
10 Easy Ways for Apple to Improve the iPad

Apple repeatedly refers to the iPad as being “magical”, but you’re anything like me and you own an iPad or iPad 2, you probably feel guilty when you look down at it’s sleek screen and think, “The blood and sweat of child labor went into the creation of this device, and I can’t even watch […]

6 Reasons Why Assassin’s Creed Sucks

I’ve been playing video games for a long time, and there have been two categories I put my experiences into; games that suck, and games that don’t suck.  Not all the games which I feel don’t suck are equal, for instance, Red Dead Redemption is a better experience than say, The Force Unleashed, but I […]

5 Ways To Make Your Internship Worthwhile

A melted Snickers bar is often so good that you have to lick the wrapper to savor every last bit. Likewise, savor and squeeze every last bit of benefit from your internship before time runs out! An internship is usually for a limited period of time; whether it be a summer, a semester, or for […]

Super 8: Inspiration in a Camera

Inspiration.  Lack of creativity.  Originality.  Dearth of uniqueness.  These oxymoron-like terms are the constant back-and-forth struggle that lies within any artform, especially true in today’s Hollywood industry, and an issue that I have constantly encountered as a viewer and a critic.  A former film professor of mine once commented how originality does not exist; instead, […]

4 Reasons Not to Buy Amazon Kindle for College

The Amazon Kindle has been a hit for pleasure readers. Although Amazon has worked hard to target students in pilot programs and textbook publisher agreements, its flagship E-reader has failed to gain acceptance on college campuses. A number of problems make the Kindle a poor match for college students. 1. No Student Pricing for Subscriptions […]

4 Reasons Why Internships Are Overrated

Right now, an epidemic is sweeping across college campuses striking fear into hearts of students everywhere.  No, it isn’t a resurgence of swine flu or another nasty case of gonorrhea.  The epidemic is one of hysteria and anxiety by students seeking a lofty internship at a respectable corporation. Indeed, this epidemic is so bad that […]

3 Tips on Applying For a Job or Internship

Finally found a posting for the job of your dreams? Got a tip on an internship at that really cool, up-and-coming company? Finding an opportunity is sometimes the toughest part of getting a job or internship, but once you’ve got that opening, don’t blow it! Following these three simple steps will maximize your chances of […]

How To Put It In Perspective

My name is Noah.  You can call me whatever you like.  I reside quietly in my New Jersey home, which is far too encrusted with my own filth to lend itself to entertaining guests.  It is my own private prison cell, and it makes me feel safe. Smoking marijuana is an insuperable part of my […]

5 Great Ways To Make Friends After College

The typical college experience often comes to an end abruptly and unpredictably. As with most “group” situations that suddenly pass the finish line, people begin to compete with each other, and attempt to show-off just how much better or faster their life or career is progressing than that of their peers. When everyone is racing […]

9 Most Wanted Terrorists (After Osama bin Laden)

Osama bin Laden may be dead, and the “War on Terror” over, but there are still nine men on the FBI’s most wanted list. Who are these men, and what makes them so dangerous? From bottom to top here are the usual suspects. 10. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah: Born in 1963, Abdullah fled Egypt to unite with […]