If you compare the exact specs from a PC and a mac the mac will double the price of a PC. FACT.

  1187. se/en says:

    Apple computers are good for people working with sound (ie. DJs, sound engineers etc.) but other than that, the price does not justify the performance and parts. In fact, a custom built rig with a mid range nVidia Quadro card is light years better than a Mac Pro for video encoding, CAD and other 3D applications.

  1188. The 2nd Steve Jobs. says:

    1. You believe Mac is for hipsters; you must have a tumblr.
    2. Overpriced? You’re comparing computers by the size of it, how could you possibly be the one who should decide if it’s overpriced?
    3-8. YOU’RE STUPID.
    9. Gamers? If you wanted Macs to be good for games, then why would you list one type of person who would buy a mac are “wannabe nerds”? (think bout that question.

    And I gotta say, who the flying f**k do you think you are for listing why MAC sucks? What the f**k have you invented?

  1189. Steve says:

    @HMMM. My business is around computer hardware. I never said all routers. I said a lot or majority of them. Get your facts straight before you post. I know quite a few off the top of my head that can’t be updated or configured on a mac. That’s including gaming adapters, access points, and usb wifi adapters.

  1190. Hmmm says:

    I don’t know what steve was talking about not being able to update router firmware on a Mac. You just download the .bin file and when you upgrade your router you just browse the downloads folder and select it.
    Also with Wineskin apps/programs you can run Windows stuff on your mac no problem. So its really a matter of whatever you like.

  1191. pervysage says:

    “We have had Kodak and Dupont techs build us PCs”

    So you had a Camera and a chemical company build computers for you? Sounds like you got ripped off.

  1192. RAWR! says:

    I’ve been on this board for a while arguing with Mac users and iSheep. And because its a argument its only natural for me to be defensive.

    When did I ever say I didn’t understand what you where saying? I’m saying that its impossible that you did the exact same thing on a Mac and a PC with the same specs and one was 30minutes faster.

    And IF what you say is true then the program you used is at fault not the OS or the hardware.

    But I still don’t believe you ;)

  1193. DREW says:

    Correction from last post:

    4000dpi @ 10 microns

    (finger slipped)

  1194. Drew says:

    “And no matter what you say now, your last post shows that you don’t know what you are talking about.”


    I’m telling you we ripped the same job on 2 different computers. One took 90 minutes, the other about 60.
    Not sure what you dont understand. We ripped the job at 7000 dpi @ 10 microns if that clarifies. We use a rip from FOUNDER called EAGLE RIP.

    How does this not make sense? Thats how it happened.

    I’m not a tech person, I’ll admit, but I’m just telling you the test we did.

    Why do PC owners get so defensive?

  1195. RAWR! says:

    “We ‘ripped’ a job the size of a billboard on a quad core PC with 16 gig of ram, and then the same on a quad core mac with 16 gig of ram. (Very comparable tech specs).
    The mac was able to ‘rip’ the job more than 30 minutes faster than the PC.”

    You do understand that your statement is impossible, right? I can under stand a Mac with the same specs can be faster then a PC, Considering that OS X is about 8GB and Windows 7 is about 20GB, But 30 minutes faster? That’s just bullshit.

    And no matter what you say now, your last post shows that you don’t know what you are talking about.

  1196. Drew says:

    “Unless your workplace is a hospital I doubt they leave the power on when they leave.”

    RAWR, I own a printing company that operates 3 shifts a day. The power stays on all year (unless there is a power failure).

    We have had Kodak and Dupont techs build us PCs designed for hi end graphic manipulation and ‘ripping’ that are close to running as quickly as our macs, but they end up being just as expensive and still not as reliable in our opinion.

    We ‘ripped’ a job the size of a billboard on a quad core PC with 16 gig of ram, and then the same on a quad core mac with 16 gig of ram. (Very comparable tech specs).
    The mac was able to ‘rip’ the job more than 30 minutes faster than the PC.

    Time is money.

  1197. hardware says:

    Not even great value anymore.
    Not good for intel fans either.
    Damn intel’s got a monopoly.

  1198. Anon says:

    Watch Father of Invention (2010) for a blown up example of what Apple is.

  1199. pervysage says:

    Example of a iSheep I found on YouTube.

    “What are you talking about? Apple invented the GUI, apple invented the Smart Phone, Apple invented the first computers invulnerable to viruses, Apple invented the tablet. I would love to support pc companies, because they are so much more affordable… but everytime I buy a pc, its already slower than my old mac… all my pcs have failed… none of my macs ever have… Don’t hate on something because it’s winning..”

    That is from someone who has no idea what he/she is talking about.

  1200. Well says:

    Rawr: you’re right, but the OS IS designed to work with the hardware. I know what Drew meant; perhaps a better phrase would be “Apple dictates their hardware”
    AMD stuff is a great value, and the fact that you know how to work windows properly helps.
    But a lot of people I know mess up their OS from stupid mistakes. I think Macs are just easier for the average person.

  1201. RAWR! says:

    “Reason why macs are so much more stable and reliable than PC’s is because the company that designs the hardware, also makes the OS.”

    Apple doesn’t design the hardware other then the Hard drives the case and the PSU’s they pay Intel and AMD to design hardware and drivers for Mac. They also use third party ram.

    AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, cross hair, WB, etc. Make there PC parts specifically for PC’s And the drivers and made specifically for the OS they are running on.

    “This is why they work so flawlessly together.”

    I have a AMD based PC, (AMD ram, AMD CPU, and AMD Graphics card.) And a ECS Motherboard, a diablotek PSU, a Thermaltake heatsink and fan, WD/Seagate HDD’s, a Rosewill WiFi card, and a Memorex disk drive. They all work flawlessly together.

    “It never crashes, even after 3 months without a reboot.”

    Unless your workplace is a hospital I doubt they leave the power on when they leave.
    And other then the one time I crashed my graphics card. My computer or any computer I ever owned has never crashed.

  1202. Drew says:

    Here is what i Believe.

    #1 Reason why macs are so much more stable and reliable than PC’s is because the company that designs the hardware, also makes the OS. This is why they work so flawlessly together. The OS is designed to work better specifically with certain hardware that apple puts in their computers. My 4 year old dual core imac still runs faster than the brand new PC’s we have at work. It never crashes, even after 3 months without a reboot. Keep in mind this is a Mac that is used daily for graphic and video editing too.

    I still believe that the average consumer probably can save some money and just buy a PC, but if you want stability bite the bullet and splurge on a mac. You will never go back to buying a PC again.

  1203. Ye says:

    Ever heard of nvidia?

  1204. Machjesus says:

    I built a fantasy gaming rig on newegg today 2000 bucks for dual gpus and full on liquid cooling I just can’t justify paying so much for a macs stability when I simply learned how to use windows properly and therefore have very few issues. Actually my current px cost me around 900 bucks and it’s still twice as powerful as a comparibly priced Mac. U Mac users that talk of instability on ur work comps is it at all possible that it’s a cheap bulk buy that has garbage hardware and is treated like s**t by u and everyone that uses it cuz after all it’s just a pc?:) oh yea all u macies are hipsters it’s science

  1205. Well says:

    Jafacha: Mac OS X uses Free BSD which is unix, and its available for anyone to use. Thats what its MADE FOR. Now Mac OS X isn’t Unix per say because it uses Darwin which is Apples own little thing.

    RAWR: Face recognition technology has been in development by multiple companies for many years. However when making a product for consumers the one with the best ease of use will win. Subjective it may be but thats why its the consumer market. Apple never claimed to invent it by the way they said they “revolutionized it” and they did. They made it easy to use. Thats the definition of innovation- taking established technology or ideas and putting a different spin on them. And the fingerprinting doesn’t require your whole hand, only the fingertips.

  1206. Dr. Jack Boyd says:

    I just got my 5th Mac, beginning back in 1986 with a 512 (which changed my music composing and word writing life). My new 27″ iMac is a delight. Are there things I’d change? I don’t know, because EVERYTHING I NEED (notice the emphasis) worked right out of the box. Over the past 25 years with those 5 Macs I’ve had exactly two crashes, and got everything back both times. How about viruses? I don’t know. What do they look like? What do they do? I don’t think I’ve ever had one. Whatever you like, go play with your PC or Mac or Linus and stop trying to appear intelligent by insulting invisible people.

    Doc in Abilene

  1207. daxx says:

    Dumbest thing I ever read.

  1208. Jafacha says:

    All though some of this IS exaggeration, Pc>Mac. In my opinion, Mac sucks, AND IS a ripoff of Unix. Right now I’m perfectly happy using Pc, and soon I’ll actually be using Ubunto Linux (Which is sort of like Mac, except with worthwhile add-ons and a terminal and it’s open source[Basically Mac but good])

  1209. Eddie B says:

    Two years and still running … Damn … I think I’d hire JJ as a writer …

  1210. RAWR! says:

    “Imagine holding your iPhone up and the device automatically unlocking to reveal your home screen. The neat trick is that your iPhone won’t do this for anyone else. If the software on the iPhone recognizes your face, this replaces your passcode. Some Apple patents have recently been revealed that could lead to iPhones recognizing the shape of your hand, which could also replace the four-digit passcode.”

    Again Apple is pretending to invent things.
    The Face recognition, was first seen when Microsoft was developing Natal (now known as Kinetic. [Kinetic is a dumbed down version of Natal.]).

    “iPhones recognizing the shape of your hand”
    Its called fingerprinting, and we already have that. And before any of you say something stupid, I don’t think your whole hand will fit on a phone.

  1211. RAWR! says:

    I apologize for my atrocious grammar as well. :

  1212. RAWR! says:

    “you’d be surprised how many brands besides apple have rabid fans; Honda, Ralph Lauren, Xbox(MS obviously) and Playstation (sony obviously), its surprising.”

    I know other company’s have “rabid fans” I believe I mentioned that in one of my previous post. But as far as I can see Nintendo, Xbox, and Sony fans keep to themselves and just play there games, they don’t go to everyone saying there console is the best ever. When I told a 360 fan boy I like the PS3 more, he said “Cool, I have both. I like the 360 more because of the layout of the remote, and I had it longer then my PS3 so I got more games on it anyway.”
    You tell a iSheep you don’t like Mac’s they will start preaching to you like you just told a priest you don’t believe in god.

    “you really can’t judge Mac or PC objectively.”
    I know but I was doing that for the sake of argument. The majority of Mac users are iSheep, and when arguing with iSheep they only provide facts from windows 98 and earlier. The rest of there statements are just opinionated.

    Throughout all the arguments I’ve had on this board the iSheep that argued with me always started out trying to prove PC’s suck, and Mac’s are better. But at the argument wont on they stopped even trying to provide facts and just blurted out there opinions. In the end they all started arguing hoe Mac was better for THEM. While I am mostly defending PC or arguing how they are better in general.

    I am not trying to switch them over to use PC’s or anything, I just want to make them see that they are only using Mac’s because they prefer it. Not because it is fundamentally better. Because its not. And my targets aren’t ALL Mac user’s, just the ignorant iSheep that come on this bored.

    They can use what ever computer they want, I just don’t like it when people go, and question someones lifestyle based on the computer they use, or when they try to convert you to use the other system like its a life choice.

    Which to be honest, because of the limited options Apple has they do seem like a life choice. All Apple needs to do is put OS X on a Monolithic kernel then a Mac wouldn’t be so limited.

    When I say limited options I don’t mean no options, I really just mean less options then a PC.
    On tiger direct theses are the amount of ram they have for there respected devices;

    Desktop (294)
    Laptop (131)
    ECC (Server) (13)
    Apple Compatible (12)

  1213. RealWell says:

    I also apologize for my atrocious grammar.

  1214. RealWell says:

    Hey you’re not me! :) and by correct do you mean that you can edit the os through third party programs?

    Also at Rawr; you’d be surprised how many brands besides apple have rabid fans; Honda, Ralph Lauren, Xbox(MS obviously) and Playstation (sony obviously), its surprising.

    Also to anyone whom this message applies to; you really can’t judge Mac or PC objectively. If everyone based their decisions on objective reasoning then the world would be bland indeed. No one would have sports cars, no one would have ‘brand name’ or ‘fashionable clothing’ (I am partial to Lacoste which is obviously overpriced, but I have buddies who work at an outlet :) ) No one would eat at fancy restaurants and no one would have oversized houses. You really can’t base things off objective reasoning, as much sense as it makes, it just can’t be done. People have opinions and everyone is partial to them (obviously! haha)

  1215. Well says:

    I could criticise Mac better.

  1216. Well says:

    This is true, Im sure you could find some software/freeware online to do that on OS X (although OS X doesn’t have a registry so obviously theres nothing to edit there). Im not experienced in OS development so I would definitely mess it up and make my computer cry haha.

  1217. RAWR! says:

    Microsoft leaves most if not all of the development software they used to make Windows, I can really mess up my OS if I didn’t know what I was doing, I can rearrange the registry, change how the system searches through files, and allot more. Now these things aren’t useful to most people but I enjoy doing them, and Apple takes most of the OS development/editing software out of the shipped product.

  1218. Abeus says:


    I see what you did there…

  1219. Well says:

    Hijorini: Never buy RAM from the computer manufacturer (this goes for ANY brand) always buy third party. As for graphics I only saw “next generation” but they’re still not bad nonetheless.

    RAWR: Actually your post had plenty of facts that weren’t subjective.
    OS X has a lot more freeware and software than you would think, now its not as much as windows but I love the UI of the software. As for peripherals, Ive had zero issues. There is a lot more Mac support now then there was even in 2010.
    The marginal cost actually does equate to more than you would think on laptops. Apple makes roughly $400 on 15″ MBPs, less on 13″ more on 17″ laptops. Its higher than PC profit, but still not a lot. Once Apple gets more market share prices will fall and support will increase.
    As for advanced features could you elaborate? Your post length is fine by the way.

  1220. AFanboyBitch says:

    What the f**k?
    Who gives a rats ass about Mac vs PC, besides Consoles are better at gaming anyways.

  1221. hijorini says:

    After seeing that apple wants 200 dollars for 4gb of 1333mhz ram ) ) and calls amd radeon hd 6770 “top-of-the-line”, i suddenly don’t want a mac anymore.

  1222. jv says:

    the arcticle is old, but it’s really ironic (or maybe not) that Windows, with the next release just around the corner, is becoming very much Mac-like.

  1223. RAWR! says:

    Another thing I like about Windows more then Mac.

    )I’m not very good with words so bare with me.)

    Is that When I use a Mac, it feels like I am using the end result of any other generic product, They made it then took out all the things advance user’s would want to use. So it feels like Apple made there OS with the more general user in mind.

    As with Windows, they made it then shipped it out with all the development tools they used to make it, so you can do what you please with it.

  1224. RAWR! says:

    “It costs less to bundle all of the software together, and if you don’t want to use a program then do just that; don’t use it.”

    That’s the thing, why should I use my hard earned money to pay for a program I will never use. Yes, for the user it cost less to buy it bundled, but what if they don’t want any of it? Apple doesn’t even give there users a say in the matter.

    ” Overpricing is a result of marginal cost- Apple has a low market share so they produce less which drives up marginal cost per unit and therefore it drives price above the equilibrium.”

    Yes I understand that but the amount it cost them to build and the amount they gain is too imbalanced. I know that they must up the price to stay afloat but, nearly 2 times the price for there laptops and nearly 4 times the price for there desktops, is way more then them breaking even. The only reasonably priced computer they sell is the iMac -if you compare it to other laptop prices- but even then you are just buying a laptop on life support,(The iMac is made with laptop hardware.).

    “Ehh, Apples marketing is extremely effective which you obviously know.”

    Yes I do know that, but its one of the things I hate about them, there marketing team created the cult that turns a blind eye to the bad Apple does or even interpret it as good.

    Now I will try to say this next part as objectively as I can.

    OS X is lacking at best, it has improved compared to what it once was, and honestly the OS Apple used before that was just terrible. But that was then.
    It still needs some work tho.

    Now because the UI is subjective, I cant really say anything about that but personally; I prefer windows XP and 7 over anything.

    The only objective way I can think to compare the two OS’s is by capability, and compatibility.

    Now by those terms its obvious that Windows is far in the lead, OS X has some caching up to do but they are getting there, Windows has plenty if not to much freeware that can do almost anything any paid software available. But in my past arguments on this board it seems Mac user’s think that there is ONLY freeware available on Windows, so they ask “how is the quality of that freeware” well if the quality of freeware bothers you there is tuns of software that you can buy as well. Now I’m not saying Mac has no software but compared to Windows it appears that way.

    With all the software available for windows, well its pretty much capable of anything. At least more then Mac.

    As for compatibility, well as long as you only shop in the Apple store then Mac user’s never have to take a second look at the peripherals they buy.

    For Windows 7 I’ve used peripherals and software that apparently only work for Mac, so I think that says enough. Although the software did run, it didn’t run as it should. And I launched the software from a usb.

    “but can you honestly say that the fan base doesn’t say something about the product quality?”
    Yes, Yes I can. The extremely loyal fan base of Apple is due to the Marketing team. Take a skilled marking team and the lack of intermediate or advance knowledge about a product, and you get a overly loyal consumer, this is a basic marketing strategy, other company’s do it too, but Apple is the only one that takes it so far.
    Not saying all Mac user’s are like that. but there are overly loyal fans of Apple.

    P.S. Sorry for the long post.

  1225. RAWR! says:


    I was stating why I hate Apple, so ALL of it was subjective.

  1226. Well says:

    Rawr: 1.Disliking the fan base is “subjective” I won’t say I disagree with you but can you honestly say that the fan base doesn’t say something about the product quality?
    2. Overpricing is a result of marginal cost- Apple has a low market share so they produce less which drives up marginal cost per unit and therefore it drives price above the equilibrium. They also develop all of their software and hardware together so that also drives up price. It costs less to bundle all of the software together, and if you don’t want to use a program then do just that; don’t use it. I agree with configuration, the options are somewhat limited, although they would probably be along the same lines that I would choose with regards to SSDs and CPUs, GPUs are really the only thing lacking. RAM can be had easily, as for peripherals Ive had no issues, do you mean external hard drives or printers? I usually use Kodak or Epson printers.

    3. Ehh, Apples marketing is extremely effective which you obviously know.

  1227. RAWR! says:

    I rethought my hate for Apple.

    And the main reasons I hate them are:

    1. The cult like fan base -Apple needs to stop nurturing them, they are the only OS/computer company (That I know of.) that does this.

    2. They are overpriced – some would say its because of the bundled software, others say its because they have a smaller market share so they must increase there price to compensate for that, well if you ask me they are over compensating.

    3. Apple claims allot of things, and most of these things aren’t true or are subjective.

    Well there are was they can fix these:

    1. Stop nurturing the cult, it will take some time but if they see that apple has stopped being so aggressive towards other company’s they may stop too.

    2. This bundled software IS expensive, but what if I don’t want that software or only some of it? Apple needs to let the user decide what they want instead of telling them what they need. And if that brings the Mac price closer to a PC price, then that makes Apple more of a viable option. They also need to fix compatibility issues, not necessarily hardware compatibility, because honestly most people (Mac and/or PC users) don’t know the difference of a HDD to a SSD, most don’t even know what RAM is (not to mention they probably don’t know what any of these acronyms mean.)-but I digress. They need to work on peripherals compatibility, as more users will use external devices rather then internal.

    3. There marketing team needs to talk about the finer points of there products, rather then bringing other products into the picture.

    All in all, Mac’s are a viable computer option, but more geared towards a specific user base. Its Apple who needs to shape up. Its because of the way Apple does things, that’s why so many people hate them.

  1228. anonymous says:

    They’re overpriced
    A lot of programs don’t work on them

    Isn’t that enough reason people?

  1229. Ummmm says:

    Gold Card Shop- the keyboard shortcuts aren’t a glitch or problem; thats just you needing to get used to it. You can use pages to create any of those documents- just export-> the file extension you choose-> save-> done. The rest of your troubles could be had on any laptop with a similar case design and i feel you on that. As for the mouse, I prefer magic mouse but theres also a “touch mouse” out that can also utilize lions features nicely.

  1230. SourLime says:

  1231. GOLD CARD SHOP says:

    I bought latest version of iphone! ok pretty cool , now i could actually work ON THE WAY….i was thinking WOW…then the latest MAC BOOK PRO 500 GB should be something ABSOLUTELY FENOMENAL THING…well i bought the piece..i am getting used to it now except that i cant create 1.word docs 2. xls doc, and wait wait …start running and spinning with the little rainbow wheel like the guy here said…i didnt even know what it was, must be something wrong…and started to look for a ctrl alt fel thing to get a hold on the stuff…ehmm….what was cmd i actually had to print out the shortcut for what key does what in what combination!!! (pretty nice print button though) well i work alot with corel draw = FORGET IT! i did find a mouse , but the pad thing is pretty cool and you can move around pictures upside down etc,..DEAR MACINTOSH: WHY (I AM CRYING NOW) why did you put 2 usb ports on left side with 2 millimeter s distance?? i have problems mac now..when i plug in the cordless microsoft (mac compatible) mouse , and a hub, and another hub (BECAUSE NO HUB WILL EVER WORK) ok if i plug in my modem for internet , there is nothing else that possible can enter the other hole that is almost totally covered as it is to near the other!! its ok i know its another system, i right now have the 4g modem and the printing cable stuffed in make it looks like i V hmm, where is the system, i still like iphone is the absolute best, but hope microsoft comes out with a killer phone! i never ever even saw a mac mouse , nice details, but not really for workers with design or for that matter, WHY CANT A HUB WORK? IM ON MY THIRD NOW I CANT USE THEM :WHY?….your ipad iphones ipods this is what you should do for ever!! but leave the pc thing to GATES!!! BIILLLL HELPPP…..god bless you all merry christmas and a happy new 2012 god bless goldcard-shop and pharmacia-nordica too

  1232. semen says:

    with android, i can have browsers with different engines.
    with ipad, i can only have browsers skins for same webkit engine.

    because of overcontrolling nature of apple, mozilla can only provide an bookmark app.
    on my android, i get to play with these different rendering engines and see the various stages of their mobile developments. makes for an interesting handheld experience. flash is great esp. on chrome – almost all video loads and works quite stably. i dont expect miracles but atleast i dont have no greyboxes in webpages in chrome and opera. beauty of android is most app are in portable java, which means one day it’ll run on atom based android tablet, hopefully we can dual boot windows 7.

  1233. ia says:

    I dont mind a pc or a mac but i hate mac fanboys . Just shut up and stick what you had and enjoy it.

  1234. la56 says:

    overpriced YES!!!
    Suck hell noooooooooooo!!!

  1235. ok then says:

    See how ignorant users get? they just never shut up treating this like a religion remember kids

    a computer is a computer not a religion use what you have and had fun with it and don’t brag about it .

  1236. Anonymous says:

    http://cdn-www DOT

  1237. Anonymous says:

    “At Pixar we use proprietary software running on Linux-based PC’s. My favorite software includes Photoshop, After Effects and Animation: Master. I like A:M for it’s simplicity and it’s great character animation tools. It also runs on Mac and PC and doesn’t have demanding CPU requirements. I did my first animations in A:M and I’ve stuck with it ever since. The guys at Hash, Inc. who make A:M are friends of mine.”

  1238. HAHAHAHA says:

    1. Well yes, I am. Its a consumer product, people on this board say all Macs suck, Im the consumer, I find them great.
    2. Fair enough.
    3. Ive found questions and comments regarding the Logitec G7, though admittedly Logitec was a poor example.
    4. How would I know? Perhaps history class? My time comment was regarding you specifically and them darn Nazis
    5. Fari enough
    6.Not really, you were talking about Macs in general being unreliable.

  1239. RAWR! says:

    “IM the one being affected by it, IM the one buying it.”

    So you are arguing how Mac is better for you? OK, good for you, glad you are happy with your product. Again to bad your experience isn’t everyone’s.

    “now tell me about PC user complaints of incompatibility?”
    Only incompatibility issues PC users get is trying to use some Windows 7 products on XP, PC users rarely have incompatibility issues with peripherals and software.

    “Ive seen posts of people asking if Logitec mice can give you arthritis.”

    I tried searching for your said post, cant find any. Only things that came up are articles on how Logitech mice fit your hand comfortably, and are easy for people with arthritis to use.

    “Anyway WWII affected everyone, period.”

    How would you know?
    “in ways that are impossible to know since we can’t go back in time.”
    Remember that?

    “You started this with the whole Nazi thing.”
    Yes I did, and now I am trying to end it but you wont let me.

    “Saying that having customers who are generally telling you negatives about a product is better evidence than personal experience is more or less debatable.”
    I said those things to iSheep that claim that all Mac’s are perfect and never have any problems.
    So you just took my statement out of context when you asked; “so how many Apple users would go to tech support if nothing was wrong with their products?”

  1240. HAHAHAHA says:

    1. You started this with the whole Nazi thing. Anyway WWII affected everyone, period. And it was started by Hitler- a Nazi through the invasion of Poland.
    2. Ive seen posts of people asking if Logitec mice can give you arthritis.
    3. Ive researched plenty- mostly through experience, now you say “you are arguing from personal experience” well why wouldn’t I? IM the one using the product, IM the one being affected by it, IM the one buying it. Saying that having customers who are generally telling you negatives about a product is better evidence than personal experience is more or less debatable. You get a larger sample but its always skewed against the product.
    4. Exactly, now tell me about PC user complaints of incompatibility? Ive had them. Its a two way street.
    Most Macs errors that Ive had are generally due to software bugs. But Apple has always repaired them for free. Yes its personal experience that I’ve had, so why would I go to a PC when Ive never had bad experience with Apple?

  1241. RAWR! says:

    Also forgot to mention that most of the PC’s I service are do to user error, such as to much tweaking (Most often not approved by Microsoft.) causing system instability or improperly installing hardware, causing BIOS failure.

  1242. RAWR! says:

    “And the Nazis probably (99.999% sure) did affect you and your ancestors in ways that are impossible to know since we can’t go back in time.”

    Conjecture gets you nowhere, I know for a fact that my family was not affected by Nazis its a long time tradition in my family to hold records of our history.

    “The MagicMouse hasn’t given me arthritis or even joint pain”
    Did I ever say it was 100%? No I didn’t I said it CAN cause arthritis.
    I have seen post on Apple forums of people asking if the magic mouse is easy for people with arthritis to use.

    “If you don’t use a product then how can you really know its quality?”
    My costumers let me know, and I use Mac’s when my job calls for it. And a little something called research, something that seems to be unknown to most iSheep.

    “so how many Apple users would go to tech support if nothing was wrong with their products?”
    Your Point is? I can say the same thing for PC user’s.
    Most of the Mac user calls I get are due to incompatibility issues and system failure. They come to me because Apple void there warranty for one reason or another.
    Most of the time PC user’s I service never come back with the same problem.

    You are arguing from personal experience. I am arguing from professional experience, personal experience, and research.

  1243. HAHAHAHA says:

    @Steve-thats nice to know
    @Rawr Yes iTunes is overpriced- they’re locked into contracts
    And the Nazis probably (99.999% sure) did affect you and your ancestors in ways that are impossible to know since we can’t go back in time.
    The MagicMouse hasn’t given me arthritis or even joint pain
    If you don’t use a product then how can you really know its quality?
    Apples pricing is due to high marginal costs- (basic Econ) low output= high marginal costs, high marginal costs= high prices

    Also on another matter- you’ve said something to the effect of ‘I see apple users all the time who are having trouble with their “insert product here”‘
    Now Im going to guess that you work in tech support (if I’m wrong ignore the following) so how many Apple users would go to tech support if nothing was wrong with their products?

  1244. RAWR! says:

    “the iTunes store doesn’t negatively affect those who don’t use it unlike Nazis.”

    Not to belittle the whole affair, but the Nazis had no effect on me or my ancestors. But just because it doesn’t affect me doesn’t mean the event was OK.
    Just like just because you don’t use the iTunes store doesn’t mean its not over priced.

  1245. RAWR! says:

    “Also how did I not use your quote properly?”

    You notice how those are your exact words? Your quote of me was:
    “Most of the time theres only one version of the program”

    If you look at my post those exact words aren’t there. You have done the same thing with your previous so-called quotes.

    “Anyway- I didn’t “shrug off” the argument-”

    By stating that the magic mouse and iTunes is a choice you are dogging the argument and implying its OK for something to cause arthritis, or be over priced.

    With your statement on how I may or may not have misused a metaphor. You are also shrugging off the argument.

    So is the iTunes store over priced or not? It doesn’t matter if its a choice or not, like I said before people are still using it. So just because you don’t use a product you are just going to run from the argument? I don’t believe Steve or I ever shrugged of a argument just because we don’t use a product.

    It seems Apple has a bad habit of over pricing their products for no real reason.

  1246. Whoops says:

    ^ Hahaha not _redline_ Im not the aforementioned redline its another website name.

  1247. Steve says:

    REDLINE. You need to come up with your own lines. I can’t even count how many times you copied or used similar responses. “butthurt” right after I said “butt buddy”. You’re original.

  1248. _Redline_ says:

    Steve is an angry butthurt microsoft fanboy: So what if I don’t know the intricacies of Mac development? Its not my job. You really are a d*******g but I digress.

    Anyway- Rawr: No your metaphor doesn’t hold up, the iTunes store doesn’t negatively affect those who don’t use it unlike Nazis. The iTunes store is a substitute for other stores. I don’t think you get the meaning of a metaphor- which is meant to compare two similar things-. Its not an argument against iPods that the store which you don’t have to use is expensive. Thats arguing against the iTunes store. The iPod works just fine without the iTunes store.
    Also how did I not use your quote properly?
    Anyway- I didn’t “shrug off” the argument- you don’t like the magic mouse thats not an argument as you say; its subjective. I find it quite ergonomical. You have to hold it like its made to be held.

  1249. Steve says:

    @RAWR. I completely agree with your statement. These isheep can’t come up with legitimate answers. HAHA is a complete moron and has to go to his apple butt buddy for advice.

  1250. RAWR! says:

    Me: iTunes store is expensive, there are cheaper alternatives where you can get more and better quality music, for a lower price.

    Mac user: You don’t have to buy from iTunes.

    This is the same as;

    Me: Nazi’s where terrible people that murdered countless Jews, black people, and mentally/physically disabled people. I believe they also euthanized the elderly.

    Mac user: You don’t have to be a Nazi.

    So just because you don’t HAVE to do something, or you don’t HAVE to use something makes it OK?

  1251. RAWR! says:

    “ummm? Im not sure how to respond to that. Choice is kind of your thing.”

    Yes I’ve pointed out how you have more of a choice on Windows, but I never shrugged off a argument just because there is another choice.

    “Well that hasn’t been my experience.”
    To bad your experience isn’t everyone’s otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

    “Pointless changes aren’t an advantage they’re just there. MPC? We have Miro if I don’t like VLC and several others. “Most of the time theres only one version of the program” Well that hasn’t been my experience.”

    I don’t think you get the meaning of quotes, here;
    Repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.

    “Pointless changes aren’t an advantage they’re just there.”
    What pointless changes? If you are talking about some software those GUI changes are not pointless.
    1. Its stupid, not to mention illegal, to just copy and release the same exact program with your logo on it.
    2. The GUI changes may not be useful most of the time but the GUI of OS X is one of the most used reasons why Mac users like Mac’s, you yourself used that.
    3. Different people have different taste, so pointless changes are subjective, change only happens because it is needed or someone wanted it.

  1252. HAHAHAHAHA says:

    All of it that I’ve downloaded is legal. Mac programs aren’t any harder than windows programs to make. If I’m not mistaken you can make it without Stevie Jobs seal of approval but theres not apple help if something goes wrong. Although I could be wrong, Ill have to confer with my friend who is a developer for macs.

  1253. HAHAHAHAHA says:

    Sorry for the five million comments. Anyway- There you go and shrug off something because there is another choice- ummm? Im not sure how to respond to that. Choice is kind of your thing. I like the magic mouse but any mouse will do, how is that a bad thing?

    Pointless changes aren’t an advantage they’re just there. MPC? We have Miro if I don’t like VLC and several others. “Most of the time theres only one version of the program” Well that hasn’t been my experience. And in my experience all of the programs for Macs are quality stuff.

  1254. RAWR! says:

    And how much of the software you are talking about is legal? All the programs I use on windows are legal. I’ve seen reports where Mac user’s get a virus that distorts their system, and when they send it into Apple, Apple tells them that their warranty is void for misusing their product.

  1255. HAHAHAHAHA says:

    go to anythingbutipod there is a zune client for mac. I don’t need a sync profile with every computer in the world. Yeah its nice and thats a cool feature but because I can just put my friends music on my computer its really pretty pointless.
    What do you mean “you can keep the songs if you want to but apple doesnt allow it”-Just drag and drop artists, albums, songs, playlists etc. whats the big deal? If you don’t want to sync your whole library just click sync checked songs. Also Rawr you don’t have to use a magic mouse, any bluetooth mouse will do.
    Rawr: No macs don’t have the sheer numbers of software but you imply that more is better. A lot of PC software are copies of one another, and yes that gives you variety but theres a point where some programs are simply superfluous and the UIs of the players are the same but with a different name. I have around 8 or 9 good media players to choose from but all I really want is VLC so the others are inconsequential.
    And yes Steve UI is subjective but thats fine with me because I want the choice to use a Mac and use OS X or Windows, or even Linux. They all do the same thing but they do it differently and I like that.

    gigaom dot com/apple/15-os-x-customization-resources/ -theres other alternatives to the paid ones, but you can download and customize OS X much more than you are letting on steve.

  1256. HAHAHAHA says:

    go to anythingbutipod there is a zune client for mac. I don’t need a sync profile with every computer in the world. Yeah its nice and thats a cool feature but because I can just put my friends music on my computer its really pretty pointless.
    What do you mean “you can keep the songs if you want to but apple doesnt allow it”-Just drag and drop artists, albums, songs, playlists etc. whats the big deal? If you don’t want to sync your whole library just click sync checked songs. Also Rawr you don’t have to use a magic mouse, any bluetooth mouse will do.
    Rawr: No macs don’t have the sheer numbers of software but you imply that more is better. A lot of PC software are copies of one another, and yes that gives you variety but theres a point where some programs are simply superfluous and the UIs of the players are the same but with a different name. I have around 8 or 9 good media players to choose from but all I really want is VLC so the others are inconsequential.
    And yes Steve UI is subjective but thats fine with me because I want the choice to use a Mac and use OS X or Windows, or even Linux. They all do the same thing but they do it differently and I like that.

    gigaom dot com/apple/15-os-x-customization-resources/ -theres other alternatives to the paid ones, but you can download and customize OS X much more than you are letting on steve.

  1257. RAWR! says:

    “I don’t need a sync profile with every computer in the world. Yeah its nice and thats a cool feature but because I can just put my friends music on my computer its really pretty pointless.”

    My point was that you can sync a Zune with any computer you want and as many as you want. You cant with a iPod.

    “What do you mean “you can keep the songs if you want to but apple doesnt allow it”-Just drag and drop artists, albums, songs, playlists etc. whats the big deal?”

    1. I never said that.
    2. Apple does not give you an OPTION IN ITUNES to sync on your iPod from different computers. YOU have to do it yourself.
    3. My whole point in that argument was that owning a Zune is more convenient then a iPod I don’t know why you are so hung up on this.

    “Also Rawr you don’t have to use a magic mouse, any bluetooth mouse will do.”
    Again you go and shrug off something because there is another choice. Just because you don’t have to use something doesn’t mean that what I said isn’t true.

    “No macs don’t have the sheer numbers of software but you imply that more is better. A lot of PC software are copies of one another, and yes that gives you variety but theres a point where some programs are simply superfluous and the UIs of the players are the same but with a different name.”

    More is better. And yes some are copies, but on Windows if there is one program you don’t like you have variations of the same program so you can always find something that works for you. In most cases with a Mac you only have whats there, so what if you don’t like a program that’s on a Mac? Well that’s to bad because most of the time that’s the only one you can get.

    You say you like VLC, well I like MPC and there is no Mac version of that.

    “but you can download and customize OS X much more than you are letting on steve.”

    You can do all that stuff on Windows too, and allot more. Ex. I can put the task bar diagonally across the screen, My cousin downloaded a program that removes his task bar and makes the start menu button bounce around his desktop. and there are a tun of other things you can do just for the hell of it.

    As for changing themes you can get allot on Microsoft’s website, you can only get Backgrounds and icons on Apples site.

  1258. HAHAHA says:

    go to anythingbutipod there is a zune client for mac. I don’t need a sync profile with every computer in the world. Yeah its nice and thats a cool feature but because I can just put my friends music on my computer its really pretty pointless.
    What do you mean “you can keep the songs if you want to but apple doesnt allow it”-Just drag and drop artists, albums, songs, playlists etc. whats the big deal? If you don’t want to sync your whole library just click sync checked songs. Also Rawr you don’t have to use a magic mouse, any bluetooth mouse will do.
    Rawr: No macs don’t have the sheer numbers of software but you imply that more is better. A lot of PC software are copies of one another, and yes that gives you variety but theres a point where some programs are simply superfluous and the UIs of the players are the same but with a different name. I have around 8 or 9 good media players to choose from but all I really want is VLC so the others are inconsequential.
    And yes Steve UI is subjective but thats fine with me because I want the choice to use a Mac and use OS X or Windows, or even Linux. They all do the same thing but they do it differently and I like that.

    gigaom dot com/apple/15-os-x-customization-resources/ -theres other alternatives to the paid ones, but you can download and customize OS X much more than you are letting on steve.

  1259. Anonymous says:

    go to anythingbutipod there is a zune client for mac. I don’t need a sync profile with every computer in the world. Yeah its nice and thats a cool feature but because I can just put my friends music on my computer its really pretty pointless.
    What do you mean “you can keep the songs if you want to but apple doesnt allow it”-Just drag and drop artists, albums, songs, playlists etc. whats the big deal? If you don’t want to sync your whole library just click sync checked songs. Also Rawr you don’t have to use a magic mouse, any bluetooth mouse will do.
    Rawr: No macs don’t have the sheer numbers of software but you imply that more is better. A lot of PC software are copies of one another, and yes that gives you variety but theres a point where some programs are simply superfluous and the UIs of the players are the same but with a different name. I have around 8 or 9 good media players to choose from but all I really want is VLC so the others are inconsequential.
    And yes Steve UI is subjective but thats fine with me because I want the choice to use a Mac and use OS X or Windows, or even Linux. They all do the same thing but they do it differently and I like that.

    gigaom dot com/apple/15-os-x-customization-resources/ -theres other alternatives to the paid ones, but you can download and customize OS X much more than you are letting on steve.

  1260. Anonymous says:

    Looked into my Antivirus history logs and noticed that all the virus reports were false-positive’s.

    I’ve had this computer for 3 years, and there has only ever been a report of 36 possible infections. And those are all the cracks I’ve has throughout the years.

    Cracks are modified .exe’s mainly used to, play games without Steam or a disk.
    I use them often because I hate Steam and being able to play without the disk is very convenient.

  1261. RAWR! says:

    “well on a mac you have the freedom to program the trackpad for two finger right click, right corner right click, or through third party- the entire right side right clicks.”

    I can make my right click open Chrome or any other program, granted I would lose the normal right click, but I can also make my own drop down list when right clicking and holding the Fn key (I can program a different key if needed.), and I can put what ever I want on that list.

    And the shape of the magic mouse inconvenient, not to mention it can cause arthritis, and is hard to use for people with arthritis.

    My mouse fits MY hand I don’t have to make my hand fit my mouse.

  1262. RAWR! says:

    “And you say barely any software on a Mac? Sure, right?”
    Are you implying Mac’s have tuns of software?
    Well what numbers are you using to compare that with?
    Something cant be allot unless there is something with less in comparison.
    And if you compare Windows to Mac’s, then yes Mac’s have “barely any software”.

  1263. RAWR! says:

    I would never use OS X, I am more then happy with Windows, I dislike OS X’s UI and pretty much everything else about it. not to mention the all the key combinations you need to do simple stuff that you can easily do on windows with right click. Yes, Mac’s have a programmable right click too but I’ve used its not nearly as usefully as Windows right click.

    If you have bean reading my post at all, you would know that I see no logical reason to use Mac’s. Only subjective reasons. Ex: “I find iPods case designs and UI to be better.”

    “Less money? Well that depends”
    Owning a PC in general is less expensive then owning a Mac.

    “You CAN keep your music when you switch to a new computer”
    Yes you can if YOU do it yourself, Apple doesn’t give you the option to do so.
    I can have a sync profile for every Windows computer in the world with a Zune, Can you have a sync profile on every Mac in the world with your iPod? Without making any sort of commitment to Apple?

    “Better quality? In what respect?”
    When I talk about quality Its not for subjective reasons like the look of a product. I mean the capabilities and performance of the product.

  1264. Steve says:

    I completely agree, Neil. Microsoft didn’t jump on the bandwagon and throw out a tablet or media player right after apple did. They waited and they made a fantastic media player and soon to be a great tablet.

  1265. Neil J says:

    After being a PC/windows user for most my computing life, I was possessed to buy a MacBook in 2007. I can now say that the ‘book is for sale on ebay so I can buy a new win7

    laptop to replace it. (i hope some real hip doofus buys it. It is truely retro-chique, you know!) I never got used to OSX interface which is FAR inferior to Windows or even

    free linux distros. Plus developments on the OS are sad. Snow leopard was a back-end update, which I bet most Mac retards wouldn’t appreciate or even notice. And Lion is an

    utterly ridiculous attempt at dumbing down a PC OS to the level of an embedded device. I do appreciate my iPad (as much as my Android phone and Kindle Fire) – but I don’t

    want my PC to be an iPad… Apple’s focus on apps at the expense of the concept of files and innovation will be their end. Honestly, the “launcher” mentality versus an

    integrated work environment reminds me of Windows 3.1…. The biggest innvoation apple has brought was the ipod – which was really cool, but in the meantime, Microsoft brings

    Kinect, Surface, Photosynth and other technologies that are truely front-of-the-book. Not just excuses to sell more handhelds and media.

  1266. Steve says:

    I would love to see apple make a video game console. It would be $800.00 at launch date and $600.00 for the next 4 years. It would be the power of a Wii and the controller would be a trackball on a stick. They are a complete joke.

  1267. Steve says:

    The whole “fighting for the little guy” is getting really old. Sometimes the little guy really does suck and you can’t do anything about it. If apple was so great the numbers wouldn’t be what they are today.

  1268. Steve says:

    My customers tell the story. Having an apple computer is more hassle than good. That’s a fact or I wouldn’t be getting so many returns from these apple users.

  1269. Steve says:

    Wow. You can program a trackpad to do things? That’s great! You can program a Windows computer to anything. Anything you can do on a mac I can most likely do on a PC. Not the other way around. If it’s not built into Windows someone made software to do it.

  1270. Steve says:

    Once again, everything you say is based around your opinion not fact. OS X is more pleasant to use? I completely disagree. Fact, there no software for a mac. Ever go to a computer store and look at the mac section? Well there is no PC section. The whole store is PC! Fact, there is no Zune software for a mac. Go to Zune dot net.

  1271. HAHAHA says:

    Butto combo? How being able to use two fingers anywhere on the trackpad worse than having to be relegated to one spot for your right click? And again- you say “PC is better because of freedom” well on a mac you have the freedom to program the trackpad for two finger right click, right corner right click, or through third party- the entire right side right clicks. Im sure theres more, probably a left side right click for all those crazy people.

  1272. HAHAHA says:

    Um you can use Zune for mac. Also, you do know that if Apple were to license OS X it would get a ton of support right? Also if it were to be free licensed then you wouldn’t be under Apples control as you say. And you say barely any software on a Mac? Sure, right. Anyway why would you want OS X? Well I find it much more pleasant to use. As for software, I have all the software I could want. Most large freeware companies have a mac version of their product- VLC, Open Office etc.

  1273. Steve says:

    And I have real right-click on a PC. There is no true right-clicking on a mac without extra work to do it. You need to configure the mouse to right-click or do some stupid button combination. Somehow apple users are twisted and think a button combo is easier than clicking ONE button.

  1274. Steve says:

    @MICHAEL. No one on this board even talks about the actual article. Its not the article we care about. It’s everything else we’ve been saying on here. And everything on this board is fact. All you apple users come up with is opinions and childish banter. Example being: “the only reason PC users hate mac is because they are poor.”

  1275. Steve says:

    Zune HD sound quality has been tested to be better than the iphone or ipod touch. Look it up.

    No, I would never use OS X under any circumstances. What exactly is the point? So I would put OS X on my PC only to use bootcamp to run Windows 7? What the hell. What kind of fucked up question is that? There is nothing about OS X that I want. No mac only software could ever make me switch. My computer never crashes, I get Zune (you can’t on a mac), and I get a huge selection of software/games (barely any on a mac). I can customize my computer to the fullest. I can go to any store and not have to worry it won’t be compatible with my PC. Lastly, I’m not stuck under apples control. I still don’t get your question. Why would I want it?

  1276. Michael says:

    Dude – almost every fact you list here is just NOT TRUE! It is your lack of knowledge that makes you dislike Macs.

  1277. HAHAHA says:

    Less money? Well that depends, Ive only spent the cost of my iPhone, the rest of my music is stuff that Ive borrowed from friends, or bought from my local used Books/CD/Movies etc. store. You CAN keep your music when you switch to a new computer, but you’re right with a Zune its easier. Better quality? In what respect? I find iPods case designs and UI to be better. But if you mean iTunes store songs- yes they are average, which is why I import CDS.

    Besides that, Im really wondering; this is directed at anyone on this comment section- if Apple licensed OS X (which would give it a lot more support for crap) to put on any computer (they would have to recode it, yes) would you have it on your computer?

  1278. RAWR! says:

    I only use Windows media center for music and my TV tuner, I watch videos on MPC.

  1279. RAWR! says:

    You misunderstood me I said “Just like how other people bring up Sony and Alienware when they mention overpriced PC’s.” It was an example of how Mac user’s shrug off things like the expensiveness of Apple, but then they talk about Alienware and Sony, those are choices too.

    “No, you don’t only have apple for music.”
    Never said you only have Apple for music, I said you only have Apple for Mac’s.

    “Also how does me not knowing every mac user make the argument that mac users don’t have to use the iTunes store invalid?”
    Just because you know a few people that don’t do it, that doesn’t mean there aren’t people who do, iTunes store obviously has costumers otherwise it wouldn’t be up. But you said “You do NOT have to buy from the iTunes store. I don’t know why you keep posting that as an argument Steve.” implying that no one uses it.

    My main point is that Apple doesn’t give you the option to keep all your music when syncing to a new computer (unless you make some sort of commitment even then they limit you.). And that using the Windows equivalent to Apple is less work, less money, and most of the time better quality.

  1280. Steve says:

    Agreed. I use VLC for everything video except Blu-ray. For some reason they haven’t released Blu-ray playback yet.

  1281. HAHAHA says:

    And Rawr: yes Windows media center is better than the player but I find VLC to still be the best movie player out there.

  1282. HAHAHA says:

    No, you don’t only have apple for music, thats the whole point. I can buy or borrow music from anywhere or anyone I want to, put it on my mac and add it to iTunes. You dont have to delete all the music off of your iPod- hence the manual selection of music; otherwise if you want to you can sync the entire library its up to you. Thats my point. Also how does me not knowing every mac user make the argument that mac users don’t have to use the iTunes store invalid? If i know one mac user that doesn’t use the iTunes store then my argument is valid by default. Plain and simple you don’t have to buy from iTunes. You don’t have to use apples store the end. You can have an iPod and eat your cake too.

  1283. RAWR! says:

    Personally I enjoy Windows Media Center, its a huge improvement from Windows Media Player. Although I use Media Player Classic for videos.

  1284. Steve says:

    I get a lot of people use itunes software just fot the software, but I really don’t get it. It’s such a horrible program.

  1285. Steve says:

    $1.29 a song on average. Huge rip off and isheep will pay it.

  1286. RAWR! says:

    “you can manually add music and movies”
    With Zune you don’t have to do it manually, you can if you wanted to, but you don’t have to delete all of the data on your Zune to sync to a new computer.

    “No one I know buys their music from iTunes”
    Unless you know more then 61,200,000 Mac user’s that argument is invalid.

    “Of course their is a limit of 5 machines per iTunes account”
    Key word “account”. That’s another example how Mac’s only become moderately useful when you commit to Apple. What about the computers that aren’t on that account? what if you don’t have an account?

    “You do NOT have to buy from the iTunes store.”
    And? just because its a choice doesn’t mean iTunes isn’t over priced.

    “I don’t know why you keep posting that as an argument Steve.”
    Although it may be a choice to use the iTunes store or not, it is still a valid example of how Apple exploits there consumers.

    Just like how other people bring up Sony and Alienware when they mention overpriced PC’s, there are tuns of other PC manufactures so you can always find the price right for you. With a Mac you ONLY have Apple.

  1287. Steve says:

    So because you don’t know anyone who buys music from itunes that means no one does it? I know quite of a few isheep that buys only from itunes. I also know a lot of isheep who buy their friends itunes gift cards. Do you know 2 people?

  1288. HAHAHA says:

    @Steve No one I know buys their music from iTunes, you can sync any of your music on iTunes. As for “having to delete to sync” you can manually add music and movies- boom done just drag and drop any of your friends music on your iPod. Of course their is a limit of 5 machines per iTunes account but have 2 computers so I don’t need more. Again- iTunes is a program not a store, the iTunes store is the store. You do NOT have to buy from the iTunes store. I don’t know why you keep posting that as an argument Steve.

  1289. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1290. Steve says:

    I love how we PC users give straight facts. We give every single detail, numbers, references, and experience. These apple retards come on here without any facts and say “you can’t afford it”. How is that even an argument? And who do these people think they are? You don’t know how much anyone of us make and you make claims like that. For all you know we could be millionaires and make 10 times as much as you. So keep that s**t to yourself.

  1291. Steve says:

    It’s a fact that apple sells older hardware in their computers and charges you double. I just built a new PC about two months ago for around $1,300.00. Everything except for the video card is the best money can buy. From the motherboard to the monitor. I didn’t skimp on anything .. well except the video card. I didn’t want to shell $300-$400 on a video card just yet. Anyways, apple doesn’t sell any computer half as good as mine and somehow their computers are double the cost.

  1292. Steve says:

    I was just about to say that, but RAWR beat me to it. 92% or the 1,840,000,000 Windows users. 92% is poor and jealous of mac users? Yeah that makes so much sense. These mac users are the most ignorant people I’ve ever seen. I own and run a successful business. I CAN afford macs and could buy 10 right now if I wanted to. I choose not to because they I prefer Windows. Is that the only defense these ignorant mac users have? So if you like Windows you must be poor?

  1293. yeh says:

    Which is why the, “Apple makes more money and is thus better.” Is a very dumb argument. Its money out of my pocket.

  1294. yeh says:

    In actuality, most of the components in an Apple based computer can be bought cheaper from another company, basically when you pay for an Apple computer, it’s the brand name you are paying for.

  1295. RAWR! says:

    Please note that those percentages are of the desktop and laptop market share only they do not include mobile devices like Tablets, smart phones, MP3/4 players, Etc.

  1296. RAWR! says:

    There are approximately two billion Computers in the world.

    6% of that is Mac’s, So that means about 120,000,000 Mac users.
    2% of that is Linux/Free BSD, Then there are about 40,000,000 Linux/Free BSD users.
    So that just leaves the 92% or the 1,840,000,000 Windows users.

    You can rant and rave about how your Mac is equal to a super computer, but in the end about 1,720,000,000 people prefer Windows over Mac.

  1297. JIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~ says:

    I can take ANY computer and i mean ANY FUCKING COMPUTER IN THE GOD DAMN WORLD and put windows on it! u can only have os x on macs! so you dont have any choices, sure u can chose different configs but in the end you can ONLY chose apple. what does that sounds like to you? if thats normal to you then maybe u should go back to mother russia.

  1298. RAWR! says:

    I use Mac’s almost every day at work fixing them….. I get more calls from Mac user’s then I do PC users, and yes I can afford one, but so what? just because they are expensive doesn’t mean they are good(Ex. The best Graphics card on the market is about $700 but you can buy cards that CANT out perform the $700 cards for over $2000.). If Mac’s are so bulletproof then why don’t you try using facts to defend them not insults.

    And again you are trying to say that 92% of the computing population is wrong. So because you don’t agree with it, it’s wrong? (I don’t know what communist country you grew up in, but democracy don’t work that way)
    Apple came out with their computers first so why is Microsoft so far ahead of them? Its not the marketing team, in all honesty Apples marketing is better then most company’s, iSheep are the proof. So Apple has a better marketing team then Microsoft, they released their computers before Microsoft, so how did Apple get stuck with only 6% of the market? It’s obviously the quality of the product.

  1299. Jake Jones says:

    OMG, do you see whats happening in Syria? In spite of a brutal government crackdown, the demonstrations continue

  1300. Re:Go Pick Your Own/Alex says:

    I think he is totally right. I’ve been using a Pc for 8 years, And I am marvled at the differences bettwen them (Much more on Macs side). I say you read both there comments. And I think that the reason that they did this (me also) was because they were so enraged by the fact that people that cant afford Macs just rip them off. I dont know the guy who made this website is (he might have been dropped on his head as a child, been abused, etc.) But i know for a fact that everyone here who comments that macs suck probably never bought/used a mac in there entire life.

  1301. Alex says:

    U troll! im 99% percent sure ur a poor fagot who just rips off anything u cant get like a spoiled brat!!!!!!!! Mac is the fastest, most reliable computer out there!(exageration) It almost never gets viruses (like you do) and when it does, it takes about 2 seconds 2 remove. I spent over 2,000$ trying to find a PC that actually helps me and one that I dont need to keep finding a tec dude to fix it!(And WTF is zune? How many ppl heard of iTunes compared to zune?).

  1302. RAWR! says:

    Also with the Zune you don’t have to LOSE ALL YOUR MUSIC, to sync with a new computer. I don’t know about you but I have a laptop and a Desktop and I have music on both that I put on my MP3 player I even occasionally take Music form My sisters netbook, and I don’t have to delete all my music to get new songs from different computers.

  1303. Steve says:

    Not to mention the itunes service is a huge rip off and the software itself sucks. Save your money and get Zune. $10.00 a month for unlimited songs. Do the math .. 10,000 songs on itunes is as least $10,000. On the Zune it would take 100 years to spend the same amount and you get unlimited songs.

  1304. Nico South Africa says:

    Horrid things those MACs. Computing would never have evolved if it were up to Apple. Microsoft is the answer to desktop/laptop computing.

  1305. new mac owner says:

    i just got a mac these christmas and i’m very disappointed
    i can’t download any of the mmo’s that just came out or even been out except world of war craft and i hate that game
    and this docking s**t is unnecessary
    why can’t i just right click y does it have to be so damn complicated just keep it simple DAMN!!….
    WTF mac my mom bought it for me because she heard it was easier than a pc but that fancy s**t is just another expensive virus
    im just another unhappy mac owner :/

  1306. RAWR! says:


    Nice list of facts.

    If you love Apple so much why are you searching for a list on why Mac’s suck?

  1307. Go pick your knows says:

    Spoken by a true expert on Apple products? You obviously are very misinformed or have never used/owned a Mac. Being an ex-PC owner of over 20+ years I can attest that I now own Mac’s I will never go back to the PC world. So it sounds like from reading “Everything” You had to say, your a bit jelious of Apple products or you were an neglected child?
    Being in the IT industry profesionaly I deal with PC issues on a daily basis. I am not a “hipster want a be” (what is that anyway?) I might be considered a “nerd” but a well informed one ;-)
    I may have not even posted a reply to this but I couldn’t help after reading all of your adolescent jibberish.

  1308. RAWR! says:

    For those of you who think Apple has 10% of the market, you are only half right. If you are talking about computers, laptops, tablets, phones, MP4 players, Etc. They you are right. But as far as Desktops and Laptops go, Apple only has 6% while Microsoft has an astounding 92%. So if Mac’s are so wonderful why do so little people use them? Apple even got a head Start on Microsoft, how did they fall so far behind Microsoft? Or are you gonna say that 92% of the computing population is wrong?

  1309. Steve says:

    “The web cam worked on my Mac OS Tiger machine without installing any drivers. Too bad the software CD is Windows only.”

    Another typical review from an apple user. Sure, the webcam MIGHT work, but the software that comes with it wont. That’s a shame.

  1310. Langgong T. Amercano says:

    Apple computers and gadgets are like most typical Americans. “IDIOT”

  1311. RAWR! says:

    “Xbox 720 is due next year so, XP will probably be dropped soon”

    Did a bit of research and I found out that Windows XP is 48% of the market, that’s 12% more then Windows 7 and 40% more then Vista. and 44% more then OS X.

    After seeing these numbers, I don’t think Microsoft is stupid enough to drop 48% of there market.

  1312. RAWR! says:

    Thought this was interesting:

  1313. RAWR! says:

    “steam- works fine for me”

    Getting Steam on Mac is “retarded” in my opinion (In fact I don’t like Steam at all.), if you wanna game you are better off getting a PC. But if you are intent on gaming on a Mac (and you have a decent internet connection.) get OnLive.

  1314. RAWR! says:

    “Maybe market share determines the development of apps? yes thats definitely it. OS has nothing to do with it.”

    True in most cases, but not Apple’s. Coding for OS X is difficult at best, not only that, Apple wont let you distributed software unless they approve or endorse it.

    “how “Macs file system sucks” because I think you just don’t know how to use it.”

    When he said that I don’t think he was talking about the GUI. I think he meant the way OS X operates and accesses it’s system files.

  1315. HAHAHA says:

    steam- works fine for me
    flash- isn’t as good as HTML5- HTML5 uses less resources, and is free and open.
    Java- works fine for me
    Word- I like pages better but word is fine
    firefox- well its a bit bland but it doesn’t suck
    hitachi- don’t use my drive a lot but they’re fine
    Maybe market share determines the development of apps? yes thats definitely it. OS has nothing to do with it. My macbook pro has had ZERO heating issues and I run it fairly hard. You sure do complain a lot about arbitrary things which are either A. Not apples fault B. User errors C. Market errors or D. were definitely apples fault but are now pretty much totally resolved

    Lastly please explain how “Macs file system sucks” because I think you just don’t know how to use it.

  1316. Sam says:

    Well ok then since you’re just giving out your opinion based used what you prefer what’s best for you.

  1317. semen says:

    hahaha, i think torvalds thinks mac filesystem is crap, so please dont lumped “Linux and OS X on the other hand are far more efficient” together. linux is efficient, the other i cannot comment. when filesystem is crap, usually efficiency is out the window.

    what even constitute an os? gnome has a gui shell and rudimentary gvfs on a linux kernel, much like osx has a gui shell and its crap filesystem on a freeBSD kernel. gnome is not considered os, why should osx? shouldnt osx be “desktop environment x”?

    at least microsoft has a kernel source of its own roots not built upon *nix and dealt with all combinations of kernel updates and driver versions from various source(built-in and 3rd party). so does linux on various drivers and generic hardwares.

    your os should be much cheaper because your maker supports only a small narrow range of devices drivers and probably recompile the gui shell and your various bundled ilife lite stuffs from osx 10.0+ sources with minor changes, without diverting much developer resources. every new version of windows has been updated with newer version of directx. along with it, is boatload of enhancements like new gpu features, performance, kinect, etc. all this affects everyone even none gamer, for instance skype is tied to directx so it probably uses least resources on windows. similarly, i heard flash is real hog on other platforms from some mac users.

    which brings me to the next subject. you often heard from mac users on their platform,
    flash sucks
    steam sucks
    java sucks
    word sucks
    chrome sucks
    firefox sucks
    hitachi drive sucks

    maybe something is inherently wrong with your architecture that facilitates the development of so many sucky apps? maybe stop pointing fingers at other. given the low spun quiet fan, maybe cpu is throttle down in those small/slim form factors. such toasty environment may be okay for cpus but maybe there are many reasons “hitachi drives mac” forum.but oh no, with mac users, it can never be my imac, it’s perfect. so is jobs’ s**t. i mean quit fingering others unless she is beautiful.

  1318. HAHAHA says:

    Well Eric Schmidt- head of android was on the board of directors for apple and helped design iOS so I guess it rubbed off. I think iOS is becoming dated but its still easier to navigate IMO than WP7. Im looking forwards to WP8 though. I can change the layout on OS X, but you’re right not as much as Windows. Im happy with it the way it is though so its not a huge deal.

  1319. Steve says:

    Not to mension I have the freedom to do whatever I want to my Windows layout. There are a plethora of ways to change the taskbar to the lock screen.

  1320. Steve says:

    @HAHA. Of course this is only a matter of personal opinion, but I think Windows 7 has the most sleak UI. And Windows Phone 7’s UI is refreshing. Android and iphone have similar and bland UI.

  1321. HAHAHA says:

    @Yeh; grammar aside, I see PC people browsing the web too so “..”

  1322. HAHAHA says:

    “If macs aren’t toys why do they look them? Even the OS looks like something Fisher-Price thought up.”
    Really? I think Windows looks like something Congress would think up. Its messy and poorly designed. Linux and OS X on the other hand are far more efficient. They require fewer steps to do what you want, if you know what you’re doing that is.

  1323. yeh says:

    and you seen them internet browsing the web like tumblreling on there free time so “…”

  1324. vilhelm says:

    sorry I think they are a piece of s**t and I hope someone locks me up if I EVER say I am going to buy another mac, they have been NOTHING but a source of trouble. If you are considering buying a mac go throw you cash in the toilet and flush as you will gain more benefit or you can join the Holy than thou mac rollers and listen to the propaganda.

  1325. asd says:

    i have a mac and i had noticed this pros and cons of it
    its too expensive
    when it breaks it costs a fortune to repair
    you cant change the battery
    you cant improve the flash memory
    office is not realy the same
    people at mac stores are very determind to ruin your day
    god they over heat
    its easy to use if you understand it
    you can run windows

  1326. Vilhelm says:

    I have a macbook and a imac. The imac has been sitting with a blown power supply and the mb is also sitting now locked up AGAIN. $4K plus of equipment that is a pain in the ass door stops. I have had an apple IIc, a IIe, and and old mac years ago. The imac came with a faulty power cord and the macbook had to be fully replaced one month after I purchased it. I recently wrote a book and had to stop midway because Word kept crashing and I lost much material. Now this piece of s**t macbook won’t open my files without giving me a blank screen and then shutting down. The problem is that ‘mac people’ act like ‘apple’ if a fucking religion – wake up they are JUST TAKING out money and are fucks and laughing all the way to the bank. Control freaks –

  1327. Steve says:

    If macs aren’t toys why do they look them? Even the OS looks like something Fisher-Price thought up.

  1328. RAWR! says:

    “The best graphics card ATI (AMD) makes is the Radeon HD 6990. Not compatible with mac.”

    In fact ANY dual GPU card will not work on Mac, that includes CrossFire.
    Apples OS X cant handle more then one GPU, people say you can use boot camp (meaning another reason you should just get a PC.) to run CrossFire but even then with some of the newer cards it doesn’t work.

    And if you say some thing like; “Mac’s aren’t toys they aren’t meant for gaming”

    Then NEVER bring up graphics or gaming when defending Mac’s, you are just digging your own grave.

  1329. Steve says:

    “If all you care about is gaming, don’t get a Mac. But to say that graphics in general suck on Macs show you’re a complete idiot, and are completely without any knowledge of Macs or graphics.”

    You didn’t give any facts on why you think macs have good graphics. Have you seen their line of graphics cards? They are laughable in comparison to what you get on a PC. Which is one of the reasons no one makes games for it. I love it when these mac users come on here and say stuff like “you’re a complete idiot, and are completely without any knowledge of Macs or graphics” but they don’t even take their own advise. The best graphics card ATI (AMD) makes is the Radeon HD 6990. Not compatible with mac. That is their biggest and best video card. If you go to the best video card they shell out is the Radeon HD 5870 1GB. Now I’m a huge nVidia guy so what if I wanted nVidia on a mac? Oh yeah, they don’t make any for the mac! If you go to nVidia’s site their cards will work with Windows, Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD. Next time you accuse people of not having any knowledge please do some research first. How is calling someone an “idiot” and saying “you have no knowledge” going to convince anyone that mac has good graphics? That just shows you’re either lazy or a moron. Probably both.

  1330. RAWR! says:

    Thanks for you insights on Mac, all the facts you provided really made me see the error of my ways.

    ^ Sarcasm.

    “Mac OS X is NOT Linux. You’re an idiot if you think it is a form of Linux.”
    Linux = Unix
    OS X = Unix

    so OS X = Linux is only half true.

    ” But to say that graphics in general suck on Macs show you’re a complete idiot, and are completely without any knowledge of Macs or graphics.”

    Right back at you.

    “So you think Windows Movie Maker is better than iMovie? You’re a moron. I cannot even begin to imagine how you live with your stupidity.”

    You must of been up for months to think that up.

  1331. Brandon says:

    The author of this is a complete ignoramus, who knows little or nothing about Macs, and perhaps reality as well.

    I have a brand-new ThinkPad and a brand-new MacBook Air. The Air is FAR faster than the Thinkpad, far lighter, far more durable, and guess what? Cheaper too. They are both about the same age. The Thinkpad has already crashed. The Air has not.

    Anyone who thinks Macs have more viruses than Windows machines is clearly on hallucinagens.

    Mac OS X is NOT Linux. You’re an idiot if you think it is a form of Linux.

    If all you care about is gaming, don’t get a Mac. But to say that graphics in general suck on Macs show you’re a complete idiot, and are completely without any knowledge of Macs or graphics.

    If you don’t like the Dock, turn it off. It’s there to make new users instantly able to find the major programs.

    So you think Windows Movie Maker is better than iMovie? You’re a moron. I cannot even begin to imagine how you live with your stupidity.

  1332. the says:

    Tumblrling + youtube + facebook + star bucks + itunes +

    Not a film maker or a musician? who needs a mac

    go for a notebook or a netbook if you only browse the internet.

  1333. GMAN says:


  1334. pervysage says:

    Apple sucks untill I can buy this “idesigniphone dot net/wallpapers/03373 dot jpg”

  1335. RAWR! says:

    “No MS said that they wanted to go all touch”

    I used the pre-release of windows 8 for dev’s and ya it does seem to be built four touch, and personally I didn’t really care for it. I especially don’t like the new Start Menu. So unless you can turn off all the tablet functions like you can with win7, I probably wont be upgrading to win8.

    On a lighter note, good news for XP fans, you can upgrade to Windows 8 and keep all your XP programs and settings. Although I don’t know if that will still be true for the official release.

  1336. HAHAHA says:

    1. Xbox 720 is due next year so, XP will probably be dropped soon
    2. No MS said that they wanted to go all touch
    3. I think so too
    4. There are some including (Ive been reading awhile) Steves Rainbow Six game, One of the FIFAs and I think CIV 4 is preferable in vista
    5. Indeed

    Semen- I got your metaphor, you don’t have to go to iFixit for pentalobe screwdrivers, a few things I have at home use them, they aren’t rare just obscure. (sounds contradictory but its not)
    About IE- microsoft wanted Apple to package it as part of a deal Billy G and Stevie J had made regarding MS”s development of applications for OS X. I personally don’t have a problem with either company.

  1337. RAWR! says:

    ” XP will lose support soon so its not a huge deal either.”

    I think it would be a good thing if they dropped XP support, I mean its been 10 years since it was made. It would encourage dev’s to use DirectX 10 and 11 more. But I think XP will still get support till they upgrade the 360’s hardware and give it directX 10/11.

    ” Sure you can set 8 back to 7 style but you know Microsoft is going to phase that out.”

    You mean like they phased out making 7, vista style or XP style or even 95 style? Oh, wait. You can still do that. =)

    “As for the screws my 2011 MBP uses phillips head.”
    That’s good to know. I hate it when any company uses some strange screw head, instead of using Phillips or Flathead, is it so hard for them to use whats common?

    “People still use XP but its really not that practical unless you want to play XP only games.”

    There are no “XP only games” anything that was made for XP only will run on Vista and 7, all games will still work for XP, unless they use DirectX 10 or 11. But the only game I can think of that you cant play on XP, off the top of my head is Just Cause 2.

    “MS also has sued over petty things and has controlling policies on Xbox crap and some software.”

    Yes, they are a bit picky whats on there console, but you can say the same for Sony and Nintendo.

  1338. semen says:


    i know both are american. duh. but i am glad alas, the lesser evil wins in wwii and the computing world as well. i didnt say msoft is not evil. i say the lesser of two WEvils wins if you catch my drift which you probably havent.

    if you keep track of how aggressive apple are at patenting things (some very dubious) now and suing samsung and htc lately, you ll know why. i know msoft have policy like xna sdk built for pc is freely distributable but must be licensed distributed in xbox. but where did they say you cannot built fps or realtime strategy game because its a duplicate functionality because xbox is release with halo and age of empire. well they said that for their ios, with the browser which is why you get opera mini and not opera mobile and a firefox bookmark app and not a firefox browser.

    i remember when os x was first release, fear at that time was like the chicken-egg-which-comes-first conundrum, not enough app to convince people, not enough people to convince dev to make apps.

    at that time, they were touting and hailing java apps as being supported first class in os x. remember back then, java was purely interpreted slow and yet it was ok for apple. fast forward few os x iteration, steve calls it a ball and chain despite java gaining native performance today. yet interpreted language like javascript is allowed but java is not on idevices despite early osx roots. although javascript is jitted like java, it is nevertheless still slow compared to a strongly typed language like java. android davik shows it is feasible for java to be on mobile smart devices and battery lifetimes. even flash acrtionscript has better performance than any javascript implementation currently. and they called it a resource hog. and if security is of concern, java is sandboxed and flash is regularly updated. what a 2 face, apple people are. when they need you, it’s ok. when they dont, they are bad mouthing you. but who really lose in the end. consumer, on android, i can choose to disable/enable flash but on ipad, i can only petition for flash support or if you lose, you can join non-productive mac fanboys and spread about useless flash hog. at the end of the day, i can watch videos directly from website via flash, you cant.

    and if antenna is not a problem, why are they asking you (as if u r a kid, sigh, only mac users will put up with it) to hold differently? obviously a problem. similarly, if virus is not a problem, why are there antivirus products on mac?

    if you must specially order from one site ifixit for your screwdriver, you have already been SCREWED. what a pentalobe, mac users are ,to put up with it and not realizing it.

    and back then they were also mentioning, “We don’t know how to make a $500 computer that’s not a piece of junk, and our DNA will not let us ship that,”, i guess now ipad is now junk too. mini is priced around $500 too, so now they are junk maker too. bad mouthing other pc manufacturer is just not what i expect from a respected company.

    at one point, even apple wanted internet explorer as default on os x and hailed it as best browser but as soon as konqueoror source is available and feasible, it’s adios to ie and webkit is spunned off as new project.

    all mac users are claiming how editing are better on mac. bullshit. a lot of 3d and video editing program are tied to strong gpu support for effects these days. pc people get the best drivers from nvidia and ati as well as sli, x-fire support, etc. i have used opensource drivers for nvidia on linux, while it is developed by the-people-for -the-people, it’s just adequate in performance. you would seriously think nvidia is goin to hand over critical performant specs. maybe on the day they close shop, they will finally hand over specs for the advance parts of gpu technology. but all benchmark currently on opensource linux and mac drivers are slower than the windows drivers.

    with such strong foundation, of course games/cad/video effects rendered with gpu are less glitchy, better performing playback (less cpu) of hd contents and its no wonder flash have better performance in windows. why because microsoft laid down support for directx and easy installation of 3rd party drivers. support such as slight update versions of kernel dont throw them back to console mode. because the entire os is design to work various hardware schemas whereas apple hid it so if you put a different videocard in a hackintosh, or a kernel update in mac, you’ll probably have a black screen due to missing drivers

  1339. HAHAHA says:

    Well, if you live in a first world country you have the freedom of choice to not buy a Mac, As for the service you can take it to any Apple authorized dealer to get it repaired. I personally enjoy knowing that they aren’t going to screw it up, or if they do they’ll have to fix it. As for the screws my 2011 MBP uses phillips head. I know some use pentalobe but you CAN buy pentalobe screw drivers- they’re actually pretty useful, they make a fine gouging device as well as a lovely Kebab stick. :)
    As for the iPhone Antennagate scandal, I have an iPhone 4 and haven’t experienced this, but I do live in an area with good coverage so I can’t speak to that. As for the Germans and WWII, Apple is american and so is MS. MS also has sued over petty things and has controlling policies on Xbox crap and some software. Apple isn’t perfect of course but neither is MS.

  1340. semen says:

    i want to love mac as they are asthectically pleasing, but in my eyes, they dont act like other companies. they make you make appointment like seeing a doctor to repair, change to weird screws and screwed you. have artificialy, controlling policies on sdks, usage of tablet. patterning and suing all obvious stuff and trademarks. dont admit to wrong – iphone antenna debacle. thank god, germans didnt win the war, and microsoft have the upper hand. it will be a much more evil world in the other hands. lesser of two WEvils – american over germans and msoft over apple anyday.

  1341. semen says:

    hahaha, small view of the world, you have.

    those are not different rendering engines. mini does it through proxy hence can’t do some javascript rollovers, the rest are gui wrapper around built-in webkit. there are people who like to play with say gecko rendering engine but can you on a ipad? no because sdk forbids building 3rd party browsers, interpreted languages – like smalltalk, java. is their policy. is it a fair open platform to you for both user and developer?

    html5 may be open, so is flash – gnash?. so is java, but open source for those projects are questionable and lagging behind.

    flash is fantastic for me on android. i watch a lot of day to day videos on history, discovery,a&e channel. try goin to a big site like and you are left with a greybox with no html option to navigate. there are many more of those sites before you like all mac users start spreading about how you have been fine, using just pure webbrowser to surf the web all these years.

    well, you dont represent the real world, 90% pc users, we are not fine without flash. not everything is converted in html5, theora, webm, h.264 and navigational menus. plus you know how much more work for developers to encode videos in different formats for different browser. what good is an open html5 video to platforms when opera, firefox, chrome, ie, safari choses different video formats. as a result, you gotta keep 3 copies of same video to please everyone. gimme a break.

    you really think flash is a resource hog, have you go to any html5 vs flash benchmark site? then, tell me which ones are the real hog. when all ad companies starts duplicating all FLASHy effects in pure html5, you will beg for adobe flash back.

    counter-intuitive? how about clicking button and dragging files across a big widescreen to trash can? or clicking button and dragging files to another folder when i can right-clicked, cut and paste in to folders? if my finger tires while dragging over such a big widescreen and unclicked the button, i would have lost my folder. or dragging files to install when you can double click any file like all files to view, run it. instead, you now have multiple paradigm to adhere- picture files you must double-click to view, program files that you must drag n drop to install, program files that must double click to run.

    what’s worse minimize, maximize, close buttons are on the top left side far away from scrollbar. compounded with slow acceleration curve of your mouse, macs can’t be use to watch porn in office environment. mouse would be too slow to move from the scrollbar all the way to the top left to the minimize button. see mac are not friendly to the corporate world. before you spout-off about how you, advanced mac users, no longer uses those max/min/close buttons anymore – but alt-functions keys instead, remember we are talking about porn, left hand is busy below belt . so dont you go bleeting about intuitive. truth is the contrary.

    again, small view of the world. if say i bought a dvd player, it comes with powerdvd player which i like. why do i want to shell out for a newer version when i migrate to new os version. some poor kids spends their money on 30s software, games will have to pay 30 x 100$ = 3000$ to upgrade to an OS that cost $300. go on change architecture and breaks people’s software. this is why corporate world never move on to mac. specialized corporate apps runs in $1000-$10000s imagine licence per heads on all machines if microsoft breaks them. they are not just spending money on os upgrades, that’s peanut.
    if apple does not take serious, than that bootcamp is not for me.

    besides my email is [email protected]

  1342. HAHAHA says:

    Sam; why do you assume everyone with an apple laptop is trying to be cool? I see people on tumblr on PC’s. Just because they’re not doing work doesn’t mean they’re trying to be cool. -_- K? Kind of douchey to think everyone who uses Facebook on a mac is “trying to be cool”
    Also you can easily hook up a separate monitor to an iMac, its DVI but whatever. Works fine for me.
    3rd party browser for iPad, well lets see, theres Atomic, Mercury, Opera mini, iCab, Dolphin, what do you mean? Semen- funny name BTW.
    Also, flash is terrible- i think iOS should enable it but its a resource hog and you have to pay Adobe if you host flash crap. HTML5 is a much better platform to use. But I know “typical apple fanboy lololol”. Flash IS restricting. HTML5 is open so you’re contradicting yourself there.

    Personally I don’t want a touch based OS like Windows 8 on my desktop, its counterintuitive. Sure you can set 8 back to 7 style but you know Microsoft is going to phase that out.
    As for switching between architectures it hasn’t affected me at all. Tiger is 6 years old. People still use XP but its really not that practical unless you want to play XP only games. But if you’re just playing games then it won’t affect your work life. XP will lose support soon so its not a huge deal either.

  1343. semen says:

    ubuntu 11.10 needs special version of iso tailored for macs – non standard efi.
    non-standard efi, ports, batteries, hds with thermal monitor, cables, keyboards, screws are reasons i hate them. makes for expensive repair or replacement parts.

    whats worse than walking in bestbuy along the mac shelves seeing just just 2-4 models on display, is to walk in a pacific mall toronto and see none of the small computer boutiques carrying any macs. guess small boutique stores are not prestigous enough to be authorized to sell crapples. stupid policies are what i hate.

    3rd party co. cant even write a browser for ipad because of anti-competitive, paranoid policies. which is why android is so much more interesting. i have opera mobile with flash, firefox and chrome with flash to experiment and play with on my android. android does everything! ipad could if it is not for stupid restrictions.

    adobe should continue to improve on flash to help tablets to distinguish themselves from ipad. once ipads are eliminated, then flash will be naturally ubiquitous with mobile device. no stupid policies restricting any 3rd party company from deploying on any device ever again.

    microsoft should encourage adobe to keep flash going. i mean microsoft is trying to break in the tablet arena. any extra features like flash will set them one step better than a device displaying a grey box. also, all company like acer, google, asus, and esp. samsung should plead and encourage adobe. the enemy of my enemy is my best friend.

    switching back and forth architectures – 68k-> ppc-> x86 -> arm? breaks software compatibilties as with supporting/removing support for rosetta and java. i mean how many revisions of os (tiger (rosetta)-> lion (no rosetta)) did they have to maintain to prematurely stop supporting them. is it that hard of work to recompile their source code? atleast microsoft was legally restricted from developing java. i mean if i have a huge plethora of binaries like games, cads, i rather trust microsoft as they understand binaries investments by kids and big corp. matters most, as opposed to apple pushing people along the upgrade curve and requesting people to simply rebuy an updated versions of photoshop.

    do i want apple in my future on the desktop and mobile. i think not. i think choice is good and healthy. pc and android brought that on the table.

  1344. James says:

    there phones are ok but the mac computers ” urrrr no comment”

  1345. Francisco says:

    Apple is just fkn riddiculous. They can only sell computers to people whose knowlege about hardware is almost none.

  1346. RAWR! says:

    The only desktop part they have is there CPU’s (I’m not to sure about that tho.).

    They use SO-DIMM type ram and if you look it up, yes that is laptop memory.

    There “graphics card” (I put that in quotes because I am unsure if they actually have a card or use on-board.) Is the Radeon HD 6000M series, the M stands for mobility, Mobility Radeon is AMD/ATI’s laptop graphics series.
    There Mobility series has almost half the power then there desktop cards.
    Not to mention that the 6000M series is about the same as some of the later 4000 series cards.

    The monitor is a part of the damn thing so even if you wanted to use your new bad ass HD monitor that you got for like $1000+ you cant.

    And it uses a 2.5″ HDD that just happens to be the same size of a laptop HDD.

  1347. RAWR! says:

    “You seem to think the Mac Pro is there only desktop.”

    Someone said this a while ago, and I just remembered something interesting.

    The Mac Pro IS Apples only desktop, if you think the iMac is a desktop you couldn’t be more wrong, iMac’s are made with laptop hardware, so u get all the immobility of the desktop but none of the power a desktop has.

    So really the iMac is a reasonably priced laptop, that you cant use on the go.

  1348. Steve says:


  1349. RAWR! says:

    I was on Amazon, tigerdirect, and newegg today looking for a wireless repeater, so I could extend my WiFi range throughout my house.
    And what do you know, none of them worked for Mac, even some of the reviews cautioned buyers not to purchase the repeater, because it does not work with Mac’s. Or they say that you must have a PC as well because some needed a firmware update.

  1350. Steve says:

    I was browsing on Amazon and someone gave this rating to a seller.

    “Don’t buy from this seller!!! I needed to return an item that was unopened (it was for a PC and I have a MAC) and he wanted to charge me a 20% restocking fee!!”

  1351. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1352. RAWR! says:

    4 is only half true. It is a lock down version of Unix not Linux (even tho Linux is Unix based.), or to be more precise the XNU kernel.

    “OS X uses a “micro” kernel that only attempts to handle core system.” Which is one reason why OS X only works with hardware that is built for it.

    Windows uses a “monolithic” kernel that attempts to include every possible function by default. And can be made to include new functions as necessary.

  1353. RAWR! says:

    7, 8, 9, and 10 too.

    6 is subjective but I agree with it.

    Please note that I am only reading the words that are in bold.

  1354. RAWR! says:

    Some of it is still true. like 1, 2, and 3.

  1355. Sam says:

    Saw a guy tumblr on a Mac trying to be cool on facebook. On public showing off I was like -.- K

  1356. ajthesex says:

    i’m assuming this was made a long time ago, since a lot of this is completely inaccurate

  1357. RAWR! says:

    A Song for you two, youtube dot com/watch?v=wCgx8zM3woQ

  1358. Jaco Pastorius says:

    Anyone that writes an article as long about why something ‘sucks’ has no life.

  1359. the Raj says:

    Anyone who gets caught up in the childish “my OS is better than your OS” obviously has no idea what what they are talking about. I hope you grow up before you join the real world.

