
6 Tips for Getting Along with Difficult Roommates

College can be stressful enough without the aid of a difficult roommate. If you have found yourself stuck with a troubled living situation, review the following six tips for some practical steps you can take to help relieve the roommate stress. 1. Learn about each others’ background and lifestyle – Take time to learn about […]

5 Modern-Day Shamans Who Changed The World

Long before the sub-reddit “trees” existed, individuals and college students have gathered into groups to talk about, study, and experiment with psychoactive substances. Most of these people were “casual users”, but a few were hardcore enough that their trips infected and changed the world around them. 1. Timothy Francis Leary (1920-1996) Who he was: Perhaps […]

10 Best Colleges for Aspiring Writers

An aspiring writer choosing a college is a lot like a child trying to make a decision in a candy store. Cliched simile aside, the amount of colleges with utterly brilliant writing programs, both at the graduate and undergraduate level, is astounding. That being said, everyone has a different set of preferences for a writing […]

Architecture in Helsinki: ‘Rebuilding’ the ’80s

The way you feel about the current influx of ‘80s synth-pop sounds into the indie enclave likely depends on the way you felt about the music back then, assuming you were around. If you think the righteous fire of punk rock guitar was watered down and/or forever doused by effete electronic noodling, you probably curse […]

5 Cheap Dinners for College Students

I was a college student once, and I knew how broke people could be.  Trust me, ramen noodles got really old after the 2 weeks.  I wanted to show you some of my simple recipes that work for a lot of students, and they can be done for less than $5 a dinner.  Gather up […]

5 Simple Ways to Deal with College Anxiety

With summer winding down, that means one thing – school’s across the country are getting ready to open. While it can be great to see friends and classmates that you haven’t seen since the spring, for a large number of high school and college students there’s a certain anxiety about returning to school for another […]

3 Steps to Overcoming Perfectionism in College

Perfectionism is a real problem for thousands of college students. If you suffer from academic perfectionism as a student, where you become obsessive about every piece of classwork or homework, you are likely robbing yourself of a tremendous amount of momentum: projects take a lot longer to complete, essays take a lot longer to write, and basically […]

10 Most Promising Jobs For College Graduates

The results are in from multiple studies being carried out by economists and industry experts around North America, and the consensus is pretty strong: after the Western world pulls out of the current financial recession, job growth in certain sectors will most certainly be huge. And while some have predicted an over-abundance of healthcare-related jobs […]

5 Reasons Why College Is The New High School

College is the new high school. It’s a phrase that’s been oft-repeated in the national media — especially in a recession year. But what does it mean, exactly? Look below for answers: 1. Everyone’s Doing It – Rah, Rah, USA: Despite our well-publicized education pitfalls and the controversy surrounding our underperforming school systems, Americans are […]

10 Secrets To Living A Longer Life

Without a doubt, one of the most asked questions throughout human existence has been “how can I live longer?” After thousands of years of human evolution and scientific developements, the question still remains: what are the most reliable ways to extend your life, in a healthy, happy way that results in greater satisfaction and comfort? […]