
10 Most Unique Colleges In America (Including A College In California Located On A Cattle Farm)

The search for the perfect college can be overwhelming, but also a lot of fun. Finding schools that mesh with your personality, study habits, educational preparation, and expectations for adventure is satisfying in a holistic sort of way. These schools take that philosophy to the next level. From colleges that cater to students in a […]

7 Valuable Tips For Writing Your College Essay

Once you’ve decided to go to college, it’s time to start filling out the various forms and applications that colleges seem to need more of each year. This process may require applicants to create an essay on a specific topic that displays their talents and reasons for wanting to attend the school. For people who […]

STDs In College: 3 Most Common STDs Among College Students Include HPV, Chlamydia, and Genital Herpes

Going to college is something that many young adults look forward to throughout their high school career. The freedom of living on your own, and making all of your own decisions, as well as meeting lots of new peers who will eventually become life long friends is a very enticing idea. Once there life is […]

4 Transfer Friendly Colleges

For many students, the college they end up going to just does not work out.  In that case, it’s time to move on and apply to transfer.  If you’re applying to transfer to another college, take the time to carefully research your options.  You might want to aim for a “transfer friendly” college, which is […]

5 Ways To Get Your College Textbooks For Free

The first week of my freshman year at college was a financial slap in the face. Well, it should have been anyway. On top of an $11,000 student loan from Sallie Mae I had taken out (and yes, I chose that loan amount completely randomly and put it in my dad’s name… hehe, whoops, sorry […]

130 FREE eBooks from Kaplan, Barnes and Noble

This is a a quick announcement to CollegeTimes readers that starting immediately, and until January 17, 2011, the very famous Kaplan education company will be giving away 130 absolutely FREE eBooks on to NOOK owners. The titles range from SAT/ACT preparation to getting your MBA degree, with all kinds of goodies in certain niches […]

Bookrenter Gives Back: ‘Spread the Words’

As a college student living in the Internet age, you may have heard of Bookrenter, one of only very few college textbook renting companies that has achieved large-scale success (yes, you can take that as an endorsement by CollegeTimes). One of the biggest reasons that college students seem to appreciate them more than other services […]

10 Weirdest College Mascots

A school’s mascot is a symbol of pride and unity that students can rally behind. When the mascot takes field at halftime to do his or her dance, students and alumni feel a sense of kinship as they root for their team to trump the opposition in the name of their college. While it is […]

Building the Perfect Playlist

The summer has long been associated with road trips. The time off of school and warming sun lure students off of the couch and out into the world. Summertime always sparks adventure and taking a road trip is the perfect way to satisfy this calling. Whether it be a quick trip to the beach or a […]

4 Essential Things to Think About Before Sophomore Year

Sophomore year can be a challenging time for a college student. Suddenly the classes are getting harder and you no longer have the excuse of “only being a freshman” when you forget to turn in homework assignments or don’t show up to class. With so much going on during the year it is important to […]