  1360. Steve says:

    It takes all the might in the world to do CTRL + V. Thats why I hate PC.

  1361. RAWR! says:

    I remember in middle school, every classroom had 4 Mac’s and only two of those Mac’s ever worked, and those two didn’t work very well.

    Then for Science and Math classes they would bring in carts filled with PC laptops.

  1362. Twinkletows says:

    Looked in my spam folder for the first time in a while, and what do I see but a tun of free offers for apple products.

  1363. Sammy says:

    Saw another guy in tumble and facebook for like an hour been acting cool on there macs while I’. Was doing logic pro on my mac book (which is important) . Not really worth buying if they aren’t doing music . I also had a gaming pc which I really like it so far no problems if you know how to use the computer right . Only idiots had a virus gotta loled at these mac users trying to make comebacks in this thread while they are just giving the facts.

  1364. RAWR! says:

    If you wanna over pay for a fancy case go to Alienware.

    And all of Apples computers are laptops even there “desktop” the iMac is made with laptop parts.

  1365. semen says:

    for that price “somewhat bad” pc parts stuffed in a bland looking case is more like mac

  1366. asianricepicker says:

    macs are no more than a few somewhat good pc parts stuffed in a nice looking case.

  1367. james says:

    Mac fanboy

    1. a loser fanboy who defends his apple products by splitting hairs and saying superior technology is a blatant rip off of his device. usually found and quickly banned in android or windows forums.

    2. that loser at the mall who checks his email or otherwise just makes it look like he’s doing something on his macbook in a public place such as starbucks, the mall, etc… in his mind he is the coolest person on the planet

    Mac tard

    Someone who thinks Apple computers are a godsend having zero knowledge that they’re not as bulletproof as Apple claims. These people blindly pay the hefty price premium for an Apple computer just to surf the web, listen to music & check email. And they think they’re better than everyone else because their computer is shiny & polished which is apparently more important than performance or battery life. To them, it’s form over function.

    Apple says Macs are “immune” to infection. Is that why you can buy Norton Anti-Virus for Mac? If Macs are so perfect & “just work”, then why does Apple quietly release updates (i.e. Snow Leopard which is a 170MB update & contains multiple security patches, bug fixes & stability tweaks?
    PC User – Nice new Macbook you got there. Have you updated to the latest service pack?

    Mac User – Huh? No need, it’s perfect, I just downloaded & installed the latest Snow Leopard It was only 170 megabytes so no big deal!

    PC User – You know what a 170 megabyte update is right?

    Mac User – No, what?

    PC User – That’s a Service Pack, like what you would find in Windows.

    Mac User – (covers ears) – No! I don’t believe you, la la la la la la!!!

  1368. Saussypants says:

    Windows is so awesome you can make music with the default system sounds.

    youtube dot com/watch?v=f2ZxninaO5s&feature=related

  1369. RAWR! says:

    “Once again I have never had a virus of any sort on any mac machine. Is this luck?”

    Its called Virus definitions, if you don’t have antivirus you cant even see the viruses you have.

    “In the meantime I am constantly troubleshooting my parents’ PCs even to the point of having to wipe drives entirely.”

    They must be doing something wrong. My dad doesn’t even know what RAM is and hes been using his little netbook for 2 years, he has not once had a problem with it.

  1370. RAWR! says:

    “PCs are cheaper than macs for a reason… they are TERRIBLE.”

    By that logic OS X is a piece of crap because Windows cost more.

  1371. RAWR! says:

    “My computer works EVERY DAY for EVERY SECOND of the day”

    You need some sun. I mean I normally get mad when someone questions another persons lifestyle, but seriously? every second of every day?

    1). You need a hobby. (not on your computer.)
    2). That is a waste of electricity.
    3). Get some sleep.

  1372. Steve says:

    Maybe the guy is a midget. How on earth could someone have hands that small.

  1373. RAWR! says:

    And that is your experience, not everyone’s.

    I have built all my personal computers, the oldest one is 13 years old, still works just fine (Mind you it was made with hand me down parts from other old comps friends and family had.) I gave it to my younger brother so he could use it for his school work. I have not once had a problem with any of my parts (Except my graphics card, but that was MY fault not AMD’s or Windows.)

    I don’t own any Apple products and I have a generic MP3 player and a Droid for a phone.

    “Macs aren’t customizable because they dont NEED to be.”

    No they aren’t customizable because they still use old logicboards and there OS cant handle other hardware.

    “Why is it that on a PC, to simply do a copy paste command you have to hold down control and then stretch your fingers as far as humanly possible to reach the C and V keys.”

    You must have really small hands. By the way I used Ctrl + C and V to copy and paste that, and I only had to move my pinky and index finger.

    “and if you want to right click, you simply hold down the option key”

    Really? I just right click, no middle man.

    “but there are inferior PC versions”

    You seem to think PC is a brand, if you wanna get technical Mac is a PC too.
    PC = Personal Computer.

    ” It’s Mercedes (Apple) versus Ford (PC)”

    I didn’t know they made computers that you could drive.

    ” but it is true that macs arent built for gaming – they aren’t TOYS”
    Yes, yes, most Mac users get all pissy and throw tantrums when you bring up gaming.

    “I have a 2.93 GHz QUAD CORE that crushes games”
    And? I have a dual core 3.4GHz OC to 4GHz and I can run any game at max settings. Is that slow CPU supposed to impress anyone?

    “something called QUALITY CONTROL”

    Yes! If you mean that Apple gives you low Quality hardware and makes you pay for it as if it was new, then they Control your options. Then Exactly!

  1374. Steve says:

    I mean’t pinky and ringer finger by the way. I was just laughing too hard and messed up. What a moron.

  1375. Steve says:

    “Why is it that on a PC, to simply do a copy paste command you have to hold down control and then stretch your fingers as far as humanly possible to reach the C and V keys”

    Are you a 10 year old girl? Strech your fingers as far as humanly possible? That is freakin hilarious. I can do CTRL + C/V with my pinky and index fingers you numb nut.

  1376. Steve says:

    You really must be a complete moron if your computer crashes that much.

  1377. Steve says:

    “unlike a PC that has pieces built all over Asia and the rest of the world and once pieced together”

    I hope you realize that apple manufactures nearly all their products in China. apple signed a huge partnership with 2 Chinese manufacturers, Foxconn and Inventec.

    “why don’t you get rid of your ipod and iphone – those are ingenious apple products too that have only completely changed the way people communicate.”

    I’ve never owned an ipod or iphone and I never plan on it. Windows Phone 7 uses Zune. Zune is $10.00 a month for unlimited songs while itunes is $1 a song. I have 10,000 songs. You do the math.

    “they last about a week before they all stop playing nicely and stuff starts going wrong”

    My last desktop PC lasted 8 years. In fact it’s still working. I gave it to my brother. He wanted an older XP machine.

    “The amount of times I have had a mac lock up due to anything in any given year I can count on one hand”

    I can say the same thing about my PC. Whats your point?

    “You have no CLUE what you are talking about”

    You obviously don’t since I just schooled your ass in everything you just said.

  1378. macvspc says:

    okay. So I have been using macs and PCs BOTH for business for the past 20 years. PCs are cheaper than macs for a reason… they are TERRIBLE. Macs are “overpriced” as you put it because their parts are built in a few places and there is something called QUALITY CONTROL, unlike a PC that has pieces built all over Asia and the rest of the world and once pieced together, they last about a week before they all stop playing nicely and stuff starts going wrong. The amount of times I have had a mac lock up due to anything in any given year I can count on one hand, and NEVER, NEVER, EVER have I had issues booting up which I get all the time (I run a PC lab) on my PCs at work with hard drives failing, video cards not working, fans dying and the whole nine yards…. You mention viruses. You have no CLUE what you are talking about. Once again I have never had a virus of any sort on any mac machine. Is this luck? In the meantime I am constantly troubleshooting my parents’ PCs even to the point of having to wipe drives entirely.
    Macs aren’t customizable because they dont NEED to be. You can order extra ram and a different video card and all that stuff when you buy one just like any other computer. The point is, when you customize, you start chucking in all those parts from Singapore, Taiwan and everywhere else and well, good luck with those running well for you.
    I have a 2.93 GHz QUAD CORE that crushes games, but it is true that macs arent built for gaming – they aren’t TOYS. Back to price for a moment… sure I spent like $2800 for my computer, but guess what? I will use it for YEARS and will put ZERO dollars into it. So feel free to buy a PC that lasts maybe 2 years and goes through 3 hard drives and video cards and everything else and wastes your time fixing it and is busted 24/7. My computer works EVERY DAY for EVERY SECOND of the day. Literally. No BS. My OLDER model still runs the same and my wife use that (a Dual Core) and it’s 8 years old and is still solid. I am a Graphic Artist by the way and run multiple high end design apps at once, again, on BOTH platforms, and PCs don’t come close… It’s Mercedes (Apple) versus Ford (PC). Oh, and the multi-click mouse? If that is PC’s claim to fame, they can have it. Answer me this: Why is it that on a PC, to simply do a copy paste command you have to hold down control and then stretch your fingers as far as humanly possible to reach the C and V keys. What genius came up with that? On a mac the command key is just to the lower left and its fast and easy (and if you want to right click, you simply hold down the option key, hardly difficult… so it’s an Option click)
    Anyhow, keep your mouse and your cheap parts and feel free to “customize” your own speed demon box for gaming that you’ll wind up sinking twice as much time, money and energy into.
    By the way, while you are complaining about macs, why don’t you get rid of your ipod and iphone – those are ingenious apple products too that have only completely changed the way people communicate. Oh wait, but there are inferior PC versions of those too that you’ll probably argue are better also…

  1379. Kokomo says:

    I agree.

  1380. RAWR! says:

    “As for grammar, its pretty important stuff”
    Yes it is, for things like work, essays, books, and arguments.
    If I’m posting a comment on YouTube or talking to my friends on Xfire, my grammar is nonexistent. I also refrain from using words that take to long to type.

    Ill leave it at that or this will be a whole new argument that has nothing to do with Apple or PC.

  1381. Kokomo says:

    I think I said that I was creeping Steve, yeah I did. RAWR: I am a fairly laid back person, well except when it comes to work.
    “looked that hard” – wasn’t hard at all, I wanted to see how far back this argument went, and lo and behold who else but my good friend Steve had a post near the very beginning. Yes I did find that interesting.

    As for grammar, its pretty important stuff. I usually point crap like that out, but admittedly my grammar hasn’t been the best in these posts of mine.

  1382. RAWR! says:

    Lmao that was funny

    I have been here seance the start of this post. Tho until now I did more reading then commenting.

  1383. Steve says:

    @RAWR. I agree. Most of the time when the argument doesn’t go the perons way they correct your grammar. Very old.

  1384. Steve says:

    What I find creepy is the fact you looked that hard. What are you stalking me? I’m glad I never put my last name or you’d be all over me. You perv.

  1385. RAWR! says:

    ” but all professional studios use macs-fact”

    Not a fact, true that most do use Mac’s but there are some that use PC’s and others that use both.

    “Oh and you are taking this pretty seriously.”
    I think I know me better then you. If you think I’m being serious, then you are just laid back in comparison.

    If you mean the way I type, this is how I type when arguing about something. Because in online arguments when people run out of defenses they usually target your spelling or grammar. A good example would be TUCANSAM.

  1386. Steve says:

    “who I found out after some creeping”

    It’s creepy that I’ve been posting since 2010? I wasn’t expecting that. Can’t really say much else. RAWR already said everything perfectly.

  1387. Kokomo says:

    Indeed he did. Well I do film stuff on my Mac but aside from multimedia (which is subjective yes, but all professional studios use macs-fact). Anyway yeah I’m going away now. Oh and you are taking this pretty seriously. Not nearly as serious as Steve who I found out after some creeping, has been on here since early 2010. Dude, you must get bored at work.

  1388. RAWR! says:

    JONNYTWOSHOES just summed up your whole stance in 3 lines KOKOMO.

  1389. Jonnytwoshoes says:

    Windows is for people who want to be in control of all aspects of there OS (with some limitations although those can be bypassed)

    Mac is for people who just want to get on their computer do what they need to do and get off without having to worry about all the technol stuff.

    Also for hardcore gamer’s Windows is a must

  1390. RAWR! says:

    “If you can’t utilize a mac better than a PC then don’t buy one- kinda my whole stance-”

    That’s the only thing you needed to say.
    That’s all that stance requires you to say.

  1391. RAWR! says:

    “you’re soooooooo serious”

    I am not at all serious. (Joker)

    If this argument (if you can even call it that) doesn’t matter then go away.

    “Heres my stance “I can do my work faster and more efficiently on my Mac- fact. If I can do my work (which is the point of purchasing a computer) faster and more efficiently on my Mac- and ergo make more money- then why would I prefer a PC just because its more cost effective in the short run?”
    Everyone has ignored this. Why?”

    Again that is YOU, you are arguing on how Mac is better for YOU, congratz go get married to it.

    I am trying to argue from a objective stance as I did with REDLINE and TUCANSAM.

    “but you have implied that PC’s are the ONLY way to go”

    I have never implied such a thing, or meant to.

    “You shouldnt be cramming your opinion (mac sucks) down their throats”

    You seem to be the one doing that not me.

    “- negatory amigo.”

    I think the little things like that is why swimtrunks called you a ass.

  1392. Kokomo says:

    If you can’t utilize a mac better than a PC then don’t buy one- kinda my whole stance-

  1393. RAWR! says:

    “No I’m implying macs have better software. Quality> Quantity”

    What happens if you don’t like that software Apple has?
    You may be satisfied with it, (You may be forcing your satisfaction because it is your only option.) But what if someone isn’t? They can do nothing about it.
    Will you tell them to use bootcamp? so not only do they have to shell out $2000 for a laptop that has inferior hardware and cant do as much as other laptops for the same price, they have to spend the extra $150+ for a OS they probably don’t even like?

  1394. Kokomo says:

    I have to wonder why you’re soooooooo serious about the brand of computer you use. God help you if you ever get into debate about stuff that REALLY matters.
    I am expecting a reply along the lines of “So what you’re saying is you have no argument and you give up.” Well because everyone argued for a point that I never argued for I guess I was never really arguing. Heres my stance “I can do my work faster and more efficiently on my Mac- fact. If I can do my work (which is the point of purchasing a computer) faster and more efficiently on my Mac- and ergo make more money- then why would I prefer a PC just because its more cost effective in the short run?”

    Everyone has ignored this. Why? Well I guess because its kind of irrefutable, because like I said- different people want a different computing experience. And they have that right. You shouldnt be cramming your opinion (mac sucks) down their throats. I know I have not once said “you should switch to mac” and neither of you have said “switch to pc” but you have implied that PC’s are the ONLY way to go.- negatory amigo.

  1395. RAWR! says:

    “1. No I’m implying macs have better software. Quality> Quantity”

    Prove it.

    “but it equals most peoples who have REALLY learned OS X”

    I know more about OS X then you why? how? It’s my JOB to know. And I still don’t like them.

    “all of my friend who have bought macs haven’t gone back- fact.”

    All people I know like PC;s more then Mac’s. – Fact
    MORE people use and like PC’s better then Mac – Fact
    PC’s can do anything Mac’s can and more. – Fact
    I can make more baseless facts if you want me to.

    “No I’m implying macs have better software.”

    I’ve used Mac’s supposedly “better” software, Windows has equal or better software.

    Until you have used every software Windows has to offer then don’t bring up software quality.

  1396. RAWR! says:

    “I can rearrange the dock any way i want and the icons- fact”
    Not ANY way you want. But that is true for windows, I can make my taskbar stretch diagonally across my screen, Why would I do this? No idea. But I can.
    I can even remove the taskbar if I really wanted to, I could even get Mac’s Dock.

    “I said garmin has an entire software suite for mac- fact”
    Lots of company’s make software suite’s for Windows.
    Then there’s Windows infinitely expanding freeware.

    “utilize- Make practical and effective use of -webster: what do you mean apple won’t let me utilize OS X?”

    They wont let me utilize it in the ways I want to. But that’s MY experience.

    “I can utilize OS X better than I can windows- it IS technically a fact.”

    It doesn’t matter what you THINK it is, it is not a fact.

    “Anyway, we can play this game all day.”

    You are the only treating this like a game.

  1397. Kokomo says:

    1. No I’m implying macs have better software. Quality> Quantity
    2. fine. Im still going to use my mac.
    3. back atcha
    4. but it equals most peoples who have REALLY learned OS X- all of my friend who have bought macs haven’t gone back- fact.

  1398. Kokomo says:

    No, but my argument was- heres a quote- “I can do my work faster and more efficiently on my Mac- fact. If I can do my work (which is the point of purchasing a computer) faster and more efficiently on my Mac- and ergo make more money- then why would I prefer a PC just because its more cost effective in the short run?”

    So why are you and steve berating people who don’t need a pc and prefer a mac for their daily lives?

  1399. RAWR! says:

    “basically s**t that gets stuff done rather than omgggg Mac sux you cant play crysis! ”

    You are implying that Mac’s have more software.

    If you claim that, Mac’s software is better then whats on Windows then.
    1. that is your opinion (no room for that in a argument.)
    2. Most often the same software that is on Mac is on Windows. (or carbon copies.)

    “So I’m a douche bag”
    No you are a douche bag (<– my opinion), because you are trying to argue off of your opinion, and in a argument of opinion's no one can win.

    " I can utilize one os better than another?"

    Again your experience doesn't equal everyone's.

  1400. Kokomo says:

    @RAWR: no I meant that the hardware isn’t OLD, its overpriced. But really not old. Save for Blu-Ray and USB 2.0
    steve said “NO USB 3.0” (and I pictured him angrily shaking his fist at this point) Macs have thunderbolt, is that old? I said USB and Thunderbolt are both intel. So intel will phase out USB- point is USB is becoming antiquated within 18 months.
    you’re a dumbass- that was in response to steves post, i like to reciprocate the favor.

  1401. Kokomo says:

    I can rearrange the dock any way i want and the icons- fact
    I said garmin has an entire software suite for mac- fact
    utilize- Make practical and effective use of -webster: what do you mean apple won’t let me utilize OS X?
    I can utilize OS X better than I can windows- it IS technically a fact.

    Anyway, we can play this game all day. Macs are more overpriced than PC’s fact; how does that mean they suck though steve? you keep posting the same specs over and over. Peripherals; they’re really not THAT hard to shop for, any BestBuy worth their salt will carry mac peripherals, also the Apple store and major Wal-Marts. So its really up to preference. I think you don’t like the fact that Mac people are happy with their computer even though its overpriced. I really do; if I’m right in this assumption (it is an assumption) why is that?

  1402. RAWR! says:

    “Ive had ZERO problemos with my AirPort Extreme.”

    Your experience doesn’t equal everyone’s.

    “omgggg Mac sux you cant play crysis!”

    Who said this?

    “You have no real argument so you just insult me.”
    “You’re a dumbass”

    Out of context? Yes, but its still there.

    “Overpriced, yeah- old? No recent graphics, sandy bridge, ssds, thunderbolt- which there will be peripherals for because it’s intel.”

    So you admit you are overpaying for old hardware?

    ” If I recall it took awhile for USB to get off the ground.”

    Your point is? even if that was true it is still more used then firewire.
    So in comparison if it “took awhile for USB to get off the ground.” Then firewire never got off the ground.

    Is there any point in ether of us saying this? No there isn’t.

  1403. RAWR! says:

    “Nothing I’ve said is fact?”

    Nope not a thing you have only been stating your opinion, nothing wrong with that but you cant build an argument off of a opinion.

    For such a unified system Apple seems to leave allot of things out of there Mac’s

  1404. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1405. Steve says:

    You can’t utilize the mac OS if you wanted to. They won’t let you. I’ve rearranged everything from the lock screen to the icons on my taskbar just because I can.

  1406. Kokomo says:

    You can use hdmi through adaPters. Should you have to? No, but you can.

  1407. Kokomo says:

    So I’m a douche bag because I can utilize one os better than another? Nothing I’ve said is fact? Mmm, not true ill explain in a few minutes I’m not at my laptoP right now. I have no software? You’re a dumbass for saying that. Fcp, aperture, native auction, logic pro, pro tools etc. basically s**t that gets stuff done rather than omgggg Mac sux you cant play crysis! Overpriced, yeah- old? No: recent graphics, sandy bridge, ssds, thunderbolt- which there will be peripherals for because it’s intel. If I recall it took awhile for USB to get off the ground. You have no real argument so you just insult me. That’s real mature there.

  1408. Steve says:

    This is what the isheep will say. “I don’t play games, I don’t need blu-ray, USB 3.0, or HDMI.” I use HDMI with my 24″ LED monitor because DVI looks like s**t. I use USB 3.0 with my external hard drives and I can tell the difference between USB 2.0. DVDs look horrible on HD monitors and TVs. So yes, I also watch blu-rays on my PC.

  1409. Steve says:

    apple is like Redbox and Netflix. They get new release movies about a month later than Blockbuster. Same goes with apple with computers. They get new technology and games months or years later.

  1410. Steve says:

    KOKOMO. You’re an isheep. You’re worse than a fan boi. You’re worse than REDLINE. You’re a douche bag. Nothing you say is actual fact, its all an opinion. The real fact is you need bootcamp, you have no software, you have a lot of compatibility issues, and your computers are overpriced junk. The reason I say junk is because apple sells old s**t. All their computers are basically out of date. No blu-ray, no USB 3.0, no HDMI.

  1411. Kokomo says:

    Sooooooo, is that a yes or no?

  1412. ser says:

    Apple Jack off

    1. a loser fanboy who defends his apple products by splitting hairs and saying superior technology is a blatant rip off of his device. usually found and quickly banned in android or windows forums.

    hat loser at the mall who checks his email or otherwise just makes it look like he’s doing something on his macbook in a public place such as starbucks, the mall, etc… in his mind he is the coolest person on the planet however this is farthest from the truth.

    3. people who go to an apple store just to look at the shiny aluminium computers that must produce diamonds for the price they’re sold at.

  1413. ser says:

    apple fanboy

    1. A person who believes in almost anything that apple says and gives into it’s marketing strategy. 2. A prime target for apple marketers to impose their superfluously costing products to. 3. A person who honestly believes that Windows XP or Vista is Archaic, Inferior, Does Not Work, or just plain ripped off ideas from the Mac OS. 4. One who waits in line for days in some instances, for Apple keynote speeches. 5. One who believes adding an “i” prefix to anything is automatically superior to anything that does not have an “i” in front of it.
    Most apple fanboys will possess three or more of the following:

    1. iPod
    2. iPhone
    3. Macbook
    4. iMac
    5. Mac Pro

  1414. Kokomo says:

    Yep that sounds right. So I could be wrong but what Im reading into this is you’re implying Im a fanboy? Again, correct me if I am mistaken. And you’re absolutely right, PC and Apple both have fanboys. Any brand or label will, its just human nature to attach to a marque.

  1415. ser says:

    A fanboy is any person who is the unthinking pawn of a major label/brand. A fanboy is just about the most annoying creature on earth, particularly in the heated debate of Mac vs. PC or in the realm of politics. They tend to be really irrational, and unwilling to look at both sides of the debate: repeating things by rote and being completely partisan. Also, the typical fanboy is totally uninformed and biased to a precedent, hence the repetition of rote sayings or facts/myths.
    Mac fanboy says “Apple can do anything! Even make an edible iphone, if only to prove they can do anything!!!!”

    PC fanboys says “PC for the win!”/”Mac’s may crash less but their crashes are worse!”

    both tend to be dumbasses

  1416. ser says:

    .. Apple Fanboy: “M$ is teh sux0r! Apple pwns!”

    Windows User: “Windows has a wide selection of software and games, and a huge developer community.”


    Windows User: “My OS hasn’t crashed since I had Windows ME. And AVG is a free program that keeps my computer secure.”

    Apple Fanboy: “BUT WINDOZE SUXX!”

    Windows User: “Would you care to tell me about your Mac? I hear it doesn’t have many tools for software developers, which are important for my work.”

    Apple Fanboy: “lolololol but windows sucks!!!11”

    Windows User: “Did you know that a great amout of Apple software is made with Microsoft Visual C++?”

    Apple Fanboy: “omg wtf is C++?”

  1417. Kokomo says:

    I said that earlier, but no one seems to care. Im fairly bored so I don’t mind this lunacy. Its rather amusing. Regardless chill guys has a valid statement.

  1418. Chill guys says:

    Not a ” RELIGION”

  1419. Chill guys says:

    Remember kids is just a computer use what you prefer don’t bash things up . Trying to defend themselves. just loling at the battle between laptops.

  1420. Kokomo says:

    posting the specs= proving a point that isn’t being argued. So you’re still beating a dead horse.

  1421. Lol says:

    Im not even talking to you kokomo im Posting the specs =

  1422. Kokomo says:

    SAM: I haven’t had one that wansnt repaired for free. Again, it depends on what goes wrong. Thats like saying- if you wreck your car how much will it cost to fix? It depends.
    TANKY: A mac is a PC, a PC is not a Mac, capische?
    LOL: you’re not reading my posts, good job.

  1423. Lol says:

    ASUS G74SX-A1 Intel Sandy Bridge Quad Core i7-2630QM (2.0GHz) Processor, 17.3″ Full HD (1920 x 1080) LED Display, 12GB DDR3 1333MHz Memory, 1.5TB (750GB 7200RPM x 2) Hard Drive, Blu-Ray DVD Combo Drive, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M 3GB GDDR5 Graphics Card, Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, USB 3.0 & Illuminated Keyboard

  1424. Lol says: dot com

  1425. Lol says:

    17-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 750GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

    * In Stock
    * Free Shipping
    A$ 2,899.00

    15-inch: 2.2 GHz

    * 2.2GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 500GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

    * In Stock
    * Free Shipping
    * A$ 2,099.00

    13-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz dual-core
    Intel Core i5
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 500GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

    * In Stock
    * Free Shipping
    * A$ 1,399.00
    * A$ 2,899.00

  1426. SAM says:

    Again if is not free, how much does it cost?

  1427. Tanky says:

    People that bootcamp on a mac also mean that they want a pc.

  1428. Kokomo says:

    Again, you’re not reading my posts. I did in fact say that Apple computers are not a good value for money. So you’re beating a dead horse. Also take a look at Sony VAIOs vs that Asus in terms of pricing- also you’re comparing a desktop to a laptop- laptops are always overpriced. Thirdly- I did say macs aren’t a good value for money.

  1429. Sam says:

    Mac 17-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 750GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5

    Pc Asus g74: Display:

    17.3″ FHD (1920*1080)

    17.3″ HD (1600 x 900)
    Processor :

    Second Generation Intel® Core™ i7-2630QM (2.0GHz)
    Graphics :

    NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 560M, up to 3G DDR5
    Memory :

    Up to 12GB DDR3 RAM
    Storage :

    1.5TB 7200 RPM HDD
    Operating System:

    Windows 7 Home Premium (64bit)

  1430. Kokomo says:

    Ive always had mine repaired for free. My friend has had several macs some in warranty some out. Of the 2 that have broken both were out of warranty (one was an iMac, the other a MaBook Air) and both were fixed free of charge. The Air had an issue with the logic board, the iMac had a harddrive issue.

  1431. this says:

    So whats the cost of the laptop that the mac has to be repaired if there’s something wrong?

    And how long do you had to wait?

  1432. Kokomo says:

    swimtrunks: when have I ever been an ass? I think Ive been very polite. Also- you haven’t read anything I said. Obviously.
    Steve: Wasn’t trying to impress anyone- Im saying that there are people who obviously prefer Apples experience. And Apples router definitely killed their OS? Ive had ZERO problemos with my AirPort Extreme. So I don’t know what could’ve happened there. I also know PC users who have had problems with their linksys routers- so thats not really a point.

    RAWR: 1. Yep if alienware is for the enthusiast- thats subjective- just like I prefer my Mac for film, multitasking, and general productivity.
    2. touche
    3. because its designed together it GENERALLY- (keyword) works better. And if something goes wrong then Apple will know exactly what happened.
    4. Its all good.
    5. *marketshare. And the software base is finite; software quality is up to debate as well.

    All of this is really an argument for OS X versus Windows. As Macs can run windows if they needed* to .

    Also Steve: I can do my work faster and more efficiently on my Mac- fact. If I can do my work (which is the point of purchasing a computer) faster and more efficiently on my Mac- and ergo make more money- then why would I prefer a PC just because its more cost effective in the short run?

  1433. Swimtrunks says:

    KOKOMO stop makin a ass outa yourself. all youve been sayin is just ur opinion steve are rawr are providing facts, on how pc’s out perform mac.

    an honstly after readin some of their post i think ima swich to a pc. mac sounds terrible in comparison to pc.

  1434. Steve says:

    “You can do anything you wish on a PC”

    That right there is the reason my employees and I use PC.

  1435. RAWR! says:

    If you noticed there where “” on my Alienware post, I was quoting myself.

    Again the very word “best” is subjective, just because you think Mac does things better then windows that doesn’t mean everyone thinks that way.

    And how is it a good thing that you can ONLY use hardware and software Apple endorses?

    Yes, I did twist your words, sorry about that.

    But it is true that Mac’s are geared towards a more specific user base.
    While Windows, and PC’s, doesn’t really have a specific user base, because of PC’s infinitely lager software library, both free and paid. You can do anything you wish on a PC.

  1436. Steve says:

    “Theres AirPort for macs, so routers aren’t even a real issue.”

    I find that funny because I’ve had people say the software that came with their apple router crashed their OS and they had to reinstall it. Lastly, 200,000,000 other people? That’s suppose to impress me? PC users kill that number. Try over 400 million PC users in 2011 alone.

  1437. Kokomo says:

    Yep, pretty much. Thats what I do though, I buy tools that are specifically made for a purpose, and are the best at that purpose. Useless? Now you’re stretching it a bit and twisting my words as I’ve notice you guys sometimes do. I could say “so you’re telling me pcs are only good for gamers, thrifty people and people who code a lot?” But that would be untrue now wouldn’t it? So yes if OS X works for ya then a mac is good, they have windows, just in case you really need it. Theres AirPort for macs, so routers aren’t even a real issue.
    Still though- I find Apples user experience is the best. And so have 200,000,000 other people. Use what you want.
    Also- no one attacks Alienware so no one has to “make up excuses” – which is a ludicrous statement “Excuses” – sure yeah, thats it.

  1438. RAWR! says:

    its hard to keep laptop a overclocked and cool.*

  1439. RAWR! says:

    Alienware is made for Gaming even there laptops are overclocked and its hard to keep a overclocked and cool.

    If you are gonna brush aside any argument that involves gaming just because you don’t play games allot then don’t bring Alienware up.

  1440. RAWR! says:

    “Yeah, Alienware is expensive but no one makes excuses for them like you do for Mac’s. If you want one, here; Alienware desktops look amazing, have state of the art setups, and most of their config’s have liquid cooling, and that is no where near cheap. Alienware is for the enthusiast”

  1441. Steve says:

    @Kokomo. I know a few mac users that have an old XP machine just to update their products.

  1442. RAWR! says:

    “if you can utilize OS X in a manner that you love, and helps you accomplish your TASK, better and quicker then a mac is a viable choice.”

    So you are saying that Mac’s are only good for very specific uses, and useless to anyone who wants to do more then enough. Noted.

  1443. Kokomo says:

    Rawr: Well Im sorry you have that problem, but its probably because theres less mac users so a higher percentage are like that. I fix my own problems, unless its hardware because theres an apple store 20min away from mi casa.

  1444. Kokomo says:

    Peripherals are harder to shop for, but generally its quality stuff. When I buy PC peripherals Im sometimes skeptical of the reliability and quality of it.

  1445. Kokomo says:

    Nope steve I didn’t miss your point. In fact I flat out said Macs aren’t a good value. Also look at the HP Envy line, Sony VAIOs, Dell XPS 15z and Alienware- those are better values than Macs yep, gotcha there, totally. But they aren’t the “screaming values ” that other PCs are. Now I don’t know why that is, I admit it. So why are VAIOs and Alienware laptops more expensive? I would guess, brand factors into it. So Im going to ask whats your opinion on those laptops? Like em? Hate em?

    Anyway- My point is, if you don’t need ballin hardware, if you don’t care whats a better value, if you can utilize OS X in a manner that you love, and helps you accomplish your TASK, better and quicker then a mac is a viable choice. Bootcamp well, its there for you. And as far as GPS’s go Garmin offers a whole suite thats mac compatible.

    Look- if you are making peripherals for a small market share then you have to make sure that your product stands out, because competition will be harder. When you have a small selection you’re obviously going to pick the best. From this Ive found that any GPS worth having, not trying to sound like a dick but, hey- Mac compatible GPS’s are almost always good GPS’s and vice versa.

    Now linksys firmware- you have a point as far as OS X goes, but Macs- I mean VMwarefusion does just fine. And why would I buy a PC JUST to update my router firmware? As for gaming adapters, I don’t game enough for that.

  1446. RAWR! says:

    I’m sure someone made this argument before. But, I find that PC user’s learn to fix there own problems.

    Most PC owners I service almost never come back to me with the same problem.

    Most Mac users I service return with the same problems. (Ex. Just today a costumer came to me for the 4th time asking me to repair the same problem he had the other times he visited.)

  1447. Steve says:

    Tell me how needing bootcamp, having software limitations and always having to double check compatibility is a good thing? Thats too much for me as a business owner. I want to know right away things are going to work. And they always do for me.

  1448. RAWR! says:

    Stop trying to talk from an objective standpoint, you obviously favor Mac.

    Defend Mac with facts or go away.

  1449. Steve says:

    I can’t remember the last time I bought a electronic and was bummed out I couldn’t update it or install it on my PC. My customers prove that its a headache to buy products for macs.

  1450. RAWR! says:

    “if you can use custom builds as a point then i can use refurbished as mine.”

    You are implying that there are no refurbished PC’s

  1451. Steve says:

    @Kokomo. You missed my point obviously. You can do so much more on a PC. And you don’t to deal with the hassle of hoping the product you buy is compatible.

  1452. RAWR! says:

    I am still looking for a reason why Apple would make you pay desktop price for the laptop hardware that’s in there iMac.

  1453. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1454. Kokomo says:

    more useful is subjective homie. Practical- yeah for most people, Useful- ehhhhhhhhhhhhh not with ya.
    Apple has a cult hellz yeah. But lately Ive seen some hardcore Microsoft Fanbois popping up.
    Again- my point is- both are tools to use, capische? Ok, and you should use the tool, that works best for you got it? So if OS X is easier for you to use and get your s**t done, and price is not in the equation, then use it. I got a refurbished mac, if you can use custom builds as a point then i can use refurbished as mine. No its not the same value, but the point IS you don’t have to pay full price for apples products.

  1455. Sam says:

    That’s what I had seen on public

  1456. Sam says:

    Plus also you do know that when people aren’t doing those things on there Mac they ended up been cool tumblr ling and Facebook . . Should make things easier to get a netbook

  1457. Steve says:

    We also do a lot of troubleshooting. We get a lot of mac users asking us to firmware update their products because macs can’t do it. The fact mac users even need bootcamp is a laugh. Get a PC and save your money.

  1458. Steve says:

    I do online retail. I have several software thats made for us specifically for Windows. I can’t even count how many returns we get from mac users saying the product they bought isn’t compatible with their computer. PC only? Computer games, GPSs, setting up gaming adapters, firmware updating a lot of Linksys equipment. I deal with it all. macs are a horrible investment.

  1459. RAWR! says:

    “Well if you’re a filming person or a music person well sure I would go for a Mac”

    Ever hear of Adobe?

  1460. RAWR! says:

    “None of this means that PCs are the jesus computer”

    You seem to be confused Its Apple that has the cult not PC or Microsoft.

    Personally, I think Mac’s do suck, and when compared to PC’s anyone can see that they are inferior.

    You are making no points at all. Most, if not all, of what you said is your opinion.

    I don’t want Mac user’s to switch to PC or go and say “you are right my Mac is a piece of crap”

    I just want them to admit that Windows is a more useful and practical OS.
    And I want them to acknowledge that they are being ripped off.

  1461. Kokomo says:

    Indeed, if you’re just web browsing, I don’t blame ya.

  1462. Sam says:

    Well if you’re a filming person or a music person well sure I would go for a Mac but I’m not either of those 2 so I has picked up a notebook cuz if you’re only browse the web well then get a netbook .

  1463. Kokomo says:

    BTW: when you say Mac you mean OS X right? Yes, bootcamp does exist, sure “why buy a mac if you’re just gonna use windows lolololol” Well sometimes the work environment doesn’t like apple, so I do my crap on OS X (because I can usually get it done faster on OS X) then I shoot it over to windows and convert it to windows format.

  1464. Kokomo says:

    “only if you’re surfing the web”- I beg your pardon, FCP>Sony Vegas Logic Pro & Audition> Reason or Cool Edit Pro
    thats personal preference and its not surfing the web.

    So whats your line of work Steve? Whats PC only?

  1465. Steve says:

    macs do sucks. Mainly because you do can anything a mac can do a PC. And you can’t do half the stuff PCs can do on a mac. Thats a fact. Like I said, if you want to spend $2,000 just to surf the web thats your problem. But macs do suck.

  1466. Kokomo says:

    Indeed, comparisons make illustrations which may or may not make a point. Hmmmmm, Im pretty sure I made a point though…. yeah, I did.

    Not a lot you can do with OS X. Besides gaming, and getting into the code, I can do quite a lot with OS X. And with the release of Steam for Mac, gaming will become much less of a fail on Macs. Any game worth playing will be cross platform given time (usually 6-8 months). I game some, but Im not a massive fan.

    As for “choice of CEO Manager” well it said employees who use Macs bring them to work anyway. So really its who wants to bring them.

    Again, as long as you can do what you want to do, as well as you can possibly do it. I say use what you will. None of this means that PCs are the jesus computer, or that Macs “suck” its what you want to buy.

  1467. Steve says:

    “Opinions ganna opinions based all personal preference”

    It’s personal preference only if you’re surfing the web. But if you’re doing half the s**t I do PC is a necessity.

  1468. RAWR! says:

    Those are business workers so most often they chose Mac because there is not allot you can do it so they view it as easier.

    And that is the choice of the CEO/manager or whatever you want to call it, not necessarily the employees.

    “Ok, they are but Im saying they’re similar.”

    The thing about metaphors, is you can use it to compare anything to anything, you can compare cars to the human body and the same with computers.

  1469. Kokomo says:

    Exactly. My new plan of attack will be Mac VS. PC shouldn’t even be an issue.

  1470. Sam says:

    Opinions ganna opinions based all personal preference having an argument is just pointless Hopefully we don’t had the third guy coming besides redline and tucusam cuZ in the end no one can win having an argument will be pointless or it will be ended like a repeat cycle over and over again.

  1471. Kokomo says:

    cars are still cars and comps are still comps. Ok, they are but Im saying they’re similar. Thats fine if you don’t care what I say, its not an argument though.

  1472. Kokomo says:

    articles dot businessinsider dot com/2011-10-28/tech/30331882_1_mac-users-windows-pcs-forrester
    well take a gander at this. Yeah OS X and windows are subjective, but layout efficiency can be measured. Now this isn’t “rock solid stats” thats a given. But is this a coincidence? I can’t answer that for certain but, honestly its probably not. Are business execs idiots? As a whole, no. Are a few? OOOOOOOOh yeah. Even in the article it says something to the effect of “some of these points are subjective” but its worth a look.

  1473. RAWR! says:

    And? cars are still cars and comps are comps until I can drive my computer I don’t care what you say.

  1474. Kokomo says:

    Yeah, excuses wil always exist (I’m guilty and so are most people) because subjectivism exists. I don’t mind PC’s, they’re a much better value. I prefer Macs- and there are “subjective” points with OS X that are fairly indisputable.

  1475. RAWR! says:

    If you allow opinions into an argument, then the argument loses purpose.
    It ends up being two or more people voicing there opinions.
    The very phrase “best product” is subjective.

    I was arguing that Windows is a more useful and practical OS.
    It can do anything a Mac can do and more, if you don’t like how Windows does it then that’s your opinion and you have no argument.

  1476. Sam says:

    Besides guessing

  1477. Sam says:

    Both pc and macs ok I would give them that. But although what I hate is when people makingg up excuses they really should do some research

  1478. Kokomo says:

    Audi is owned by VW nice try. Yep, and a lot o business people use macs, I can name 5 off the top of my head- they aren’t famous but they run their business off mac servers.

  1479. Sam says:

    And again cool story bro

  1480. Kokomo says:

    &Sam- thanks, I try hard.
    &Rawr- ??? Um No, value will never be the only factor in making a consumer purchase.

  1481. Sam says:

    Cars and comp well ever heard of the company call Audi ? A lot o business people uses PC’s

  1482. Kokomo says:

    Cars& Comps
    Both are tools designed to accomplish tasks in your life
    Both have an CPU+GPU vs Engine and drivetrain, chassis etc.
    Both are designed to have certain styles
    Both have different feels to them
    Both are made by a select few manufacturers but are all constructed differently with respect to brand.
    Comps are made by a small group of manufacturers- Foxconn, Quanta, and a few others- Cars- Daimler, GM, VW Toyota, Honda, BMW and thats really it.- all brands fall under those select groups.
    Cars just like computers can be bought custom built or from manufacturers that build a car and thats the car you get- no upgrades etc. (ferrari comes to mind, or pagani)
    So its going to be an enduring metaphor.
    Now there are differences that you can’t compare between the two, but for the consumer its really strangely similar.

  1483. Sam says:

    Cool story bro

  1484. RAWR! says:

    That statement is subjective because you know the answer will be PC.

    But if that is how you feel then our argument ends here.

  1485. Kokomo says:

    Cars & comps are very similar I’ll explain in a few minutes.

    And if you don’t allow for subjectivism to occur in an argument about a consumer product then really you’d only wind up with the most cost effective tool and not the “best product”

  1486. RAWR! says:

    For all the things I said, I’m sure I only used a objective point of view.
    Most of the facts I provide (granted I don’t always provide proof, but we all have google.) are answered with conjecture.

  1487. RAWR! says:

    Why do all Mac user compare computers to cars?

    And yes what he was saying was subjective he was expressing his opinion.

    And I have been through all the faults of Apple with REDLINE and TUCANSAM, I am not going to have the same argument a 3rd time.

  1488. Kokomo says:

    More bad than good? Hardware overpricing seems to be the only real fault apple has. Other than that it’s opinion. And when you say “all of that is subjective” any consumer product is subjective to buy. Otherwise we would all be driving Toyota corollas and wearing plain clothes

  1489. RAWR! says:

    And although those are decent cards they are still making you pay desktop price for laptop hardware.

    OS and software aside, Apple as a company has to many faults.
    Our argument’s has shown that yes they have some good points, but they have more bad then good.

  1490. RAWR! says:

    “they’ll produce better products like movies later vs of they had a crapier card right now.”

    Yes, but hardware develops allot faster then software so when the software they are using is actually able to use the power of those cards there will be something way better available.

  1491. RAWR! says:

    “macs are a unified experience”

    True, but that unity forces you to commit to Apple.

    The rest was subjective, or I already covered it on older post.

    “That’s all there is too it. So this will probably be my last post.”

    So long.

  1492. Redline says:

    ^rawr the fact that its graphics are on a phone says enough. And my point with graphics investment is that that’s why those cards are on the iMacs because they’ll produce better products like movies later vs of they had a crapier card right now.

  1493. RAWR! says:

    “My point is, if you want products with better graphics in the future then you need better graphics now.”

    And? where did this come from, this was not the topic.

    “And infinity blade 2 is comparable to Console games.”
    I took a closer a closer look at infinity blade 2 and well as far as texture’s go ya they are comparable to some less graphically pleasing console games. But there are reasons why it is like this.

    1. Battle system: it is just really attack and dodging you cant freely control the character, this frees up allot of resources.
    2. Instancing: Instancing is like; there is a huge field but when u get into battle you go into a battle zone or mode which is a fraction of the field you where on, this stops all the rendering of distant objects.
    3. Clutter: Large objects tall grass and trees all block your view, minimizing rendering distance, freeing up allot of GPU power.
    4. 2D: Distant objects and foliage, are rendered in 2D.

    So because they gave up allot of other features for image quality. Yes, the textures alone are comparable to console games. But it falls short in all other aspects.

  1494. Redline says:

    Time nor expertise to build a hackintosh- they’re not all that stable yet*

  1495. Redline says:

    Shadow complex probably was a conflict of interests. They’d compete with each other whereas because iOS is a fertile platform it presented A smarter financial move. That’s what’d I’d guess. Anyway.
    Despite what was said and what wasn’t, yes I have a lot to learn as far as computers go; never said I didn’t. And if it weren’t for angry people like Steve id probably be more interested. I digress. So with all that’s said and done; why would I want a Mac? One reason user experience. You can say but pc can do this and pc can do that, the question is “how does it go about doing it?” macs are a unified experience (fact) which I like because you can go to the apple store and if you had any issue at all they know your software and hardware, they also have the parts to fix it.(all computers have problems I’ve had pcs too don’t forget that)
    And legally speaking because I have not the time nor the expertise I find OS X to be much more adroit at handling what I need to get done in a faaaaaaaaaaaaar more efficient manner.
    Price; apples Achilles heel: economics tells us that the less you produce of a unit the more each unit will cost. Apple has a low but growing market share so price should drop but macs always will cost more than similarly priced pcs. Does it make them a bad product? No it makes them a bad value for money. Look at spyker cars vs corvettes.

    Other features also make the experience better for me and a lot of others, like MagSafe and the glass trackpad etc.
    Price notwithstanding macs are a great product and I’m going to use them. That’s all there is too it. So this will probably be my last post. Rawr- I do appreciate your politeness and patience. Steve- you can rest easy now, I also advise getting your blood pressure checked as you’ve been pretty cranky even for dealing with me. Im still gonna use my Mac, oh I did check out the hp envy 14- better value but if both were free I’d still take the MacBook pro.

  1496. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1497. RAWR! says:

    Actually infinity blade was originally going to be made for kinect for the 360 but development was later shifted to the iOS. Reasons are unknown.

  1498. Redline says:

    My point is, if you want products with better graphics in the future then you need better graphics now. And infinity blade 2 is comparable to Console games. The fact that it’s made on a pc is interesting, I’m not trying to sound skeptical but could you send me a link?

  1499. RAWR! says:

    Unreal engine 3 was designed for DirectX 9/10/11, it was later ported so other platforms could use it.

  1500. RAWR! says:

    “Wait, unreal engine 3 is available for macs”

    Infinity Blade and Infinity Blade 2 where the first games on the OS X that used Unreal engine 3.

    And yes they did port it.

    All that about consoles is true, but what does that have to do with this?

    “And software isn’t always as powerful as hardware”

    that is true, in fact there is no game that can use the full power of most high-end graphic cards.

    I don’t care how good the iPhone’s graphics are, saying its comparable to a Console or PC is just… Well its just stupid.

  1501. Redline says:

    You’re right, but if you want better effects later then you have to invest in better graphics now. So how was infinity blade 2 made on a pc?

  1502. RAWR! says:

    You need way more CPU and RAM power to make games and movies then you do GPU power.

    You are overestimating how much GPU power is needed in development, especially for movies.

  1503. Redline says:

    Wait, unreal engine 3 is available for macs, and you have to have a Mac to develop for ios-fact- so how’d they do it on a pc? Port it?

  1504. Redline says:

    Cool, where’d you read that about infinity blade 2? And software isn’t always as powerful as hardware- my gaming friend told me this so it’s his info not mine but makes a whole lot of sense- he says that games Are designed usually with the console in mind: since the Xbox and ps3 haven’t had gpu bumps since debut(Xbox still uses ati) then the games won’t utilize all of the hardware unless they were designed for the computer environment first. And the iPhone has excellent graphics now with the 4s. I figure great graphics need a great graphics card to engineer- that’s my logic. And games that come out now take years to develop so of you want to see better graphics in the future then you need to invest in better graphics now.

  1505. Timmy says:

    yep excuses ganna excuses. Complains gonna complain again like a repeat cycle gosh

  1506. RAWR! says:

    And there you going making assumptions again.

  1507. RAWR! says:

    If Infinity Blade 2 runs on a iphone what the hell makes you think you would need a powerful graphics card to make it?

    And I’ll have you know it was made on a PC using unreal engine 3.

  1508. Redline says:

    Yeah, I have skyrim for Xbox 360, and infinity blade 2 still has great graphics.. Macs are used for special effects so I would say some good graphics are needed, I don’t know the exact specifications when doing special effects and I’m sure none of you probably do either. Fact is you can’t do a movie like avatar or even super 8 without something good. Also the iPhone is still one of the largest if not the largest mobile gaming platforms and phone hardware is getting better constantly.

  1509. Timmy says:

    besides infinity blade 2 have you seen skyrim?.

  1510. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. “I don’t design games, but I imagine they would” Please keep those type of posts to yourself. You already guess too much as it is and you’re always wrong. Stop. Please. Stop.

  1511. James says:

    So now that you say you don’t know As your post.

    You should really do some research .

  1512. Redline says:

    Have you seen infinity blade 2?

  1513. RAWR! says:


    If yow where a gamer you would know the HUGE difference between the 4000 series and the 6000 series.

    Saying iPhone game developers need a AMD Radeon HD 6000 series card is like saying you need a supercomputer to do basic math.

  1514. Redline says:

    Wouldn’t they need it o make iPhone games? I don’t design games, but I imagine they would. As for the fact that’s it’s a laptop card, I don’t know. It’s still a good card.

  1515. RAWR! says:

    I knew you where gonna say that.

    Yes, your right graphic designers and film editors would need a decent graphics card.
    But unless they are making games, which chances are they aren’t if they are using a Mac, a card along the lines of the AMD Radeon HD 4000 or 5000 series will be more then enough for them, and much more cost effective.

    As for making games, most, if not all, games are made on windows or other unix based OS’s. Not OS X.

    And that still doesn’t answer why they have a laptop graphics card on a desktop, and charging you the desktop price.

  1516. Redline says:

    Rawr: because I would say that graphic designers and film editors need them. Even if you don’t tax the card it’s still useful

  1517. Jimmy says:

    Why are there so many ignorant users

    People need an excuse because they already feel ridiculous spending twice as much for exactly the same hardware. I don’t blame them, if I made a idiotic terrible decision such as buying an overpriced mac then I’d comfort myself by doing the same thing.

  1518. Redline says:

    James: depends on what’s broken: I’ve had apple products repaired out of warranty do free.
    There are 4 apple repair places in my area each being less than 15 min. away

  1519. James says:

    @redline you havent even answer my 2 questions. yet

    How much does it cost to repair a PC versus Mac?

    How many PC versus Mac repairers are in your local area?

  1520. Redline says:

    Oh I was just saying the nvidia cards can also be overclocked. yes macs aren’t made for overclocking. Steve- option click is enabled by default. “option click” beIng apples term for right click.

  1521. RAWR! says:


    21.5-inch: 2.5GHz
    2.5GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5
    1920 x 1080 resolution
    4GB (two 2GB) memory
    500GB hard drive1
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB

    I would like to know why a computer, that has very little graphically taxing games needs a card from AMD’s 6000 series (there best gaming graphics line).
    Also note that the iMac is a desktop, the AMD Radeon HD 6750M is a laptop graphics card.

    Also note that the AMD Radeon HD 6700 series cards start at $100, and the iMac goes up to the 6900 series and those can be from $500-$700.

    But Apple makes you pay more then the cards are worth and gives you the laptop versions of the cards.

    AMD Radeon HD 6970M (iMac’s card)
    Core Speed * 680 MHz
    Memory Speed * 900 MHz

    AMD Radeon HD 6970 (Desktop version [PC’s only])
    Core Clock: 980 MHz
    Memory Clock: 5500 MHz

  1522. RAWR! says:

    “heating is an issue usually found in any laptop with a metal enclosure so thats not just apple there”

    True, but there are laptops (no Mac laptops) that are built for overclocking, like Alienware laptops, yes they are pricey, but that is just a example.

    “Also the Nvidia cards can be overclocked”

    I Never said or implied they couldn’t, I was just using AMD/ATI because (other then Intel) that is the only GPU Mac’s have.

  1523. Steve says:

    RAWR wrote: “just because it is disabled by default means nothing, you can still do it.”

    Exactly! I guess mac doesn’t have right-click because its not turned on by default. REDLINE … you’re trying way too hard.

  1524. Redline says:

    Yes, hence unadvisable. You can do it but it would be stupid. Also the Nvidia cards can be overclocked and really stably too if you have a laptop cooler. (heating is an issue usually found in any laptop with a metal enclosure so thats not just apple there) .

  1525. RAWR! says:

    “I said the apps/programs can’t be launched straight from the taskbar”

    They can the quick launch bar is a part of the task bar. just because it is disabled by default means nothing, you can still do it.

    “I never said it couldn’t quick launch”

    You never said it, but you implied it.

    ” Again 3rd party software still counts”

    Doesn’t matter, 3rd party software just forces your computer to shoot more electricity, through your CPU. (not exactly how it works but I don’t wanna go into that) anyone can force there hardware to overclock, my point is that Mac’s laptops hardware isn’t built for overclocking, even force overclocking only 100Mhz could kill your CPU and anything less then that will make no noticeable difference.

  1526. Redline says:

    I never said it couldn’t quick launch, misquote as usual Steve. I said the apps/programs can’t be launched straight from the taskbar and they can’t, you have to use the quicklaunch bar. Again 3rd party software still counts- I CAN overclock my mbp. I also said its not advisable, so I’m not wrong. Again.

  1527. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Don’t forgot that REDLINE does no research. Even when he tries to do research he doesn’t get it right. “Windows 95 can’t quicklaunch.”

  1528. RAWR! says:

    “I can overclock the processor, not advisable on the laptops but you can do it.”

    Wrong, I looked at apples laptops and they cant be overclocked.

    Only a unlocked CPU’s can be overclocked, and none of Apples laptops have a unlocked CPU. Sure there may be 3rd party software that lets you do this, but that will just burn out your CPU.

    It is impossible to overclock ram on a laptop, and it has to be built for overclocking for desktops.

    The new Mac’s use AMD/ATI GPU’s, and you can overclock even some of there low-end GPU’s so that’s a given.

  1529. Steve says:

    The point is after everything RAWR and I said why would anyone want a mac? Why would I put myself in a situation where something isn’t compatible, unable to firmware update electronics, or needing bootcamp. What exactly is the point of owning a mac? If you own a mac you also need to own a PC. What a waste. You can do without the mac, but you can’t do without PC.

  1530. Steve says:

    I know a lot of Garmin GPS’s can’t even be updated on a mac. I can’t say every model, but the fact that there are models you can’t update is sad. My friend has a Garmin and he had to use my PC to update it.

  1531. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. Anything you can do I can do better. Fact.

  1532. Redline says:

    I can overclock the processor, not advisable on the laptops but you can do it.

  1533. RAWR! says:

    “I can over clock my mac”

    What parts can you overclock?

  1534. RAWR! says:

    “Quality also matters you didn’t factor that in.”

    That is subjective. But if you mean the capability’s then yes some freeware is just as capable as the paid ones. But it’s freeware you can only go so far when making a program for free.

    “usability is subjective but OS X is generally agreed as easier to use.”

    That is true. I’m not entirely sure how to say this so I’ll give a example of what I’m trying to say.

    Mac = Normal MP3 player, easy to use because there is not allot you can do with it.
    PC = Zune/ipod/mp4 player hard to use because all of the features.

    I find that people see windows as hard to use because they are overwhelmed by what they can do.

    OS-X cant do as much as windows so it is seen as easier to use because there are not as many distracting features.

  1535. James says:

    and the cost?.

  1536. James says:

    If the mac breaks how long does it took for it to repair?.

  1537. James says:

    Well then since you ask about these questions redline looks like you havent even answered this.

    How much does it cost to repair a PC versus Mac?

    How many PC versus Mac repairers are in your local area?

  1538. RAWR! says:

    “Sure Apple came out with the first computer”

    Apple came out with the first computer to be soled to consumers, but it was nowhere near the first made.

    If you want to get technical the first computer, the Z1 was made in 1936.

  1539. Redline says:

    RAWR: I don’t know about the coding so I can’t speak to that. OS X has tons of tutorials when you boot up, usability is subjective but OS X is generally agreed as easier to use. But use what you will. Gaming- yeah PC has that covered but I don’t play games on my computers so its no big deal for me.
    James OS X is easier IMO
    My macs have been repaired for free out of warranty so you have that.
    quite a few Apple stores are in my area
    Software for macs can only be legally made for Macs. Theres a ton of freeware available if you know where to look, but that applies to windows as well. Quality also matters you didn’t factor that in.

    Sam- Suuuuuuuuuure. 1st. I can over clock my mac;2. Battlefield 3- don’t care. 3. Mac fanboys are dicks? Really? You’re the one insulting Mac fanboys, and I have yet to see one insult windows here. THough I could be wrong, there has been disparity in that area though.

    Ton: Who said Apple made the first of any of those? As far as function yes, Apple copied them straight up, totally. As far as form factor. other companies have been copying Apple straight up. But Im glad for that because basic economics tells us in a free market competition makes the best products.
    AARON: Third party notification bars have been available since the 3GS came out, yes you have to jailbreak the phone. Im fine with that though.

  1540. aaron says:

    i got sad when i got this reply.. mainly because apple fan boys do not know what the hell is going on in the world. You do realize Steve jobs did NOT make the very first touch screen tablet OR mp3 player. Microsoft came out with the tablet pc (touch screen) in 2001. You were oblivious to it for all this time… and apple is the one that steals ideas. Hmm the last time i checked the notification bars on android phones were no where to be found on the iphone.. until now..

  1541. tom says:

    Sure Apple came out with the first computer, that does not mean other companies cannot make similar products. Apple did not come out with the first mp3 player. Apple did not come out with the first tablet. Apple did not come out with the first phone, Apple did not come out with the first cloud network. So do not go around claiming other companies copy apple, because apple is just as guilty in that situation.

  1542. nike says:

    These douchebaggy commercials are part of the reason why I hate Apple.

    These commercials are so insulting to people.

  1543. sam says:

    I see another Apple fanboy. Don’t act like a dick because you threw $1400 on a laptop just because it had a logo on it

    Now play Battlefield 3 on a macbook.

  1544. sam says:

    Mac > Comfort, reliability, easy to use computer for retarded people that doesen’t know what RAM is.

    PC > Speed, power, strenght, overclocking, for advanced users.

  1545. RAWR! says:

    Who has the greatest market share?
    Microsoft has about 80% of the market when I last looked.

    Which OS is easier to use and learn?
    Windows has a tutorial on the first few launches.
    OS X has no tutorial

    How much does it cost to repair a PC versus Mac?
    PC’s can be repaired at almost any electronics store for a modest fee, or you can call a company (Ex. Geek Squad) come to your house.
    Mac repairs can most of the time only be done online or only at a Apple store and is more expensive.

    How many PC versus Mac repairers are in your local area?
    Read above.

    What 3rd party software is available for each platform?
    Anyone can make software for windows.
    Software made for Mac’s can only be used if endorsed or approved by Apple.

  1546. RAWR! says:

    Another example how Apple is over priced.

    iPod shuffle
    buttons and built-in clip
    voice over


    My generic MP3 player that I got at Walmart.
    buttons and built-in clip
    shuffle and repeat settings
    can be used as a flash drive


    I got this nearly 4 years ago. so the life time of the product cant be called into question.

    $35 isn’t worth it for voice over.

  1547. James says:

    . I would ask these questions:

    Who has the greatest market share?
    Which OS is easier to use and learn?
    How much does it cost to repair a PC versus Mac?
    How many PC versus Mac repairers are in your local area?
    What 3rd party software is available for each platform?

    When you answer these questions, you will know why the PC will always be the majority and not the minority.

  1548. RAWR! says:

    “OK you can enlarge text, I said swipe between desktops and use inertial scrolling, again, what are you on about?”

    My sister was reading some of these post, and your comment about multituch caught her eye. She says her Asus eee PC (its a netbook [a netbook is a like a really small laptop]) can do the same things. I even installed software that allows her to run multiple desktops when she told me this, and yes. She can swipe between desktops too.

  1549. SomeGuy says:

    I find Apples logo interesting.

    Most often a apple signifies knowledge, Apples logo has a piece missing from the side of the apple, well if a apple means knowledge then this must mean incomplete knowledge, the apple is white, as is most of Apples products, white means pure or empty.

    The only word that comes to mind when you say incomplete knowledge and pure, is ignorance.

  1550. James says:

    I would ask these questions:

    Who has the greatest market share?
    Which OS is easier to use and learn?
    How much does it cost to repair a PC versus Mac?
    How many PC versus Mac repairers are in your local area?
    What 3rd party software is available for each platform?

    When you answer these questions, you will know why the PC will always be the majority and not the minority.

  1551. James says:

    If the Cell CPU is so great why did Apple go to Intel?

  1552. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1553. RAWR! says:

    What limitations? I’m not sure where to start.
    But the main problem I have, is when repairing or doing maintenance OS X, I cant get into source files, most of the time they are hidden or locked up so I cant even get into them.
    And they even blocked the main folders from antivirus scans.
    So when repairing Mac’s I use a usb bootable version of windows to do what I need to do on Mac’s.

    Yes, I have it in vista mode, so the windows don’t pile up as icons, and I can see all my windows, and switch through them easily, with no key combination, or mouse gesture.

    Honestly nothing will pull me to Mac, it has to many limitations, I’m not a fan of the UI, not to mention I’m a avid gamer.

    And I have a sort of policy, that if cant build it or customize it to my liking, I don’t want it.

    Growing up using Mac’s most of my life I honestly loved them and enjoyed them, but that was only because it was all I knew. Once I got my hands on Windows 98, I grew to love windows more, and that soon gave birth to my love for computers, and technology in general.

    So personally windows had a big impact on my life.

    But I’m not such a emotional person, the main reason why I use windows is because its the most practical OS out there, does what ever you need it to do, works with almost any software, and works with all hardware.

    Objectively speaking, Windows is the most useful and cost effective OS out there.

    But saying that brings us back to the beginning of our argument.

    Also I think this may be my longest post yet.

  1554. Redline says:

    To what limitations are you referring?
    If you want to see how many windows your running and the name of each window just mouse over the window of your application/program and swipe down with 4 fingers.
    The Dock is very very similar to the Windows 7 super bar, unless you change it back to vista-style. Which Im guessing is what you did. I love it personally (the dock)
    Command Q exits out and quits the app/program which is what I use. OS X has a crapton of keyboard shortcuts (windows does too yes) so theres no shortcomings there.
    And what things would you want to see added into OS X, i can only think of a few niggles.

  1555. RAWR! says:

    OS X feels stiff to me and is hard for advance user’s to use, because of the limitations it has.
    And the Dock is just annoying in my opinion, you cant see the name of the window you have running, you cant see how many windows of that program you are running, and the only way to tell if a program is still running, after you minimized it, is a small light under the icon. Again it’s fancy but not entirely useful.

    It seems Apple is too focused on the look of things rather then how they perform.

    I think its exactly because they have a small development team that they overlook allot of things.

  1556. Redline says:

    What are you talking about RAWR shows you up? I wasn’t wrong.
    OK you can enlarge text, I said swipe between desktops and use inertial scrolling, again, what are you on about?

  1557. Steve says:

    Also, I can use the multi-touch pad to enlarge the text in IE. Again, whats the problem?

  1558. Steve says:

    And REDLINE… you can’t even research correctly. You give out these links and RAWR shows you up. You seem like you’re looking for things to argue about. Just stop.

  1559. Steve says:

    Who ever said there was no multi-touch with Windows 7 anyways? I’m on my wifes HP laptop and I can use 2 fingers to enlarge photos. What’s the problem?

  1560. Redline says:

    I apologize to steve my bad.
    RAWR: well so long as you’ve experienced it, thats your opinion which you’re free to have. I can’t imagine how its not useful, personally I love swiping between desktops and using inertial scrolling.
    As for OS X- come on! You don’t think it has more thought-out details? Sure its subjective, but its one of those generally agreed upon things. With OS X being designed by a small team and windows up in Redmond being designed by a huge team, you’re typically going to find that OS X is more consistent in form factor. *typically

  1561. RAWR! says:

    I never implied you hated PC’s or Windows, or said it.

    I am the one who said Windows doesn’t need Multituch, because honestly it only seems useful for pictures.

    I use new Mac’s frequently I tried out multituch its nice and fancy, but not entirely useful,(like most of apple products) when ever I’m on a Mac I never find myself using miltituch, in any practical way.

    As for vista, yes it had a terrible start, but its not so bad now.

    “its obvious more care was put into OS X”

    That is subjective.

  1562. Redline says:

    Oh my mom has an HP and its nice. I don’t hate on PCs never did. Steve and Rawr seem to think Im some kind of PC hating fanboy. I really don’t care what anyone uses or thinks about OS’s. I think W7 is good, I like the UI of OS X a lot more, its obvious more care was put into OS X but 7 is a nice little operating system. Its miles ahead of Vista. But I think multitouch should be put in. Don’t hate on it until you try it, saying W7 doesn’t need multitouch (Steve) is like saying “no I don’t want any new features”. No but seriously Windows 7 is good, I like OS X more though.

  1563. rik says:

    nothing will change

  1564. rik says:

    and again who cares again is just personal preference.

  1565. rik says:

    no really have to bash things up just use what you had with your laptops.

    ANd use what you feel comfortable with. Besides having an argument that will never win.

  1566. rik says:

    maybe redline you should give windows 7 a try. ;) i use a pc and a mac. but

    both system is ok . they both had both advantages and disadvantages but really

    give windows 7 pc a go .

  1567. Redline says:

    I realize I didn’t clarify. The quick launch bar is a toolbar that is NOT the task bar, in that respect it IS separate.

  1568. RAWR! says:

    That is true for Vista and older but not for Windows 7.

  1569. Redline says:

    that you enable

  1570. Redline says:

    My bad, no I didn’t mean install. I meant its a separate feature.

  1571. RAWR! says:

    It IS NOT SEPARATE on older OS’s, yes you do have to enable it but you do not have to install anything or run anything and once it is enabled you never have to mess with those options again.

    But that is no longer the case with Windows 7.

    When you say “separate” you are implying that it is an extra feature that you have to install first in order to use it.

  1572. Redline says:

    Didn’t say it was third party, I said it was a separate application. So why did they say “..Windows task bar work like XP or vista, but we left ONE THING OUT: The Quick Launch bar.” Yes I give it to you, its enabled in XP and Vista, you have to enable it in older OS’s, but it IS separate. Which was my point from the beginning. You can’t launch applications STRAIGHT UP from the task bar.

  1573. RAWR! says:

    If you actually read what was on the site, you would of noticed this:

    “In yesterday’s article we showed you how to make the Windows 7 taskbar work more like XP or Vista, but we left one thing out: the Quick Launch bar.”

  1574. RAWR! says:

    That is for windows 7 ONLY. It is for people who want Windows 7 to look and run more like XP, you don’t need 3rd party software for XP or older, for quick launch bar.

    So yes for Windows 7 it is separate. But you can drag and drop icons to the task bar on windows 7 without having to do anything, other then the action of dragging and dropping. But if you want the XP quick launch bar on Windows 7, you need 3rd party software.

    Again Quick launch bar is built into XP it is not a 3rd party program.

  1575. Redline says:

    No RAWR! you can add it to Windows 7, so it IS separate. howtogeek dot com/howto/windows-7/add-the-quick-launch-bar-to-the-taskbar-in-windows-7/

  1576. Redline says:

    No RAWR! you can add it to Windows 7, so it IS separate. http://www dot howtogeek dot com/howto/windows-7/add-the-quick-launch-bar-to-the-taskbar-in-windows-7/

  1577. MagicalLiopleurodon says:

    I would say thats a good estimate, logically you can conclude that the majority of people wouldn’t want to take the time to build their own computer. As for me, well I like the price and specs of me dell, but I prefer to use my MacBook Pro. Its just fun to use. Like a good sports car.

  1578. RAWR! says:

    There is really no way to prove ether of you right, so that argument will go no ware.

    But if I must take a guess (based on personal experience and my costumers) I would say maybe 10% of the PC population makes there computers. But like I said no real way to prove this.

  1579. RAWR! says:

    “the quick launch toolbar is a separate application”

    That is not true, the icon is on your task bar, you click it and your done, prog launched.

    Only Difference from the Windows 7 version and older is;
    7:enabled by default.
    XP and older: deactivated by default.
    7: Borderless.
    XP and older: Had a border and a popup list for those icons that didn’t fit within the border.

  1580. MagicalLiopleurodon says:

    Steve told me that tons of PC people build their own computers. He’s wrong, thats my point.

  1581. Redline says:

    OK steve: the quick launch toolbar is a separate application that launches programs but you have to click on it first. It is in the task bar though. So its more of a two step process. Thats fine and all, Windows 7 and OS X application launching is different though. The icon is straight onto the bar.

  1582. RAWR! says:

    Whats your point?

  1583. MagicalLiopleurodon says:

    Fine. If you work in computers and you have computer loving friends then using them as a statistic is a biased (or skewed) sample. Basic stats, my .02% was what we call a hyperbole- i realize it strays from factual information- but it illustrates that only a small percentage of the PC market build their own computers. Go to a RANDOM house, school, office whatever have you. And ask who built their own PC. Do it.

  1584. Redline says:

    ^That was directed at the bill gates comment.

  1585. RAWR! says:


    Me and STEVE already covered all of that, in out argument with REDLINE.

    So this is all I will say to your comment.

  1586. MagicalLiopleurodon says:

    Do you work in computers Steve? Do your friend work in computers?

  1587. Redline says:

    Steve: HAHA, no.

  1588. Redline says:

    Valid points all: Good for you Steve, I wasn’t trying to impress you just saying. What kind of car? (I’m wondering don’t take this as a “oh he’s a smartass thing” cars are my passion, computers are more of a loose hobby. Stay healthy its good for you.
    RAWR: I realize my sentence structure was conflicting- when i first used 95 i was in fact 6, we do have Computers at my college running 95 I use them, not frequently though- which is why Im not intimate with every detail of 95. And yes, you’re right I lost the Windows History argument. Absolutely. Admittedly though we did stray far off topic. mainly my fault.

  1589. Steve says:

    @MAGICAL. So you’re saling .02% of people who build PCs are on this board right now? Where do you get these numbers from? Don’t post percentages if you don’t have facts to back them up. I know at least 5 people off the top of my head that build their own computers.

  1590. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Exactly. But he’ll disregard everything we said and be back with another argument. What’s next? Microsoft stole their name from apple. Apparently apple was originally going to be named Microsoft, but Bill Gates swooped in and took it. Am I right?

  1591. MagicalLiopleurodon says:

    Heres the facts
    OS X= Better at multitasking (mission control, expose, though Aero peek is awesome)
    Windows= Better at gaming, more prog’s available, available on any hardware
    OS X= better at multimedia, graphic design- regardless of what PC zealots say, sony vegas is NOT as good as FCP period. I have a friend who works at a design studio, she has Big’ol hp desktops, and iMacs- she’s told me that for her work Photoshop, Adobe CS5 are much better on OS X (Mac) than Windows, and she’s not alone.I don’t do graphic design but ill take their word for it. I edit film and I like macs, thats my 2 cents.
    Macs- more expensive for what you get. But you DO know what you’re getting. Unless you build your own PC- which probably .02% of the PC world will do then you will have inconsistencies. Macs are all built with the OS and features together.
    PC- more versatile in form and choice, cheaper, more accessories available, you can choose to get it without the OS or with Linux.
    Macs- If you go the apple route, which almost all mac users do then iPhone, iPod, iPad integration is seamless. And you don’t need to buy from iTunes to have your DJ stuff or tunes etc. – Thats something my friend (avid zune user) always claims “you have to buy from iTunes” me- “no you don’t cameron shut up!”
    PC- well Zune and Xbox obviously are a great pairing.
    Mac- subjectively better looking, objectively the aluminum unibody is an amazing engineering feat and provides a sturdier structure. But it still costs A LOT
    PC- you can buy them in any material you want pretty much, although build quality is subject to the vendor, and is close but IMO unmatched unless you buy a military grade toughbook- which there is that option for, but honestly who’s going to fork over that kind of cash for a work laptop? And those suckers are thick.
    Mac- The software OS X comes with is fantastic, you can’t deny this, and iWork is cheaper than office and is also compatible. Yes I get the “what if I don’t want the software” well theres always MS exchange hahaha- which is just as capable but isn’t as good to use. And if you really don’t want the software price is almost always the issue here, but again it doesn’t mean its bad, just expensive, you don’t have to buy the laptop.
    PC- lots of freeware that will do your work. UI is subjective, and the adage is you get what you pay for. So if you don’t mind bare balls freeware then PC is your guy
    Mac- thoughtful details, I have a Macbook Pro and Dell XPS-15z, and I must say that MagSafe is a fantastic design, saved my computer three times already. The battery indicator and backlit keyboard are also nice little features.
    PC- More hardware options and customizability- this is where the argument gets heated- if you don’t mind Apples hardware and price, then you can stop right now. IF you DO mind well, sucks for you. PC has Apple beat in terms of hardware. This is because of Windows and Linux being free licensed. Thats all there is too it. It created a market for the hardware. PC wins in market share.

  1592. RAWR! says:

    “but this is a free board and I feel like voicing my opinion on my computer.”

    This is why you no longer have a argument.
    This is also what most people say when they lost a argument.

  1593. Steve says:

    Basically you’re saying you’re an idiot when it comes to computers and are using “having a life” as an excuse.

  1594. Steve says:

    Oh and I play hockey frequently, I fixed our car from the ground up, and I have a wife. Whats your point, kid? I put everything from a entirely new exhaust to tearing apart my engine and putting new head gaskets in. You’re not impressing anyone.

  1595. RAWR! says:

    So you no longer have a argument. Noted.

    And it seems you are close minded, just because someone isint interacting with a person face to face or you aren’t, actually going out side, means you have no life?

    Where was the pamphlet that says “This is how you live your life”? I didn’t seem to get one when I was born.

    And I’ll try this ONE more time.

    STEVE: “You could launch “programs” not “apps” as you would say on the taskbar since Windows 95”

    REDLINE: “Ok, I was 6 when using 95 how would I have known that?”

    REDLINE later said: “We do have computers at my college with 95 and I do use them”

    Do you not see the conflicting information here?

    So if that is all true then you are 6 years old and in collage.

  1596. Steve says:

    Anonymous is me by the way. My name got erased.

  1597. Anonymous says:

    @REDLINE. I can try all you want, but the rest of the board and I don’t make s**t up like you do. You can launch programs through the task bar with 95 and up. Go to: youtube dot com/watch?v=uzwI9Xso-Ag

    “Because from what Im reading you’re skewing something”

    You’re just a uneducated kid. Do research.

  1598. Redline says:

    No I wouldn’t know about Rainbow Six Raven Shield because outside of using my computer for work I do things like play sports, work on my cars, and generally have a life. I still don’t see any indication that I “made stuff up” yes I have some gaps in comp. knowledge but this is a free board and I feel like voicing my opinion on my computer. Regardless of what basement hermits may think.

  1599. Redline says:

    Steve: The default settings for the taskbar in Microsoft Windows place it at the bottom of the screen and includes from left to right the Start menu button, Quick Launch bar, taskbar buttons, and notification area. The Quick Launch toolbar was added with the Internet Explorer 4 shell update, and is not enabled by default in Windows XP. Windows 7 removed the Quick Launch feature in favor of pinning applications to the taskbar itself.- So you couldn’t launch them from the task bar itself as I understand. Elaborate for me if you will. Because from what Im reading you’re skewing something, it says here that the task bar is different from the quick launch bar.

  1600. Redline says:

    Yes we have computers currently in my college using 95 no i didn’t make it up. WTF? Its a state funded school.

  1601. Steve says:

    I’ve been using Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 98SE, XP, Vista and now 7. Never used Millennium and only used 2000 for Rainbow Six Raven Shield server I built. REDLINE would know nothing about that.

  1602. rik says:

    I too started. windows XP, Vista now 7.

    Use what you like and what works for you, all of these fan boy P–sing contests just distract from enjoyable, enlightening dialog.

    Happy computing to all

  1603. RAWR! says:

    And how do you know about a post that STEVE made on page 13 when you didn’t get here till page 16?

    And why are you bringing that up now?

  1604. STEVE says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1605. STEVE says:

    He is. I saw inconsistencies like that through the whole time hes been here.

  1606. Tim says:

    Apple Fanboy: “M$ is teh sux0r! Apple pwns!”

    Windows User: “Windows has a wide selection of software and games, and a huge developer community.”


    Windows User: “My OS hasn’t crashed since I had Windows ME. And AVG is a free program that keeps my computer secure.”

    Apple Fanboy: “BUT WINDOZE SUXX!”

    Windows User: “Would you care to tell me about your Mac? I hear it doesn’t have many tools for software developers, which are important for my work.”

    Apple Fanboy: “lolololol but windows sucks!!!11”

    Windows User: “Did you know that a great amout of Apple software is made with Microsoft Visual C++?”

    Apple Fanboy: “omg wtf is C++?”

  1607. RAWR! says:


    Let me try this again first you say you only used 95 when you where 6

    “Ok, I was 6 when using 95 how would I have known that?”

    Then you say you used them in collage.

    “We do have computers at my college with 95 and I do use them”

    So you are just making s**t up.

  1608. STEVE says:

    @RAWR. you forgot the part where he calls me a troll for proving him wrong.

  1609. RAWR! says:

    ” I would hardly call 95 to 7 a “few ui changes””

    Yes you are right from 95 to 7 is much more then a few UI changes (unlike Mac OS X 1-7) But you are saying that Windows copied Apple but all your claims are only apparent in Vista and 7.

  1610. STEVE says:

    I like to make sure with RAM ONLY! There are so many factors in RAM I like to make sure. I always go to crucial for RAM. Best Buy was also an example, because no offense to RAWR they’re overpriced.

  1611. Redline says:

    RAWR: Nope, thats RIGHT NOW.
    Steve: you just said you like to make sure. Also, how was I supposed to know that your board has “all the newest ports”

  1612. RAWR! says:

    Ok you are done.

    “Ok, I was 6 when using 95 how would I have known that?”

    “We do have computers at my college with 95”

    So you where 6 in collage?

  1613. STEVE says:

    You wouldnt know what a motherboard even looks like. You own a mac.

  1614. STEVE says:

    @REDLINE. No, I really don’t. This is coming from the guy who doesn’t know that 95 had quicklaunch on the taskbar? Who do you think you are? You have no say in anything anymore. Best Buy only sells hard drives with SATA now. So they would all work with my computer. My motherboard has all ports for the newest video cards. You have no idea what you’re talking about again.

  1615. STEVE says:

    Here we go again. I don’t have time for you today. RAWR will have to take over.

  1616. Redline says:

    The point is you DO have to make sure, even if there is a small margin for error though. Yes PC’s have a larger plethora of hardware upgrades, I never said they didn’t. But you DO have to make sure.

  1617. Redline says:

    1. How is Apple OS “no where near” original? Yes the Xerox Parc gui but i would hardly call that what OS X is based entirely off of. OS X was based off of Xerox’s concept of a bit map and pointing device.
    2. We do have computers at my college with 95 and I do use them so I would hardly call 95 to 7 a “few ui changes”
    3.Windows had great market share but that doesn’t necessitate a good product. Tell me how is 7 over XP?

  1618. STEVE says:


    If I were to go to Best Buy right now blindfolded I could buy a hard drive, keyboard, mouse, video card, sound card, access point, router, gaming adapter and yes they would be compatible with my computer. The RAM probably would be too, but I always like to check first. Thats about it. I just put a new computer together less than 2 months ago.

    The reason I said router and access points is because a lot of them can’t even be configured or firmware updated on a mac. And yes, I know because I sell them.

  1619. RAWR! says:


    Once enabling the “quick bar” you can drag and drop programs to it as you please, this is was on XP it was only in Windows 7 that they enabled the Quick bar by default.

  1620. RAWR! says:

    “Windows without Apple wouldn’t exist as you know it.”

    Like a said before Apple’s OS isn’t anywhere near original.

    You are claiming Windows is only what it is today because of a few UI features that was only implemented in vista and 7. So anything before Vista never happened, because you don’t know about it?

    Windows was doing just fine before Vista and 7. Personally the only reason I upgraded from XP was because DriectX 11.

  1621. Redline says:

    oh, and no steve i didn’t say “its the first time windows could launch programs” you couldn’t drag a program shortcut onto your dock/taskbar until 7 at least not easily. How you twist my words every time.

  1622. Redline says:

    Steve: “I like the fact that I can go to a computer store blindfolded and buy hardware that’s compatible with a PC. apple users have to look at the box and find that one line that says mac compatible.”
    So you’re saying you don’t need to check if your PC hardware is compatible>.>

  1623. Dro says:

    I just checked apple’s website and a Mac Pro Quad Core Starting @ $2,499.00???
    3GB Of RAM?!
    1TB HDD?
    ATI Radeon 5770?

    Thats ridiculously absurd!!!

    I have a hexacore, 8GB of high performance RAM, nVidia 550Ti, 120GB SSD, 1.5TB Hard drive… Blazing fast compared to this and didn’t even cost me $1,000.00 oh and nicer case too :D

  1624. STEVE says:

    @RAWR. Look how he said Windows 95 didnt have the capability. Hes so young he had no idea and hes trying to debate with us. He only knows Vista and 7 and hes saying it just started lauching programs. That blows my mind. And I’m a troll because I proved him wrong.

  1625. Redline says:

    You’re a troll because you intentionally ignore any sort of quality point I make. And Im expecting a flaming response to this, so go for it. |Im just saying, Windows without Apple wouldn’t exist as you know it.

  1626. STEVE says:

    If I had more time I’d write an entire list of s**t you made up that RAWR and I called you out on. Just shut the f**k up and look up your debate before you post it. Save me and everyone else the trouble in having to prove you wrong.

