
social experiments

Interview: Luke ‘Gold Jacket’ Eilers From YouTube Talks Girls, Psychology, And The Human Experience

Below is an exclusive CollegeTimes interview with Luke Eilers, who has developed a strong following on his YouTube channel, where he focuses on social experiments, human psychology, moral questioning, and other intriguing topics. I first came across Luke due to an experiment he did a few years back dressed up as Santa Claus where he […]

Kid Smoking Experiment: How A Young Boy Asking For Cigarettes Makes Smokers Re-think Their Habits

“Can I have a light?” asks a young boy to strangers in Santa Barbara, California. The boy – a 9-year old known only as ‘Jensen’ – is undercover, mind you. But rather than working with local police as part of a sting operation, he’s the star of the latest public prank video filmed by the […]

Dutch Student Fakes 5-Week Travel Holiday To Asia Using The Power Of Photoshop And Social Media

If you hate seeing all those adventurous photos your friends post on Facebook while you sit at work trying to scrape money together for dinner, this story’s for you. Zilla van den Born, a college student from the Netherlands, faked an exotic trip to Southeast Asia for five solid weeks, under the stated guise of […]

James O’Keefe Crosses The U.S. Border As Osama Bin Laden, Internet Reacts With Mockery And Disdain

Context is everything. Or so they say. If a video of some guy in a Bin Laden costume crossing the Rio Grande was uploaded to YouTube by say, Stephen Colbert, it would probably have millions of views in a matter of hours. But a clean-shaven, running-shoes-wearing, Conservative white guy does it, and – besides the […]

Reverse Prostitute: What Happens When A Young Man Asks Hookers In Amsterdam To Pay Him For Sex?

Just because a prostitute expects one thing, doesn’t mean the tables can’t be turned. In the latest video released by our friends at /whatever, a young man goes out into the cool Dutch night – in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, that is – to see if he can proffer up his own not-so-sexy self in […]

Video: California College Students Sign Fake Petition To ‘Execute’ Gun Owners In ‘Concentration Camps’

California college students want to murder gun owners. At least, that’s what many of them verbally agreed to while signing a fake petition created by Mark Dice, a self-described ‘media analyst’ from California, that called (in part) for going “door to door” and repossessing all privately-owned guns before sending the gun owners to “concentration camps” […]

College Students Draw A World Map Completely From Memory – Here Are The Bizarre (Merged) Results

Perhaps one of the most common criticisms of American college students (and Americans) in recent decades has been their alleged lack of geographical knowledge. Zak Ziebell, a 17 year old high school student from Michigan, decided to put that criticism to a simple test in the summer of 2012, when he approached 29 randomly selected […]

Social Experiment: Santa Claus Picking Up College Girls In California With Practically No Resistance

Turns out, it’s hard to say no to Santa Claus. Or so went the theory that Luke Eilers sought to test in his latest “social experiment” video, posted yesterday to his popular YouTube channel. (Note: the video was actually filmed in 2012 but failed to gain much traction, hence the re-upload.) See also: Kid Smoking […]