
Reverse Prostitute: What Happens When A Young Man Asks Hookers In Amsterdam To Pay Him For Sex?

Just because a prostitute expects one thing, doesn’t mean the tables can’t be turned. In the latest video released by our friends at /whatever, a young man goes out into the cool Dutch night – in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, that is – to see if he can proffer up his own not-so-sexy self in […]

Here Is The Exact Letter I Used To Get Back A Security Deposit In Full From A Hostile Apartment Building

Landlords are assh*les. At least, that’s how it seems, much of the time. With booming populations, sprawling cityscapes, and economic hardships the world over, real estate is becoming more expensive, driving more and more tenants into rental properties where they are at the complete behest of a landlord for almost everything – from setting up […]

‘Advice To Young Men From An Old Man’ – Craigslist Post From 2007 Reflects On Life And Growing Up

Editor’s Note: The below is a ‘best-of-craigslist’ post written by an older (anonymous) American man living in San Francisco. It was posted to in the community section in early 2007 when the website was experiencing fast growth throughout California and the United States. An ex-Marine, the man reflects on life as an American male […]

College Newspapers: An Exhaustive List Of Campus Publications Maintained By University Students

Student newspapers are an integral part of the college experience. From documenting student experiences, to reporting on controversial issues with university administrations, campus publications have for decades played a crucial role in providing unique, uncensored views into the world of higher education and emerging youth culture. Custom Twitter List Of Student Newspapers Below is an […]

Push For Pizza: The App Started By Five New York Teenagers That Does Only One Thing – And Does It Well

It’s been called the “Yo for food delivery” and claims to be the “Uber for pizza” – but one thing is for sure, their teaser video on YouTube is pretty awesome. Meet Push For Pizza, the currently iPhone-only app made by five 19-year-olds (two being college dropouts) from Brooklyn, New York, that aims to make […]

Wantrepreneurs: The Difference Between Wannabe Entrepreneurs And Those Who Have A Real Plan

These days, it seems everyone’s an entrepreneur or guru of some sort. Online tools like website builders or social media handles, paired with traditional favorites like business cards, are deliciously tempting ways for would-be entrepreneurs to feel like they are making progress in whatever business niche they aim to fill. See also: The ‘New Age’ […]

Documentary: ‘College Conspiracy’ Argues That American College Students Are ‘Debt Slaves’ For Life

College is a scam. At least, that’s what quite a few extremely intelligent and successful Americans have been saying over and over for the past few decades, as the cost of higher education continues to skyrocket like never before in history. See also: Student Loan Default: A Complete List Of Horrible Consequences That Arise When […]

Domestic ‘Abuse’ Timelapse: A Serbian Woman Taking Horrendous Selfies Is Just Another Marketing Stunt

At first glance, the background music and setup of the video look familiar: another person on YouTube doing a time lapse video of themselves in the most vain way possible – capturing an entire year’s worth of selfies. See also: Elisa Lam: The College Girl Whose Hotel Death Is So ‘Mysterious’ That She Inspired A […]

‘Digital Marketing Strategy’ And Understanding Your True Business Objectives During The Digital Age

I HATE buzzwords. I especially hate the buzzword “buzzword” and all associated images of overly plump 21st century “gurus” attending marketing conferences at the downtown Hyatt where they stuff their faces with hors d’oeuvre and finger foods, bragging about whose office posted the better Harlem Shake parody video on YouTube, all the while pretending to […]

Senator Harry Reid Tied To Federal Judge In Neumont ‘University’ SLAPP Suit, Claims Las Vegas Attorney

There’s conspiracy, and then there’s Las Vegas conspiracy. Last week, a well known attorney from Las Vegas, Nevada got in touch with me and shared some rather pointed insight into the ongoing SLAPP lawsuit filed by Utah for-profit college Neumont University against CollegeTimes’ former web host – Little Bizzy, my part-time web hosting company – […]