  1627. RAWR! says:

    Saying windows took the idea for windows phone, and Zune is implying Apple invented mp3 players and cellphones.

    Areo peek is done better in my opinion because it is easier to see each window, with exposè its hard to tell what window is what at that size.
    But honestly that is just a fancy feature, not really that useful or productive.

    Dashboard was on windows first with the use of a 3rd party program.

    RSS feeds, was made by neither Apple or Microsoft, it is a feature pertaining to websites.

    Smart Folders, Windows XP had this before Apple implemented it in 2006.
    All tho apples BeOS team started developing it in 1995 they later dropped the project, they picked it up again after they saw how well it did on windows.

    Jump lists/Dock menus, not something I personally find useful. But your right apple got that one first.

    File Previews, First seen in some freeware on windows.

  1628. STEVE says:

    I’m nice to people when its a clean debate. But you’re just a retard. I will not be nice to you anymore.

  1629. STEVE says:

    You’re the perfect example of a troll. Stating things you have no idea what you’re talking about. We school you on everything you say and somehow you keep coming back with more s**t. Go back to your mommy and leave us alone.

  1630. STEVE says:

    We will call you out on every lie you throw at us. Either you’re lying or just a dumb ass. Do research before you type. How am I the troll when you’re saying s**t you don;t know? Go f**k a tree.

  1631. Redline says:

    Ok, I was 6 when using 95 how would I have known that? Troll,

  1632. STEVE says:


  1633. STEVE says:

    nos dot org/htm/w951.gif

    Windows 95 Taskbar with programs on it for launching. My god you’re a dumb ass.

  1634. Redline says:

    I’ll find it. So clarify “makes no sense” what points make no sense? Also, how did you launch programs straight from the taskbar on 95?

  1635. STEVE says:

    If you bought a computer within the last 3-5 years and you go to Best Buy you won’t have a hard time finding things for your PC. I was simply stating to RAWR that not all RAM works with every motherboard. Make sense you tool?

  1636. STEVE says:

    You are a dumb ass. Nothing else about it. We’ve all been giving you facts and you pull s**t out of your ass that makes no sense. I never once said all PC upgrades will work with all PCs. Stop making s**t up.

  1637. Redline says:

    Wow, and pray tell how did you do that? As I’ve been using windows since 95. Also, don’t ever call me a fanboy you windows troll. Apps is short for application which is synonymous to program. Thirdly you take one point I make an then say I’m a dumbass… Classy. Thirdly you previously stated all pc upgrades work with all pcs and then later stated you have to make sure your board is compatible. Alright.

  1638. STEVE says:

    “Also now that windows all of a sudden adds app launching.capabilities on the taskbar?”

    You truly are a dumb ass. We’ve given you straight facts and you’re giving us s**t. It’s no longer a debate. You’re a complete moron. You could launch “programs” not “apps” as you would say on the taskbar since Windows 95. I’ve been using Windows since Winbdows 3.1. Seriously go run in traffic you douche bag.

  1639. Redline says:

    Windows phone 7, Zune, Aero peek=exposè, jump lists=dock menus, file previews, dashboard, rss feeds, smart folders, etc. like I said it goes both ways. Again if you want windows to get better you want apple to stick around. Also I want an integrated computer experience I don’t care if ms fanbois don’t like it.

  1640. RAWR! says:

    No, I want Apple to shape up, or go down.
    Apple is based off of Unix, and other Unix like OS’s. Most of Apples “originality” came from open source software.

    And I don’t know what you keep claiming Microsoft took from Apple, please clarify.

  1641. Redline says:

    Yeah, apple and Microsoft copy from each other- this argument matters because like apple or not; you want them to exist because of competition. It drives both to be better. Admit it, without apple windows probably wouldnt exist in its current form.

  1642. RAWR! says:

    “Also now that windows all of a sudden adds app launching.capabilities on the taskbar?”

    You can do that on XP too I don’t know about earlier versions of windows I never tried it.

    And I’ve played the copied game before with WoW fanboys when testing SWTOR and LOTRO. WoW fan boys said both games copied WoW but WoW copied EQ and Ruinscape, and I’m sure those two games aren’t original ether.

    Just like Windows and Mac’s look isn’t original, does this argument really matter? No, the style of the OS doesn’t equal its performance, the look of OS X and Windows can be changed, with the help of 3rd party software you can make windows look like OS X, you even have the doc and it functions the same way.

  1643. Redline says:

    Tim, calling me an ignorant fanboy and then giving no evidence to support your claim leads me to believe you’re a ms fanboy, windows 7 looks just like tiger you can dispute that, just LOOK at the two. Also now that windows all of a sudden adds app launching.capabilities on the taskbar? Os x has had that fOr years.
    Stevetoo- that’s why Mac prices decrease every year.
    Aaron- I use windows on my moms comp Pretty often. What’s your point? 7 still looks like tiger.

  1644. Tim says:

    If windows os copy a mac os. [ignorant fanboy post that i has seen]

    Windows doesnt resemble at all compare to the mac.

    Windows didn copied mac but.

    Why does a mac need a bootcamp to put windows in it?. There has to be a reason.

  1645. RAWR! says:

    Personally, I think things like ipads or tablets are pointless if you have a real computer, ipad is like a big iphone/ipod and, a tablet is like a retarded laptop.

    As for E-readers, save the money and go to the library or a book store.
    Don’t let those trees go to waste.

  1646. Cry babies says:

    isheep and ifags

  1647. Steve says:

    The fact people try and use the ipad as a book reader is hilarious. Ever use one in the sun? It’s impossible. Stick with the Kindle for reading.

  1648. Steve says:

    The only thing great about apple is their marketing team. iSheep will buy anything with their logo on it. Don’t even get me started on the ipad. It’s a huge iphone with no flash support. Are you freaking kidding me?

  1649. Steve says:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1650. SteveToo says:

    Oh, and R&D prices, redline, are not constant. Eventually, that $350 that Apple supposedly nets eventually turns into $400 and eventually, when they are running on simply price of parts they are netting a lot more.

  1651. SteveToo says:

    Having been forced to use a Mac for two years of my life, I can honestly say that they suck. Middle School was a dark dismal time. Being from Maine, Stephen King himself suggested that they give us PCs instead but did they listen? No, what does Stephen King know they said, Steve Jobs knows so much more they said. Well, they were wrong!!! The truth is there is no benefit in paying an extra ENORMOUS amount of money on a Mac with the same exact features. Why not give your 700 dollars to some one in need. How many Africans could you feed with your Mac OS? Bill Gates is giving away most of his fortune now that he’s retired. Spend your money on a PC, its money better spent for the good of the world. Then, if you still feel like handing over 700 dollars for no real reason, just give it to Bill Gates. Chances are it’ll make it to someone in need.

  1652. Cry babies says:

    eh i dont bother with mac fags any more there too ignorant

    i just let it go and let them believe in whatever they want

    there is no point in getting angry about it your just hurting yourself.

  1653. Cry babies says:

    Only idiots get computer viruses. That’s why there are so many Mac users. All the idiots got all the viruses and switched to Macs.

  1654. Cry babies says:

    , a Microsoft manager said that what his company had tried to do with Windows 7 was “create a Mac look and feel in terms of graphics”.

    But that was followed by another statement from Microsoft comms manager Brandon LeBlanc, who laid into Simon Aldous from Microsoft.

    LeBlanc said that Aldous’ comments were “inaccurate and uninformed”. Windows 7 doesn’t look anything like the Mac OS and Aldous wasn’t involved in any aspect of designing Windows 7.

    Of course, this debate will never really go away because both graphic user interfaces owe their ultimate genesis to the geniuses at Xerox Parc who came up with such a concept and suggested the use of a pointing device to navigate around a screen.

  1655. AARON says:


    youve obviously never use windows that often

  1656. RAWR! says:

    1. You have to many computers.
    2. Most people know that Dell hasn’t always been reliable.
    3. Out of all the computers I ever owned and made only time they crashed was when I got a new graphics card overclocked it to high and it over heated and crashed.

    4. Your personal experience doesn’t equal everyone’s, but if you do ever thinking about getting a new PC I do not recommend a Dell.

    5. In most cases of Windows crashing, it is often a hardware problem or the Users fault, again in most cases not every case.

  1657. Dhallacw6589 says:

    7. “It just… doesn’t work.” (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.)
    i have 18 Macs and they never crash, freeze, and yes Macs have viruses but most of the viruses are small don’t do nothing to the system
    on the other hand i have a PC Dell Inspiron 620s and it crashes 13 times since i got it and freeze up 7 times since i got it. and i got 6 viruses already
    MACS ARE SIMPLE, easier to use.

  1658. RAWR! says:

    “(Windows 7 taskbar=OS X dock)”

    windows always had the task bar they just changed the look on vista and, 7 it works nothing like Mac’s dock, if you ever used a Windows OS you would know that.

    Just because they made it transparent doesn’t mean they copied the dock.
    I don’t know about Mac’s UI but the look of windows UI can be changed without the use of 3rd party software (not that I would change it I love the aero look.), you can even make it look like windows 95 for old school people.

    Apple didn’t invent copy and paste they just made it popular 6 years after it was invented then Microsoft made it better. As for drag and drop that whole thing is debatable Apple claims it was in first in their Macintosh while a program developer says he first implemented it in his shareware program for Windows 2.0, but nether side has any proof.

    As for magsafe its not original its just the first time someone put it on a laptop.
    And I don’t know about you but normally I keep magnets away from computers.

  1659. Redline says:

    AARON-youve obviously never seen tiger
    STEVE- and you call Apple fans obnoxious… right…

  1660. Steve says:

    I don’t even bother with REDLINE. He tries so hard, but it gives us horrible debates. We as PC users out number you 90 to 1. Get over yourself.

  1661. AAROn says:

    wtf you blind?. Windows 7 and apple doesn’t even resemble each other at all.

  1662. Redline says:

    1. Cool, I use multiple desktops on my MBP because Im always running a lot of programs, 3 or 4 fingers on the trackpad swipes between them so it helps my ADD self.
    2. I do realize PC manufacturers have development costs all companies have them. Apple designs everything though (they have engineers that work with the manufacturers such as intel) And I realize you may not want the software, from what I hear the programs (such as iCal, iPhoto, and photo booth are integrated into the OS. As far as ordering a mac without the OS well, there’d be no reason to buy the laptop unless you wanted MagSafe and the unibody really bad. Software is pretty much the soul of apple computers. And no it doesn’t appeal to everyone but thats why we have a choice.
    3. Gotcha

    :MICROSOFTFAN- like it or not, you WANT apple to exist. If not for the competition between apple and MS then both OS’s would suck. Microsoft copies apple (Windows 7 taskbar=OS X dock), copy and paste, drag and drop etc. Apple copies microsoft cut/paste, window resizing, etc. etc. also, iMacs aren’t all $2000, they can be had for $1200.

  1663. RAWR! says:


    Yes they can, I don’t think they have it be default, but AMD/ATI and Nvidia drivers come with Multi desktop programs.

    But unless you have multiple monitors, that feature seems a bit useless to me.

    “development costs, you all seem to ignore that”

    You are implying it cost almost nothing to build a PC, most PC companies design their own motherboards, and submit it to the developer of their choice and put in a order to build them.
    They also design and produce their own cases.

    Yes Apple does the same thing, but they still over cost you for their products.
    You say the software explains the cost. I say I never asked for those programs, does apple give you the option to buy bare bone laptops or desktops? No they don’t, you only have what they want to give you. When ordering computers from manufacture sites you can chose what software to have on the computer, you can even chose not to have a OS on it. I see no such options on Apple’s site.

    And as for keyboard shortcuts that was on the first computer’s when the mouse didn’t exists yet, nor did Microsoft or Apple I believe.

  1664. MicrosoftFan says:

    I hate mac for three reasons and three reasons only.

    1. Apple users are damn near a religous cult that cannot see the errors of their creator, and bash anyone who defies them.

    2. Flash. 90% of what I use my tablet for uses flash.

    3. Horribly over-priced. I myself, am not the 1%. I have a quality laptop, self built desktop (that would crush any IMac) that only cost me rougly $900. Why would I pay $2000 for something that does half of what my desktop can do?

  1665. Redline says:

    Oh, yeah I forgot about your multitouch thing steve: you can configure keyboard shortcuts (always could) and the defaults are very similar to windows (I’m not sure who had them first). Also, does windows 7 have multiple desktops? I haven’t seen anything about it.

  1666. Steve says:

    @SAM. Are you really that stupid? You can buy Sony Vaio’s or Alienware that’s more expensive than macs. Do some research you tool.

  1667. samfuckingmac says:

    clearly everyone is complaining about it because their too fucking poor. Get over it, Mac kicks ass, Windows is shite.

  1668. Redline says:

    The mac pros last release was July 2010, so no its not recent. Yes Mac Pros are mad overpriced (once they’re updated Im sure that will go down significantly) but is it a bad product? No, not really. Thats the thing, people say “ohhhh macs are terrible because the hardware isn’t a good value” Neither are bugatti cars but I would take one if i had the money. Because of the user experience. All products are subjective thats why theres a consumer market. And again, development costs, you all seem to ignore that. They aren’t cheap. Off of the 15″ MacBook Pro, Apple makes $320. The unibody, magsafe, OS X, all of that costs R&D. Use what you want Im happy with my MacBook Pro.

  1669. AARON says:

    And then later on when there was another mac user making his post of his opinions. Who gives a s**t. Just use the computer and had fun what you had. No need to bash things up.

  1670. RAWR! says:

    Oh another thing pertaining to gaming, even with the same GPU games will ALWAYS look better on PC, because of DirectX.

  1671. RAWR! says:

    I don’t care for the article either, the info provided in this article is probably dated, it has some similarity to the list posted on nerdynick’s site, and that post was made in 2006.

  1672. RAWR! says:

    Its taking forever to okay the link so I’m going to do it like this.

    www DOT cultofmac DOT com

    The fact that that site exists is just sad.

  1673. Steve says:

    @RETARD. I could honestly care less about this article. Its everything we are saying in this board that shows why mac sucks. Anyway, if you start off like that no one is going to care about your opinion or take you seriously. You’re just another lost soul sucked into apples control.

  1674. Retard says:

    This whole thing is retarded. Just look at #4 – Its not Linux you idiot, OSX is based on the Mach Kernel. Linux isn’t. The command line stuff is GNU, which it shares with linux, but so do many other UNIXes. Yes, I love Macs after enduring through Windows and Linux. I spend most of my day in front of a computer and I’d rather it be a mac. That is my opinion. My other opinion is that your article is retarded.

  1675. RAWR! says:

    This is just sad………..

  1676. Steve says:

    Very true.

  1677. RAWR! says:

    You have a point, but their guides out there that help you and tell you what to look for.
    What I was trying to say was; if they put their mind to it anyone can build a comp, in my experience, with some of my costumers and family, they give up before they even try.

  1678. Steve says:

    @RAWR. I was around 11 when I built my first computer. Putting the computer itself together is easy, but making sure the parts are compatible is what consumers have a problem with. Not all RAM will fit with all motherboards. Stuff like that. $3500.00 is mind blowing.

  1679. RAWR! says:

    Mac Pro: 8-Core

    Two 2.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” (8 cores)
    6GB (6X1GB)
    1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s hard drive
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB
    One 18x SuperDrive
    Apple Magic Mouse
    Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad (English) & User’s Guide


    This is what you said was outdated, (looks pretty new to me) I can make a better setup for just under $2,000. so paying $1,500.00 more for software I never asked for is justifiable?
    Can everyone build a computer? Yes its not as hard as people think, most people just wont take that first step. Hell I figured out how when I was 9, yes I FIGURED IT OUT no one taught me, I didn’t learn how, I just figured it out, and I was 9.

  1680. Steve says:

    @RAWR. I feel like we’ve already been through all this before with REDLINE. He keeps bringing up the same stuff.

  1681. RAWR! says:

    Oh another thing about video sound and graphic development -never used it myself, other then flash- we all have Adobe, and they have allot of powerful development software, for all your needs.

  1682. RAWR! says:

    “Yes you get free versions Steve, but hows the quality?”

    The quality of all the programs I use are perfect they do everything I need them to do. But AGAIN the quality of a program is based on YOUR PREFERENCES.
    on the PC if a program doesn’t work for you you have other options, on Mac you are stuck with what you get whether or not you like it.

    “yeah, alienware users play games, but how fairly priced is the hardware?”

    Yeah, Alienware is expensive but no one makes excuses for them like you do for Mac’s. If you want one, here; Alienware desktops look amazing, have state of the art setups, and most of their config’s have liquid cooling, and that is no where near cheap. Alienware is for the enthusiast

    “And advanced users my ass, I can do everything on the Mac that I can do on the PC its just that features are quicker to access (another advantage of multitouch).”

    Yes advance users, as I said before Windows gives you enough freedom to f**k up the OS. Why? Because you can. Someone who doesn’t know what they are doing could completely ruin their windows OS, but that doesn’t mean windows isn’t easy for normal people to use. No, you cant do everything on a Mac that you can on a PC, you are the first person to make this argument, proof of that is on Apples sight they say “Need to run windows program’s on your Mac? Use boot camp.” or something to that effect.

    Again miltituch isn’t needed for Windows we have keyboard functions to do these things and the real right click. And again when I say it’s not needed I meant it, for Mac’s it is necessary to have multituch to do some functions, just like mouse gestures.

    The responsiveness of the track pad is AGAIN your opinion.

    “Photoshop does work better on Macs though.”

    I’m sorry that’s just stupid, but I’ll leave is just that.

  1683. Steve says:

    PC people out number you by the millions. We know our stuff and tell it truthfully. We don’t need to dig and find little stupid details that nobody cares about like apple users do. “Oh oh oh uuhhh macs are shinier! And 2 fingers is easier that clicking one button.” That makes so much sense. It has come to the point that apple users are funny to watch.

  1684. Steve says:

    REDLINE wrote: “software and os development do add about 400 to the cost”

    You’re implying that the mac has tons of free software while the PC doesn’t. Not true at all. VLC and FileZilla are fantastic. Once again I do this for a living and if FileZilla or any other freeware software didn’t cut it for me I’d shell out the cash for something else.

  1685. Redline says:

    Yes you get free versions Steve, but hows the quality? I know that Open Office is in no way as good as iWork or MS office, quality is the issue not availability. When did I ever say mac users get it for free? Photoshop does work better on Macs though.

    I use VLC and FileZilla but as far as productivity tools go, you get what you pay for. period.
    Mark: well sorry your friend had trouble with his service, I wouldn’t have paid for the repair just keep trying different Apple Geniuses, when my iPhone shattered Apple gave me another free of charge. You just have to be a little persistent.
    DFGGH: yeah, alienware users play games, but how fairly priced is the hardware? Exactly. And alienware doesn’t even have software costs.
    AARON: I really don’t know what you’re going on about, power users are pc only? Obviously you have no idea how to use OS X between expose and spaces Im waaay more productive. And yes you can custom build a PC, okay, how many consumers do that? Yes its an advantage, but a subjective one. And if you want to do that more power to you.
    Also, PC’s aren’t nearly as popular for business use as they used to be, go look it up. And advanced users my ass, I can do everything on the Mac that I can do on the PC its just that features are quicker to access (another advantage of multitouch). Also, I think you’re the one downloading all that porn since you seem to have advanced knowledge of its access. ;)

  1686. Steve says:

    Owning a mac sounds like a lot of work and headaches. You need to use bootcamp and you have to make sure everything you buy is compatible with it. Ranging from consumer electronics to computer hardware.

  1687. Steve says:

    REDLINE wrote: “software and os development do add about 400 to the cost”

    We already went through this. You either don’t read our posts in full or want to argue AGAIN. Where there is a paid version of software there is always a legal free version that’ll do the exact same thing. So you don’t pay extra for anything. There is even a free alternative to Office. Not that I’d ever use it because I love Office. Any software I pay for you also have to pay for on the mac. I use Photoshop nearly every day and magically mac users get it for free? My ass.

    Microsoft Security Essentials (Paid Version: Norton AntiVirus)
    VLC player (Paid Version: PowerDVD)
    FileZilla (Paid Version: CuteFTP)
    CCleaner (Paid Version: Registry Mechanic)
    OpenOffice (Paid Version: Microsoft Office)

  1688. mark says:

    And No MACs arent worth it full stop because when it crashes Apple will charge you lots of money to fix it, or you can have Apple care as my friend did for his £9000 Mac which took 6 months to be repaired by APPLE because only APPLE could repair it. He got no machine to use in the mean time and Apple didnt care. So if you like paying premium prices for CRAP service then feel free and flush your dollars and welcome to dumbville where nobody can help you but Apple.

  1689. aaron says:

    u need to stop watching porn and you’re cpu’s will last longer.

  1690. aaron says:

    I DUN GOT ME A VIRUS I was downloading skyrim off of torrents and the file size was 24kb’s I DUN and got me a VIRUS! Dude in all honesty only idiots get viruses on windows computers Ive never had one and dont have virus software what do ya know. But if you like a plain look and a computer with worse specs for 1k more I guess an apples are for you.

    case-AzzA Solano 1000 Full Tower CPU-Core i7 2600k stock clock at 3.4 GHz MotherBoard-Gigabyte Z68 Ap-D3 CPU cooler-Thermaltake Frio overclocking cooler Ram- 4GB x2 Corsair Vengeance 1600 MHZ DDR3 Hard Drive- 1TB SATAIII 7200 RPM 3.5” Drive Video Card-EVGA Superclocked GTX 570 PSU-Corsair Professional Series Gold AX850 Power Supply Monitor- Asus VH242 24 Inch LCD Mouse- Razer DeathAdder Keyboard- Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Custom build for $1770 on cyberpower pc

  1691. aaron says:

    PC = Can do everything.

    Mac = Can’t play games like mw3, bf3, skyrim or anything like that.

  1692. aaron says:

    Ironically enough, I do precisely the same thing with my paralleled Snow Leopard install.  I think I’ve tinkered with the thing only a few times before switching right back to Windows 7 to do literally everything else. OSX bored me very, very quickly, and there’s no way I could ever justify buying a Mac knowing this. There’s simply more freedom and versatility on a PC, and I like being able to do what I want ,when I want, instead of having to play by Apple’s rules.

  1693. aaron says:

    im afraid $2200 is still overpriced/overhyped:

    P7P55D-E (USB3, eSATA, SATA3, X-fire) | [email protected] | 16GB@1600

    2TB Seagate | Radeon.HD6870 | 4x BluRay Combo writer

    27in VA2702w monitor 1080p | +peripherals

    PC: $1749.54* vs. iMac: $2200.00**

    You save $449.46

    *$1471.55 if i match iMac specs.

    **4GB@1333, 1TB hdd, no bluray, no eSATA (spc request?), no SLi/X-fire, lesser videocard (cannot upgrade), no USB3, SATA2.

    PCs are moar bang for ur buck. Who doesn’t like that? =)

  1694. aaron says:

    thinking about it now tho… maybe im too harsh towards iFags. lets face it, if u have no interest in computers or learning how to use one beyond casual use, then mac’s a good choice. friendly, simple & intuitive (albeit expensive).

    PCs are more for the power user, gamer, and business. if you dont know what ur doing, u can easily f**k it up. advanced machine only recommended for advanced users ;)

    if it werent for overzealous fanbois, we wouldnt bash on macs so much. tho its still fun to :3

  1695. Jim says:

    ( i know you are a kid of 5 years old cuz the way are you acting is so gay)

  1696. dfggh says:


    and find them very entertaining. Facebook and tumblr all the day =

  1697. dfggh says:

    @redline Alienware users play games ;)

  1698. Okay says:

    what do you do on the mac redline?

  1699. Okay says:

    what do on the mac redline?

  1700. Redline says:

    Gp: yeah, suuuuuuuuure
    Steve: the Mac trackpad does have two buttons you can configure option click for the right side if you must. No keyboards dot add 800 to the price but software and os development do add about 400 to the cost- that’s from businessweek I believe. The rest is profit yeah. But the laptops you’re showing aren’t that comparable, vaios and the hp envy line are more comparable. Yes they’re cheaper but again, add software into the cost.
    Okay: that’s nice, so what of you saw a guy being cool on Facebook? I coul say the same thin about Alienware users.

  1701. Okay says:

    almost like $3000 a 17 inch laptop thats just wtf

  1702. Okay says:

    Store apple
    17-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 750GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

    * In Stock
    * Free Shipping
    * A$ 2,899.00


  1703. Okay says:

    Just saw a guy been cool on facebook just now. -.-

  1704. GP says:

    Also for the record, you can get a 2 mouse button but don’t forget thats not built into any Macbooks. And the trackpads on Macbooks are absolutley AWFUL, it takes me so much to navigate it compared to any other laptop I’ve owned, so its really frustrating. Honestly I have a 250$ netbook with a more fluid trackpad.

    Prices are absurdly high too, with no great value in owning a Mac except the beautiful physical design, customer service and a consumer friendly version of Linux thats good for graphic design etc.

  1705. Steve says:

    And lighted keyboards don’t add over $800.00 to the laptops value.

  1706. Steve says:

    New page.. again. So I’m posting this again:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

  1707. Steve says:

    REDLINE said: “Again- apple develops all of their own crap which costs money.”

    What is with apple users and this statement? I don’t care if Steve Jobs was building these in his basement with his own 2 hands. That still doesn’t change the fact they’re still selling overpriced s**t. I don’t care what excuses you have, they still overprice their hardware. That’s a fact.

  1708. ROB says:

    I’m gunna chime in here, too. After all, it’s been 4 days since the last rant in a string nearly 3 years long!

    First off, I was a proud owner of a full-sized macbook pro and then it got annihilated in a freak accident … can’t say I was too inspired to drop the thousands to replace it.

    Very simply: at the time of watching my ‘precious’ macbook twirl around, shattered, I was already deciding that replicating it was simply ‘NOT WORTH IT.’ I know that gets a lot of people nodding and nudging each other in agreement, so I’ll skip that rant.

    But the reason I rant today: higher-ups have insisted I incorporate a mac in my daily developer routine.

    It’s been thrust upon me, y’see! It’s not like a I went to a Apple store and someone said, ‘Here’s your Mac … GENIUS!’

    I like to think I’m hardcore: one of my setups is a 4-monitor linux, windows, mac setup all synergized with one keyboard and mouse.

    I’m one of those. And, sort of like I already said, I used to trot around the coffee shops with my oversized macbook, sipping bullshit coffees and PINCHING MY CHIN like a total a*****e.

    Well, maybe not the last part, but I want to chime in on making fun of Steve Jobs before it’s not too soon!

    Is it just me (obviously not) or has Mac gotten shittier!? ‘Natural scroll’ on the mouse? Wow! You’ve amazed me, Mac, with your blatant egoism. For those who know, am I right!? For those who don’t, make your mouse wheel do everything in the opposite way (from moving a webpage down to volume control) … does that feel natural?

    Best part, it’s not an option. It’s mandatory. You have to install extra software (third party? don’t care) to fix the problem.

    And what the hell have they done with full screening? If I do the equivalent of ‘F11′ on a new Mac, I’m presented with a whole new layer of sliding desktop backgrounds and widgets that I don’t care about and never will. Did I mention my 4 screens? Do I need ANY OF THEM F****D WITH!? Btw, could I fullscreen my s**t now. Nope? … seriously, no? Mac, come on, dude, let’s talk this over? Seriously, I can’t just full screen my s**t!?

    Oh, and that reminds me: who decided that HDMI meant overscan? For those who don’t know, this means that if you use their HDMI port to hook up a monitor, Mac treats it like a CRT television with overscan. Let me take another step back: back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, the dinosaur family would crouch in front of a television which would fire elections at a screen via a cathode relay tube (CRT) and there would be some ‘overscan’ and … holy crap’tastic, is this realty a mandatory setting!?!?!?

    Hey, Mac, is the level of ‘candle power’ a mandatory setting?

    And iTunes? Holy shitballs. I have to admit, I never fell for that once. I’ve never owned an iPod and I obviously don’t plan on owning any sort of iOS technological equivalent to scouring my nipples off with a cheese grater.

    Sorry, I must apologize. What I mean is: when you know what the alternatives are, Mac is amazingly frustrating.

    Have we not all mastered ‘drag-and-drop’? We don’t need a restrictive interface asking us for your credit card every chance it can in order to facilitate the same process?

    When you answer that question, young padawan, you will find that the whole world unfolds before you.

    But I digress, a symptom which I think is prevailent on this discussion thread, so I won’t edit this rant.

    Thanks for reading!! It’s been fun.

  1709. Steve says:

    I guess a 486 processor should cost $200.00.

  1710. Steve says:

    @RAWR & SEMEN. Fantastic detailed posts. My Athlon XP 1800+ that I built with Windows XP lasted 8 years. In fact, it never even broke. I handed it down to my brother. That’s what I love. Either I built a hell of a computer or apple people lie. I love the fact I can say without lying that my computer lasted over 8 years and is still strong. I know people already commented on this, but I’m flabbergasted REDLINE even used this as a example.

    “THe mac pro hasn’t been updated in several years”

    If that’s the case why the hell is it so expensive! Are you kidding me?! Come up with something better. Please.

  1711. RAWR! says:

    When I said windows doesn’t need it I meant it doesn’t NEED it. apple laptops have multituch because it is necessary its not a extra feature it is needed to do cretin functions on a Mac, windows just has right click, and in my opinion that is easier and faster to use.

    And again the UI of the OS is your opinion, in my opinion Mac’s UI is just utterly horrid.

  1712. Sam says:

    The battle of the battle pc vs Mac use what you prefer thats confortable to you remember is just a computer and holy Fck is this like world war 3 or something?

  1713. Redline says:

    Most purchases are made from subjective opinions. Objectively speaking if everyone bought only what was necessary we would all drive bare bones vehicles, live in small efficient homes, only consume food that is healthy etc. No thats not an argument, merely an observation. As for multitouch, what do you mean windows doesn’t “need” multitouch? It was one of the reasons I got lion, multitouch is utterly useful- I use it constantly. Just try it out objectively and extensively.
    I never said Windows rewrote the OS to fix bugs, and I don’t think I implied it, if so Im sorry. It just seems Microsoft tries too hard to improve and they over do it to the point where its really terrible. Windows 7 was a huge step in the right direction but its still not quite as intuitive. I really don’t like the start menu- thats something I want to see fixed. It just feels like Windows was designed by a huge committee and we all know how productive committees are. I think if MS really wants to get serious about windows then they need to make their own computer (I don’t mean gateway) and have some sort of special version of Windows on it. Don’t laugh just think about it.
    Yes thats subjective but then again so is saying acs suck because they can’t play games- saying games are used for special effects isn’t. But wanting to play games is subjective.

  1714. RAWR! says:

    Windows didn’t rewrite the OS to fix bugs they rewrote it to give it more capabilities mainly graphical ones. As I said before XP is a 10 year old OS still safe and stable not as safe as vista or 7 but still safe.

    Gaming capabilities is also essential for well obviously making the game but also for special effects in movies. You cant test games or make the effects they have in movies on a crappy gpu.

    As for multituch Windows doesn’t need mouse gestures so something like that is unnecessary.

    And again you are only speaking from personal experience, and most of what you said was subjective.

  1715. Redline says:

    SEMEN: Well Im glad that you’ve had great experiences with your dell’s, fact is I really haven’t and neither have a lot of the people I know. I have had ZERO heating issues, in fact my HP gets hotter than my macbook so I guess that issue is fixed.
    RAWR: Apple develops a lot of the hardware with intel, like firewire and thunderbolt, the macbook air CPU, and I think the graphics cards are made for macs. Just because other companies made them doesn’t mean they weren’t designed for the computer. As for the film stuff, well I don’t blame you, if you don’t need or care about film and music editing then I wouldn’t blame you for not using a Mac. The thing is film and music editing are productivity tools that people use for their jobs, gaming isn’t.
    Apples OS is never bug free upon release that would be impossible. But the updated and upgraded it without rewriting the whole thing. And because its tied with the computer I find it works better. The trackpad on macs is insanely responsive its also much larger than almost all pc counterparts and to me thats VERY useful. Also multitouch is fantastic.
    I don’t know why the mac pros haven’t been upgraded, you don’t have to buy a mac pro. I don’t think its corruption a new one is in the works I think its that they’re behind schedule.
    OKAY: More choices isn’t always better. PC manufacturers really don’t put much thought into the design of their products. SUre its not a deal maker or breaker but I love all the touches on the macbook pros, the magsafe power adapter is ingenious I don’t care how much you hate apple you have to admit magsafe is pretty sweet. The batter indicator (I use quite frequently) the magnetic latch etc. I think a few quality designs are better than 500 crappy ones. And Im sure a lot of consumers will agree. Im not saying you shouldn’t have competition quite the opposite really because competition creates better products typically but you don’t need a bunch of crap.

    To be honest I love everything about my MBP and OS X, my buddy got an Asus G76 I believe, same CPU as mine, more RAM, bigger hard drive, better graphics and I wouldn’t trade him if he asked me. You say iSheep, I say you have to own a Mac (a newer unibody one). Just borrow one or something. Sure the price is more than the hardware, but the software (at least for me and every other mac owner I know) coupled with the thoughtful design makes for an equivalent product if not better for most people. I said most not all. Now I know I’m about to get some incredulous replies but its fine with me.

  1716. Okay says:

    Too many choices on pc that’s what I like ;)

  1717. semen says:

    my last pc 1.2 ghz athlon was retired 6 months ago. is that pc old enough?
    i also have a working dell inspiron 1560 to counter your six years old macbook. so, dont bullshit people with mac lasting longer than pcs.

    fact is mac is built like a heat trap – slim profiles, crammed all-in-one, fans spun silently low. go surf for “hitachi drives mac dead”. believe me hitachi arent all to blame, neither are nvidia for your graphical glitches.

    for the price of a cheap laptop, i can use the money to buy/upgrade 2-3 times more frequently. hence, no need to even buy extended warranty. plus, any computer repair shop will gladly repair your laptop for a modest fee (after all, not everybody can afford the costly fee of one of your genius technicians).

    damn isheeps, the path to your salvation is the slaughterhouse.

  1718. Okay says:

    And plus who cares what laptop you’re using . All personal preference of what you feel comfortable with . No need to brag about computers

  1719. Okay says:

    Pc laptops also had a back lit keyboard Sony vaio’s are shiny too

  1720. RAWR! says:

    You are arguing on a personal level me and STEVE are on a general level, I don’t think we have once said we don’t care about this program or this feature. For instance I don’t care about music or video editing. But I never Ignored that part of the argument just because it’s not something I use.

    Apple hardware? What apple hardware? The Intel cpu? The ATI graphics card? The western digital HDD, I bereave most of the mother boards Apple has are made by Intel as well. As for drivers, they have drivers specific for each OS. Only difference is that EVERY piece of computer hardware internal and external will work for Windows.

    And they remade Windows because they where working with old coding and that limited what they could do so it was time for a upgrade.

    “Apple never claimed it was a whole new OS”
    That still doesn’t change the fact that you are paying for a update.

    Who cares? I for one care, and I’m sure allot of other people care too.

    Just because you don’t use bootcamp that doesn’t mean other people don’t, you are just one person, your arguing from personal experience me and STEVE worked with other consumers and know their problems.

    And “if the OS isn’t broken don’t fix it” If everyone thought that way we would still be using 16 bit programs. They didn’t fix Windows (there was nothing wrong with it) they made it better expended it’s horizons.
    You are implying Apples OS is bug free, and perfect on release, well that is impossible and it would take me months to explain to you why that statement doesn’t even make any seance.

    “THe mac pro hasn’t been updated in several years”
    If that’s so then why is Apple selling such old desktops for nearly two times the price of normal PC’s? That only proves their corruption.

  1721. Redline says:

    I don’t use bootcamp, I don’t seem to be experiencing any of these fantastic windows only programs that everyone seems to be hating on Apple for. Besides games, which again, I do. not. care. about. My mac has been just fine.
    Steve: Apple hardware does in fact last longer. At least every Mac that me or any of my friends have had have lasted at least 6 years with zero hardware problems. Thats because all the software is designed specifically for the mac architecture. And with the same OS, well look at tiger, and look at Lion. Different look, different feel. Apple never claimed it was a whole new OS it was a new OS release (i believe thats the words they use).
    Also, if the OS isn’t broken- don’t fix it. Who cares if Vista and7 are totally new OS’s? That just means more bugs to fix.

    Also RAWR!: THe mac pro hasn’t been updated in several years, you seem to think thats Apples only desktop. The iMac is not that overpriced for being an all in one and its pretty good. Again- apple develops all of their own crap which costs money.

  1722. RAWR! says:

    I think its funny that the first OS X (also when they got the Unix core) is called cheetah.

  1723. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Maybe if they go to version 11 they will stop using animal names.

  1724. Steve says:

    @SOURLIME. Because magically mac hardware lasts longer than PC hardware even though they use the same brand processors and video cards. isheep buy right into apples lies.

  1725. SourLime says:

    About the bootcamp Mac users seem so proud of you still have to buy a windows os to use it so why not just get a PC?
    Every Mac user i meet seems to know about bootcamp if they need windows somuch why not just get a PC!?

  1726. RAWR! says:

    And Apples Desktops are pathetic I’ve said this before, but there 8 core Mac pro is $3500, you can get a comp with better parts (better as in more ram faster everything more HDD memory and a SSD) for just under $2000

    And ya there are a few programs I use that where made for XP one for example is windows movie maker I like the XP version better then the vista/7 version better.

    And like I said most windows 7 and vista programs work on XP, for a while I didn’t want to upgrade to windows 7 so I stuck with XP but I didn’t have to worry about not being able to use new programs or losing support from Microsoft, with apple you don’t have that option.

    So even if all your programs update, they wont work on a older OS, there is always someone out their who doesn’t wanna upgrade to the new thing.

    While I’m still on the topic of overpriced and there OS, I’ve looked at the change log from Apples “New” OS’s
    Version 10.0: “Cheetah”
    Version 10.1: “Puma”
    Version 10.2: “Jaguar”
    Version 10.3: “Panther”
    Version 10.4: “Tiger”
    Version 10.5: “Leopard”
    Version 10.6: “Snow Leopard”
    Version 10.7: “Lion”

    These are their OS’s and as you can plainly see that they are all version 10, meaning all the “new” OS’s they come out with are just updates, to windows they will be equivalent to a service pack, that is one of the biggest updates a Windows OS can get. But apple makes you pay for these. Windows Vista was built from the ground up no XP code is inside of Vista and 7(other then the emulator data used to run old programs) There where minor changes to the UI from Vista to 7 and major changes to the core of the OS as well as the update DirectX 11 which only Windows 7 can use.

    And again I looked at the change log to all these OS’s. Apples OS’s had no major changes to the core that would require a new OS.

  1727. Steve says:

    still saving*

  1728. Steve says:

    I forgot to mention to the isheep that there are plenty of free anti-virus software out there to choose from. I’m still saying over $800.00 no matter how you slice it.

  1729. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. I’ve been playing Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield since it’s release and it’s a Windows XP only game. I also play Doom and Wolfenstein from time to time for old times sake and those are DOS games. I’m running Windows 7 Professional. And here’s an example of how sick apple jacks up the price:

    Macbook Pro 15-inch: 2.2 GHz (12/1/2011 –

    2.2GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv6tqe series (12/1/2011 –

    2nd generation Intel Core i7-2670QM (2.2 GHz, 6MB L3 Cache) with Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz
    8GB DDR3 System Memory
    750GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
    1GB Radeon(TM) HD 6770M GDDR5 Graphics [HDMI, VGA]
    15.6″ High Definition HP LED Brightview (1366×768)
    Blu-ray player & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Built-in Bluetooth: Yes
    Price: $939.99

    So you are basically paying over $800.00 for a Backlit Keyboard. That makes so much sense. You get a bigger hard drive, better screen, more RAM, better video card, and a blu-ray player on the HP.

  1730. Steve says:

    “pc dont need crutches (bootcamp) to install other os.” Hilarious.

  1731. semen says:

    pc laptops can be bought in any store without authorization.
    pc laptops can be repair in any store because official tech. manuals are made available.
    pc laptops and desktops can be wildly customized in more configurations.
    pc apps are more diverse – editing, multimedia, “business + cads + games” (mostly pc).
    pc apps have better shelflife – firefox 8 and flash 11 still works on windows 2000.
    pc architectures dont flip-flop from 68k -> ppc-> x86 -> arm?
    pc always have standard ports – unlike the tbolt, firewire, ??
    pc does not discriminate against bluray.
    pc have more peripherals.
    pc caters to all wallet size.
    pc dont need crutches (bootcamp) to install other os.
    pc are click driven, double-click to install (not “drag while clicking” across a big widescreen to dock), right-click to delete (not “drag while clicking” across a big widescreen to trash). all the wasted movements.


  1732. Redline says:

    What XP only programs do you use?
    The same programs that were available for tiger (at least that I know are used) are updated and available for Lion
    Mac vs PC price for price I don’t think will be twice as good. There will be a large gap but thats mainly development costs for Apple. If they licensed OS X there would be pros and cons but I won’t get into that because its not the way it is right now.
    Microsoft is on the top 10 for customer support and Apple isn’t??? What list is this???
    And OKAY: who said its a way of life

  1733. RAWR! says:

    Mac’s used to be better for movie and music development, but that was like 15 years ago, its almost 2012 now and PC’s have software editing that’s just as good as Mac’s (when I say just as good I mean in the capabilities of the program) whether or not a program is better for you, is based on your preferences.

  1734. Okay says:

    So please stop being an extreme fanboy. And stop claiming that it’s a way of life, it’s just a fcking computer.

    Dont forget to mention rich spoiled kids who just want to be cool and have a mac just to go on facebook and brag like a 7 year old.

  1735. Okay says:

    I’ve used a mac for a year for audio. It’s nothing special, in fact I found it to be very under-whelming. Mac OS is pretty simple and looks nice, but that’s all I can say. I found I could actually do way more on my P.C. (gaming to be specific).

    Yep, if you are retarded with Computers, then do not get a PC. I’ve never had any problems on my computer that I couldn’t EASILY fix in no time. But with Macs, it’s a complete pain in the ass.

  1736. Okay says:

    Macs are better for music and editing, but there are a lot of games that you cant play on them. PC is better for working, and games. personally i use Pc because i like my games. so its not a battle of better vs worse is a personal preference, although most people will use pc in the end simply because they are familiar with it.

  1737. Redline says:

    What XP only programs do you use?
    The same programs that were available for tiger (at least that I know are used) are updated and available for Lion
    Mac vs PC price for price I don’t think will be twice as good. There will be a large gap but thats mainly development costs for Apple. If they licensed OS X there would be pros and cons but I won’t get into that because its not the way it is right now.
    Microsoft is on the top 10 for customer support and Apple isn’t??? What list is this??? thats laptop mag. Which Ive heard is pretty objective

  1738. Steve says:

    Not to mention Microsoft is on the top 10 list for customer support. And apple didn’t make the list. Microsoft one of the few software companies that will take returns if you don’t like their product. Usually software, music, and especially video game companies won’t take returns.

  1739. RAWR! says:

    Some programs that where made for Windows XP only or programs that people prefer the older version to, will still work on 7.

    Another perk to having a Windows OS is the support you get from Microsoft.
    Apple abandons their old OS’s while Microsoft still gives support and updates to XP users which is a 10 year old OS.

    And most windows Vista and windows 7 programs work for XP. Unless they require dx10/11.

    Software is a mater of opinion. How well one program works for you is your opinion, someone might have a different program that works for them. That’s why I never brought up the quality of any program. so opinion’s wouldn’t matter.

    If you like apple’s software better you can run the same programs on Windows, or at the very least carbon copies.

    I meant to say A Mac vs PC with the same spec’s, PC will always be cheaper.
    But with that said for the same price you can make a PC that has almost 2 times better hardware.

  1740. Redline says:

    *a SSD grammar, argh

  1741. Redline says:

    What do you mean a PC with the same specs as a mac will be better than the mac?
    Backwards compatibility- Well what programs do you run that require backwards compatibility? Apple automatically updates their programs to the newest version. I installed iWork09 on my MacBook Pro running Lion and it automatically upgraded to iWork11 for free. So could you show me examples where that would be useful?
    Most of the software I have had on my PC has been in my opinion inferior to Mac software, I prefer quality over quantity. And if there is a great windows program I usually find that there is a Mac version. Microsoft Exchange vs iLife is a good example of packaged software where I prefer Apples version.
    Well as far as upgrades you’re right, Macs usually only have RAM, HDD/SSD upgrades but those are the only things I would want to upgrade and Im sure most consumers would agree. If you’re into hardcore tinkering I’m sure you could find a way to upgrade the processor. If I’m not mistaken any intel processor will work on a Mac board, but I could be wrong. So processor upgrades etc. GPUs I give to PCs yes. But I really don’t need to do any of those upgrades. More RAM and an SSD are what Im aiming for when I have the spare cash.
    Ad’s: Well thats more against the company than the product, yeah Apples ads were rude. I haven’t seen that as of late but I’m sure that has a lot to do with Stevie J and Billy G’s rivalry.

  1742. RAWR! says:

    Any Mac vs a PC of the same spec’s PC will be better and in most cases cheaper.

    As for the OS that is more a matter of opinion.

    But here are some examples of how Windows is a more practical OS

    Backwards compatibility:
    Windows 7 can run programs from all previous OS up till Windows 95.
    OS X has little to no backwards compatibility.

    Most software works on Windows 7 Windows has a incredibly huge
    library of software and new programs come out almost everyday.
    OS X only has Software that was made for OS X.

    All hardware works for Windows 7
    OS X only works with the hardware it is built with. With the exception of most HDD’s, RAM,
    And SSD’s

    Windows only shows the finer points of their OS
    Apple is constantly slandering Windows, on Apples website they claim to own the worlds most advance OS.

    I remember seeing a Apple ad in a magazine which was advertising Cheetah and they proceeded to say “Apples new OS X Cheetah will give windows a run for their money.”
    Apple started this “PC vs Mac War” with their ad’s.

  1743. Redline says:

    Im defending that Macs do not in fact suck. Better than PC’s is a really general stance, better than what pc? All pcs? well what OS are they running, what are the features? I don’t know. If we are comparing operating systems it gets harder, yes OS X can only legally (and stably ((without a lot of effort that is)) be put on Apple computers. Regardless I personally prefer OS X by a solid head, maybe not shoulders though. Anyway specs per specs macs are roughly $300 overpriced that is the SAME parts. Yes Dell has had some issues with good specs but unreliable parts so thats why I say part for part macs don’t suck. Thats was a bit muddled but I think you should get the idea.

  1744. RAWR! says:

    ” I have a summer job discredit my stance”
    I would also like to know what your stance is, you yourself said your are not arguing to prove that Mac is better. So why are you here? Just to argue?

    I’m trying to prove that PC’s are better, they are better priced, they have a larger selection, they have many manufactures, they can do everything a Mac can and more.

  1745. Redline says:

    Rawr: Yep I understand. I meant with the stuff that steve was saying how “you’ve made it obvious you don’t know anything about computers” Which you said as well. Thats a bit overdone if I do say so. My bad I’m not up to speed on motherboard ports and SATA, eSATA, etc. The parts of computers I interact with on a day to day basis are graphics cards, i/o ports, displays, processors, hard drives. Things like that. No Im not a geek squad employee, and steve, look you said “don’t know about zunes don’t say anything at all” thats what I mean when I said don’t tell me what to do, yes I overreacted and was rude, I apologize (its finals next week, I’m a bit stressed but still feel like posting on here)

    Stee: Now when you say zune service is cheaper, cheaper than what? ITunes, you don’t have to use iTunes and no one that I know does.
    also “REDLINE comes off as if it isn’t double digit market share don’t buy it. That’s a horrible way to decide on making a purchase.” So does mac market share factor into purchasing? You seem to think that it does, as with iPods there are more accessories available, also third party music vendors are available for any MP3 player so thats why I prefer iPods.

    Rawr: when i said macs and pcs are made for different purposes I meant that macs are more for audio, film editing, and productivity (Its hard to get sidetracked on a mac, or at least harder than on a pc for me) PCs are made for more of the general consumer market and gaming. Not necessarily just those purposes but their design, build, and essence are geared towards those respective markets.

  1746. RAWR! says:

    “Again, that doesn’t disprove what I said”

    And what are we talking about here? You said allot of things and contradicted yourself a few times, so I’m not sure what this comment is referring to.

    Not trying to be a smart ass by the way, that is a legitimate question.

  1747. Redline says:

    My bad Steve I meant to say, does the fact that I have a summer job discredit my stance and if so how? -fixed it :D

  1748. Redline says:

    Again, that doesn’t disprove what I said, yet another logical fallacy.This time its “appeal to authority”. Ok you have a professional job, that doesn’t disprove what I said.
    Okay: Well, thats subjective, honestly if you’re just browsing the web I would suggest a tablet. But people can spend their money however they like, whether one item is better than another isn’t based on price; that would be whether one item presents a better value or not.
    Steve: So had I not said I have a summer job does that discredit my stance, and if so how?
    Rawr; go ahead thats your choice.

  1749. Okay says:

    Nothing really special on the mac beside’s doing film editing, or music.

    If not then of what i had seen they just wanna be cool and stay on facebook.

    That is what i had seen on there mac’s. But is it really worth spending that

    money to buy a mac?

    Not really that worth the money to buy a mac if you’re not into Audio. If you’re into just browsing the web. Get a netbook or a notebook.

  1750. Okay says:

    just saw people on there mac’s just to be cool on facebook.

  1751. RAWR! says:

    STEVE that’s like asking a child if they like celery or chocolate more.
    I would obviously side with you.

  1752. Steve says:

    RAWR and I have personal and professional experience on all these common issues with mac. Yet, REDLINE is still in school and has a summer job. Who would you trust?

  1753. Steve says:

    @RAWR. And there is nothing wrong with that. REDLINE comes off as if it isn’t double digit market share don’t buy it. That’s a horrible way to decide on making a purchase.

  1754. RAWR! says:

    As far as music is concerned I use a cheap 5gb mp3 player no point in paying so much for something I’m only gonna listen to music on.

  1755. Steve says:

    REDLINE SAID: “About the zune stuff, don’t tell me what to do a*****e”

    When did I ever tell you what to do? I was giving you information on why I thought Zune was better. I never once told you to use it or to switch services.

  1756. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. I have nothing else to say. I’ve been giving you valid and accurate information. You keep coming back with invalid and inconsistent information. Anyways, liking Zune or ipod as a device is a matter of personal preference. But Zune service is cheaper. That’s a fact.

  1757. RAWR! says:

    REDLINE said:”secondly macs are high end computers” “macs aren’t for gaming so graphics cards are meh”
    So what I said was related. And how is it arrogant? It is a fact not a assumption.
    And you already made it painfully obvious you don’t know much about PC’s in general.
    PC’s and Mac’s are made for a different purposes? PC = personal Computer it is what ever you want it to be. Mac’s only have the software Apple LETS you have the hardware Apple LETS you have, Sounds allot like a dictator to me.

    If you aren’t here defending Mac or trying to prove they are better then why are you here?

    REDLINE said: “again ASSUMPTIONS get you no where.” “you seem to think all macs suck with very little experience of a mac.”

    I have been repairing Mac’s scene Macintosh (the big blue box) was their only desktop. I am not a expert on Mac’s and PC’s but I know more then the average person. I am a geek squad employee. It is my job to know.

  1758. Redline says:

    And you attacking me and not my arguments also makes me believe you’re immature, ever hear of ad hominem? Im 19 by the way, and I would say that I’m intermediate in computers this being my first year in college where I’ve taken CIS/CIT courses. Secondly, how does that disprove what Ive said?

  1759. Steve says:

    And since you had to save up from a summer job also makes me believe you’re a child. Regardless if I’m right you’re still acting like a child. You have no experience or knowledge with any type of computer. PC or mac. You only know the basics and its showing.

  1760. Redline says:

    Name calling? Excuse me, you have called me a spoiled 15 year old hypocrite. You no longer have any credibility, also the fact that you respond by contradicting yourself makes you look very childish.
    And again, YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY FROM ITUNES. I can sync my iPHone with any music I want. Your argument is not valid.

  1761. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. Once the debate goes to name calling that usually means you cannot come up with any legitimate answers. It also makes you look very childish.

    If you would’ve read my posts you would see why Zune is better. The music is a hell of a lot cheaper and you can’t get the Zune service with a mac.

  1762. Redline says:

    Zunes and iPods are comparatively priced, but I think the iPod does it much better on both macs and PCs so that why I don’t know why you’d use a zune.

  1763. Redline says:

    never said rich people only buy macs now did i? What I said was “If you buy a mac you can PROBABLY afford the peripherals.” I know about hackintoshes, had one, didn’t like it. About the zune stuff, don’t tell me what to do a*****e. RAWR! apple has a monopoly, pretty much anti communist. And you assuming what I do and don’t know is arrogant, Im not trying to prove Macs are better, have I ever said Macs are better? No I haven’t, in fact macs and PC’s are made for different purposes, you seem to think all macs suck with very little experience of a mac. Also “You need a High end comp to play some of the newest games, if Mac’s aren’t for gaming then they cant be high end too” thats unrelated and arrogant.
    Steve: no I saved up from a summer job and bought my mac, again ASSUMPTIONS get you no where. I assume that you are an angry old man. Is this true? Also, yes typical VAIO buyers are not poor. TYPICAL buyers, exceptions are not the rule.

  1764. Steve says:

    REDLINE SAID: “they have a single digit market share so no one else I know uses them and I really don’t know why you’d use a Zune.”

    I could say the same thing and ask you why would anyone use a mac because they have a single digit market share in the computer world. Again, look it up and do research. I don’t like a mac for many reasons, but unpopular is not one of them. Not liking a product because it is unpopular shows right there you only use macs because of the commercials.

  1765. Steve says:

    I was about to say isn’t it arrogant to think that only rich people buy macs? I guess only rich people buy Sony Vaios as well.

  1766. RAWR! says:

    And do you know the meaning of arrogance?
    an attitude of superiority manifested in presumptuous claims or assumptions
    We are in no way being arrogant.
    It is you who are being arrogant you know little about PC’s and windows but you are trying to prove Mac is better.

  1767. Steve says:

    Hense the name hackintosh.

  1768. RAWR! says:

    See Communist company. Microsoft lets me use their OS on what ever machine I want. While apple will only let me use it on THEIR products.

    And your right you cant legally run Mac OS on a PC. You know why? Because most hardware don’t support Mac’s so you have to hack the OS for it to run on a PC.

  1769. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. PC machines these days can dual boot Windows, Mac, and Linux operation systems. Where are you getting your facts?

  1770. Steve says:

    REDLINE SAID: “About the Zune crap I don’t know a whole lot about them”

    If you don’t know a whole lot about them then don’t say anything at all.

  1771. Steve says:

    What I dont get are the mac users that say “if you buy a mac you can probably afford any peripheral you want”. You sound like a spoiled 15 year old. I know people that barely make it every month and they own a mac. Sony Vaio laptops can be just as much as macs .. but you get more out of it hardware wise. apple users sound like spoiled kids.

  1772. Redline says:

    Bootcamp is stupid? That’s not an argument. And Steve I never said I didn’t know anything about zunes, again I don’t research off apple commercials, another assumption you make. Rawr windows can’t legally run os x but macs can run any os yet again not “stupid”. Arrogance doesn’t suit either of you.

  1773. RAWR! says:

    Windows can run multiple OS’s as well ever hear of virtualmachine?
    You can also dual boot on a PC.

    How can you even attempt to argue the points of a Mac when you obviously know nothing about PC’s and windows.

  1774. Steve says:

    And if you don’t know anything about Zune don’t post about it and do research. You have no credibility. You say things based off apple commercials and apple sales people from the mac store. Do research before you post.

  1775. RAWR! says:

    Using bootcamp to run windows is just stupid and proves that Mac is useless.
    If you are trying to prove Mac is better then you should never mention bootcamp.

  1776. Redline says:


  1777. Redline says:

    Ummm, first of all, the fact that macs can run both os’s is an advantage. Secondly you don’t had to buy from iTunes. You’re just a Mac hater and want to argue.

  1778. RAWR! says:

    Laptops hardware are no where near as good as a desktops, and the Mac desktop’s and nearly 3 times the price as a PC, and PC’s have better hardware.
    You have no argument.

  1779. Steve says:

    I own a Zune HD, but I stopped using it when I got my Windows Phone 7 (because Zune is built in). People use Zune because the music isn’t a rip off. Its $10.00 a month for unlimited music. What is it on the itunes? You pay $.99 per song. I have over 10,000 songs. Thats nearly $10,000 I won’t spend with itunes.

    Bootcamp? Are you kidding me? If you really need to use bootcamp why not save the money and get a PC? You’re just a PC wannabe and basically want to argue to argue.

  1780. Redline says:

    Ever hear of bootcamp? Or parallels?

  1781. RAWR! says:

    How can Mac’s be high end, but not for gaming?
    You need a High end comp to play some of the newest games, if Mac’s aren’t for gaming then they cant be high end too.

    You have no idea what you are talking about, and you have no experience.

  1782. Steve says:

    Try updating firmware on majority of Linksys routers, access points, powerline adapters, gaming adapters, and the list goes on. You can’t do that on a mac. You need Windows XP or up. I constantly update firmware for customers because there isn’t any software for mac. Not to mention a lot of the Linksys gaming adapters you need a PC just to set the thing up … which is another returned item I have to deal with.

  1783. Redline says:

    Steve: I have a Logitech pc keyboard and use it with my Mac regularly, secondly macs are high end computers so people with macs can usually afford high end peripherals. I don’t care how many returns you get, those people didn’t know what they were doing. About the Zune crap I don’t know a whole lot about them, my friend syncs his Zune with his Mac, they have a single digit market share so no one else I know uses them and I really don’t know why you’d use a Zune. Again if you buy a Mac you can probably afford any peripheral you want. You are making unfounded assumptions you angry person. Rawr- macs aren’t for gaming so graphics cards are meh, you’re right.

  1784. Steve says:

    REDLINE WROTE: “As for hard drives, you have to make sure its hardware compatible with any computer.” Okay, you obviously know absolutely nothing about computers. You lost all credibility. Since when did a PC user ever have to make sure a hard drive is compatible with his system? Unless you have a 10 year old computer with IDE ports than yes, you will have to make sure the hard drive uses IDE and not SATA. But thats not even a software issue .. thats a hardware issue. Windows XP has drivers for SATA hard drives.

  1785. RAWR! says:

    Only drivers I see on Nividia’s site, are for:
    Windows XP
    Windows Vista
    Windows 7
    Windows Sever

    Only drivers for Mac are for their notebooks(stupid name for a laptop) and those cards are have to be built FOR Mac. Not only is Apple selling their products at high prices, limiting what uses can do on those products, they are also making it harder for other company’s to do their job’s.

    If anything the only reason Apple is still in business is because the 3rd party company’s don’t want to abandon Mac users.

  1786. RAWR! says:

    ALL graphics cards are PC only, not one card I can find on tigerdirect or newegg, or even on Nvidia’s and AMD/ATI’s official sites. Hell they don’t even have drivers for Mac.
    Only way you are gonna get Nvidia or AMD/ATI card in your Mac is if it was there already.

    SLI for Mac is really basic and only works with some Mid-end cards.
    Crossfire doesn’t work for Mac at all and the Radon HD 6990 and other dual
    GPU cards wont work on Mac ether.

  1787. RAWR! says:

    Yes for hard drives and other internal hardware you have to see if its compatible with the rest of your hardware but with PC’s its never a issue to see if it works for your OS.
    Most hardware works for XP and all hardware works for win7.

  1788. Steve says:

    Most Logitech keyboards are made for PC and they have to make a special version for mac. Go on Amazon and see. There is always a “Mac Edition”. Never heard of a “PC Edition” keyboard. I sell a lot of keyboards and that’s a common issue with mac users.

  1789. Steve says:

    And you cannot use Zune software with mac. You need the Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac and only unprotected (non-DRM) media files can be synced between your Mac and your Windows Phone or Zune HD. Which means you cant even download music through Zune software and use a mac to sync the music.

  1790. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. You’re going off absolutely no experience. I own a computer retail store and the majority of returns are from mac users saying its not compatible with their system. You have no idea what you’re talking about. There are so many different brands to choose from. And a lot of people can’t afford the high end stuff. You’re living in a dream world.

  1791. Redline says:

    Pretty much any Bluetooth enabled mice or keboards are Mac compatible. Cellphones, well any smartphone is Mac compatible and Mac users will probably have iPods or zunes as their mo3 players so not really an issue there either. As for hard drives, you have to make sure its hardware compatible with any computer. I haven’t bought any apple made peripherals, all of mine are 3rd party and it wasn’t hard at all to find affordably priced items. Mac market share is far bigger than it used to be so peripherals are no longer an issue.

  1792. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Exactly. I call apple the nazi company.

  1793. RAWR! says:

    The only way you can make sure all your stuff is compatible with with Mac it to make sure that Apple makes it. Meaning if you own a mac you better be prepared to buy most of your stuff from Apple only. That is why I call Apple a Communist company its their way or the highway.

    Apple = A Box
    Windows = A bigger box, with a door.
    Linux = The world.

  1794. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. I hope you realize that the camcorder was ONE example. Camcorder, Camera, GPS, Cell phones, MP3 Players, Hard drives, Keyboards, Mice … the list goes on and on. Saying anyone uses any computer for one (facebook) thing is a far stretch. Everyone owns some type of consumer electronic and chances are it isn’t compatible with mac.

  1795. Redline says:

    Also if a Mac user just wanted to be on Facebook then they wouldn’t have to worry about camera compatibility at all.

  1796. Redline says:

    In which case it would be the person using it and not the Product that’s at fault

  1797. Tim says:

    Or if they not doing filming editing, or a music person.

    And even though they use a mac but not doing these stuffs, they just wanted to be cool and stay on facebook. with there iphones around it

  1798. SourLime says:

    Light your money on fire to keep yourself warm, use it to keep rocks safe, go to a strip club, give kids paper cuts, turn it into paper planes and aim for peoples eyes, use it as shoes, underwear all other clothing, swim in it, use it for toilet paper, feed it to your unicorn, send ransom notes with it, or you could buy a Apple product.

    Waste your money how ever you want, and if someone says why? Tell them because I can. I live in America I am free to chose, even if my choice doesn’t benefit me, it was my choice and you have no right to tell me it was wrong.
    Was it smart? probably not. Can you call me an idiot? Why yes you can. Do I care what you think? No. No I don’t.

  1799. SourLime says:

    You know that money in your pocket? You can waste it how ever you want, make a suit out of it, do whatever, exchange your life savings for penny’s, buy a house you will never live in, ball it up and throw it at a hobo yelling at him that he stole your cheese burger.

  1800. Redline says:

    No I cannot deny this, but I do hope that if someone is spending over $1,000 on a computer that they will know how to use it and what will and won’t work with it. Macs are aimed at the high-end of the tech market. So yes, buying peripherals is a little bit harder but most of the peripherals that a Mac user will be looking for should be on the high-end side so most (not all but most) should work with a Mac.

  1801. Steve says:

    @REDLINE. If a regular person that isn’t very tech-savvy buys a digital camcorder and can’t connect it to his mac that’s a huge issue. You can buy ANY camcorder and it will be compatible with a PC. You can’t do that without looking at the package first with a mac. The point is most consumers are not tech-savvy and if they own a mac they will run into so many problems when it comes to compatibility with their other electronics. You can’t deny that.

  1802. Redline says:

    “Worth buying” is subjective. Even if I’m not editing films I would have a Mac. I have really bad ADD and OS X is much better for multitasking and not distracting me IMO.

  1803. Tim says:

    Film industry, Or a music person. Go for mac if not. Then is not really worth buying. That was my point of view.

  1804. Redline says:

    I think voldemort is typing this from his phone… anyway,
    Steve- A lot of the high end camcorders are compatible with mac- remember OS X is the film industry standard. So anyone who has a mac and needs a camcorder is probably looking at high end camcorders anyway. Still doesn’t prove macs suck.
    Jimmy: Im sorry dude, but now that macs are on intel they will become obsolete at the same pace as any PC.

  1805. SourLime says:

    You know what sucks!? This site only way to go to old pages is to add comment-page-XX/ X being the page number add page options you jerk!

    This is page 18 btw.

  1806. NIKE says:

    I never get a virus on my pc only idiots gets a virus.

  1807. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed says:

    There is preferences that you can set so clicking on the right side makes a right click, also, because is uses UNIX it is compatible with alot of Linux stuff, such as wine which make it so it runs most windows operations in mac. now lets get one the price and apple having a monopoly on mac, first if you know about computers then you would know alot of company’s use computers that have high spec’s but use cheaper and less reliable parts, alot of ppl hate dell because of that, if apple keeps the work within its own company it is more likely that you would never have to worry about the computers having huge differences. now sure mac dose freeze and we get viruses but just the way windows sets up its library its extremely prone to viruses spreading. now gaming, for the longest time i used wine and it ran alot smoother then my PC would running the same games, now i have a partition and it runs extremely smooth(o yeah i love how windows when you want to get the driver for your Ethernet it gives you a weblink lol) all in all its your chose at the end you can make mac do anything window’s dose if you just dig around.

  1808. jimmy says:

    i spent 3000 bucks on a mac powerbook g4 and 5 years later its a pc that isnt compatible with anything.
    i hate you macintosh

    woops its so slow that I had to hit the button so tyhat little annoying wheel would stop rolling!!!!


  1809. Steve says:

    I just got home from Costco and so many of the camcorders and cameras I looked at were NOT compatible with macs. Pretty hilarious. Not only do you have to look on every box for computer hardware to make sure its compatible with a mac, but you have to do that even with consumer electronics. I know a guy who returned a GPS because you couldn’t update the maps on a mac.

  1810. jimmy says:

    i spent 3000 bucks on a mac powerbook g4 and 5 years later its a pc that isnt compatible with anything.
    i hate you macintosh

  1811. Lunaix says:

    Lol, going on my favs

  1812. Redline says:

    Im with sourlime. You have freedom of choice. And with PC’s sure you have more choice (personally I like Apple) but there is a reason for Apples pricing outside of profit and Sourlime summed that up nicely.

  1813. SourLime says:

    But that is also one of the reasons I don’t like Apple you don’t have as much freedoms as you do with PC’s.

  1814. SourLime says:

    Windows is for people who want to be in control of all aspects of there OS (with some limitations although those can be bypassed)

    Mac OS is for people who just want to get on their computer do what they need to do and get off without having to worry about all the technol stuff.

    Also for hardcore gamers Windows is a must, not sure about Linux all I know about Linux is hearsay

    As for everything else like software how well it works for you is all about preference if apple software works better for you then that’s YOU some other program might be easier for someone else to use.

    As far as hardware is concerned PC has a better selection and better price’s

    And like Tucansam said apple makes there products in house(Not all the internal hardware) so that’s why they have a bigger price, it cost apple more then other company’s to make there comps.
    For most other company’s they are really only making the case and in some cases the motherboard then ordering the other parts from their respected company’s.

  1815. TucanSam says:

    Yes Steve I suppose it would be two-fingering. I think the technical term is option clicking. Mine two-fingered out of the box heh-heh

  1816. Steve says:

    Unless you program the mouse to right-click on a mac its not true right-clicking. Out of the box unless its a mac branded mouse the mouse won’t right-click using the right button. Make sense? I’m glad this is cleared up. Thank you.

  1817. Steve says:

    @QWER. We’ve already been through this. There is no “right-click” with a mac without taking further steps. apple overcomplicates everything. They make you program the mouse first in order to right-click. Its not right-click out of the box unless you buy their branded mouse (nazi). Can you imagine a non-techy person trying to figure this out without going to the apple store first? And TOUCAN over there is using the 2 finger option to “right-click”. Using 2 fingers isn’t right-clicking. How did right-clicking become a saying and not an actual action? If I hit the right-click button on my mouse that would be considered right-clicking. So on a mac would it be called 2 fingering? Sounds sexy.

  1818. Redline says:

    I don’t think he’s a fanboy, I think he’s just slightly irrational. TucanSam never mentioned anything about windows sucking. I use Windows 7 on my PC and its not bad but I prefer OS X especially for work.

  1819. NIKE says:

    Well both PC and Mac is great. But the fanboy sucks.

    Like Tucansum.

    For example.

  1820. Redline says:

    *triple the cost of components, my bad.

  1821. Redline says:

    Triple what a mac costs Walk? Bullshit. Anyway I have a MacbookPro and I couldn’t be happier, sure I paid more than what the components are worth but that covers Apples development costs. My sister’s teachers son (yeah I know) works for Apple in california doing case development. He showed me that Apple makes $320 off of the 15″ MacbookPro. More than PC companies yes, but then again most of their software, their OS (Linux and MS) are developed by other companies so that is no cost to them.

    PC’s are a better value for the money but the argument is do macs suck? In my opinion, hell no. Are PC’s better? Thats subjective. Truth is you’re all fanboys, were all fanboys. Ive yet to see a real argument against “Why macs suck”

  1822. walk says:

    Oh, by the way, my PC is faster than the mac, and only cost £700, including a £120 monitor. You mention looks – my PC looks great thanks, but if you’re SERIOUSLY choosing your computer based on how it looks, you’re a freakin’ moron. Enjoy spending triple what your components are worth for a highly restrictive operating system, hope that works out well for you. Meanwhile, instead of a mac, I bought a PC which is 100% customisable, repairable, and mine… and then an automobile with the change I wouldn’t have had if I’d bought a macbook.

  1823. tom says:

    A fanboy is any person who is the unthinking pawn of a major label/brand. A fanboy is just about the most annoying creature on earth, particularly in the heated debate of Mac vs. PC or in the realm of politics. They tend to be really irrational, and unwilling to look at both sides of the debate: repeating things by rote and being completely partisan. Also, the typical fanboy is totally uninformed and biased to a precedent, hence the repetition of rote sayings or facts/myths

  1824. tom says:

    Windows User: “Windows has a wide selection of software and games, and a huge developer community.”


    Windows User: “My OS hasn’t crashed since I had Windows ME. And AVG is a free program that keeps my computer secure.”

    Apple Fanboy: “BUT WINDOZE SUXX!”

    Windows User: “Would you care to tell me about your Mac? I hear it doesn’t have many tools for software developers, which are important for my work.”

    Apple Fanboy: “lolololol but windows sucks!!!11”

    Windows User: “Did you know that a great amout of Apple software is made with Microsoft Visual C++?”

    Apple Fanboy: “omg wtf is C++?”

  1825. qwer says:

    A debate that ends up pissing off either windows or mac fanboys. Also one of the most ridiculous, often childish debates to ever encounter. It’s a fucking computer, use what you will, and shut the f**k up.

  1826. Nike says:

    I have a mac and i still hate mac fanboys;

    Yes OS X is a great operating system, but windows isn’t so bad either. Seriously, a system that can run on almost any computer on the planet, what’s not great about that?

  1827. Nike says:

    I use use both PC and Mac’s.

    PC: Well i like pc’s just cuz it has good performance. I do my work and play my games.

    Mac: Mac’s are good for audio’ing. Im a audio music person and that’s a different story to buy a mac. If not then is not really worth buying a mac.

    But If you’re not a filming , act, or a music person. Is not really worth it to buy a mac.

    Fanboys are the worst. They’re just annoying as fck.

  1828. Tim says:

    Has apple make any new computers yet? Still the same old stuffs.

  1829. semen says:

    pc’s the best.

    choice of manufacturers, styles, prices. i can walk down the budget aisle or high-end aisle and not hang around the wrong mac aisle with just 4 models on display to choose. life is more interesting with choice.

    long shelf life – look at firefox/opera windows 2000 still supported. look how quickly tiger and ppc are ditched even by 3rd party developers. compounding to the problem, apple has tendercies to flip-flop architectures. talk’s in the way to switch to arm processors in future macs. dicthed rosetta, back to rosetta, ditch rosetta… you get my drift.

    hd video editing, multimedia playback, games are all done with gpus these days. say a new driver version broke a game but fixes standby problems. when i wanna finish the game, i can install previous version even when i update my system with a little compromised stability. when driver are delivered and served to you by an overcontrolling company, you dont have a choice but to shelfed your game. such is why choice is good.

    best of all, i dont have to subscribe to future envisioned by steve where everybody is using touch screen. i dont like finger smudges on a giant screen, let alone a glossy one. there will be people who like custom cars and computers. people who need to harness latest cpus and gpus and not wait for the slow refresh of mac product lines.
    sorry, apple is not in their future.

  1830. tyukell says:

    none of this is fucking true,there is a right click there is no virus and its better than fucking pcs.there are customizable and are faster than pcs

  1831. TucanSam says:

    Rawr!: You’ve been plenty disrespectful to me so I really don’t care, Im bored
    LOLOL: Said by a microsoft fanboy, remember Ive not once hated on PC’s
    ROFLMAO: I meant to say clothing smartass
    OKAY: Again, I never said macs are immune to viruses. And you can do the same things with both operating systems (I don’t care about video games so thats not an argument for me) Macs do them better. And yes Palm had touch phones Xerox had the GUI (which they SOLD to Apple), Zenith had the mouse, but they all sucked really bad. Now the things you mentioned are inventions not innovations. Here is websters definition of innovate “Make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.” So by definition Apple is innovative. Congrats.

  1832. RAWR! says:

    Nicely said.

  1833. Steve says:

    @OKAY. Wow you sound like a copy of me. Creepy..

  1834. Okay says:

    Apples don’t play well with the rest of the world. If you are planning on using it to access servers on your school network, you’ll find it is a lot more work to do it with an apple computer.

    Apples are also in no way immune to virii. There aren’t as many virii (notice “as many” does not mean “none”) out there that affect apple computers simply because nobody cares. If you’re a thief and you can rob a large bank that has 100 million dollars inside or a small bank with 100 thousand dollars inside, which one will you pick? The only safety you get from an apple regarding virri is the fact that you’re small potatos. You can see the below link for more about apple virii and security. That said, if you listen to these people that say you don’t need a virus scanner on an apple computer, you’re asking for trouble.
    There’s not a single thing you can do on a macbook that you can’t do on a PC. The reverse is not true.
    People have a tendency to think Apple is innovative, but its not true. Apple just makes things pretty and then doubles the price. That is why they scrapped their OS in favor of UNIX, and their hardware in favor of Intel chips. Everything that they sell now was taken from the PC world. Their original GUI was stolen from Xerox, the mouse was stolen from Zenith(the TV company). Palm has been using touch screens on phones for years. Apple is not innovative, they just take other people’s idea’s, pretty them up a bit and then throw them into the marketing machine and make them popular.
    Apple does have good customer service. I will give them that.

  1835. roflmao says:

    “Oh, and cars and stores are both consumer products”
    I didn’t know you could buy stores where do you go to do that? =)

  1836. LOLOLOL says:

    That is why fanboys suck

  1837. RAWR! says:

    i dont need you to correct my spelling or grammer i no longer acknowledge you as an opponent so i dont need to give you that respect

  1838. new guy says:


    Your in a corner with no way out. Be smart and just leave, but its apparent you make bad choices.

  1839. RAWR! says:

    Nice to see you so hurt when you lost. Lashing out at us like this saying random s**t that has nothing to do with apple or computers, saying one thing then contradicting yourself. Ahhh the signs of victory.

  1840. TucanSam says:

    you’re still an ass, good job.

  1841. TucanSam says:

    no problem

  1842. Steve says:

    @TUCANSAM. You made this entire debate a joke. Good job.

  1843. TucanSam says:

    Oh, and cars and stores are both consumer products, and Im saying you pay for what you get. Do you have any idea why apple products, ferrari cars, and armani suits are so expensive? Because 1- brand name, 2- all of the design is done in house. With pcs the OS and software are developed by microsoft so PC companies don’t have to pay for that.

  1844. TucanSam says:

    1st. You’re, medals, manufacturer
    2nd. I travel, a backlit keyboard is invaluable
    3rd. This is the internet and the last time i checked free speech is allowed.
    4th. If I’m out of illegitimate comments then I’m perfectly fine with that.
    5th. I will ride my unicorn off into the sunset, I think Ill name him Rainbow Dash

  1845. RAWR! says:

    made* >.>

  1846. RAWR! says:

    Well your done here you maid it painfully obvious you are out of illegitimate comebacks, so go and ride your unicorn off into the sunset.

  1847. RAWR! says:

    The monitor, keyboard, and other external parts quality depend on the manufacture, you seem to think there is only one big company called PC that makes all the parts for PC’s, and they only seem to make PC hardware. Well their is some awesome cases out there and all that other stuff you said.

    Wow they put a light in a keyboard… Oh my god they should be given metals this is so revolutionary they are hero’s.
    I can see my keyboard just fine and you shouldn’t even be using a computer in the dark and even so the monitor gives off enough light so I can see my key’s even tho I don’t need to look at my keyboard to use it.

    Car’s or stores have nothing to do with this argument, so it is you whose doing the dodging here.

    P.S. As I said before Laptops are a waste of money in general, you should only get one if you ABSOLUTELY need one. Only a fool would get one for basic use.

  1848. TucanSam says:

    1. you’re welcome
    2. Thats the first time you’ve said it directly
    3. I have no idea what you mean, don’t you believe in unicorns?

  1849. RAWR! says:

    1. Thanks for the complements.
    2. This is the first time I said “you’re just running out of defenses”, and you starting from square one proves that you did tun out.
    3. Sou you picked unicorns? Do you always chose the lie?

  1850. TucanSam says:

    I do enjoy arguing especially for the underdog.
    So lets go from square 1
    PC’s are instantly better than Macs because the graphics cards are better (on high end PC’s) and you can buy more hard drive space and a higher frequency processor for roughly 20% less money
    So, you obviously dont care about trackpad responsiveness, screen quality, keyboard quality, case quality, or the niceties of OS X; as well as little amenities such as the magsafe cord, a backlit keyboard (which apple invented), a battery indicator, and innovative ports like thunderbolt, which although peripherals may not be readily available (as was the case with USB in its introduction) thunderbolt will be useful in a few months.

    Secondly you dodged my car comparison with “you’re just running out of defenses” like you always do. and your comparison doesn’t follow suit. Ponys and unicorns are totally different (i pick unicorn if you must know).
    And my question wasn’t bs, otherwise you would have readily come up with some smart retort like usual. You know its true; its a great metaphor, like Audi or Toyota, both vehicles do the same thing, its just one charges a premium and offers a better driver experience. Or if you don’t like cars, Armani or Wal-Mart clothing? Both do the same thing, Armani is nicer.

  1851. Steve says:

    I was thinking the same thing. Which is why I didn’t answer his bs question.

  1852. RAWR! says:

    Are you running out of defenses on Apple so your gonna bring cars into this?
    Well then let me follow suit, what do you think is better pony’s or unicorn’s?

  1853. hummus says:

    All the evidence is in your previous comments, if you cant see that then you don’t even know where you stand, you must be arguing for the sake of argument.

  1854. TucanSam says:

    I see what you did there. What I’m saying is a laptop is more than the cost of its parts. The Corvette will outperform an Aston martin in every conceivable category. But is it better? I think not, the Aston is just better to drive. Kind of like another comparison. ;)

  1855. Steve says:

    @TUCAN. Fisher-Price Laughtop or Macbook?

  1856. LOLOLOL says:

    Do some research?

  1857. Steve says:

    @HUMMUS. I said this before, but the majority of returns at my company are mac users saying the hardware doesn’t work with their system. I’ve even had mac users return apple branded routers because the software that came with it crashed their system. Funny.

  1858. TucanSam says:

    Lololol: again, where do you get 320m from? Mine has a radeon and again quad core i7 750gb hdd for 1350 (15″ MacBook pro) so not a terrible deal. It’s a 2011 model, refurbd is the way to go.
    Hummus: you insult me with no evidence to back it up. So I’m going ignore that comment
    Steve: thanks for an intelligent comment, and I’m gonna ask again vette or Aston?

  1859. Steve says:

    @LOLOLOL. I use Adobe Premiere and occasionally Sony Vegas on my PC and it works great. There’s really no valid reason to buy a mac. Unless you really like that Fisher-Price look of the OS X.

  1860. LOLOLOL says:

    Fanboys need to shut up sometimes, a computer is a computer not a religion.

  1861. LOLOLOL says:

    Depends on how much you prefer Leopard over Windows 7. You’re paying a very high price for the parts in the computer but if you really like their OS then by all means, go for it. If you’re gonna be playing games with it, it’s not gonna run the latest stuff very well with a nvidia 320M

    You are going into film potentially, then get a Mac. If you are not a design, film, art or music person you really don’t NEED a Mac.

    Not really worth the money.

  1862. hummus says:

    I am looking into building my own computer with the help of a friend, and most of the hardware is incompatible with Mac’s, or the manufacture doesn’t have the “Drivers” to support Mac’s

  1863. hummus says:

    You are the perfect example of a “isheep” you will follow apple to no end as they rob you in your sleep.
    How the UI is is a matter of opinion, but Windows is overall better then OS X and for one reason or another you wont admit that (not like you have to ether)and I’m not “tech savvy” enough so I cant explain it to you well. But it was much easier for me to use Windows then a Mac the tutorial at start up on Windows helps allot, and I think this is a regional thing but where I live Microsoft costumer support is much better then Apple’s.
    But even with my limited knowledge of computers even I can tell that PC’s hardware are much much better as well as better priced.

  1864. LOLOLOL says:

    Mac 13-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz dual-core
    Intel Core i5
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 500GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

  1865. LOLOLOL says:

    Mac 17-inch: 2.4 GHz

    * 2.4GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 750GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2
    # A$ 2,899.00

  1866. LOLOLOL says:

    mac book pro 15 inch:

    * 2.2GHz quad-core
    Intel Core i7
    * 4GB 1333MHz
    * 500GB 5400-rpm1
    * Intel HD Graphics 3000
    * AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    * Built-in battery (7 hours)2

    A$ 2,099.00

  1867. LOLOLOL says:

    Asus g73 jh specs are out to date? what are you talking about?. Asus g73 specs

    * 17.3-inch 1080p (1920×1080) display with LED backlighting
    * Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    * Intel Core i7-720QM processor (1.6GHz/2.8GHz Turbo Mode, 6MB L3 cache)
    * ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB GDDR5 graphics card
    * 8GB DDR3-1066 RAM
    * Two 500GB 7200RPM hard drives (Seagate Momentus 7200.4/ST9500420AS) (Non-RAID)
    * Atheros AR9285 802.11n Wireless LAN adapter
    * Built-in Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
    * 8X DVD Super Multi drive
    * 8-cell battery pack (14.8V, 5200mAh, 75Wh)
    * Weight: 8.5 pounds
    * Dimensions: 16.3” (W) x 12.6” (D) x 1.8” (H)
    * MSRP: $1,599

    apple still hasnt make new computers yet. There are tons of pc out there. And so many choices out there that is up to date.

  1868. Ben says:

    yeh thats true blue screens of death and viruses. Thats so 10 years ago.

    Now a days up until now . I never had a virus at all. Only idiots had a virus.

  1869. Ben says:

    try running bf3 without bootcamp .

  1870. Steve says:

    I’m not talking about you tucansam. I’m talking about the majority of isheep. Nearly every isheep I’ve talked to always brings up blue screens of death and viruses. That’s so 10 years ago.

  1871. TucanSam says:

    About battlefield thats a given. And when did I say anything about viruses? You’re the perfect example of an iHater. Tell me, Corvette ZR1 or Aston Martin DBS?

  1872. Steve says:

    @TUCAN. You mean you can run Battlefield 3 on a mac using bootcamp. No apple support there. No one makes games for mac until 6 months later at the very least.

  1873. TucanSam says:

    RAWR: Ive not had any problems with my iPhone 4, and Apple did give away free cases to remedy the”problem” (regardless I do think they should’ve had a recall just to shut everyone up about it, it was over exaggerated). And with the whole update deal, I meant about the OS features not the bugs. OF course no one gets it perfectly coded the first time. Especially apple but thats because they just let their developers filter out the kinks then release it to the consumers.
    Joshy: I can run battlefield 3 on full specs just fine thank you
    LOLOLOL: Your specs are way out of date derp, my laptop: 15″ quad-core intel i7, 750gb hard drive, amd radeon 6490m, etc. $1350, a little overpriced but then again most of Apples overpricing is because their stuff isn’t developed for them like HP, Asus etc.
    Doggydude: fair enough

  1874. Steve says:

    I forgot to mention I spent $29.99 on my Windows 7 Professional. Ever heard of a student discount? Everyone knows someone in college. Ask them to borrow their student email address and you’re set. It varies between $29.99 to $64.95. Depends on the month.

  1875. Steve says:

    @RAWR. Fantastic post. apple has over 1600 security vulnerabilities while Windows 7 has less than 200. Go on Google and you’ll see. I don’t feel like giving out a link because this site takes forever to OK a link. The reason people don’t get viruses on a mac is because no one gives a s**t about macs. I’ve asked several programmers why there aren’t a lot of viruses for the mac and they all tell me the same thing. Why would anyone make a virus for 4% of the market when they can go for 90%. Makes sense. And why would I want a computer that only takes up 4%? That means there is no software and no hardware support. There are tons of free software for PCs. I don’t get how mac people can say you spend more in the long wrong. I paid basically nothing for all the software on my PC. Where there is a paid version there is usually a legal freeware version somewhere else.

    Microsoft Security Essentials (Paid Version: Norton AntiVirus)
    VLC player (Paid Version: PowerDVD)
    FileZilla (Paid Version: CuteFTP)
    CCleaner (Paid Version: Registry Mechanic)

    …to name a few. The whole point is apple is a scam and TucanSam is a perfect example of an isheep.

  1876. doggydude says:

    One thing I see people look over a lot is the way apple portrays windows as an operating system. This has nothing to do with osx. But with apples marketing. The ads just make me want to throw something through the door of their shiny little stores. The fact that one of the ads was the
    pc getting a webcam strapped to his head because they don’t come on most pcs just made me laugh.that was the day Iost all respect for apple and their operating system, no matter their pros or cons. I will not use an OS that portrays other users as stupid or unstylish. Again just the fact that they show all pcs on their network displays as crappy monitors with blue screens is the only example I need. (It cracked me up when it showed my server as it on my friends macbooks, seeing that it would kick any macs ass and shove it down its raid carded gullet. To be honest, all of this stuff soulds to me like something hitler would do. I know I’m overexaggurating, but I felt this “computer racissm” full on. I got legitely teased for owning a pc at my school. From around 4th grade all the way up to the tail end of 7th grade. At one point it got so bad that I had to bring it to the principles attention. After that I began to actually do research on macs, and I found out how superior windows is in general, then I used logic and facts to beat those sad kids back into their shiny grey safehouses. I have interned in an IT department for 3 years, and I know that doesnt say much really, but I know a lot more about computers than the average person. At this point I don’t give a s**t which company is better than the other, apple has created something horrible (not necessarily the OS) and I refuse to take any part in it.

  1877. rawr says:

    @TUCANSAM Windows updates are mainly for fixing software interaction and cleaning malware as well as improving things or fixing things they may have missed and maybe adding new things.
    Because its impossible to foresee how a OS will act when you install a tun of different software on it.
    Saying Apple got the OS right the first time is just BS, no software anywhere comes out right the first time, and Apple has a history of ignoring there product defects and being slow to fix it (EX. The iPhone 4 incident) thats why they have less updates.
    Again if Windows fails it’s cause YOU fail at using it, Windows gives you enough freedom you can even completely fk up there OS. Why? because you can. Apple doesn’t want you doing anything to their OS other then use it in the ways they will let you.
    And again if Windows fails, YOU fail at using it. I’ve been using Windows seance before XP came out, and only “blue screens of death” I ever got where hardware problems, nothing to do with the OS. Mac’s are so limited and restricted I cant even get to the parts of the system I need to go to to fix system errors, so I completely given up on fixing Mac’s while on the Mac I’m trying to fix!

  1878. Ben says:

    windows isn’t so bad either. Seriously, a system that can run on almost any computer on the planet, what’s not great about that?

  1879. Ben says:

    I have a pc and i still hate mac fanboys; But i had to say that i love my ipod.

    they’re so annoying. Blabling on about Windows all the time because their mac isn’t even worth the attention of virus creators. They should seriously get their heads out their asses.

    Never had a virus on my pc at all. Only Idiots had a virus.

    I do not mind a pc or a mac. At all Pc or a Mac is alright. The Fanboys suck.

  1880. Tim says:

    Fanboys ;)

  1881. lollol says:

    MAC $1800
    15″ LCD
    4GB RAM
    320GB HDD 5400rpm
    2.4Ghz i5
    nvidia 330m

    Asus G73JH-B1 $1739
    17″ LCD 1080p
    8GB RAM
    1000GB HDD
    i7 740QM
    ATI 5870 1GB DDR5

  1882. Joshy says:

    No matter what, you cant deny that a mac falls far behind in performance, play any game made in the year 2005+ on a mac and you wont have fun, my $800 desktop however can still handle any game that hits the market today with its 6 core xD

  1883. Brent says:

    I have an xbox 360 and I EVEN KNOW that pc gaming is waaaay better than xbox gaming. No 12 year old is gunna figure out how to truly play a game on the pc. The xbox is easier but less rewarding graphics wise.

  1884. TucanSam says:

    I haven’t had any problems with lion and no good sir a $800 PC isn’t better than my MBP.
    Zoom-in: you are the one complaining and hating on macs, Ive not once said that PC’s suck you’re contradicting yourself. And Im not 12 I don’t play computer games. I still have my Xbox 360 though so if the desire comes to play video games ill do it on that.

    RAWR: Apple has not once made me pay for an update, unless you mean the OS X cats, in which case windows does that too but it costs 200-300 and Mac OS X costs $30 and yes the updates are smaller but thats because Apple gets the OS right the first time.
    GMan- yes PC’s are cheaper thats established, and Ive not had any issues with Lion (my refurbd MBP shipped with it).And what do you mean “13 months later its dead?” I guess you got a lemon and I’m sorry. Usually the apple store will cover that for you, they covered my english teachers macbook pro out of warranty. And it died after 6 years so Im not sure what your situation was.

  1885. GMAN says:

    It’s all about price really, people who put mac os x 10.6 on PC hardware love using it, they run windows s virtual machines for dev work etc. Macs are so over priced since a 700-800 PC i7 build is better then a Mac pro at 2500. Anyone who builds there own knows it. So that means macs are overpriced. Apple are trying to push the self destruct with Lion and anyone who goes from Snow to Lion needs their head examined.

    The best all round win is to have a another PC to run windows for gaming and certain software like CAD 3d stuff that has a better frame rate etc or apps not supported on Mac. On both machines run your linux virtual machines for coding. So the way I see it is this, the Mac Pro’s entry laptops only have crap intel graphic cards now , over 1000 quid and you get crap opengl. The mac mini is a stripped down laptop without a screen , keyboard or mouse. Until apple sell a normal I7 desktop tower for under 1000 quid, I view their hardware as overpriced crap. The Mac OSX snow OS is good, but Apple are now trying to feck that up and people aren’t silly they vote with their feet and Apple policy is to just create new products that try to break existing OS support so you need to upgrade or in the case of Lion, they say they aren’t supported on a Mac you bought 12 months previous. Windows support is second to NONE in terms of it’s windows lifetime support, only a fool wouldn’t know that. There’s no new apple hardware that couldn’t be supported in a driver update, so how can apple say they don’t support the previous OS when it could break a person’s investment in previous software if it won’t run.

    There’s lots of apple users Mad at Apple right now, but anyone who read this page which is probably old since the facts seems to be out of date would laugh at how silly some of the points listed. Apple’s use the same parts as everyone else, they get cheap parts and make them look expensive, they get people to build Apple products for low wages in countries and ship their products in fancy boxes. We all know this and yet people deny it. Think of like this if you spend 600 quid you can replace your laptop every 18 months, but with apple you need to spend over 1000 quid at least and then buy their 3 warranty to protect your investment. that turns into 1350 quid. The problem is there laptop is not good enough i.e the graphics the base memory spec etc to be used over 3 three years. The mac pro should sell a Mac pro laptop i7,4 of ram and a 7200 500gb harddrive 512gb and a 512mb discrete graphics card for 1000 quid. (they can forget the marketing crap of saying their laptops are made from aircraft materials, who needs a nice shiny laptop when you put a stock crap intel 3000 integrated card in it for a 100 quid.

    Apple already outsource all their production to the far east and if they were such a great American company they could put Made in America on their stickers. STOP of course they can’t EVERYTHING is made in the far east, So when people say it top materials it no better made then any other 1000 quid laptop in terms you get a better spec from other people, but you certainly get a better Cardbox Box from apple.

    One last point when people buy apple they say, if it goes wrong they fix it, LOL YES when you have a bought a warranty and since your paying more for the item, they sent you a replacement – they then get your broken item, repair it and sell it on their Mac store with a 10% discount and people buy these. If people can’t build there own computer and aren’t IT savy then everything I have just said will make no sense, If you are a windows and mac user you know actually where I’m coming from.

    The Moral of the story built your own Hack Mac until apple start selling a an i7 desktop tower for 1000 and don’t mention the imac as their all just a time bomb which will fail due to their all in one design. Apple are cheeky they know integrated Imac will fail and hence they know people will always buy their warranty cover, in three years you buy another Imac etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

    Buy a retail PC part and you have sometimes mostly 2 to 3 or 5 years covers to send it get it repaired replaced. Not alot of people know that, however if you buy a complete PC machine the parts are OEM and carry a 1 year warranty. i.e you can’t try to get three cover on a processor from a machine you bought but you have three years if you bought the processor on it own retail. So I have only one question if Apple’s materials are so great and their products then why don’t apple give you 3 years warranty as standard, ? eh that because they want to screw you twice and you know it when but what do you do, spent 2000 quid on an 27imac and 13 months later it’s dead, you need the warranty right to go at least 3 years right. What happens after 3 years – well if you go to an apple store they will say it’s cheaper to buy a new, their repair bill will be like a 1000 quid. It’s called hardware lock in and to use the English word it’s all bollocks at the end of the day.

  1886. Zoom in says:

    I still had my very old computer with windows xp in it but surprise, it still works fine.

  1887. rawr says:

    Another thing Apple makes you pay to get updates, and they soon drop support for their old OS’s while Microsoft still gives support and updates to XP users, for there are people still out there who don’t want to upgrade to Vista, or 7.

    And keep in mind XP is 10 years old and its still a stable OS.

  1888. rawr says:

    Also Laptops are overpriced in general and aren’t worth the money unless you absolutely need them.

    And those programs can be used on windows too, not sure if its legal but they are there.

  1889. rawr says:

    Well then you sir are a sap and the perfect consumer to buy into apples BS.
    Good day.

  1890. Tim says:

    A computer is just a computer not a religion keep it on mind

  1891. Zoom-in says:

    Damm hate Mac fanboys I don’t mind a Mac but fanboys are the worst

  1892. Zoom-in says:

    Asus sx-a1 I meant xd

  1893. Zoom-in says:

    Let’s see how you run bf3 mw3 skyrim on the Mac without bootcamp. With high resolution @Tucusam . You can’t cuz is for PC plus Asus g74 ax a1 is better than a Mac do some research about them

  1894. Sam says:

    What do you do on Mac stay cool and be on tumblr and Facebook YouTube on there free time ? Soo boring

  1895. TucanSam says:

    RAWR: thats a desktop, and yeah the mac pros haven’t been updated in like 2 years so Ill give you that. But the MacBook Pros are probably about 200-300 overpriced. To me, yes thats worth it. And no, garageband, final cut pro, iMovie, and several other programs that escape my memory at the moment cannot be run on a different operating system. Your argument is definitely a straw man.

  1896. Zoom in says:

    17 inch mac prize was so wow really?

  1897. rawr says:

    So a few MBs of software that you can probably run on a different OS is worth $1,500 more?
    I say $1,500 more because I can make a PC that has better parts then a Mac Pro 8 core ($3,499.00) for $1,993.37 and none of the parts I picked are on sale all are standard price, and that is total price with tax and shipping cost.

    Ya I understand not everyone needs a system like that but that is just a example of how overpriced they are, and that a bit of extra software don’t justify the $1,500 extra.

  1898. Zoom in says:

    When it comes to games get a Pc hands down.

    Buying a mac just to put windows on it is a complete waste of money.

  1899. Sam says:

    Just saw one of the pro tools not working properly at college

  1900. Squirrel with Coffee says:

    That’s funny Bob, because you sound just like any person who has a Mac at home. Of course no have ‘no problems’. I am an I.T. engineer at a tv station that uses NEW Mac’s for video editing and THEY SUCK. They crash frequently, you have to delete files when Final Cut Pro messes up, start in safe mode or whatever they call it to make disk permission repairs, and deal with driver issues for Aja video capture cards that work fine for hours then suddenly sometime is wrong and everything crashes. They are catching viruses, contrary to what fan boys say. Android is getting viruses; anyone who knows Linux/Unix will tell you that viruses do exist; they just need root access to mess things up and most users are not smart enough to get anti virus. The people where I work are constantly messing with settings; even with limited access accounts. They have a cheat sheet on the walls by the video editing machines for the capture settings because things are messed up some bad so often. Final Cut requires you to delete preferences are a troubleshooting procedure. That’s great. These machines have huge video cards for display(not capture) and they still suck. They are Nvidia based with 2gigs of DDR3 on board and the machine still struggles to achieve high frame rates. No, I’m not a Windows fan boy. I’m am currently trying to get Ubuntu to work on an HP Touchsmart without problems. I just know s**t when I see it, and I see it everyday.

  1901. Bob says:

    Wow, this whole thing is hysterical! The majority of the arguments in the comments for both sides are just plain either self righteous or completely uninformed. So many of you need to do some real research and get your “it’s better because I say so” ego out of the way. Thanks for a great laugh!

    I won’t argue one way or the other, I have my preference and honestly don’t give a sh*t what you think. My machine works perfect for my needs, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters to me. I use both Mac and PC regularly, and know the ins and outs of both fairly well.

    I will say, though, that about half of the original poster’s “reasons” against the Mac are either mis-informed or just plain wrong if he’s looking at current generation machines. Some of those “reasons” might have been valid like 5 years ago, but clearly the OP hasn’t had any real experience with the current gen hardware and OS.

  1902. Zoom in says:

    People have a tendency to think Apple is innovative, but its not true.
    Apple just makes things pretty and then doubles the price.

    That is why they scrapped their OS in favor of UNIX, and their hardware in favor of Intel chips.

    Everything that they sell now was taken from the PC world. Their original GUI was stolen from Xerox, the mouse was stolen from Zenith(the TV company).

    Palm has been using touch screens on phones for years. Apple is not innovative, they just take other people’s idea’s, pretty them up a bit and then throw them into the marketing machine and make them popular.

  1903. tim says:

    And if i was doing a music audio then it will be a different story. But i dont do music audio so there’s like not really a point for me to buy a mac, it will waste a bunch of money just for browsing the web. Boring. (in my opinion).

    Would be easier to just get a notebook. No problem . Asus g74jh sx-a1 all the way. Love that laptop.

  1904. tim says:

    Then what do you do on a mac then ? facebook, tumblr youtube? only just browse the web?. *kinda boring to me* i just get a netbook . Be easier to just get a pc. No problems at all.

  1905. LUKE says:

    Lets see how you run mw3, bf3, and skyrim on high resolution settings. Without bootcamp .

  1906. LUKE says:

    Can you play bf3 and mw3 on high resolution on the mac then? and skyrim? Without the need of windows boot camp?. Lets see how it runs it. No you can’t cuz is on the mac.

  1907. TucanSam says:

    Steve. how does thinking two finger right clicking is harder prove that everything on a mac is harder? Secondly being able to take two fingers and click anywhere on the trackpad rather than being relegated to a single spot is easier.
    Thirdly apple doesn’t sell “crap hardware” you’ve given no evidence to support this either. Core i7 cpus, SSD’s, good hard drives, AMD radeon graphics cards. Does any of that sound like crap hardware?
    Now I never said windows sucks so I don’t know where this iSheep is coming from, I know that Apple sells their hardware for more than what it costs, but bundled with the software.. I find it worth it,

    Rawr: you can make mac software without apple telling you what to do. I have programs on my mac that didn’t cost me anything, i didn’t buy them through apple, and they’re great.

  1908. AARON says:

    Loled ye remember mac fanboys a computer is just a computer not a religion.

    Treating this like a religion loled

  1909. Steve says:

    I like how TUCANSAM basically proved my point for me. It always takes more steps to do something on a mac than on a PC.

  1910. AARON says:

    Rainbow spinning beach ball of death.

  1911. AARON says:

    loled isheep. mmmrroooo icow.

  1912. Steve says:

    apple is the least innovative company out there. They take the credit for everyone elses ideas and sell it at twice the cost. People like tucansam buy into their s**t and think spending more means better quality. The only thing apple does right is marketing there low end hardware to death and tricking people into buying it.

  1913. Steve says:

    @TUCANSAM. You have no credibility anymore. Using 2 fingers is somehow easier than clicking one button? Stop with the act. You’re the biggest isheep ever.

  1914. Aaron says:

    Windows copy apple?:

    Absolutely not. I can’t see any resemblence between Mac OS X and Windows 7 unless you count the fact that both have icons being on the desktop.

    Otherwise every OS tries to have an “OS is fantastic, that it? iss very graphical and easy to use.” Except for linux, they purposely go out out of their way to make things difficult for end users.

  1915. rawr says:

    Windows didn’t copy their OS if your talking about the look they wint with what was popular, and Windows was made biased off of user ideas I know this because I submitted some ideas as well.

    And no you cant play Skyrim legitimately on Mac with out some emu or bootcamp.
    And Im sure you can run any program that Mac has on windows. Or any other OS.

    P.S. Blue screens are normally hardware failure that has nothing to do with the OS only Bluescreen I ever got was because my graphics card crashed when it over heated. And I have no idea why its called the blue screen of death because it saves all your data in a memory dump so you don’t lose anything before it shuts down. So yes if your Windows OS crashes that’s your fault whether or not you know it or want to admit it.
    P.P.S. Calling me a anarchist doesn’t make any since in what way am I rebelling against the law or the “system”. I called you a commie because Apple only lets you use programs that they make or endorse you cant just go and make software for Mac and have people downloading it without apple stepping in you only have the choices that apple lets you have so even if you think you made a choice there never really was one in the first place.
    And pretty much all of Apples ideas aren’t their own, but apparently if they released it first that means it was their idea. So it doesn’t matter how long someone else was developing it if it sold first then it was your idea? Ex. The first mouse was made by Canadian engineers and soled to Microsoft but apple somehow got wind of it and quickly released their own inferior version before Microsoft.

  1916. WILSON says:

    Personally, unless someone wants to go to court over patent infringement, this whole “who copied who” debate is little more than fanboys howling at the moon. Does it really matter? I don’t think so.

  1917. WIlson says:

    I too started with windows xp, vista, and 7 .

    who cares…both systems are great!

    Did Microsoft copy the mac? Answer that and maybe you have the answer…but then who really cares?

    Use what you like and what works for you, all of these fan boy P–sing contests just distract from enjoyable, enlightening dialog.

    Happy computing to all.

  1918. nike says:

    Windows copied the style?. They look so different from a mac.

  1919. nike says:

    Windows copied the style?. They look so different than a mac.

  1920. TucanSam says:

    Yes, Xerox agreed to let Apple use the GUI technology (apple didn’t take it, they paid Xerox and Xerox agreed fair and square) but the interface wasn’t even remotely the same, (you’re absolutely right Apple didn’t invent the GUI) BUT, they made it what it is today. Windows copied the style (loosely yes, but a task bar, folders and whatnot was copied from Apple by Windows.)

  1921. nike says:

    Windows copy the mac? Loled wtf not even close of the copy on the mac they both look very different.

  1922. Matt says:

    Tucansam”At least Mac made their own OS and didn’t copy like windows did.”well sir u are wrong the basis for mac OS came from the xerox alto,the first desktop with a gui.which apple took the rights from xerox for the gui and was the basis of the modern thank xerox not steve jobs,steve & like crooks took the rights from xerox and mircrosoft likewise took from get ur facts straight.

  1923. nike says:

    I rather use right clicking or left clicking with the touch pad buttons cuz is just comfortable and easier to use.

  1924. nike says:

    Can you play mw3 and bf3 then with high resolution without bootcamp? .

    I never had a blue screen of death on my pc. at all and is still working fine.

    I don’t mind a pc or a mac. Both laptops are cool .

    But i HATE Mac FANBOYS. They just never shut up .

  1925. TucanSam says:


  1926. TucanSam says:

    RAWR: the programs aren’t even half as good. Im not communist, I really don’t know where you pulled that from because Mac’s have plenty of choices with third party software, not as much as windows but its generally better quality stuff because you’ve got to be really into macs to develop for an OS with 15% market share.
    P.S. My windows OS didn’t fail because of me, blue screen of death? not my fault. At least Mac made their own OS and didn’t copy like windows did. (I can play that game to you anarchist b*****d)

    Steve: Well, my bad about the copy and paste but I really think two finger clicking is easier than right click because you can click anywhere on the trackpad. My macbook was configured for that right out of the box. Yes for the mouse if you do want the right side to be right click it does require configuration. But the magic mouse also is configured for two finger click straight out of the box.

  1927. rawr! says:

    Windows computers have all that crap too but in most cases its free, and if you don’t like that then you can chose a new programs of the 1000s there are, have fun not having choices you commie b*****d.

    P.S. If your windows OS fail’s it’s because you fail and don’t know how to use it, or you don’t know how to read. On the first few boot of windows it offers a tutorial to walk you through all the things you need to know. Does Mac have that? at least Microsoft didn’t steal there OS core from Unix.
    P.P.S PC DOESN’T EQUAL WINDOWS!!!! There are other OS you can get on a PC hell even Google has one now!

  1928. Steve says:

    I just got around to reading your posts and where did I ever say you couldn’t copy and paste? The article says that, but I never commented on it. Check your eyes.

  1929. Steve says:

    And by the way .. my point wasn’t that a mac doesn’t have a righ-click feature, it was that it’s not as simple as right-clicking. If you need 2 fingers or have to change settings on a mouse than it’s not real right-clicking.

  1930. Steve says:

    @TUCANSAM. Are you honestly that much of an isheep? You can’t right-click without doing a few steps first and you know this. “On the mac you just click on the trackpad with two fingers, boom done.” That doesn’t sound like simply right-clicking does it? And if you have a 2-button USB mouse you have to program the mouse to right-click. Example:

    1. Select System Preferences. Then select “Keyboard & Mouse”.

    2. Change the setting on the right side of the mouse to be the “Secondary Button”

    Yeah, thats so “easy” to a non-techy person.

  1931. TucanSam says:

    Well I don’t have kids, Im in college. And i do use my mac for multimedia (guess who’s the industry standard for film making and music editing? Macs) So what do you mean by single purpose? Yeah I said computers are for productivity but I meant that in the way that gaming rigs are really only good for gaming, other things like multimedia stuff and web browsing, theyre a little bit slower.
    I dont hate PC’s Ive had a bunch of PC’s, I just prefer Macs. Yet it irks me when trolls like steve have comments such as “Macs suck and it takes a huge process to right click and you can’t copy and paste”- stuff like that, that is just riddled with lies. Eh, it bugs me. I know were totally off track but I just had to get that out there.

  1932. semen says:

    i think it is safe to say almost every household has kids and games will make its ways into your computer via borrowed games or downloaded sharewares. whoever says computers are really made for productivity is narrow minded. they are millions of consoles, handhelds sold every year- guess what they are underneath – same computer. gone are the days gaming devices are made from hardware chips only.

    besides, kinda silly not to buy a general purpose pc for multimedia, gaming, browsing, emailing, productivity.

    instead, waste money on a single purpose expensive mac (productivity only for adults or paperweight to kids) and have your kids buy a plethora of entertainment devices – xbox, psp, ipad, etc.

  1933. nike says:

    i don’t mind a pc or mac. Im main pc. And has zero problems. Cz i choose the right laptop, is specs , graphics card, and performance. And brands there are brands out there besides a hp and a dell.

    Gotta love the Asus Products. Should check them out.

  1934. nike says:

    really not that expensive? seems expensive to me .

    13-inch: 2.4 GHz : $ 1,399.00 2.8 GHz: $ 1,698.00

    15-inch: 2.2 GHz : A$ 2,099.00 [ohshit] 15-inch: 2.4 GHz A$ 2,499.00

    17-inch: 2.4 GHz : A$ 2,899.00 [ almost $3000 wow ]

  1935. TucanSam says:

    Steve is a dumbass. You can easily right click on a mac, in fact its easier, and it IS the same. I have a macbook pro and a HP. On the mac you just click on the trackpad with two fingers, boom done. And for what you get they aren’t that overprices, maybe $200 overpriced. You get iLife and other utilities and programs that are fully activated and preinstalled. Not to mention Macs have nicer amenities than PC counterparts. Sure the hardware price for price is skewed towards the PC side. But when i get on my computer guess what? I don’t have to deal with windows. Oh, and to set your wallpaper on a mac, right click, and click set as wallpaper. Just like on a pc. I really dont know what you’re talking about. Oh, and my macbook pro has had ZERO problems. My HP? Hahahaha well I had to reinstall Windows.

    Matt: you’re right Macs are terrible for gaming. But I don’t play video games sooooooo, Im fine with that. If you play games and prefer PC’s more power to you dude go for it. But gaming vs non gaming isn’t a computer argument for me because computers are really made for productivity.

  1936. rawr says:

    All this arguing is pointless
    FACT:Mac’s suck
    FACT: PC’s are the best comps and cheapest you can get( especially if you make them yourself)
    FACT: PC doesn’t equal windows.
    FACT:What OS you use is a matter of opinion, based on your preferences, whether or not you want to admit it.
    FACT: Skyrim is not for Mac

    P.S. If you have to use boot camp to run things that don’t work for mac, why not just save money and get a PC?
    And if you don’t like windows its not like windows is the only OS you can run on a PC, I’m sure someone made a OS that’s like OS X or w/e OS Mac’s use. Well the point is with PC’s you have options while with Mac you only have one option and I’m not a communist, I like to have choices.

  1937. Toby says:

    And not just the brand dell there are other brands as well than dell + hp.

    Like. Sony, asus, alienware, sager, MSI , and so on.

  1938. Toby says:

    So many games on the pc. There was skyrim, bf3, mw3, and theres a lot more out there this coming year. So much fun.

    In my opinion, i would choose a pc over a mac. Mac is just not fun for me.

    And people just wanted to be cool on there mac just cuz is Omg shiny. And most likely ended up goes on tumblr and facebook most like of the time.

    Or the really important thing to get a mac for them was to do studio, audio tech, something like logic pro. Which is the reasons why they buy a mac. But some people just buy a mac just cuz is cool and shiny and s**t.

    And hey. Some, Sony vaio’s laptop’s and Asus g73 jh are shiny too.

  1939. Steve says:

    Yeah I know … 3rd post, but I forgot to add that BF3 & MW3 were made for PCs and not even out for mac. Too bad. Mac sucks and you know it, Bucky.

  1940. Steve says:

    Every mac enthusiast I ever met is stuck in the 90s when it comes to games. It’s either Marathon or Diablo. Get over yourself! We as PC gamers have everything not 2 games.

  1941. Steve says:

    @BUCKAROO. Try playing BF3 or MW3 on the highest quality on all settings.. I can, but can you? Good luck. Let me guess, you’re still playing Marathon?

  1942. Buck =Hunter5 says:

    I love my Mac… The graphics suck Huh? I have the new Mac book pro 15 inch and the graphics are better than any computer I’ve seen..

  1943. you'reanidiot says:

    graphics suck on macs? oh really?

  1944. Fox59 says:

    Ha! Spot on!

  1945. Steve says:

    Not to mention there are tutorials for mac on how to set your desktop wallpaper. Ever been to a website for wallpapers? On a PC the tutorials are right-click on the image and hit set as desktop background. Simple. Sometimes trying to be different overcomplicates everything. My buddy has a mac and he was blown away on how easy it was to change wallpapers on a PC. I right-clicked the desktop and hit next. And I’m thinking .. this is normal .. what are you blown away about.

  1946. Steve says:

    @SIA. What I love about mac people is they always have an answer for everything. Someone will come on here and try and school you. But the funniest part is it always takes 15 steps to do it. Rather than 1 or 2 with a PC. Example would be “right-click”. apple people will try and say they have the same thing, but it’s not it at all. There are more steps involved and it’s not as simple as simply right clicking. If apple was as user friendly as they say it is why are there tutorials on how to right-click on a mac? Go on Google right now and look up “apple right click” and there are tons of tutorials. On a PC the tutorial would be one line…right-click.

  1947. Sia says:

    Mac is a total waste! You cannot even remove one photo from your photo stream! Remarkable. S

  1948. Nike says:

    be cool and stay on facebook and tumblr.

  1949. PS says:

    Spot on.
    Plus, I go to college, and it seems like 90% of people nowadays use macbooks. its starting to look a lot like communism.

  1950. Nike says:

    Yeh people. Please do some research thx

  1951. Steve says:

    @ANONYMOUS. 4 years are also mastering Fisher-Price Laughtops. The iPad is in the same category as Fisher-Price. An absolute joke. It’s a giant iPhone. Nothing special. @PIZZACATG. Where are you getting your facts? Off apples website or commercials? Every PC user that posts on this board goes off of personal and professional experience. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about or you are lying. apple sells overpriced (yeah overpriced) old hardware to suckers like you. My buddy has a macbook pro and its giving him so many problems I can’t even count. I built my computer from the ground up and its been working like a charm. My last PC I built lasted 10 years. No lies. Either I’m really good at picking hardware or you’re just a complete d*******g. I wouldn’t be surprised if you buy walmart (eMachines) PCs.

  1952. matt says:

    hey anon Mac may be intuitive,show me how the mac can play BF3 and such without windows(bootcamp) or windows emulators(such as wine)oh im sorry macs cant play a given PC game til 4 years later if at all. in the gaming community if u use a mac u are 2nd for everything else i agree, but since imma a gamer im inclined to disagree with your thesis.

  1953. Anonymous says:

    DUMB. Everything you think the Mac can’t do, it actually can. Unfortunately, you are too dumb to figure out how to use one of the world’s most intuitive machines. 4 year olds are mastering the iPad, dude.

  1954. semen says:

    my last pc is an athlon 1.2 ghz. i dunno why you have to buy one every 3 years?

    it was serving well for many years. was still surfin with firefox on 2000 and xp till early this year when i upgraded (core i5, 8 gb ram, gtx560 ti) only because it is showing its age when handling complex websites and animated ads. so dont bullshit me with 3 years crap.

    if anything, mac don’t last as long. why? if history serves as a lesson…

    apple has been flip-floping on architectures – 68000, powerpc, x86 and maybe arms in 2013 (rumors?) thus breaking software apps in the process. xserve was ditched. on the software front, carbon, java and rosetta was ditched. jvms on windows was ditched because of legal battle. how can c++ developers be comfortable with working with obj-c++ without worrying that one day apple will think it’s an ugly stepchild and ditched it for pure obj-c once again.

    even 3rd party software ditches mac support quicker than on windows. firefox 4/flash 10.1 was still working on windows 2000. but the same cannot be said for tiger and powerpcs. i no longer have a legacy machine to test later versions. a lot has to do with the real world where antiquated corporate machines still runs windows 2000/xp. on the plus side, it benefits home pc users with extended support from 3rd parties. also, maybe it’s due to availability of older sdks and tools. i mean when ios 4 came out, developers were pushed to upgrade to snow leo and newer xcode, even though leo wasn’t that old.

    but worst of all, form-over-function is what will kill your mac quicker than pc. while the heat in those sleek small form factors will throttle your cpu, but the surrounding trapped heat and delibrately spun-low fans will killed your hard drive and graphics chip.

    when all is said, macs are built with same parts, assembled by the same overworked factory workers. doesn’t mean it has better built and quality. all it takes is for one worker to accidently broke a surface mount parts in the logic board and you’ll have a partially working lemon. i used to have a pentium mobo and broke a transistor. god knows what its function was, but computer continues to run but i was never comfortable with it.

  1955. SammyRay says:

    I don’t care that I spent like €600+ more than I should have. I wanted the light up buttons, the apple on the back and the 8 hour battery life.

    I couldn’t care less, i’ve been using windows for over a decade, and have grown to be wary of buying a computer every 3 years. So I went and bought a mac.

    And I like it, it’s intuitive.

  1956. PizzaCat says:

    LOL, many PC fanboys here, SOUR GRAPES..

    If its about Mac (hardware), I can understand because they are ‘expensive’ not ‘overpriced’.. Looking a spec sheet makes you feel that you can have same config for cheaper than Mac… then reconsider everything with Top Notch quality.. from PSU, Case, Accessories and all.

    Again, your takes on OS X, its quite lame.. OS X is still the best OS for professionals..

    However I don’t like any pre-built systems.. If you guys have problem with other stuff, don’t use it. I use what I like..

    I USE A PC, but not Windows Only..
    OS X86 on a PC is simply way to go..

  1957. alex says:

    just a real life situation – I spent about $500.00 on my desktop (I built it myself) and i play SC2 on Extreme graphics. My friend spent 1400 on his mac and plays on low….. I dont really feel like much more needs to be said if you have ever seen the difference between the two…

  1958. George says:

    Like ALL amazing things… macs have lovers and haters! It’s nice of you that you took all this time to write this and prove how great a mac machine is!

  1959. Nike says:

    Mac is just boring for me.

    Just saw a mac user going on facebook and tumblr ( not doing music production and such ) .

    Is easier to get a pc. Besides spending that money on a mac.

    mac 13 inch: $ 1,399.00 , 2.4 GHz . 2.8 GHz= $ 1,698.00

    15-inch: 2.2 GHz: $ 2,099.00 15-inch: 2.4 GHz = $ 2,499.00

    17-inch: 2.4 GHz : $ 2,899.00

    ” . . . . . “

  1960. LOCO says:

    Oh and one more thing –

    Young PC users are more likely to co-own an Apple product of some kind.

    Young Mac users are more likely to co-own a………? Indie emo scarfs?

    So I really wonder where have they gotten all those PC rumors from…Hmmmm….

  1961. Steve says:

    I completely agree, loco. In fact, my entire Lock Screen is customized to my liking. You can change everything from the Start button icon to the toolbar color changing to the current weather. It’s amazing. Have you noticed apple hasn’t done anything innovative? They take the credit for everything someone else already made. I’ve heard so many apple users say apple invented the first all touch screen phone…when in fact LG (Prada) made the first one. Then theres the people that say they invented the tablet. Tablets have been around for years and apple just made one look somewhat pretty. It’s still a piece of s**t inside. I know firsthand apple’s own routers crash their own computers. I’ve been in the retail business for years and hear it all the time. “It doesn’t work with my apple computer” to “It crashed my apple computer I want my money back.” All the apple users that post on here aren’t using facts. They are trying to make their case look better than it really is.

  1962. LOCO says:

    I definitely do share the same points, here’s my takes

    1. The right-click command has WAY more functions than an OSX right-click menu. Not only that, but within ANY “Open” or “Save” dialog window boxes (Yes, EVEN WITHIN PROGRAMS), you are even ABLE to right click in the directory area and do the SAME functions in Windows! OSX never has this amount of accessibility-flexibility. In OSX, the same old bullshit answer you keep getting is, “Well, that’s why we call it The FINDER!” Yeah, stick it up your Finder!

    2. Another echo – and that is Macs are just simply overpriced. And those who say, “Don’t complain and be happy” – please. STFU. I may not be a hungry child from Africa but I also don’t have to deal with your yuppy bullshit.


    I owned both a Macbook Pro and a PC Desktop for 3 years straight.
    Now, this might sound like a “conspiracy theory”….but guess which one crashed way more often? 

    Mention a PC hanging, and reactions are like bread popping outta toasters. Like “part of life”.

    Mention a Mac hanging, and it’s like you just insulted Oprah Winfrey.



    5. I may not be an avid videogamer, but having videogames on OSX – is like having 8-bit Nintendo-bleep sounds on Blue Ray Disc. Oh, but then again you can play a Blue Ray on Windows too.

    6. Windows has just so many more cooler, ‘smaller’ nuggets of software that can be of immense help even in the most specialized software. True, when you have many 3rd party plugins available, you will obviously run into some problems once in a while, but I’d rather take that chance than driving to a Mac store and depending on a half-wit who’s only trained to give textbook answers to the average yuppy.

    7. Windows is 100 times way more customizable than OSX, all the way from the most technical details to the visual GUI.

    8. The whole world can use USB 3.0, but Apple insists on Firewire ports ONLY for their products. Wow, anarchy that’s in the same league as Martin Luther King, right?

  1963. Rob says:

    Awesome thread! My two cents: I’m a Systems guy and work exclusively in the Windows environment. But I did purchase a MacBook Pro specifically for Final Cut Pro. Then FCP X came out. Now I have buyers remorse. My solution is to run Windows off the Mac and use both OSes.

    However, I still do encourage people who are not logically minded to purchase a Mac. That’s why a lot of starving artists use their parents’ money to purchase a Mac. They’re artists, not scientists.

    @Steve: You’re awesome and I agree with you 100%. But I think you have to accept the fact that many people today don’t want to do things themselves. They like driving to the Apple Store at the mall to depend on a pimple-faced “Genius” to do everything for them. But most importantly, people like shiny, pretty things over functionality.. Why else would women spend thousands of dollars on jewelry that provide no functional benefit? Personally, I find Mac lovers endearing, like children who get excited when the ice cream truck passes by. If only us PC supporters could reclaim that kind of innocence…

  1964. ??? says:

    So what are the prizes on the macs? Do some research? and Take a look? who really needs to spend that much money on the mac?. If you’re not doing music production?.

  1965. Luke says:

    Smell a fanboy coming

  1966. anon says:

    Who actually needs a gaming laptop? Not very many. For gaming a desktop is the right choice. Intel graphics are for many people the best choice. Your point #3 is not very serious at all. Your point #1 is no point at all.

    The only plausible argument you made was the fact about Macs being overpriced.

    Everything else was not why Mac sucks, but why OS X sucks. When I buy a computer I buy it for the hardware. Ever thought of installing Linux on Mac? That’s perhaps the most sensible thing you can do with a Mac. Overpricing is still an issue though, but MacBooks are great if you’ve got Linux on them.

    Continuing on the matter of OS. Some argue in favour of Windows, like saying Windows has become a great OS. Windows was still usable (although some think not) ten years ago. Unless you’re a gamer I see no real reason to get Windows. Perhaps it’s cheaper than Windows (I wouldn’t know) but you can get Linux for free.

    The thing that makes the least sense to me is this PC vs. Mac stuff. What do all these people think a PC (or Mac) is? Mac is a PC. Well, some of them are (as there are Mac servers too).

    And at the commenter nicknamed “Get your facts straight”, you should get yours straight too. Neither FreeBSD and Linux are different, that’s true. But neither of them are Unix.

    And statistic tell nothing aside from what they show. The fact that majority of people do something doesn’t tell anything about the sensibility of it.

  1967. Andy says:

    PC’s are faster than macs, there overpriced, and slow down, have lots of errors. Short and sweet, Windows will last forever if taken care of, so will mac, games work better on windows, Windows is cheaper, and MAC is overpriced, Mac for schoolwork etc, but on a windows, for LOT cheaper, you can still get everything a mac has, and have some extra cash in your pocket.

  1968. Steve says:

    @MICHAEL. Who the hell cares if Photoshop was on a mac first. The point is Photoshop is just as good or better on a PC. My employees and I use Photoshop CS5 on our PCs and have no issues.

  1969. Mike says:

    I find a mac, boring.

  1970. Michael says:

    There is so much wrong with these reasons but the main one I have is Photoshop was on Mac first.

  1971. Ben says:

    Amen to what you have said. I have been using PCs for years and can’t complaint and now that I am starting to get the hang of Linux, Why would I ever buy a Mac?

  1972. LUKE says:

    Ye the reason for people to use mac for is Logic. Mac’s are good for music production.

    If they’re not doing music productions. Well i don’t really find what’s the purpose to buy a mac. Would be easier to get a notebook rather than spending that money on the mac.

  1973. formermacfan says:

    i think to give some balance here… a lot of people have been with apple for awhile and some (like me) work in creative industries that pc’s were friggin disasters for over past years… having said that i think apple is looking down the barrel with windows actually being a great os now.. economic downturns – eventually $$ are going to get to people and i think they will start to turn away.. particularly with companies like asus making just as pretty/shiny laptops and desktops at half the price. to be honest the only thing i like mac for (and use it for) is Logic, which is still one of the best music production suites around. Admitedly, i prefer using Avid’s Pro Tools heaps more and for all out there who say Macs don’t crash – give me a break! can’t tell you how many times i’ve got that stupid crash screen with Pro Tools.. apparently its because of the stupid mac when it goes to standby – causes corruption upon waking.. what a load of crap!

  1974. Luke says:

    typical mac fanboy pc’s are cheaper and yet SOMEHOW have better processing speed, graphics and ram. Why the hell would someone by a 1500 dollar mac when they can get a $600 pc with better specs.

    Idk why everyone gets mac it makes me sick.

  1975. Luke says:

    Don’t buy a mac, here’s why….. They’re overpriced BIG TIME! Compare the Macbook White to the Dell Inspiron N5040. The Dell Inspiron N5040 has better specs eg. Intel i3, 3 GB RAM, $400, and a 320 GB HDD. Now for Macbook White: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, $1000. The Dell is $600 less than the Macbook White and it has better specs.

  1976. WAHH says:

    Woot mw3 and bf3 is out. So much fun.

    People just wanted to buy it just cuz is all shiny and s**t.

    They just wanted to be cool and stay on facebook, tumblr, all day unless you’re doing music production. Other thing else. If you’re just only browse the web. Get a notebook. Rather than spending that bunch of money to be a mac.

    Not worth buying the mac really.

    Could also photoshop on a pc too. A program call Adobe Photo Elements 8.0

  1977. WAHH says:

    Woot mw3 and bf3 is out. So much fun.

    @TIM ye is true. On the mac there’s nothing really fun about it.

    People just wanted to buy it just cuz is all shiny and s**t.

    They just wanted to be cool and stay on facebook, tumblr, all day unless you’re doing music production. Other thing else. If you’re just only browse the web. Get a notebook. Rather than spending that bunch of money to be a mac.

  1978. Steve says:

    @TUCANSAM. Everyone I know with a mac can’t keep up with my PC. You’re full of it.

  1979. TucanSam says:

    You obviously don’t know how to use os x, you can minimize windows (that’s what the yellow button is for you derp) you can switch application even better than windoze (spaces, expose, or mission control). And Steve, what are you talking about? Windows has the registry and all of those drivers which slow down the os, os x doesn’t which means parts for parts macs are faster…. And to whoever said macs are horrible to upgrade, I’m not sure what you’re trying to upgrade but you must not know what you’re doing. I haven’t had any struggle with the ram or had drive on my mbp.

  1980. Steve says:

    @TIM. macs don’t even come clost to the speed of PCs. I hope you were being sarcastic.

  1981. tim says:

    On the mac there’s nothing really fun about it. Yeah it’s fast … so what?

  1982. Brandon says:

    Danielle is talking on the cellphone while driving her minivan.

  1983. WAHH says:

    can’t play games with high resolution on the mac -.-

  1984. Derp Herpistan says:


    I’m intrigued by your argument; why don’t we have sex in front of my webcam and you can tell me more?

  1985. Carl says:

    Macs are built for the image, but they do have one selling point over PC’s. not that it matters to a consumer

    Because of the set hardware, when professional grade software such as ProTools or Photoshop get developed for use with Mac’s, there are only a few possiblities for hardware configoration. Therefore, this software ‘should’ be more stable on a Mac.

    Having said that, I run Protools on a PC and I find it works just as good, if not better.

  1986. Brandon says:

    @DANIELLE. They got viruses because you didn’t know how to use them properly, that is why you had to get a Mac…simply because you were too stupid to use a PC properly. PC’s can work for 10+ years if properly maintained…but you wouldn’t know anything about proper computer maintenance would you? iPad is not a Mac, stop trying to compare them. What does Mac have available for students that PC doesn’t meet and exceed? Learn your s**t, b***h.

  1987. Steve says:

    @DANIELLE. Did you know that a lot of top schools are using Kinects hooked up to PC’s (not macs) as a science tool for their classrooms. Did you know that 95% of schools and offices still use PCs? Did you know I’ve been a PC user for over 15 years and have yet to get a virus? Everyone I know that has a teacher with a mac in college hates it. Everytime a mac teacher gives a word or powerpoint document to a PC user it doesn’t work correctly. Danielle, my sweet danielle … I would love to go in more detail, but your little brain couldn’t handle it.

  1988. Danielle says:

    Oh have had many different computers and lap tops, and they all got viruses or trojans no matter how protected they were. Eventually they just don’t work after that no matter what you do. No matter what brand either, they all get them. You know it and we know it. You are in denial ! Yes Apple isn’t compatible with a lot of stuff but then in that case why would you want it then???? Have you even seen what Mac has available for students? If you had you would know it’s way better. Also you actually talk to teachers and they all say they wish they had the means house macs at school. Did you know a lot of top schools are now choosing iPad as a Science tool for their classrooms in middle school???? Yes teachers would rather use Mac because it is better for students in fact it blow everything else away.

  1989. Danielle says:

    I guess if you don’t have the money or can’t figure out how to use a Mac then it is a unwise purchase! Anyone who has had any type of PC that has converted to the ” dark side of Mac” knows after a short time how much better Mac is! Mac rules for a reason, also I download tons and my kids go on those sites that you get all the viruses from ( free gaming sites ) , and we have never had any issues with viruses or trojans! If i want to play games I use my iPad. I suppose if your the D&D type a mac isn’t a great option but who would want to be A D&D nerd anyway!

  1990. Steve says:

    @SETHATHI. I’ve been in the retail business for over 10 years and the majority of complaints and returns are from apple users saying the device isn’t compatible with their computer.

  1991. Sethathi says:

    You ever try and upgrade the hardware in your Mac? It’s a horrible experience. It’s like replacing parts in an iPod (what a coincidence).

  1992. WAHH says:

    Some people just buy a laptop without doing any research do they ?

  1993. Get your facts straight says:

    I agree Mac sucks for many reasons. For one it has no decent package management system. You can’t even properly uninstall applications for f**k sake.

    However, you got one thing really wrong. FreeBSD is not Linux. OSX is based on FreeBSD which is a type of Unix operating system. Linux is also a type of Unix but they are not the same.

    Oh, and Windows sucks a big bowl of chubbies too.

  1994. Steve says:

    Do your research. Look on Google and you’ll see that 95% of schools and offices run Windows. Most computer software is developed to run on Windows. 92.21% of the market share is PC vs 5.11% mac. If you go to Best Buy right now you have to look on the box and make sure its mac compatible. Rather than knowing right away its compatible with PC. I like how you through these numbers like 80% at me, but have nothing to back it up. Go on Google right now and you’ll find I’m right.

  1995. Steve says:

    @BALLSHUNG LAO. You are a complete moron. I’ve been using Microsoft Security Essentials since it’s release and have yet to get a single virus. Guess how much it costs? NOTHING! So add that $540.00 back onto the cost of a mac. I’m talking about a fully capable computer. A fully computer doesn’t need lighted keys or a steal case to work! Your whole debate is a bunch of garbage. The Price difference is still nearly $1000. You can live in your dream world and pretend you’re getting a deal. You are exactly the kind of retard apple loves to trick. Wow you get lighted keys and a metal case. So lets add $1000 to the price tag. My wifes HP has a LED screen, fully interative trackpad, and nice speakers for $700.00. I bought that for her last November. You obviously don’t do any research. Did you notice I wasn’t bias at all in my last post? I actually went direct to apple and dell’s site. I didn’t go on froogle to find the best deal.

  1996. Ballshung Lao says:

    For everyone that believes Apple sucks, then why are they still able to compete with windows? I did the math for you. let’s say this:

    A Macbook Pro is about $1,800 where I come from. I had my mac for 7 years without it ever failing on me so i’m going to propose 5 years into the life spam of a mac.

    A windows computer with the same functions as apple (YES IT HAS BLUETOOTH for that idiot steve) cost about $700 a peice.

    This leaves us with $1,100 dollars in difference. A lot? Yes.

    In the years i have had my mac, i torrented movies, games and many of my softwares (sorry, i’m not going to purchase adobe premier for that rediculous price). Never once has my shut off speed on my mac ever slowed down, or have i ever received a virus. For window, to get the same satisfaction you will need a GOOD protection system.

    A good antivirus cost ruffly around $70-80 a year. As sad before, if my mac lasted 7 years, then 7 * 80. this brings down the difference cost of $540.

    The cost of the softwares in a mac (which are not utter s**t for this guys sakes) cost around $50. at the end, the cost is reduced to $490.

    The new macbooks have light up keyboards, tiled letters, fully interactive trackpad, nice side speakers, LED screen. All these features are YET to be seen on a Windows computer worth 700 or less, so the price will drop again to $400.

    At the end of the day, the comparison isn’t much different. Mac’s are made on a alluminum piece of metal. absolutely love it except the edges does dig in to your arms a bet. Windows, PLASTIC.

    Price = $350 difference.

    Have any of you thought why we mac users BUY a mac? No, we don’t use it for gaming (it would be stupid to anyways) for me, i use it for school. At my school, over 80% of the students that use a computer carry a mac. are they all stupid fucked up kids? No.

    Mac’s are used to do serious work like editing, writing, or to anyone that just likes an expensive system for internet streaming, then that too. OH, and also, when the mac runs out of batteries, it saves ur work for you.

  1997. Steve says:

    MacBook Pro 17-inch (

    2.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    4GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM — 2x2GB
    750GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
    AMD Radeon HD 6770M with 1GB GDDR5
    MacBook Pro 17-inch Hi-Res Glossy Widescreen Display
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)

    $2,499.00 (as of (11/1/2011))

    Dell XPS 17 (

    2nd generation Intel® Core™ i7-2760QM processor 2.40 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 3.50 GHz
    4GB Shared Dual Channel DDR3 Memory
    750GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
    NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 550M 1GB graphics with Optimus
    HD DISPLAY 17.3″ HD+ (900p) LED Display with 2.0MP HD Webcam
    Tray Load Blu-ray® Triple Writer (reads and writes CDs, DVDs, BDs)

    $1,454.99 (as of (11/1/2011))

    Please explain to me why I would ever spend over a thousand dollars more and get less? apple obviously is catering to the dumb. There is barely any specs on their computers. I don’t even know if the macbook comes with something as simple as bluetooth built-in.

  1998. WAHH says:

    Most likely everyone mentions Dell and Hp brands. Besides those two brands. There are other brands too.

    Like. Sony Vaio’s, Asus, Lenova . Alienware, Sager.

    So many choices out there. And different specs.

  1999. B.J. says:

    People buy them cause they are tasty, crunchy, and somewhat slimy. :D

  2000. Brandon says:

    Be honest with me…

    When someone is looking to buy a new computer (a laptop in this case), who HONESTLY considers Macs as a viable choice?

    Everyone mentions PC-distributors such as Dell and HP, but never Mac.

    So what draws people to buy one? I really don’t understand the mentality.

  2001. Steve says:

    Wow.. no BLM to bore the hell out of me with his long posts.

  2002. Sean says:

    Anything from Apple is a study in how to market people into believing something that isn’t true. They manufacture Dell PCs, put them in a shiny aluminium box multiply the price tag by a factor of two or three, then somehow convince people it’s worth it. Sure OSX is superficially pretty (I wouldn’t use the word polished though), but it’s wallpaper on terrible underlying usability flaws. Look at maximise behaviour, Apple’s interface engineers prove how truly clueless they are right there.

    Under the hood Mac’s hardware wise *are* PCs, so lets stop pretending that there’s some magical mysterious hardware wizardry under that flashy case. You’re getting nothing that you can’t get from Dell for at least half the price. I built my own Dual Xeon workstation with the specs of a £4000 Mac Pro for ~£1500, then installed Linux on it and got a system that is faster and more stable than the Mac piece of crap I also unfortunately own. Mac’s aren’t more polished than PCs, they’re just more expensive, and distract people from all their faults with shiny cases and eye-candy animations.

    Throw in the down right disgusting business practices that company employs (Seriously, I don’t like Microsoft, but compared to Apple they’re the LESSER of two evils, that really is saying something) and I can quite happily say that the world would be much better off if Bill Gates had never bailed them out in the nineties and they had gone bust. Now that Steve Jobs is dead, and the company and it’s users are very much based around his cult of personality, I hope that the company will finally, and permanently, vanish.

  2003. Dave says:

    I am switching from a Mac to a Thinkpad. I’ve mostly used OS X and Macs for the past decade, and frankly, both have gone downhill. My Mac Book was breaking down physically (cracks galore despite handling with kids’ gloves), and don’t get me started on the overheating and noise. I was also sick of the lack of compatibility for certain freeware programs and the fact that my basic, cheap work PC laptop would get better wireless connections in most places than my Macs. Frankly, I now believe Windows 7 is better overall operating system. No platform is perfect, but Windows 7 does what I need and gives me more options from a software perspective.

  2004. Steve says:

    @BLM. I use the scroll bar every time I go on this site. What bothers me about people who debate is they always act like if they don’t do it than everyone doesn’t do it. I get that you don’t use it, but don’t imply that no one does. And just because you didn’t actually say no one uses it doesn’t mean you didn’t imply it. I can totally see you coming back here and going “I never said that”.

  2005. Hank HIll says:

    Just gonna switch my WOrd document from my pc to mace and…BWAAAAAHHHHH! it crashes every time!

    Thats it Mac, I’m gonna kick your ass!

  2006. WAHH says:

    ^ This. . . . ye

  2007. Steve says:

    @BLM. Correction. Nearly all mac users are profoundly stupid. Not some.

  2008. BLM says:

    Again, those are older arguments. Adobe got help from Apple a year or so back to get better performance, specifically for internet video. That’s most of what Flash is used for these days, and as you said, H.264 is where everything’s headed right now. (Sadly, it’s a copyright-encumbered format, so it’s not like all’s well there either, but I digress.) “Until Snow Leopard” still means it hasn’t been an issue for the last two years.

    And I can only say “citation needed” for the assertion that PC users tolerate GIMP. The *nix world seems okay with it, but PC and Mac users always wish it were more like Photoshop. I love the idea of a FOSS image editor, but I always found the windows unwieldy in Windows.

    1. People use those buttons? Scroll with the trackpad/scrollwheel/PgUp+PgDn and close with Alt+F4 or Cmd+W. I haven’t scrolled with the scroll bar since I can remember. Mouse acceleration and speed can be changed in System Preferences > Mouse, similar to Windows.

    2. Lion has Copy (Cmd+C) and Move Here (Cmd+Opt+V). Works the same as Windows cut and paste.

    3. Yes, some users of all OSes are profoundly stupid, outside the more niche distros of Linux. Windows gets its annoying in here through UAC and registry bloat, Mac does drag-to-Applications and ~/Library/Preferences bloat. The best here is still Debian-style apt-get. Here’s Mozilla’s video (VIDEO!) on how to install Firefox on Windows starting from the desktop: . And yes, they have pictures elsewhere.

  2009. semen says:

    people aren’t complaining about flash crashing on mac. it’s just they are complaing how much cpu and heat flash is using/generating relative to windows’s version of flash. but mac users dont look inwards at what is wrong with their architecture. did not lay the foundation for hardware assisted h.264 till snow leopard.

    2. they are using all integrated, small form factors machine with tiny fans set to low rpms (again form over function crap).

    mac users are the worse, if a graphical app does not conform to human interface guidelines – even when off a couple of pixels, they freaked out. pc users can tolerate different gui from realplayer, safari, vlc, gimp, etc. mac users are nuts. i can see why they are special people.
    it takes a special people to think its better to have

    1. close, minimize, maximize button on the left (far, far away from scroll button). i guess watching porn while your boss is in the room is hard for you. compounded with the slow acceleration of your mouse.

    2. no cut and paste. sometimes while dragging files you could accidently let go of the finger and drop it in different folder.
    have fun looking for it. apple cant even understand this simple fact.

    3. installing an app requires dragging an app into a folder is better than double clicking it?
    i mean firefox’site used to have a special page (with pictures – how embarassing) to show people how to drag their program into folder for mac users. OMG – they dont need to have one for linux, windows. I mean how bad is it when special people need special instructions on a supposingly easy to use system.

    Sorry pc for life.

  2010. BLM says:

    “PC people can live without Apple.”

    Cool, just make sure you don’t derive any benefit from Google, Facebook, Twitter (or anything running Ruby on Rails), etc. A lot of Mac users there, and you wouldn’t want those nasty Mac germs. What’s perhaps even more terrifying is that companies are using a ton of virtualization and remote development servers nowadays, so you can’t even verify whether the employee is really using Mac or *nix. The only company requirement for the employee’s computer is dumb terminal functionality. Also, refuse to sell to Mac users. Remember, you can live without them. Viva OS fanaticism.

  2011. BLM says:

    Okay, fine, I’ll bite. Macs aren’t for games. I said that. If you play games, use a PC or get a console. Period. Duh. I don’t play games, although if I did I could boot into Windows. Shockingly, you can have multiple OSes on a machine, and if you do any non-trivial programming, it’s always a good idea. It takes seconds to boot into another OS.

    Firefox for Mac and Chrome for Mac have no issues. I say this because I develop extensions and know what goes into each. And hey, now that Chrome’s making a push for native extensions using GCC, guess which platforms are going to be less troublesome. It’s also an easier dev environment, second only to Linux. Both are cross-platform. Flash is the same on OS X, and it’s the Apple hardcore that are hysterical in how they exaggerate its issues. I’ve never had my Mac crash while using YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo or a Flash-based page. Skype works too, and the same goes for Google Talk video chat, plus there’s FaceTime. Before Office 2011, Office for Mac sucked, but the MacBU did a great job (also, Keynote is light years better than PowerPoint for 40% of the cost). The only thing lacking is native add-in support, which I do miss. OS X doesn’t have native DirectX support, obviously; it’s a Microsoft product and MS has no reason to port it. The same goes for Linux. For Java, like many of the above, Macs used to really lag Windows, but it’s negligible now (I’m using 1.6.0_27, latest is 1.6.0_29).

    Also, when having trouble with a router, the problem is almost always between the keyboard and chair. Routers (including Linksys gaming ones) have web interfaces for setup. You connect, go to and set it up. I’ve set up wireless routers for myself and my family using a Mac. It’s not hard or hack-y. Windows, OS X, Ubuntu, etc. have GUIs for network connection management, too. Install discs are silly.

    I’ve said it a million times now, but I use PCs. I like them, especially for the productivity suite, and I recognize their power for gaming and the importance of reach. For things like text editing (multilingual support, Asian handwriting recognition, far better console Vim, TextMate), coding (see previous, plus the full Xcode is free while Visual Studio Ultimate is $12,000, a tightly integrated command line, plus a wide variety of compilers and language support), music (GarageBand vs what? Sound Recorder?), photography, workflow (multiple desktops, desktop assignment, multitouch-based window management, Spotlight search, good default mail/calendar/chat/contacts apps) and other personal wants, a Mac suits me better. If you prefer Windows, cool. But maybe you should stick to liking your OS instead of getting bent out of shape that someone else likes something else and, perhaps most horrifyingly, has good, personal reasons for doing so.

  2012. WAHH says:

    And you see the mac users going to facebook , and tumblr, most of the time. As what i had seen.

    Using a mac is just boring. In my opinion base.

    Cannot w8 for Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 to come out. So excited.

  2013. Steve says:

    @BRANDON. I’m sure BLM will be back to answer that for you.

  2014. Brandon says:

    Is DirectX even compatible with Mac?

  2015. Steve says:

    @SEMEN. I completely agree. BLM was trying to give me this long spiel about how easy it is to make software for the mac. blah blah blah. Even if he was right, I don’t give a s**t. The point is there are way more developers making software and games for the PC. So it’s a no brainer I’m going to go with PC over mac. I want more selection. The 2 biggest games (Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3) of the year are PC and game console only. Not mac. Not to mention BF3 was made for the PC and ported over to consoles. Not made for mac and ported to PC. In fact there are companies (eg. Aspyr) that only port games from PC to mac because mac sucks so much. Its pretty funny how apple people will be quick to say “get an iphone over a Windows Phone because the iphone has more apps”, but they won’t get a PC over a mac. PC has more software and they actually work the way they are intended to. Without the need of bootcamp.

  2016. semen says:

    steam for mac sux
    flash for mac sux
    firefox for mac sux
    office for mac sux
    chrome for mac sux
    skype for mac sux

    maybe mac sux?
    i mean the arrogance of mac users. so blinded, they only see flaws in others but not in themselves. so easily brainwashed by hip ads.

  2017. Steve says:

    I like the fact that I can go to a computer store blindfolded and buy hardware that’s compatible with a PC. apple users have to look at the box and find that one line that says mac compatible.

  2018. BRANDON says:

    Semen pretty much summed it up…Mac doesn’t have any of those advantages.

  2019. semen says:

    sorry love my pc.
    love the price.
    love the vast selections of makes and models.
    love the freedom to install linux/windows without refit or bootcamp crap.
    love the vast selection of form factors and case.
    love the way most old software still works on windows even accelerated game titles.
    love the vast selections of softwares – cads, editing, games.
    love the fact flash/firefox/chrome/adobe reader/java all works better on windows.
    love the fact, my athlon pc ran for the longest time.
    i am my own tech. support. my pc is busted, i fix it myself. saves time getting back up in hours only.

  2020. BRANDON says:

    Apple should just drop all their failed efforts in the computing industry and just stick with handhelds. I seriously don’t know what attracts people into buying a Mac anyway.

  2021. Steve says:

    And like I said earlier hardware is never compatible with apple. I gave the apple nuts son a Linksys Gaming Adapter and guess what? He couldn’t get it to work becaues you can only configure it with a PC. Of course, like a typical mac user … he calls it a piece of junk. I get it back and get it up and running in 5 minutes. I use it with my Xbox 360 and it works perfectly. I sell a lot routers, gaming adapters, etc and the majority of returns are from apple users that can’t get it to work with their system. And a lot of the times apple branded routers crash their computers. I sold a apple router to a customer and the installation disc that came with it crashed his OS and everytime the mac loaded the OS it would freeze. This is all true and very sad. Until that customer complained I didn’t know routers even needed to be installed. Every router I’ve encountered you never had to install anything. Of course, apple likes to overcomplicate everything to be different.

  2022. Steve says:

    @JA. I’ve never met anyone with just a mac. They always have a PC. Whether its a piece of crap or not they always own a PC too. In fact, I know the biggest apple nut there is and he has to have a PC in his basement because the place he works requires you to have one.

  2023. JA says:

    I agree with STEVE, especially the part “PC people can live without Apple. Not the other way around.”:)
    There is no alternative for Windows, but there is Linux for OS X.

  2024. JA says:

    The hard drive of my iMac, which I bought a year ago, now says, “This driver has a problem which cannot be repaired. See an authorized apple store.” Really? I have a three-year-old PC which still runs great without any problem. I did not expect to pay such money for a junk.

  2025. Steve says:

    @WAHH. Nice. I just bought the ASUS Crosshair V Formula a few weeks ago. Amazing motherboard along with an amazing processor.

  2026. Wahh says:

    Just bought a Asus g74 sx-a1 is really awesome For gaming and my work. Mac is just too boring for me.

  2027. Wahh says:

    Just bought a Asia g74 sx-a1 is really awesome For gaming and my work. Mac is just too boring for me.

  2028. vish says:

    Everything written here is wrong. Period.

  2029. Steve says:

    The problem with us PC users is having to deal with apple users. They don’t know when to shut up. I posted this before, but I’m saying it again. I was at a wedding and I pulled out my Windows Phone to check my email. Some kid came up to me and said “apple invented the touchscreen phone and Windows Phone is a knock-off.” That’s just plain ignorance. Nearly all apple users I’ve dealt with are completely ignorant. I’ve never gone up to someone and said “you’re stupid for using mac”. That’s really the main reason why PC people hate apple so much.

  2030. Steve says:

    And I respect your opinion.

  2031. BLM says:

    Also, my school (University of Tokyo) uses Macs predominately. The only non-Macs I’ve encountered were a handful of Bloomberg terminals, which run Windows (and communicate with a *nix server). They switched just shy of a decade ago. In several of the Ivies, Macs have majority market share among students. I’m aware most people use Windows, and again, I’ve never bashed it. But Mac users like myself can get along just fine.

  2032. BLM says:

    Uh, what? The US military uses Linux for many things. The DOD just released a minimal distro of their own, actually. NASA uses Ubuntu, a specific Linux distro, frequently. Plenty of government agencies use Linux: . Some things use Windows; I never argued otherwise. But you’re the one who seems to think *nix is “off-brand.” Maybe my sarcasm detector is just off, but I highly recommend you never say that to a computer scientist.

    And yes, Macs cost more, but I pay more because I get more. It makes me more productive. Try, just try, setting up a decent coding environment for ROR in Windows. If that’s too bleeding-edge, try the same for C. It’s just much easier to get programming work done — C# and VB .NET aside — in *nix or OS X. There are many other uses for computers, but many people I know who use Macs — and do so productively — do it because it performs for programmers (and visual designers, and musicians, etc.). I also like having the US extended keyboard (versus fiddling with scim and anthy on *nix or *shudder* Character Map in Windows) as I type in English and Japanese. I stumbled across how to sync all my photos with Flickr accidentally, whereas in Windows I had a hacked-together script doing the work for me. For me, in these areas, Macs just work. I can see my keys at night, boot Windows and Linux, and painlessly manage multiple desktops and windows. Your mileage may vary.

    I really, really don’t understand how you think this is a swipe on Windows. I stated clearly, very clearly, several times, that Windows was good at several things, and that for most enterprises Windows makes a lot of sense. I stated — again, very clearly — that I use Windows on a near-daily basis. I don’t hate it. I maintain a few C#-based Excel add-ins, actually, and I boot/virtual-boot into Windows for some of that work (Macs the machines run Windows very well). What I don’t get is the Mac hate. It feels like a stubborn refusal to admit that some people are enjoying a system different than your own, and being productive while doing so.

  2033. Steve says:

    and schools.

  2034. Steve says:

    @BLM. Mac’s cost more in the long run. You admit that. So I really don’t have much else to say. Oh and keep in mind that the US military, NASA, Self-checkout machines, and a lot of cash registers use Windows. Tons, tons of important work.

  2035. BLM says:

    @Brandon, um, actually I posted something and the moderators didn’t send it because it contained the word “s***”… which I was quoting from Steve.

    No, I’m back. My stories are real. I had a ThinkPad in college, and it’s held up fine, just the customer service has been obnoxious. It still runs, but it’s not worth much. My gf has a Sony Vaio. If you think I’m lying about that, consider the enormous recall Sony had last year or so because of fan issues. I suppose it’s also inconceivable for you that Sony would make bad batteries. For a long time, Dell had some of the worst customer service out there ( … sorry, I think that link to an independent study also says Apple has the best). And you’re right, I did have a Gateway. Gateways also have had great service in my experience (again, something confirmed by studies), and it’s held up for five years. The initial hard drive had problems early on, but I got it fixed in two days. It’s happily dual-booting Windows and Ubuntu.

    Also, Apple sells hardware and software. Microsoft sells software, but this is a deliberate choice, and they license OEMs. When you have a problem with an Apple phone, you go to Apple first because they’ll fix it more quickly. My personal struggles were with AT&T (not an iPhone, but Windows Mobile). If you think AT&T has good customer service, you’re crazy, period. I refused to do business with them after that, but I then had to help my girlfriend get her deposit back ($500) when we moved overseas. They wouldn’t believe us because the documents weren’t in English (headwall), so we had to have a professional translator verify our translations. I’ve used Verizon and had no problems with them. And yes, you’d be right to point out that it was Apple’s choice to go with AT&T. It’s one I didn’t support and for that reason refused to buy an iPhone in the US.

    Look, these are common customer service issues. Fans, hard drives and monitors fail. Sometimes the manufacturer is just awful, but most of time these are just hard to avoid, and replacement costs are built into the price. What I care about is how a company responds after being notified of these problems.

    And you may think you’re Mr. Fix-It, but when a device is under warranty, you take it to someone whose repairs won’t void the warranty. I’ve replaced fans, hinges (which require the near-complete dis/reassembly of the computer), all kinds of cards on my ThinkPad and gf’s Vaio. I built my desktop in high school and have built the software from the ground up, too, running Arch and Gentoo. But you can’t fix a dead pixel or a busted hard drive platter, and when fans inside break they can cause other damage, too.

    Also, I never, never said Windows was costly. Macs cost slightly more in the long run. In return, you get a tight integration with hardware and software, good customer service and the same solid support for programmers you get from Linux. If you don’t believe me, try doing something simple for web programmers, install thin, a solid production server for Ruby on Rails apps (hint: it’s “sudo gem install thin” on most *nix and OS X. And it’s equally simple to set up things like PHP to near your production environment.)

    That’s not something that’s for everyone, and in most cases — including at my own company — the right choice is to use Windows as few stray from the productivity suite (Office is top-notch). But for personal computers it’s a very rational choice for me.

  2036. Brandon says:

    I don’t think BLM will be back after that humiliation Steve.

  2037. BLM says:

    @Steve. Actually, I do have a Gateway T-6836 — and it’s held up the best of all my machines. It’s happily dual-booting Windows and Ubuntu. (The hard drive did completely fail once, and I got it replaced in two days. I have a paid account on Dropbox, so no data was lost.) It was an IBM ThinkPad I had in college and, again, it’s held up and my complaint is with the customer service hassles. Sony Vaios actually had a recall last year for fan issues (my gfs model was not included), so the idea that it’s made up strikes me as, well, amusing. (And they’re famous in Japan for failing just after warranty expires, hence the “Sony timer” swipe.) But hey, whatever it takes for you to believe. I’m not blaming Microsoft software for these — heck, I didn’t even bash Windows in the whole post — just talking about my relative experience with personal PCs and Macs. But hey, you don’t have to take my word for it, there are plenty of customer satisfaction polls for computers (hint: Apple’s at the top… and light-years beyond Dell): . This isn’t because Apple users are stupid or enthralled, but because it’s actually pretty painless.

    As for costs, I never, never used the word “costly” in describing the OS purchase. In fact, I stated quite clearly that Windows only adds $100 or so to the cost of a new computer (i.e. the discount you can negotiate for getting a computer without Windows). In the long run, Macs cost more, but it’s less than people think when you consider resale value and the internals. Some people are interested only in the productivity suite, and for them I’d always recommend Windows. I suppose it most depress the religious, but there’s important, productive work going on outside their favorite OS.

    My point about the phone is that Apple sells hardware and software. Microsoft sells software and goes through OEMs. Those are choices made for Mac and PC users. When I had a problem with my iPhone, I took it to Apple, not my carrier. It was a mere dead pixel, which is a common manufacturing issue, and the service was great.

    I also love the idea that you think I’m a Mac user incapable of fixing problems with my devices. I’ve replaced fans, hinges (which, by the way, often require the near-complete disassembly and reassembly of the laptop), several kinds of cards. On the software side, what can I say? I’ve used Arch Linux and Gentoo. But when a device is under warranty it’s a smart thing to have someone certified replace it instead of risking your warranty.

    As for your company being based solely online, there are some smart companies out there that are online and don’t use Windows. Like Google ( There are smart ones that use Windows “exclusively” (for whatever they’re selling; most webservers are *nix). OS choice doesn’t meaningfully limit anyone.

    As a side note, if you’re claiming it’s *nix that’s the “shitty, off-brand OS,” keep in mind that it runs most servers, ATMs, supercomputers, etc. Tons, tons, of important work

  2038. Steve says:

    I also forgot to metion you’re right, time is money. My company is solely based online and I’m not taking any chances with apple screwing up my work. For over 10 years I’ve been relying on Windows for my company. Just like 90% of the world. I’m never going to install any offbrand OS’s and pretend it’s Windows. Just use the programs the way they’re supposed to be used… on Windows. Period.

  2039. Steve says:

    @BLM. I’ve never had any issues you’re talking about. Which makes me to believe you’re just making it up to help your story. A buddy of mine has a Dell desktop. His motherboard failed a few months ago and Dell came to his house to replace it for free. He paid absolutely nothing. Replacing a Windows Phone is not a PC or Microsoft issue. It’s the cell carrier. I accidentally crushed my old Windows phone and Sprint sent it Next Day Air after I called them. It seems to me you either owned a Gateway or Walmart (eMachines) brand PC and have some no name cell carrier like Metro PCS with your Windows phone. Don’t blame Microsoft or PC’s, blame yourself for not taking the time to do some research on what brands to buy. My PC never crashes. The only time my PC ever crashed was because my CPU fan failed. Replaced it for $25.00 and it’s good as new. Unlike apple users and I’m self sufficient and can take apart my own computer to fix it and not have to lug it over to an apple store. The cheapest way to have Windows isn’t to install some s**t offbrand OS and pretend it’s Windows. Most people know at least one person in college. You ask them to buy it for you through Microsoft’s online store. It costs $30.00 for Windows 7 Professional. Yeah, $30.00 is “costly”. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

  2040. BLM says:

    Also, if cost is a big factor, you shouldn’t be using Windows, period. That productivity suite costs money, and those OS upgrades cost money. You can negotiate with plenty of computer stores to discount computers by $100-150 to not install Windows. Take it home, install a distro requiring minimal effort like Ubuntu or Mint, and you’ll save hundreds of dollars. Download Wine and you can run many Windows programs just as easily as in Windows. This is the cheapest way to do things by far.

    And something I forgot above is resale value. It’s like how that Honda Accord may cost more initially, but you get more of it back when you sell it. My PC from above in college is worth nothing — I gave it away — although it was expensive at the time, and my girlfriend’s three year-old Sony is worth maybe $200-300 or so after paying five times that (thanks, Sony timer). MacBooks are depreciating slower than that. Really, the price differential between PCs and Macs just shows up in different areas. Depending on how you use your computer, either one could be a relative bargain.

  2041. BLM says:

    This is getting a little ridiculous. I’m a recent Mac convert — coming from Linux, so I’m well aware of the open-source alternatives. I’ve used Windows at work for many years and at home most of my life. They’re all fine, and honestly, the parts of one OS are often interchangeable with those of another with minimal effort. Like Office? It’s available on Macs, as is iWork (and Keynote is fantastic), plus the LibreOffice suite, which is FOSS (COM add-ins are more difficult, of course). Like POSIX? You’re fine on OS X and *nix and just need Cygwin on Windows or GnuWin32 to just get the GNU toolchain. Like a certain programming language? With rare exception (e.g. Ruby’s slowness issues with Windows), they’re available and extremely similar everywhere. Like not having viruses? They’re easy to avoid on *nix and Mac machines, and Windows users just need one of the many free antivirus implementations. Like games? Well, er, I guess you probably do want a PC for that. Like some piece of hardware? Even *nix has great driver support now. Like make utilities? They’re not that hard to install on Windows. No one’s limited to the out-of-the-box functionality of any of these OSes. And anyone who can’t figure out how to do these things most of the way — or list them as failings for another OS — should abstain from this argument.

    The real differences are in polish, user experience, customer support, etc., and you pay for them. My conversion, really, is just on those non-OS issues: I had a PC in college that some idiot knocked over when my roomie had a party. It was under warranty, yet the repairs cost $750 (didn’t cover physical damage) and took two weeks. I had a Windows phone that turned off intermittently. Replacing it took three weeks and a great deal of negotiation, plus I paid postage. I had to replace the fan soon after. My girlfriend’s PC arrived with a dead fan, and the battery’s dead after a year. I had an iPhone with a dead pixel in the corner, and I went to the Apple Store a few miles away and they replaced it in 15 minutes. My MacBook got a huge dent in the body from me dropping it, and they replaced the unibody quickly. The biggest thing for me is that iStuff works the way I want it to, does it cleanly and without hackery, holds up, and Apple doesn’t waste my time with customer service. On secondary machines — or ones I want to keep simple for the end-user; my computer-illiterate mom uses Ubuntu — I’ll install *nix, and I’ll gladly use Windows at work. Simple as that.

    The fact is, time is money, ease-of-use is money, and on those dimensions a Mac works better for me. Your mileage may vary. But this OS religion stuff is pretty silly.

  2042. BRANDON says:

    I love that every PC user is providing accurate, detailed facts and opinions to back up their claims. I think it is ridiculous that no Mac users have followed that example. Learn to argue fanboys, otherwise you are saying PC’s are better by default.

  2043. Steve says:

    And if you want to make that ridiculous argument that you’ll have to pay for antivirus every year let me tell you this. Microsoft Security Essentials is FREE and Norton Antivirus over a span of 10 years is $400.00. Based on my research you save an average $800.00 buying a PC or an apple computer. So you’re still saving money if you actually pay for antivirus.

  2044. Steve says:

    @CHEAPER THAN WINDOWS. First off, is not reliable in any way shape or form. They are about as reliable as Wikipedia. It’s all user based crap. That article was made by “rjackson edited by tmpchaos”. I could go on there right now and post why Windows is cheaper in the long run. I’m going on personal experience. I have PC’s that are 8 years old still working great. The only thing I upgraded on the PC in the last 8 years was a new CPU fan ($25.00)and Windows 7 ($30.00 because my daughter used her student email). That’s $55.00. You aren’t going on personal experience, you’re going on some stupid article some random guy made without anything to back it up. I’ll be honest, I’m not writing this on my 8 year old machine, but the point is it didn’t fail and I didn’t have to spend a lot of money to keep it up.

  2045. cheaper than windows says:

    macs do appear to cost more upfront. but over time, that is not the case. Windows pcs cost more

  2046. Fuz says:

    Mac is just too boring for me.

  2047. Steve says:

    I also forgot to mention that you also want to be a PC because the majority of hardware only works on PC’s. Don’t believe me? Go on and look at all hardware with a 4-1/2 or higher rating. The only reason they get a 1-star is because apple people say it doesn’t work with macs. It’s truely pathetic. I’ve never bought any type of hardware for my PC and said “damn, it only works with macs”.

  2048. Steve says:

    @machead. You’re kidding right? There are 2 types. PC people and PC wannabes. Why? Because mac people can’t live without Microsoft. They have to use bootcamp, Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. PC people can live without apple. Not the other way around. I own a Windows Phone and Zune software. So I will never buy an ipod, iphone, or install itunes or quicktime. So I like how I’m not dependant on another company I bash, but you apple people hate PC’s yet want to be one by installing bootcamp and having to use Microsoft Office for school. Funny how PC people do their research and apple people have no idea what they are talking about.

  2049. RonweelD says:

    Nice 602 comments. must keep them in your doughebags.

  2050. John says:


    Mac people and d********s. Oh wait, those are one and the same.

  2051. machead says:

    there are only 2 types of computer user, the mac people and the mac wannabes

  2052. Fuz says:

    Smell a ignorant fanboy coming.

  2053. jack says:

    Im on a mac book laptop. Selling this for a Asus g74. Life will be so awesome when mw3 and bf3 comes out.

  2054. George Burns says:

    This has to be one of the lamest articles that I have ever read on Macs.

    First, your argument about photoshop is flat out wrong. I use Photoshop CS5 along with Lightroom 3, Final Cut Pro, DvD Studio Pro and Sound Pro simultaneously every single day and have yet to have it crash, stop responding or otherwise cause a problem.

    The one advantage of a Mac is the hardware and OS being in sync. Someone else mentioned it but it certainly bears repeating. I have six iMac’s in my office and the oldest is six years old. I two PC’s one of which is three years old and cannot run the simplest of applications.

    Btw, there is a reason that Apple has now surpassed Microsoft as the worlds largest company, so the futile attempt to make Apple sound like a has been product is just that, futile.

    As an avid bird hunter, I will use the time old cliche – That dog just won’t hunt.

  2055. Zvezdoros says:

    My first post! :)

  2056. hei says:

    Buying a mac just to put windows on it is a complete waste of money.

  2057. FUZ says:

    Ye macs are good for editing videos too.

    I don’t mind a Pc or a mac.

    But mac fan boys really need to shut up.

  2058. semen says:

    a little overated mac for editing videos. for one, pc can harness more powerful gpus for hd contents and we can rip hd contents from bluray for trailer clips.
    mac — more overated than i thought.

  2059. Brandon says:

    ROFL i dont even know where to start on this topic to many mac fan boys ok i will start off by saying no im not a fan boy of pc or mac but i am a fan boy of my money and what better way to spend my money then get top of the line for it then something that is alredy outdated like a mac…. ok Fuz your rite mac will never run a games better then windows cause for 1 it was built for a pc and on a pc.. so mac’s have a few things they are good for battery life is good on macbook its good for work but and video editing..maybe cause that takes alot of CPU power and mac’s have a slim chance or none at all of beating pc on CPU power…. so ok i just built a new computer last week and i have a Intel core i5 2500k 24/7 clock 4.8ghz best clock 5ghz 16GB of ram and a GTX 570 overclock to a 580 and a little small stuff but all in all cost me 1500 dollars i want to see a mac any mac out run my computer at 1500 dollars i will go mac for life and it looks cool too thats a + not the same old gay Gray or whit look mac has had sicne the stone age

  2060. Anonymous says:

    You can use right click idoit. You just have to make sure your settings are correct.

  2061. Fuz says:

    . only idiots had there fustration on the of it . Don’t really had a problem on my pc and is still stable. Excuse me games can run games better on mac ? Let’s see how you play it with high resolution and play cod with it. You can’t cuz is on the mac.

  2062. Troy says:

    Ok, so give me 2500 dollars (price of macbook pro) and I’ll get a laptop that
    is superior in every way. The standard price of a laptop is around 700 dollars
    and those are on par with macbooks. If you’re going to pay top dollar, why not get top of the line?

  2063. Maccy says:

    1: I think the fact you put Mac’s ads as your top statement why mac would suck shows how much of an angry fanboy you are. Advertisement is always about making your product look better than the others, and often, make it look better than what it already is. Its always been that way, Mac is just no exception. I think that in fact, the way it makes SO much PC users angry shows how actualy effective those ads were, and following that logic, it would mean that its a reason while its actualy good: Because they know how to grab attention, and that, in marketing, is PRICELESS.

    2 : Honestly I think nobody gets it for this one. If you REALLY wanna compare the prices of the hardware, don’t just look at what’s inside the box, look at the box itself. Most PCs are made out of simple plastic, and most of their components polutes alot. Apple, on the other hand, makes their computers out of glass and aluminium. Not only is this better looking, more durable, it also is more environment friendly because its easily recyclable, and the very production of the computer doesn’t polute as much as the one of your basic computer. Oh, and did I mention those materials are also much lighter? Yes, these things are good, but its obvious it comes at a higher price, but when you think about it, it could be worth it. Look at an hybrid car and one that isn’t. Yes, the hybrid is more expensive, but it polutes less. Yes, being environmental friendly IS pricy nowadays, much more than you think. And also, aside from the hardware, the software is just great. I’ve used both Mac and PC for years, and sadly, using a PC often results into alot of frustration because of its unstability (due to the fact it uses directories, making it harder to delete applications, creating lag and requiring your computer to use way too much files at the same time that it could. Mac’s Unix base is much more stable. Yes, I know Linux could be a Mac alternative, but I would only recommand Linux to programmers – for it is very good at those kind of things, but for everyday’s stuff, along with creative things, like art in general, and that’s a very loose term, Mac is more user-friendly and reliable), and that adds up to the price tag too.

    3 : Here’s a good quote from Steve Jobs: “You can’t ask people what they want and do it, because once it will be done, they’ll want something else…” And also, who needs a blue-ray on your computer, while you could just buy an actual Blue-Ray and have it on your TV (or if you’re a gamer, buy a PS3 instead while you’re at it). Apple is great at saying “no”. They know what works, and what doesn’t. If they think their computers don’t need something, they wont add it. Simple as that. I’ve never seen anyone around me with a PC using a Blue-Ray, nor do I see any interest in having one while I already have a Blue-Ray player at home on my big flat TV screen.

    4 :
    Excuse me? Mac was out there WAAAAAAAY before Linux. And also, Apple NEVER stole Unix. Unix was an open-source free system, that means, anyone can use it, and do whatever they want with it, no stealing involved. And Linux, yes, is good, but not for the same things as Mac. If you want something user-friendly, easy to use, with great proffesionnal softwares, especialy for music and graphism, Mac OS X is the way to go. If you’re the power-user type who rather get the job done himself, and go the hard in order to program his own applications and all that jazz, Linux is just great at that. Then again, its two worlds, two different things. And then again, the headline saying Mac stole linux (Mac was out there way before it) already shows you are quite mislead.

    And about that, why not saying Linux stole Unix as well instead of putting the blame on Mac? I think you’re just changing the way you say things just in order to have people to agree with you.

    5 : You really, really never used one. First of all, on mac, its not called “right click”, we call it “secondary click”, because we know it will just confuse those lefties out there. And I use Photoshop, and using the secondary click does the same damn thing as on a PC. Even for games (yes, you can play on a Mac, just not was well as on a PC, but you still can) its the same thing. And who needs a delete button, when you already have your backspace, or just use your secondary click to select the delete function ;)

    – It does, actualy.
    – That’s weird, how come everyone at school uses RocketDock on their PCs, which is a ripoff of Mac’s dock?
    – Actualy, the “X” button closes a windows, really, it does. Its the “-” button that minimizes it. And the reason it seems like its just minimized is because of the way OS X controls the program, which reduces DRAMATICALY the amount of CPU you need to sue.
    – Using Alt-Tab is completely a waste of time on Mac. Plus, its not Alt-Tab, its CMD-Tab (or Apple-Tab). Exposé is much faster. Then again, shows how much you don’t know about Mac.
    – Don’t be lazy, just freaking expend it. I mean, is it really, THAT, hard? Plus, OS X lion allows you to view them in fullscreen.
    – I currently have 101 images opened in a single iPhoto window. Then again, you have failed. And also, to view many images at the some time without iPhoto, select them all, and then double click, they will all open in a single Preview window.

    WOW! *rolling on the floor laughing* you really never used OS X xD. Macs are meant for multi tasking because its Unix, no need for directories, and that is very effective at multi-task. And its been proven the Photoshop works better on Mac (same thing for Valve games running on steam. YES, valve ran tests, the mac is five times more stable~)

    8. Less hardware choices = less compatibility problem risks = more reliability. Its a Con that comes with a Pro.

    9. Valve themselves admitted their games run better on Mac. Intel sandy bridge graphics on Macbooks are good. And finaly, OnLive (do some research about it)

    10. Back to my answer at your 8th arguement.

    All I see here is a rage article from an angry Fanboy.

  2064. Fuz says:

    Macs are not for gaming at all! A) most games wont run on them! and

    B) They wont be powerful enough! Or you will pay a lot more for less power.

  2065. MARK says:

    To me, the Mac is and always has been, a computer platform intended for people with insignificant technical affinity/understanding. Since the vast majority of people fall into that category, it is understandable why a platform like the Mac would be popular. Unfortunately, Steve Jobs sees this vast majority of people as a great opportunity to benefit from their lack of understanding using a good marketing strategy. The same marketing strategy that has already established a line of products that cost a lot more than similar products, not only without offering a substantial benefit for the extra cost, but effectively and artificially limiting the functionality and interconnectivity of the products for the purpose of Apple’s own benefit. If the PC stimulates its user to solve problems by thinking, the Mac teaches its user to solve problems by paying. People thinking less and less, that’s exactly what this old world needs, don’t you find? Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Think, McFly, think!

  2066. fuz says:

    Well what do people do on there mac?.

    Browse the web, why spending that huge amount of money for?. Buy a netbook.

    Music production audio : Get a mac. Don’t get a mac book pro.

    Bootcamp? : Proves that they want a pc.

    Pc: Really good in my opinion there are other brands and is asus, sony. And whats interests on the PC. Is that there are so many choices out there.

    I also choose carefully what brand to buy a laptop and is specs.

    Only idiots had a virus i never got a virus. + problems. + There are tons of games out there.

  2067. semen says:

    first of all, mac osx is a locked down version of freebsd which is lagging behind its cousin linux in hardware support. so how can your mac pro be customizable if someone stick a non-supported peripheral in your machine. will “it just work” like in linux or windows? how can you claim mac is customizable when support for devices are subpar. can you simply stick any model of nvidia/amd card in your mac pro? windows benefits through 3rd parties vendors and linux through community.

    you buy an imac, can you customize/change your monitor? the recent imac 2011 has hardware sensor built into hard drive. looks to me more lock-down. is the integrated power supply in mac mini 2011 swappable?

    as your opinion on linux, not friendly, last i heard samsung tab is so alike ipad that apple is taking up lawsuits. linux can be polished by samsung/google. look mac took freebsd and is less polished than linux in its raw state. if it can be polished to the its current incarnation. i am sure ubuntu/fedora can given the right incentive.

    so stop deluding yourself and the world. the whole world cant be wrong choosing pc.
    for price – right choice.
    for peripheral – right choice
    for games -right choice
    for surfing – right choice – i heard firefox and flash sucks on mac by hipsters
    for customizing – right choice – down to any brand, case, cpu, ram, videocard, ethernet,soundcard
    for 3d modeling – right choice – we have the premium drivers directly from amd/nvidia.
    for support – right choice – can take your warrantly expired pc/laptop to any technician and dont have to wait for apple geniuses to tell you every problem is logic board replacement and be charged a hefty sum.
    for software investment -right choice – on a mac, you’ll be told to buy the next version of the broken software when you upgraded your os. windows takes great care in not breaking the tons of games, business apps. while not perfect, atleast its an effort.

  2068. Geoff says:

    I’m sorry but this whole article just felt very hamfisted. I regularly use both OSs and they both have their pros and cons. I do not consider myself a mac fanboy. However, believe it or not “hipsters use it” and “there is no right click” are not very strong arguments. The hipster portions are really just the author venting about hipsters and can be ignored on the basis of being, frankly, completely subjective and a little ignorant. I do completely agree with the author that Macs are overpriced. Just look at what Steve said (nice comparison btw Steve) in his comment. Now, the argument about apple ignoring mainstream trends is interesting. I agree that the firewire effort was totally transparent and retarded. However, yes, in fact, macs do have HDMI ports. And no, of course they don’t have BluRay drives in them. How many people do you know that have a computer with a BluRay drive? Maybe if they JUST bought their computer, but I personally don’t know a single person who has one. “Mac OSX is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux”, though accurate, has nothing to do with anything. Linux requires you to type in commands to accomplish anything halfway decent. It will NEVER become a mainstream OS outside of geekdom. The average computer user can’t even burn a CD without a god damned CD Burning Wizard. Now, the points about the interface and mouse actually made me laugh. It was like he sat down at a Mac at his school library, used it for ten minutes, got frustrated because he didn’t want to spend the 20 minutes it takes to learn something new and wrote an article to rant about it. Seriously, “no right click”? Macs have been that way for a long time. If you don’t already know how to right click on a mac or that Command+C is the same as Control+C on Windows, you don’t know enough about Macs to write an article about them. Yes, the gaming isn’t as good on a Mac as on a Windows. However, a lot of people in the comments seem to be under the impression that Macs can barely run Solitaire. Just this morning I was playing Dragon Age on my Mac on the highest settings. But, yeah, newer games don’t run as well on Mac as on Windows. “Mac Mail, iPhoto, GarageBand, iChat, and Quicktime suck”. Yes they do, but so does Microsoft Paint. Do you use it to edit your photos because it came bundled with your OS? Of course not, you spend five seconds on Google and get a better program. “Macs are not customizable” is a straight up lie. I promise you, you can open up your computer and swap out components. Steve Jobs will not burst through your front door with an assault rifle because you wanted to add more RAM. Does it violate the warranty? Sure, but that’s only like 2 years long, and if you need to swap out components within those first two years, you probably should have just purchased a better computer to begin with.

  2069. BRANDON says:

    I lol’d so hard when Blee said that “Mac is superior and provides the best graphics for gaming”. Go play Black Ops @ 1920×1080 with 8xMSAA SuperSampled, 16xAnisotropic Filtering, all effects enabled at maximum resolutions, and never dropping below 75fps.

    You can’t, because it is a Mac.

  2070. matt says:

    blee i would have to say u are wrong if you knew your tech history you would know that apple and microsoft both stole the idea of the gui and of the design of the modern PC from xerox that right i said how much apple fanboys looks stuff up before they start hating on the flexibity of the PC.and to those problems you were saying PCs had,if those are really issues to you you are just abusing your computer and/or computer illiterate if you can’t figure out how to fix it yourself lol.heres the link to the xereox computer i talked about.

  2071. Steve says:

    @archie. Windows is most definitely plug and play. You can plug basically any printer, scanner, or even phone into Windows 7 and it’ll install automatically. You obviously have never used a PC.

  2072. semen says:

    total rubbish from mac users.
    before my recent core i5 upgrade, my ancient pc was an athlon 1.2 ghz. dude, that is old.
    it’s just the web has changed, animated ads everywhere on the web. got too slow to surf – upgrade was due. so to reiterate, not only is it cheaper, it is more durable than any mac.

    mac is not magically more durable, search on internet, tons of logic board replacement.
    in many case, that logic board replacement will cost you more money than a newer machine, should your applecare expires.

    so the rubbish you mac users are spreading. my bro is still using a 5 year old dell inspiron laptop. money is better spent elsewhere like games. even these days with linux there is no reason to buy any os other than windows for gaming exclusively. there is nothing inherent in os x that makes it better than windows for gaming or linux for the other stuffs.

    oh for that one who comments on windows filesystem, search on internet what linus torvalds think of your osx filesystem.

  2073. Archie says:

    Why always start a fight and get personal?
    Both Mac and Windows have been around for years – both have their share of faithful and convinced users. Both systems have advantages and disadvantages and their right to exist. Common annoyance for both are the respective fanboys that believe “their” system should dominate the world and claim the other sucks.
    I love my Mac, actually I´ve several, but this doesn´t mean I despise Windows and its users and call them stupid b*stards. My Macs are stable, the portables have excellent batteries and when traveling I network connections just work without adjustments of network profiles. My Macs are used for office work, graphics, Internet and as an entertainment center. I´ve also upgraded my 2007 Macbook with a SSD-disk, which is something I wouldn´t even have considered with a Windows based system, partly because a Windows system from 2007 is not worth the effort and partly because migrating to a new drive is (softwarewise) a pleasure on Mac.
    I DO run Parallels and Windows7 because there is some specialised software I need and some tools I love (ACDSEE). Yes, Macs are more expensive, but in my PERSONAL experience they are more durable. No, Mac is not the only answer, but they are fun. Yes Windows is standard and cheaper, but no it´s not plug and play neither. So loosen up, give both systems a real TRY before judging.

  2074. Blee says:

    Oh, and if you’ve ever had truncated filenames thanks to Windows, plus not being able to delete files with long filenames, switch to Mac.

  2075. Blee says:

    PC files will open on a Mac but not the other way around. If you want to install Windows on Mac OS, you can. Anyone typing Mac in all uppercase has probably never used a Mac and also needs to go back to grade school after so many typos. The creative types use Mac. Boring database users are into PCs. The two are vastly different, except that Microsoft copied the Mac interface right down to the trash can. Windows exception errors are rampant. Software must be installed in a sequence. Mac is the original plug and play, whereas Windows is “plug and pray.” Apple software such as iTunes and products like the iPod and the iPhone are extremely popular and have revolutionalized technology as we know it. Windows doesn’t ask if I want to install updates; it just starts installing Update 1 of 12, 2 of 12, etc. until it shuts down but takes its time in doing so. I don’t get the blue screen of death on the Mac. I own an HP desktop, an iMac, and a MacBook. Apple makes good on any replacement parts, fixes, or even the entire Mac as it’s all covered under warranty. The PC dies and you have to replace the entire motherboard or worse. With Apple, you deal with tech support right here in the United States. I’ve never gotten a Mac virus but have had to remove them from the PC after visiting a web site to download freeware or opening an email with attachments. There is more software for Windows but I have everything I need on a Mac. The interface is cleaner. Most Macs have far better built-in displays. Some PCs don’t have crappy resolution but for illustrations, the Mac provides a crisp, clear image. Visually, the Mac is superior and provides the best graphics for gaming, etc. The 2.7 GHz per seconds on this iMac we use to watch programs on is good enough for us.

  2076. semen says:

    overpriced but decent at everything sucks.

    overpriced but excel at everything rocks like gaming laptops.
    underprice but decent at everything rocks like acer.

    my folks bought a 299 buck acer desktop. it is rock solid for surfin, emailing, flash videos, etc. for their intent purpose, a cheap reliable windows 7 pc is adequate and does the job well. no need to spend 800 for a cheapest mac mini.

    first dont ever listen to mac users – they are hypocrites. they claimed their system are so stable but yet they are the ones who always complains and trashes:

    1. adobe flash plugin for crashing and overheating their cpus. how can mac be superior to windows when their platform cant let people who just spent 2-3 times the money to browse the web where flash is prevalent everywhere. yeah html5 is the future… not immediately for a long time to come. even linux users dont complain about flash anymore, they’ve been quite stable both 32 and 64 bit. statiscally even less share than mac, why is flash not crashing and overheating the cpus of linux users.
    but no, to mac users it is never their system, but the fault of adobe. right when your system is designed crammed inside a small chassis like a mac mini or inside a hot monitor or fans that spins slowly so it is quiet or never laid support for h.264 acceleration till snow leopard. keep blaming others.

    2. gaming not designed on mac will not run natively as fast. dude, your homemade drivers will never let it performs better than drivers provided by the gpu manufacturer. till they let nvidia/amd distribute their drivers, you’ll be performance short and cycles behind the latest bug fixes.

    3. skype sucks. not so according to my folks who communicated back and forth on a pc with their siblings. if your ichat is so great, why arent they ported like quicktime or itunes. here on pc, we have options of wide variety of headphones and webcam to choose from. god even knows if half of those peripherals have driver support on mac.driver support is everything and pc is number 1 when it comes to driver support for variety of webcams, printers, graphics card, camera raw formats, ethernet.

    when people argue that mac is inherently more stable than their windows counterpart, i say bullshit. when you buy an acer, hp desktop/laptop, you think they never ran a battery of tests on their product line before shipping. i mean these are pcs destinned to ~90% of world users. imagine the amount of RMAs and tech. support. i mean a defective product is a defective product from manufacturing. it happens in assembly in a factory with thousands of workers. it happens to acer,hp,etc. but that dont mean pc sucks, it just mean you unfortunately got a lemon that slipped out of the factory.

    so mac users, back to your boring wonderland. if not for gaming, surfin, what good is a mac for the rest of the world who are not into music editing.

  2077. Y says:

    People that bootcamps on the mac. That proves that they want a PC.

  2078. Steve says:

    People that use macs are so stupid I heard this guy say that macs upgrade the RAM automatically. Are you f-ing kidding me?

  2079. Steve says:

    I could care less about the actual article. I still hate macs and people who use them.

  2080. Daniel says:

    The new line of Macbook Pros are overpriced but decent at everything. Stable and fast and you can install windows on it too. Its actually good for gaming! Black ops runs at 50fps on full settings on windows (on mac partition) and 30 on mac. I got a 2500 dollar one as a gift and am more then happy with it.

    I had LOADS of permission and functioning problems with Vista when it first came out and still hate that experience. Macs ARE more stable, I’ve never had a crash on it and have had 2 on windows 7. That said, I still prefer Windows because of better gaming performance and a right click.

    I don’t think your a Windows fanboy, but you are exaggerating, a LOT.

  2081. MARK says:

    Do you really “love” a fact, Josh? Are you really laughing out loud? Who on earth will take you seriously? Apple sells ridiculously overpriced computers with serious limitations both in functionality and connectivity. Loving it or not, laughing out loud ot nor, that is the fact.

  2082. Josh says:

    I love the fact that all PC religious people have to call the mac users 10-12 year olds lol. Just goes to show you got nothing else

  2083. Josh says:

    Oh Christian, obviously you don’t know how to use adobe products well since you can alter screen modes on the mac to have it as black, windowed, or panels. Such a fool.

    Just one more thing… If mac sucks so much… then why does every electronic company out there imitate apple… Just look at samsung and their galaxy tablet and phone.. lol.. they are not even allowed to sell them. Samsung must be a bunch of mindless monkeys to do that what a stupid idea what did they think was gonna happen…

  2084. Josh says:

    I love the fact that I went through all 10 reasons and found them all false lol. By the time I got to 6 I was thinking is this thread sarcasm directed toward the windows religious fan girls?

    I could prove every 1-10 incorrect so easily but I am not gonna waste my time. Hater with a small dong wouldn’t have the brain power to do such simple tasks anyway. Have fun with M$ Windows8, now that is a true masterpiece of fail.

  2085. Steve says:

    Ha. I hope you’re joking. If that ever happened the computer would be overpriced and have old technology. That’s all apple ever does. They do what Nintendo did with the Wii… used old hardware and added a motion sensor controller.

  2086. y says:

    And there is a reason if they both work together, they will make one awesome computer.

  2087. Christian says:

    I could not agree more.
    Being an interaction designer and for years and years hearing about how great Macs were I finally talked my work into getting me a Mac Book Pro. I was blown away and instantly I became a larger fan of Windows. After spending a few weeks trying to do things the Mac way I finally figured out how to customize things to work like a Windows, now I am somewhat satisfied but like your article I have a list a mile long of things that suck about a Mac. My favorite gripes are the fact that I can only resize a window from the bottom right corner, that maximize doesn’t really maximize, some applications like Dreamweaver (that are panel based) leave gaps that cause me to constantly select out of the application that I am trying to work in, the application is not connected to the application that I am working on, drag and drop is seemingly way more difficult than it needs to be, finder just sucks ass all around and stuff that is supposed to work like automatically connecting to my networks, and printers don’t work (at least consistently). How about no address bar, no bread crumbs.

    Interestingly some of my complaints seem to be solved in OSX Lion, too bad Lion crapes on VPN and our IT department wont let us install it.

    Windows is by no means perfect but for many features they are way better than Macs. I am not a total Mac hater though. Even though this machine is way way way over priced, the hardware is pretty impressive (minus the missing connections mentioned), the ability to pin any folder to places (Why cant Windows do this?) is pretty cool, and the really quick start up and shut down is soooooooo nice.

  2088. semen says:

    windows is designed to operate on generic devices whereas mac is designed to work on subset. i mean hardware manufacturers & microsoft works hand in hand to create drivers that snap into system with double click. sure its not perfect but it is WAY BETTER than an os that is originally designed around a couple of configurated model. those os will break with various different 3rd party drivers and kernel versions because they werent designed to be used like windows pc. we can use different version of drivers regardless of microsoft making small uncoordinated updates. but with mac, you’ll think differently about buying next one. it’s an ecosystem created by a flexibly-designed os hence pc users have so many peripherals which led itself to be the premiere platform for gaming, multimedia, business, etc. pc rocks. windows 7 rocks.

  2089. semen says:

    dumb mac users,
    windows is known as a plug n’ play os whereas mac is not.
    try installing a printer that is not in your device list on mac, and see how many new user will find it intuitive install the other vast majority of printers that is well supported on windows but lacking on mac. i mean you’re better off buying bundled products or products that is endorsed by apple. ofcourse that means a LIMITED choice of printers and perhaps buying directly from apple store also means apple tax.

    sucks to be a fruit.

  2090. Steve says:

    And I highly doubt you had any problems with a printer. You’re just another tool who can’t find any legimate reason to dislike a PC and are making up reasons. If you look at nearly all hardware on the market it’ll always say Windows XP, Vista, 7 compatible … and oh yeah MAC too. MAC has such a small market in the computer world. All hardware is made to work perfectly with Windows computers and if the manufactuer gives a s**t they’ll TRY to find time to make it work with a MAC. If you don’t know how to install it than you’re the “idiot”. I have Canon and Brother printers and both took less than 5 minutes to install.

  2091. Steve says:

    @SIGEL. You sir, are the idiot who can’t keep his computer from crashing “dozens” of times a day. Are you that fucking stupid? Who’s the idiot now? My Sony VAIO Laptop with Windows 7 has yet to crash on me since I bought it 2 years ago. My business is based solely online and I need a computer that won’t crash or I’ll lose money. The only time a Windows computer will ever crash is if you install s**t off brand hardware. I’ve seen first hand the mac OS crash because of flash video or installing the wrong software. I’ve never seen a PC crash due to flash video.

  2092. Sigel says:

    There are not two types that buy MAC, there are at least three. I quit buying Windows based computers because they crash on me dozens of times each day, my MAC crashes about three times a year. My MAC runs about eight times faster than my Windows laptop and it doesn’t ask me five times whether this is what I wanted to do or not. I don’t have to buy three or four security programs to install before I can even use my Windows computers. I had one day I spent seven hours trying over and over to install a printer on my Windows laptop in between bouts of being on hold with “tech support” who kept sending me to “the other guy”. Windows said it was Toshiba, Toshiba said it was the printer software, etc. When I tried to install the printer to my MAC I plugged the cable in and my MAC laptop asked me if I wanted to print a test page. That’s it. When I bought my MAC laptop I got about a six times better computer than ANY of my six Windows based laptops.

    So… at this point I’m wondering if you have ever even touched a MAC computer. Not one thing you mentioned matches my experiences with Windows OR MAC. The software options for MAC are limited but mostly because there are idiots like you that insist that Windows works better despite the fact that they don’t.

  2093. orange says:

    10 year old ignorant fanboy. grow up if you hate pc’s why go on to this piece of artical. about it and say stupid comments about the pc. I got a pc and a mac. And i can tell that mac fanboys are the worst and should keep there mouth’s shut. They’re just another child who fills up the population of Apples. Because that’s the only brand you buy. Because it’s easy for your simple mind.

  2094. SAMM says:

    viruses are only an issue if you go looking for them. I have never had virus issues. Don’t download 1k size files from Limewire, don’t download junk from warez sites, and don’t click random links in emails sent from total strangers. Keeping your computer virus free isn’t rocket science, its common sense. Most the people I know who have had virus issue download all those stupid “free” wallpapers and junk online and get filled with malware and spyware, then wonder how it happened.

  2095. cookies says:

    I do not mind a pc or a mac but MAC Fanboys suck. Stick with your favorite platform and enjoy it.

  2096. colonel_sanders says:

    would love if freebsd mandate a clause in their license to acknowledge their source, so instead of “OS X”, it will be “OS X FreeBSD”. isnt it cool. that will help spread the BSDs.

    I dont think linux inherits BSD. have to check the license to see if any attribution to any BSD inside.
    I mean in the *nix world, solaris is an OS, maintains its own kernel source,
    Windows is an OS as its maintains its own NT kernel. OS X like gnome, kde are graphical on top of freeOS. arent they called Desktop?
    gnome has its gvfs, but that hardly makes it an OS. i could be wrong. but lame anyways for a billion dollar company to not write something new like microsoft. kudos m$oft.

  2097. Steve says:

    MacBook Pro 15-inch (

    15-inch LED Display (1440 x 900)
    2.0GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    AMD Radeon HD 6490M (256MB GDDR5)
    4GB DDR3 RAM
    500GB Hard Drive (5400 rpm)
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)

    Price: $1,799.00


    HP dv6tqe series (

    15-inch Full HD LED Display (1920 x 1080)
    2.0GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7
    AMD Radeon HD 6490M (1GB GDDR5)
    4GB DDR3 RAM
    750GB Hard Drive (5400 rpm)
    SuperMulti 8X DVD+/-R/RW with Double Layer Support

    Price: $1,049.99


    Price difference of $749.01. mac fanboys are retarded to spend that much.

  2098. Steve says:

    Buy a mac for college and get $100 to spend on the mac app store < Buy a PC for college and get a free Xbox 360. Wow apple, really? What a lame idea to get people to buy a mac. Microsoft knows what they're doing.

  2099. Stephen says:

    Plus the computer is built for the OS, Macs tend to last longer and perform better for long periods of time because of this. The article also acts like Apple is the only company that has profited from the use of BSD. Linux is based on BSD and plenty of companies are making money off of that. Hell, BSD is a copy of AT-T’s software. What a terrible article.

  2100. Stephen says:

    Or you parents owned Macs and you just grew up using them. As for it being a watered down version of linux, I can still do everything in terminal that I can with linux. Linux is fun on older machines, but I use mac for my take everywhere laptop.

  2101. Samm says:

    Um besides getting a brand call hp or a dell. You should also check.

    A brand named: Asus, and sony.

    And do research on is specs and do some research on the computers.

    Don’t just buy a computer.

    Check is specs. And brand first. Cuz there are other brands out there than a hp and a dell.

  2102. Paul (Graphic Design Student) says:

    I guess this mite be an ok article about people who don’t have it required for their major to have and use a mac book pro for for their major. I have grown up using pc’s since I was a little kid. I would say that most people don’t really need to have a macbook or macbook pro but they can be a lot! less frustrating sometimes then pc’s I had actually planned on getting a dell my senior year of high school and hoping it would last me thew at least two years of collage classes. Since the desktop I had broke(It was 4-5 years old so I knew if was going to probably die soon ). I bought a new dell laptop and I didn’t have any issues even thow it even had vista on it, and about 11 months went by I was doing a normal recommended system update and in the middle of it it said WINDOWS SISTEM UPDATE FAILURE!!! I had to call back and forth between dell and Microsoft talking to people in a different countries to hopefully get my computer workable instead of just a black screen. I had easly spend and wasted over a weeks time of just being on the phone trying to actually get some help before my warranty was up. THAT WAS LITERALLY LIKE HELL!!! I was at least I guess able to get most of my word documents, pics, and music off but my programs, and even normal desktop were gone…, But the computer was never workable afterwards it would blue screen and crash randomly while on it, so ya… I had to switch anyway to a mac since my school required it for being a graphic design major, their is a learning curve to switching to a mac, but I do like it alot better that I don’t need to worry or waste much of my time with virus’s or freezing, also at least I haven’t had any issues with BS like that with owning my mac! I have had nightmares from hp using cheep used parts that led them to a law suit they make amazing printers tho but I would never buy an hp computer again, if your looking for a great pc, sony, asuse and Toshiba ive heard are really good, I use to say dell was also good bud idk if they are anymore or if that would be considered a Microsoft issue. Also if you dont like or want a mac then dont buy or get one, lol. Mite as well save your money if you can (I would if I could). Just do what you wanna do and what fits your situation, I like features on both opperating systems, I would say that there are alot of people that have mac’s tho for some of the reasons stated but dont go around assuming everyone who owns a mac is like that! I would probably still be a pc guy if my school didn’t require it for me to use a mac, lol. Also I know enough about computers to build them, so you cant say I just dont know how to use a computer. Hopefully when I actually have the money to, im planning to build my own computer :P. Hope this helps, just remember a mac isn’t nessary for most people so if you can get by with a pc then why not if you do need or want a mac then just get one, lol Good luck
    btw: I do know that mac’s are also pc’s since they are both personal computers, lol. as for gaming just get a xbox like I have also on that note hm… rrod? lol, nothing is perfect! get what ever you want I dont see the point in bashing eather side

  2103. VENOM says:

    No computer is perfect. macs are good for some stuff and pcs are good at everything else. my only complaint for macs is that the price is too d@mn high

  2104. VENOM says:

    when it comes to macs, the price is too d@mn high

  2105. Nick says:

    Ipods are fine.

    I would never buy a mac for one reason – if it breaks it costs heaps to fix. On one laptop you gotta be careful not to knock off the power connector because the battery is stuffed. On the desktop the wireless network is broken and periodically the keyboard locks up. As for all the keyboard shortcut problems and stuff, whatever. The mac mouse is annoying though.

    There are far more games and programs for people who aren’t using macs.

    Learn to use your computer before telling us why macs are so great and ” Stfu”.

  2106. James says:

    Pc always breaking? nah is due to the people how they treat there computers.

    Same goes for a mac.

    So if the mac breaks. All you had to do is buy a new one.

  2107. Steve says:

    @DAVE. Wow. Use your brain. Since you’re talking about fixing and refurbishing computers you’re an absolute douche bag. Microsoft is a software company. They don’t make any computers. Dell, HP, Sony, Samsung, etc make the computers and use Microsoft operating systems. The only reason you would get more PC’s coming in to fix is because PC’s outsell “macinsux” 10 to 1. If apple could step it up and somehow sell more computers you’d get more in to fix. Make sense? Or are you really that stupid?

  2108. Dave says:

    Mac’s are the best and PC’s suck I worked in a PC refurbishing company fixing microsux machines although I would like to thank PC for always breaking and in these tough economic times it is great to have a job. Keep it up PC!!! If we all had jobs fixing PC problems the unemployment rate would be 0%.

  2109. james says:

    If mac is so great the most important was that you cannot play the games.

    Unless they had to bootcamp that s**t up. Which was kinda like. Really?

  2110. Steve says:

    @semen. Where the hell have you been all this time?

  2111. semen says:

    i hate it when mac users are told they cannot game on a mac, they always reply it is not for gaming, that is why they have console or bootcamp. similarly with bluray(1080p + lots of extras) vs itunes (720p). why can’t they humbly conceit to defeat? what a bunch of sore losers.

    pc has/will always been/be a test bed for game developments/moddings/patchings. how else are you gonna stick quad sli videocards when no such motherboards exist in a mac world. gamers/developers aren’t gonna wait around for apple to support their latest gpus when they can stick new videocards instantly on their pc. there is not much models to choose from. just look at entry level macs currently, they support only amd/intel. on entry level pcs, one can choose amd/intel/nvidia.

    the other thing with apple is they dont surrender control over to hardware manufacturer for drivers fearing compromised stability, etc. but they dont realize, these manufacturer test their hardware with games full-time and release patches to drivers frequently, while apple is busy patching safari, ichat, making more advertisement, etc. they are not in the business of testing games full-time. therefore, they will always lag behind official hardware manufacturer’s driver patches for games. gamers like to be in charge of breaking their system if it means they can finish the game with updated drivers(hate dangling games with no endings). system rollbacks are meant for that. try relinquishing a little control for the mac, even if it means open doors for more tech. support, returns, warranties, etc. microsoft does it for years.

    more choices, means more customizations, shows more characters in its users. i mean if you go to a lan party, everybody have different rigs, configurations. it’s exciting! if the whole world suddenly adopted macs, they will all have the same grey aluminim imacs. it’ll be a bland, boring iWorld with lots of annoying, snobbish iHipsters. then, according to annoying george, he wont be livin in style coz everybody has what he has and dress/annoys like him. so, keep the mac world small if you still want to delude yourself as part of the elites. because, there’s nothing special about a mac – same parts (cpu), software (firefox), but different attitudes (annoying snobs) in the daily usage of a personal computer user. yes, mac is not a pc, but an narrowly-configured-specs of pcs with a semi-closed-roman-numerized-kittyname os (freebsd is kinda open). whereas windows is a closed os with schemeless-version-names (9x->2000->xp->vista->7) for broadly-configured-specs of pcs.

    truth is …
    mac can have trojans, malwares, etc.
    firefox, adobe readers/flash, skype all runs better on windows. ported unix apps like gimp/scribus all have smaller footprints, despite mac sharing unix underpinnings. weird, yeah… microsoft, adobe, skype, gimp, scribus all sucks… something must be very inherently wrong with your logic/architecture.

    pc can game better.
    pc can harness the multi gpus better for graphics, videos, scientific works.
    pc have better thermal handling (different form factors, coolings, waterproof). most wd hd has max temp. of 60.c. certainly wouldnt wanna game/edit with it in a small form factor pc.
    pc has much better drivers for opengl because gpu makers dont necessary release all tech. specs (ip rights) which means your driver must emulate missing features in cpu but are available in official drivers. so dont delude yourself, that mac will be a premiere gaming platform even if the usage stats will someday grows a percent.

    now by removing optical drives, games/blurays/dvds/photo-albums must be play via external optical drives. if i need a tv capture capabilities for video clips, i need another usb peripheral whereas i can neatly insert/hide these peripherirals via pci-e in a pc case. what supposingly is a neater iDesktop is now cluttered with wired modular devices stacking like different-size iBoxes. right now, i am still backing up on optical discs coz i read e.m.p. from lightning can fry controller circuits even unplugged or plugged with a ups. maybe cloud services are for the better. like some famous dude says, real men dont backup, they ftp-mirrored.

    so if a pc can game, browse, graphics/video-edits, updates better, where does that leaves mac? despite all the iFads, iFarts still stinks… i heard steve jobs is leaving his iJob. sad, a healty competitor does help microsoft innovates windows 7. fantastic os, reasonably priced. gone are the days, any os maker can charge an exhorbitant sum for an os when alternatives like linux exists. if microsoft/apple were to price their entry level os in 4 digit range, their usage stats will drop very fast. we are lucky to live in a great age where free os is out-of-infancy and ready to serve desktop/server wise so we dont have to pay the price of commercial unix of yesteryears. it is still okay to pay for a commercial offering if and only if they are priced right.

  2112. Steve says:

    @semen. I can’t believe I never used that argument. I’ve been a PC gamer for 10 years. Anyways, I completely agree that PC users will spend $300-$500 on a new video card just to play a few new games. So it’s ridiculous that people say PC users are “too cheap”.

  2113. semen says:

    first, george belongs in the “Most Annoying Crap” users – as you can see annoying….

    Let see, mac users always tell guests in their forums, that a mac retains most of its value despite the age. well, that is a tell-tale sign mac users are CHEAP trying to passed their aging desktops to unfortunate people when you can get a new pc for that sum. not very nice people mac users, since they go around bragging about it after selling it.

    what options are there?
    hardware wise, you get limited model you can choose, mini, imac, mac pro. software wise, you need bootcamp to install windows, you need refit to install linux.

    options means i can tailored different graphics,sound,ethernet cards. look at this iteration, nvidia is dumped in favor of intel/amd. i mean it sucks for users using linux. it needs bootcamp to install windows, it needs refit to install linux. options means i dont need hacks to install another OS.

    pc users are certainly not cheap. they regularly track/update according to directx iterations. if games requires more gpu/cpu power, they merely upgrade cpu/videocard accordingly. imagine a power users updating all their quad sli videocards + power supply for the newer eye-candies that comes with newer directx. I mean a single top-of-line single videocard is $500. Imagine when a total overhaul is necessary, a new quad sli motherboard + cpu + 4 videocards + new psu will probably be more than your imac. Dont forget, some pc case is expensive. you claimed to know how to throw money and live with style with your fruit embossed desktop. pc users can throw money on eye-candies where it counts most – in games where you are starring at all time. i mean you smile when you walk by your fruit embossed desktop. i smile when i walk by my glowing desktop+keyboard. but i still smile when i game with my sli + physx whereas yours’ or your kids’s smile will turn to frown when all effects are turned to high and stutters. here is where reality sets it, pc rocks for your money.

  2114. George! says:

    Mac doesnt suck at all!
    Its a beutifal computer with lots of options.
    You guys are to poor to buy a mac and i pity you.
    You all probably never heard of style and live in crappy houses with aids infected cats. So f**k you who like your loser pc! MAC IS THE FUTURE

  2115. Govagent77 says:

    I always been a diehard PC user ever since Windows 3.1 as for MAC’s can you upgrade them with better hardware no, can you install an better OS no, I can built my own hardcore PC that over powers an overpriced MAC. PC will rule forever!!!

  2116. Rons-An-Idiot says:

    I agree with musical… there are plenty of programs that you can download for free on torrents and such that can do the same if not more than a gay mac can. I’m so sick of you mac fanboys. you guys don’t know s**t and say, “well PCs have virus’s and Macs can’t get them.” well the truth is there is just as many viruses on a mac(trojan/virus), the way I see it is anything that will f@$k up anything(software/hardware)on your computer is a damn virus and as long as you’re not an idiot on any computer you’ll be fine. what are you mac fans trying to prove and you say, “you PC guys say just as much crap about Macs.” well one because it’s true, 2 we wouldn’t b saying anything unless you guys didn’t open your damn mouth all the time and 3 Macs just blow so much D1ck just like women that is why you see a lot of women with Macs and not just cuz they blow but because they think Mac is so simple(which it kinda is) cuz you are so f@$king limited and restricted. Why can’t you guys(fanboys) get it through your head that PC is better in everything(Macs aren’t better @music)you can download the same music programs(not exactly the same but do the same thing if not more), simply everything. you have a problem or need a certain driver(simply anything)you download it and usually you can get it for free if you know where to look. a PC can do anything, theres no restrictions(b careful if u don’t kno what you are doing). My PC is just as fast as any MAC if not faster and can do 10x more, and guess what it will be that way in 3 years too because unlike the Mac which you’re restricted and can’t download the right stuff you need, I can always keep my PC up to date. One of my PCs I’ve had for 5 years and is faster than when I got it, it use to have windows 2000 or something and it has windows 7 and never has a problem, because I keep it up to date and it is just like a new computer you can buy from bestbuy or where-ever(just as fast as any Mac) and it’s almost a decade old. Now please tell me a Mac that can do that, and that is if it stays in one piece and doesn’t blow after 1 or 2 years. Mac just cannot keep up and will never keep up with PC. I swear a mac is just straight up communism(no offence to anyone, I’m just making a point), you have to do whatever it has and can’t do what you want(restrictions). Pretty much with PC you are free and there are no limitations, the sky is literally the limit. Just because you Mac fanboys wanna suck Macs or Steve Jobs D@$K, well I know why you guys are always pissed and saying all this sick because technically you got butt-raped(and he didn’t even use any lube) by Steve Jobs cuz you paid double the price than you would have paid with PC and you can’t do half the sh1t with your limitations. Well I hope this gave you guys a good point of view(sorry if it was vulger or disturbing in anyway), you guys just piss me off sometime with this Mac is better BS when it is far from true. Take it easy

  2117. Musical says:

    As for music production, there are plenty of programs that work for PC and many people make professional music with PC as opposed to MAC. The music production element may have been true ten years ago for Apple, but it’s not anymore. Professionals that dominate the market (from ten years ago) may swear on the Mac, but all of their musical accomplishments can be done just as easily on the PC, especially with the widespread boom of VST and VSTis…And amazing cross OS or even Windows only DAWs.

    The same can be said for graphical production (remember all those people that would swear by Apple ten years ago – the same that still swear by Quark?)… Yeah…

  2118. Gabe says:

    They can’t play a single game and the ones they can play suck or cant be played right due to the lack of right click

  2119. Steve says:

    @ron. Don’t even start with that crap. I’ve NEVER seen any Windows user come up to a macboy and tell them they’re stupid for using it. You mac creeps will actually go up to a guy using a PC and tell them they’re stupid. Who the F%CK does that! But in the end PC will always win. It’s funny how you mac fanboys take up only 7% of the computer market and act like you’re making a difference. Good job.

  2120. IN MY OPINION says:

    When only they just want to be cool browsing the web on there macs. But if not doing those music productions and editing, there’s no really a point of buying a Mac . . . Only thing that apple has done well are iTunes and ipods.

  2121. Uknowit says:

    @Ron you dumbass. You’re just jealous Mac Is the shittiest os ever built. Windows nt is better than Mac. And why isn’t Steve jobs dead. Apparently he’s a total douche in real life. I figures that a douche would make macs. The only things that apples done well is iTunes and iPods. Macs are for people too stupid to use windows or linux.

  2122. Ron says:

    Judging by the comments, looks like the majority of Windows users are just as smug/stupid/sensationalistic as they claim their Mac counterparts to be.

  2123. semen says:

    new mac mini removes optical drive and switch to intel hd. people still have backup photos on dvd-rs. i really hate apple. back & forth, back & forth. no stability. no wonder many people dont adopt it.

  2124. IN MY OPINION says:

    All i like about the apple store, was just the ipod + the iphone. I dont mind them though. But i do not buy a laptop of the apple store, Cuz i do not really need a mac.

    I do not wanted or choose to buy a mac cuz i am not doing music productions. Therefore i do not really need it.

    What i had seen. On there macs. You would see that most people would like to go on facebook. All the way and youtube. Tumblre emailing.

    Macs are good for music productions but what i have seen is that they dont do that.

    Just wanted to be cool and stay on facebook.

    It would be just be easier to buy a pc.

    And although i still use a pc. And is still fast, and get a decent anti virus. Do not get a nortan antivirus cuz that gives you viruses, use a avg antivirus and is free.

    Although when buying a pc. Don’t just say that pc is slow and stuffs.

    Before buying a Notebook. Don’t just buy a notebook of the pc. Should check what brand it is, and check is performance. About is processor, installed memory (RAM) and system type.

    Once . Check all of that, and be happy with it. Everything’s going to be okay.

  2125. Steve says:

    Mac is the first OS where I ran out of memory on a MacBook pro because I had too many apps open. I don’t open that many but seems to me I could get better performance from my Android Cell phone.

  2126. Steve says:

    It is pretty sad when Eclipse which runs reliably on pretty much everything I ever ran it on, Windows Vista, NT, 7, CentOS, Ubuntu, Redhat, but put it on a Mac and it fails for no apparent reason. I am not blaming Eclipse, I blame mac for stupid OS that doesn’t support industry standards.

  2127. Steve says:

    Spot on, now that I have had the oppotunity to use a Mac, I find that it truly does suck, in fact it sucks almost as much as windows. Alas, when will Linux be recognized for the superior operating system that it is.

  2128. semen says:

    heard about 22 fake apple store in china on bbc news. apparently the employees workin in the apple store did not know they are working in a fake shop. i thought these employees were geniouses, they cant tell from a counterfeit ipad (thicker, heavier, icons dont seem right). hehehehe. no wonder you take your machine in for repair, it is always logic board problem.

    none of these bullshits happen in the real pc world.

  2129. semen says:

    bootcamp sucks. mac wants the first partition, windows wants the first partition, linux is happy with any partition. problem is xp sp3 patch makes assumption windows is on first partition, here is where you have too much hassle to work around installing the service pack. mac machines are not all rosy like the fanboys make it – get a mac and install both os. furthermore, you need refit to install free linux.

    binaries are fat – just look at ported unix apps like gimp, scribus, etc.
    mac shared more unix underpinnings than windows, yet same ported linux apps are smaller on windows. running fat binaries will use more of your mem,cache, etc.

    worst of all, flash + firefox all runs better on windows. you can here mac users complaining all the time. guess developers like a bigger and more stable pc platform.
    problem is mac changes all the time breaking compatibility whereas microsoft is serious about not breaking compatibilit of all the binaries investment ( like cads, games, graphics) that users bought which is why business and gamers still runs their pc platform. apple will probably tell you to buy another version of your app.

  2130. Steve says:

    Exactly. I’ve been saying that for years. If you honestly use bootcamp you’re a PC wannabe. Get a PC and make your life easier. Morons.

  2131. IN MY OPINION says:

    And what’s what I look at the previous if people that bootcamp with a Mac just to play the games and other stuffs, that proves that you want a pc.

  2132. Your Mother says:

    This article and most of the comments were written by idiots.

    1. This is just stupid. Obvious ignorant generalizations. Since you probably don’t know what that is, I’ll give you an example: Any blogger who writes about Macs only being to use single click is a c**t.

    2. They are overpriced, I wouldn’t say ridiculously.

    3. Trying to please everybody isn’t always good business. Generally ignorant point that doesn’t even seek to explain why those choices were made.

    4. Yes, it is, and how is that a bad thing? Linux is not user friendly, Mac’s are. Learn to play.

    5. Yes, there is right click. So, it’s safe to say you haven’t used a Mac at this point.

    6. Too many points to really care to rebut. Almost all wrong. X out of a program does not keep the program running at full potency, this is on a per-application implementation so hardly a con.

    7. This is plain dumb. Stop using a mac from 1998, and linking to a random article and calling it fact. Let’s look at articles that mention window’s viruses.

    8. Wrong. App Store.

    9. Wrong.

    10. Wrong. Further proof the writer doesn’t use macs.

    I use both Windows and Macs, they each have their benefits. The writer should have spent more time researching real problems with Macs instead of wasting half of his points hating on Steve Jobs.

  2133. seamen says:

    Chris you are a koolaid drinking no brain fandom!

    Apple suck, i have a macbook pro and i can’t even use a ssd on the junk!!

  2134. Steve says:

    People act like Windows users get the blue screen of death for no reason. You get it if hardware is fried or you put some off brand s**t in your computer. I’ve never had a blue screen from a software issue. I got the blue screen last week because one of my RAM was shot. Now why is that a bad thing? It let me know it was dead. Once I replaced it, it was all fine. Mac’s on the other hand if you install software the OS doesn’t like you can’t log back in the OS. That’s how pathetic the OS is. And I’m saying that through personal experience. I installed software that came with my new modem and after I restarted it wouldn’t let me log back in and it kept coming up with an error. I had to reinstall the OS. I hate apple.

  2135. In my opinion says:

    + I hate fanboys .

  2136. In my opinion says:

    Never get a virus on my pc.

    Only idiots gets a virus.

    My laptop is a asus gaming laptop.

    I could do most of my stuffs, and gaming. So much fun.

    Macs: Are good for music productions.

    If you guys only browse the web. Get a netbook.

    Both had there both thumbs up and downs.



  2137. joker says:

    no micah,

    mac cannot browse porn, minimize/maximize button are on the wrong side ( imagine scrolling on right hand side and boss walks by: mouse must travel all the way too the left).

    plus closing the windows keeps program running in background. (imagine after closing the browser, a malicious site keep popping porn ads in new windows).

    pc all the way or atleast linux for porn.

    so to sum it up.
    if not gaming, cheap laptop is better for daily browsing.
    if not showing off, cheap laptop will leave more benjamins in your wallet.
    if not gay, pc is the right crowd to hang out with. kidding,

    i wanted to like mac if only they allow mac to be installed on my gaming rig legally. at least windows are allowed to be installed on custom rigs, virtual machines, etc.
    guess apple is too restrictive, plus they can switch architecture overnight , i mean 68k->ppc->intel->arm??? plus ati->nvidia->ati. i mean if i invest in a machine and i like nvidia for linux, i am screwed.

  2138. Micah says:

    Mac is good for music production and browsing porn sites.

  2139. Badger says:

    I went to an apple store and took a look at everything there. I picked up a mouse and tried to do a few things. What a joke. Intuitive? That is the word I have been hearing about Mac’s since the beginning. I have been in I.T. for 37 years. The mac operating reminded me of IBM’s OS/2. Functionality changed for the sake of change. OS.X is very similar to OS/2.

    Apple owners (and that is for any apple product) are pretty full of themselves.

  2140. Jason says:

    There really is no reason to invest moneys on a Mac, considering that for the same moneys you can get 2 decent laptops or even a great Sony VAIO (those “beasts” have everything for every kind of user), that they can last you 4 years (i’m still running a VAIO FZ11Z and the thing continues to do its job without any problems, while my Macbook Pro has been in and out of Apple centers for graphics problems).
    Fact is that Apple, unlike many other computer manufacturers, doesn’t have good engineers, hence why after 1 year the thing breaks itself down. If they had good engineers, probably Macs could had been good solid machines. But, since Apple’s primarly goal is to rip-off people with absolutely no knowledge about computers/softwares/hardware, they simply don’t give a damn if they sell s**t, or overpriced junk.
    People are happy to shell out their pockets to Apple?? Good for them. But, after having used for 2 years a Mac computer, and an iPhone, and had bad experiences with them, i won’t be buying Apple products anymore. And this is “computer revolution”?? F**k me.
    Sony, ASUS, HP, Dell, Alienware, that is “computer revolution”, and innovation. Not a freaking locked-down OS, or a crappy hollow alluminium box that can’t do its job correctly.

  2141. Chris says:

    You have obviously never used a Mac in your entire life.

    1. There is a “right click.” There is an option in system preferences to click the bottom right side of the trackpad or to tap with two fingers to use the right click function. The right click doesn’t just copy/paste, either. Different programs provide different functions. Simply right clicking on a word gives you the option to search your computer for the word, search google, look up in the mac dictionary, cut/copy/paste, use the built in speech to say the word, and provides spelling and grammar as well as substitutions and transformations.

    2. The clock is able to show the time, AM/PM, 24-hour, seconds, the day of the week, and yes, the DATE.

    3. You can drag files into different applications without having them visible. All you have to do is drag the file to the dock and have it hover over the application’s icon, which shows you all the open windows (visible or not) using that application that you can then drag the file to.

    4. Macs can’t get PC viruses. So, that rules out any viruses made for PC’s. And of course people will make viruses for Macs, just as they made them for PC’s. And sure, you can open enough applications to freeze up your Mac. Yet your PC is famous for its virus prone operating system.

    5. You say iLife is limited in what it can do? How stupid are you? Plenty of famous musicians and bands have used Garageband to publish songs, and some even record tracks for Apple that you can use for your own songs in Garageband. There are over 1000 professionally recorded loops that you can use to create music. Does Windows have ANYTHING like this? I think not.

    6. You can customize much more than your wallpaper on a Mac, including your screensaver, highlighting color, dock size and magnification amount, dock location, window minimizing effect and much more. But the reason for the Mac having less customization features than PC’s is that it works better that way. Apple improved their interface so much over the years that it makes using the computer more intuitive and easy.

    So there’s some hard truth. Now shove it up your ass and smoke it.

  2142. Mac Owner says:

    Macs suck!!!! Since the Intel Switch, there is no motivation at all to buy an overpriced piece of crappy, poor crafted, hardware from apple. Not only that the OS still looks like Win 95 with desktop animations and bigger icons, but without a useful taskbar. This was fine years ago, with the great G4 but now you go a step backward in computer evolution when sticking to a Mac. You know why you normally just get a year guarantee for MacBooks and stuff? Because after 1 year and 2 weeks your LogicBoard will be defective. You don’t believe me? Go to ebay and look at how many newer MacBooks with LogicBoard defects you see. And then search google for ‘my macbook doesn’t turn on’. Then after one year the LCD Screen on your MacBook degrades so much, that you won’t believe your eyes when comparing it to a ‘new’ MacBook. The Battery also won’t have half as much of its capacity after year. SpareParts are tooo expensive, to repair your mac, so you just sell it as defective or throw it away and buy a new one. Also because if you are that lucky guy to have a mac lasting for two and more years, you have to be concerned that your system is too old to install the newest OS 10.X (remember the G5 guys, right?). Ahh, and before i forget, that fucking crappy case, that just breaks by normal use…. EWWWW No more Apple. And I could continue for hours… and by the way: My Osx86 Hackint0sh is faster than a comparable MacPro, but I still prefer WinXP and Win7 kicks ASS!

  2143. Steve says:

    Jake, regardless of the article, people hate apple users and the company. The company is run by a bunch of money grabbing cocky a******s. Don’t believe me? Do some research on when the iphone had antenna problems. They handled that so poorly it was pathetic. Jobs basically said you’re idiot for holding it that way. Whatever macbook pro you buy will be 2-3 times more expensive than a PC. My friend who’s a mac nut just bought a cable modem and tried to install the software on his macbook and it crashed his entire computer. He has to reinstall the entire OS. I’ve never heard of anyone having that problem on a PC. So if ONE problem screws up I have to reinstall the OS? That’s sad. I know another mac nut who saw me right-click my desktop and hit “next” to switch to the next wallpaper and he said “WOW it’s that easy to change the wallpaper?” Do I even need to say more? Is it that hard to change a wallpaper on a mac that you’re that amazed by what I just did.

  2144. Jake says:

    There is no reason to hate macs (or mac users) so much. I’ve tried both os’s long enough to realize what a pain it is to use Windows (for me personally). Accordingly, my next computer purchase will be a $1200 MacBook pro. However, that doesn’t mean that I will go around commenting on how much all pc’s suck. My suggestion for you is to grow up. if you hate macs so much, simply don’t use them.

  2145. Josh says:

    I used a Mac for two weeks on my Work Ex.
    At first it was quite good – but the annoying niggles started to show: No right click, drag and drop creates links, you need to remember 35 trillion key commands, the delete button doesn’t delete files (I couldn’t find a use for the delete button), infact, all the buttons near the delete button do nothing, you can delete programs without a prompt (I managed to delete the Control Panel, no warning and I couldn’t get it back) and more…
    There was also two monitors, but the off buttons act as the systems power buttons so both monitors were constantly eating up power.
    Also, it was a Mac G5 – the PowerPC chips were great, since Apple switched to Intel, the great PowerPC chip has been dumped and Intel Macs suck.

  2146. Oooo says:

    I do not mind a
    Mac or a pc both systems are great
    but I hate mac apple fanboys. And maybe how they use them? Cuz basically if they are just all browsing the web then get a netbook . If the software that must be need that is on Mac only then get a Mac book air don’t waste
    The money on the Mac book pros. And into gaming and doing work ? Get a Gaming laptop not a mac

  2147. Steve says:

    apple tv < Xbox 360. A buddy of mine has apple tv and it kept freezing while we were watching NetFlix.

  2148. lolroflol says:

    My mac died just like bernie mac :(

  2149. rayray says:

    mac is uber gay

  2150. hpfan says:

    I like this article. It’s very true and very to the point, MAC DOES SUCK. Even when I was in high school mac’s of all types where the lousiest pile of garbage ever introduced into the computer world. Calculators where more useful. Even now there glitches surpass any amount of use or or performance they could ever be worth. I’, way off the trends or any hype, I’ll take AMD’s powerful processors over intels little bit faster but way more liable to pop, junk any day. Laptops are trendy, there only true use is for those high mucky mucks that take there work with them to get away from there wives and MAC is for old ass games that still havnt gotten past 16 bit performance.

    If it’s not a computer then its a kids toy. Thats all I can say about that.

  2151. LOLED @ THE FANBOYS says:

    Ye and most of the people that are using a Mac of what I have seen basically, all just go on Facebook , tumblr, twitter.
    If just only want to browse the internet, buy a netbook. If you wanted to play games buy a gaming laptop. If your into music productions. Get a Mac book air. Or a Mac book pro 13 inch the prices of the 15 inch and the 17 inch was just ewww. Other than that , if people just all browsing on the Internet. Then get a netbook. There is no point wasting money on the 15 inch plus the 17 inch. And of cuz even though I just felt like saying the same stuffs on my previous post I never got a virus on my pc and have no problems of it. Get a decent anti virus like the avg And is free downloadable. Oh and one last thing do not get a norton antivirus cuz that antivirus is stupid and is crap.

  2152. Steve says:

    I never had a problem with my PC. It’s funny how the only people with problems with their PC’s are mac users. And they say this article is one sided. HA! Have fun with no software selection, no games, and expensive hardware. And if you really need bootcamp that proves you want to be a PC.

  2153. .... says:

    Mac Pro Configuration

    One 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Nehalem”
    3GB (3x1GB)
    1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s hard drive
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB

    One 18x SuperDrive
    Apple Magic Mouse
    Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad (English) & User’s Guide
    Country Kit


    I can make the EXACT same thing and i mean EXACTLY the same hardware same speeds and memory and everything for $910.94

    Have fun paying almost 3 times more for your Macs

    P.S. i got that price for the Mac Pro from the apple store go look yourself.
    P.P.S.i got the price for what it cost to make that configuration at

    Again: Have fun paying 3 times more for the EXACT same parts!!!!

  2154. Lmao says:

    You ppl have been trolling this post for almost 2 years.
    Just let it go everyone has something to say about everything, nothing is perfect. windows and mac both have faults.

    But I will say this! pc has better selection of hardware at cheaper prices, when i say PC i don’t mean Windows in fact Microsoft doesn’t make hardware nor does Apple, they only order the parts and put them together then supply the OS.
    Only problem I’ve noticed with Apple (and not as often but sometimes with PC sellers too)is that they overprice some of their products when you can easily go to a computer hardware store or website and buy all the same parts for a lot less money.
    Example: Configuration

    One 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Nehalem”
    3GB (3x1GB)
    1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s hard drive
    ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB

    One 18x SuperDrive
    Apple Magic Mouse
    Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad (English) & User’s Guide
    Country Kit

    that is $2,499.00 why pay that much when I can get those EXACT (and i mean exactly the same parts same memory same speeds same configuration and everything.) for $910.94 by ordering the parts myself.

    Go to the apple store your self and look at the basic configuration for a mac pro it cost: $24,499.00. then write down that configuration and find the parts online I looked up the parts on i hear is good too but my point is its your choice what OS to use but PC hardware is just as good but much cheaper then what you can get for a mac.

    think about it if you can make a $2,500 mac for $910 then think how much better the parts can be if you did spend $2,500 on parts to make a pc.

    P.S. ill say it again its pointless to say that Apple/Mac’s parts last longer or are better, because apple/mac and windows dont make hardware both companies ORDER their parts from other companies who make them (most of the time they order from the same place).

  2155. Hay! says:

    Shut up!

    That’s all.

  2156. loled @ the fanboys. says:

    ye windows is still any better. Windows doesnt suck. I got a pc laptop. never got problems on it.

    I got a gaming laptop of the asus g73

    And is fast

    Is just a computer and is a computer not a religion. Is only an opinion wether decide to get a pc or a mac.

    Both systems are good. I do not mind a pc or mac. Both system got there thumbs up and downs.

    But srsly.

    ” FANBOYS ” need to shut up.

    1. Chrono says:

      Asus is a legendary choice!

  2157. WindowsSucks says:

    So, Your tellin me Windows is any better?

  2158. Anonmuz says:

    I’m surprised it’s the 21st century and people still think Mac’s can’t right click. When the Mighy Mouse was present you could right click simple by clicking the “right side” of the mouse or hold down the mouse button.
    This article was written in 2009 and in 2005 I was building my own Mac Pros.

    OS X is more functional than windows; if I have a program to delete, I delete it, or drag it to the trash bin. I can later restore and blah, blah, blah. But wait! Here’s the thing; I don’t have to worry about the OS not deleting all related files and leaving some thing behind that hinders me from installing another program or makes it impossible for me to later install a better updated version.

    What are you guys like 15? I stopped worrying about a PC theme when I was a junior in high school. Also FYI, theming is possible in OS X via third party programs most are free and have sites where you can chose a layout, dock placement, custom OS icons, etc… all possible out the box without any third party apps.

    The genius who wrote this article should be hung for incompetence.

    Status bar date – either hover over the time or click it.
    The Dock – the dock has a little icon (you know what those are right?) you can hover over and guess what happens?.. You’ll see all the windows you have minimized. Gee, who’da thunk it.

    I get the whole windows maximize thing but let’s face it, if enough Mac users complain, the problem gets fixed in an update a month or two later whereas windows users have to wait until the next version of windows is available. Example: Vista and the five or six year wait for Windows 7.

    Windows 7 is spectacular but it is still windows with all the hangups.

    Also the only reason you need virus protection is from yourself, stop going to your favorite porn sites and you won’t get any spyware, malware or Trojans or worms. Steve wasn’t lying when he said most of the bullshit comes from flash, flash is the PC street walker, you gonna catch any and everything from her.

    That time back in 2003 when people thought the world was gonna end because of that worm that was going around, I never had any virus protection on my PC and only upgraded my PC because it was outdated hardware and now with this Mac virus going about I still don’t have virus protection on my Mac because you only get viruses because of yourself, not because you have a Mac or PC.

    Let’s be real, the little list you’ve compiled here is minuscule to that if we were to make a PC list.

    With either Norton or Windows purposely giving users viruses when they decline Nortons offer to get installed when you purchase a new PC.
    To windows needing every damn thing to be digitally signed or you can’t use any hardware you bought on it.
    To IE being a annoying piece of s!*t.
    To Windows running a ridiculous amount of extra things in the background.

    Even with 1GB of Ram a Mac uses it efficiently and it still runs smoothly, Windows on the other hand, freezes for days, fans start to run like a semi truck speeding.

    Pc’s have their Pros and cons as does Macs.

    Macs aren’t perfect and PCs have always been far from, the OS makes sure of that.

    As far as the tech; Apple is ahead of everyone. Do your research before you post your emotions of why you can’t afford a Mac.

    I have a Mac and PC and when I’m not lazy and keep up my maintenance and learn the features and shortcuts they work perfectly.

    This article is biased and too opinionated and lacks any true comparison, the true comparison is the price. Either you want to buy Macs or you don’t, don’t have a BF about it, it just makes it look like you’re bitching because you don’t wanna shell out the cash or can’t afford one.

    I’ll always pick a Mac over a PC but I will never be without a PC, either.

  2159. WHY NO DO THIS says:

    Step 1:Get an fast as hell computer.
    Step 2:Mod the case to make it look AWESOME.
    Step 3:Get an virtualbox.
    Step 4:Get Linux.
    Step 5:Get mac OS or what every it is called.
    Step 6.Run windows 7 + Linux + mac OS.
    Step 7:Say which one sucks the most balls.

  2160. Pedro says:

    You are al idiots. First, i shouldn’t even be replying because the original poster was a obvious troll. But anyway.

    1-NEVER buy a 17 macbook pro. a 17 inch laptop IS NOT a laptop. Why? Because it’s not portable. If you want a laptop, by a 13/15. The 17 mbp is a WASTE of money. ANY 17 inch laptop is a waste of money (unless your an architecht or industrial designer). If you are a gamer, DON’T by a laptop.

    2-PC has more marketshare and that is GREAT. If i use a mac and no one makes virus for it because only 8% of the market use it (as you say) i’m very HAPPY. I don’t care about the reason why there’s no virus. If it is because no one cares, great!

    3-There is as much quality software for mac os as there is for windows (EXCEPT GAMES; NEVER BUY A MAC FOR GAMES – or a laptop for that matter). All the major programs work on mac. Windows as a few cool exclusives, Mac Os has a few cool exclusives.

    4-The quality of construction, screen, touchpad and battery life on the13/15 inch macbook pros is almost perfect. Very, very good. Yes, you can buy some laptops from other brands with the same quality and guess what? The prices will be similar (i’m not talking about specs here – i’m talking build quality)

    5-You seem to confound Mac with Mac OS. Apple computers have the advantage of being able to run Windows 7 and Mac Os, so you can use both, because both have their advantages. You can arguably run Mac Os on a non-apple machine but, besides being illegal, it will depend on your hardware, and the results may not be that great.

    Anyway, use what you like. I like both ( and i think win7 is a MAJOR step forward for microsoft), and i just can’t get why so much hate for apple. Even if i don’t like the company i admit their merits. Apple and Microsoft were BOTH responsible for the personal computer as we know it, for everything you love about pcs (yeah, because a mac is a pc). So just respect that and leave choice to the users.

  2161. lolz says:

    I do not mind a mac or pc.

    But i hate mac fanboys

    And the people that use them.

    Although some people use the macs for music production or graphics design.

    Most people what i have seen. All on facebook. YOutube and all these stuffs on the web.

    If u only browse the web it will be easier to be a netbook than spending all those money for a mac.

    I also had a ipod touch. But i do not buy the laptop of the apple store.

    I have a pc never got problems. And is fast.

    I choose what laptop i should pick. That has its best performance. Specs. Graphics card. ( Not just buy a laptop but check is performance).

    And once i choose the right laptop for doing all my work on it and gaming purposes.

    Im happy with it.

    Never got virus. Fast and not is not slow. Been using it a year.

  2162. Str8ShootR says:

    I LOVE it! The funny thing with all this is, you don’t find droves of PC users defending Windows. PC users are intelligent enough to understand the pitfalls of Microsoft while still realizing that Windows-based machines are the only real circus in town. Vocal Mac users, on the other hand, come across as partisan loyalists, filled to the brim by a combination of pride and propaganda. Why was the Newton a failure? Because it was ahead of its time and poorly implemented? No. It failed because it was an Apple product that required a high learning curve, which is antithetical to the company’s marketing appeal to the lowest common denominator: the user with zero technical knowhow. Today, that market has been refined to include users who have been trained to follow the colorful on-screen prompts every bit as well as they’ve been trained to drain their bank accounts to buy a brand that is so trendy and cool that it appeals to people who so highly esteem being trendy and cool. Simply amazing.

    1. Tom says:

      “The funny thing with all this is, you don’t find droves of PC users defending Windows.”

      Who the f**k do you think wrote this article? A mac user?? You retard!

  2163. Steve says:

    I’m getting really sick of people saying “it’s a computer! get over it!” It’s not about the computer. It’s the people that use them. Like my earlier post, I can’t even go to a wedding without some mac fanboy telling me that somehow apple invented touchscreen phones. I’ve never gone up to a mac guy and said “you’re a moron for using that.” Even though it’s most likely true, I don’t do it. Because I have nothing to prove. PC obviously won. Look at the numbers. mac people b***h at people because they feel like they need something to prove because the sales numbers are so damn low. Get a fucking life.

    1. Tom says:

      Erm… you never see the news spud? Apple are only one of the most profitable companies in the world. And you think they got there with low sales figures?? Idiot.

  2164. ROFL says:

    People really need to calm down. They – are – freakin – computers! Get the one that works best for you (YOU, personally) and get over yourselves. It’s not worth killing someone over just because they state their computer’s sexier or their computer’s more versatile. Just shut up and go do some sports, hang out with friends, enjoy life. I just happened to stumble onto this article because i am looking for a new computer for college, so don’t judge me on bothering to comment on this, It just pisses me off that people take it so seriously. Peace :)

  2165. kev says:

    Oh this is stupid when only mac fanboys trying to defend themselves. Is just a computer. Not a religion.

  2166. jabbahutter says:

    This is just stupid. I mean they are obviously referring to tiger not snow leopard. All of these problems do not exist in snow leopard.

  2167. Anonymous says:

    Windows XP REPRESENT !

  2168. No says:


    I don’t know where you go to school the district in my town is still mainly using pentium III and IV pcs.

  2169. Steve says:

    @It’s a computer not a religio. I thought I was going to get pissed reading your post, but instead I think it’s brilliant. It’s so true on every point.

  2170. It's a Computer not a Religion says:

    Come on folks it is a damn computer – not a religion – MAC user’s defend their computer like it’s a religion. MAC users will pay double for their computer because of SNOB APPEAL. The low performance of US students must be related to MAC’s because they are the only computers School Districts across the country use. That is because the school computers are purchased by a “committee” the same comittee(s) that are protesting in Wisconsin because they now have to pay their fair share for their health care. Anything a MAC can do a PC will do cheaper – Friends don’t let their friends buy MAC. Plus you can RIGHT-CLICK …

  2171. PRAEJUDICIUM says:

    I spent the better part of last summer and most of my free time after that making money fixing computers locally. The reason I tell you this is to protect myself from any extremists who will probably still call me a dumb spoiled rich kid. I am well off, but I work hard for what I get. So, on my 16th birthday with a bit of help from my parents, I purchased a 15.4″ quad core i7 macbook pro with a 128gb SSD from Apple’s “refurbished” page (really open box, if your buying a Mac look in to it, you won’t know the difference).

    And you know what? I proudly showed off my new notebook to a select few friends. I told them about the new sandy bridge quad core i7, about the SSD, and about the excellent 1680×1050 LED screen. (That’s not to say you can’t get something better in a PC.)

    And you know what else? I would have LOVED be able to have an Asus G73GH as well, but it isn’t exactly convenient to carry around all day every day. But, I also just happen PREFER Mac OS for everyday tasks. I (KEY WORK I) PREFER IT. There are plenty of PCs just as good and even better! I am not going to get up and say it is better than Windows 7. WINDOWS 7 IS GREAT ALSO! SO IS UBUNTU! Hell, Vista wasn’t even ALL that bad… sort of…

    But guess what? I’m in the library minding my own business writing a paper, and some freshman comes up to me and says something like “Wow, a MacBook Pro, I bet it’s fast! I have a Dell, it’s so slow.”

    I wanted to break his nose.

    Yes, I know some people are just going to use this to support the “Mac Supremacist” theory, but what I wanted you to take from this is that yes, I bragged about my new computer. My new COMPUTER. Not my new Mac. Believe me, if all I could get was the white core 2 duo, I would be far from proud.

    Anyway, my point is, anyone who generalizes a brand, whether it be Apple, Microsoft, HP, or Dell, and says that it is definitively superior or inferior to all other brands is either horribly misinformed, a troll, or a just plain ignorant fanboy. And, in my opinion, anyone who generalizes and bashes a COMMUNITY, is an ignorant, narcissist, blind egomaniac, no matter what that community is. That is not cool. And sorry, I shouldn’t say anyone, or I would be doing the same thing, but if anyone says they belong to that exception I will bite their ear off.

    I have read every post here and I am truly disgusted. Now, I will never call another man inferior to myself, but you guys really need to check your facts, for one, and more importantly, stop generalizing.

    If you truly believe Macs are better than PCs or vice versa, then for the sake of both communities, keep it to yourself.

    Now excuse me, I have to boot up my, albeit outdated, gaming PC so I can play Minecraft with my friends all connected to my Ubuntu Linux server.

  2172. JustMyPiece says:

    I have had both and I think that it is just a matter of preference. I am a gamer and would definitely recommend Alienware (a bit pricey, however so are many apple products), but for school I definitely prefer my macbookpro. I want to be quite clear that I do not prefer one over the other because of my certain preferences as a whole, but for essays and music the apps provided on my mac allow an assignment to be completed more quickly (the trackpad also helps greatly). My PC allows me the ability to never have to worry about speed or anything of the sort. I enjoy both and think that people that are ridiculing one another (ex. Mac fanboys) are a bit hypocritical. State your opinions on the matter not the people behind it. Gamers are not looked too highly upon and I think as a gamer we need to stop and be the bigger men here (or women). Stop clumping people by what they buy. Isn’t that in a way a bit ignorant? To both mac people and PC people, discuss objective things and don’t generalize about people as a whole (in my opinion that says more about you than about anyone else). Thank you

  2173. ADGHHHH says:

    If you want a gaming Laptop you get the Asus G73JH, If you want to twitter and Facebook with your girlfriends and boyfriends and sip your latte at star bucks you get a net book.

    If you want to use a laptop for music productions. Get a macbook air.

  2174. ADGHHHH says:

    And comparing a asus g73 with a macbook pro is very wrong. If you buy a mac book pro instead of this is because by making some mistakes of your life. you have money. and you are stupid.

  2175. Jason says:

    Want to know how stupid mac fanboys are. I had this guy tell me that macs automatically update the RAM. Are you f-ing kidding me?

  2176. Steve says:

    mac fanbois believe apple invented everything from sliced bread to the universe. Ignorance is right.

  2177. Lolnubs says:

    Mac fanbois are as disgustingly ignorant as your average religious fanatic, so arguing with them is quite fun.

  2178. Steve says:

    @ADGHHHH. That is all.

  2179. adghhhh says:

    I use a netbook for a year, and it never crash.

    I do not need a mac cuz even though i have enough money for it is useless to buy another laptop that is call a mac unless for music productions.

    That is all.

    Most of what i have seen @ college.

    And of what i have seen on there mac’s, they don’t do that, just want to be cool and stay on facebook. Twitter, formpsring, tumblr. etc

    I meant is easier to just buy a pc and get a decent anti virus. Like the AVG anti virus free edition 2011.

    That is all and mac fanboys need to shut up. Who cares. Is your choice.

  2180. macwinux says:

    aye~ the never ending battle :) mad skill, not a gamer, go for Linux, mad skill, hardcore gamer, go for Windows, madskill, rich, go for Mac

  2181. Steve says:

    @redinight. That’s your problem right there. You work at Wal-Mart. You probably bought a eMachines PC. Obviously its going to crash. It’s eMachines!

  2182. Redinight says:

    Ok, I am not a wanna be anything. I bought my iMac because I am sick of pc issues. In the last three years my iMac has froze ONCE. I don’t use any firewall nor do I have to wait to install more antivirus updates every time I sit down to use my computer. I don’t have to wait 5-10 minutes for my computer to bootup just to check a score or to look up a fact…it takes thirty seconds to turn on my computer and find the information i need.

    Yes it’s costly but it will last me longer than five years for sure, well worth it in the end…. My parents have went through 3 pcs in 6 years….that’s more than enough hassle that I avoid right there…. Oh, I’m not a rich whinny kid, I work at walmart, pay my school loan, and own my own home…. and my right click works….

  2183. Jonathan says:

    This really says something about your typical Mac user given that the vast majority of the dissenting comments are in the form of personal attacks rather than reasoned arguments.

    “This article was obviously written by an unintelligent life form”.

    Uh huh.

    Mac “defenders” are just like Macs themselves, all style and no substance.

    1. Tom says:

      Hilarious comment. It’s funny how I always see these articles written by PC users slagging off Macs insulting the people that use them, and the moment a Mac user defends their decision to use one they are constantly abused. PC users seem to spend an awful lot of time writing about how they hate Macs and Mac users. If you constantly attack and abuse them they are bound to snap back at you, and the reason that person called the writer unintelligent may well be because the article IS wholly inaccurate! I’d say this says more about your typical PC nerd

  2184. yep says:

    Pc or a mac, i do not mind both. But i hate mac fan boys.

  2185. Steve says:

    @anonymous. Fact. apple makes overpriced junk. Fact. apple sells idiotic suckers old technology. If you honestly think apple sells inexpensive up to date technology you’re out of your mind. Go to HP or Dell’s site and compare with apples junk on their site. The price difference is mind blowing.

  2186. Anonymous says:

    Idiot. Most biased thing ever seen.

  2187. WTH says:

    I wint to the mall the other day and there was a apple store they had the latest macs and everything but non of em where on for presintation and the ppl who ran the store where useing PCs

  2188. Apple says:

    I bet you posted this, using a mac.

  2189. Dirk says:

    Mac users trying hard stuborn stupid morons. I got a mac here from a customer, Hell it Sucks! i never work with one before but i found this very stupidly tight, with browser alone you have to do alot to make them work, so stupid. no support, no care for their customers. the fact that a person buys a mac is that he or she is not comfortable buying a cheap one, mentally if you buy more expensive one you assume that its better and more fun and userfull blah blah blah just the way mac wanna nail it.

    I have a friend that ask for help for her business but everytime i suggest a cheaper one she doesnt settle down with it. and found out later its not worth it. ignorance lead to over spending. and the worst is you don’t all the potential or features you need. blah blah watever; say wat you wanna say damn ass macrfuckrs what you say wont set you Free!

  2190. lololo says:

    while reading this…..i got the rainbow spinny ball three times. just for scrolling down. i only have one other tab open.

  2191. keven says:

    Macs are overpriced. Get a decent antivirus and you won’t get viruses. Unless your trying to!

    And, i have a win 7 laptop and a mac air, at the speed of both, win 7 wins! Macs get veryyyyy slow after time.

  2192. Steve says:

    Here’s an example of how fucked up apple users are. I was at my sister’s wedding last week checking my email on my new Windows Phone 7 and this punk kid came up to me and said “you know that everyone including Microsoft stole their idea from apple”. Okay I’m at a wedding and all I want to do is check my email and mac people won’t shut the f**k up! I completely schooled the kid. He was left speechless by the end. Typical apple users. I said first off apple didn’t invent the first all-touch screen phone (which was his debate). I had the link already in my phone showing that the LG Prada was in fact the first. Beating apple by a year. Since he lost that debate he went onto saying that mac hardware lasts longer than PC hardware. It’s the same hardware dumb s**t. And he shut up again. I guess a hard drive magically lasts longer because it’s in a mac computer. Lastly, Microsoft is being praised by critics for being one of the only companies NOT to copy the iphone. WP7 is nothing like iOS. If apple people did any research they’d know that.

  2193. Freddy says:

    Macs don’t do anything SPECIAL than a Windows-based PC does already.
    The hardware of a Mac, nowadays, is EXACTLY the same as that of some PC’s out there. And OS X is not really all “bells & whistles”. It’s just a Linux “ripoff” with proprietary s**t, and that’s all.
    Seriously, you’re only paying for that nice backlighted Apple logo and that’s all.
    Mac fanboys should really shut their mouth and do something really “constructive” with their Macs, instead of only babbling about how crap PCs are.

  2194. youwhat? says:

    fun computer, but they can’t even game! Sure, there’s more stuff then gaming that you can do for fun, but you can do ALL of that on the PC.

    The most important is, I love to build PCs, and once in a while, fix them up if I find someone that has a messed up PC. Most problems with a PC, are caused by the user. Once in a while it will be a bad piece of software or hardware, but from my experience it’s most times the user at fault. Many PC owners would say the same. Hope this was constructive.

  2195. Mmm says:

    Asus G73 best gaming laptop ever owned yet. I do not mind a pc or a Mac but in my opinion, Mac fan boys should shut up about there macs .

  2196. Nights192 says:

    I am too busy laughing at how successful this troll was. God, most of you are idiots.

  2197. Steve says:

    @your brain. apple is in no way better than Zune. What are you smoking? It’s $15 for 15 songs with apple or unlimited songs for $15 with Zune. You also get to keep 10 songs every month with Zune. apple is a joke. I have over 2,300 songs on my Zune. Thats at least $2,300 with itunes. Pathetic.

  2198. Your Brain says:

    Ok apple is at least better than a zune but

    Motorola Xoom will support flash- iPad 2 don’t
    If gateway sucks, get a HP (more choises)if apple sucks, your screwed!!!
    If Samsung (which it doesn’t) sucks, then go to Motorola, LG, or something designated to make a voice call. (iPhone releases every year. Androids release year round.)
    iPod touch. great. now i can touch to get to my favorite music thats not justin bieber. for about 200-300 dollars worth. now thats sooooo cheap


  2199. Your Brain says:

    Ok apple is at least better than a zune but

    Motorola Xoom will support flash- iPad 2 don’t
    If gateway sucks, get a HP (more choises)if apple sucks, your screwed!!!
    If Samsung (which it doesn’t) sucks, then go to Motorola, LG, or something designated to make a voice call. (iPhone releases every year. Androids release year round.)
    iPod touch. great. now i can touch to get to my favorite music thats not justin bieber. for about 200-300 dollars worth.


  2200. mike says:

    Mac users are in DENIAL! I guess its because of the overpriced products they buy. I mean I have a Ipod but I don’t worship apple.

  2201. Steve says:

    It’s much easier to just buy a PC. If you buy any mac computer and you want all the bells and whistles of a PC you need bootcamp. Why not skip the hastle of bootcamp and get a PC. Theres absolutely nothing on a mac that you can’t do on a PC. There are plenty of great video editing programs for Windows. There’s a lot of things you can do on a PC that you can’t do on a mac. Which is the point of bootcamp in the first place. For instance I got Gears of War 3 Beta because there’s a simple hack that only Windows users can use. So F**K YOU apple.

  2202. Cool says:

    I have had a windows computers in my home since birth, when I was born we had windows 2.0. And people who know more about computers and demand the most out of them will almost always go for windows. And I have NEVER crashed a windows computer, NEVER! So the mac users who have crashed them in the past must not know what they are doing, correlating to the fact that people more educated with computers choose windows. But when i found out that macs would be the good use for music production would be the best choice for them to have a mac for it. But if it all just browse the internet, emailing,facebook,tumblr,youtube and so on. It could be easier to just buy a PC.

    PS. ” Only retards got viruses”.

  2203. Travis says:

    I love Pc’s and Mac’s but i hate macfanboys – _ –

  2204. wtf says:

    i’m so sick of all this “I’m a Mac” and “I’m a PC” crap! Honestly, they both have their ups and downs. Mac OS has a wonderful video editing program, and Windows has great picture editing programs. They are both susceptible to viruses, no matter what people say. And they are both used for business, education, etc. So why does anyone care if people like Macs or PC’s more? I have a mac, but I still use PCs. It’s called opinion.

    Fanboys especially most of the mac users, need to shut up the argument against windows.

  2205. WHAT THE HELL says:

    And i use windows for gaming purposes.

  2206. what the hell says:

    I use windows for gaming. I use macs for music production digital, audio

    Never got a virus on windows. More secure, reliable faster and so is a mac.

    People get virus on pc, but is basically there own fault for getting a virus, not the operating system. Cuz only idiots get a virus. But not for me.

    Never had a virus. More secure, and faster.

    If wanted to just browse the web, just buy a netbook instead.

    Both laptops are good. But fanboys need to shut up.

  2207. Shut Up says:

    I don’t even want to bother giving my 10 reasons not to buy a PC.
    Here’s why I have a Mac. It’s like Linux, except it actually recieves some mainstream attention. Why wouldn’t I buy Windows? Because Macs are more secure, reliable, faster, etc. than Windows. I could go on.

  2208. Cool College Kid says:

    Macs are so cool! Everyone in college uses them so they must be better than pc!

  2209. Jason says:

    Macs are “retarded”. One must be crazy to shell out almost $2000 on a “half-decade” old hardware, and have LESS in terms of software.
    Heck, with Windows 7 i can have FFDShow + MPC-HC and playback my 1080p MKVs (Blu-Ray rips) with High-Quality Master audio, and without any problems ( on Macs, 1080p MKV’s stutter as hell (both with VLC and Quicktime + Perian).

  2210. kev says:

    Whenever I use my friends mac, Im always afraid I will hit the wrong hot button and the computer will self destruct. Ever time I use his computer, I end up inadvertently opening some sort of menu, which I try to close out of then pulling the computer into standby mode and getting that colorful wheel that everyone is well familiar with. I just like the pc’s simplicity. It’s what Im used to.

  2211. Jim says:

    if all youre doing is browsing the web, why would you spend $2000 or 1600 on a dollars on a mac? get a friggen Pc netbook for 300 bucks instead.

  2212. max says:

    ive had a pc for 16 years

    think im lying no guess what people i found this amazing thing it stops viruses guess what its called…. ANTIVIRUS maybe if you use it you wont get any people who say pcs are so susceptible to viruses are probably going off of what somebody else said there are hundreds of freeware antivirus providers AVG is one

    Pcs are inferior in design wrong look at asus or alienware thats pretty freaking awesome looking stuff yes hp and dell look like crap if you spend the same money you spend on a mac on a pc you will get a really nice looking one

    Pcs are inferior in hardware WRONG pcs are superior in hardware in every single way WHY BECAUSE ALL HARDWARE IS COMPATIBLE

    Pcs graphics are worse THIS IS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF CRAP I HAVE EVER HEARD the best graphics card in a mac is: ATI RADEON 5770 probably around the 150 mark of best graphics cards pc well you can buy 149 better graphics for around $50-$200 and you can buy yourself a nice 27inch high definition tv and hook it up to your pc

    im not saying pcs are better i have a asus g73

    # 17.3-inch 1080p (1920×1080) display with LED backlighting
    # Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    # Intel Core i7-720QM processor (1.6GHz/2.8GHz Turbo Mode, 6MB L3 cache)
    # ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB GDDR5 graphics card
    # 8GB DDR3-1066 RAM
    # Two 500GB 7200RPM hard drives (Seagate Momentus 7200.4/ST9500420AS) (Non-RAID)
    # Atheros AR9285 802.11n Wireless LAN adapter
    # Built-in Bluetooth 2.1+EDR
    # 8X DVD Super Multi drive

    # 8-cell battery pack (14.8V, 5200mAh, 75Wh)
    # Weight: 8.5 pounds
    # Dimensions: 16.3” (W) x 12.6” (D) x 1.8” (H)

    i also have an imac
    1Tb hardrive
    16gb ram
    radeon 5770 Hd
    2.4ghz i think or 2.6 ghz

    im just saying that people who say that pcs are crap and give reasons are ful of crap and are just mac fanboys i own both i use both and i love both to death

    Both Pc and a mac is great. But when it comes to like which fanboys especially on the mac, they just never shut up about there mac.

  2213. Lol says:

    Use firefox safe mode choose optiondisable all ads simple down do not go to unsafe site that is all and do not click the ads and stop downloading illegal programs and stop downloading porn

  2214. F**k This Website says:

    Hey, I know macs suck and everything (I would know, I’m using one from my school to type this), but I feel that insulting people because they block annoying ass ads is what true faggots do. So, to whoever manages this website – F**K YOU.

    P.S. your message didn’t annoy me as much as it angered me
    P.P.S. your mom was amazing last night…and the night before

  2215. Steve says:

    @YE. I’ve been saying that for years. I never go up to a apple user and say “oh wow your computer sucks because it’s a mac.” I’ve had several apple users tell me I’m stupid for having a PC. It’s like they’re ashamed of using a mac and have to make you feel stupid to make themselves feel better. Bunch of ball washing b******s.

  2216. ye says:

    In my opinion i do not mind a pc or mac. but would i do not like about other people though, they wanted a mac just to do music productions which is fine but i was thinking that other people another reason to not to get a mac is about some mac users who just can’t shut up.

    Pc users never complain. But the mac users complain about how bad is windows just cuz of virus and crashes well let me give them a straight,

    I use a pc. Is easy to use. It never have virus and crashes. ( STOP GOING TO UNSAFE WEBSITE THAT IS ALL AND NEVER DOWNLOAD PORN It could give you virus) That is all.

    Use what ever you choose to prefer but yeh mac users on the forums complaining on the pc’s should just shut up about them and get along.

  2217. Roman says:

    Macintosh or hackintosh is Fuckintosh :)) MAC SUCKS !!! WINDOWS 4EVER !!!

  2218. anon says:

    hackintosh truly is the way to go ;)

  2219. PAUL says:

    Another reason to not get a Mac: the sheer arrogance of some Mac users.
    They just can’t shut up:

    See the posts made by the user linux2mac

  2220. Steve says:

    @WALTER. I actually laughed reading your post. WOW! You can upgrade the RAM?! GET OUT! If you can’t even upgrade the processor than it’s not upgradable. That was a horrible example on your part. Walter, I feel bad for anyone that has to take their computer to you. You sound like you know nothing about computers. Typical mac user. I on the other hand do know a lot about computers (PC or mac). Over the years I’ve seen Seagate, WD, Maxtor and Fujitsu in macs. You’re telling me that because a hard drive is in a mac computer it somehow magically works better and lasts longer? There aren’t any apple branded internal hard drives so your whole post is irrelovent. apple users use the same branded hard drives as PC users. What are you some apple rep? You’re ridiculous.

  2221. SourLime says:

    @WALTER thats a lie the best hardware you can get? please mac hardware is about 3-5 years behind all apple can keep up with is the the amount of memory. and Windows/Linux are USER managed OS if they have viruses then thats the users fault not the OS. OSX (Or unix it you wanna be real) limits what you can do. so here is a small list why MAC has less viruses.
    1).Less MAC users so less hackers (that also means less 3rd party programs of any kind)
    2).BLOCKED apple blockes most 3rd party programs/programers by stoping them from being seen on your MAC/Making them for MAC.
    3). MACs DO get viruses but most of the source files are hidden and some cant even be reviled (but there are ways to get to some of them) and thats where viruses and spyware like to hide.

    So unless you you dont know how to properly use a computer then go ahead and buy a MAC they dont let you do anything that will hurt it, if you like having freewill then get a PC with Windows or Linux, And if you love to game then A self Built PC with Windows.

    show me a MAC that can do this

    and here is the specs for those of you who cant right click and open in new tab

    Case / Tower

    Custom DD tower 29 Case

    CPU/ Chipset / Memory

    Dual Intel Xeon X5680 Overclocked to 4.3GHz – Liquid Cooled
    EVGA SR2 Motherboard – Liquid Cooled
    12GB Corsair GT 2000Mhz


    ORIGIN High-Performance Dual CPU & GPU Liquid Cooling
    Chipset Liquid Cooling


    Quad SLI EVGA GTX 580 FTW – Liquid Cooled


    Quad OCZ 50GB Vertex2 in RAID 0
    Dual 2TB WD Caviar Black
    LSI Megaraid SAS 9260-4i


    2x Enermax 1050 watt PSU

    Optical Drives

    12x Pioneer Blu-ray burner


    Dual Integrated Gigabit Ethernet NIC
    External 802.11 a/b/g/Draft-n Wireless LAN (Optional)
    Rosewill Media-card reader


    On board Audio

    Operating System

    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Rear I/O Ports

    (1) PS/2
    (8) USB 2.0
    (1) IEEE 1394a
    (1) eSATA 3GB/s
    (1) S/PDIF Out (TOSLINK)
    (1) S/PDIF Out (Coax)
    (6) Audio Ports


    FC3 fan controller
    LED Strip lighting with Remote Control


    Liquid Cooled Xbox 360
    5 port switch

  2222. yeh says:

    i prefer a PC due to the fact that i havnt realy gotten into using a “mac”..I’d rather use a PC anyways because i do allot of Gaming<<<..and my PC takes everything like a champ..Crashes? wtf is a crash? never have gotten a Virus from playing games.

  2223. Walter says:

    Take this with a grain of salt. It is biased, and out right lies half the time. First off, I own a macbook, and other than the overheating problem (which is fixed by downloading a fan control program), and the airport menu (which doesn’t impede network performance), my macbook is still going strong after 4 years. Also, Macs (at least they used to be) are sometimes slightly behind on technology. That’s because they’re built with the best hardware you can get. Notice os x only costs $40 or so. That means all the rest is hardware costs.

    I’ve been repairing computers for a year. Not a single one was a mac. They were all pc’s. Pc’s with worn out hard drives, viruses, and bad capacitors. I took apart a mac G4, and BEHOLD: the capacitors, even, were still good.

    So if you’ve got the money, and you’ve done your research, go get one. You’ll be annoyed at how long it lasts.

    One more thing; there’s a terd of a myth that macs aren’t upgradeable. That’s not true. You can upgrade RAM on many macs (laptops too), just not cpus.

  2224. bovijon says:

    damn mac is goin with amd again. I like nvidia drivers on linux, freebsd and openindiana. so f**k mac. no need for preconfigured garbage. personally i like custom pc desktop where i can choose well ventilated case or choose gaming or workstation opengl cards or choose better sound cards. I like having choice and not follow a cult.

  2225. Ganu says:

    Great article and spot on! Mac sucks and the media licks Steve Jobs’ balls. I dealt with hundreds of macs at my old job and I know by having dealt with them in those numbers that they are at best no more reliable or stable than the average PC. One tidbit…I opened up a lot of new computers to set up, and the only ones that came in DOA were macs. So suck on that, mac idiots.

  2226. Steve says:

    I forgot to say:

    No obnoxious apple logo? Check.

  2227. SourLime says:

    @UGOT2BKIDNME the price differnce between a i7 and a i5 is about $60 and anything over 4 cores is usless nothing a normal person will run on a comp will take more than 4 and even with that apple wants you to pay $1000 more for a $60 differnce if anyof you still think apple is still so grate you must love buying crapy products for 16x the price yes thats right apple wants 16x more for 2 more cores that you most likely wont even use or need as most programs/games will only use up to 4 cores and most of the time that dont even help the fps for games all that much i run prity much everygame i play on my pp at 50-70 fps (limmeter set to 60) and i only have a 3 core at 2.4GHz

  2228. max says:


  2229. Steve says:

    @ugot2bkidnme. Okay. I’ll start over and switch it up. Instead of asking how much cheaper is the same hardware on a PC. What can I get for almost the same price as a MacBook Pro?

    MacBook Pro (

    Screen Size: 15-inch
    Hard Drive: 500GB 5400RPM
    RAM: 4GB DDR3
    Processor: Intel Quad Core i7 2.0 GHz
    Optical Drive: SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Price: $1,799.00

    HP dv7tqe (

    Screen Size: 17-inch
    Hard Drive: 1TB 5400RPM
    RAM: 8GB DDR3
    Processor: Intel Quad Core i7 2.3 GHz
    Optical Drive: Blu-ray writer & SuperMulti DVD burner
    Price: $1,704.99

    Bigger screen. Check.
    Double the hard drive space. Check.
    Double the RAM. Check.
    Slightly better processing speed. Check.
    Blu-ray. Check.

    Apple is so behind. They can’t even give you a Blu-ray player. I’m not even talking about a Blu-ray burner.

    Winner. Again. PC.

  2230. Ugot2BkidNme says:

    Steve you have one major problem with your post core i5 and Core i7 are drastically different. Is it $1000 worth no but please note there is a huge performance difference between i5 and i7.

  2231. Steve says:

    Saw this side by side comparison in the Costco magazine and thought it was brilliant.

    Toshiba Satellite A665-S5186

    Screen Size: 15.6″
    Hard Drive: 640 GB
    RAM: 4 GB
    Processor: Core i5 2.66 GHz
    Warrenty: 2-Year Limited Warranty
    Prce: $749.99

    Apple MacBook Pro

    Screen Size: 15.4″
    Hard Drive: 500 GB
    RAM: 4 GB
    Processor: Core i7 2.0 GHz
    Warranty: 1-Year Limited Warranty
    Price: $1,799.00

    Over a $1,000 price difference and you get less. Good job apple. The only thing apple people have to brag about is spending more money.

  2232. MRMIME says:

    lol@ macfags not being able to handle the truth.
    yay for paying 2k for $500 hardware and a the bike with training wheels of all OSes!

  2233. Cakes says:

    Would be easier to buy a pc. Rather than a mac.

    Reaons for pc, is that if you are into gaming, then there you go, you could do all your important work, plus games, and internet search on your pc could be reall fun and entertaining.

    For a mac: People just go on there mac’s and they just wanted a mac just wanted to be cool just cuz is all sexy and stylish. Just to pay a lot of money just to buy that laptop.

    And what they have do on a mac they were like just go on facebook. That is what i have @uni most of the days on my free time.

    Unless people care about all Logic, Final cut. Besides buying a Mac book pro, would be easier to buy a simple mac laptop, besides a Mac book pro. Cuz wow that is expensive.

    And if mac is so great, the most importantly is that you cannot play the games, which was very dissapointing, and in order to play games on a mac, you have to bootcamp, and buy s a $200 windows 7 copy so that it could just work on mac.

  2234. Kill Mr.Jobs says:

    Oh, how can I express how much I agree with this . . .
    PC = Chuck Norris endorsed
    Mac = Justin Beiber indorsed

  2235. awesome says:

    Very nicely done! Mac fanboys, just realize you are using Linux!

  2236. SourLime says:

    And for those of you who say a mac can do what a pc can show me a mac that can do that ya thats right it can go piss your pants and cower in fear in the power of Origins Big O.

  2237. SourLime says:

    Yesterday my sisters mac crashed when we rebooted it there was a blue screen and all it said was “ERROR” on the top left coner is that what apple means when they say “It Just Works”?

  2238. Will says:

    Lots of people in the lectures on macs , just wanted to be cool and stay on Facebook easier to buy a pc

  2239. JAMES says:

    @LOLZ: same here.
    Owned a Mac for almost a year, then i switched back to Windows.
    While Macs are good for apps such as Final Cut/Aperture, they just can’t offer a “complete” solution.
    When you buy, for example, a Windows laptop, other than use it as a laptop for your daily use, you can also bring it to your living room and use it as an HTPC, play games with your Plasma TV and much more. Whether with a Mac, thanks to Apple’s own way of doing business, it becomes much more difficult and frustrating. As you have to buy a 3rd-party DP-VGA/HDMI adapter. And if it’s not the right one (not all 3rd-party adapters work correctly), you just thrown $50/$70 bucks out of the window. Not to mention the lack of playback software/components.
    If with Windows 7 you can play your MKV BD-Rips with bitstreaming support of Dolby TrueHD/DTS-HD for FREE, on the Mac you just can’t do it. Nor even convert your BD-Rip audio to another format. And so you have to shell out another $200 for a copy of Windows and bootcamp your Mac (only for doing a SIMPLE task).
    So, yeah. Unless ALL YOU CARE ABOUT the Mac is Final Cut/Apterure/Logic, they’re just not worth any cents. And i can see why Apple is slowing turning the Macs as “BIG ‘OL iPads”.

  2240. lolz says:

    that my exact reason mac sucks! u cant play great games like mw2 all mac gots is apps but really uc an all this s**t on a god damn pc wtf time machine=system restore windows media player or center=i tunes zune= ipd0 Terminal=narrator windows vista and 7 is a copy of mac yeha execpt way better windowd came first and mac just copied no games though….NO MUTHA FUCKING GAMES >:(

  2241. Lolz says:

    I owned a Mac, now i own a PC, I owned a Mac for over 3 years, 1 of them, and had Snow Leopard…. While it isnt as bad as it makes out to be, I am Infinitely more happy with the PC I have… i have to go and play MW2 and black ops now :)

  2242. Steve says:

    @ELIZABETH. You should have said “big fucking deal”. That can happen on a PC, mac, or Linux. I have a Sony Vaio and when I swiched from a 5400RPM drive to a SSD drive it did make it way faster. But it doesn’t mean it only does that on a PC or mac. By faster I mean the loading times. Windows started up a lot quicker and games (mac people know nothing about) loaded into levels faster.

  2243. Elizabeth says:

    Last i heard from a Mac fanboy is that he “magically” made his Mac run even more faster, by simply put an SSD drive on his Mac. Like if putting more RAM = more power for the Mac.
    I wonder: if they’re already s**t, why the hell bother waste more moneys on RAM/HDD’s upgrades??

  2244. lolz says:

    Its always funny when self-rightous Mac bois are so proud of themselves for using Mac. If only knew that nobody cares about their Mac except themselves, and all the other people thats on there macs sitting there o(of what i have seen), starbucks, facebook, youtube, etc etc.

  2245. Steve says:

    @sourlime. Spot on.

  2246. SourLime says:

    LMAO your all funny some of you are just plain stupid like bukakikowski “oi, ya cant fck witta mac pro now matter how hardja try. true about games tho, but mac users don be wastin dez lives away playin dumb liddle video games. dez be doin some real work.”

    i mean if your gonna insult someone at least make it so they know wtf your saying.

    and any of you directors producers or any other job related to movies? No. i didn’t think so so now that we dropped that nonsense.

    PC doesn’t equal windows i use windows n linux, windows for gaming and linix for programing

    at the one who said whatever they said about gaming on pcs i don’t care to remember nonsense, pcs are best for gaming if u need any reasons don’t be lazy look at the market for hardware for pcs n macs (can you even build your own mac from scratch?) oh and can consoles get updates to fix any bugs the game had NO u fool (and don’t go and say they don’t have bugs). also any game that’s for console and pc it 90% of the time better on pc.

    and for those who say macs are better than pcs just cant manage there OS there isn’t much u can do on a mac so i understand why YOU don’t make it crash. Ive used a mac for 3 years when i first got in to computers (if u can even call a mac a computer) and in those 3 years mac crashed 5-8 times a day all i did back then was read manga and watch vids occasionally browse the web.

    if that’s all you have to say to defend macs you might as well be shouting nonsense in an insane asylum (Oh and before you start shouting some more nonsense please look up what your gonna say before you say it and make sure it isn’t dated).

    Things that make PC better than mac:
    1. DirectX(don’t compare it to any apple program, you know DirectX is better).
    2.COMPLETE 100% customization.
    3. Mac cant take my NVIDA Grafix Card.
    4. I cant build a Mac.
    5. Higher price less quality.

    push aside your pride for a moment and look at the fact’s yourself don’t go bye word of mouth.

    P.S. for those of you who say mac is better than a pc for gaming you must of never made your own pc(if you been committed to mac most likely means you wouldn’t be able to tell the CPU from the GPU easy terms i know but i didn’t want to make it to hard for the non nerdy types to understand.) pre-built pcs will never meet your expectations because it wasn’t made FOR you.

    Oh and one more thing i don’t care about OS each has flaws but they can all run great for basic functions if you can maintain it. i say windows is better because of the software and driver support it has.

    if you are talking about hardware you all know pcs are better. don’t be stubborn denying it will only give you gray hairs.

    i hope you could stand me long enough to read all of this had nothing to do atm XD
    SourLime Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    April 8th, 2011 at 11:19 am

    oh i messed up #5 on my little list is supposed to be “5. Macs have Higher price less quality”

    Again if you have proof that Mac with Mac OS X (which is just linux core with mac shell n a few tweaks here and there) has better Hardware and software support please spend the rest of your life looking.

    and just having a few things better than windows doesn’t make mac better if your windows OS crashes a lot and its not Vista then your just using it wrong

    for those of you who love mac just build a pc and put the mac OS on it(hopefully mac can take the hardware)

    oh and if anyone brings up that macs need less system requirements for games just think about what your saying. i game made 10 years ago wouldn’t need a quad core 4.5GHz CPU, 16GB of ram and 1.5GB of Vram, with the latest software support, now will it? the better the game looks the more system power and memory it needs. so saying that just means that games don’t look as good on mac as they do on a pc.(dont say otherwise because i can just buy a new grafix card and make my everything i do look way better for about $200 cause the one i have now is about $150)

    one more thing :P if you buy the right motherboard you don’t need to buy a new pc every time new hardware comes out my motherboard can be to a 6core cpu 24gbs of ram and any grafix card with my 800w psu ill be fine for years to come.

    now that’s what i call an investment, unlike apple who makes u buy a new computer every time you wanna upgrade don’t say that’s wrong macs hardware market is slim at best.

    my point is still that a pcs hardware is WAY better than a macs

    Thats just some stuff i posted on other arguments(hay im bored :P n this is fun)

    to the one who said that windows is looking more like os x is just stupid os x is a ripoff of unix and as it seems you have never used windows the look is up to you even thos microsoft limits your options thers 3rd party programs to help give you what ever you want

    i understand that not all computer users are gamiers if your OS works for what you use it for then by all means keep useing it

    and my sister is a mac fan shes aloways asking me for help when her mac crashes and yes she has the newest OS and most fo the error reports are vage and dont let you know the cause or they dont even tell you when thers a problem os x just seems lazy hell they didint even bother making it so why would they bother making it any good

    the base of my argument still stands at hardware and custimization i will admit cause of the problems mac has given me in the past and the problems it gives the people i know now makes me hate it but put your pride aside and stop implying that mac is the best and if u look at the numbers 85% windows 5% linux 10% mac as of 2009 most recent i could find

  2247. Matt says:

    yeh indeed cuz most of what i have saw they just facebook youtube and s**t. And maybe knows nothing about computers.

    The other day one of my friend if using a mac, not a mac book pro. At least. Cuz he has to do his music software that is not available on the pc.

    But is very important to him and yet he does know about computers. Has a pc also. DOesnt mind both.

    But due to other people, they just wanted to be cool and stay on itunes, facebook, and youtube. That is what i have seen @ uni. When they are bored.

  2248. Steve says:

    Agreed. If I see someone with a mac I don’t go up in their face and say “YOU’RE DUMB!” But mac people are so sick in the head they’ll actually do that. It’s not even about computers anymore when I talk about apple. It’s the people that use them and how they treat people. It’s ridiculous. Rich people who don’t know anything about electronics or spoiled bratty kids. Take your pick.

  2249. Matt says:

    @Steve yeh I know right , Pc people never compete. Just do not like the Mac fans of there attitude trying to prove the point. About Mac is better than pc while I was in the lecture of what i have seen on there macs is all Facebook and YouTube and I was like it would be just easier to buy a pc then paying $2000 Mac or above. If wanted to play games, buy a pc with a good hardrive and a good graphics card and etc. I’m into gaming and I liked a pc than a Mac.

  2250. Steve says:

    Matt, PC people never compete. It’s always mac retards trying to prove a point. PC people win 90 to 7. We don’t need to compete. If Microsoft would just release all the Xbox Live Arcade games on the Windows Phone 7 it would kill the iphone. Once the iphone fails apple will have nothing. And I will be one happy person.

  2251. Matt says:

    hmmmmm ill still have to go for Pc, besides its my choice right. I respect yours n u respect mine. btw is kinda dumb to be fighting over laptops. Laptop are used to be used to do stuffs. Not compete.

  2252. An says:

    The apple spinning wheel of death pops up unexpectedly while was log on to library iMacs while using it sucks

  2253. John says:

    I think both PC’s and Mac’s have their place. I was tempted by a mac up until windows 7 came out. I like it quite a bit. Quite stable. OS X still has an edge over Windows 7 but not by a wide mile and not enough of a difference anymore to make it worth all that extra money just to have a pretty apple sitting on my desk. Windows 7 is actually pretty good (not perfect). I’ll live with that.

    Mac’s are impressive in some regards. The Macbooks in particular have very nice screens and the better ones have the aluminum case which is very good. One thing I have noticed that I DO NOT like is the slot loading DVD player. These tend to have problems after a short time. In fact, at the place I work (IT dept at a univ) I saw a not too old macbook pro that could not read a CD for software installation because the piece of crap slot load player was not working properly. This is a common problem with slot load drives from all manufacturers not just apple. I prefer tray drives. They are slightly bulkier but they have a button for eject and are far less likely to give problems.

    OS X is quite a nice OS. Stable but not necessarily always better performing than windows. In our Music Department I had to collect some information from many of the mac’s in the dept for a project we were doing. For all the “we are so much better than windows” attitude of apple users I have to remind of how slow many of these machines were!. Many had 4GB of RAM on nice Imac’s and Macbooks and when I would load things the darn thing was slower than a slug in peanut butter. The darn pinwheel went to spinning and everything on the machine slowed to a crawl! I was like “what?” and this is what I would have with a mac? No way. It is a good OS and has the excellent unix heritage. But why so darn slow on modern hardware?

  2254. An says:

    People could choose to have there opinion to buy a mac or a pc. But i rather go for the pc. Even though i could afford to buy a mac but i do not want to spend that much money on that piece of the laptop. Never had a virus. Fast and smooth and a good graphics card.

    Only need pc just to do school work, internet, play games.

    I will not just buy a laptop straight away but to think of the choice of which i was about buy. A pc is just good enough for me. Than a mac .

    The only apple product i got was a ipod touch which is k for me.

    Even though the mac i don’t use a mac though. But on most of the days of what i have seen of what people do on there macs is just wanted to be cool and stay on facebook and itunes. That is what i have seen @ college

  2255. Anonymous says:

    Ashlee, you’re missing the point. Macintosh corp are a bunch of ball washing b******s for charging people nearly double for old technology. People are absoutely stupid for buying into their s**t. And that isn’t an opinion it’s fact. You do pay much more for old hardware. FACT.

  2256. Ashlee says:

    Let me tell you people… we all have different opinions. I have a mac but sadly, some of the thing are true. I wouldn’t say that macbooks are the best laptops in whole universe but they don’t suck that much either. So, people, if you like macs, get one if you don’t already have 1. If you don’t like macs, get something else. It’s that simple!

  2257. K says:

    Then what do you do on the Mac then besides work, just Facebook YouTube and Internet search? Lol if you got no Internet, what will you do on the Mac anyways. Could be easier to buy a pc rather boot camp a Mac . Ever think about the processor ? Hardrive ? Good graphics card? I don’t mind people get macs and such though they could have there choices but I rather go for a pc that is good enough to play lots of games which a Mac can’t unless bootcamp but rather not spend much money on that laptop.. Obviously whoever think that pc sucks Mac is better obviously never use a pc just cuz of virus I never got a virus on the pc. And I do not mind a pc or a Mac both are good but I go for the pc. Cuz of good intel graphics card and such . People that I know off just buy a Mac but doesn’t think about intel graphics card and hardrive and they just buy just cuz is sexy and stylish is just stupid most importantly can’t play the games but some could play games on it but not all off them obviously (not with bootcamp)

  2258. Thissiteisajoke says:

    Anyone who believes this article is an idiot.

  2259. Michael says:

    There are some things that people would buy a Mac for educational purposes some applications of there uni , need to use a Mac . Of most what I have saw when people have a so expensive much which is what is the point of it just spends time to just dick around just Facebook and YouTube why spending that much money for that 17 inch Mac of what for anyways? Could be easier to buy a pc which has a good hardrive , intel core, and a ok battery life. People just complain about oh pc has a virus and such stop looking at porn and you won’t get a virus an a unsafe site that gives you virus and don’t trust emails from strangers. That is something have to don’t click the links that is in the mail that don’t know it off

  2260. Alexander says:

    I prefer a PC that suck my battery out, rather than a non-performant machine that stay in idle all the time.
    9 hours of battery?? Macbook Pro?? My a$$. One of my friends has a 17″ Macbook Pro with Intel Core i5 CPU and it sucks bad. Applications crash, Wi-Fi is always slow, and the integrated Intel HD GPU is a mess at playing Youtube HD videos.
    I have a SONY with the same characteristics of his Macbook Pro and it definitely puts it to shame. And yes, it came also with a Blu-Ray drive, an ATI HD GPU that allows me even to bitstream TrueHD/DTS-HD as is to my A/V Receiver, eSATA and everything that an utterly expensive aluminium trashcan doesn’t have.

  2261. Steve says:

    @ANONYNOUS. Stop looking at porn and get anti-virus and you won’t get any viruses.

  2262. Anonymous says:

    agreed on all points. I mean, I am also bugged by the virues etc of Windows but since I am already used to it, I go for Windows. Mac SUCKS big time.

  2263. david says:

    PC has way more choice when it comes to games and any game on a PC.

    On the pc, For example when you want to delete desktop shortcuts, you can just hit the delete key. When you want to do this on a Mac, you need to drag the icon to the trash can. It makes a cool effect but it is so irritating.

  2264. @VAL says:

    What do you mean by
    Nobody, and I mean nobody, that I know of hates MAC. They all love it and if they dont want it, they wish they had one.

    I dont really get what you mean buy i know of hates mac they all love it and they wish they had one.

    First thing about buying a laptop.

    Should check is features, processor, hardrive and think carefully about buying a laptop.

    If for editing shits, and audio, for uni.

    Buy a 13 inch

    But for other stuffs. Think about does it play any games and such? does it have the right requirements to play that game on the mac?

    I don’t think so.

    People that i didn know off @school just wanted to buy a mac without thinking knows nothing about the what is the processor and hardrive they just buy it and spend a extra money to buy a windows 7 to bootcamp a laptop.

    I don’t see what is the use about a mac but for audio would be the use

  2265. To the says:

    i rather buy a pc than a mac

    I rather buy a pc that has a good processor, fast, and good enough to play games, work, and internet.

    I don’t like mac’s though. But it is just my opinion.

    And no i never have a virus on the pc. People are just stupid to get a virus.

    I don’t really know what is the use of mac anyway?
    ( I never use a mac so i do not know is features though).

    But if for audio people, is the best to just buy a 13 inch mac. Of cuz it has good battery life though but i rather buy a pc.

    At school when i saw people buying a 17 inch laptop mac book pro. That is $3000. And i was like urr really? spending that much money for that laptop for whats the use? most of what i have saw at school would be just youtubing and facebooking and fiddle around with it.

    Could be just be easier to buy a pc.

  2266. Steve says:

    @Val. So your friends want to downgrade and lack power and software? Good one. Let them buy a mac and in 3 years see what they say. Once they have to buy a whole new computer instead of upgrading one part they’ll realize what a horrible “investment” they made.

  2267. Val says:

    Nobody, and I mean nobody, that I know of hates MAC. They all love it and if they dont want it, they wish they had one. It is the best investment you will make when buying a laptop, period. DO the wise thing.

  2268. nick says:

    The only apple product that i got was a ipod touch. That is just good enough for me.

    – While i was looking at the store and take a look of a mac book pro laptop and was like wow expensive.

    – Has got a asus g73 and i like it better than the damm mac.

    – Not really important for me to get a mac just not really a editor, audio person.

    – Just don’t like macs in my opinion.

  2269. Steve says:

    @Agl. Anything you can do on a mac you can do better on a PC. You don’t need two computers. You just need a PC. If apple would just stick to their shitty phones and stay away from the computer market I’ll be happy.

  2270. xd says:

    Im a gamer. And i will go for pc. Macs aren’t good for gaming. People just say that macs are the best for gaming?

    Does the word integrated graphics card mean anything to them?.

  2271. THEY FUCKEN DIDENT says:


  2272. macs are awful says:

    You forgot that it over heats if you use it for more than 10 minutes, luckily though the battery doesn’t last that long.

  2273. Agl says:

    Pc vs Mac they are both computers people could choose what they want of what is a good use for them sure Mac is good for editing audio etc. And
    For Pc can be good at gaming. Etc. They are both computers and yet they both works fine. Wonders what’s with the argument here

  2274. LOL says:

    Awesome article. It seems a little biased LOL. But hey im not one to complain because i totally agree with you.

    Im actually on my 09 macbook pro right now. and to be honest with you i hate this computer. I just got this computer for 500 bucks a year back in good condition with a small dent on the backside.

    But i do prefer windows over this piece of s**t any day. Why do i still use it? well besides the fact that it does get an awesome battery life and how i feel safer knowing that if i ever needed money i can find some sucker to buy this piece of s**t for 800 bucks.

    What you should mention in your article is the bad thermal pasting that comes with the macbooks (i dont know about the newer ones like 09 and up). Or you can talk about the shitty bootcamp version of windows. And how fans kick on after about 15-20 minutes of use of running win7 on the machine. Or you can talk about the issues with macbooks and their dvd drives. Yah all of them up to 09 (like i said i still dont know about the newer ones.

    But i do feel that macs are over priced to hell. And by owning one it does set you in a state of “elitness” LOL among your peers. When someone see’s you with a mac they get impressed. The really hate the multiple window switching feature on this. Id rather use win7 or ubunti with compwiz.

    But hey the girlfriend loves this computer. And she loves her mac. But she does things like check face book, maybe run photoshop. And yah she had to have the 2010 macbook pro to do all this.

    Its weird after wanting one for so long and coming up on this deal…i just feel as though this computer is a waste. Yes i do run apps on this, i run ableton and serato on this and in some cases reason. But i still don’t believe the hype as 3 of my other laptops all run windows and run the programs just as efficiently.

    Not to mention that the usb port closes to the power cord is considered to be an iffy usb port on macs (google it)

  2275. Miklós says:

    Fa, sorry to tell you that, but you’re lying. You have never used a mac.. Or maybe one that is about 10 years old, running the first OSX. Compare it to win 98..

  2276. Miklós Lovász says:

    This article is not true! Not customizable? Are you insane? Crashes? Have you ever used a Mac? I’d be glad to you what it is capable of. I bought my first mac 6 months ago.. Up till then I used windows 7. Thanks, but had enough. It’s not bad, but OSX is definitely better. Its easier to handle. Doesn’t have any questions about administrator s**t and so. Everything just works fine. There are still some compatibility issues out there, but even in the last 6 months I’ve seen a lot of progression. Nothing is perfect, but your article is worthless. You were right about the hardware back in 2009, but nowadays thats not true also. You do have to pay for being untouchable by viruses, getting supreme build quality and the OSX needs a lot less hardware than Win7. I know, that its hard to spend 2x more on a computer, but whoever goes mac, never goes back… I won’t for sure. You’ll love it just like a girlfriend. If you have the money, go for it. It also manages to keep its price on the used market, so if you may decide to sell it, you get good money back. If you’re a gamer, don’t buy (or you’ll have to install Windows too), if you’re everything else, go for it!

  2277. FA says:

    Oh and the last part that i got to say is that mac + pc do get crashes.

    PC: Not responding thing sometimes but is not a bit issue.
    MAC: They have a rainbow circle icon which freezes your mac. But what can you do on the mac when there’s the rainbow circle icon?.

  2278. FA says:

    So what do you expect from a mac, just a bunch of junk. That needs to pay high price for mac. If your a multimedia person.

    Macs do get viruses but less than pc. But than again only people who are retards gets a virus.

    What do you expect from a MAC? just a bunch of junk but if your a multimedia person that likes to Final cut, logic pro, protools. That k.

    So what do you expect from a MAC?
    – You could do emailing, searching the web. And so those the pc.

    – If macs are so superior. The most importantly is that YOU CAN”T PLAY THE GAMES.But just a few but not ALL THE GAMES.

    – And if macs are so superior why do they need to bootcamp anyways?. And if want to buy a windows 7 disk to bootcamp the mac is just waste the money. Would be much more easier to buy a pc.

    – Most IMPORTANTLY, every time your mac breaks, all you had to do is buy a new one.

    – And yet again i like pc’s better just my opinion.

    – People have choices wether could buy a pc or a mac.

    – i use both pc and a mac (Not a expensive type of laptop not like a mac book pro ). And yet is hard to use on a mac then a pc.

    – And who would have paid that much for a mac anyways could be easier to buy a pc. Or a cheap mac book laptop besides a pro?

    – I use pc and a mac but i like pc’s more in my opinion.

    – But then again who cares about pc vs mac. They are both computers.

    – There is no need to prove who has better laptop. They are different and they both works fine. Normally

    – You are to decide what you want.

  2279. Bruce Hostetter says:

    I think the problem with this article is that the author did all of his research on a PC, what do you expect from a PC, just a bunch of junk. Had he done the work on a Mac he would have realized how good it feels to be superior and never finished the article. I feel sorry for him. There is always hope, someday he might buy a Mac and stay in the closet,we will never know.

  2280. Morgan says:

    @FA: to me, when I consider to buy a computer, it doesn’t matter if it plays games or not. But the most important thing is the hardware options that comes with it.
    Why would I want to pay, say, $2500 for a “17 Macbook Pro that doesn’t have a Blu-Ray drive, nor even an HDMI port to hook my external monitor and have LESS in terms of graphics and software, when with half the price i can have EVERYTHING and MORE to get my work done. It’s just a complete nonsense, and i have an hard time trying to understand those people that FILL their houses with every Apple product: 2-3 iMacs/Macbook’s, 2 iPhone’s, Apple TV’s, Mac Mini’s etc…
    Who the hell in the world needs 2-3 different computer models, when with only one top-of-the-line solid machine i can do EVERYTHING: from video editing, to graphics, to games (if i want to) and even use it as an HTPC.

  2281. FA says:

    yeh and yet some people would just buy a $2000 on mac.

    I have to buy a mac book laptop. not a mac book pro which is just around $1199. For the use of audio tech for school. But obviously not a kind of a mac fan who is kinda buy a $2000 over a laptop. The so called pro whatever.

    Most of my free time i mostly use my pc Just so that i could play games on it for my leisure. Fun and chat with friends fb etc.

    I don’t like macs. In my opinion. Can’t play most of the games.

  2282. Steve says:

    I’ve never got a virus either and I own a PC. And the reason mac’s don’t get as many viruses as a PC is because there are far less macs than PCs in the world. Why would a hacker want to go for less than 8% of the market when he can go for 90%. mac OS isn’t some magical OS that can’t get viruses. The point is that even people writing the viruses don’t care about macs. If they really wanted to they could ruin your beautiful mac.

  2283. Fa says:

    Never got a virus on pc people get virus often due to their behavior With Their computers period

  2284. Chuck says:

    Man, I’m in engineering, and Macs really are pieces of crap.

  2285. L14n says:

    If doing creative stuff on the Mac like logic pro and protools what be the use. But for other things that is not important and want to get a mac, is just wasting your $2000. Cuz once it breaks, all you had to do is buy a new one if you don’t look after it probably. Would be just easier to just use a pc. If wanted to fiddle around the laptop, buy a pc. Cuz they could play the games. But for those who just wanted to get Mac, just cuz they say oh no virus what Eva , you also can get a virus but just less than a pc cuz they are not bother making viruses for Mac . But for me, I use a pc and I never got any problems of it no virus just don’t be a retard while searching the web. that is why they got virus cuz some people are retards while searching the web and some are not. But then again, doesn’t matter though who gets a pc or a Mac unless there is a good use of something. Anyways, is just there choice to choose what to buy. The only apple product that I got is a iPod touch which is good enough anyways. But not like the kind of guy that likes buying the macs etc cuz is expensive.

  2286. Adam says:

    My girlfriend and everyone around me has macs at college and they are just straight garbage. Exes dont run sound and most mac users have to run a windows paralell to do anthing. I know a lot about computers and networking and this article makes me smile. Macs are trash and should have gone under when they werent compatiable with windows. Apple your lucky your still around (thank the ipod for that).

  2287. Steve says:

    @INDIANNINJA. I’d have something to say if I could understand what you just wrote.

  2288. INDIANNINJA says:

    A: PC is best ,mac is bad.
    B: MAC is best ,PC is bad.
    C: PC is good for something, mac is good for something.
    Indianninja: A, you kindly buy a PC, B you please buy a MAC, and C,you choice according to your need or buy both.
    PC and mac are like trees in the garden of computers. There is no need to prove who has better fruit. They are different. They cater to people with different taste. You are to decide what you want. If we like tea, why it is so that we must convince coffee fans to admit tea is better?

    And we are childishly debating over this for years…..

    Yes Yes …carry on… I am enjoying these posts.

  2289. ROB says:

    @STEVE: i think that “fake messiahs” is the appropriate term to label all these bunch of losers who talk about nothing than their “holy Mac” 24/7.
    And no, they’re not pathetic. They just try to hide their embarrassment of having waste most of their monthly hard-earned moneys in a toy that does look cool, but doesn’t do anything at all.

  2290. Thomas says:

    Forget it about Bootcamp, unless you totally wipe off your HDD. The all BIOS emulation feature just make OS X running even more like s**t.
    Whatever your needs are, get a PC and be cool with that.

  2291. Steve says:

    @WOOOOOO. I’ve been asking mac people that for years. If I have to put bootcamp on a mac to actually make the piece of s**t good then why would I buy it? Wouldn’t it be easier to buy a PC? mac people are so pathetic. They basically wish they had a PC, but they want it to look pretty like an apple. I don’t even think apple computers are even good looking. I hate white and I hate that massive apple on the back.

  2292. i am says:

    I have to use a mac for school. If mac is so great why can’t you play any games?. And what i found out about a mac is that is totally different from a pc. And is hard to use cant they just make things simple?.

    Have to use a bootcamp and buys a windows 7 64 bit. Now seems easy to use. And could play games on it. Easy to use and lots of fun.

    And wonders if mac is so great, why cant they just allow to play the games besides using a bootcamp + windows 7. Just weird that have to pay a extra money for the windows 7 64 bit disk.

  2293. Wooooooo says:

    I want to marry the person who has written this article XD…Macs really do suck, however you put it. The persons point in this article (for those who are arguing against all his points) is that MACS DONT COME WITH ALL THE THINGS THAT MAKE USING A COMPUTER EASY AND ENJOYABLE. you Mac-Defenders are all saying “you can buy this and that to make that happen”, the point is WHY SHOULD YOU HAVE TO BUY IT? SHOULDN’T THE COMPUTER JUST COME WITH THOSE VERY SIMPLE FEATURES? But whatever, I guess everyone has their tastes.

  2294. 1235 says:

    and when i have to use a mac for school and s**t and install windows 7 through bootcamp. some people were like if you want windows 7 buy a windows pc.

    because if you buy a mac that means that you want a mac.

    but then again. Stop limiting yourself.

  2295. LOLMACS says:

    I use both macs and PCs for classes/web-design. I am going to respond to a few posts that I could not stop laughing at.

    mostly @BEN. Other companies make copies of graphics cards because they improve upon the design. For example take graphics cards. Many companies redo the cooling systems to make them more efficient, which helps performance as well as cooling for OCing(Overclocking which no Mac user does). The right click on a mac offers a pitiful amount of options as compared to Windows. Windows Aero stomps the Dock. It shows all my windows in real time. I can do picture in picture if i wanted to of my windows. I could watch grandmas boy maximized and have the matrix down bottom for the hell of it. Macs are not more stable than PCs. I have used the Adobe suite on both PCs and Macs. Macs have a fetish for corrupting files when they freeze =P.

    Someone stated you could get a decent mac for 1500 or less. Im sure the 1500 dollars used towards a new PC would make the macs specs look pitiful

    To the dumbass who said(I think ben again….) “Blah blah, no companies touch my hardware its of the bst quality.” See my point about graphics cards above. Macs use the same hardware most laptops use. Im glad you like taking the version 1 of hardware. I will gladly take a remake of the original that has better cooling. Also I didnt know all these companies take Intel processors and remake them and steal them =O.

    USB > Firewire. Yea ive used firewire with video editing its s**t. Ill take now USB 3.0 and HDMI.

    “DVI is as good as HDMI.” No its not, HD(High-Def) DVI cannot do High-Def.

    I went to a university and the only programs that used macs were our art programs. Everywhere else used PCs.

    Apple is a joke of a company, look at that fancy MacBook Air they popped out and look how quickly it fell to the wayside.

    Steve restricts flash from iphones(might have changed now, and ipads) souly on the fact he thinks HTML3 and CSS 5 are going to replace it. Sorry Steve ol boy flash is going to be around for awhile still =]. Unless you want to try and beat out the long time industry standard.

  2296. @Coaster says:

    I never have nor will I ever own an ipod. So don’t call me a hypocrite. I don’t even have quicktime installed. The only hypocrites are the mac people who own a Xbox 360 or use Microsoft Office for school. I find it funny when playing Black Ops on the 360 someone has an apple logo as their emblem. I’m sorry, but us PC users don’t under any circumstances need apple. mac people need Microsoft whether they like it or not. If you go to college you need Microsoft Office. Don’t generalize and say macs are for “blah blah” and PC’s are for “blah blah.” PC’s work for everything and everyone. I own a home based business and a mac can’t cut half of what I need. They can’t even play games. So mac’s are worthless. And there is no pros and cons. mac’s just suck.

  2297. afdgadgf says:

    People who buy a pc or a mac. So? Who cares. Just use what you prefer.

    Never got a virus on the pc if you know wtf are you doing.

  2298. coaster says:

    Ok, First problem with this entire post. There is no accuracy in anything. It is comparing apples to oranges. Macs are for the high end user who wants things to be easy and basic. PC’s are for the every day user, that isn’t as efficient and generally seems to be lazier than that of a mac user. Overall. You can’t truly compare the two operating systems like this. Everything has a pro and a con. How many of you have a damn ipod compared to a zune. Exactly. Hypocrites. And I’m sorry NORTON is a fucking joke. Statistically speaking, Macs have less virus issues. And NORTON does VERY LITTLE for security. I like both, depending on what I’m doing.

  2299. Andrew says:

    Whether you use the previous or the latest version of OS X, Mac’s will always be just locked down overpriced machines. Had the chance to fully try one, and got a PC sooner after.
    I don’t care if they are built with the “most high quality components”, or if they are easy to use. All i really care about is get my work done, my way. Not to mention that in my case (i author many Blu-Ray discs), Mac’s only waste my time. As even their “most professional editing suite (Final Cut Studio)”, still haven’t a proper BD authoring feature.
    At the end of the day, with the same price of a $2500 Macbook Pro or MacPro, i can have a PC with a built-in Blu-Ray burner, 1GB videocard, a stable 64-bit OS and Avid Media Producer for less.

  2300. ^.- says:

    I have to use the mac book pro for audio tech, but obviously not a mac fan but i have to use it for it.

    – the app is called Logic pro which i have to use a mac for that program for the audio tech subject.

    – What i do not like about a mac is that sick and tired sometimes of that random all the sudden rainbow circle icon in front of my screen which is frustrated me sometimes. Doeesnt happen all the time though.

    – And yet i have to use a bootcamp

    – and install windows 7 64-bit

    – Yet now i got windows 7 on my mac i could finally play games on it finnally than the damm mac and only switch either pc or mac on the log in screen

    – But mostly i would use windows 7

    – Cuz is easy to use than mac

    – But i also have to be really careful of the mac cuz onces you like drop it and it breaks, all you have to do is buy a new one which is $2000 another, which is just stupid.

    – And what i do not like about a mac is that i got to spend a few mins taking out the battery buy using a screw driver which is s**t.

    – Pc is better in my opinion but i have to use a mac for the subject which is such a ” ….. ”

    – And yet for mac fans who like say things like oh you use windows 7 on your mac blah blah blah

    – And you might get a virus

    – And i was like only a retard gets a virus (if you know wtf are you doing on the internet).

  2301. Steve says:

    @Rotten Apple. Great post.

  2302. Aetrtjw says:

    And yet at the Mac , everytime it breaks, you just have to buy a new one.

  2303. Rotten Apple says:

    This is an old blog.

    Most of what the author says still stands true. I’ve used both Macs and PC and although the Mac seems snappier when using programs, the reality is that it crashes much more often then my resource hungry Vista.

    I’ve lost hundreds of hours of work to the Mac, and with the Advent of Windows 7 (which actually seems to be looking more like OS X anyway) the latest edition of Windows seems more stable and reliable then any Mac I’ve tried to work on. Constant freezes, crashes and data corruption have lead me to believe that everything on the Mac is hype.

    Just as an example, after hearing how easy the Mac was to use, I eagerly opened a program expecting beautiful results. Upon clicking on the “+” button, I expected to maximize the window. I didn’t expect to have to drag the window out to make it full screen. Not just once, but every time.

    Using the fabled “Final Cut Pro” for video editing and watching the Mac crawl as I did minor edits left me wondering if Apple forgot the term “Real-Time Video Editing”. Adobe Premiere Pro for workflow, Final Cut for quality. Visually, I can see why FCP is better – but by how much? Very little. Almost non-existent.

    Speaking with any Mac owner has left me frustrated. Not only do they know absolutely nothing about computers, they don’t want to know. They also dismiss issues when their Macs crash. When you speak to them, their Macs are perfect. When you listen to them complaining about losing internet, freezing, crashing or losing their data you have to wonder if they’re bipolar or have dual personalities.

    I came to the Mac with an open state of mind, but after using it I realized that it’s an absolute bane to productivity. Sure – it’s pretty and has some nifty features, but when I have to click, drag, click, middle mouse, drag I get fairly frustrated while I watch my wrists swell up.

    The lack of control over most of the features and hap-hazard adoption of Universal standards such as USB and h.264 make me walk away. My PC does it faster and better. And I don’t have to wait 5 minutes to continuously render video every time I make a slight edit in my timeline.

  2304. ^.^ says:

    People who will buy mac’s needed for multimedia and important things than games. if some people just go and buys a mac for $2000. Just to fiddle around. It will just be a waste $2000 what would you use a mac for?

    – For multimedia person would be a whole different story maybe thats the reason to buy a mac.

    – but for those who just buy a mac saying all those blah blah blah. oh pc gets a virus+ crashes. No i never had a virus+ any crashes only a retart gets a virus and virus.

    – If wanted to fiddle around on the computer. Go for a pc. Pc good for gaming. For macs there arent any games.

  2305. Steve says:

    “Macintosh does not ignore mainstream.” Lie. Take maxipad for example. No USB. No removable memory. No flash. No removable battery. No ethernet port. No HDMI. Yeah they don’t ignore mainstream. Where the f**k are you living? Under a rock? apple makes toys. But then again I’m pretty sure even my kids Fisher-Price laptop has a usb port on it.

  2306. Jack says:

    @Reiden Uses Ubuntu. If mac’s are so great for gaming why are there no games?! I don’t give a s**t if in some magical universe a mac has better graphic capabilities than a PC. Because in reality there are no games. So who gives a s**t what you say. Guess what the number one game is right now. Black Ops. Is it on a mac? HELL NO! Why? Because why would Treyarch make a game for 5% (if that) of the market. apple is a fail company.

    “I don’t even own my own Macintosh and I know all this.” … You sound like a horrible mac commercial. That’s the biggest lie I’ve seen yet on these boards. Go run in traffic please.

  2307. Jack says:

    @Asagdjlhg. I’m 100% with you on that. NEVER have I got a virus. Also, if any mac d*******g tries to say that you save more money in the long run because you have to buy antivirus every year let me tell you this:

    Mac Pro Desktop: $2,499.00
    Dell Precision T1500 Workstation: $1,694.00
    Price Difference: $805

    Norton Internet Security 2011 (yearly): $69.99

    $805 / $69.99 = 11.5 years

    It would take 11.5 years to make up the price difference of a mac. So you aren’t saving a damn penny. Within 11.5 years you would have bought a new computer. It shows how stupid people who buy macs are. They are absolute morons.

  2308. Asagdjlhg says:

    I have a pc and i never have a virus only a retards gets a virus.

  2309. Reiden Uses Ubuntu says:

    Oh and by the way I’m a dumb ass.

  2310. Reiden Uses Ubuntu says:

    Wow, EVERYTHING in this is not true.

    Macintosh computers are priced pretty fairly when you add up a comparable computer. (by comparable, i don’t mean the same specs. We all know windows sucks and needs an extra umph to work.) Besides, while others are upping the price for improved models, Macintosh is bringing prices down as they improve each of their models.

    I am right-clicking everywhere, and menus are popping up. I can drag a folder, hover over another folder, and i will enter the folder I’m hovering, so I only need one windows to click and drag.

    Macintosh does not ignore mainstream. They still have firewire, which works up to 4x as fast as USB in my experience. Apple keeps firewire because it’s great at transferring and importing media files. They are still using DVI because most monitors are DVI monitors.

    Already, I can tell this guy is a retarded one-sided windows fanboy. These things here are all I ever hear windows fanboys saying about Macintosh, and they are not true.

    Macintosh locked down BSD unix because they have it. They wanted it, they have it, and they use it. You can get some BSD releases for free. Linux copied Unix. Unix did not copy linux. Unix is very customizable, and Macintosh has gotten more customizability without dramatically raising the spec requirements like Windows. They use Unix because it is strong and stable.

    Dock? I am customizing it, making it bigger, smaller, moving it from bottom, to left, to right, back to bottom, I am changing the order of icons. The dock saves us valuable real estate on our desktop. No trash icon, or app short cut icons cluttering out desktops. I still see cluttered desktops in W7 even though they copied the Apple dock. I love the dock. I can hide it easily. I love it, it’s so easy to use, and it’s gotten better from 10.4 to 10.6.

    Viruses? Malware? I’m sorry, Unix is pretty much immune to malware by itself because of its permissions handling. It’s much better than windows. After 10.0, I have never seen a Mac crash frequently. This mac maybe, crashes once every three years. When my machine was windows, it crashed every day after a year of owning it, and restoring it 3 to 4 times.

    Macintosh software options and hardware options are all top notch. They don’t offer no shitty pentium 4 or PM. They don’t offer anything 32 bit anymore. They always have the latest and BEST RAM available. Those people saying you get a Macbook for 2000 dollars are delusional. You can get one for only 1000 now.

    Macintosh is actually better at graphics than windows. Gaming is accelerated on both by different tools. Windows is a resource hog and so is Direct3D. Gamers don’t know this because they always spend way too much on more specs than they need. Then they get a virus and buy a whole new one. Games can be made much more lightweight on macintosh thanks to a lot of OSX feature engineering that Apple does (ie. Grand central dispatch).

    I don’t even own my own Macintosh and I know all this. You don’t know what you are talking about. I will never believe you actually tried or owned a Macintosh. What a loser.

  2311. Jack says:

    I completely agree with this article…except you forgot to mention the lack of volume on these crap ass laptops.

  2312. @asdfasdfgfgh says:

    $2000 over just for a mac laptop s**t

  2313. sfgsjgj says:

    If you are a multimedia person than go for mac. [ Like logic pro, protools] For an importance of the work. That is why they need a mac.

    – But what i have seen for people who have macs dont do that they just wanted to be cool and go on faceboook for 24/7 and youtube. And wonders why spend all that money for a mac. But if use for multimedia is ok.

    – I go for a pc cuz i liked to play games especially cod black ops. And doing school work using documents. And is cheaper to buy than a mac.

    – For mac people who just saying that pc gets a virus. I never have a virus. Just don’t click the ad’s and don’t look a porn sites. Only retarts get a virus.

    – And my Pc is just working fine and no crash at all.

  2314. Dave says:

    Mac Lover, this notion of “mac envy” is one of the most common delusions of Mac users. No, we are not jealous of your Mac; we don’t have one because we don’t want one. It’s that simple.

    And, to the author: Mac OS X is not Linux. Don’t say that, it’s not accurate. Mac OS X is a a descendant if NeXTSTEP, a Unix-like operating system. So, you are partly right in that Linux And OS-X are both Unix-like OSes, and just about any advantage a Mac might have over a Windows system you can also get for free in Linux.

  2315. @Mac Lover says:

    Yeah, 90% of the entire world is just jealous they don’t have a Mac. Get a fucking clue you moron. 90% of computer owners own a PC because it’s better. And 90% of people aren’t stupid enough to get sucked into buying something that’s twice as much.

  2316. Mac Lover says:

    These ’10 reasons why mac sucks’ are pathetic excuses. In my opinion, PC’s don’t even compare to Macs!! Everyone knows that Macs are better!!! I think people who don’t have a mac are just jealous!!!

  2317. Jack says:

    Yeah and why would anyone pay more than double to dick around. You can’t even play games on a Mac. If you want to dick around get a PC. Black Ops is the hottest game right now and it’s not even worth Treyarch’s time to put it on a Mac.

  2318. That Guy says:

    Macs are for people who like to dick around. Look at businesses, almost every business uses PC.

  2319. @#%% says:

    pc or a mac

    i go pc i don’t care if people who buy macs or pc. just use what you prefer.

  2320. Elison says:

    INDIANNINJA wrote a better list for not using Macs.

  2321. Elison says:

    This article is so poorly researched (either that, or is filled with extremely inaccurate word choices) that I can hardly believe it was even accepted to be shown for the world to see.

    I own a Mac (and no, not for the reasons given in this article) therefore I know exactly which parts of this article are wrong.

    The X button does not minimize–it exits the window without quitting the application. A feature which is, in my opinion, pretty handy. Or, for the more cynical, not as bad as one may think. Let’s take as an example something you biased Windows users may appreciate (or for you petty ones, may NOT appreciate). When using Microsoft Word for Mac, you finish editing the document and exit (not quit). You realize just as you exit the application that you forgot to add in something so you have to open the document again. No longer must you wait for the application to start up aaaall over again, taking forever (and, yes, this waiting happens on Windows, too–yes, I have actually used Windows before making any judgments about it and deciding to spring for a Mac). Instead, the application is still running in the background so reopening the document is easy. The same goes for making a new document right after exiting the window of the one you just edited.

    Right click. There is a right click, and not just for copying or pasting. It would be so easy to check with just the click of a button (or two fingers placed ANYWHERE on the trackpad) that it would be a waste of time to list all the options here. Advice to the writer of the article: research.

    There are far fewer viruses for Macs than there are for Windows. And yes, I know that there is a growing number of Mac viruses but when has having all those Windows viruses out there stopped any stubborn Windows user from using Windows? You call using Windows an act of loyalty, common sense, and all that crap. But suddenly when it comes to using a Mac, it’s an act of elitist snobbery? There’s the pot calling the kettle black.

    Now I agree with numbers 8 through 10, to an extent. Well, at least you can say you got three out of ten on this–another poorly-(if at all-)researched article. Good for you!

    A Mac user who tried Mac and liked it

  2322. Luke says:

    Mac Pro Desktop:
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 18x double-layer SuperDrive
    * ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR5
    * $2,499.00 (holy s**t)

    Dell Precision T1500 Workstation
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 16X DVD+/-RW
    * 1GB ATI FirePro V4800, Triple MON, 2 DP & 1 DVI
    * Dell Professional P2210 22in HAS Wide Monitor, VGA/ DVI/ DP
    * $1,694.00

    F*ck Apple.

  2323. Vain says:

    This article is old and shouldn’t be considered any longer.

    Reason: Most of the arguments have come from someone who has used the system for about 10 minutes and decided all these things, while not actually taking the very few hours it takes to learn the format, and customizability of the product (which goes for anything you buy, that being a gaming console, or even a digital clock) and realizing that most of these problems are either false, or no longer are problems. (except the price… that part still sucks and probably always will)

  2324. Network Admin says:

    Post is dead on still years later after it was written.

    I find it hard to believe that people are still willing to pay a tremendous overhead for a product that is inferior to systems half it’s price.

    absolutely amazed by this fact.

  2325. indianninja says:

    I use pc.I won’t buy mac.Why?
    Valid reasons here:
    1.Mac are costlier than pc. With my budget for a mac I can get better specs and still have money.
    2.I play games .Why would I risk having problems?Mac may not run my games.
    3.Dont know if mac can double boot windows and linux.
    4.In India most do not care about how the pc looks.So not investing on pc looks.Rather I would buy software or games.
    5.Never saw any of my friend or family to use anything other than applesauce,jelly and chutney from apple.We eat apple as breakfast etc,and generally do not like a fruit making pc and os.I like banana and mango.(5 th point is for fun. Declared for someone with learning disabilities).
    By the way, I am typing this from n73, which is neither pc,nor mac.
    Mac good if you like mac.PC good if you like pc.
    By the way, you guys use the word”suck” and “f**k” so much,that I use it to quickly scroll down using the find function in opera mini in the phone.
    p.s,mac sucks,as well as pc
    I saw both,each sucking a whole bottle of coca cola using isucksoftdrink app for mac and microsoftsuckingsuite trial edition.

  2326. ahsomanypeople says:

    Oh, there are so many people in here. I can understand why people love macs, but I don’t see why they are using mac rather than new Windows 9. I got tired of having fight with my sister just because of mac is better, so I think Mac fans and non-Mac fans should stop fight. I just got my sister calmed down

  2327. Mac sucks BALLZ says:

    Who every the f**k, likes macs should go jump off a cliff and be hitlers butt sex buddy.

  2328. Jingle says:

    The problem isn’t necessarily the hardware/software but more so the user! To each his own!
    IMO Mac is a waste of money. I prefer Linux 10 folds. To say someone is stupid to buy a Mac is mean really.. I’d say ignorant to their options and what they really want in terms of an environment base to work from.

    The author explaining how Mac uses Linux or BSD is misleading!

    Linux is its own Kernel and the GNU makes it a desktop. FreeBSD runs from the UNIX code which Mac also uses in its source. To say Mac is like Linux and runs on the Linux kernel is completely ignorant! Linux is its own source code from the ground up! Also BSD does not run from the Linux kernel, rather the UNIX code, making BSD and Linux completely different. The only thing the two have in common is the GNU. This makes the whole “Top 10 reasons why Mac sucks” completely flung out the window.. But I do agree that Mac is really just a cult following and a side of “the fence” My opinion means nothing, but facts are facts!
    Whatever you choose to use at least educate yourself about the tools at hand..

  2329. Derek says:

    It’s astounding how many people have just been trolled in this comments section.

  2330. T12356 says:

    Im a pc user

    Though I have to admit, multimedia people would be good for Macs. They are good for movie editing and pictures. But most people who get Macs don’t do that. They just want to be cool and be on facebook 24/7. This is what I see in college.

  2331. @123 says:

    Yeh who cares if anyone is using a pc or mac.

    For me, i like pc better.

    – For some idiot mac users at my school some of the people were like oh pc has a virus blah blah blah. And i was like i never have a virus on my pc.

    – As what the post was above, who cares if someone decides to use a mac or whatever. Stay with what you have.

  2332. stu says:

    My school has macs and the stupid fucking things cant do s**t, the it department must be laking in common sence otherwise they would have had pc ages ago. the only good thing about a mac is its looks and i dont want to sacrifice bacic funtionality for looks

  2333. Steve Jobs is Great says:

    Steve Jobs is one of the geniuses of our time. This wonderful man has successfully made the worst pile of crap ever dumped onto the public, appear exactly the opposite. A true master of propaganda; Jobs has successfully appealed to those whom are… Well, pretty easy to appeal to. You guessed it, the commies. There is no one more godless, annoying, and utterly inhuman than a Mac user.

    Mac users tend to be of the counter culture movement. You know, the subversive movement in the West designed to destroy the republic. They believe everything they here on CNN, Fox, MSNBC and shun anything that the critics don’t like. If the critics tell them a toilet nailed onto a piece of plywood is art, then well, it damn well is! They know nothing, have the confidence of coke heads, and are generally complete snobs. To sum it up, Mac users are filth and should be disposed of accordingly.

  2334. mom says:

    I don’t care one s**t if someone decides to use a mac or whatever. Stay with what you have. I know for me Macs have always sucked. Every one that I’ve owned has crashed incessantly…while doing graphics work. Can’t imagine what video would be like. Also, I have found that the OS is pure crap as far as intuitiveness. I hate that I have to either control-q to exit an app ENTIRELY or click two things to do what should be one. Also, the menu bar is gay. It should be with the app…and no, that’s not a windows thing. Look at other OSes. Apple OSes are the only ones to have done that silly and frustrating thing. Oh, and by default on a shared machine, the administrator can actually access any other account’s files with a few clicks, in fact it’s not possible to secure files from the administrator. Sure, in windows it’s possible too, but it’s not made to be easy, and I can secure them. And the thing with apps losing focus when you click on the desktop (because the app is not encapsulated). So miss one click and you have to start alt-tabbing. Minimize and maximize don’t mean s**t on a mac. The dock is terrible, gets in the way and takes up too much area, especially since you already have the “apple”/menu bar at the top. So you lose out on that much more space. The new models are crappy, and yes for the value of the OS they are way too overpriced. I fell into their trap twice…bought macs…what shitty times those were. Never able to finish any work, because of crashing apps. Even playing a DVD was a problem. This must be a line of code in the mac OS: IF Piece of dust on DVD THEN freeze app AND freeze machine, AND require reboot to remove DVD. I found an old DVD under the couch last week. It looked like it had been used as a shield during the crusades. Popped it into my PC and it played. It got stuck once. I ejected it, moved the playhead past that point and it played the rest of it, despite no less that fifty scratches (yes, I counted them).

  2335. Luke says:

    Mac Pro Desktop:
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 18x double-layer SuperDrive
    * ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR5
    * $2,499.00 (holy s**t)

    Dell Precision T1500 Workstation
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 16X DVD+/-RW
    * 1GB ATI FirePro V4800, Triple MON, 2 DP & 1 DVI
    * Dell Professional P2210 22in HAS Wide Monitor, VGA/ DVI/ DP
    * $1,694.00

  2336. walk says:

    macs are overpriced around $2000 just for a laptop *buys a pc*

  2337. adfhhah says:

    cuz i only got a mac. sucks eh? [too stupid that time] but yeh i should get a pc soon planning.

  2338. @adfhhah says:

    You are a stereotypical Macboy. I’m a real graphics and web designer and I use Windows 7. Photoshop & Dreamweaver CS5 Extended. You don’t need a Mac to do graphics design. In fact, you don’t need a Mac to do anything. If you want an all-in-one computer buy a PC. Why would you want to buy a Mac then bootcamp Win7?

  2339. adfhhah says:

    i have to use a mac for the uni for the use of

    Graphic designer
    Logic Pro

    And now i use a bootcamp to install a windows7 on a mac cuz i need to play games on it and it works pretty well. And easy to use.

  2340. iTzReiKeNz says:

    I personally like the Macs they are very fast and yes they don’t get viruses from what I’ve seen so far. I personally have had viruses on my older laptops and they have recurred. Mac is creative and works fast, more so than Windows but Windows has their pros. I like Windows because it’s easy to use, and duh the programs included (which you can buy for a Mac).

  2341. @AT says:

    AT wrote: “no-one makes viruses for Macs and they won’t work.”

    Go to: and tell me why they have that if there are absolutely no viruses for Mac. Also, are you telling me that NASA, all US military, video game studios, nearly every grocery store, and the list goes on are all poor or mentally retarded? That is such a stupid statement. Everybody uses Windows because you can’t do s**t with a Mac. It scares me that there are people like you living. Do some research please. This country runs on Windows. I don’t care who you are that’s the truth.

  2342. Jess says:

    @Luke. I didn’t believe you until I went to Apple’s site and compared myself with Dell’s site. That’s a big difference. If you add in a monitor with the Mac it’ll be $3500. $1800 price difference for the same hardware. It’s one thing to say you think Apple’s OS is better than Microsoft’s OS. But to say a Mac is cheaper than a PC you’re living in denial.

  2343. plopabiggi says:

    Go on Dwane why am I a fool for using windows on a mac while using mac os on mac at same time. Aint I doin everything that both offer at the same time and not gettin hung up about it. You country hick

  2344. Luke says:

    @AT. You are a moron. You just proved my point with #4. You have to go to an Apple Reseller to upgrade it? Are you fucking stupid? You don’t need to hire some expensive a*****e to upgrade a PC. You can just go to Best Buy and pick up the new part you want and put it in YOURSELF. Mac’s ARE overpriced. You sir, are mentally retarded. Let me give you an example you poor excuse for a human.

    Mac Pro Desktop:
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 18x double-layer SuperDrive
    * ATI Radeon HD 5770 with 1GB GDDR5
    * $2,499.00 (holy s**t)

    Dell Precision T1500 Workstation
    * 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor
    * 3GB (three 1GB) memory
    * 1TB hard drive
    * 16X DVD+/-RW
    * 1GB ATI FirePro V4800, Triple MON, 2 DP & 1 DVI
    * Dell Professional P2210 22in HAS Wide Monitor, VGA/ DVI/ DP
    * $1,694.00

    Dell beats the Macshit with it’s professional video card and it actually comes with a monitor. If you try to buy a monitor with the Mac Pro Desktop they charge you $999. For a monitor! The only thing the Mac beats on the Dell is the DVD burner. Big whoop. Do some research! It took me only 10 minutes to compare. It’s really funny how you Mac people go out and say IT ISN’T EXPENSIVE! But you do absolutely no research to back up your claim. Look at what I just did. I completely killed you.

  2345. Me says:

    My 13inch MacBook pro has right click, just press down the track pad with 2 fingers. I have a Firewire port. Macs are fucking customizable, u can even put a wallpaper in yur folders, custom icons etc….
    @LUKE u are talking about MacBook AIR, go check out the 15inch MacBook Pro

  2346. AT says:

    1. Macs are better than Winshit. Because no-one makes viruses for Macs and they won’t work. Second, everyone who doesn’t want their computers to crash, buys a Mac. THEY DON’T CRASH. I’m an hardcore developer for Mac since 1997 and have never experienced ONE-SINGLE-FUCKING-CRASH!

    2. Macs aren’t overpriced. People who don’t have Macs are either poor or mentally retarded.

    3. They are fuckin’ gorgeous and don’t need a right click whatsoever.

    4. You can change parts (go to the Apple Reseller) or upgrade the Mac. (Again, go to the Apple Reseller). And yes, they do have FireWire. Apple invented FireWire for God sake.

    5. And ‘WHO CARES’ is totally right. He rules!

  2347. Scott says:

    @Luke. You also forgot there is no LAN port on the Macbook Air.

  2348. Luke says:

    Macbook Air.

    -2 USB ports
    -No DVD/Blu-ray drive
    -Can’t add RAM
    -Can’t change hard drive
    -Can’t change battery
    -No FireWire port

    Horse s**t. What a waste of money. Whats the difference between buying a Macbook or a Fisher-Price Laughtop? You can change the batteries on the Fisher-Price.

  2349. @WHO CARES says:

    I hate Macs. Screw Apple.

  2350. Who Cares says:

    Nothing brings out the inner troll in everyone like a Mac vs. PC debate.

    If you like PC’s, use a PC!
    If you like Mac’s, use a Mac!

  2351. JimG says:

    Mike’s got the right idea

  2352. Shmuel Chayempour says:

    Wellwell well, it look like some people in college still have their brains in their head. This article kiks a**.

  2353. marketing? says:

    The funniest thing is PC’s become more mac-like and mac’s become more like PC’s each passing year, and the groups that are for or against one or the other are always becoming more vocal about their perspective.

    It’s called marketing

  2354. me says:

    All I hear is people saying you buy a PC cuz you can’t afford a mac… While this may be true I have a desktop home PC that wasn’t cheap. It has 32bit OS, decent 2.8 ghz processor, upgraded to 4gb RAM, upgraded graphics and sound cards. It costs less than a mac, and blows any apple computer out of the water in terms of performance and video/sound and the ability to use those silly graphics programs that all mac users love. I use free versions of virus software – microsoft , AVG, or Avira. And free anti spyware/malware like super, malwarebytes, and spybot etc. I have never had a virus using the free software.

    Macs do not run any faster than pc’s because of their lack of virus protection programs. Most apple software is always running in the bacground, it slows down the mac as much as the virus software. Plus there are virus programs available which only run processes while surfing the internet. Meaning no decreased performance normally. Macintosh has more complex software and code which attracts most people, but some realize it’s not necessary to run background processes for a lot of programs not in use.

    The simple fact is a PC is the smarter buy. It’s more versatile and upgradeable. For the same price you get twice as much every time. However I don’t like the newer 64 bit OS that are out there. I believe this is one reason so many people are buying macs, the speed of PC’s are slowing down with these newer OS’s. You need twice as much RAM to get the thing moving, so when there is a pc advertised at 3gb with a 64bit version of windows it’s really not that flattering (or fast). The prices with these advanced computers have started to level the playing field. PC’s are starting to lose their most valuable asset – simplicity.

  2355. mike says:

    So I’m going to get out of college at some point in a future life. I bought a 90$ used laptop pc with windows xp off craigslist. It works perfectly fine the guy I bought it from reinstalled everything so it runs like new. It has 1.5 gigs of ram and a crappy processor but it works for what I need it to. It’s faster than anyone’s macintosh laptop at school. I spent the 350$ I saved by not buying a mac on a surfboard, mufflers for my truck, beer, and weed.

    Mac blows.

  2356. JoeSocio says:

    I really don’t care about the ridiculous debate over the two computers. Do you want a Lexus or a Toyota? It’s up to you. They both do the same damn thing, one cost more, one looks better yadda yadda yadda. What I am most curious about is whether or not the writer of this article is paid? He is belligerent, ignorant, invasive and down right rude to all comments and has no back bone to support anything. He simply refers you to the garbage he was already posted as if it is enough, when it obviously is not. There is a laundry list here of complaints, debates, and pointless arguments through a comment box, to some random cheeto crumb fingertipped fat ass in is pee stained whitey tighties dropping his p.o.v. on life while surfin for P.O.V. on adult sites. I almost walked out of here without dropping my 2 cents, but I had to. Ignorant people irritate me the most in this world, and is why I believe people shouldn’t reproduce as much. That is neither here nor there.

    I know someone will retaliate to this, it is expected after this long page. So go ahead, it doesn’t bother me, freedom of speech, do a you please. But do not expect me to be offended for I will not come back to check on who’s been naughty or nice to me. So offend away, hit me with your best shot, relieve some pressure, some stress, I’m your punching back. But if you do respond to this knowing that there will be no return for me, then you must be pretty petty. It would be arguing with a brick wall.

    Later dumb ass writer of article, if you are paid, then you have a great job. I would love to be paid to be an ignorant a*****e with no valid opinion. But I couldn’t live my life that way.

  2357. S. McGee says:

    Okay, so I took it upon myself to put a MacBook comparable Windows machine and a MacBook to the test. When I removed the top case of the MacBook, I was surprised to find a tiny unicorn bouncing around in there. I contacted Steve Jobs and apparently, these tiny unicorns power the machines and keep them from ever failing. When I opened the Dell Shitspiron, quite literally I found a rancid liquid substance, resembling bile mixed with day-after-White Castle gastrointestinal waste. My point? Everyone replying to this article can wrap their harelips around my below-average sized penis and suck it. Their f*cking COMPUTERS. See you all in Hell!

    -Satan McGee

  2358. @Brian says:

    Just to be clear I can afford a Mac. I just don’t want one. And I agree with every word he says. My Vaio notebook costs as much as a Macbook, but is double the speed. All you Mac fanboys have is “you don’t like it because you can’t afford it”. Well sorry that doesn’t work on me. I hope you realize that the majority of the big corporations use Windows based computers. Are you accusing them of being cheap too? I guess NASA is cheap as well. I also want to point out some broad that tried using the excuse “Mac’s are cheaper in the long run because you don’t have to spend money on yearly antivirus software”. I did the math. $3,000 Macbook with the same specs as a $1,700 Windows based notebook. $1,300 price difference. Norton Antivirus cost $39.99 yearly. It would take 32 years of Antivirus to make up the extra cost of a Macbook. You Mac retards.

  2359. Brian says:

    This prick makes the macs sound like they’ll blow up in ur face when in reality he just probably can’t afford one

  2360. ANON says:

    Okay I got bored and just decided to google some people’s views on this s**t. Now I personally go with windows pc. Right now however I am on my phone. But I’ve had my Asus G71gx for over a year now and I sure as tits wouldn’t trade it away for any mac. Now for people who say s**t like oh well fuckin macs are better for editing whatever. Suck a dick. I use my asus for everything. Everything all the time. At the same time. That point goes towards multitasking. I’ll have my dual monitors running (via hdmi hahaha). ;) And have crysis running, photoshop, FL studio, cubase, abelton, windows media player, and fuckin whatever else, you name it. Just fuckin eat s**t. And point proven to saying that mac users are fuckin faggots because I’ve been reading these comments for a while now, I’ve got nothing better to do at 2 in the morning, but a lot of what I’ve seen is people bashing saying “oh f**k you because you CAN’T AFFORD a mac. That only proves the point made at typical mac users. And a lot of the people I do seeing macs around are the stupid little girls that use it for the sole purpose of going on facebook and storing their music and photos on their 120GB hard drive. Haha. Yea its cool that mommy and daddy bought that incredibly expensive machine, but you use it for fuckin facebook. Mac users think entirely too much of themselves and for them to backing themselves as much as they are on this thread only makes people see that even more. My windows based machine runs better than ANY mac out there. This is a qiute old model as well. But I run anything I want, whenever I want. Multitasking is the name of the game. And don’t think that I haven’t used an apple product before because everytime I see someone with a mac that I know I say lemme use it. I know how to use it.point is, people buy them to look better than others. But really you need to understand, look at the hardware specs for you buy. And if you do, which I doubt you do because you’re just having your parents buy you the mac, windows pc comes out on top as far as price and hardware. I’m sorry this may be very hard to read and it may seem like I’m very illiterate, I’m just tired as hell and figured I’d just randomly type nonsense before I fall asleep. I don’t plan on ever returning bac to this thread so don’t even bother sayin s**t. Just I don’t know, buy windows running pc’s. You will have deffiently made the right choice. Peace out homos.

  2361. yup says:

    you’re a f**ktard I agree

  2362. Rich Wetherby says:

    You’re totally right, dude. I f*cked your mom last night and then blogged about it on my site with a PC. It was way better.

  2363. loakie says:

    I’m a single dad and this really helped!

  2364. jiMMy says:

    What is goin on with Mac binaries? it’s so huge. WTF. Feel your pain downloading BIG MACs from and hosting BIG MACs on SourceForge, CNET or FileHippo. You would think Mac sharing more Unix underpinnings will have less to download.

    Scribus 1.3.9 (2000/XP/Vista/7) = 50 MB.
    Scribus 1.3.9 (Leo/SnowLeo) = 160 MB.


    Gimp 2.6.10 (2000/XP/Vista/7 32/64) = 41.4 MB
    Gimp 2.6.10 (SnowLeo) = 82.5 MB
    Gimp 2.6.10 (Leo Universal) = 80.3 MB
    Gimp 2.6.10 (Tiger Universal) = 101.7 MB

  2365. Jack says:

    @ Mr. Weber. Do you masturbate on a PC or mac?

  2366. Grapes says:

    I agree with Mr. Weber. That’s something we can all agree. Eat my dick!

  2367. Todd Weber says:

    What happened to good old fashioned hobbies? Everyone here needs to stop arguing about computers, use whatever the hell they want and stick to a true classic: masturbation. It’s incredible, try it.

  2368. jiMMy says:

    Mac is a no-show in the real world.

    For simple emailing, chatting, browsing, word-processing, nothing beats a cheap laptop running Windows/Linux at sub $500 and Mac is a no-show here.

    For gaming, data-processing, nothing beats a customizable PC. Sure, Minis/IMacs have respectable GPUs but those aren’t gonna beat the latest dedicated 1 GB videocard on a PC. Sure you have Mac-Pro and Mac rabbids keep telling the whole damn world that a similar spec PC will cost relatively the same. How can this be if Apple is targetting niche market? Its sales volume is gonna therefore be lower and must have higher profit margins for the same hardware especially when you consider, most Mac users are buying the Minis, Macbooks, and IMacs. So Mac-Pro will be a very expensive solution.

    When comparing prices on both platforms, one must also consider the lifespan of both the software and hardware.
    For example, for basic needs of emailing, browsing, etc., any computer from the last 5 years is fast enough. For HD video contents, most software today must offload the processing to the GPUs. Which means newer flashplayers/image-editors/movie-editors may require newer directx versions of GPUs. Similarly, most games today benefits more from newer versions of directx GPUs. Which also means, it is cheaper for a PC user to simply change their videocard from the many card vendors for their older equipment AS THEY SEE FIT. Try getting a newer videocard for an older Mac Pro. Apple have a history of getting its users to junk their equipment for a newer one. Just look at Bootcamp, older Macs from late 2006 aren’t supported anymore.

    Finally, there is the frequency at which Apple will update their drivers for its rival’s platform. Bootcamp was late for many early 2010 models. Look at how many revisions of drivers on Nvidia site. Would you wait that long for game fixes?

    Mac, therefore, is consigned to the elites, hipters but not the general budget-conscious masses. But, if you are buying for comestic reasons, there are also PCs in similar small, good-looking, form-factors from Dell, Acer, etc.

  2369. Someone says:

    @HENRY : Sure, all mac stores must be burned!
    @TRI-BOOT : Tried the same s**t with my HP DV7 laptop, OSX went so good (better than on a mac ^^ with 1000$ diff.) but i deleted it some weeks after, won’t waste 16Gb for something useless, it’s better to donate to gparted and memtest86 for their useful live CDs.

    Personally, i work for the software/web industry and i prefer having a windows with a Ubuntu on a virtual machine or installed next to win7.

  2370. juan says:

    macs suck

  2371. Henry says:

    @ Connor. What does rich have anything to do with it? I own a Sony Vaio (obviously running Windows 7) and I spent $2500 on it. It shouldn’t be about being rich or not. Both of them can be expensive. That being said, I will never buy a Mac.

  2372. Connor says:

    @ robin it depends on both. If you are rich, not tech savvy, and want to e-mail, do basic video and/or sound editing for fun get a macbook or imac. If you’re not rich and want a good computer for web browsing, vloging, blogging or typing stuff up for school or work and have basic tech knowledge, then get a PC with windows 7 (it’s awesome) or if you know a fair amount about technology, you may want to consider doing a dual boot with windows and Linux or Ubuntu.

  2373. TO unixpickle says:

    I hope you realize the vast majority of all video games are made using Windows based computers. Do you think Halo was made using Mac OS? Go f**k yourself.

  2374. TO unixpickle says:

    Tell that to ALL the corporations using Windows! You dumb s**t!

  2375. unixpickle says:

    Well I want to see you write C++ IOKit based kernel drivers for any other operating system. The fact of the matter is that I know more code than you, and I enjoy coding on mac, so stfu. Can you subclass IOService on a windows machine? didn’t think so. Looks like mac is better.

  2376. Martin says:

    i owned a mac for 2 years now, i love the hardware, i spend a s**t load on it but worth it, its defiantly built better then the 799$-1499$ laptops out there that fall apart.

    i also grown to hate OSX on a daily basis, as crappy as windows was… it just makes sense the way it does things, thats why after 2 years im going back to windows(7), to this day i cant figure out why i minimized programs never open and some do, no cut and past…. yea i said it mac fanboys, retarded when you work with a lot of files. thank god for bootcamp :) and its funny how win7 runs better and faster on a mac then osx. just putting that out there too

  2377. TO WB says:

    If only it were that simple. But Mac people won’t STFU. I’ve never met a PC user that went out of their way to say “Oh, that computer sucks because it’s Mac.” It’s always Mac people that will go up to someone using a PC and say “Mac is better, you should have bough a Mac”. I think they’re just trying to justify spending so much money on a computer they know is a piece of s**t. So they have to put down other people.

  2378. wb says:

    who cares, use what you prefer and STFU. :)

  2379. Mark says:

    PC is the more powerfull:



    On Mac pro: lol

    Gamer PC: ^^

  2380. Andrew says:

    Haha although this article is about a year old my gf actually told me it was written by my long lost brother.. I’m a software engineer, she owns a mac.. see how long that lasts, nuff said.

    Cheers brother.

  2381. Henry says:

    Tri-boot, that’s a perfect explanation. Most Mac people come up with the most ridiculous examples for why they think Mac is better. It’s more like “Mac is better because it’s prettier”. Or they are stuck in the early 90’s and say “How are you liking your blue screen of death”. I haven’t seen that in over 10 years. How is that a good argument? You actually gave valid points and did your own experiments and came to your own conclusion that PC is just better. I give you props on that! Great post.

  2382. Tri-boot says:

    Have to admit I agree with a lot of what’s in this article.

    I recently decided to update my hardware on my Windows 7 desktop to an i7 CPU with an SSD and more RAM, so I purposely picked hardware (mobo, ram, etc) that I knew would allow me to install OSX/snowleopard and create a ‘hackintosh’ such that I would have the choice of booting into either OSX or Win 7 on startup. Figured it was an easy way of trying out OSX since I love my iphone but hadn’t played around with a Mac desktop in 15 years or so.

    After purchasing my retail copies of snow leopard and ilife and setting everything up, I ended up with a computer more powerful than a $3000 Mac Pro for about $1200 dollars worth of hardware – illustrates the ‘overpriced’ argument pretty well.

    So then I started playing around with OSX, importing pics and video from my data drives, surfing the net, doing office tasks, organizing the file system, playing with ilife and other bundled software, and shockingly to me it was a very disappointing experience overall. Windows 7 is actually more intuitive, which I was not expecting. I figured at the very least I would use OSX for photo and video editing, but found that Picasa and Windows Movie Maker ’11/Nero were easier to use and more stable under Windows 7. For daily use and simple tasks, I even think Ubuntu 10.04 is more user-friendly and intuitive than OSX.

    Maybe it’s all just what I’ve become used to, but I’ll probably end up deleting my OSX install; I just can’t see a use for it over Win 7/Ubuntu at this point. And wow, I sure am glad I didn’t shell out 3grand for a Mac Pro.

  2383. Henry says:

    Linux is great. Mac is not. Anything to do with Steve Jobs should be burned.

  2384. Ummm.... says:

    I THink…..
    THere is something…..
    what is it…..


  2385. Henry says:

    Amen. Amen.

  2386. InfernalDisaster says:

    If you want a customizable computer that can do anything, go with a PC. If you all you care about is making videos, go with a MAC.

    Overall PCs have the flexibility that makes it far superior than a MAC and of course there is the reasonable cost of a PC. For what you spend on a lower end MAC, you could get a high-end PC that is more powerful than the top of the line MAC.

  2387. jesse says:

    My top reasons why macs suck:

    No address bar where I can type the path of where I want to go.

    Alt tabbing is retarted. If you alt tab to a program, the window you were doing in the program doesnt actually open up. You then have to click Window and choose, for example, the document you were just working on in Word.

    You can’t cut and paste files. Instead, like the original poster said, you have to open to windows and then drag and drop the file. This is retarted and SO INNEFICIENT

  2388. Steve says:

    LOL. Brilliant post.

  2389. LoL says:

    This article maybe biased, but most of it is true. But holy f**k, look at all the ravenous mac fanboys that are out in full force….Holy s**t, stop continually mashing on some random article on a random site and go outside for once. There maybe be reasons to like Mac, but you must be extremely retarded if you’re gonna buy a computer with an outdated Core 2 processor that costs twice as much as a i7 PC from a shitty company like Dell. You know what’s ironic about that? Dell sells overpriced PCs. And no, it’s not about whether you can afford it or not, it’s about you being an idiot with your money and buying a shiny new product because someone shoved some s**t in your brain about how shiny that product is.

    Lololol, I’d have more trouble getting peoples response about porn then I would getting flamed for dissing an Apple product. It’s hilarious because all you fanboys are in every corner of the Internet, just salivating at the thought of someone putting up a post like this. Anyways, have fun losing sleep over what someone said on the Internet LOl.

  2390. pingu says:

    i think big part of mac users have a big ego :D
    lots of mac users are defending mac os more and fiercer than steve jobs.Lots of them buy mac just because of fashion.

  2391. d*******g says:

    When more than 95% of the world uses a PC, it’s not a fight. It’s a MASSACRE.

  2392. Austin Merchant says:

    BAD ARGUMENT. Very biased and uninformed. Watch me negate all ten reasons why mac sucks:

    “The one and only business model for Apple is narcissism.” NO! People buy a Mac because of a genuine belief that Macs are superior. Most of us are not trying to impress anyone. Granted some Mac users are, but most aren’t.

    “Macs are ridiculously overpriced.” Macs are expensive to make, and WHAT YOU PAY IS WHAT YOU GET. Mac engineers are very intuitive, and that’s hard to explain to PC users.

    “Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends.” NOT TRUE AT ALL. Apple does the opposite: they start and end trends. Apple popularized the mouse. Apple killed the floppy disk. They popularized the hard drive. They popularized the smart phone. A mere handful of examples.

    “Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of Linux.” THAT’S FUCKING RETARDED. I am going to skip this.

    “There is no right f*cking-click!” You can’t see both buttons. but the right button still exists. And the default setting is for two primary buttons, so left handed people can use a mac. You can pick whatever button you like for right click under System Preferences.

    “The general screen layout is retarded.” If you are used to a PC! What do you expect? A Windows interface? then you’d just go and b***h about that!
    The clock actually does display the date. Again, in System Preferences.
    You can see minimized windows in the right part of the dock. You didn’t even try, did you? Adjust it via SYSTEM PREFERENCES. According to Stan? Who’s Stan?
    The X actually DOES close the window, and simply quit to kill the program. And it doesn’t suck up resources.
    What? That’s not even partly true.
    I admit, the maximize button is weird…
    Opening 100 images only opens one window. Did you actually do this?
    Why is that so bad? OH NO TWO WINDOWS.

    “Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.” WHAT! Windows is the one with the horrible reputation! I don’t even use a firewall! Send me a virus so it can stash itself away in my downloads folder. Someday I’ll open it for a laugh. A TEXT FILE! Holy crap!

    “Software and hardware options for Mac are lame, or slim at best.” At best? iLife KICKS ASS. iWork beats office any day! My Keynote presentations blow my class away! Most hardware works with Mac.

    “Gaming and graphics in general, suck on Macs.” This depends on what you’re doing! Obviously you’re not playing Fast hardcore games on a Macbook Pro! That’s what a desktop’s for. And as far as I’m concerned, my 13″ MacBook Pro goes above and beyond my gaming expectations for a laptop. And any game worth playing is available on Mac.

    “Macs are not customizable.” It’s all about the brand. It’s why my processor is only running 230 threads at the moment. This frustrates me sometimes, too. They’re getting better!

  2393. d*******g says:

    Wow. Shows right there how incompetent you are. You obviously don’t do ANY research. I haven’t seen the “blue screen of death” since XP. That’s 2 operating systems ago. Is that all you have in your arsenal? You just say what other mac fan boys say and don’t do any research to see if it was even correct. You are the definition of a d*******g.

  2394. hooray! says:

    you are a dumb c*nt! Macs are amazing and always will be! Have fun with your blue screen of sh*t! :)

  2395. d*******g says:

    MD, you are a complete d*******g. Did Steve Jobs pay you to write that? You can’t even watch a YouTube video without it crashing so I don’t want to see you babble about your crapple never crashing. And of course your PC is a piece of s**t it’s a Gateway! Who owns a Gateway anymore?

  2396. md says:

    i just wanted to say you are full of it. Macs are the best thing ever. pcs are pieces of s**t! they get a million viruses and never work! Macs are WAYYY more durable and more functional. I have never ever had my computer freeze or not be able to multi-task as you say. I have had a macbook pro for about three years now and would rather pay the few extra dollars and have a NICE computer than a piece of s**t pc. I have owned a gateway and a mac and would chose a mac over the gateway ANYDAY! Just wanted to let you know you are FULL OF IT!

  2397. the freem says:

    I think F JJ is a fanboy.

    F JJ
    I priced 27″ IPS monitors and found some for around 1000 bucks. Add a PC with the features of the iMac and the total cost would be $1500. Still cheaper than the iMac. The high end iMac is $2000. You can buy a very powerful PC for a $1000.

  2398. Steve says:

    I couldn’t tell if ‘F JJ’ was for or against PC with his comment. I think he was stating that if you build a comparable PC and a really nice monitor it’s still cheaper than a iMac.

  2399. the freem says:

    F JJ
    Sony has an all in one computer with multitouch screen for a third of the cost and it has blu-ray, you lose. Silly rabbit Trix are for kids.

  2400. D*******G says:

    And PC will win. Hands down.

  2401. F JJ says:

    27 inch iMac

    Build a comparable PC and price it.

    Don’t throw in some shitty monitor. Throw in a 27 inch IPS panel.

    Put it in a slim case.

    Put a Core i7 chip in it.

    Compare them. I dare you.

  2402. HUMDiGHA says:

    My theory is that all the marketing hype is to prevent buyer’s remorse. What better way to accomplish this than to play to someone’s ego about the purchase they’ve just made. After reading the headline, I thought the article was going to be a well-researched essay on ego, marketing, and tech fever -I was thoroughly disappointed.

    I had to laugh when one of the comment’s talked about people with their shiny Macs at Starbucks! So true. Just go to a Starbucks and this can be verified. But try and start a conversation with any of them about anything computer related, and you will find the vast majority of Mac user’s know incredibly little about the topic. I guess they can defend this by saying, “It just works. I don’t have to know anything!” (At this point just smile and nod in agreement!)

  2403. accidental visitor says:

    got here accidentally but this is a hoot — the guy JJ is obviously a complete troll; almost all of the specific points are directly refutable, to the point that some of them seem made up just to try to confuse or anger folk; one guy couldn’t get all these things wrong or so bizarrely distorted merely through ignorance

    but that doesn’t mean you have to waste time spitting JJ’s chowder back out — don’t ingest it in the first place

  2404. God says:

    Computers in general are gay. So…everyone can go to hell.

  2405. D*******G says:

    So we should respect a company for putting more effort into the design than the inner workings? Look at what they did with the iPhone 4. Did you even read any of the other comments? Do some research before you form an opinion. There are far more reasons to buy a PC than a Mac. Sorry if your only defense is the “design.” That’s not good enough for a debate. The design isn’t even that great. Personally, I don’t want a notebook so thin it can’t even house a DVD or Blu-ray drive. Not to mention that retarded apple on the back.

  2406. jaimitoborromeo says:

    50% of what u state in this article is false.
    the other 50% is not relevant to most people.

    So it’s expensive, there ARE people who don’t mind spending a lot of money. Why? Efficiency is only necessary when resources(money) is limited. 2500$, so what? Some drink, some smoke, some buy clothes and some overspend on macs. If you’re rich, do whatever you want.
    wich brings me to:
    No other brand offers such beautiful machines. We should respect people who feel design is an important feature in a computer. That costs money.
    I’ve been using linux for years, and whatever “linux fascists” say, it is not user friendlyenough to be mainstream. You need a solid technical backround to understand and use it properly.
    Buy whatever you want, and get your head out pf your ass.

  2407. D*******G says:

    Ian, if you’re that stupid you can’t Google your problem then you shouldn’t even own a computer. PC or Mac. Your story is full of sh*t. Microsoft has never made me pay for any tech support. Are you talking about Dell? Last time I checked Dell wasn’t owned by Microsoft. Numb nuts.

  2408. Ian says:

    yeah i own two computers. is that so out of the ordinary? what am i talking about? you act like what i said is so foreign to you. don’t act like microsoft has nothing to do with a pc. last time i checked wasn’t windows created by microsoft?

  2409. JJ says:


    Wait so you own 2 computers? Or you are just talking bullshit? Who said anything about Microsoft, what are you talking about? What software problems were you having? Why didn’t you check Google? lol… wanker.

  2410. Ian says:

    called microsoft the other day for some software problems, 100 bucks i had to pay in order for microsoft to provide e-mail tech support.. called apple about a problem with my macbook, they helped me no problem.

  2411. Dwayne says:

    Very valid point, Jimmy. Love it.

  2412. jimmy says:

    oh for people who buy macs for windows usage.

    iMac (17-inch, Late 2006)
    iMac (20-inch, Late 2006)
    MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2006)
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2006)

    assuming somebody bought those later maybe in january 2007 – you can no longer upgrade it to windows 7 with bootcamp 3.1(HT3986)! 3 years plus service. Very green for the environment indeed, throwing a PC every 3 years.

    Problem is when you update some Service Pack for Vista because of security issues and break the bootcamp drivers in the future, how long are you willing to wait for them to provide updated drivers? in many instances, you cannot get download drivers directly from chip manufacturers (nvidia only provide win/linux/freebsd/solaris).

  2413. Anonymous says:

    why doe

  2414. Dwayne says:

    plopabiggi, if you use Windows on mac hardware then you are a fool.

  2415. plopabiggi says:

    I have used windows for years and would always shout its strengths to mac users. I learnt a lot about windows especially around the windows Me era. God that was crap. Anyway along came XP – I love xp. Very stable with lots of great features. I run it on my apple mac pro while doin other things with MAC OSX at the same time. Both are good,but, I use the mac half of my computer more and more – while windows is starting to melt away.
    windows is more stable on a mac than in a pc environment.
    As mentioned earlier – don’t build a drama about it. use both as one tool. I can only guess most of you guys are american – CHILL the F*** out

  2416. jiMMy says:

    Anyone with good memory? All I know is PC has always been a good deal. Anyone remember what the cost of commercial unix vs mac vs pc of similar specs cost back then? All I can say if you let these other companies
    be on the top, you may see a more evil version of m$oft. So far m$oft has priced it right more than I can say for other OS except ofcourse Linux.

    Anyone who tells you their machine is greener when they continued to sell
    a whole computer embedded in a monitor is plain wrong. How am I supposed to believe it can be good for environment when I am throwing away a functional monitor when I an upgrading to faster one?

    What is wrong with their mouse, it is so flat you can’t cup it in your palm like regular mouse? How can their design be superior to companies like Logitech which solely makes mouses for every type of use. Why would they still adhere to the standard mouse design. Whom you would rather believe? The whole world cannot be wrong?

    Never buy an OS that can only intentionaly support a limited hardware configuration because it is bad for the economy. If that company chose one video card vendor as their supplier for the entire line of products. What will happened to the other companies. They will be no choice/competition to drive prices down. Will make gaming expensive for everybody in the future.

    if you are gonna pay for an OS, at least know what you are paying for. When you pay for windows, you know that money goes to supporting better driver development – eg updates that dont break drivers, making sure a lot of apps/game are backward-compatible. The reason businesses are using windows is because m$oft supported that model well. Look at how long Windows 2000 was supported and now XP. Can you say the same for your mac? It is easy work when an OS only has to support a few line of products and recompile their apps in new environment. If I am gonna pay for an OS, at least pay for
    one that will protect your software investments like games/CADs for the longest period.

  2417. D*******g says:

    dotNet Zombie, the debate is that you can get twice the power for the same price as a shitty mac. Yes, Mac’s are expensive, but if you get an equally priced PC it will be at least 2 times better. So a $2500 Mac will most likely have less power than your HP.

  2418. dotNet Zombie says:

    Actually Mac OS X is merely a locked down version of freeBSD.

    “Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Mac” that’s not true, Mac’s come with great GPUs

    ” Macs are ridiculously overpriced.” Sure Apple doesn’t make any cheap computers, but A could PC can cost as much as an Apple Computer. For example the HP laptop I use cost $2500.

    Also I’m not a Mac User (I hate Macs) I’m window user, so I’m not some Mac fanboy.

  2419. Kaega says:

    Wow, I don’t think I made that long enough

  2420. Kaega says:

    I will (just for fun) throw in my two cents. It’s all I have left. I’m sure people already covered what I’m about to write, but I don’t care. I love my Mac for several reasons. But mostly I just hate Windows (I love you too Linux). Here’s a list of what you got wrong, and a little of what you got right.

    1) The one and only business model for Apple is narcissism:
    I am definitely a Nerd. I like my mac mainly because of the way it responds, and has a refined simple interface.
    I like that my windows are not all clogged with menu items.
    Apple programs and the OS often support most open standards, and not just their own.
    Macs can format/read multiple disk formats, not just their own.
    Macs support multiple network protocols, not just their own.
    Apple provides regular updates to not only fix bugs, but to add functionality to my OS
    I love the iLife suite, and how easy they interface with each other and programs (IE: many third party programs easily find my music in iTunes, and my photos in iPhoto, World of Warcraft for mac can record video and control iTunes)
    I like that all of the programming tools needed coming with the OS (xcode)
    I love expose. I can easily find the window I want.
    I like the universal spell check in the OS which works in EVERY Application (except terminal and X11).
    I love being able to just trash a preference file to reset an applications settings. Makes troubleshooting quick and easy when I do have a problem.
    I like the file structure, which is almost always followed (IE: if I install a screensaver and want to remove it, it will be under /Library/Screen Savers/ )
    I like that the Firmware is not only easily updatable, but can actually be customized by the user (IE: rEFIt)
    I can create a custom keyboard shortcut for any action in a menu (literally any of them, windows only has custom shortcuts for opening programs and web pages)

    Ok, I need to move on now.

    2) Macs are ridiculously overpriced:
    Yeah alright, I’ll give you that one. I can rightly tell someone on a budget they should buy a mac. Using a Mac is great, but using a PC and still being able to eat is great too. But a PC with similar hardware to a Mac is usually not too much more expensive. With some models though, you just don’t have as much choices

    3) Macs regularly ignore mainstream industry trends:
    Blu-ray: this may be common in desktops, but it’s not that common in Laptops. I will admit, it would be nice to have the option. Desktop Macs DO have the option of coming with Blu-Ray. No Mac laptops have them though. It is a shame.

    HDMI: Out of date DVI? What have you been smoking? HDMI is not a replacement for DVI. DVI supports much higher resolutions than HDMI. The only advantage HDMI offers over DVI is it also carries the audio. As convenient as this may be, a DVI with optical audio cable is much better. Many computer monitors support resolutions that only DVI can deliver.

    Some things Apple has held on to for a long long time before replacing it, but in most cases the technology Apple was using was superior. Firewire is a great example. Few devices use Firewire, but they really should. Firewire 400 came out years before USB 2.0, and the sad thing is, Firewire 400 is STILL faster than USB 2.0. USB 2 runs at 480 Mb/s you say? But USB 2 has much more overhead (latency) than firewire making the raw transfer rate actually slower. On top of that, Apple has upgraded their computers to Firewire 800.

    The ADC connector for video is another good example. Eventually Apple went with the Industry standard DVI. ADC didn’t just carry video though, it also carried power, and additional data streams. This allowed a monitor to be plugged in with one cable, and still have it act as a USB/Firewire hub. Unfortunately because switchers from PC always had DVI monitors, Apple changed to the industry standard. I like standardization, but it would have been awesome to plug my monitor in with a single cable (especially into a laptop)

    4) Mac OS x is merely a locked down version of open-source Linux:
    BSD is not linux. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) is a Unix derivative designed for the sole purpose to be built upon by others. There are many, many programs that use BSD as it’s base. BSD by it’s self it not an operating system as it requires further files and frameworks to operate.

    The BSD core (Darwin as it’s called) is just the base. Most of the code build on top of it are unique libraries and API’s that are only found on the Macintosh, these are what truly make the operating system what it is. I doubt 90% of Mac users are unaware of this since it’s actually listed on the apple website under the reasons it lists why OS X is more stable.

    OS X runs many frameworks faster than any other platform (including OpenGL, and OpenCL). Now if only OpenGL could get a little more edge on Direct X

    5) There is no right-f*cking-click!:
    Although this is not true, it does bring up a point that I really hate about Apple. They tend to simplify things too much sometimes on the surface. Their strategy seems to be “If you have less to fool with, you’re less likely to make mistakes”. Apple will take anything that is considered not for the common user and hide it. I don’t like editing XML files just to show hidden files in the Finder, and such.

    You can right click on a Mac, and you always could. Apple just never sold a mouse with a second button. And the five keys you hold down to right click is… control. Deleting something is Apple + Delete (most shortcuts use the Apple key). If you ever take the time to look at a menu (any menu) in OS X, the shortcuts are listed to the right of the item you want to click.

    6) The Dock, and general screen layout, is retarded:
    It is not retarded, it is just different. Let me go over your points.

    The clock doesn’t display the date? Well you were right. Fortunately in the last OS update (10.6.0) they changed this.

    The dock, again, is a little simplified. You can however see programs that are minimized. They appear on the right hand side of the Dock (even shows an thumbnail of what was actually in the window you minimized, cool). The Dock is just a shortcut bar that tries to keep everything in as small as space as possible. So you don’t have a billion little boxes at the bottom of your screen. It is not based on a technology from 1984, that is just ridiculous.

    (After finishing this comment I read some of the article you were citing. He was actually referring to the menu bar, and in that aspect he may be right. But it is clean, and works perfectly unless you are using multiple screens. Then it does get a little annoying)

    Clicking the X on a window DOES close it. I think you’re frustrated because clicking the X does not QUIT the program. Closing a window without quitting the program can save up some memory while not removing the entire program from memory. It’s also useful for some programs that do not need the window to be open to continue with what it is doing (IE: close an iTunes window and your song keeps playing). I find it most useful using programs like web browsers. If I use Firefox all day, but I am done using it at the moment, I can close the windows but leave the program running. When I click on it later it merely has to create a new window instead of running the entire application again (which comes up much faster).

    To quit a program either press command + Q, or right click (heh, another use for right click) on the program in your dock and click quit, or click on the application menu (named after the application) and select quit.

    Alt tab goes through every window? No it doesn’t. This is just plain wrong. In fact not only does alt+tab cycle through applications only, but there is a separate combination (alt + ~) that cycles through only the windows of the application currently in focus. Nice try though.

    Maximizing a window doesn’t maximize it? This must be frustrating since Macs DO NOT have a maximize button. Oh, that green button with the plus in it? That’s the zoom button. Let me explain what this button does.

    It changes the dimensions of the window to match the content inside. So for example, if you’re in a text document and you click the zoom button, the window size will change so you can see all of the page, but no more. Windows on the other hand fills the entire screen, but fills the screen in most cases, with just empty space. Why do you need a webpage taking up the entire screen when the page its self is only one third the width of the screen? This difference has shown in studies to actually make people multitask better and be more productive. But then again, some people just can’t focus on more than one thing at a time.

    Pictures open in separate windows? I don’t know if that used to be the case, but Preview (OS X’s default picture viewer) will open multiple pictures in one window if you highlight and open them all at once. If you open them one at a time, then yes, they will open in separate windows. You may be comparing this to Windows Picture and Fax viewer which replaces the old picture with the new one you opened. I find this behaviour quite annoying since I usually only open two pictures at a time to compare them.

    Not sure I get this next one. I can drag anything to anything else that is visible. Given if a window is on top of something I want to drag a file to, I need to bring it to the front. This is true on Windows as well. Maybe with more info I could correct you. I can also drag files on top of applications to open the file with that particular app (dragging a word file on textedit opens it with textedit instead of word)

    7) It just… doesn’t work. (Macs crash, freeze, and have evil viruses.):
    You say the Mac doesn’t handle multitasking very well, but you are wrong. I have repaired Many macintosh computers, and in most cases someone comes in with a computer that gets the spinning colour wheel a lot, it usually comes down to one thing: Bad Ram. The spinning colour indicates it is processing on a low system level. When there are errors with data in your memory, your computer will keep trying until it processes it without errors. This will result in a spinning colour wheel that could last for (depending on how badly damaged the RAM is) for minutes, hours, or indefinitely. Run the Apple Hardware test, I bet you’ll find an error. I also found that bad ram was usually ram installed by a third party vendor. Usually cheap ram, or improperly installed ram (static charge WILL screw you over, always ground yourself before opening your computer). Other hardware issues can cause the wheel as well, but RAM was the most common I found.

    Another reason for the spinning colour wheel is file structure errors. Run Disk Utility on a regular basis (every couple of months) and this will not happen to you.

    Finally, if you were using a Mac with an Intel processor, and were running a program that was not designed for the Intel chipset (Adobe didn’t update their programs for the longest time), it literally had to translate the program on the fly. With a program as big as Adobe, that would have been a long wait. (Adobe programs are now up to date).

    I also want to say that I’m running Adobe CS5 suite on my computer now. I am able to open and use photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, xcode, iTunes, and (basically iChat) at the same time without any spinning colour wheels. I had two files opAdiumen in illustrator, five pictures open from my girlfriends 12mp camera, iTunes playing music (duh), and running an OpenGL application with a spinning 3D box and two spinning 3D triangles (I had dreamweaver open but nothing created). Not once did I get a spinning colour wheel. I’m running on the original Macbook Pro from six years ago too (2.16 Dual Core, 2GB RAM).

    (Just so you know, my Mac HAS crashed on me before, but it’s happened less than five times in the six years I’ve owned it, and a couple of times was due to software I installed. I hate you ShapeShifter!)

    To touch on viruses, yes they do exist for Mac. Actually if you look up the history of viruses you’ll find the first one ever written was on a Macintosh. It is however harder to catch a virus on a mac, and if you catch one it usually cannot do as much damage as one for a PC (but they can hurt).

    A virus is just a program, and you catch a virus it must be executed. A major problem with Windows is there are many ways for programs to be auto executed. A Macintosh provides virtually no way for a program to be auto executed. You may have even noticed that discs do no automatically run on a Mac (which frustrates most PC switchers who expect a Mac to be easier). Mac does not have ActiveX, or any other methods of easily executing programs directly from the internet.

    Another point, a Mac needs your admin password to do anything major. A virus needs these permissions too, and cannot modify your system without it. Windows does not require a password to do any changes so any virus (or person for that matter) can edit your registry, change your internet settings, or modify your system in harmful ways. Fortunately Windows Vista and Windows 7 have improved on this. Please make sure you set a password however, without it Windows Vista/7 is not much more secure then it’s predecessors.

    The article you linked is a virus that’s caught by installing pirated software. Here is a quote from the article you used to support your statement
    “Really, as it stands, the only people at risk are those trying to pirate software, so it’s not really a case of “Is the OS less secure?”, so much as it is one of “Are Mac users security savvy?”

    (I actually recommend NOT using an administrative user on a Mac. Using a standard user will add another layer of protection for these same reasons listed above.)

    8) Software and hardware options for the Mac are lame, or slim at best:
    Software for the mac is slim, I will admit. The software that comes with the Mac is pretty nice. Again it’s just simplified.

    As anyone who’s walked into a computer store and asked where the “Mac software is”, you know that your choices are usually limited for commercial software. Thankfully most open source software is available for the Mac, or can be easily converted. This was actually one of the main reasons Steve Jobs chose Unix as the base for Mac OS X. You may have to install the X11 interface (Unix/Linux’s window system) to run some of them.

    When Apple says “no hunting for drivers” they usually mean USB devices (of course they don’t specify this). Generic USB devices (IE: printers, scanners, cameras, etc…) Usually do not require a driver to use on a Macintosh. This is because these devices commonly use standards that are the same between them. This allows a Macintosh to work with hardware that was never designed to work on a Mac. It’s very common for a consumer to plug in a device, even after being told by the manufacturer it wouldn’t work on a mac, and have it work just fine. There is a compatibility list on Apples website for hardware, but I have found many devices not on the list which work great.

    To be truthful though, Windows has been just as robust since the release of Windows XP. Many of you have plugged a camera into Windows and had it work without installing a driver. It is still recommended to install the included software though.

    If you are using a device that needs a specialized driver, and the manufacturer doesn’t make one for Mac, you are probably screwed. Low market share definitely sucks in that manner.

    9) Gaming, and graphics in general, suck on Macs:
    Gaming does unfortunately suck on Macs, but the graphics definitely doesn’t. If you only ever tested your graphics using games then that’s why you think the graphics suck. Most games are designed to use DirectX. The reason they usually suck on the Mac is because they make a half assed attempt to convert it to OpenGL. Even games that use OpenGL on windows commonly use windows specific OpenGL commands. This requires changing a lot of code, and game developers have a deadline you know.

    The Graphics capabilities of a Mac are really sweet actually. Unless you use a program that uses OS X’s core video API’s you would never notice. And of course, video games never use these (especially when the game needs to be Windows compatible).

    10) Macs are not flexible or customizable:
    I would love to tell you how wrong you are. But alas you are very right. I think I mentioned it in one of the paragraphs above. The lack of customizability is definitely my biggest pet peeve.

    Flame on

  2421. Jake says:

    No, just Mac people. If you run into a self-righteous person just ask if they own a Mac and chances are they do. Makes sense, I don’t really know a lot of self-righteous people and most people don’t own a Mac. 90% of computer owners are PC and only 7% are Mac.

  2422. Hannah says:

    Wow, did you really waste a bunch of time doing this? Classic PC behavior. Also, the majority of all people in the U.S. are self-righteous, not just Mac users.

  2423. Jake says:

    PC ARSE wrote:
    April 22, 2010 at 8:10 am

    Writer of this article is a stupid looser who hates the whole world because he is unable to afford a mac. Go f**k yourself Bill Gates Cock sucker!!


    Wow learn how to spell! What’s a “looser”? Typical Mac user. A spoiled kid whose mommy and daddy bought him a Mac.

  2424. Steve says:

    I run my business from home. It wouldn’t be possible on a Mac. I need to simultaneously run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Excel, and FireFox every day. That wouldn’t be possible on a Mac. It would crash too much and I wouldn’t get any work done. I’ve had a Mac a few years ago and that’s all it did.

  2425. Lollookatthemcry says:

    I really can’t see any logical reason to fork out More $$ for a out of date computer that you’ll have to replace in a year.

    the number one reason I’ll never buy a mac is….I had a pc I rescued out of a dumpster loaded with Linux that ran better then my schools brand new macs…
    the price on those macs? $600..

    price for the rescued Linux system… +$30(sold it to my teacher because he couldn’t stand his mac)

    those macs have brunt out …but my teachers Linux system is still running(imagine that)

    macs…they have nothing to offer that I can’t get out of Linux(FOR FREE).

    If you can sell that crap to people…I think I’ll be going to the dump more often…the computer market must be a gold mine nowadays!!

  2426. zero says:

    let me just say that i’ve been working with Macs and PCs for a long time. I have a mac tower at work, a PC workstation and my laptop PC. I work as a graphic/web/print designer and also as a freelance reporter/editor and this brings me to my point that i work with computers alot.

    And here, I totally agree with JJ. Macs are just for the wannabes, people who want to look cool flashing about their expensive piece of flashy hardware. I live in a third-word country and even here all the Apple/Mac fans are rich snobby people and are just bent on showing off. I used the Mac at work but got so frustrated with it that i started lugging my laptop to work (which runs, Windows 7, woohoo). I’ve got a cheap Dell that works better than then expensive tower mac that’s rusting at work. And just to make things clear, I am not a windows-fanboy or whatever. I use linux for all my coding needs, too bad Adobe does not support linux. And GIMP and Inkscape are not as powerful as photoshop or illustrator.

    And Mac users, accept that not everyone is as rich as you folks, not everyone live in the US or the UK. If Mac really wants to go forwards it should learn to support all users, and not only the rich people, cuz where i live, owning a mac is a class on its own.

    on my personal point of view, i believe i’m a power user in Windows and in Adobe Applications and a expert on linux, i’d say i had the worst experience working with Mac, and i deal with UIs for applications and Web. I am in love with Ubuntu and how relaible and fast it is, not as flashy as a mac though, hmm…, but it works soo soo much better than a Mac and i love my windows 7 desktop, with it’s ease to use and not so flashy, as a mac.

  2427. Assil says:

    WOODY is the perfect example of the sheep. He will buy a mac just because it looks pretty…

  2428. Jeremy says:

    If Mac’s were so great then there shouldn’t be a need for bootcamp.

  2429. Jack says:

    No programs. No games. Flash crashes. List goes on.

  2430. WOODY says:

    I’m trying to be fair here. JJ, you have a good point on the price, but the rest is not true.

    My friend let me use his Mac once and I say that was a good experience. I only use PC though. Mac are too expensive. With $1000 you can buy a pretty good PC, but you can’t do the same thing with Mac.
    That said, I would still buy a Mac but only because I love the style, the white color, the Apple logo, because it looks cool, and very enjoyable, but it’s still nowhere as good as a Windows PC.

  2431. Jack says:

    Oh and if Window’s is so bad, why do I ALWAYS see people comment about using bootcamp? You people can’t live without Windows if you wanted to. You sit there and bash Microsoft, but you use bootcamp. Doesn’t make any sense.

  2432. Jack says:

    Keep up the great work JJ. I have an iSheep friend with a Mac and he’ll defend it to the death. But I see it crash all the time. Nearly every time I go to his house he’s fixing some issue with the piece of sh*t. What a joke. I’m running on Win7 Sony Vaio notebook. Vaio’s are expensive I’ll admit. But who has the faster notebook for the same price? Me. Who can run games? Me. I haven’t had it crash since I got it 2 years ago. Even when I had Vista running on it, it didn’t crash. These people are a joke!

  2433. the freem says:


    This forum has plenty of evidence supporting our case against Apple crappy products. If you need more, how about this last hack for the iOS? Nice piece of work:

    As I have said before, the only reason why Apple products seem less likely to be hit with viruses is the market share. The iOS has taken more of the market than other smart phones. If OSX were to do the same thing, it too would be open to attack. Also, the code base for Safari is the same for OSX, with some pieces missing or added. This attack will probably work on a Mac running Safari too.

  2434. JJ says:


    Thanks for further proving that Mac fanboys never have any factual arguments to present in defense of their worldview, err, brainwashing. Way to make it a personal game of “being offended!”… and offering another perfect example of Apple’s consumer base.

  2435. Wow.. says:


    I’m really tired of seeing you “thank” people and calling everyone a Mac “fanboy”. It makes you seem unintelligent and it seems as though that is the only thing you have to say. Every time someone brings facts as to how Macs are better and more reliable (who wants an unreliable computer?), you just call them a fanboy. Prove them wrong if you want people to believe you, PC fanboy.

  2436. bob dole doesnt support mac says:

    Let’s look at it this way guys.
    Mac OS X -> freeBSD

    has a gui -> has multiple gui options
    doesnt work well outside a mac computer -> works wonderful anywhere
    cost money -> is free
    not good at multi-tasking -> multi-tasking master
    always gets hacked first @ hackfest -> they wont even attempt on freeBSD

    So.. Lets see here, I’ve provided 5 simple facts.
    So.. How could mac f**k up freeBSD that bad? You tell me.

    BTW I wrote this on my PC which is Dual Boot – win. XP (old os still works like a charm, still has great support) with freeBSD running XFCE.
    Do that on your precious mac.

  2437. Assil says:

    well said Jim, nice one

  2438. jimmy says:

    1. can’t find any laptop under $500.

    2. mac binaries are huge. gimp (win) is 20MB. gimp (s-leopard,intel) is 80MB. both must carry gtk.
    there are 3 builts – tiger, leopard, s-leopard. gimp 2.6.8 (2000/xp/vista/7 plus 64 bit).why is there no
    binary compatibilty between versions? why is developers so obsessed with multiple versions? imagine buying expensive
    app only to be broken on new upgrade.

    3. fast shelf life. tiger is dropped by a lot of developers (3rd party). xp is still thriving.

    4. not much games, cads.

    5. not much peripherals. most devices JUST works on windows.

    6. have restriction on what can be built by ipad sdk. wtf!!!!! app must be approved by a FRUIT to be sellable on their store. must register to get sdk!!! gone are the days are commercial os the only software than can run on your pc. today we can install linux. imposed such unnecessary steps to get sdk,tools, will only push people to linux. on windows,can download sdk without having to join a developer membership where you must give your phone, address, professional profile. i am just a hobbist programmer – why should i submit my professional profile to you as if it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

    7. same app runs better on windows (flash consumes LESS cpu and crash less, skype, etc.).

    8. mac was to built to run on a narrow limited pc configuration. linux/windows can run on variety of cpus/chipset/peripherals/ etc.

    linux fares no better but it does not restrict your freedom and choice. windows does but is forgiven because of enormous support for drivers/software/games/peripherals.

    If i have to pay, windows is cheaper, better choice of hardware/price range, longer shelf life, more software and games, less political games.

    If i go cheap, buy any machine and install linux.

    where does that leave mac???

  2439. Sudo -h says:

    Forgot to mention I run Lucid Lynx, Open Suse 11.2, Windows XP and, Snow Leopard, Linux owns all, its what powers the internet.

  2440. Sudo -h says:

    JJ, OSX is not Linux! Linux is not BSD, Linux is not unix, hell BSD isn’t unix. Soo..figured I would through that out their, but macs are over priced, ignore mainstream conventions such as bluray and flash, and owned by want to be tech savvy hipsters. Although Macbook multitouch is awesome. It’s kinda funny though, it seems neither the PC’s or Macs have much true understanding or facts about computers, or OS’s. That is why I am a Linux Elitest

  2441. thesullster says:

    The author doesn’t know his way around a mac. My MacBook does all kinds of wonderful things,

  2442. pcperson says:

    Look. In my opinion, Macs are sort of stupid. For one thing, they have really oddly shaped peripherals, and they look sort of fragile. It’s scary to use them. Plus, all Apple seems to care about is appearance. Not that it’s bad, it’s just I want actual technological advances on it, not some fancy shmancy design and compatibility with other products (like smartphones.)

    I prefer that the computer, itself, is as best as it can be. And not because the white plastic protecting the insides of the computer is “stylish.” (In all honesty, I think you’re just paying friggin’ 3,000 bucks for the stupid design.) And sure, PC’s are prone to getting viruses. But anyone who REALLY knows how to work a computer can get it off, lickety split.

    Plus, all the added applications for the Mac seem kind of useless. Okay, so, maybe they’ll come in handy for art projects, but I’ve noticed that MS Office’s applications are much more handy. Especially in school situations and because they’re much easier to learn (and to convert. I find it useless to convert certain documents when I could have finished it, and not have to worry.) Not to mention you have to wait longer for several computer games.

    So yeah, maybe it’s just me. I’m not into the flashy modern designs so long it gets the job done. And MS does. Sure, it doesn’t immediately come with all the bells and whistles, but if you work on it, you can have a really great computer. After all, it’s MEANT to be personalized. (hence the name, “Personal Computer”)

    And if you’re wondering how I can judge, it’s because where I live, I have a Mac at school (yeah, I know, “Why are you using it then?” Well, because my school’s a dumbass and believes most people in California know how to use them and therefor there’s a heavily disproportionate amount of PC’s and Macs.) And I have several PCs at home.

  2443. XCen says:

    Apple set hardwares’ prices too high in compared to the same hardwares in PC.

  2444. Assil says:

    I have just read nearly all the comments and the article too

    I can see than the guys who prefers mac don’t really know nothing AT ALL about a computer

    I had XP for 7 years and got only 2 problems
    Now I have w7 and it is terribly fast and stable than Vista

    In all point of comparison which is possible to make between macos and windows, windows (and PC) is better/cheaper/faster

    Mac is just an expensive computer for idiots at starbucks, just that

    Windows is the future

  2445. apple hater says:

    JJ just wanted to show what just happened, the typical fanboy came here and in one day make tons of comments with several nicks, just have to say something they really don’t like and it had to be something worse than what was on this discussion to revive it. But anyway the link does work:
    and everybody knows that most people buy macs because of their looks and gay people usually think like that so whats the big surprise?
    MAC = FAG

  2446. JJ says:

    @Bryan, I would love to see a video of you trying to run those 3 programs at the same time on ANY “expensive” or “lowest possible” Mac. Seriously. Please post a screen capture. Cuz I know you are full of s**t.

  2447. Bryan says:

    Bro, if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Sitting here bashing is isnt gonna do s**t for your cause. I have a macbook pro and triple boot OSX, Ubuntu, and Windows 7. Never had a problem opening up photoshop, firefox, itunes and any other program for that matter. Maybe your cheapness only allowed you to buy the lowest possible macbook.

  2448. TheFreem says:

    Bill AnalGates (billy boy) clearly you are not very professional. You talk like we have screwed your spouse or girl/boyfriend, relax take some deep breathes. It is just a tool and like all tools they come and go.

    You keep calling folks here NOOBs. Did you read my opening line I have been programming for over 15 years? And not just WebPages, low level programming like your system BIOS. I have a very deep understanding of how computers work, way more than you or any one here. I have written apps for OSX and I can trash your system in a heartbeat. The only reason for the lack of attacks on Macs is the lack of them on the Internet. As soon as more than 10% of all computers internet are OSX machines virus writers will stop ignoring Macs and give you some that Windows love. Since you clearly love your Mac the best thing you can do to keep your Mac safe is convince people to not use them.

    I have a Youtube link too

  2449. JJ says:

    @Bill AnalGates aka “billy boy” aka freemraper,

    Thanks for showing our readers the spitten image of what a mac fanboy looks like.

  2450. @apple hater

    1- who is their god? steve (blow)jobs
    // wow that’s really funny. was that a joke or did you give one to him?

    2- seriously, they are gay, check this out
    // that link doesn’t work you fucking moron.

    3- how can one install something on an iphone? using the “back door” (with jailbreak) – notice the gay reference
    // iphone? What the F**K are you talking about?? We where discussing:
    OS X wich is Apple’s VS WINDOWS wich is Microsoft’s…

    4- a recent survey showed that apple fanboys do beauty treatments by putting cucumber slices on their eyes and the whole cucumber on their…
    // Yeah and you in your ass. But for godsake.. is this fucking funny? YOU LITTLE PIECE OF S**T, I SHOULD PRESS YOUR EYEBALL INTO YOUR FUCKING SKULL

    5- ricky martin has recently assumed he uses apple
    // Yeah and George Michael uses windows… WHO GIVES A F**K YOU FUCKING MORON

    so fanboys get out of the closet already, assume that you only use macs cause ur gays


  2451. This article sucks because most things are not true.
    Als hate this site, because of this article.

    This article is nonsense, the guy that wrote this
    is really an idiot. And everybody that does not own a
    mac cannot agree with this; because YOU DON’T KNOW.

    then don’t just agree you sheep.

    *i should kick this guys nuts out of his ass.

    *This guy should have been fucked from behind with
    a mac in front of him with somebody showing that he is
    not right.

    This Guy is a poo fetish and loves it when somebody
    shits in his mouth

    This Guy that wrote this nonsense should have been
    hanged upside down naked and someone should shoot
    this guy in his feet

    This Guy Sucks…

    Fucking Retard Site.


  2452. 1: Because Windows can be installed on each PC.
    And for OSX you must have an Apple. It’s Expensive.

    And how many big businesses are there compared to small and mediums?
    too little big business. i’ve been in big businesses where everybody owns a mac. In every other s**t businesses they have windows.

    2: My name isn’t billy boy.

    For Your list:

    1) Lack of software tools most are for Windows.
    // You didn’t look good enough

    2) Folder merging, you cannot do this by dragging and dropping. If you have two folders of the same name and you want to merge the contents. The Mac will delete the current folder before replacing it with the new one. See number 10. Windows and Linux will replace only the files if they are different. Understand fanboys, using the “cp” command does not count. Why else would you have GUI then?
    // there are a lot of apps like path finder / totalfinder / mucommander
    // you noob.

    3) Super expensive, running CAD or other tools require high end Macs to run.
    // Yeah the same goes for windows.
    // You must also have a high end Windows Machine to run CAD programs.

    4) Multitasking sucks, you run only one “big” program or else it crashes.
    // I have 8GB Ram… never got stuck.
    // If you have a windows machine with 256MB and XP on it then it’s also getting stuck. Then buy some Ram you idiot.

    5) Dev tools for embedded systems, just do not work with Mac. Even if the tool is USB. I cannot tell you how much time I wasted trying to find things that worked with the Mac.
    // If you are new to windows you would have the same problem
    // This is YOUR problem being a noob

    6) Unstable system, Linux and WinXp/7 are rock solid when used by engineers or programmers. The Macs I used would crash at least twice a week.
    // If we compare OS X and Windows… OS X never gets stuck or BSOD’d like windows!

    7) Disappearing applications, WTF fanboys? I would use a program and while I am using it would just go MIA. No crash, just gone. Finder knows nothing of the app, it has just vanished. Work is lost.
    // Never see such thing like this. I think it’s because you don’t know how to use it

    8) Browsing the internet can be dangerous for Macs, some web pages are just too much for them, see number 7 and 6. Running Firefox on Linux or Windows, those same pages do not crash the system. Steve Jobs says its Flash’s fault, but a web-page should never be able to crash the OS ever! See number 6. It can crash the browser, but never the OS.
    // Adobe didn’t build Flash effecient for the mac, so it eats a lot of cpu. Knowledge is everything freemnoob.

    9) IT support, PCs (Linux and Windows) take less time fix when problems happen.
    // Never had problems on my mac. You must know what you are doing instead of bullshitting around and talking nonsense.

    10) Data loss, things just go missing on the Mac
    // In your head maybe, cause i never seen such thing as this.

    Search on google:
    – What is a computer
    – Computer for Dummies
    – How to prevent being a noob
    – I Am An Idiot, What can i do about it.
    – I was thinking that windows was great
    – Until i found out, that it’s noobish

    Yet Still:
    Windows is reinventing things…
    Mac is improving.

  2453. TheFreem says:

    Billy boy: “Mac is professional”
    Then why is only 3% of business PCs are running OSX and over 90% are Windows?

    Also billy boy “Windows is amateur”
    Read my post from May 14, 2010 at 11:27 pm, and retort to it. And do it without yelling and cusswords, like a real professional would. Try some of things I complain about, see how they work for you.


  2455. I’m using 10.6.3 and it never got stuck even when i’m designing and rendering…
    Windows is for users that don’t know what a computer is
    Mac is for users that know what they want

    Windows is amateur
    Mac is professional

    @apple hater
    Mac Os X is something else than iPhone Os… these are different things…

    I know windows used it 12 years… hate it hate it hate it.
    since 1 year i moved to mac… i love it love it love it Awesome

    Fast, Never Gets Stuck, Never gets a virus, fast booting up and shuts in 5 seconds down.
    Got a lot of cool features, apps, tricks…. but now windows 7 is copying from mac… so
    windows users are copyers, non-creative d*ckheads.

  2456. Hey Listen you d*ck head.

    Windows got Millions of viruses, when i’ve used windows ( and i used all of them from 95 to 7 )
    They All Suck cause they get spyware and trojans get infected too soon… and then they get stuck…

    Mac is improving
    Windows is reinventing
    you suck.

  2457. ThisGUY89 says:

    Every one, just stop, don’t you know how hard it is to make even a basic, working boot loader, and a maybe usable shell?
    Stop whining and if you don’t like a os, or another, or some features of one, or another, then how about you learn code, and build your own to your own liking.
    Mac, Windows, and Linux are just innocent os types. Deal with it

  2458. Thanks says:

    After hearing how stable and hassle-free Macs were I thought I’d make the switch. It’s been a hard couple of weeks trying to get used to the Mac environment. The red and yellow button seem to do the same thing, and even when I alt-tab to a minimized program it still stays minimized, among other things I’m not used to. But what I really got out of the article was the headsup on the Firewall; I checked and sure enough it was turned off. Anything else I should know? Should I be running anti-virus software?

  2459. apple hater says:

    wazup guys, we all know that apple sucks, even fanboys, they are just ashamed. here’s some reasons:
    1- who is their god? steve (blow)jobs
    2- seriously, they are gay, check this out
    3- how can one install something on an iphone? using the “back door” (with jailbreak) – notice the gay reference
    4- a recent survey showed that apple fanboys do beauty treatments by putting cucumber slices on their eyes and the whole cucumber on their…
    5- ricky martin has recently assumed he uses apple

    so fanboys get out of the closet already, assume that you only use macs cause ur gays


  2460. Z says:

    It’s a fuking computer, how expensive can it get. I find it hilarious people use the argument: “you can’t afford it”. No, probably anyone who has a PC can afford a mac, they just don’t want to spend 3000 on hardware that gets outdated, PC or mac. Seriously, there’s way better things to spend money on than a computer.

  2461. Dr.H4x says:

    All you mac fanboys can stfu, and no we’re not ranting about the mac just because we don’t have enough money to buy it, its total crap the design is crap, it crashes freaking all the time, i doesn’t f***ing close the window when you click the x either its just freaking annoying as sh** if some dude offered me a free mac i wouldn’t take it its crappily designed its a big load of crap

  2462. Niran says:

    The clock doesn’t display a date. That’s cool, cuz I only wanted to remind myself again that today is Monday

    If you can’t even do that on a mac — what good is your “article”. Can you even turn a computer on ?

  2463. X says:

    Other POS thing about apple: The hardware is updated so infrequently that you keep the same pricetag for hardware that is 2 yrs outdated.


  2464. X says:

    The $30 upgrade was only for computers that were within 6 months. For Win7/vista in the same time frame, the upgrade was free.

    Also, MS didn’t shut off support to their stuff. OS 10.6 stopped the powerpc processor support; how long ago did they start Intel? early 2007? Wow. in 3 years, your hardware too could be unsupported.

    Where’s teh guy saying ‘you can alt-tab,j ust like windows!’

    No you can’t.

    Open 2 browser WINDOWS of your browser. Alt-tab between them.

    Oh wait, you can’t. And there is no workaround.

    Hey, what was the built in mac os backup before time machine?

    Oh, there was none.

    Hey, what’s the built in, automated backup feature now? Doesn’t exist.

    And there’s a difference between mac and PC hardware: you can always, platform supporting, swap out hardware. can’t do it on a mac. Heck, you can’t even do your processor upgrade?

    Either way… This is always going to be an argument; neither has got it licked, or there would be no competition.

    Also, if you think that Apple has not created software simply to maintain proprietary control over the hardware, think again.

    Buying mac is paying more. FACT.

    And plus… hey, didn’t they buy out IBM’s main designer for 10+ years? Sure did.

    Going the apple route = I don’t care enough about what I do to learn about it & I don’t mind paying more.

    For those of you who say “I can afford it”, yes, that’s the exact ignorant attitude that apple is betting on.

    How come it isn’t apple computer? Oh yeah. They dropped the computer portion to focus on mainstream electronic gizmos and since they really didn’t create anything but the hardware design and an EFI boot, it would be a misnomer to call them a computer company.

    Check out the website lookup. is run on linux servers yo. Not apple.

  2465. JJ says:

    Here’s a fun addition:

    1. Apple software licenses. [aka everything you create on your Apple products belongs to Apple]
    2. Every bit of software you buy for it, will not work on any Apple product in 2-3 years.
    3. Every website you access and login into; is logged and sent back to Apple in batches [every 12-14 days] {set up a hub and a PC or Linux box with wire shark and you’ll see that is true}
    4. Why spend 3 times more for the same hardware?
    5. Do you need a reason 5?

  2466. MIKE says:

    I’m a Graphic Designer and I use a PC, yes b***h CS5 Master Collection. My mac does nothing other than banking and secure email checking. The rest of the time it sits recharging for the next time I need to check my mail in bed.

  2467. Jack says:


    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 limit is 196gb
    What about OSX? Oh wait, no native 64bit.

  2468. Jack says:

    Oh and, Macs don’t get you laid, they do quite the opposite.

  2469. Jack says:

    Well, I’m surprised at how retarded the comments here are, seriously the only people posting are angry Apple users who sound more of a troll than the article writer. If you’re going to call someone a biased writer without facts, please at least sound less like a troll and use actual facts…

    Saying Macs aren’t more expensive than their PC counterparts is a straight out lie… check the specs on a Mac Pro, find the exact same parts for a PC (they exist since Macs now use Intel, Nvidia, etc), and do a price comparison… Don’t take it from me, do it yourself, since I did the same with a friend of mine whose sort of an Apple supporter, and he didn’t deny this fact.

    If you want to exclude home built computers, just use Alienware, top end PCs as a basis for comparison, to level the playing field a bit.

    Other than the ridiculous overpricing, a lot of the things Apple tries to sell its users is really just plain out right lies, Microsoft does no different. OSX freezes more than my Windows 7, and yes I own a mac as well, along side 4 PCs. In fact I’ve not really gotten the type of unfreezable freeze that I experience in a mac. Please, just try out windows 7 in a computer with decent hardware, its really not same crap Microsoft has been putting out since 2000.

    If you hate Windows, just go with Linux, theres really no better operating system than Linux, there’s just no one who can argue that.

    One of the major issues is that Apple supporters are usually NOT technically savvy and fall prey to marketing strategies. Do your own research and grew some brain cells, maybe then you’ll realize that you’re paying more for the same s**t in different clothing.

    Go to any COMPUTER STORE (not Apple), not some department store, and ask what computer they recommend. Similarly, go ask any professional software developer what they use. Go to a business and ask what they use. If macs were actually better than PCs then the majority of the people would be using it.

    The only reason your Windows wasn’t working the way it should is your problem, yes your problem. Just because you don’t have enough technical knowledge to manage your system properly, or build your own machine (even a high schooler can do it) does not mean that a mac is better than a PC. In fact, the only argument any Apple fan has is strictly based on Windows vs OSX.

    Can you honestly tell me that the same model Intel CPU that exists in both a mac and PC is somehow magically different. Or can you honestly tell the same model Nvidia card in both a mac and PC can somehow outperform the other? No

    It’s Windows vs OSX, not PC vs mac.

  2470. Pickles says:

    Mac sux, end of story, u all ahve been arguing about this for like 6 months, get the f**ck over it mac fan boys, Apple would be bankrupt right now if it wasnt for some marketing genius who decided to make the IPod… so stfu the apple corporation was saved by one thing while MS has been going on strong forever…

  2471. maz says:

    Soooooooooooooo NOT true…..

  2472. W7USER says:

    Ah what a laugh!! I just spent the last 2 hours reading everything on this page, from the article to the comments.

    What surprises me is the lack of computer knowledge that most mac users tend to have… they say that mac makes everything as far as software and hardware but as MACHATER pointed out, its not true.

    Also… macs are restricted to limited RAM because of their options on the market (im not sure if OSX has ram limits like XP did), the most RAM available on a Mac today is 6gb… woohoo!!(note the lack of enthusiasm), widows 7 professional on the contrary, has a 120Gb limit… thus you can have as much RAM as you want… be it a sin i have 8gb ddr2 RAM on my computer at this moment, and am building a new tower over the summer with a planned 12gb ddr3 RAM in it. Yeah talk about performance! what now?

    ANYWAYS… before i get carried away and write a whole 10 page essay on “What my PC can do better than your MAC at the same price or lower”, ill call it a day, anyways late for college.

    best regards,


  2473. Mac Hater says:

    There is one thing about macs that really bothers me. People who think that apple makes all the software and hardware. Not True!!! I will list the parts of a mac and who makes them.

    CPU: Intel. Intel is not part of mac.

    GPU: AMD/Nvidia. Also not related to mac.

    RAM: Centon/Corsair/Crucial. Also unaffiliated with mac.

    So Please, stop thinking that Apple makes everything in a mac

  2474. wax on,wax off says:

    Apple sucks…….no reasoning, it just sucks. Not that I’m a MS fanboy or anything,I just despise Apple. I know I sound rather ignorant, but truth be told, I’d rather be ignorant than use a mac;or for that matter be anything (an idiot etc.) than use a mac.
    Nintendo for life.

  2475. TheFreem says:

    As an embedded engineer I have been using PCs for 15 years, some running Linux and others with Windows. Microsoft has improved their software by leaps and bounds in those 15 years. However, they did screw up with Vista and ME, those two were downgrades. I worked one place that used Macs for 7 years. I had to use one. This was before the Intel switch Apple made; the Macs I used were G3 and G5s. In those 7 years I learned how the Mac is worst computer for software development, or any engineering.

    My ten reasons to hate Macs

    1) Lack of software tools most are for Windows.

    2) Folder merging, you cannot do this by dragging and dropping. If you have two folders of the same name and you want to merge the contents. The Mac will delete the current folder before replacing it with the new one. See number 10. Windows and Linux will replace only the files if they are different. Understand fanboys, using the “cp” command does not count. Why else would you have GUI then?

    3) Super expensive, running CAD or other tools require high end Macs to run.

    4) Multitasking sucks, you run only one “big” program or else it crashes.

    5) Dev tools for embedded systems, just do not work with Mac. Even if the tool is USB. I cannot tell you how much time I wasted trying to find things that worked with the Mac.

    6) Unstable system, Linux and WinXp/7 are rock solid when used by engineers or programmers. The Macs I used would crash at least twice a week.

    7) Disappearing applications, WTF fanboys? I would use a program and while I am using it would just go MIA. No crash, just gone. Finder knows nothing of the app, it has just vanished. Work is lost.

    8) Browsing the internet can be dangerous for Macs, some web pages are just too much for them, see number 7 and 6. Running Firefox on Linux or Windows, those same pages do not crash the system. Steve Jobs says its Flash’s fault, but a web-page should never be able to crash the OS ever! See number 6. It can crash the browser, but never the OS.

    9) IT support, PCs (Linux and Windows) take less time fix when problems happen.

    10) Data loss, things just go missing on the Mac.

    I once thought Windows XP was the best for engineering, but Windows 7 is starting to grow on me.

    Eat up fanboys. Let the flame war continue.

  2476. JJ says:

    @T, what exactly do you “hardcore develop”? Graphic art?

    Why didn’t you install Ubuntu or Linux Mint on your parent’s computers, or Windows 7, or Windows XP? I assume they are mostly just using Word and browsing the Internet, right? The only reason Windows craps out, no offense, is because stupid people click on email links from billionaire African princes, and then proceed to click on the African princes’ flashing ads that say “you’re today’s winner, click here!” and install trojans onto their machines.

    You make a common, yet two faced argument. Macs are “so easy for stupid people! … really automated!” and yet “so powerful for developers! … really fancy!” …

    Really? Cuz you can’t have both. The point is, you don’t have either.

    Windows is the easiest and most automated it gets for stupid people. Linux is the most powerful you can get for developers, that, or Windows servers, which is what most enterprise level web developers are using these days, if they aren’t using Linux boxes.

    You dad was right – Macs are for wannabe artsy people, and that’s about it.

  2477. T says:

    (OSX uses parts of the BSD kernel)

    im a hardcore developer and i love my mac. i switched a year ago after always killing my windows boxes and i will never switch back to windows. ever. again.

    its like working on a freeBSD box with a really fancy windows manager.

    i understand some of those “apple sucks” arguments – but there is so much automated and made simple for the everyday user that it is just a great system. i switched my parents over christmas to a new imac and my dad was very skeptical because he uses windows since it exists (as do i) and he thinks macs are “gaming computers” which are made for “designers” and “artsy people”… turns out he loves it.
    so does my mom… he can play around in terminal and doesnt have to format the harddrive every 10 month and install windows new because its crapping out again… and my mom is not complaining anymore that the “computer is so slow”.

    i think, at least in my family, its a huge success. i love how easy it makes my daily work life by not having to use hoops to actually work “on it”.

  2478. PC ARSE says:

    Writer of this article is a stupid looser who hates the whole world because he is unable to afford a mac. Go f**k yourself Bill Gates Cock sucker!!

    Does he even know that Knolls wrote the first version of PS for Mac? ….idiot!

  2479. PCs Rule! says:

    Hi! Here is why I love PC over Macs:

    1) For $1500 I can get a Top of the line Brand New Toshiba Qosmio gaming Laptop that is much more better than any Mac laptop! Show me a Macbook that you can buy for $1500 with the same configuration. Does Macs even have gaming laptops? NO!
    2) I can download any software, OS, Game, music, movie, etc free for PC and use them on PC. You can’t do that with MACS! You have to go to store!
    3) Can you make a customized MAC? No you can’t! I have limitless amounts of hardware options that I can make out of gazillion brands. Oh some idiot said those 3rd party manufacturers are s**t. Yeah my ass! How about Asus, Nvidia, Western Digital, Seagate, EVGA, and I can go on. These are all high quality manufacturers and EVGA has full time warranty morons.
    4) Most of the Apple’s use Intel CPU’s nowadays so why would pay 2-3 thousand dollars for a Mac that uses Intel Processors where I can make a super fast PC btw $700-1000 range!
    5) Apple’s are stable! So is my PC. Those people whine about their PC’s locking up and s**t have no idea about how to maintain their PC’s! I fix people’s computers all the time and they simple have so much s**t all over the place in their PCs. Ex: Third party programs, Viruses, hardware conflicts. My computer is very organized, defrag all the time, etc and mine always run stable. If your computer fucks up, installing Windows takes like 20-30 mins. You can also ghost your whole hard drive!
    6)More people use PC’s than Apples in the world and you simply can’t argue that. PERIOD.
    7) I can afford and Apple but I won’t pay $2500 to a macbook pro s**t. You jaw would drop down when you saw a $2500 dollar PC!
    8) Yeah, as some mentioned, if you are not tech savvy, buy Mac because it is for idiots that don’t know how to use a PC!

    Oh by the way, wtf is IPAD! What a stupid piece of s**t! As usual overpriced junk that doesn’t even have flash support, cdrom, harddrive, etc. Again a great machine made for retards!

  2480. Stevo says:

    One other thing I forgot to mention. When you buy a Mac be prepared to pay for alot of extras. For example Say you want to connect 4 USB devices at a time. Your Mac will only have 2 ports in the back and probably two in the front. You will be buying a usb hub or you will have to run wires out in front where little kids will destroy the ports playing with the wires. Most PC’s are standard with 4 USB ports in the back. I paid a little extra for top of the line PC and I have 6 USB ports in the back. For top of the line I paid $1200 and built my own.

  2481. Stevo says:

    Well this page has provided me with at least a good 10 minutes of entertainment.

    Just yesterday I compared a MAC Pro to a Dell. The Dell had slightly newer components such as a ATI 5870 vs the Mac’s ATI 4870. And the Dell had a 1TB Hdd vs the Mac’s 640gb Hdd. Other than that they had the same intel processor and same memory. Mac price $4089 and Dell was $1879. oh and the Dell came with a 20 inch monitor. I have a Mac sitting here behind me and the PC I am using is the one I built. I have used both and I just don’t like a Mac. Very inflexible, i.e. one way to do things such as open your CD drive. Macs are also limited on software. Sure they have a program for everything. But what if I don’t like that program, how many other choices do I have? Most of the time none and sometimes one. With a Pc I have usually 5 other choices probably 5 other free choices and sometimes 10 other choices. I have been using a PC since before the internet and I have only seen one blue screen in what 20+ years. Most PC problems I have seen people have are operator error because they frankly are not very knowledgable. Most of the people I work with can’t do much more than turn it on.

    Honestly I think it’s just a choice. If you don’t want alot of choices, or only small amounts of available customization, or you want things simple and you are not very tech savvy then a Mac is probably for you. If you want alot of choices, prefer heavy customization, have no problems installing or removing programs, and you understand the difference between hardware related problems and software related problems then you probably are better with a PC.

  2482. Raj says:

    Mac SUCKS, I’ll say in front of Steve Jobs x-(

  2483. Scrawl says:

    This is all untrue, Im a MAC user and I prefer to use it rather than Windows now. You full of craps…

  2484. Francis says:

    Eh. Everything sucks. I have a 15inch Macbook pro sitting in a box with a dead screen.

    My HP HDX16 however is rock solid, runs both Linux and Windows, has HDMI so I can watch/play games/blueray movies on my TV with a remote control and can be controlled via my Android phone.

    I have friends who I told to buy my exact same laptop and theirs have problems. I think it’s likely the end user that sucks. I must be effing amazing cuz all of my systems, Windows and Linux are rock solid.

    I’ve had to fix other peoples Macs because their machines lost their login profiles randomly and their unibody macbook pro’s got dinged and constantly shutdown. I don’t think Mac people are stupid, but they sure seem like apple appologists. On a Mac, not having something is a feature and they should be glad we have less options. PC… no appologies, you want it, we have it and have it in many different price levels and flavors.

    They are really just computers… same parts (more available for PC) and mainly the same applications. Why would I close my options down and get a Mac? I got rid of my iPhone for an Android handset. I no longer need to sync to a bloated iTunes just to get my media onto my Phone. I can either go by USB/Storage media upload like every other device in the world, or I can do that by either BT or wifi. So much easier and makes the most sense if you really think about it. Why make things so locked down Apple?

    That’s the things that ticks me off. I don’t mind OSX… hell my Linux is set up to function alot like OSX. Not having the ability to run OSX on PC hardware is an artificial barrier that need not be there. You have to get compatible hardware, an EFI chip and it might work. Why not just let everyone who wants it, run it on what they want.

    And it’s not a price issue either. Have you seen the prices on Mac Pros? I can guarantee a white box PC builder can build an PC equivalent with better specs, liquid cooling, better Graphics, more avail mem and SSD tech for less. It’s about value and the highend Mac stuff lacks that value when you know what is actually in that thing…

    I know, alot of PC’s do suck. Guilty as charged, but for every POS PC there is a highend, PC maker that crushes Apples offerings.

    Mac hardware is actually very nice… the company and the way they go about things just rubs me the wrong way so I vote with my dollar and always get PC’s…

  2485. O2 says:

    Another lame Mac bashing article, typically written by wannabe nerdy-types that are trying to prove how knowledgeable they are about everything in the tech world and who have some axe to grind with hipsters. What, did you run out of porn?

    BTW, Unix pre-dates Linux by how long? Regardless, BSD and Linux are not the same thing – not even related.

  2486. Your MOM says:

    I bet JJ is a virgin

  2487. osxholunman says:

    never buy apple product, they are designed to rip people $$$, you are tight with itune to do everything, and you can only work on one computer, after the warrenty and applecare expired, it will be as expensive as new to get it fix.

    and you must not drop the iphone, because the glass will break very easy and apple don’t cover it as warrenty, you are forced to pay $5000 to fix the glass

  2488. Worth It says:

    I was a PC user my entire life, but after going through 15 years of needing a new PC every 1.5 years (or less!), I caved and got a Mac. Yes, they are more expensive and fewer people use them. But the people who do use them are incredibly fanatical (not saying that’s good or bad), so when I have a problem, I can always readily find a solution. Also, any little problem I have with my computer, I take it to the Mac store and they fix it in 5 minutes! PCs I either had to send away for 2 weeks or bring to Best Buy and wait a week+.

    That to me is worth the extra money. I’m not a “fangirl” and I don’t care that much about the hype or the OS. I just know that I need my computer for work and the past 2 years have been heaven because I haven’t had any issues. Trust me, I was super anti-Mac and didn’t think I’d ever be able to learn the interface. But I’m so happy I have one now and think their customer service is 100% worth it. That’s all.

  2489. LINUX != FreeBSD says:

    Why are you continuing to state that OS X is a Linux distro? OS X came from FreeBSD and FreeBSD is not Linux. The fact that you can’t seem to grasp this concept shows your utter lack of technical depth. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that your just putting up this article to draw traffic by trolling.

  2490. troy says:

    I work as a lead technician for a Community college in california. I have more problems with macs than anything else. We have about 4% macs on campus and i spend 80% of my time repairing macs. Mostly 17 inch intel imacs. Updates, applications, constantly needing attention, and i cant mass manage them because they are not compatible with our brand new deployment solution. So from a working mans point of view macs are useless. Try setting up an appointment for repair at the apple store. When i have a problem with my dell, they send someine to my office to fix it. Ask apple to do that!

  2491. anton9 says:

    wat a morron..

  2492. JJ says:

    @ J.W. Swartz,

    You are the best example of a Mac fanboy to date. Thank you.

  2493. J.W. Swartz says:

    I had to buy a Mac for film school to do my Final Cut Pro Work at home.
    I had two PCs at home. I was a bitter boy. I was not happy that said software was only available on the Mac.
    Over time I slowly realized that I had not touched my PC’s in months. That pissed me off because I was a die hard PC guy. So I start them up and spend 4 hours on updates and fixing s**t and do nothing by the time I go to bed.
    The next day I played some games on my PC but I still had to tweak s**t and wound up wasting a whole lot of time on tweaking stuff.

    1. Macs are more expensive. (I have done price comparisons on individual parts and they are actually relatively equal in price for the components but they might not be the parts I would choose and they are usually impossible to swap out unless you buy a more expensive tower system)
    2. My biggest complaint: PC’s are easier to build from scratch and upgrade, replace things unless they are a laptop in which case you are just as screwed on a PC.
    3. You have to get a ridiculously expensive Mac to get one with a 3d card for gaming
    Those are the reasons not to buy a Mac

    1. OSX is a rock solid stable OS the updates are almost invisible
    2. I can leave it running for 2 months straight without a slowdown or a crash.

    Apple as a company makes some crap though: Itunes & Ipad for example are far too proprietary. The Iphone is better in other countries where AT&T have not put limits on its use.
    3 Intel Macs can run Windows software easily.

    Firewire was invented by Sony. Apple pushed to use the technology as a way of keeping their old on video editing at the time.

    Saying Mac VS PC is silly. PC is not a company.
    OSX vs Windows. OSX is more stable but there is less directly compatible without additional software. (Price wise OSX is low enough that adding most of those additional softwares will not make the OS more expensive than Windows unless you choose a softare that requires an Install of Windows)
    OSX vs Linux. Linux is very cheap but it is less intuitive to work on. A little sweat would make linux better. You can run Linux on any Mac or PC though.
    Mac vs HP/Dell/Compaq? Mac is a more solid machine
    Mac vs home built or high end build? Pretty close on hardware specs. Home built has an advantage as stated above.

    Honestly, I don’t give a rats ass what computer someone else uses. I use a PC for games and a mac for everything else. And if anyone gets in my face about it like I should care I do the civilized thing and remove all their teeth with a baseball bat.

    The article reads like you never actually used a computer and gathered info from here say. Kind of like a Fox news commentary or something.

  2494. Mac Sucks says:

    The bottom line is this:

    1) Mac does perform better than PC
    2) Mac is much more expensive than PC
    3) Key Point: the cost/benefit ratio is disgustingly skewed!!! for the incremental performance advantage of Mac, it is NOT worth doubling of the price!!! period!

    so why do people buy Mac???

    1) They are NOT tech savvy enough, so they fall for the heavily invested mac propaganda. I do feel sorry for these kids.

    2) or They think laptop is a fashion item, carrying a Mac can help them get laid faster. If it has been helping you on that department, that is great! money well spent. But I really doubt. Any supporting argument from Mac users on that?

  2495. Cookie says:

    Top two reasons Apple sucks:
    Steve Jobs
    Al Gore (on Apple’s Board)
    Fucking Commies that want to ruin our way of life
    I have an iPhone, jailbroken haha shithead Jobs
    And I have a 15″ MBP – no Home, End, Pg Up/Dn keys on a $2500 computer? Outdated Core2 processor, only 2 USB ports, but I love the looks and unibody aluminum chassis. My MSI Wind runs OSX almost as well and has aforementioned keys and 3 USB ports.
    Regarding the “great” software that comes on a Mac, I don’t use any of it.
    For the record, Windows sucks too. Haven’t used Linux much due to lack of map programs and my website needs Access, but it looks promising.

  2496. Good job says:

    Stupid flamers go screw urselves, Windows > mac 100 times

  2497. TenPlus1 says:

    Macs are definately overpriced, Pc hardware is more up to date, Both Os’ have their good and bad points and people will use whatever works for them… simple!

    Myself, Pc hardware, Ubuntu Os.. am happy!

  2498. Wow says:

    @Wow: I do believe the first person to start with personal attacks was JJ himself when he generalize mac users into 2 categories with obvious negative connotations. For me, this is beyond the whole mac vs pc. Hell if JJ could actually muster a decent article or even ONE reason that isn’t so filled with bias and bullshit, I still wouldn’t agree with you, but I’d respect you. But this? He could write an article about “10 reasons why Macs are awesome” for all I care about, and I’d still think he’s a d*******g, not to mention a disgrace to Mac users.

    Say if someone wrote an article with 10 reasons why PC sucked that was filled with the same stupidity and personal hatred, would you not be offended? If you’re going to criticize something, at least do your research beforehand so you won’t look like to a total moron. Like I said before, and I’ll say it again, you don’t see people shitting on other articles about why Macs suck, AS LONG AS THEY ARE WELL WRITTEN.

    I don’t think Apple is perfect, nor is it anywhere close to it. But in my opinion, for my needs, it sure comes a hell lot closer than PC’s. But comparing macs and PCs is like comparing an apple (the fruit) and an orange. Some like one better than the other, so what, big deal, get over it and stop trying to prove what you obviously can’t.

  2499. MEM says:

    …..Macs really aren’t that bad. Is it really all that important to have a complicated computer so I can say I’m smarter? haha. Macs are simple. Sometimes less is more :)
    I’ve had my laptop for 2 and half years and it still works just as fast as it was when I got it.
    On the other hand, I’ve had my PC for 3 years and it’s the slowest computer I’ve ever had. It takes about 40 seconds to open anything.
    Macs are great. Get over it.

  2500. frank says:

    Mark: Like I said. Thanks for making this so easy….

  2501. mark says:

    Hey frank, nice try at a comeback. You’re not smart. You’re not clever. You’re not funny. And no, its not that easy. Because if it were you would have a lot more to say than “blow me”. You obviously can’t come up with an intelligent or coherent reply, so I’m gonna smarten up and not waste my time with you anymore.

    And for the record macs still suck. Happy valentines day

  2502. frank says:

    Hey mark. Thanks for making this so easy.

  2503. mark says:

    Hey, Frank. What me to blow you because no woman will touch you?

    HAHAHAHA… and your a moron to boot…

    How pathetic

  2504. frank says:

    Hey, Mark. Blow Me.

    HAHAHAHA…. and I’m a PC user….

  2505. mactel/wintel user says:

    i have both a mactel mini and a wintel laptop. i find it funny that now that intel actually bought both mac and pc (i think there’s an antirust lawsuit coming here), i’m starting to see a rise in viruses in macs.btw my mac mini wasn’t that expensive: only $500 dollars, and my laptop was $200 cheaper and they both work well. unfortunately i can’t mod my mactel (adding extra ports, a bluray player) like i can do my wintel..not yet anyway.

    btw: google has became microsoft, they are now releasing a “cloud os” to compete with microsoft, apple, and linux.

  2506. JJ says:

    “An editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal argues that Apple’s love of strategy has overclouded its passion for products. Is Holman Jenkins right that Apple is the new Microsoft, and iTunes is the new Windows?

    Obviously, the companies are so inherently different both culturally and strategically that it’s easy to dismiss Jenkins’ claim out of hand. But there’s at least one strong point here: Apple’s refusal to incorporate Flash may hamper the iPhone’s capabilities, but it forces users to go to iTunes for content they could otherwise get for free on Hulu…”

  2507. mark says:

    The very fact all of you apple-lovers that come on here and get so defensive and immediately resort to personal attacks against the author and his opinions only serves to prove and solidify his point even more. It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic that you get so defensive when you’re told that your prized mac, that you were led to believe was the pinnacle of perfection in every way by Apple’s marketing efforts, is, perish the thought, flawed in any way whatsoever. You react like children being told there is no Santa Claus, grow up.

  2508. Wow says:

    After reading your post and your comments, the only self-righteous obnoxious d*******g I see here is you. If you want to write about why Mac sucks, at least do your research beforehand (like this guy in his article so you don’t look like an ignorant ass. Whatever actual facts you did include in the article are either outdated (as in Mac no longer has those issues) or so biased that there is absolutely no credibility left in them anymore.

    I would have taken this whole article as a joke, except when I realized how serious you actually were when you replied in the comments. God forbid CollegeTimes actually allowed you to write for them, you’re awful.

  2509. Kenta Blackwing says:

    You should not have written this, it only shows how biased you’re. Different people favor different things. Window and others are good in certain ways, and so do mac.

    Yes, it’s not good in playing game, but for graphic design and doing work, i do think that mac could do it pretty fast, (again this depends on ppl). You could not possibly judge everything based on your thought and majority. Nothing is perfect and so is your opinions. When you want to write something, write a reliable one and not just one-sided. Cuz it would just decrease your credibility…

  2510. mark says:

    First off, I want to preface this reply by saying that I don’t really care what computer you own: Mac or PC, find something that works for you in your price range and don’t get caught up in the hype one way or the other. That being said, JJ you are DEAD ON with what you wrote in this article. The only reason the majority of people buy Macs (and iPhones for that matter) is because they are expensive status symbols. Note I said the “majority”, you can’t generalize to everyone. The reason macs have the reputation of being “reliable” and “fast” is because they are generally idiot proof (i.e. locked down and unmodifiable). And I’ll agree that’s a good thing for the majority of users.

    Windows itself isn’t inherently unstable as Apple would like you to believe, its that people run literally millions of different third party applications on their PCs that simply aren’t available for Apple, and issues with the third party programs can cause the instability. I’ve been using Windows for 18 years, from version 3.11 to Windows 7 (including two Vista machines) and I have never had a problem with crashing or instability, or viruses for that matter. I’m no IT expert by any stretch but any semi-computer literate individual will realize that if you minimize the amount of programs you have running in the background, don’t open strange e-mail attachments, don’t try to download free porn and free movies from strange sites, and have any semi-decent antivirus running (many of which you can get for FREE) your PCs performance will be amazing.

    Also, and this is so simple when you think about it, the reason Apple has such a good reputation for quality is that Apple has no budget or economy line of computers!!! The vast majority of consumer electronics stores only carry generally lower end, lower quality desktops and laptops because the people that shop there only care about finding a good price! These lower end machines obviously won’t have the performance of even the lowest end Apple because the Apple machines are priced at a higher price point and have more powerful hardware. So, you can’t compare Apples (pun intended!!) and oranges. That being said, Macs are still overpriced: if you spent as much as you spent on a Mac on a PC, you will get a much more capable machine. This cannot be argued.

    Also for those that say “who needs HDMI” – if you want to watch movies downloaded from iTunes on your TV, oh wait you can’t burn them to disc, you’re pretty much hooped. DVI is great, but it doesn’t give you any audio and neither does the overpriced HDMI adapter from Apple.

    And for all of those who say “well you’ve never used an Apple”: I’m typing this on my personal MacBook and I can say that its really nothing special. I don’t like the OS even though it is fast. I don’t like the glass screen, the glare is incredibly annoying. The overall design and form factor is great, but I want a computer not an ornament. It was pricey, overpriced in my opinion. My next computer will definitely be a PC, probably a business class laptop.

  2511. brittany says:

    wow get real i am on a mac right now and look wow i just right clicked there are settings you can change to get these simple features, its what you do when you personalize your computer and macs are way better than pc’s when it comes to viruses, every pc i have owned has had 1 in one point in time and my mac is yet to get them. i think you need to acctually get a mac or look at one first before you start making all these accusations and comments about something that is totally and to the max untrue

  2512. Anonymous says:

    JJ = Justa Jerk
    PC & Mac rule equally yet differently.
    Can someone not kill this pathetic article, if JJ wants to carry this drivel on why doesn’t he go to a site dedicated to this crap, at least there he’ll have to come up with properly thought out statements rather than this garbage

  2513. Pslytely Psycho says:

    I am sooooo sick of this argument. I see it on slashdot, and everywhere else. You use what works for you.

    The only valid point in the posts (the article itself was just flamebait) is the DRM and price on the apples.

    Haven’t used an apple in years simply due to both of those points. Too expensive and locked down.

    And wtf do you people do with your windows machines that constantly get the bsd? I have only seen it twice in the last 7 years or so. both were the result of my being bad and installing an untrusted program. My vista machine works great and has been arm mounted in my semi for two years now with no crashes and runs 14 hrs a day. internet, gps, gaming etc.

    fyi it is a gateway fx. dont get all worked up now on the gateway sux thing. A fellow trucker I know bought a toshiba with the same stats about a month before I did and its been in the shop twice now for major work.

    The only reason I dont use linux is I didnt care for it years ago and have not tried the newer versions. Didnt care for all the command line commands in the older versions.

    All of the os versions, MS, APPLE, LINUX and the few others are good for their intended purposes. after that it is personal taste.

    All this crybaby whining and inability to use words with more than four letters gets old real fast.

    And my generation put a man on the moon with less power than a netbook. I believe that was UNIX based.

    Use what you like and quit the trash talk. No one takes someone seriously who cant write an intelligent, informed response.


    It’s not that life is so short. It’s just that your dead for so long

  2514. mac owner says:

    I own a mac and find many of these reasons false. Maybe, you just never used a mac.

  2515. JennyBoBenny says:

    I work for an IT company….I’m really thankful for Windows. It’s instability keeps us in business.

    I use a Macbook at home.

  2516. camille says:

    hahahaha…. I am now a charlie fanboy. charlie, you crack me up! you win best post ever…

    “he’s also a fanboy fanboy. it’s a category of fanboys who like to use the word fanboy. in other words, only fanboys use the word fanboy. also, only hipsters use the word hipster.”

    i laughed so hard at that, i blew milk out of my nose. and i wasn’t even drinking milk at the time.

    and as for the value? seriously, and speaking for myself, i have to admit your right on that one too.

    thanks for making my day….

  2517. charlie says:

    jj is an antimac fanboy. it’s the same thing as being a mac fanboy. see binary opposition.

    he’s also a fanboy fanboy. it’s a category of fanboys who like to use the word fanboy. in other words, only fanboys use the word fanboy. also, only hipsters use the word hipster.

    also, he hasn’t considered thinking outside of his own demographic. mac simply isn’t targeting their products to whiney online journalists who penny pinch and posture idealisms about tweaking linux, buying separate components, and having superior consumer opinions.

    well, maybe the last one, and that’s where apple is pulling him in, making him irritable that he can’t afford a product so well designed for his desire.

    but he is still giving us value here. he opened up an old, outdated argument and let us punish his ignorant ass with all of our hate, apathy, and underused entitlement to being on the high side of condescension.

  2518. TS says:

    I’m 70% sure I’m going to run Windows 7 with Boot Camp on my MBP. My work flow is going to improve I’m afraid.

    This article is somewhat true, but there are few more options on the dreaded right click than presented here. Now it is clear that Apple only grudgingly accepts the existence of it considering it’s stepchild status in the corner of the trackpad.

    Oh, and good luck being productive if you use multi-monitors. The GUI was designed in the early 80’s. The menu always at the top is horribly inefficient in a multi-monitor setup, and a relic of low-res monitors.

    (10.6.2 used below)
    OSX vs XP (OSX wins pretty easily)
    OSX vs Vista (overall a qualified tie – depending on what you compare)
    OSX vs Windows7 (Win7 wins – It is truly slick – Registry concept still sucks tho :)

    And by the way, my cursor has literally disappeared twice in two days coming out of sleep on my MBP 15″. Reboot was the only way to get it back. Anyone saying Macs are flawless are lying. I have a MBP and Win7 laptops.

    The fact is that OS X is long in the tooth and Win7 has bypassed it, but don’t take my word for it, the market will prove me right.

  2519. =D says:

    I think that JJ has had Windows crash too many times, so he takes his frustration out on Apple and complains about how crappy they are.

    My question to JJ, and everyone for that manner, why do you care so much about whether OSX is better or Windows? lol… Silly Mac Zealots and Windows Nerds…

  2520. WHO CARES? says:

    WHO CARES? I guess JJ did, lol

  2521. spaceguyroy says:

    try fact checking and removing lies from your articles before posting them jj. thanks.

  2522. camille says:

    JJ, you mean surprised your such a dumbass? no.

  2523. JJ says:

    Another great example of Steve Job’s snobby bitching:

    Calls Google evil, Adobe lazy, and continues to refuse supporting Adobe Flash technology on both the iPhone and iPad, one of the most necessary internet plugins in the world. Anyone surprised?…

  2524. gazz says:

    JJ is so much a tool…………
    He need a hammer on his head from a tall building.
    That again will only develop into another error message,
    my wintel pc is out for day..

  2525. Bob says:


    You have made some good points, and I’ll bet you would have written a fairly decent article, had you written it. But you didn’t, JJ did — and he did a very poor job of it. And yet you seem to be supporting an author who created an a article based on sensationalism, and is clearly factually inaccurate, and very sloppy work. I think your smarter than that…. Hehe, you even debunked significant parts of his article.

    Then through the comments, JJ demonstrated an inability to take on or acknowledge any feedback, and clung to his position like some kind of weird zealot. Making fun of him was just too easy, and it just became too much fun, and the whole thing kinda snowballed. Mac users, Windows users and Linux users all chipped in on the fun….

    …BTW, I loved your forum boredom link!!! It kinda directly makes fun of JJ, with the comments about intolerance of opposing views, but its still pretty good.

    One point you made that I really wanted to amplify was, “it comes down to brand of software or what is your favorite pizza topping” —>> this gets close to the real issue when picking an OS or platform…. “What are you trying to do?” Its all about the application and ultimately your objectives…. then platform/OS follows…. they are tools, not religions….. …and as the saying goes, you want to “pick the right tool for the job”


  2526. Technolust says:

    fanboys will be fanboys be them mac fags or windows needs.

    and a shout out to linux crowd

    as for the mac fanboys have fun with your DRM

    oh and running a 32bit kernel on 64bit hardware not so good

    i may be wrong but didnt apple own adobe at one time

    intel chip, nvidia card, western digital HD sounds more like a pc so mac = pc?

    and the “it just works” crowd, no it doesn’t or any other number of mac forums for repair and trouble shooting

    as for the virus and malware 90% of the world runs on windows OS, so if your a hackers that wants to do damage to computers what do you target the large pc base or the small mac base?

    apple choose to market the mac and ipod,iphone,etc. as a life style form over function, hence the hipsters and arty types buying in there way of thinking.

    multimedia… you mean watching movies and listing to music… or editing movies and mixing sound tracks…..then it comes down to brand of software or what is your favorite pizza topping. pc and mac both play music and movies, for those who edit movies and music that dont do it for a living windows can do it just as well as mac, and the professional that do multimedia sony acid and photoshop run on both.

    and why are mac so much more in price? a smaller market maybe? or that your paying for name brand much like at the super market you can pay more for the name brand or much less for the no frills plain packaging one thats the same.

    as for mac osx vs windows os. we use what is comfortable to us. when win xp came out it was different to use as was vista

    software for windows will always be better because it is the market dominate, apple is paranoid over and apps for it that they cant control (DRM).and this brings us back to large windows base or the smaller mac base, if you are looking to make money with your software what base would you target?

    and most pc base other then office base are gamers

    as for firewire…eh good luck

    hardware is hardware its all made in japan then assembled in china then sold every where.

    and we come back to cost mac osx is cheaper because it is not ment to be put on a pc….unless you know how
    windows cost more because you can install it on any pc or a mac
    but lets face it who wants to run out and buy a mac to put windows on it when you can build a pc with more balls under the hood then a mac for the same price. so buy a top of the line pc the put osx on it?

    lets not forget the pirated copies of windows out there, very easy to crack (and osx is pirated as well)

    DRM DRM DRM if your a fan of freedom and privacy then dont go apple. (for the fanboys who dont know)

    and yes linux is better then mac or windows if you know what your doing, if you dont want to learn commands go with windows for all the software ,freeware ,and games you can want. if you dont know a computer from your own ass and have an IQ lower then room temperature, get a mac.

    as for the zealot mac fanboys out there, the more you bash and name call the more you add to the fact you are buying in to the lies of apple that tech is a life style.

    but alas you will name call and bash with out supporting your statements with facts that are not marketing gimmicks. some of you will have valid arguments and support your facts, i applaud you for that.

    and fanboys i have this to say, “i tried to see the world from your point of view, but i couldn’t get my head that my head that far up my ass”

    JJ stay strong….

    now let the fanboy bashing began and see who’s e-dick is bigger


  2527. LOL says:

    Gotta love the sheer amount of zealotry the Apple fanbase brings. I wonder if you would have gotten more comments from an anti-religious post than this one.


  2528. No_Name says:

    Personally, I think this article is terribly biased. In my opinion Macs are great for what they do, and I never once had any problems with my Mac that you described in your article; even though I’ve only had a Mac for less than six months when I moved from Windows Vista (*shudders*) to Mac Os X 10.5 last summer. They are expensive, but then again “You get what you pay for.” Windows computers are Okay, except they are extremely annoying and difficult to use and I especially hate when I’m taking notes in school on their Dell boxes and the “blue screen of death” pops up on the screen; and the only application I’m running is MS Word, and I lose all my notes too!

  2529. Jay says:


    Wow. Very confused by your comment. What kind of sites are you visiting that you have to constantly keep downloading plugins? You seem to be the only Mac user here that’s having a bad experience surfing the web.

  2530. Bob says:

    Moody, if you are having problems with 99% of Internet sites, it looks like using a MAC does present challenges that are indeed above you capabilities.

    Thats a shame because on of those really good sites is Google where you can search on an issue like your Divx issue, where you would learn that many have used CleanApp. They had to get rid of that app with the free utility (downloadable from Apple’s site) because the developer of Divx did a sloppy port to unix (MAC OS) and did not include any uninstall capabilities.

    hahahaha and you were going to reformat your hard drive and blame Apple.

  2531. Moody says:

    Was a windows user? Switched to Mac because it looks great, however, the software is not compatible with 99% of Internet sites and you have to download a billion plug-in’s to run a program.

    Furthermore, what’s with the deleting issue? Installed Divx 7 and have been trying to deleted it ever since. I have downloaded programs but still no help. Now I need to reformat in order to fix the problem. Apple needs to address the deleting software issue.

  2532. Bob says:

    Commodore Kid: hahahahaha….. now THAT was funny!

  2533. Curious says:

    JJ….. why are you now posting about Android vs. iPhone? I thought your religious issue was with the MAC… So, are you inferring that it is all products from Apple that are bad? I am totally 100% to blindly follow your evangelizing, I am just trying to make sure I understand and don’t get this wrong. I look up to you to know who and what I should hate.

  2534. Willy Johnson says:

    JJ: a few comment regarding the mashable links….

    Windows 7 vs Snow Leopard: I find it interesting that in a market place DOMINATED by Windows (90%), that only 50% chose Windows in that Survey… (as a side comment, I am SO PLEASED with the Windows 7 upgrade I did recently on all my PC’s… there are so many things I like that are really useful upgrades from good ‘ol XP. It has really begun to close some usability gaps to my MACs)

    Android vs. iPhone: Google recently gave me an android, and I must say I am very impressed. It is not as easy to figure out as the iPhone is, but it’s a brand new product, so I am sure it will get even better as new versions come out.

  2535. Camille says:

    Age of Reason — I don’t think the Mac users are sobbing…. they seem to be laughing… at the author. And, FYI, I don’t think they need to crawl out of the coffee shops…. on a Mac, its really easy to access the internet from within the coffee shop — but I understand that may have been an easy mistake for you.

    …or was that from the basement? I could not tell from your post if you are saying they are in the coffee shops or in basements…. you seemed to contradict yourself there….. must be all that rage. :)

  2536. Samuel says:

    Ummm….. excuse me, Mr. “Age of Reason”…. I think most of the posts here are actually talking about factual inaccuracies in the article. And it is clearly both MAC and PC users posting about those inaccuracies.

    — Just pointing out the obvious….

  2537. fibrowitch says:

    When I was in college we had a class where we had to build our own computer. Since then I have never bought a off the shelf computer. I have always built my own. If I want more memory I add some, if I want a different USB bus I put one in.

    I could never do that with anything out of Mac. And until I can. Well I’m a PC, of my own making.

  2538. Jay says:

    Windows XP woes:

    I needed to see the date…

  2539. Anonymous says:

    Age of Reason, wtf are you babbling about, I use a p.c and even I think that the article is seriously biased, and lets face it “coffee houses and art classes” has got to be better than “dark, dingy bedroom and attics”, hipsters and basement dwellers apply to both user types

  2540. Age of Reason says:

    Haha, this article is good trolling. Look at all the sobbing Mac users who crawled out of their coffee shops and art classes to rage at the author. Not to mention all of the “Someone is being unfair and biased on the internet!!!” crusaders. What a sad bunch of hipsters and basement dwellers.

  2541. Fadboy victimologist says:


    Mashable surveys use self-selected samples, which are unscientific. Go ask any statistics professor for the details for why.

    BTW, news on link #2: Google’s “better” Nexus One phone is selling slowly, so they’ve cut the price by $100:

  2542. Phil says:

    Amongst a plethora of inaccuracies i’ll show you just one.
    802.11a has been on Macs since the airport extreme card card released prior to 2004.
    You wasted 5 minutes of my life reading this. And I want it baaaaaack.

  2543. WTF. says:

    JJ, you are a total idiot so full of your own idiocy that you refuse to see anything outside of it, as you show so well by your commentary replies. Your criticisms are obviously a) made by someone not familiar with OS X (feature not activated by default != feature that doesn’t exist), and as far as I’m concerned, the rest is cherrypicked apples-to-oranges bullsh•t. Macs cost more, but are empirically-proven to be more bug-free and secure than Windows will ever be. And, if as a last resort, you declare that PC’s are better for gaming: they are, but only because developers chose to develop more for PC because its holds a major share of the market – this has nothing to do with the quality of PC or Windows itself. If ever you write an article again on this subject, base it on something more than your ignorant, biased and obviously quite limited knowledge of the subject.

  2544. Jay says:


    It’s not really a problem, nor are you really forking money over to Apple to upgrade an Adobe product. The option stills exists for you to work without the application frame on, as clearly some people must prefer. For example, if you’re working on a single monitor and need to see documents between programs.

  2545. JJ says:

    @Jay, do any of your solutions for fixing Mac problems not involve money or upgrades? ;)

  2546. Jay says:


    Upgrade to CS4 when you can. Besides the new features, the entire suite now has an application frame (a baackground, not a clear window) that you can enable to solve that issue.

    Obviously there’s some money involved, but CS4 is much nicer.

  2547. Anonymous says:

    “Trying to “X” out of a program doesn’t close it, it simply minimizes it…”
    Yes I hate this but Apple-Qing has more support than Ctrl-W or Q. The thing that totally sucks about how Apple did that is that it is excessively complicated when switching between Finder and other progs, especially CS3 because the BG is clear!!! I absolutely hate CS3 on Mac which is a huge factor in buying one, for Photo/Video/Graphics.

  2548. Greenbug says:

    Well guys, He is just jealous. Probably he doesn’t have any money to buy a Mac. We probably should raise some money that he could buy one.!!!:)))))))))

  2549. dicks says:



  2550. Brian says:

    Wow, this article was written by a very ignorant person, not at all up date date on the subject being addressed.

  2551. Jay says:

    Glad to see you’re still alive (not really) and still posting your useless drivel as other Mac users continue to put you in your place.

    I will also point out that you can set your application windows to minimize to the application icon ( in the dock preferences, to reduce clutter.

    I very much enjoy the thirty minute wait I have every morning when I restart my 2 year old work PC, and wait for it to completely load all of its settings.

  2552. ? says:


  2553. Bart says:

    JJ, let me help even this out. I’m not a MAC user, and I am not a “MAC Fanboy”, and you create articles that are factually untrue. Then inexplicably you stick your unsubstantiated view, no matter what….

    So…. does it help that PC users think your an ignorant d*******g too? ….kinda hard to blame that one on the fanboys — it’s just down to you on that one.

    Take a que from sam in the above comments. I may not have agreed with EVERYTHING he said, but his response makes him out to at least be level headed… so there respect for the guy even if we disagreed on some points. HE STEPPED UP.

    For your sake, don’t be bull-headed. Try to learn something here.

  2554. PCwizard says:

    JJ=the Fox News of PCs. How much is MS paying you?

  2555. datenpunk says:

    the right click and date thing let’s me look at my ‘Mi 13. Jän 0:12’ on my screen again and again asking myself what I should miss here. the year? ok – fortunately I am quite aware about the year I am currently in …

    I personally think that every OS has it’s pros and cons. I even hadn’t a problem with vista and don’t understand the bashing against it. i administered linux hosts since 1999 run a SBS network, also deployed SuSE OpenExchange networks years ago. since some months I own a mbp because I am attending university besides my job and got some discount. i think it is cute from a programmers point of view. especially the unix build environment that comes with xcode helped me through my C++ lessons.
    I also like that I can drop into a shell with all the nice gnu tools anytime I want. i don’t like linux desktops because they are too configurable for my taste and I find myself playing with compiz for hours … I like the way how MAC OS X just works.
    windows 7 runs in my vm, along with ubuntu and I also use them from time to time.

    long story short – if you have left your script kid times behind and have seen several platforms come and go the last 20 years, such OS/platform wars seem quite ridiculous. from a professional point of view you have to be able to deal with every platform around and if you think you can bash A or B you simply haven’t understood your job, or use the system for playing around – in this case the platform doesn’t matter anyways – for watching pr0n or for fb or twitter every system will do.

    but anyways – I think the whole thing here is a troll thing – this can’t be serious. I would love to know the age of some of the bashers …. ;)

  2556. Mortal says:

    Get a clue and an education, go back to high school, college ain’t workin fo ya.

  2557. mortal says:

    1 word sir…. TOOL! Ever even use a mac?

  2558. -hh says:

    Frankly, this rant read so poorly – – mostly due to its factual errors – – that I find it hard to conclude that it isn’t either simple clickbait (the domain owner Zachary Allister should be proud!) or that it is a tired public manifestation of the classical societal problem of the “Haves -vs- HaveNots”, where anonymous author JJ’s jealousy is because he’s one of said Have-Nots.

    Facts first:

    1. Narcissistic business model? Of course, some percentage of customers are this way…but that’s true for virtually all products – – so where’s your proof that it is all, or that Apple is actually any different? For example, versus any luxury car marquees?

    2. Price? Value paradigms are harder to compare, because it gets into easier-to-debate lifecycle costs. Suffice to say that we all are willing to pay for various conveniences in our life, and while all OSs have some bullshit hassles in them, it comes down to the question of which ones push your buttons. Similarly, a $1000 every 2 years isn’t any cheaper than a $2000 computer every 4 years…its still $500/year.

    Of course, paying more upfront can be perceived as being narcissistic, but failing to look at the whole question is nothing less than “Confirmation Bias” (go Google the term), where the objective is to only seek out that information which validates their preconceived notions, instead of actually seeking the whole picture of reality.

    3. Ignoring Mainstream Industry Trends? Of course, we should try to forget how many “new trends” end up to be dead ends. I suspect that JJ wasn’t born yet during the VHS-vs-Betamax fight. Or Sony Digital Audio Tape (DAT). So for BluRay fanboyisms, not only did that format war just ended, but with streaming media, its end is already on the horizon…and the main obstruction for Apple is non-technical in that that they don’t want to surrender to the special demands of the format owners: it is odd how JJ later talkes about AAC, yet fails to logically understand that the same legal issue of “media lockdown” exists here.

    4. Linux source? Even if true, why should I care? Microsoft’s Window was a UI rip-off of the works of others, plus the heritage of MS-DOS was that it was sold to IBM before Microsoft even owned the rights to the product themself. And the “Golden Child” of open source Linux didn’t have any of its roots in Unix? This comment smacks of hypocrisy.

    5. Right Click? Factually wrong. And the Delete button complaint is a Windows user dilemma which has its roots in how Microsoft messed up when copying the typewriter keyboard UI, so Windows users don’t default to Backspace. So the logic here is that the UI failings of MS is blamed on the company that didn’t screw up.

    6. Dock – – date complaint: try researching the Pareto Principle and if that’s not good enough, in OS X, click on the date in the toolbar to get the complete date (currently says: “Tuesday, January 12, 2010”). Similarly, try in Windows to close all data windows for an App without the App having the feature of “Automatically” quitting on you. Or try having two different Powerpoint sets of charts to copy-paste between them without being able to have both windows open, side by side. The point here is that what might be good for one person might suck for the next: what’s “best” ultimately depend upon your workflow needs. Similarly, why bother to use Alt-Tab, when there’s F9-F10-F11 in Expose? Apparently, having more than one way to skin the cat is being considered to be a bad thing.

    7. “Just Working” – – yes, there were some spinning beachball shortcomings…back in 2001 and OS X revisions 10.0 and 10.1 And there were some OS hangs and crashes – – back in OS 7, fifteen years ago. In the meantime, there’s more malware on Windows found *daily* to try to keep your system updated and protect against than all that has been found for all of Mac OS X within the past decade. Pick your trade-offs. Insofar as Adobe Photoshop, I’ve personally been using it on both platforms for the past ~1.5 decades: clearly, if the one platform was profoundly worse than the other, I would not have tolerated such inadequacies…FYI, I did a ‘Stress Test’ back circa 2005 with a 1GB (200 megapixel) image — the 2003 vintage Mac chugged & swallowed; the 2005 Windows XP PC failed. This old report can be found archived on the Web with some good searching.

    8. Lame SW/HW options – – yes, a smaller company has fewer overall choices; Film at 11. And there’s still no motorcycles made by Porsche :-). But fewer choices doesn’t mean that there’s no good products. For example, the better FTP client choice than all that JJ listed is “Transmit”, which has only been around (and winning magazine awards) on the Mac platform since 1998 (yes, pre-OSX).

    9. Gaming sucks. Yes, but this only matters to those who games as a form of personal entertainment. To insist on this being a major factor for everyone is being quite narcissistic (#1): congratulations, hypocrite.

    10a. Lack of flexibility/upgrades – – the fallacy with this observation is that over 50% of new Windows PC sales within the USA are now laptops. This hardware is similarly highly limited in its hardware upgrades, so there’s no meaningful differentiation with which to base valid criticism upon. The message here is that home fanboys who want a tower configuration with which to go “play” in the internal guts are a dying breed … except of course, for those whose life consists of sitting around all weekend inside to play games. Please excuse me while I go play outside.

    10b. Lack of UI Customizability – – there’s lots of 3rd party aftermarket widgets & toys here, if one chooses to go look for them. Of course, they all unfortunately tend to make your machine less responsive or stable, which could explain the complaints in #7. It constantly amazes me how some people will go play around with and mess up their machines, and then have the audacity to complain that its no longer a boringly reliable product to get their business done.

    @JJ: as per the above, you’re the “ignorant d*******g” here, since many of the above issues are more complicated than the black/white you try to make them out to be…and its merely your own personal “Confirmation Bias” that blinds you to the broader reality of these complexities, as you try to defend your “turf”.

    Feel free to try to insult me and this message … but do be aware that AFAIC, it doesn’t matter to me at all, unless you’re able to prove that you’re at least talented enough to track me down and send me a private offline note with your reasoned comments. I don’t really expect that you’ll be willing/able to do that, but please do try to surprise me by showing me that I’m wrong with said offline note.

    Of course what this also means that the very predictable attempt of post a ‘clever retort here before there’s an email in my in-box means that you’re simply a shallow blowhard egotistic who is now running the risk of me posting a notification to the other readers about how you failed to step up.


  2559. JJ says:

    @ The last few dozen Mac fanboys who have stopped by: Thanks so much for supplying so much evidence to all the readers out there of how utterly self-righteous and purposely ignorant you all are. This article continues to grow more and more popular due to your retarded antics.


    Thanks for the history lesson that proves absolutely nothing, except the point that I already made, which is that Apple regularly ignores mainstream tech trends in favor of their own non-standard inventions and political games. Apple prices are decent? See point #2 in the article.

    …another brainwashed Mac fanboy bites the dust.

  2560. MacTripper says:


    Apple created Firewire long ago because Mac’s were designed as media generating machines and needed a faster interface to hardware, they also had things like stereo in and out.

    PC’s were initially designed as office machines and thus didn’t need the faster interface of Firewire and used mono in/out for dictation, voice answering etc.

    If you check out

    you’ll see machines closely compared feature for feature PC to Mac and you’ll notice Apple’s hardware prices are decent and one gets a solid OS free of malware, headaches and costly anti-virus. Apple doesn’t play in the “low margin” “low quality” PC market like others do.

    Hope this helps explain some things.

    And to Old PC Man,

    Your XP being stable and malware free is pure donkey dung. Need I remind you that XP 1 didn’t even have a firewall and had ports open by default?

    You got something on your XP machine, your anti-virus has been altered to lie to you by the rootkit.

    Use a packet sniffer and/or run Live Care from Microsoft.

  2561. Commodore Kid says:

    Long live the commodore 64 bitches !!!!

    Sent from my Commodore 64 :-)

  2562. ahahahhah says:

    JJ, you are an idiot. Besides everything everyone else has (rightfully) given you s**t for, I just want to tell you to stop fucking using the word “Mac” like it’s the name of the company, e.g. “Mac sells you a special Final Cut Pro keyboard for $300” (which is fucking absurd and total bullshit). The name of the company is Apple, the product is the Mac. Whether you like it or not you just look like a god damned tool when you get them mixed up and at the same time try to tell mac users that THEY haven’t done their research.

    Either way, who gives a s**t what kind of computer you use?

  2563. Annoyed Then Amused says:

    You know, as a relatively recent PC to Mac convert, I came over to take a look at this article based on a rebuttal from another site. Initially reading the article, I truly had to wonder how many (if any) Macs the author had really used versus looking up “facts” to support his obviously PC-centric agenda. Then I started reading JJ’s responses to the comments from Mac users who read the article, both those that equated to “Whatever, you’re wrong” as well as those that were well thought out rebuttals. You know what? This assclown wrote this and his responses just to drive traffic to his site. Is he as ignorant as he seems to let on? Perhaps, then again, perhaps not. Is he petty enough to act like a spoiled 4-year-old child just to drive traffic to his piss-poor website? Definitely.

  2564. sam says:

    my apologies for number 5. i was obviously misinformed.
    mea culpa…

  2565. Bart says:

    Sam says:

    5) mac == no decent upgrade possible. you actually pay way too much for a pc that you cannot upgrade.

    Really? Does the remark “cannot upgrade” really apply? Doesn’t upgrading RAM, Hard Drives, video cards, Optical drives, mouse, keyboard, monitor, audio, etc, etc, etc, count?

    I’m scratching my head on that one….

  2566. sam says:

    nice load of insults going…anyway:

    i believe this is not an article “why is pc better than mac” but “top 10 reasons why mac sucks”. so dont explicitly compare pcs to macs. yes the article is semi-rant-like but has some points there. im not a mac user so i cannot say anything about the functionality of macs. what i can say is that macs are overpriced (for no apparent reason). now im gonna swallow my own words on no comparison but since you people brought up pcs there are a few things you should know:

    1) pcs are as stable as macs. it is just a matter of tinkering that makes them unstable.
    2) pc != windows (for ignorants: != means NOT)
    3) most people (not all for there are a few valid arguments throughout the comments) get insulted by this article and attack windows. noone ever mentioned Linux as an OS for pc, which i find more stable than winblows.
    4) one of the biggest issues with macs (as i understand) is their lack of versatility and their so called “stability”
    5) mac == no decent upgrade possible. you actually pay way too much for a pc that you cannot upgrade.
    6) mac has high price which doesnt guarantee high quality of parts installed inside.

    i wouldnt go into the functionality of a mac because im not that informed but as far as its known to me functionality is platform based (win/mac/*nix) and application based.

  2567. Michel says:

    This guy is payed by microsoft and is totally stupid

  2568. Eric says:

    Good trolling, OP. : ]

  2569. Sheila says:

    OMG Its true!!!! A friend of mine send me this link of an article written by a total dumbass… I would have never believed if I hadn’t seen it myself. I guess thats why the link is going around….

    Oh, and the comments are priceless!!!! Thanks everyone for that.

  2570. Hey, go easy on JJ!!! says:

    JJ….. I feel for you, brother. What you have displayed here suggest you have a really difficult life ahead of you. It’s going to be tough clinging on to one side of issues and pushing forward completely unencumbered by facts — but you have show here that can do it. Good luck!

  2571. Macs are so cool. omg says:

    I’m a blonde teenage girl and omg the macs are just sooo cute. i have to get one. I can take pictures with funny backgrounds. OMG. plus i can have daddy pay for it. hehe

  2572. Fmilk says:

    Doode, you’re totally full of it at no. 5 & 6.

  2573. Hey JJ... says:

    …who the f**k cares?

    If this is what you consider “investigative journalism” then you’re destined for a career on Drudge Report. Right up there with Breitbart, dickweed – congrats!

  2574. Davor says:

    My mentor is a PC user. He used to say he never had a virus. He said he didn’t need an antivirus program. Till about a month ago. His computer crashed. Is it virus, hard disk, processor or memory? How to diagnose? No firewire port to target disc mode, as in Macs.
    Turns out after one week of repairs, that he had 350 viruses, trojans and other worms. I used to have them. In the era I like to call b.M. before Mac. I was used to seeing the blue screen of death. I was used to 3-6 minutes of booting up. I was used to frequent antivirus updates and still have virus crushing.
    Now? G4 mac mini, iMac white and current MacBook Pro are all running, they all have their place (media center, server; internet, music, basic research, writing, games, calendar, photos, movies; research, iWork, terminal, internet….). They work. Every day. 365/24/7. I don’t do work for them. They work for me.

  2575. whine, b***h, moan says:

    To the lot of you, who fucking cares?
    Basically almost all the comments about this crap (including the post itself)can be boiled down to “Wah! mines better than yours”, big fucking deal. If you’ve never used the other system then “shut up”, if you have used it then give a sensible unbiased (some fucking hope) opinion, if you can’t do that then again, shut the f**k up, and to think some of the comments on here are by people who may one day be our leaders, god(whomever) help us all.

  2576. Marko says:

    For all those who are claiming that macs are overpriced: what is the cost of EQUAL QUALITY PC to 27″ iMac models? I agree Macs are expensive some ar overpriced more or less, especially when they are near EOL. In general article shows that many people does not know some basic things about Mac OS X (and Windows).

  2577. RC says:

    Criticism is one thing, but open envy something else.
    The mention about GROWING NUMBER OF VIRUSES ON MAC links to a text about TWO new trojans that you can get by installing pirated software :)
    If you can’t afford a decent Mac, don”t cry about it!

  2578. JJ says:

    Two words:

    You’re a fucking cocksucking d*******g dickweed and your breath stinks like peanut butter from eating peanuts out of your ass.

    JJ Can’t Write.

  2579. Firehazel says:

    Hi. Flame war much?

    Well, I like macs (my school has them for the photoshop/web page development classes, i’m taking one next semester.) but i would not buy one, that’s just me. I don’t want to pay at least $700 to have a computer that just works. Yes, they are neat. But i’d rather spend the time to get Windows working. I feel that this all has to do with the fact of whether or not people are patient with their computer. Right now, I have uTorrent running(doesn’t really count, hardly a dent on my resources) Any Video Converter(a little less than half finished,) and Google Chrome(IDK what you may say, but it ACES every other web browser….) My system has crashed(totally) twice. The first time I used the restore disk. The second time my mom took it to a local PC shop and paid $125 to fix it.(I’m only 16, what do you expect?) Now, I’ve never had a virus, and my PC has never crashed since.

    Enough about me. I remember last year was when some of our labs got iMacs (i believe the G5s, the all in one white polycarbonate ones. They were super easy to set up. But the IT people were trying to use Parallels to run WinXP Pro, they had a hell of a time doing that… AND the paticular rig I was using, the Ethernet went out all the time! which means I couldn’t log into Windows on Parallels!(The name of the server software escapes me.) Which resulted in me not being able to do my work, because Photoshop was awful slow on Mac side, which resulted in me getting a 74 in that class!(It’s OK, I still have a high enough GPA to get into National Honor Society. XD)

    When I get a job, I was hoping to buy my own computer. I was looking at the Mac mini, but for what I get for what I pay, I don’t like.

    2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    4GB memory
    320GB hard drive1
    8x double-layer SuperDrive
    NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
    Mac OS X Snow Leopard


    I was also looking at this eMachines computer(now I understand that it’s a cheapo brand and that it’s the gutter(bane) of PC brands. I did my research, they are not that bad.)

    AMD Athlon™ II X2 dual-core processor 235e (2.7GHz, 2MB L2 cache)
    Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    NVIDIA® GeForce® 6150 SE
    6144MB DDR2 dual-channel (2 × 1024MB + 2 × 2048MB)
    750GB 7200rpm SATA
    16x DVD±R/RW Supermulti drive


    With the eMachines, I could crack it open and upgrade it if I wanted to, but it has enough for me right now. With the mini, I could also crack it open, but I can only upgrade the HDD and RAM, plus if I wanted a faster procesor, I’d have to pay for it up front, AND it’s soldered!

    Don’t even get me started with the iPod. Nice piece of kit, but not for me.

    All in all, if you like Mac, get a Mac; if you like Windows, get a PC(although that term is used just referring to Windows PCs, when it actually should just refer to a personal computer in general…) But please, can we all JUST GET ALONG!?!??

  2580. An Old PC Guy says:

    I do not know about Mac. I have been using Windows all my life. Windows have become very stable recently. I know the nightmarish days of Windows Me, but then XP has been rock solid. For past 7 years, I have not had a single virus or a crash. I do not play games in PC. I just use it for writing letters, documents, etc and surf the web.

    But I know a friend of mine who attends FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) in NY uses Mac and PC. And I have visited him often. And one day he was so frustrated by the Mac he used a baseball bat to smash it by saying, “$2000.00 piece of crap!!!! Apple I want a refund!!!” He then proceeded to his PC and started to work on it. Now I do not know all the ins and outs of his frustration. He just plainly told me, “Apple is overpriced crap. Trust me, do not buy it. Stick with PC, because it is easily fixable (both hardware and software).”

    For last seven years, my old PC (XP) has been rock solid. And now, I have upgraded all my old computers (3-5 years old) to Windows 7 and they run faster and smoother than they were in XP! I only upgraded the RAM memory and nothing else. I am very happy with PC and Windows 7.

    Again, I am only posting here because some convert to PC from Mac and others to Mac from PC — whatever their reason may be.

  2581. medstudent says:

    Macs are for narcissistic d********s with an inferiority complex. They’re pretty machines that come in pretty packaging, that’s it. The article is dead on.

  2582. Jen says:

    This article is amazingly slanted.

    I suspect the author is just pissed cause he can’t afford a Mac. I’ve had one for years and absolutely LOVE it.
    And, I’ve never had a virus on this Mac.

    Eat it PC dude.

  2583. WindowsIT Pro says:

    Retarded is that I will never get back the time I wasted reading this.

  2584. Jay says:


    Still waiting for a reply to my post where I provided you with more evidence about why you are wrong… selective reading is fun though, right?

  2585. JJ says:

    @AiR, WORD. Sorry about your d*******g cousin.
    @Raven, WORD. Good use of logic and reasoning. :)

    @who cars, wat, pmz, peanut eater,

    Again, thank you guys for continually validating the points in the article by showing the world what ignorant d********s most Mac fanboys are. It’s even worse than I realized. Maybe you guys should see a shrink?…

  2586. Peanut Eater says:

    I just want to let you all know that I was wrong. My stepdad bought me a MacBook Pro for Kwanzaa and I’m blown away by its awesomeness and superiority to PCs. Now I can read TMZ in high def! I realize now I’m a complete douche times ten. Please forgive.

    Peanut Eater

  2587. Huhuh says:

    I liek de PC, my right click works. JJ is awesome! He mah hero.

  2588. pmz says:

    horrible article period

  2589. wat says:

    Lol JJ. You’ll never amount to anything with this level of stupidity

  2590. Mac user says:

    baw baw baw baw baw baw baw; i like macs

  2591. Raven-san says:

    first point i’d like to make is this:

    very well written article, made me laugh rather hard throughout my reading of it…then again, i did take it as a work of satire as opposed to an actual article.

    moving on.

    i would like to say that i personally find the whole Apple experience (apart from SOME software applications and perhaps their iPod range) to be rather….lacking for what i am expected to pay. the hardware is not top quality and is only worth about half of what you pay for it. the software that runs the hardware could run better and provide more versitility, although i havent seen the 10.5 and 10.6 releases of OSX so this might have changed. to be honest, i think of Apple Macs as over priced house bricks.

    now, we can all agree that macs are hideously overrpiced for what they are. you are mostly paying for the looks and brand name anyway.

    i have personally noticed that people who tend to use apple products are people who are quite egotistical or who have alot of money or who want something that does little more than look good. now on the same coin here, i can say that there is a large percentage of PC users (particularly the ones in the gaming community) who act like the mac users i just described. but speaking to the majority (note the word MAJORITY. this is not adressed at the part of the community who uses macs regularly because they know that a mac suits thier needs better than whatever else ect.) of mac users here, mac users are renowned for having jaded views of computer technology, and for not being able to argue/discuss the mac issue sensibly until the examples are made phhysically.

    i will admit now that i use PCs. the only time i have used a mac extensively was about 2 years ago, when i was working out some networking issues between my windows based server, the mac (which belonged to a friend) and the other pcs i have in my house, so i ask that you take this into consideration before you crucify me for what i said.


    to sum up what i just said:

    -i am a pc user
    -i like windows and find mac annoying
    -the majority of the mac community are whining rich prats who dont know any better in my opinion
    -macs look pretty, but are no more than overpriced house bricks
    -i like the minority of the mac community because they arent whining rich prats who dont know any better. they are just rich.
    -i liked the article because it gives a laugh. lighten up a bit. discuss your points but at the same time enjoy the discussion.
    -i am probably going to die thanks to the majority of the mac users whinging and whining.


    as a summery to those joining in now:

    the comments are pretty much as follows:

    baw baw baw baw baw baw baw baw; i like macs; cry cry; whine whine; baw baw baw; macs have some good points; cry cry cry; drama drama.

    so…have fun XD

  2592. who cares says:

    Really, who gives a sh#@ !!
    I use both……Im a graphic designer…..PC’s have more problems…..
    My Mac looks better!

  2593. PC User says:

    I actually like both platforms. Mac has some very strong features but PC’s do as well. For the price and as often as I want a new computer, I go for PC’s. Technology changes too rapidly on both platforms. I can buy 2-3 PC’s before reaching the price of an equivalent MAC. When all is said and done, I have a better, newer PC having spent the same amount.

  2594. AiR says:

    I have a cousin who is a total d*******g… He loves the Mac… go figure…

    I agree on this one, furthermore, the only reason why Mac users love their Macs is because it’s stable. Comparing a PC and a Mac is like comparing a roller coaster ride with a stroller. A PC will give you all the thrill and excitement, it may even cause you to scream and get frustrated but once you ride it, you know you found something worth riding. A Mac is like a stroller, it will never make you scream nor will it make you jump in excitement. It’s just stable… No problems… Not exciting…

  2595. JJ says:

    @Duomat, nobody said BSD is Linux. What’s your point? At the end of the day, OSX is a Linux distro, not Unix, even though they stole from Unix BSD in the beginning.

    @overpircedpos, WORD.

    @ridiculous, you sound like a hipster.

    @Rowster, wait… all the skating and surfing companies use Macbooks??? Holy s**t… that… proves point #1! Yet again! Thanks for bringing more evidence to the table mate. I mean, no offense, I’m sure surfers totally buy most products based on useability, and not trendiness. Right brah?

  2596. Rowster says:

    Just a quick one…Why would it be that all the best editors of the DH Bike movies and alpine skiing movies all use Macs with Final Cut Pro if Macs are really such crap? For example, the fellows at Juicy Studios, Teton Gravity Research, Poor Boyz Production, Matchstick Productions, as well as the guys making the new bike movie Lifecycles. I have a mac for all my schoolwork/job work/editing, and it has never failed to meet or exceed expectations (while never having any virus problems or buying any antivirus software). I just bought a PC with Vista (bad move, I know), and I keep having issues with it not accepting outside hardware as well as needing to install software updates for 30 minutes every time I turn it off. Don’t get me wrong, it runs movies and games great, but its just isnt as convenient a system, or reliable when dealing with important or irreplaceable information for work or school. Each excels at different things (although my MacBook Pro seems to be very durable compared to alot of the toshibas/acers/hps that friends have had at University.


  2597. Jay says:


    Just pointing out that OSX came out the same year as WinXP, and its fifth iteration, Tiger, was released in 2005 so I’m not sure I’d say that it’s an “old” OS, considering how many people still use WinXP.

    Also, what happened to the OP?

  2598. Ben says:

    I stopped reading after I read the word “retarded” for the 3rd time. It gives you very little credibility.

    I’m a PC. FOREVER. I only use MAC in my office, so I live with both, and you lost me on the right click thing. Perhaps right click is only on OSX and higher? So if you’re used to using an older mac, with say Tiger or lower, I guess you’d have that problem. I don’t know… I think this needs more fact checking or something, and less expletives. It’ll give you professional looking credibility. Just FYI :)

  2599. death says:

    To all the mac haters-I find this very funny…… Let it be!!! I’ll use my mac, and you use your pc.. Then when your pc breaks call and I’ll fix it again. LOL!!!!!!! nuff said

  2600. ridiculous says:

    Bottom line, I use both and I prefer some things on PC and some things on Mac, though my frustrations with PC are becoming more abundant these days. In fact, the reason I actually had time to read this whole rant and it’s subsequent comments is because my PC crashed and is rebooting. That does not make me a PC hater or group all PC activists as gamers or dorks. I realize that for the things I use my PC for, it’s suitable and the things I use my Mac for, it’s suitable.

    There seems to be more of an argument here as to WHO uses the computer and why we hate those people rather than why people use these computers. Stereotyping at it’s finest. I am not a hipster, nor am I a gamer. I don’t drink coffee at Starbucks, nor do I drink coffee at Tim Horton’s. I’m a person who uses a computer for work and whenever I can get away from work, I spend it with real people. People who don’t give a sh*t whether or not I use a Mac or a PC. I like features on both, but at the end of the day they both play a hand in putting food on my table and allowing me to go enjoy some pints with friends and forget about work, computers and such for a few hours.

    We have enough problems in the world with poverty, hunger, cancer, aids – things that really do matter. I’m not a bible thumper, uber do-gooder or philanthropist by any means (probably the farthest thing from it), but sometimes I do wonder what we could accomplish if we took the same energy we apply to arguing over seemingly irrelevant things and applied it to something useful…or spend the valuable time with your friends, family, wife, kids…whatever.

    Again, drop the argument. Both sides have made their points and provided both useless and useful facts. I’m going to shut down both of my computers right now, forget about them and take off to enjoy some Guinness with some old friends. The very fact I wasted time writing this is even annoying me.

    I’m being somewhat of a hypocrite here and starting perhaps another argument, I couldn’t help but respond to yours.
    1) What does pirced mean? Before trying to be quick and witty, maybe spell check or check your grammar.
    2) How cool do you look in Starbucks with your PC tower and a 42″ HD LCD TV? If you’re talking about someone showing off their Mac at Starbucks, you’re surely referencing a laptop. Keep your argument around the laptop then and perhaps discuss the cost of a PC laptop. Otherwise, your argument is irrelevant.

  2601. overpircedpos says:

    Honestly, people buy macs for one reason, because they know, that everyone else knows how expensive they are, and how cool they will look sitting at starbucks. Why would anyone pay $2500 when you can get an equivelent pc tower for 800 and 42″ full HD lcd tv for another 800, which makes it much cheaper, and much more capable of gaming as well. Or you can pay an outrageous amount of money for a gimicky mac because the icons bounce when you close a program, woohoo

  2602. Duomat says:

    Please, please, please…stop saying that BSD is Linux. Linux is not Unix, which means it is certainly not BSD. Linux is a complete rewrite from the ground up, although using the same command names. BSD is Unix.

  2603. shtfkup says:

    Apart from a few mac or p.c is god freaks and of course a few s**t stirrers, who actually fucking cares which is better, if you like mac/p.c then stick with the fucking thing till you die, and then ask god, allah, buddah, jehovah, et al which is the fucking best, what a load of yap over nothing, I currently use a p.c simply because that was what I was first shown how to use, if someone gave me a mac of equal standard i’d still be as interested in that as I was with the p.c when I first got it, what a load of bollocks this is, what’s next “my mouse is bigger than you mouse?”
    mac/p.c rules wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2604. Helen says:


  2605. Jay says:

    Here’s a few more items to check off of your list:

    While I understand that a dock with a bunch of minimized windows ( might look a little intimidating, here are two methods for quick window-browsing:

    1) Click+hold the application icon on your dock to get a view of all its open windows. It even denotes which windows are maximized or minimized and has labels to let know what is open in each.

    2) Right click the application icon on your dock to see a list of all open windows.

    An alternative solution to minimizing is using the Hide command, which does exactly what it says, and hides every window of an application without forcing you to minimize any of your windows. This is generally my preferred method.

    While we’re on the topic of right clicking, I believe we’ve determined that you can (and have always been able) to right click, whether via Ctrl+click or a touch-sensitive, or two-button mouse. Right-clicking a file offers list of features attached just as it does on other OSes (

    Your claim that Mac’s version of Photoshop is lacking right-click functionality is incredibly misleading. This menu ( is the one you present as your primary argument. Are you kidding me? That argument is nearly as trivial as your one about the clock not showing the date! Being able to access this menu is not going to drastically improve or impede your workflow by any stretch of the imagination. As a heavy Photoshop user I can attest to this. In the years prior to becoming a Mac user I was not even aware that this menu existed. From my tests, every other right-click menu in Photoshop between Mac and PCs appears to be exactly the same. This menu that you seem to so desperately cling to is COMPLETELY NEGLIGIBLE.

  2606. Ryan says:

    Wow… people sure do get pissed when you attack their computers. I didn’t realize that this was an important issue; important enough to really start throwing insults.

    We are talking about computer types, right? Just checking…

    My whole life is not involved in debating what computers are better than others (I have no idea), but I’ve heard people argue this fact for some time now. It’s a little over my head; I’m a real estate developer, not a computer programmer. I use laptop to read email and go on the Internet and maybe look at pics of my kids.

    After reading lots of these comments, then doing a little research (asking my assistant), I think I have a clearer outlook on the two. The differences that you guys are arguing over are beyond trivial. Opening multiple windows? Dragging files into applications? Customizable docks? This is all fru-fru bullshit.

    I apply these 3 (and more) questions when buying property (translate it into buying a computer):
    -Can you easily and cheaply reno/update (think getting parts)?
    -How is it priced?
    -What’s the commercial appeal (how many people use it)?

    It’s REAL questions like these that should be applied when dropping large amounts of money on something like a computer or an plot. Not silly trivial garbage like window closing button locations or right click stuff.

    From what I’ve seen, PC’s are cheaper, more readily available and more people use. That all translates into an easier time for you in the long run. Why back your self into a corner? I hear people say that there are problems with PC’s. I don’t think I’ve had any more problems than anyone else. Seems good to me.

    When I buy a building or plot, I don’t give a f**k whether it’s “hip” or not, or if my friends with think I’m cool for doing it. I do it to make money, to succeed, to get ahead and to further my life in the direction that I want to go. NOT to impress someone else. The few Mac people I’ve talked to all seem to buy into the “idea” of owning a Mac, and not thinking about the actual functionality or usefulness of it. They seem to be very concerned about their image and how other perceive them. My assistant said that is pretty consistent with her friends in school.

    I looked on Apple’s website after reading your comments, and saw some insane prices. And those were WITHOUT the monitor, I later found out. WITHOUT THE MONITOR?!? Are you kidding me? Who the hell do these people think they are?

    Well… as long as people are buying your snake-oil, why not keep selling it? As long as people “think” that it’s working…

  2607. JJ says:

    @Endall, Qulueless (sic?), and Yo,

    Thanks to you Mac fanboys and all of your snide (unintelligible?) comments, this article continues to be validated further and grow in traffic. Many thanks! :D

  2608. Yo says:


    UC Irvine? Seriously? No wonder you can’t write.

  2609. Yo says:

    Dearest JJ,

    Suck my whale dork.


  2610. J.J.S. Qulueless says:

    Hope this is your job, JJ. That way your arse can get fired for gross incompetency. You troll.

  2611. EndAll says:

    Doesn’t the writer of this article sound like the fat guy from the commercial… answer to the delete question… 1. you truly don’t know what you are talking about 2. the extra money you pay for is intuitiveness. for every hour you spend pulling your hair out because your operating system sucks big time … i am having sex with your girlfriend. 3. function key > delete = you are a knoob

  2612. Jay says:

    ^ My post

  2613. Anonymous says:

    Here’s your screenshot of the time/date stamp:

    Let me just say that though I posted a screenshot of the Windows dock-like taskbar, I don’t use it like that. I mentioned in an earlier post that it’s simply a manner of opinion… some like the dock, some don’t. Windows 7 has simply included an option for those who do. I personally prefer to use the ‘Pin to Start Menu’ feature for organization in Windows, and I have something similar set up in OSX. Screens of each: and

    You’ll find this article interesting, I think:

    Command-Tab works, the article you’re referencing is from OSX 10.5 Leopard. The newest is 10.6 Snow Leopard. A lot of keyboard shortcuts have been changed between the two versions. Command-Q while in the menu will close an application entirely. Opening a new window via that “shortcut” you posted takes more time that simply switching to that application (releasing the menu) and hitting Command-N.

    Every point you made in your argument about opening images is flat out wrong. There are three ways to preview images in OSX without opening them in the actual image viewer. Option 1: Option 2 (Coverflow): Option 3: Simply hit the space bar! In all three options you can still use the arrow keys to scroll through every file in the folder.

    If you select every image in a folder and double click they will ALL open in a SINGLE window of the application ‘Preview’. Right clicking on a single image (or selecting multiple images) will offer you these options:

    Notice once I choose ‘Close’ that image is removed from the list of images:

    Open all of those images in a slideshow:

    And hey, just for good measure, if you want to drag more images back into that window:

    Opening files by dragging them to both opened & unopened applications on the dock is confirmed working in Snow Leopard. I can’t vouch for previous versions, though I’m willing to bet Leopard is the same.

    Photoshop CS4 opens in less than 10 seconds on both my laptop and my tower. See my earlier screenshot showing every single program I had opened on my laptop for the entire afternoon. It’s quite a stretch to suggest that opening Photoshop means you can’t use any other applications simultaneously. My laptop was $1350, my tower I picked up off of eBay for $2300.

  2614. JJ says:

    @Jay, do you have as screenshot of the full day, time, and date displaying on the OSX menubar? Cuz I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. But I may be wrong if that has been updated in recent OSX updates.

    Regarding the Windows 7 “Dock” ripoff that a few of you keep mentioning: I haven’t used Windows 7 extensively, but my suspicion is that you can still group the taskbar however you like in Windows 7 as in past Windows releases, either by frame or by application. I must say I do hate the default “Dock-like” taskbar layout in Windows 7.

    Regarding keyboard shorcuts, those exist on all systems. Control C-V-Q etc exist on Linux and Windows. But only Mac makes the X button on a frame minimize it instead of quitting, which is retarded, as most newbies (the majority of Mac owners) don’t know how to properly shut down a program and thus eat up their processor constantly.

    Please remember that most of my points are in regard to the majority of users knowing how to use a Mac efficiently, which is Mac’s “claim to fame” even though its total bullshit since most newbies are completely unaware of the complex keyboard “shortcuts” and “menu options” that are available on a Mac. On Windows and Linux, user interaction is much more direct, predictable, and efficient as I’ve noted in previous comments.

    Regarding Command+Tab, you are more correct this time, however still wrong as even according to MacWorld, this technique does not always work (but lucky you, there is another 5 key combination to make it work properly, if you can memorize it):

    Regarding image viewing, okay: I have 25 beefs with the way that Mac treats image files, but here are a few: you can’t preview images unless you open them completely, if you select all and then double click it only opens the file you doubled clicked on, if you open all files for a slideshow or side-reel type view you can’t delete images, if you open one image in a directory and want to view the next image you can’t unless you manually open each image or close the current window and open all images with a special key command like you mentioned, etc etc.

    Regarding dragging files, okay: Here is the best example. I have a file on the desktop. I want to open it with Photoshop. In Windows or Linux, you can drag the file to the taskbar icon for Photoshop (GIMP etc) and the file will be opened with that application. On Mac, you must first open the application you want to use for your file, and then select your desired desktop file from the menu or otherwise.

    Regarding “coverflow” yes, I believe its one of the most retarded and inefficient ways EVER to navigate a computer system, whether for newbies or advanced users. It’s simply another way Mac tries to be flashy instead of useful. Now, you could make a better argument based on the “hot corners” or whatever they call them, as those are truly useful and easy to use, if newbies can figure out how to set them up properly, and if they weren’t so sensitive to the mouse being near a corner of the screen for less than .2 seconds.

    Regarding multi-tasking, yes, Macs suck at it. They are getting better, especially after they switched to Intel (hmmm) and started putting more than 1GB RAM on some higher-end models, but they still suck at it. I’ve used some of the “best” Mac towers out there in recent years, and opening Photoshop is like death on them. You pretty much can’t do anything else while Photoshop is open. Perhaps on some of the brand new models that have come out in the last 1.5 years its gotten better, if you are willing to pay $3000 or more?

    Your article reference is amusing, but only confirms that Macs are not the primary computer being used at Princeton. And by the way, even if all “faculty” offices at a university one day use Macs, it will only reinforce point #1 of my article, since I’m assuming all the computers in their libraries and otherwise are not primarily Macs. (For the record, I worked at a university that tried to use Mac servers in multiple departments, and they constantly crashed, had constant problems with Python, needed constant EXPENSIVE fixing, etc etc.)

  2615. Jay says:

    Couple things:

    Here’s your menu for time/date customization, since that’s such a make or break feature for you –

    Here’s a link to some Mac customization resources –

    Also, check out this dock. It was very easy to install as it, you know, came packaged with Windows 7.

    If you’re still interested, look around for articles/media about the “new” features that Microsoft brought about when it released Vista.

    You are right about alt-tab. My mistake. Try Command-tab and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Also you can quit programs while in the Command-tab menu with Command-Q (one of the MANY useful keyboard shortcuts that are available in OSX).

    Again, opening multiple images is a snap. I’m not sure how you’re disagreeing with this. “Tricks”? Open your image folder, CMD+A to select all. Double click or open with preview. That’s it. Want to remove some? Right click (since right clicking is and always has been an option on a Mac) hit close. Slideshow? Hit View, it’s the last option on the menu.

    In addition OSX has coverflow for Finder windows. Is this REALLY not an easy way to view a folder of images?

    I’m still not clear with what you’re saying about not being able to drag files. Please clarify. In any case, what is more efficient about the way you would drag files between windows on a PC?

    Here’s a screenshot of my dock during a typical workday. “Macs suck at multitasking”? Uh, tell that to my laptop.

    An excerpt from this article –

    “The article also goes on describe how a significant percentage of faculty use Macs and that the percentage has increased.”

  2616. JJ says:

    @Ben, I said “see article or previous comments” because I’ve already responded to the repeat arguments that you made in those cases.

    Do you have a link (or photos?) proving that those universities and government departments are now using primarily Mac computers and/or Mac servers around their entire campus? Because I don’t believe it.

    @Anonymous, thanks for reinforcing my mockery of Mac fanboys.

  2617. Anonymous says:

    PC users are just angry because they are too poor to afford anything but a broke-down piece of sh*t Dell that will decide to run at half its speed in one months time. Ooooo, look, Windows 7 is based of os Mac Os X. And please, please, for your God’s sake (not mine), learn how to manage what programs you have open, instead of criticizing the X on the window.

    Seriously though, I buy a Mac not because it’s the trendy thing to do. I buy it because it just f*ckin works out of the box. It’s snappy to start up, and the 4-5 productivity tools I use just f*ckin work.

    More viruses? Stop going to pornographic websites idiot. I haven’t had a virus on my mac during its 3 years of use.

  2618. Ben says:

    Congratulations on ignoring just about every point I made. Saying ‘it sucks’ or ‘see article’ (especially when I’ve obviously ‘see[n the] article’ as my points are in close response to it..) are hardly a strong rebuttal.

    You’re claim that the article does not compare Macs to PCs is more than a little odd, as every second point is about how you perceive Macs as weak in comparison to something that a PC does.

    You’re response to my rebuttal of #6 is equally odd. I have explained carefully that you were wrong in each regard, and in most cases explained how you were wrong. I use most of those functions on a regular basis. To refer me back to an article riddled with obvious errors is a very weak rebuttal indeed. And saying ‘I’m glad we agree’ when in most cases we clearly do not, is amusing, although more than a little ignorant.

    Your responses in general show an inability to argue against the many strong points and valid questions that have been raised regarding the poor research and lack of understanding that you have of how Macs work and their use in various fields and sectors.

    And in answer to your question:

    Princeton recently began to switch to Macs as more than 60% of its faculty now use them.

    Concordia University here in Montreal is an example of a public university that has already switched to Macs as its main computer of choice and McGill has begun to switch over to them as well.

    For governments, the US Dept. of Public Health began the switch a few years ago.

  2619. JJ_is_a_loser says:

    who cares. be happy with what you use and get on with your life.

  2620. JJ says:


    First of all, this article is not comparing Macs with PCs. It is hounding Mac and Apple for all their narcissistic, pseudo-progressive philosophies and stubborn habits, as well as their very inefficient hardware, software, and UI. But fine, I’ll respond a bit to your attacks on PCs, if that’s what you want.

    1. I’m glad its insulting as Mac users should feel ashamed!
    2. I’m glad we agree. Oh, and your belief that Macs have better components is hilarious. See article.
    3. Typical fanboy response to the truth. It doesn’t matter if FireWire is theoretically better. It matters what is being recognized as universal by the industry. Don’t believe me? Read up on Sony’s Betamax format in the 1980s (oh wait… wasn’t it Sony who also supported FireWire along with Apple? They just never learn, do they?). And you are wrong, as BluRay is standard on almost all PC laptops already (even more ironic, since BluRay is Sony’s format).
    4. Wow. Brainwashed much? See article.
    5. I’m glad you have gotten used to Mac’s inefficiency. Re: unicode character shortcuts, I would have to research that more before commenting. You may have a solid point with this example, though it sounds like something Apple stole from Linux.
    6. All your points are wrong or misinformed. See article, and my previous comments.
    7. I’m glad we agree that Macs crash and have viruses.
    8. Your claim that Adobe software releases are buggy on PCs and not Macs is hilarious, as is your claim that you enjoy the much-delayed releases of Mac software.
    9. I’m glad we agree. Your claim that multimedia is better on Macs is hilarious, as factory speakers, sound drivers, video drivers, video players, games, HDMI output, and more are all horrible or non-existent on Macs. Plus, Safari sucks, as does Quicktime. Perhaps the only program that is slick on Macs is Final Cut Pro, but only if you buy the customized FCP keyboard that Mac sells for what, $300 probably?
    10. I’m glad we agree.

    P.S. I’m still waiting for someone to name a public university or government department that uses primarily Macs and/or Mac servers?

    P.P.S. I’m glad you bring up the point that most TV and media employees use Macs, as it strongly reaffirms the 1st point in my article. Unless you are talking about Final Cut Pro. Then you might have a small point.

  2621. NoName says:

    This article was clearly written by a highly un-intelligent life form… I would also assume that the writer has never used a mac, nor gotten to know any Mac users…


    Try cutting a film on the new windows operating system or just kill yourself

  2622. Ben says:

    Wow – what I love the most about not only the article, but also your responses, is that you are filled with bitter vitriol and refuse to look at anything objectively. You congratulate anyone who agrees with you and piss on anyone who doesn’t, even when those who agree with you spew comments that are as inane and empty as those you piss on for championing your object of hatred. Hypocrisy thy name is Jay…?

    You also have a very bizarre understanding of Macs, as many of your arguments are factually incorrect, and when people point this out to you, your rebuttal is an empty repetition of the same fact-lacking hot air.

    That aside, I will respond to your comments one by one:

    1) First off, to generalize all Mac owners into two insulting, and ridiculous categories shows immediately what to expect from the ‘article’: a platform to insult Macs and Mac users rather than to properly criticize them. Even if this were true (and I vehemently disagree with the idea – in fact, most PC users are equally narcissistic in their belief that their product is superior…just re-read your own ‘article’, for example), what would this have to do with Macs? How can you hate something simply because you don’t like the people who use it? That has absolutely nothing to do with the quality or lack thereof of the product. In short: your first point is inutile and disingenuous.

    2) Sure, Macs are more expensive, but re-check your prices. You can get a good Mac for less than $1500 – less if you’re a student or purchasing an educational Mac. And the reason macs are so expensive is simple: they do not allow cloning. PCs are only cheaper because there are a bajillion competitors trying to sell their product. No competition = higher prices.

    The upside of this is that you can guarantee the quality level of the product you’re buying. You know that the machines, their components and their hardware are going to be the highest available level of quality, and not contain second-rate knockoff materials that will burn out within a short time of purchase.

    I’d rather pay more for high quality that lasts many years than pay less and replace it far more frequently.

    3) First off, while Mac was forced to bow down to USB 2.0 due to its wide usage, that doesn’t make it better. FireWire is far better and far faster and it’s a pity that it has not been adopted on a wider basis. Either way, as noted above, if you’re working in multimedia, you’ll want FireWire – it is far, far superior to USB 2.0 when working with massive multimedia files.

    BlueRay is indeed an important step to take (and you can get BlueRay drives for Mac, they’re just not standardized as of yet – but neither are they standardized on most PCs…).

    However, need I remind you that Macs had standard DVD-Rom drives in every computer before you could even GET an internal DVD-ROM drive for most PCs.

    4) To argue that Macs stole their OS is one of the weakest of arguments a PC user can make. Microsoft’s entire existence is owing to its theft of Apple’s OS. Windows has always been a knockoff of the Mac OS, from 3.1 onwards. So sure, OSX owes a lot to Linux (which is open source and therefore open to ANYONE to use and profit from it) but not nearly as much as Windows owes to Mac (which was NOT open source and therefore NOT open to ‘anyone’ to use and profit from it…)

    5) I’ve used both Apples/Macs and PCs for over 20 years. All it takes on a Mac to do everything you complain about is to Ctrl-Click. (sarcasm)Ooooh…you mean I have to hit ONE KEY while clicking…??? *GASP* (/end sarcasm). Each mouse comes absolutely naturally to me after years of usage, so I don’t even notice hitting the control key any more. And having to hit Ctrl-Click versus right click is hardly a strong reason to avoid an entire system.

    And while we’re on the topic of shortcuts, please let me know why PCs have not adopted intelligent shortcuts for symbols while typing? Macs used Option and/or Shift to get at almost every symbol you could possibly need on a semi-regular to regular basis. For PCs you either have to memorize the entire Unicode chart, manually set an entire array of macros and/or shortcuts, or constantly copy/paste from character charts.

    And don’t get me started on all of the other fantastic shortcuts you get with Macs that are not automatic on PCs.

    6) -The dock is 100% customizable. You want day and time? Set your computer to show day and time! You can set it any way you like: with or without the day, the date in any order, the time in any order – including 24h time…you just have to set it to your preference.

    -You can always see minimized files. The bigger your dock, the more you can see of them.

    -It also shows which programs are running, which are opened, allows you to perform basic tasks for each program – from playing iTunes to opening/closing files in Word, to navigating browsers – without opening the windows for those programs. And, of course, it also notifies you whenever a program needs you – from an alert to the automatic software updates that pop onto your dock.

    -Hitting ‘X’ closes programs. And you can also close them via their icons on the dock without even going to the window.

    -Alt-Tab works on Macs exactly as on PCs. And you can also control the speed of your navigation.

    -Maximizing windows most certainly does maximize them completely. You can also mazimize windows in most programs to full screen.

    -Opening 1000 images in Preview opens them in a typical thumbnail list that you can navigate/scroll through, selecting the images you want without having to go through every one. The selected image will show in the viewer – the others won’t.

    -You can drag files from anywhere to anywhere without having to prepare a window. Just click on the file you’re dragging, drag it to the dock Finder, and it will allow you to navigate to where you want to put it. Or you can use the function key (as mentioned above) to show either all windows – or the desktop with no windows – and drag it to your desired destination.

    7) In over 10 years of using Macs at home, I can count the system crashes I’ve had on one hand. And it was always because the age of the computer could not handle the burden of ultra-modern software (which is usually my sign to upgrade). And older Macs can handle newer software far better and for far longer than PCs can.

    Macs will occasionally have software crashes, but even those are very rare. The incompatibility issues, system crashes, and software glitches I’ve had in the last six months alone with my PC at work are far greater than the ten times Safari or Word has crashed on my Mac in the last year or two. And I leave my Mac on and running, with several programs constantly open and running, for weeks at a time without even restarting the programs, let alone rebooting the computers. I wouldn’t dream of doing that with my work PC for fear of the ramifications.

    And I have never had a virus affect my Mac, with or without firewalls and virus protection.

    8) One thing that I like about Macs is that even though a lot of hardware and software is available later than on PCs, this is often if not always a GOOD thing simply because by the time Mac users get them, all of the bugs and kinks are ironed out and a lot of goodies added, so that Macs get more interesting and more stable versions. See just about any Adobe or Microsoft software product as an example.

    I’d rather have the stable, new version of Photoshop with extras six months later than the sparser, buggy, crappy version right off of the bat.

    Freeware is certainly an edge to PCs. More people use them, so obviously there will be more available. But Macs are certainly catching up, and there is more, better freeware available for Macs all of the time.

    9) No argument here. Gaming is and always has been far superior on PCs – both for games and for game-related hardware. Most Mac users will have a cheap gaming PC or a console instead.

    For multimedia users, however, PCs don’t hold a candle to Macs.

    10) Sure, Macs are not as customizable as PCs (though they are far more customizable than you give credit for) but they don’t tend to NEED to be. They tend to get it right the first time without a need to change everything around. And pieces don’t break or burn out all of the time, so don’t need upgrading or replacement.

    And there are ways to tinker with the OS – from using scripts to actually interfacing with the OS itself – but it simply is not recommended for people who don’t really know what they’re doing.

    >>>All in all, there are far more reasons to avoid PCs than Macs, but both systems have their advantages and disadvantages. It would have been nice to see a constructive parallel criticism rather than a rant with little basis, however.

    And although you claim to have used all forms of Macs, you didn’t seem to do much more than turn them on, as you seem completely unaware of how to use one.

    And yes, universities are widely turning to Macs now, as are high-level government institutions, and a lot of this has to do with strong educational backing by Apple, and various government programs the company has in place.

    As well, multimedia – from journalism to film production – uses Mac almost exclusively. Which is also why you see Macs being used in most TV shows and movies, rather than PCs ;)

  2623. JJ says:

    @Alex, lol, you are the best example of a Mac fanboy. Claiming that DVI is better than HDMI and saying that BluRay has no use. Absolutely amazing.

    @foreigner, WORD.

    @Samuel117 and yawn, you are also typical misinformed Mac fanboys. No further comment!

    @Amdrew, wait, so you think Macs are a better workhorse even though they can’t multi-task for s**t? Have you walked into any government department and seen Macs being widely used? Where the hell did you go? The only colleges that widely use Macs are art departments toward the goal of self-image, everyone else usually gets bulk deals on Dell nodes or otherwise. Yes, my comments are about one particular type of computer: shitty Macs. And no, they don’t last longer than PCs my brainwashed friend. It’s not a complex issue. You are in denial.


    1. Yes I do. Not EVERY Mac owner. Just the vast majority of them.
    2. I’m glad we agree.
    3. You are right, Mac is totally willing to sell you an overpriced DVI-HDMI converter should you want one.
    4. Okay, does that change anything?
    5. Read my piece. Right clicking on Macs lacks the majority of functions that right clicking has on other platforms. For example, right clicking on an image title in Photoshop does not offer “image size” or “canvas size” on Macs.
    6. Ummm… no. Evidence? Are you confirming Windows is customizable?
    – clock doesn’t show date unless you click, exactly.
    – you can see some minimized windows, yes that’s true. but they are not grouped and easily understandable as in other platforms.
    – no, alt-tab is not the same as Windows. it cycles thru all open frames instead of rotating between applications.
    – okay, yes, multiple images are in the same window with a few tricks. but you can’t open an image folder and easily rotate thru them, delete them, slideshow them, load them fast in general, etc.
    – yes of course you can drag files, but not efficiently. try dragging a file down to a different program using The Dock, for example. you can’t.
    7. I’m glad we agree.
    8. Typical fanboy response. Yah, and you can run Linux on a PC as dual boot. What is your point exactly? Mac software still sucks, so why the hell would anyone buy a Mac to run Windows?
    9. I’m glad we agree.
    10. I’m glad we agree.

  2624. yawn says:

    hasty rants make for articles with no credible sources, citations or logical deductions. this opinionated article is a good laugh at a user who quite possibly has no other way of expressing his frustrations in life.
    i don’t even like macs.

  2625. says:

    This whole load of boring , trite garbage is easily solved, if you like mac, stay mac, if you like p.c, stay p.c, if you use both, ditto. Now can you all stop yapping about whose is bigger, you all sound like school boys claiming to have the biggest d**k, yawn, boring, grow up or f**k off.

  2626. Samuel117 says:

    And your comparing it to a pc I’m guessing, you should re-think your article and write it correctly.

  2627. foreigner says:

    Everything in the article is true, but the main point is the beginning – two types of people that use macs. Morons who think they’re special for having a mac. Everything they say is inspired by this fundamental fact and therefore is completely irrelevant because these people simply refuse to see the simple truths and recognize how gullible and stupid they’ve been. Apart from macs, everything Apple makes is overpriced s**t with obsolete technology, but their marketing scheme is truly magnificent – by ignoring the world and feeling very special about it they sell tons of it.

    I have an iPod – s**t
    I’m writing this on a Mac – slow, pathetic, unbearably simple, obsolete, overpriced, unimaginative piece of s**t I’d never have at home

    But hey, I feel truly smart, refined and trendy using it. I have Apple products – I’m special like Steve Jobs.

  2628. Amdrew says:

    Well, I’ve been using a Mac and PC together for a long time. I was using a HP mini back in the days before people came out with personal computers. The commodore and other such basic pcs were then out and bad and then came the Apple II which was just as good as the HP for writing. We had Unix computers too after that which were fantastic until someone in the Govt decided that they didn’t understand why we were using Unix boxes and one Monday morning, my Unix was literally taken off my desk and replace with a Windows box. Oh how we wailed and bashed our heads against the wall. During all this, life was made more bearable when the first Mac appeared in 84. We had Excel and Word and Pagemaker. Even though we had to use 3.5 disks to make everything work. But compared to Windows, the Mac was a breath of fresh air, even if it did look funny and had a small screen.
    The arguments between whether Mac is better than Windows has been going on for a long long time. It will never stop. Sure, you can do some incredible things with a Windows box if you want to play games. If you want to use a computer as a workhorse and have a reasonable amount of security, then the Mac is a good machine. There have been much better machines built. Why are a larger number of govt depts using macs today when a few years ago they only used Windows boxes? Why have a large number of Universities switched back to Macs? It is an argument that isn’t going to go away. However, if you are going to report on a system and give reasons why that system is bad, then you really need to become honest with yourself, leave your own prejudices behind, and see why so many organisations have or are switching to Macs over windows boxes? Yes there are problems every now and again with a Mac, but there are also problems with Windows machines and for that matter with Unix computers as well. But when you give a comment on one particular make or type of computer, without comparing it with other types, then you are misleading your readers and you are being dishonest to them and to yourself. Sure you can buy a cheap windows computer. You can build one yourself probably even cheaper still. However, how long is it expected to last? What is the quality of the components that you put into that machine. Have components been copied by manufacturers from others and then built and sold for a cheaper price without all the R&D costs that the original designers put into it? Come on, its a complex issue. So why not look at all the areas and instead of criticizing a company that has held onto its designs and innovations against others and who continues to fight to keep their patents protected, have a closer look at the whole complex issue.

  2629. Alex says:

    Man, YOU sound self-righteous. I agree, for some uses PC is better suited the a Mac, but i still think Mac has great advantages, the biggest being its stableness. The reason for this is very logical and simple, Apple designs all the hardware AND the OS. Microsoft only designs the OS, so there are a lot of problems in the integration between different manufactors hardware. Something that really bugged me was your complaint about FireWire… Firewire 800 is at least double de speed of USB 2.0, you SURELY don’t work with video. FireWire is essential for video editing. If you want to right click, its just ONE button, not FIVE, ctrl+click. No need at all for blu-ray! In any case, an external drive solve’s your problem. DVI is as good as HDMI.

  2630. Jay says:


    Did I not debunk half of your arguments with my post?

  2631. JJ says:

    @Mark, mac user, Marcie, Gracin, and Tink,

    All 5 of you Mac owners have backed up everything this article argues with your vague, self-righteous insults that lack any evidence.

    Congratulations. I’m… not surprised at all. Next?

    1. JS says:

      All 5 of you Mac owners have backed up everything this article argues with your vague, self-righteous insults that lack any evidence.

      Well actually it hasn’t, at all. I read the article and it is indeed massively wrong. And sadly, as I scroll through the comments, the most abusive, moronic, insulting and unintelligent comments, appear to be coming from PC users.

  2632. Tink says:

    I think I can come up with 10 better reasons not to buy a mac, that are true and accurate.
    My 10 reasons to buy a pc would even be more reasonable, accurate and based on facts, then your 10 reasons not to buy a mac.

  2633. Gracin says:

    This article is soooooo asss backwards its not even funny!!! lmao What OS do you use ???? I love every one of my mac’s that I own and have not had a problem in 16 years of ownership that was not justifiable, for the age of the machine. I run EVER OS out there… Backtrack 4 is my native boot up on my PC and I think the GUI In OSX is far superior to anything Microsoft has had out yet. There are limitations to what Mac’s can do YES, but everything has a place in the market. As far as industry standard, apples innovations often times lead to what is “industry standard”.. Please do not get the “CONSUMER industry STANDARD” confused with the professional commercial standards in the market. HDMI is NOT! industry standard in broadcast media and neither is esata. if you want true speed go Fibre Channel..

  2634. get a life says:

    Marcie, you’re as idiotic as the cretin who wrote this drivel(notice it’s unattributed to anyone), “nuf said”, pillocks.

  2635. Marcie says:

    Mac’s rock, PC’s are junk. ‘nuf said.

  2636. mac user says:

    @ bob why use parallel, if you have a copy of windows you can either boot camp it or us virtual box for free. and the cost of macs have dropped.

  2637. Bob says:

    I agree that macs are overpriced turds, I’m forced to use them at UC Davis and they frequently crash whenever I try to use photoshop or windows parallel to get to autoCAD. To actually get my work done I have to fight to get on one of the few remaining PCs in my building, an aging Dell dimension which still has more power and functionality than the newest macs on campus. Pretty sad. I think mac users are bitter when they purchase these laptops for 2,500 dollars and then are forced to keep buying software (like parallels) and adapters to make them actually work like a basic $700 laptop. It is hype and (I hate to use the term) peer pressure that makes people buy macs. Not to mention, go talk to the people in line at the mac store and see how they feel about mac’s customer service…

  2638. mac user says:

    well you really need to do you’re research again… in almost all aspects of this article, goes to show that you wintel fanboys no nothing

  2639. Robin says:

    I don’t know much about computers in general. i was hoping this article would give me some insight to apples computers since all i hear is the propaganda(although this article seems to be pc propaganda). seems to me that both mac’s, and pc’s have their pros and cons. guess i’ll go with the more affordable. question; is it the machine that makes the difference or the user?

  2640. Mark Parsons says:

    Your review of why Macs suck is about as informative as…. well MS Windows is stable.

    I was a MS / PC user for 15 years. And they have been selling the same old BS over and over to gullible twats who believe that yes the next version of Windows is better than the last. Trust me….my ass

    I accept that price is higher on Apple products, but you pay for that when you get better quality.

    Comparatively going from MS Vista -> Windows 7 is full price, while Leopard to Snow Leopard is like $30. Interesting hey?

  2641. Jay says:

    1. Do you really believe that every-Mac user feels they are self-important? I could make the argument that the only people who buy PCs are people who seem to be much more tech-savvy, big into heavy customization, and elitist/condescending towards those who are not. While that may be true to some extent, it’s not an accurate reflection of the population. The same is true of your argument.

    2. They are overpriced, I can’t disagree with you there.

    3. Can’t say that I have need for any of those hardware options but Bluray drives can be purchased for Mac Pros. Apple also manufactures adapters for the new generations of laptops if you find you do need them (MiniDVI to HDMI, DVI, etc.)

    4. OSX is based off UNIX, of which Linux is an offshoot.

    5. Of course you can right click. Get one of the new touch-sensitive mice, ctrl+click if you have an older one-button Apple mouse, or plug in your own USB mouse. Right clicking in Photoshop also brings up the contextual menus for tools.

    6. You do realize that Windows continues to become more and more like OSX with each new OS release. Additionally, check out the myriad of Windows docks that are available from UI customization sites. Whether you like it or not is simply your preference. (Tip: use stacks!)

    • The clock shows both day and time and if you click it, the month. I’m not sure what version of OSX you’re running.
    • You can see windows of minimized programs in the dock. In addition there is a function key which allows you see every maximized window that you have opened for quick switching and the new click+hold (10.6) on a program in the dock will show you every window that a particular program has open.
    • This is a dumb argument that can basically be boiled down to “Well Microsoft designed it this way so Apple should too.” Sorry for the extra “hassle” you have to go through to close a program.
    • Alt-tabbing works the same way it does in windows: it cycles through programs. Again, what freaking version of the software are you using?
    • Here’s 53 images opened at once in one Preview (the Mac image viewer) window. Or you can just use the space bar to preview a single photo and cycle through an entire folder using the arrow keys.
    • You CAN drag files to other windows. Simply hold the file over the other window until it brings the new window to the foreground. Or, if your second folder is buried under others, hit the function key that shows all windows and drag it over the one you want.

    7. Sure there are viruses for Macs, but I have yet to get one. My Mac Pro runs perfectly after having it for two years now. Occasionally programs will lock up, but there is always the “Force Quit” option. I’m also not sure why you’re implying that Macs are less able to multitask than PCs either, as it’s pretty much hardware-based.

    8. I’ve never had issues with software either. There are always alternatives to the most popular freeware providers. Not to mention the fact that you can always run Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp or VMWare Fusion if you find that there is software you can’t live without. It’s simple to set up the installation and to switch back and forth between operating systems. You can also set up Linux should you have the desire.

    9. If you want a computer solely for playing games at their absolute highest settings, then without a doubt buy a PC. I’m running a 2.66 Quad-core Mac Pro with 6GB RAM and an Nvidia 8800GT and I play games on nearly highest settings with no problems. Even MMOs. As far as OSX-only gaming goes though, I’m sure your point is entirely valid.

    10. They’re not AS customizable. You can still customize them. For interface tweaks look for third-party stuff, the same as you would for Windows. I’d recommend Candybar (

    Hope this post is mostly free of typos and such.

  2642. JJ says:

    @Not True,
    Your comments confirm that right click sucks, your clock doesn’t display the date, and that The Dock can only change width. Clicking the “X” might close windows but it keeps the program running. Re: dragging files, it means that you can’t drag files to The Dock or other windows, but rather have to align windows first to prepare for a drag. I’ve tried all types of Macs – laptops, g4 towers, and everything in between. These issues exist on them all.

    Way to prove the article wrong with vague responses and no evidence. Oh what’s that you say? Your “gaming PC”… why don’t you have a “gaming Mac” buddy? Oh wait, it’s because Macs suck.

  2643. madz says:

    written by a true retard ;)

  2644. Bakari says:

    This article is so inaccurate and one-sided. I have my gaming PC for entertainment and my MacBook Pro for school..and half the things said are taken to an extreme. It is obviously just to bash Macs and not to actually make a reasonable comparison. Whoever made this article has probably only tried to use a Mac once or twice, because half of these statements aren’t true.

  2645. Not True says:

    i’ve always had a mac and have a job where I work on a Windows computer.

    A lot of what you are saying it not true. You should stick to the facts. That would make for a more useful article.

    • The right click buttons does something. Ex. You can open, print, get info, duplicate, make alias, etc.
    • I’m looking at my clock right now. It shows the day and time (where are you getting your info)
    • The dock is adjustable
    • clicking on the “X” closes the windows (not minimize the windows) just like in Windows.
    • don’t understand what you are talking about here –> “You can’t drag things around to other places without first preparing both windows. (Still, no comment.)”
    • I used to get freezes on my old mac when it was on OS 9. Ever since OS X (10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, etc), I honestly never had a crash. You should try a new mac. Sounds like you are talking about an old mac.

    I don’t work for or own stock in Apple, so it doesn’t matter to me which computers you like. But, it would be more helpful for someone, if you stuck to the facts.

    Good luck

  2646. the congregation says:

    amen to this article. amen.

  2647. Timewasted says:

    Dear collegetimes, when you next decide to upgrade the site, could you please add an extra option up where you have the blog, review, forum, etc options, you could call it the “Rant” option,

    Yours, bored

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